#my heart and mind are too big for these walls so maybe thats why i keep blabbering away like this
craacked-splatters · 10 months
Yo that ✨L O V E✨ and ❤️A N G U I S H❤️ is feeling pretty strong tonight fellas
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In My Head
~3,2k words orangekip (orange cassidy/kip sabian)
set in immortal fears/the belt corruption arc. this will be an official piece at some point so i might have to revise it, but. actually in-story canon first kisses/love confessions. theres a lot of anxiety surrounding this topic as its a heavy point of realization for kip especially, so its just kinda angsty. also kip says fuck way too many times cause ofc he does i tried to proofread and edit this but if theres something wonky yo thats entirely on me
@midnightpretenders0 @stormbornpirate
Kip carefully pushed the bedroom door open, breathing raspy and heavy, heart in his throat as he was met with the familiar darkness beyond the door. Most nights it wouldn’t have been such a big deal, but something felt different tonight. Maybe it had been the past few days, the past few hours leading up to this moment, the words that had been said, the touches that still burned the skin he couldn’t get out of, the feelings that he didn’t know before now for sure that burned in his mind.
Seeing the familiar figure already laying on the bed in the darkness didn’t help any of the feelings he had in him.
Maybe he could figure this out. Maybe he was imagining it all, maybe he was pushing it all and everything he was feeling was nothing but a fragment of his own imagination. Maybe Kip was making it all up. Maybe he didn’t mean anything that he had been saying, thinking, wondering the past few days, the past few hours.
But the longer Kip stood frozen in the doorway, the more he knew he was just lying to himself thinking that he didn’t mean any of those things.
The worst part was, he just didn’t know if Cassidy was on the same level with him at all.
Kip slowly made his way into the bedroom, closing the door behind him as quietly as he could. He wasn’t sure if Cassidy was still awake, but as he hadn’t moved or reacted at all while Kip had been standing in the doorway, it was safe to say he was fast asleep. Kip was honestly surprised he was still willing to sleep in the shared bed after today, no matter how much Kip was trying to tell him that he didn’t need this anymore.
The thought of Cassidy still refusing gave him the chills, his response even more so.
“Maybe you don’t. But who says that I don’t?”
If Kip hadn’t been confused about everything before, he sure had been again after that. All his efforts to push Cassidy away, even slightly, to stop the inevitable that was happening in his head were rendered effortless. Useless. Just like how he felt most nights, most days, which was exactly why he was in this predicament to begin with.
Because he needed help. It had taken its sweet time for him to acknowledge that fact, but as soon as he had accepted it, Kip knew there was no turning back. The moment he allowed the one who he had been his sworn enemy to help him, there was no way anything was going to be like before ever again.
And he was terrified of that thought. And nothing he tried made it go away, anything Kip did either made it worse or stronger. He couldn’t fight it, only hide it. And he was sure at this point that he was fucking awful in that as well.
He could navigate the bedroom in the almost pitch black darkness effortlessly, Kip had done this maybe a million times before. The extra thick curtains were a welcomed addition to help the sleepless nights, but at the same time Kip wished they weren’t thickening the air in the room right now. He was already having trouble breathing, the darkness feeling even more suffocating around him, making things even harder for him to grasp, as if they weren’t already confusing and driving him up the walls closing in around him.
All he wanted was to know if he was imagining it all or not. Why was that so fucking much to ask.
Taking a hesitant seat at the edge of the bed, Kip tried to steady his breathing. Closing his eyes, he ran hands over his face multiple times, trying to make sure he knew where he was, what time it was, the date, anything to ground him to his surroundings. His mind was swirling with a million thoughts faster than he could arrange them in a sensible order, but the soft carpet under his bare feet and the fingers drumming gently against his forehead kept him in one place in space at a time.
Not that it helped him breathe any easier, but at least knowing where he was and how things were going made him feel slightly less insane.
Kip could feel the bed slightly moving underneath him, but he didn’t pay it any mind. Maybe Cassidy was just tossing a bit, Kip knew he was a rather light sleeper on nights he wasn’t completely exhausted because of him. He had tried to be quiet, but maybe him getting on the bed was a bad move. Of course it was, Kip wasn’t known for making good moves in this life, that much was obvious.
An arm suddenly wrapped around his waist, securing him as it pulled Kip slightly better on the bed. He allowed the action, despite his mind telling him otherwise, but he was already numb to everything else. Pair of legs appeared on his sides, the touch grounding him as they slid down over the edge of the bed, right next to his own, one on each side. A warm body pressed against his back, one hand running through his hair, a face being pressed into the crook of his neck as Kip could feel the hot breath running down the inside of the back of his shirt.
