#they've always been so entwined it would feel so wrong to take anyone away
craacked-splatters · 10 months
Yo that ✨L O V E✨ and ❤️A N G U I S H❤️ is feeling pretty strong tonight fellas
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atravellerstale-meg · 5 years
Could you possibly do a JeremyxTrevor story? Like within the GTA V FAHC, whrer they've been secretly dating, but then someone catches them, so they have to explain. It's okay if not!
@ah-giggles - sorry about the delay! This prompt got a bit out of hand, but was a ton of fun to write. I hope you like it!
Jeremy was sat in the penthouse, cleaning his guns. Most of the rest of the crew was out working on some upcoming job and he was trying to burn off the nervous energy as best he could, but he was nevertheless caught off guard when someone dropped down on the couch next to him. He looked over to find Gavin staring at him.
Now, it wasn’t that Jeremy didn’t like Gavin. In fact, before joining the crew, he could honestly say he had looked up to the guy. But after joining the veneer of the Golden Boy had fallen away and taken Jeremy’s admiration with it. And as he’d struggled to get used to the difference between Gavin’s persona and Gavin himself, he’d apparently caught the eye of the man in question, who’d started following Jeremy about and asking him odd questions and pestering him at all hours of the day and being way too cuddly for Jeremy’s liking. It hadn’t taken long for Jeremy’s shock to turn into a kind of playful mock-hatred.
So he sighed and resigned himself to another round of ‘what ifs’. After a moment, when nothing came, he raised an eyebrow at Gavin, quickly growing concerned when he saw the serious look on his face. “Is something wrong?” he asked.
Instead of answering directly, Gavin tilted his head and asked, “Do you know what my role in the crew is?“
“Resident pain in the ass?”
“I’m the hacker.” He paused, shrugged, and corrected himself, “Well, one of two now. But this means I’m in charge of crew security. The cameras around the penthouse, background checks on new members,” he waved his hand, “it all goes through me.”
“What does this have to do with me?”
Gavin gave a half-smile. “You know Lindsay?”
“Yes?” Jeremy said, feeling more lost than ever.
“Well, when she first showed up, she was helping Michael betray the crew. Geoff got shot in the back of the head and almost died, Ryan had to face down the entire police force and almost died, I was in a tank and… All in all, it was a mess.”
“And so there’s kind of been this unofficial rule that we have to make everyone aware of any and all relationships.”
“And you and Trevor aren’t as slick as you like to think you are.”
Jeremy looked down at the gun in his hand, slotting the pieces back into place as his mind raced. Eventually he asked, “Am I in trouble?”
“Kinda, yeah.”
Out of the corner of his eye he saw Gavin shift, crossing one leg over the other. “Were you ever going to tell us?”
“At some point.”
“And why didn’t it come up sooner?”
“Because… I didn’t think it was important?”
There was a moment of silence before Gavin spoke again, voice uncharacteristically frosty, “Jeremy, when you joined the crew, you told us about Matt. Everything I can find suggests that you already knew Alfredo and Trevor back then too, but you only told us about Matt, and we hired him. We then hired Trevor under different circumstances - again, you didn’t tell us about him - and he quickly rose through the ranks and became the boss. And one of the first things he did was hire Alfredo. The four of you were pretty much a crew in your own right, and without telling the rest of us about your relationships to each other, you infiltrated our crew. I’m giving you one chance to explain how this isn’t an attempted takeover.”
“Well, when you phrase it like that, it sounds really bad.” He placed the gun back on the table. “I honestly just didn’t think of it.”
“Really?” Gavin’s voice dripped with disbelief.
“Really! Trevor and I were kind in the middle of a tiff when I joined the crew, and I was scared of rocking the boat with you guys, and I-” Jeremy cut himself off, anxiety sending his heart rate through the roof, and took a moment to try and calm himself.
“I know I messed up,” he said a moment later, keeping his voice even and his head down, afraid to meet Gavin’s eyes. “I was just so excited to be a part of your crew and didn’t want to mention the others because I was afraid you’d see me as a traitor or something.”
“Still not convinced you aren’t.”
