#they're the same as their movie counterparts but i love them nonetheless
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pov: you've been reading the macdonald hall books and you're about to start the final one 🥺
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biographydivider · 9 months
Based on a dream I had a few days ago; may I present my first attempt at writing the MM!boys. Donnie is in a bad mood mostly because I'm super duper tired and overwhelmed, but I've tried to keep him in character nonetheless.
Donnie had no idea how he'd been roped into this.
Well, no. He did. The kids wanted to go the the movies, and no-one else was around to take them. And dear Raphala had fallen in love with the tiny, hyperactive versions of themselves when they fell through a crack in the air last week - a side effect of a Mikey-and-Leo based portalling exercise gone wrong, thank you very much bretheren - and found himself literally incapable of saying no to them.
'They're just kids, Donnie. Be nice, Donnie. You might like being the eldest for a change.' Bah, is what he said to that. Bah! These were not his brothers. They were funhouse mirrors. The sooner Mikey could work out how to boot them back to their own dimension, the better.
Still. It was interesting to see the differences between the eight of them. Donnie leaned against a poster for the latest blockbuster dreck, tub of vanilla ice cream in hand as he watched the little Leo stammer his way through getting some popcorn for his brothers; blushing furiously as the lady behing the counter told him to enjoy the movie. His Leo would have turned on the charm in an attempt to get a free drink.
Now the smaller Raph? He was a ball of barely contained energy; spoiling for a fight, spatting with his Leo about who paid for what. No big bro vibes, which was intriguing. Donnie wondered if his own Raph would be this tightly wound if he hadn't had to force himself to have a gentler hand.
"Guys! Stop fighting! Look look look; they're making a new Gatoraptor movie! The poster looks sick!"
"Mikey, we don't even have Gatoraptor movies where we come from."
"So I gotta catch up before I go home!"
Apparently, a Mikey was a Mikey, no matter what universe you take him from. Optimistic, sunny and constantly bopping from place to place. Cute. The kids were apparently teenagers, but they reminded Donnie of when he and his brothers were about…
Something tugged on his belt.
"What about a scooter?" whispered a squeaky voice at Donnie's hip. "Does your bō turn into a scooter? Maybe with, I dunno, jet propulsion?"
Donnie looked down into the face of his own tiny counterpart; blinking up at him through glass-bottle lenses, gripping his staff in both hands against his chest.
"No," Donnie said crisply.
"Oh," Tiny Donnie's sparkled like Donnie had gifted him a friendship bracelet, not given him the brush-off. "You GOTTA get a scooter attachment. Like, your bō could be the, the-the handles, and --"
"I can fly," Donnie deadpanned. "You can make your own bō into a scooter."
"Okay!" And off he scarpered, beaming and shaking his Raph's shoulders, talking about how 'Donatello totally just invited me to hang out and work on my bō!'
"Donnie, stop being such a pick-me."
"I'm not a pick-me. You're the pick-me, Leo!"
"Why me?! I wasn't even talking to you!!"
The Tiny Donnie was…chafing. There were ghosts of hints of whispers that they were the same person; their inherent sassiness, their mutual razzing of their respective Leos…Donnie had to admit, his young counterpart was ruthless in that regard.
But Tiny Donnie was overly eager and inexperienced; interested in tech but no more proficient (yet) than anyone in April's Computer Science class at school. They shared a love of media, especially anime and niche movies, but none of their favourites were known to the other. It left their relationship at one-sided, 'you-got-games-on-your-phone' hero worship and a begrudging, eye-rolling tolerance.
"Children," he called, quirking an eyebrow in their direction. "Let's go. In the words of my twin, let us vamanos."
"Oh, Big Leo?" beamed Tiny Raph. "That guy's the GOAT of all time!"
"You see him do that swisha-swisha stuff?" chimed in the small Leo. "He's amazing!"
Ah. They were Nardo stans. Nardo stans who couldn't use acronyms properly. Joyous. Donnie chomped on his ice cream spoon so hard he shattered the plastic between his teeth.