Kip knew the voice, he had expected it, and yet the jolt it sent through him was something he couldn’t explain. His hands slowly left his face, landing on his lap, not being sure what to do, how to behave. This was a situation he had found himself in too many times by now, and yet every time he was here, Kip didn’t know how to proceed. He felt so helpless, being held in arms that he both did and didn’t want to be in, not knowing what he was supposed to do. What he was allowed to do. And he hated it, and yet the words to express any of that were stuck in the throat that only allowed him to sob at moments like this.
He swallowed hard, not wanting to repeat the nights where things had gone down like this so many times before. He didn’t want that, but he didn’t know what else he was supposed to do.
Kip could feel the tears swelling in his eyes, trying to fight them back as much as possible without giving Cassidy a hint of it. Of course at this point he knew it was pointless, the other man was able to read him like an open book no matter the situation. It was just another reason why this hurt Kip so much, how he wasn’t able to hide anything but the things he desperately wanted Cassidy to see. He wasn’t sure if Cassidy was completely ignorant to those things, those feelings, but the fact that he never directly responded to any of them was giving Kip a really good hint where they were going with this whole thing.
“Kip --”
He didn’t want to hear it. Standing up, he still couldn’t escape the one arm that had snaked its way around his waist. He was held in place, firmly, yet gently, making sure he didn’t do anything drastic as he clearly wanted.
Feeling a hand grab a hold of his, Kip allowed himself to be pulled back down to the bed as Cassidy made him room for Kip to sit down next to him. There was no point fighting it, this would just end up like any other night. He was going to have a moment, they would talk it out, cuddle it out, that was going to be the end of it. He didn’t know why he thought it was going to be any different, but the thought that it wasn’t still ached his whole being more than any other night. The hand now holding his burning fingerprints on his skin that Kip never wanted to be able to wash away, but he knew that by the morning they would all be gone and he would have to start this painful circle all over again.
Kip could feel Cassidy looking at him, trying to observe the side of his face as Kip refused to look directly back at the man now sitting next to him. There was no point. Nothing was going to change.
He felt the hand leaving his, gently landing on his face, a thumb running over the cheek wet with tears that Kip didn’t even realize he had been crying.
“It’s going to be okay.”
Was it? Was it really? As long as Kip was concerned, no the fuck it wasn’t. But it was just another one of those thoughts that he couldn’t express, that he had to leave to burn inside of him until his lungs turned to ash so he couldn’t say anything anymore, even if he finally wanted to. And that was a thing he could never tell Cassidy. The one person that was supposed to be his worst enemy in this whole wide fucking world.
“It’s --”
“Is it?”
His voice was so quiet, but Kip could feel Cassidy tense as he heard the two words. His hand stopped on his face, Kip could have sworn he was looking at him with surprised, widened eyes, if he could have made out most of his features in the dark. Kip finally looked at him, confirming his suspicions to the best of his ability behind his own tears.
“Is it really?”
Cassidy just looked back at him, remaining silent. The oh so familiar silence that was driving Kip insane, up the wall, what have you. He had lost the ability to read its meaning a lot of times ever since they had become closer, and he didn’t like that. Cassidy used to be so easy to look at and see what he was thinking, and now every time Kip tried, nothing seemed to make sense. His own feelings thrown into the mix absolutely did jackshit to help with the situation, but even before then, before the realization, most of the time he was just lost when looking at the blond and trying to dig some kind of an explanation out of him and his voiceless self.
“…It will be.”
Kip didn’t intend to snap at him, but he couldn’t stop himself before the word slipped out, laced with the venom of disbelief. At this point he was sure Cassidy was just making it up as he went along, trying the same things and same words that had previously worked, being oblivious to the fact that Kip was starting to grow immune to his fruitless efforts of comfort. On some level Kip obviously still believed him, like he had always done, hearing those words of encouragement and comfort still got to him, but at the same time he had started to believe that they were nothing but that, words without any deeper meaning behind them. Just noises to fill the dead air in hopes that they distracted him for long enough until Kip either forgot what he was struggling with or Cassidy could come up with better ones.
“How the fuck is it ever going to be okay? How is this supposed to get better if nothing ever fucking changes?”
“If you want it to change, maybe you have to try to do something about it.”
It was like something clicked inside of him, pushing Kip to the move. He wasn’t sure in hindsight if Cassidy had meant it as he took it, as an open invitation to close the gap between them and with a single shift motion move himself into his lap, but that’s how Kip ended up taking it. The blond was almost caught by surprise as he suddenly had Kip so close, but he didn’t try to push him away, instead his hands helped to steady him in place.