“I- I didn’t want to mention anything, but Trevor didn’t like that and we kinda didn’t talk for a while, and then you guys asked if I knew anyone else good for the crew and things weren’t great with Trevor so I just mentioned Matt, and then he went behind my back and got hired anyway and that didn’t make things any better, and then when we finally patched things up we’d been in the crew for long enough that it felt awkward to say ‘hey, I actually know this person, we’re totally fucking, sorry we pretended to be strangers for about a month’!” Jeremy sighed, wringing his hands. “So… yeah. That’s the truth.”
Gavin drummed his fingers on his knee, watching Jeremy closely, before jumping to his feet and giving a cheery, “Okay!”
“Yep! I believe you. And I don’t think you’ve got any ulterior motives. So we’re good.” He tilted his head. “But if I find out you’ve lied, I’m gonna sic the Vagabond on you. Battle Buddies or no, I don’t think he’d be too happy to find out someone was conspiring against him again.“ And then Gavin grinned, all teeth, and walked away, firing one last comment over his shoulder, "You better come clean with everyone else!”
Jeremy dropped his head down on the back of the sofa, cursing his own past stupidity and balking at the thought of having to go over that conversation again with every other member of the crew.
That evening, he made his way to Trevor’s room to have a conversation with him about everything. As he was let in he felt himself relax a bit. The far too tidy room with glow in the dark stars painted on the ceiling was as familiar to him as his own, and the sight of Trevor’s smiling face, always so happy to see him, settled something within him.
“What’s up, baby boy?” Trevor asked, sitting down on the edge of the bed. “You’ve got your serious face on.”
Jeremy cracked a smile, sitting beside him. “My serious face?”
“Mhmm. Last time I saw that was, ooo, five years ago? When you came over to tell me that you’d been doing criminal activities,” Trevor said, wiggling his fingers to try and keep the mood light. “Ah, now that was a fun night!”
Jeremy nodded, a pang of nostalgia shooting through his chest as he remembered the conversation. Sitting beside Trevor on a battered couch instead of a neatly made bed, the strange, cautious look he’d gotten when Jeremy confessed to having done something bad, the ‘Where’s the body?’ he’d said in response in a tone just shy of joking. The nerves rushing through Jeremy’s veins as he told Trevor about his thieving, unsure if this would be the end of their relationship, if he’d leave that apartment with the police on his heels. But the thing he remembered most about that night was him and Trevor exchanging their first ‘I love you’s.
Bolstered by that thought, he entwined his fingers with Trevor’s and said, “I had a pretty intense conversation with Gavin today.”
Trevor sat silently as he told the whole story, nodding here and there and rubbing a gentle thumb over the back of his hand. Before long Jeremy had finished, rounding it off with, “And… I don’t know what to do about it.”
“Don’t worry,” Trevor said, smiling, “I’ll sort this all out.”
It was just a few simple words, but it felt like a huge weight had been lifted from Jeremy’s shoulders. He slumped, a genuine smile reaching his face as he said, “Thanks, Treycs.”
Trevor’s tone shifted to something more playful. “Now, do you want any help with all that tension you’ve been carrying around?”
Jeremy’s smile became a grin as he let himself be pulled down onto the bed. He could worry about everything else tomorrow.
The next day he was preparing to go on a stakeout with Ryan when Trevor pulled him aside and said, “I’ll handle telling all this lot. I figure Ryan should hear it from you, so take all the time you need out there.” 
Jeremy nodded. “Okay, will do.”
Trevor smiled and tossed a quick look over his shoulder, then ducked down to press a kiss to the top of his head before putting his cowboy hat on. “Keep safe.”
“No promises.” Jeremy stole another kiss for good luck and left.
A while later he was sat in the car beside Ryan, working up the courage to confess. However, before he could do so, he found himself once again being confronted.
“Gavin told me about you and Trevor,” was the start of the conversation, sending a chill down Jeremy’s spine.
“Did he?”
“Told me to keep an eye on you.”
Ryan had his mask on, so it was impossible to tell what his expression was, but his eyes were cold when he looked at Jeremy.
“You want to tell me why I learned about this from Gavin?”
“I… was going to tell you today?”
“How long have you been dating?” he asked in a tone that suggested he already knew, and wasn’t happy with the answer.
Nevertheless, Jeremy said, “Since college.”