The movie he'd chosen was some superhero thing; all poorly rendered green screen and bad acting. Where was the pathos, the dramatic speeches, the practical effects?! Despairing sigh. Anyway. Donnie had done a little Von Ryan Engineering to make sure the entire theatre looked booked out on the box office systems so they had the whole place to themselves; mostly so he could settle himself into a chair about three rows back from the kids. They were already giggling and shoving each other and bulldozing their way through their snack quota.
"A real movie theater, guys! Inside!"
"M&Ms taste waaaay better fresh from the bag!"
"Hey, remember that time we snuck into the projection booth?"
"And Leo turned the security camera on?!" Tiny Donnie laughed so hard he inhaled a popcorn kernel and began to choke. "So - ack! - s-so cringe."
"That was one time!"
"This is way better, though. We get to sit in seats, this time! Oh my god; they move!"
A chorus of squeaking chairs. Donnie closed his eyes and attempted to find that Hamato soticism that was meant to be inside him somewhere; or even just some standard Michelangelo goodwill and understanding.
That ambition wasn't to last.
That whole 'a real movie theater' conversation should have clued him in, tbh. The kids had clearly never been to see a movie before, and were grating on Donnie's last nerve before the trailers were over.
"Hey, I know that guy!"
"Mikey, pass my drink."
"Oh my god he kicked that guy's entire face off! Awesome."
"We could totally learn to do that, you know."
"Hoo! Haah! Hyah!"
Donnie could feel the blood boiling under his skin. He could actually feel little bubbles of rage and oxygen move along his arteries.
"Guys, shut up, I wanna watch," hissed the small Leo.
"'Guuuuuys, shut uuup…'"
"'I'm Leeeo, I'm the Movie Police…'"
"H-hey! Not cool!"
"Oh, have a nacho and calm down, Officer."
Now, Hamato Donatello was not opposed to a bit of call and response in his movies. You couldn't hear a scrap of Jupiter Jim dialogue for him and his siblings yelling over it on Movie Night. But that was in the confines of their own home! In private, among kindred spirits! Plus, you know. His family weren't annoying little doppelgangers from another world, wearing approximations of their faces and almost talking in their voices. How did Raph do it? Donnie would crack this; he'd find a way to channel that kind, nurturing, eldest brother vibe…
"Oooh, now they're kissing. Everyone shut up so Leo can watch the kiiissiiiiiing…"
"What?! I don't want to watch the kissing!"
"But you said you wanted to watch!"
"Ohhh, kiiiiisssssing…do you wish that was you and April, Leo?"
"What?! No!"
"Oh mwah mwah mwah, oh April I love you sooo muuuch, let me kiss your weird soft lips and smell your haaair…"
Oh. Okay. Now it was annoying and disgusting. And sometimes, a turtle needed to take action. Donnie pushed his goggles over his eyes and slammed his tech bo into the ground, setting off a flashbang prototype he'd been working on. For a second, everything went white; the theatre filled with blinding light, the echoes of the sonic boom reverberating off the walls.
Donnie flipped his goggles up from his eyes and stalked down the theatre aisle towards the four terrified little faces, their necks craned and eyes round from sugar highs, light exposure and terror looking back up at him.
"If you uncanny valley hatchlings don't shut the fuck up," Donnie hissed, leaning down and relishing the feeling of the unfamilliar swear word through his gritted teeth - Raph would have an aneurysm - "your world will be known as the home of the Middle-Aged Mutant SONLESS Splinter."
To his immense satisfaction, all four kids snapped back to face the screen, shuffling down in their seats.
"Yep. Yep. Shutting up."
"Yes, sir, absolutely."
"Never spoken before in my life, not gonna start."
As Donnie turned to walk back to his seat, he swore he heard a squeaky voice whisper;
"I told you he was a psycho. I'm gonna be so awesome in the future!!"
The future? They thought Donnie and his brothers were...
Oh. Oh, this could be fun.
A smile curved across Donnie's lips. You know what? Raph was right. Donnie could get used to this Being The Eldest business.
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hannahhook7744 · 2 years
Descendants 2nd parent theory; Dizzy addition.
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Okay. We've done Carlos, we've done Zevon, and we've done Harry, and now we're doing a Dizzy Parental theory even though I doubt anyone will read this. And by we , I mean me.