Only after his hands were already on the back of his head, Kip froze in place, realizing the direction he was pushing this. Even in the darkness he could see Cassidy almost too intensely staring back at him, neither of them moving an inch, waiting for the other to do something about the sudden shift in the situation.
Kip’s voice drifted off, his head dipping down first, forehead pressing against Cassidy’s. He couldn’t explain any of this even if he wanted to, at least not without sounding like he was losing his mind more than he already was. The days and nights that had slipped past so far, so many that he barely remembered, had unexplainably been building up to this moment, and now he was too scared to do anything about it. Anything he wanted to say was stuck in his throat, the actions he wanted to take made him freeze in place worse than the anxiety he had felt leading up to this.
He had Cassidy right where he wanted, inches away, and he couldn’t even bring himself to look him in the eyes anymore. It was all so overwhelmingly much, all way too suddenly than he had prepared himself for. 
Thankfully, it was Cassidy that tilted his head upwards, closing the gap to press a soft kiss on Kip’s lips first. He didn’t reply back to it, his mind yelling at him that this wasn’t how it was supposed to go, that this was nothing but a sick fucking joke being played on him. Cassidy had him by his mind, by his feelings, none of this was as real as Kip wanted, as he was hoping for.
Kip could feel a small, soft track of kisses being traced down his cheek and his neck, sending shivers down his spine. The jolt pushed him over the line, finally getting some sort of control over his body in this situation he had put himself in, grabbing Cassidy by the shoulders and shoving him down against the bed. Hovering above him, Kip tried to steady his breathing, watching as the confused eyes looked back up at him from the disheveled blond.
“I… I need to hear you say it.”
Kip could feel the hands snaking their way around his neck, gently pulling him closer. He resisted, insisting on doing this first. “I need you to say it.”
Cassidy looked back at him, not being entirely sure where this was going as Kip shook his head back at his silence.
“I need to hear it. I…”
Kip leaned in closer by his own will, stealing a quick kiss from his lips. He wanted to do so much more, but he couldn’t before he would know this was real. That this wasn’t just a trick, not his mind lying to him, this wasn’t happening just because Cassidy thought it would fix him. No, Kip needed to know this was because he wanted it, because they both wanted it, before he could allow himself to proceed.
“I love you.”
Cassidy remained silent for a moment, Kip could feel the heat creeping up his cheeks as the words finally left his lips, burning his insides harder than they ever did when he couldn’t say them out loud. It was out of his hands now, all the hope he had he had put out there in the world. All he could do was hope that this wasn’t a fragment of his imagination like so many other things before, that this one thing he could feel with his whole being was actually real.
Kip was certain he could see a smile, before he was pulled down to Cassidy’s level by the back of his head.
“I love you too, Kip.”
The voice was barely a whisper, the last word of it melting into the kiss Cassidy pulled him into.
His eyes fluttering open, Kip started at the ceiling of the bedroom for a moment. He didn’t remember falling asleep, he had no idea what time it was, what day it was, what anything it was. The only thing he knew was that the bed and the bedroom were familiar to him, and the tingling feeling on his lips was something he had carried with him since last night.
His head slightly tilting to the side, his eyes dimmed a little at the sight of the empty half of the bed next to him. His hand lazily reached for the pillow, only to find it cold – it was obvious Cassidy had been up for some time now, without bothering to wake him up. That’s how this usually went, as Kip was the one out of the two of them that needed more rest in his currently still mostly messed up state.
Except after last night, Kip might have expected something to change, but…
Pushing the thought aside, he carefully sat up, observing his surroundings. The room was fairly dim still but he could at least see, so at least it should be day time. Getting up from the bed, Kip fished a pair of socks from the drawer, slipping them on before making his way out of the bedroom. As soon as he opened the door, he was attacked with a bolt of sunlight, but for the first time in forever it didn’t feel like it was immediately too much for him. Kip still had to shield his eyes a bit as he made his way down the stairs, but it honestly didn’t feel too bad.
Kip actually had to admit, his entire being felt lighter than it had in the previous days, weeks, maybe months at this point. He had honestly lost count how much time had passed since he had lost the title and Cassidy had started to care for him, but at this point Kip felt better than he ever had since that fateful night when everything had started to go downhill for him.