“Again, why didn’t you tell me anything?”
Jeremy looked down at his hands, unable to find the words to make this better. Ryan didn’t say anything either, and as the seconds ticked by he felt his heart sink further and further and his stomach twist tighter and tighter. Eventually he forced himself to speak, hoping that he could explain himself well enough to save their friendship, and hopefully not end up with a knife between his ribs.
“Look, I… know I fucked up. I already got an earful from Gavin about crew safety, I just didn’t think it really applied-”
“You think I give a shit about crew safety?”
He blinked and looked up at Ryan, who was definitely glaring at him now. “Uh, I would hope so?”
Ryan snorted, turning to look out the window. After a moment he said softly, “I’m upset because I thought we were friends.”
“Oh.” He paused. “I’m sorry?”
Once again, Ryan didn’t say anything. This time Jeremy didn’t break the silence, turning instead to focus on their actual mission. It was only later, when Ryan reached for the ignition so he could drive them back to the penthouse, that Jeremy said, “I really am sorry.”
“Oh, are you?”
“I didn’t think about how it might upset you. I’m sorry.”
Ryan sighed, taking off his mask to run a hand through his hair. He sat in his chair, head turned away, and Jeremy realised just how tired his friend looked. Eventually, Ryan looked up with a lopsided smile and said, “Okay. Anything else I should know?”
Jeremy shook his head, returning Ryan’s smile as best he could. “I really am sorry.”
Ryan nodded and reached out to pat his shoulder. “I forgive you.”
“Battle Buddies?”
“Battle Buddies.”
Jeremy grinned, relaxing in his seat and making a mental note to get Ryan a few tons of Diet Coke to make up for everything.
When they got back to the penthouse, Jeremy’s anxiety had returned. Maybe Ryan noticed, because he kept a hand resting on Jeremy’s back as he opened the door. They stepped inside, Jeremy bracing himself.
But nothing happened. Trevor and Alfredo were sat on the couch, trying to sing a song that Jeremy couldn’t recognise, especially since they kept collapsing into giggles. Michael and Lindsay were in the kitchen, the latter stirring what looked like cake batter and the former sneaking bits of it every chance he got. Fiona had taken up the other couch, headphones on as she sharpened a knife. Matt was lying on the floor, watching some kind of video on his phone. Geoff, Gavin, and Jack were nowhere to be seen.
Trevor looked over as the door closed, a bright smile on his face. “Hey guys!” he called, clambering over the back of the couch. “How’d the mission go?”
“Went well,” Ryan answered, hefting a camera. “Got some footage for you guys to look over.”
“Wonderful.” Trevor drew close and threw an arm over Jeremy’s shoulder. Jeremy tensed, eyes darting around the room, but no one seemed to care. “Give it to Gavvy, I don’t think he’s doing much right now.”
“Will do.”
Ryan nodded and left and Jeremy turned to Trevor, stomach still rolling. “So… did it go okay?”
“Yep!” Trevor said, giving Jeremy’s arm a quick squeeze. “Michael was quite upset because he lost a bet with Jack about when we’d get together, but other than that everyone was fine.”
“Oh.” He allowed himself a small smile. “Good.”
“And that means I now get to do this,” Trevor leant in to press a quick kiss to the corner of his mouth, “whenever I want.”
His smile grew. “Whenever you want?”
Trevor grinned and started to lean in again, but was cut off by Matt’s groan. “Can you not do that in the main room? I’m way too ace to deal with you two.”
Jeremy blushed as all eyes turned on them. “Sorry, Matt.”
Trevor dropped his hand to grab Jeremy’s wrist, tugging him back towards the door. “Yeah, we’ll just get out of your hair. No one’s going to need us for the next hour or so, right?”
“I guess we’ll just have all the cake without you, then!” Lindsay said with a wicked grin.
Trevor hesitated. “Text us when the cake’s done.”
“I’ll consider it.”
Jeremy looked around the room, noticing Fiona rolling her eyes along with Michael, Alfredo beaming away, and Matt taking a moment to give Jeremy a reassuring smile and a thumbs up before returning to his phone, and felt his own smile return as he realised that everyone really was okay with them. Everything was going to be fine.
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