Suspect #1; Lewis Robinson. He's tall and Lengthy with poor sight, a passion for something others aren't interested in, and has a hunger for something more. Just like Dizzy does. Plus, it's not too much of a stretch to assume that he could have ended up on the isle after one of his experiments went wrong. Plus his nose and ears are kinda similar to Dizzy.
Suspect # 2; Goob. He's a tall and lengthy, with brown hair and eyes -- which is similar enough to Dizzy. He was a villain in the original time line in the movie and it's not impossible for him to have ended up on the isle. And he, like every orphan, also had a hunger for something more than he had. Like Dizzy. Plus he's bit of an oddball like her and was absolutely adorable and snarky as a kid.
Suspect # 3; Dr Doofensmirtz. He's a tall and lengthy oddball with the same shade of her as her. He would be considered a villian by law enforcement and heroes, and would definitely be on the isle, despite the fact he changed. He also had a poor childhood but managed to turn out kind, like Dizzy did. And his brother, Roger, has the same shade too and wears glasses, so the poor eyesight thing could theoretically run in the family. Plus both Doof and Dizzy are hard workings, and considered laughing stocks/disappointments in their families so it really isn't that much of a stretch. And Drizella vaguely looks like his ex wife...
Suspect # 4; Grown up Varian. This one is less likely since they only have the adorableness, tallness, and lengthy oddballness in common. But it's adorable and they kinda have the same face if you look closely. And both have older friends and work hard. And both of them at least try to be kind. So, maybe?
Suspects # 5 & #6; The Stabbington brothers. They both have red hair and brown eyes. Both have a slightly roundish chin and somewhat similar noses. Both are very red in the face. So, it could work. Plus I think they have the same smile.
Suspect #7; the grand duke. He's tall and lengthy and a no-nonsense type of man but a kind one nonetheless. They have a similar noise and chin, and the same brown eyes. But that's all I got so far for that little theory. Especially since it's not very likely since he's not a villian and I couldn't think of anyway that he'd end up on the isle.
Suspect #8; The Duke of Weselton. He could -- and likely would-- end up on the isle due to his actions in Frozen. He has poor eyesight and a nose like Dizzy, as well as a similar bulid and head shape. And Drizella would likely go after him since he's close enough to a prince... so could be...
Suspect #9; Wiggins. Same nose, same type of nose, same brown eyes, and same hair color as well as the same bulid and a vaguely similar attitude. What more can I say?
Suspect #10; Captain James Hook. They have a similar bulid, the same eyes, and Harry seems to be familiar with her. He addresses her like a sibling would and can be seen slightly smiling and waving when she leaves. I didn't come up with this theory myself. I found it on here (http://descendantstheory.blogspot.com/2017/08/descendants-theory-who-is-dizzy.html?m=1) in the comments and thought it made sense. So the credit goes to the unknown person who commented on it.
Suspect #11; Willie the giant. Red hair, kind soul. Would probably be sent to the isle because Beast is intolerant.. and they wear similar colors soooo...
Suspect #12; The unknown duke from ouat that Drizella's counterpart, Tisbe, falls for because he's a love interest.
Suspect #13; Thomas because he's one of the main suspects I had for this. He's tall and lengthy with a similar hair shape, similar eyes, and a similar hair color. They also both have a similar hair line to one another and they both have a good heart and alot of personality. They're the characters you love immediately even though you don't know a ton about them. They could be father and daughter, believe it or not. It's just my opinion. Plus he could be on the isle for killing Pochantas's ex, remember?
Suspect #13; Syndrome. He's a villian, so he'd be on the isle. He has red hair like Dizzy and similar skin to her, and he even had a similar bulid to her when he was her age. And a similar smile. And He wanted to be a hero as a kid, just like Dizzy. So, maybe they could be related? Who knows?
Suspect #14; Sir Kay. He's a noble and soon to he knight, so Drizella probably would go for him. Plus he was a jerk so it isn't a stretch to imagine him getting sent to the isle. His personality is also unpleasant, so that's another reason for Drizella to go for him. He is a jerky older sibling like her too, so that's another thing they have in common. He also looks roughly like Dizzy with brown eyes and red hair. So, high possibility of him being the baby daddy.
Suspect # 15; Smee. He has poor eyesight like her. Plus she's close to his sons, who also have bad eyesight. Coincidence? I think not!
Suspect #16; Taran. He might not be a villian but he reminds me of Dizzy alot, alright? Plus they have the same bulid, same eyes, same attitude, and same hair color. I think they even have the same ears! What else was I supposed to think?
Suspect #17; Hans. Look, He's a prince, something Drizella was clearly interested in. Lady Tremaine would allow the union. Dizzy has red hair. He has red hair. They both get picked on by their many older siblings... Dizzy kinda acts like he did before he started acting evil. It could work.
Share your own theories down below and let me know what you think of mine!!
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hueningshaped · 4 years
★ touch | k.sy
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▰ genre: humor-ish + 5% angst + fluff + spice
▰ word count: 2810
▰ synopsis: for a boy with chubby cheeks and a tendency to communicate through cute noises and yelling, you had yet to witness the dark side of his onstage presence, not to mention most perverted or suggestive innuendos of any kind + protective!soonyoung + "you're my baby" + innocent! reader + gender neutral! reader + idol!verse
▰ warnings :: sexual innuendos(?), talks about sex (formal and informal talk)
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It seemed like a joke how just the other day you had been sharing cotton candy and taking photos with plushies with Kwon Soonyoung literally just yesterday, and today, here you were crimson as ever, watching that same ball of energy perform in harnesses, leather, and simply radiating an aura you had never even ventured thus far to come across.
The boys relished your pure and wholesome wit, since their dark humor and rare suggestive jokes never failed to go over your head. These guys were your basically your brothers, in the most colloquial and intimate way, excluding the flaming anomaly that Soonyoung was.
As a close friend of everyone's, it had never once been your intention to be something more than friends with the boys, especially since you made way too many jokes about Chan being your baby (which goaded Jeonghan way too much).
But Soonyoung's natural charisma and energetic charm had inevitably tangled itself in your heart strings. The stars his eyes held suddenly became the only constellation you knew and could recognize. His scent, his thunderous laughter, his contagious humor, his voice, his sincerity, his love - you soon fell for everything about him. (All in the span of a year, to be exact.)
"Are you sure you want to keep watching...our performances, Y/N?" Wonwoo muttered from above you as he hovered over your cross legged form on the sofa in the mini dorm they shared. Mingyu neared you both, amused at your attacked expression as Soonyoung continued voguing and rolling his hips.
You swallowed hard, shakily pausing to meet the eyes of your best friends.
"Of course, I have to support my boys!" You laughed nervously, visibly sweating from the pressure.
"God, how many times has he practiced this? H-he's just so precise with his movements..." you were murmuring at this point.
"You're such a little kid!" Wonwoo laughed, ruffling your hair and obviously using his phone at the moment to message someone about it, especially with Mingyu's guffaws of "Yeah, they're turning red!"
Soonyoung wasn't one to forget things yet you had found yourself hoping he would have forgotten about your scheduled date for tomorrow. You needed time to recover.
'Cause you can touch me, touch me...
His ginger voice goaded you on in your head repeatedly. He was haunting you.
"Hey, don't you want to wait for Soonyoungie to return and then, he can walk you to the bus?" Seungcheol and Chan had stopped you on your way out. You had to have still been painted in shock as the youngest giggled under his breath.
"Y/N, I promise we're not having sex with anyone when we dance." He assured you, waving his hand dismissively until Cheol clapped him on the head.
"I should just whack you for speaking so crassly, you punk. Leave them alone!" He met your eyes and you realized he was wearing harnesses for an upcoming stage.
"Yeah, I gotta go. Bye!" You had practically ran out of there.
It wasn't that you were a baby. Your innocence still held authority over your way of life, mainly regarding all things sexual and the lack of vulgar that tainted one's vocabulary, though, in the back of your mind, you found curse words somewhat endearing.
There have been multiple times where the boys teased you about it and where they were a little too wild for your own good, like that one time you had nearly walked in on Mingyu naked, simply walking around the dorm. Seungkwan had shoved him over the couch, flipping him and his bareness. Your eyes had fallen only on his bare backside.
"There," he had said with a small, tense smile. "The evil is gone."
He was a bit of an exhibitionist, they had told you that day. You were escorted to the dance studio so you could complain to Soonyoung as he had been creating a choreography to a Portuguese song.
You weren't even safe from films as one particular movie was brimming with sex jokes and puns, even showing some random exaggerated sex scene. The film hadn't even finished and the boys were all laughing at the top of their lungs at your stiff, heated up face.
"I don't get what's so funny about the number 69! I'm telling you!" Your cheeks were red as ever.
You were too embarrassed to even ask your parents about the birds and the bees at this point so you were left to discover for yourself.
"What do you mean you're going to teach me about sex?" You asked aloud, the next day, while Jeonghan failed to cover your mouth on time to avoid the attention of the other 12 boys in the dorm but it was too late.
"Sex? Jeonghan, that is off limits!" Joshua scolded from the kitchen. Chan eavesdropped with way too much fervor and excitement until he had been yet again whacked by Seungcheol.
"I'm not going to have sex with them! I'm just...telling them about the birds and the bees," he confessed to a stern looking Seungcheol and blushing Joshua.
"Guys, this...isn't it." He muttered too quietly.
"They watched porn accidentally." Hannie admitted with a way too amused grin on his face. You sat beside him with your face pressed into your hands in pure humiliation.
"Oh, my God!" Wonwoo replied in exclamation from across the room. "No, the poor baby..."
After a while of coaxing to tell of your sights and thoughts, you sweatily sat in the middle of the room, shakily explaining what it was like.
"...and I saw...the guy...just moving...his hips all up on the lady...l-like—Christ—like the way you guys do on stage sometimes. Except they were naked. They were huge and oily..." Cheol rubbed your shoulder to comfort you as he stifled his laughter as best he could, knowing this gesture was something that made you feel safe.
"Hey, Y/N, don't worry about us. It's them who copy our moves," Soonyoung spoke from beside you on the opposite side, pushing your hair behind your ear. His smile was too greasy and big. "How dedicated must they be. I find it sweet. It is a form of flattery. They must be cara — "
Jihoon clucked his tongue in finality with crimson ears.
"Don't you dare even finish that sentence, you moron," Jihoon gaped at his younger counterpart before the latter succumbed to his lack of formalities. "I mean, Soonyoung hyung. If Jun hyung even heard you — "
Yet the screeching in the room upstairs told you all that he had.
"You're so red," Jeonghan noted from across you, snickering. "Haven't your parents talked about the birds and the bees?"
You snorted in response.
"You should be able to tell that they never did. It's so embarrassing," your face stung, especially from Soonyoung's hand on your ear. "A few guys have made fun of me. I mean, everyone does once they find out."
"And just how do they find out? I'm sure you don't go around screaming about it from the rooftops." Wonwoo chuckled, but the laughter of the room dimmed once your hand began shaking.
"Guys, it... Well, once, I was asked on a date and they tried having their way with me despite my..."
The atmosphere changed at your words. You were like their little sibling, with the exclusion of Soonyoung as he had asked you out multiple times and never failed to talk to you as if you were his significant other.
"What...did...they...do?" Soonyoung asked in a toneless voice. His hands had dropped from your face and they now remained at his sides in fists.
"Soon, don't," Wonwoo warned. "It's not a bad thing to be as innocent as you are, Y/N, but being naive can be dangerous."
"They’re not a child!" Soonyoung burst suddenly, rising.
The silence fell too hard. Seungcheol held your hand to steady your shaky self.
It took days before you could talk to Soonyoung again, especially back in his normal manner. He never wanted to tease you about it as much but instead grew a bit more protective, but he wasn't your boyfriend yet. Technically.
So, of course, naturally, the day of your planned date had you anxious beyond belief. What would happen after tonight?
"Hey guys, is Soonyoung ready?" You asked, walking into the dorms with a bit of a fancier outfit than usual and even going as far as to style your hair and features with extra jewelry.
The boys were all in their pjs or sweats but nonetheless, at the sight of you, they all started gassing you up with wow's and aww's.
"Hyung is still looking for something to wear." Minghao commented, a little loudly, just to burn his elder's ire, after taking a seat on the couch.
"I'm guessing you're going somewhere fancy?" Seungkwan asked, taking your handbag into his hands so that you could stretch (nervously, as you did).
"Some restaurant, he said, ooh! and then he said we're going to a fancy dog park so we can pretend we have dogs but actually just pet everyone else's pets." The boys followed your fluid excitement, throwing in some comments like "Just drop off Soonyoung for us. He needs a new owner" or "I'll pull up with the car. You take all the dogs and then we run".
Everyone was in such high spirits that Soonyoung's iconic, energetic roar actually managed to startle those in the room.
There he stood, posing as a super hero, of course he would, clad in some white button up blouse (folded down to his elbows because he hated you and wanted to see you blush the entire night it seemed), tucked messily into black slacks with his own fancy pair of shoes.
"Is that my pretty Y/N?" Soonyoung erupted, pretending you were someone he couldn't recognize. "My pretty young thing? My PYT?!" Chan whistled in the background of his yelling.
He reached outward, connecting your hands, before pulling you to his chest so he could give you that fluffy smile of his.
"You're so pretty. Have I told you how cute and sweet and fragrant you are? You're like a flower." You were blushing rose, too, at this point.
"S-Soonyoung," You looked away from his constellation-like eyes. For some reason, instead of the innocent sparkle, you saw the dull reflection from his leather outfit and harnesses against the darkness as he rolled his hips.
"Won't we be late for our reservation?" You asked, watching as his feet repetitively rocked back and forth.
"Right, sweetheart," he squeezed your cheeks lovingly before turning to everyone else to say goodbye's for the night. "You guys better not wait on me."
Everyone scoffed jokingly, in return. Soonyoung slipped his phone into his pocket, listening to their banter.
"Absolutely no one is going to wait for you to come back." Jihoon replied bluntly.
"Whatever, buddy," your date called out with that goofy grin of his, meeting your gaze. "Time to go!"
His hand never left yours, interlocking your fingers, throughout the drive and the walk. He even jokingly sucked on a digit of yours while entering the restaurant. Everything seemed to be perfect, compared to the past few weeks.
Yet you still couldn't get this image of him smirking and rolling his hips upon the ground while dancing out of your mind. It made a lump grow in your throat.
You were fine, pivoting the daydream of Soonyoung's fluid hip movements on stage until the waiter hit on you, claiming that you and him had history though you had never seen the man before.
"I said, two waters, waiter." Soonyoung growled, surely wishing that you hadn't had to be sat with a table stuck between you two. This was nearing the last straw since he wouldn't back down.
The man only rolled his eyes, hopping back and forcing his artificial smile at him before peering back at you.
"I'll get it right now then." He vanished, leaving you still frozen in complete shock.
"Hey, S-Soonie, you know what you want to eat?" Your hands were shaking as your hands flailed around the menus.
He simply continued appareling that stoically pissed look that appeared every two thousand years. You could tell that he was attempting to stifle it in his eyes because he went over to you hesitantly to hold your face. Soonyoung crouched beside you, rubbing your cheeks.
"Do you still want to eat here?" He moved his thumb past your temple to tuck some hair behind your ear sweetly. "We can leave. I can get him fired. Tell me what's behind those pretty twinkling eyes?"
You wished you could stop time to capture how beautiful the look in his own eyes was, how loving and cute his pout was, and just about everything about him.
"I don't know if I still want to eat here, but you already made a reserv — "
"Say no more, Y/N. I'd rather go somewhere else, too. Too crowded here anyways." With that, he rose to reach out a hand to you for you to take as you left. You bit back a laugh since there was barely anyone in the building.
As you left, Soonyoung stopped another employee to whisper something in their ear, a horrified scowl burning across the older man's face. Later, you realized it was the manager. He really did get him fired.
Your escort led you into a sweeter night with yours and his favorite food at the park for an evening picnic. The dog park was closed, so you decided to play on the playground like two idiots until a night guard chased you both out. You had ran just a little quicker than he had but it still took you a while for the two of you to reach the same proximity.
Soonyoung's arm brushed up against yours and before you knew it, his fingers latched onto yours one by one. Clearly, you had been unfocused for much of the night, not even sparing the few deep glances he'd do at you.
"Where have you been, Y/N?" He murmured, leaning down to place his forehead against your temple.
"Oh?" Soonyoung took you by surprise, earning a widening of your eyes.
The night greeted with a cool breeze that left even more goosebumps in the wake of its blaze; there were already some due to the thoughts that had your mind on fire.
Each of you came to a halt and he faced you, drawing some hair behind your ears just to cup your face. His eyes reflected the night with his nebulous gaze.
"What's been on your mind, my baby?" He cooed, which on another occasion would have caused you to gag, but you just blinked at him. Your skin felt feverish: everything molten underneath the surface.
"I don't know how to tell you two things at once and I don't what to say first, but — "
Before you could even blink, he had his lips on yours and the taste of him slowly made his way into your mouth. A minor gasp broke through your mess of kisses and he seemed to exhale harshly at that against you. His teeth jutted out to nibble at your bottom lip.
"I'm sorry. I just couldn't wait anymore. Was that okay?" He asked everso gently, his hands holding your face near his. You nodded like an idiot and unable to smile or do much as your lips were nearly swollen.
“You’re my baby,” he murmured before going in once more to kiss you, leaving you breathless even more.
"With that said, Y/N, would you like to officially go out with me?" He stroked your cheek with his thumb and finally, a small grin bloomed upon your features.
"I'd love that," you breathed out, murmuring against his mouth as you leaned forward.
"So eager!" He commented and if it were possible, you burned up even more.
"Actually," you gripped his shirt with a determined expression toughening your eyebrows. "This is your fault. I haven't been the same since I saw your Touch stage. I'm all hot and bothered..."
He snickered into the side of your face before pecking your temple to meet your eyes once more.
"If you're ever comfortable or ready, you can always experiment on me." His voice sank into your chest and you smiled at that.
"Thank you,” you leaned up to give him a quick kiss on his cheek. “I have some ideas already.”
Soonyoung wrapped an arm around you, holding you tighter and with even more affection as you were now officially dating.
“Great,” he squeezed you before lowering to whisper into your ear. “I’m always ready for you to touch me.”
And for that night, the touch was a slap on the head.
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stvlti · 4 years
10 female characters tag
@timothydraike tagged me to post 10 favourite female characters from 10 different fandoms and then tag 10 people, but honestly this list isn't gonna be too different from my 10 fave characters list cause most of them are women anyway 😂 😂 but here you go:
Nausicäa // Nausicäa of the Valley of the Wind, Studio Ghibli
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I didn't explain it last time, but I feel like she is the prototype for all the Ghibli girl heroines, free and autonomous, except she's a young woman who knows exactly what she believes in and wants to do. She's a warrior princess who believes in peace and kindness rather than war; she listens to mother nature and tends to her garden as deftly as she handles her glider jet; she's a born leader who puts her subjects' wellbeing before her own immediate safety. This gif here shows the moment she took of her own gas mask to boost morale while they're crashing into a toxic wasteland. I don't think I've seen many representations of female leadership as compelling and utterly human as hers was before or after this film debuted in popular media.
Harley Quinn // DCU
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She's a bundle of contradictions but it's in that I find a female antivillain/antihero that feels real. Her stocky build and bit of chub in the tummy area? Real. Her slobbish habits and love for nasty junk food? Real. Her all encompassing empathy for animal welfare? Real. Disregarding the artists that draw her with too big boobs, she's so ordinary in her appearance and habits that it actually feels like she's the kind of girl that media often overlooks. She's like the manic pixie dream girl but rounded out with relatable human traits.
Tsunemori Akane // Psycho-Pass
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I related to her when I was 20 (exactly her age at the start of the series) because I was at a crossroads in life, just as she was. I was searching for my calling, just as she was trying to understand her purpose and place in society. And at that point in my life, I could appreciate the duality between abiding by the system (legal reformation) and questioning the system (dipping into revolutionary ideas). I can't see myself relating to a cop anymore now obviously, but she's a rather unique figure that I still think about.
Ava // Ex Machina (2014), filmblr
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She brings out all my post-humanist sympathies. And I think she captures a sort of queer android and Other perspective, one that the male characters feel threatened by, that women can understand well.
Maeve Millay // Westworld
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She's my murder mom. Something something about "I've died a thousand times, I'm not afraid of death" (I'm paraphrasing majorly), she's so badass. The fact that she was one of the first androids to awaken and actually challenge the humans, there's so much power in her taking her trauma in stride and moving forward nonetheless. And I think you can see a recurring theme here lolol
Lois Lane (Gotham City Garage) // DCU Elseworlds
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Perhaps this is just preserving a core attribute of her main continuity counterpart, but I absolutely adore the spirit she embodies of journalists who stay defiantly committed to truth and justice in the face of insurmountable odds. Fighting against a fascist terror regime - which hits very close to home - and keeping the broadcast going even out in the wasteland. In this last aspect she carries similarities to Dr. Death Defying's character from Gerard Way's Killjoys series, except she's a woman and she was actually fleshed out as a character with a heart and soul and a lot of gravitas. How can you not love her?
(and I forgot this was supposed to be 10 characters from 10 different fandoms until I finished this list but let's say her being an Elseworlds character counts as a different fandom 🤡🤡)
Ripley // Alien (even tho Sigourney Weaver's personal politics is a bit yikes)
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The proto-final girl and original warrior mother in sci-fi wrapped into one. (Ok, the crown for modern scifi warrior mother might have to go to Sarah Connor actually, but that's also another Cameron invention so they can share that title.) Even tho I can't relate to most of her character arc, I'm still very impressed by her character. They even touch on her PTSD a little which is unheard of in the contemporary movies at the time.
Honorary mention: Sarah Connor // Terminator
Marceline the Vampire Queen // Adventure Time
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Not the original goth gf, but she is a goth gf. Gay and aesthetics aside, I really liked that the show let her be a bit weird and gross (which she should be considering she's kind of undead) and her tragic backstory gets me every time. The best thing is she's still a big softie, who takes good care of Ice King / Simon when he's around; you don't see that kind of (grand)daughter character in media much.
Beverly Marsh // It (2017)
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I haven't read the book but tbh I liked the agency the first movie awarded her enough that I'm afraid of jeopardising it; I don't like how the book portrays / handles her sexuality. She is a survivor of csa, but she's a fighter regardless. I like that about her.
Darlene Alderson // Mr. Robot
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I honestly debated putting her on this list again since I haven't seen a single Mr. Robot episode in so long, but I do remember her character being given her own arc in S2 (and onwards I suppose) and she's a little fucked up in her own way. People look at Rami's character and get sucked in sorting through his alters but Darlene is no less complex - damaged, dangerous, and compelling.
Other honorary mentions:
Riko Sheridan // DCU (an Asian girl who isn't infantilised or reduced to the model minority? shocker!)
Missy // Colette (2018), filmblr (she's actually a real historical figure so I'm not sure if she counts. But she's so radical and ahead of her time - in fact the film seems to suggest she prefers he/him pronouns. I have never seen such intriguing butch representation and I just fell in love with her character. Worth a watch.)
Jo March // Little Women (2019), filmblr (since we're talking about historical women... well, she's a period film character but not a real one, but she's highly evocative of certain female experiences in much the same way)
Blue // The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys (so I didn't wanna crowd this list with too many android ladies but she's the first queer android girl character I came across and I loved her instantly. Too bad they buried her gay but her entire concept is my aesthetic)
Rem // Death Note (I feel like I'm obligated to mention DN, too bad it has shitty writing wrt female characters, that's why I have no choice but to stan the lesbian monster gf friend who is so in love with her gal pal she would die for her. Ugh, poetic cinema)
Ok now I am gonna tag @lawliyeeeet @sweetgloss @dressed-to-keehl @3dnygma @hikenacedabi and anyone else who wants to I guess
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