He headed towards the kitchen, hearing the water running over there. Kip stopped at the doorway, a little smile crossing his lips as he watched the shirtless blond make an attempt to prepare breakfast, turning the coffee maker on before he focused on getting the toast into the toaster. As he wrapped the bread bag shut and turned on his heels to head towards the fridge, Cassidy froze in place briefly as he saw Kip standing there, clearly not having heard him come in.
Kip nodded back to him, watching as Cassidy walked up to him, grabbing him by the hand and leading him to the kitchen table, gently sitting him down. “I was going to bring you something upstairs.”
Kip chuckled at him a little as he took a seat by the table. “It’s okay, at least we won’t get crumbs in the bed.”
Cassidy stopped, looking at him for a moment. It was so rare to see him without the sunglasses, but Kip could have sworn he also had a much brighter energy to him, something he had rarely seen from Cassidy before. Kip’s smile slowly faded from his lips, him tilting his head in a slightly concerned manner. “Is… Is something wrong?”
“No,” Cassidy finally replied after a short silence, smiling back at him. “I just… Realized something.”
Before Kip could question him further, Cassidy grabbed him by the front of his t-shirt, pulling him closer for a soft, deep kiss.
So it all really wasn’t just in his head, after all.
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detachedfacade · 2 years
part three of gay steve ficlet
it took eddie a while to finally reach out to steve. it was true he hadn't stopped thinking about him since they last saw each other. since steve came over to his place and he thought, in the back of his mind, maybe they would fuck, maybe it would be a one time mistake and they could move on. and maybe eddie wanted that, to feel close to someone he cared for with the knowledge it couldn't end in a broken heart, just good sex and avoid eye contact after. but god, steve was so sad, there was no way that was happening and eddie began to feel guilty for even thinking that, for choosing to view steve as not only a cheater but also someone who he could just use. so with that, knowing he was in a messy relationship, worrying he didn't mean it when he asked him to call, he had convinced himself it was best to keep his distance. but he was lonely himself, his friends were visiting their parents over the holidays and since waynes passing he didn't really have anyone to return to. he knew, too, that steve didn't have a great relationship with his parents, figured he may as well page him, see if he calls back, not a big deal no pressure
but he did call, almost immediately
hey, eds! I was wondering if you'd-
that was quick, nothing better to do? eddie joked, didn't know why it came out so harshly. felt bad when steve took a second before replying.
hah yeah well I'm in the office right now, lots of people have taken holiday leave for christmas so its basically empty. not much to do so I just...yeah
eddie felt bad that he had already managed to make steve uncomfortable, tried to make up for it by inviting him to the bar he worked at, offering free drinks - didn't expect that only a few hours later he and steve would be sat in the same booth steve had been stood up in a month earlier.
they had a lot to talk about, it turned out. caught up on the kids and robin and nancy, talked about hawkins for way too long and then talked about getting out of there
and steve revealed he'd bought a place, in the city. with help from his parents on the deposit and help from brick in moving his stuff over he was basically settled in
its not too far from here, actually. if you wanted to -
yes absolutely I need to see how king steve decorates
dont get your hopes up , steve grumbled and they headed out the bar and walked along the thin curb aside the wide road, barely a sidewalk that turned into barely an alley into a cul-de-sac of bmw's and jeeps
this is a whole house, eddie said, arriving at the door. you live here alone?
well bricks over a lot and - my parents wanted it to be a forever home, didn't wanna have to fork out for a deposit again. they want grandkids
eddie parked himself on the leather sofa, kept getting distracted by signs of life - photos on the wall, magazines with pages folded over and torn out, rings of water on the coffee table from glasses used without coasters - until he said, off hand and barely thinking
and do they know that you can't have kids?
steve, still lingering in the doorway, stood up straight, furrowed his brow, took to tidying up about the place before he continued
yes but you know they like to pretend. anyway its - i still want kids
does brick?
we're not - steve stopped talking. stopped moving too
what? eddie asked
me and brick we aren't gonna make it to that point. thats obvious right?
is it?
steve ignored eddie, took himself to the kitchen, returned with two bottles of beer and sat down beside eddie
are you single? steve asked
I am, yeah, as always. eddie replied.
I'm gonna break up with brick. steve replied, let the silence linger for a moment then reached over to the coffee table to pick up the remote
you wanna watch a movie? he asked.
eddie nodded, didn't know what else to say, just watched the movie and wondered when was the best time to head off. he didn't intend to wake up the next morning on steve's couch, his neck at an awkward angle as he blinked up at the sunlight pooling through the blinds. he could hear the angry whispers of two men coming from the hallway, if only they were in the kitchen he could have snuck out. but no, they were blocking his only exit and so he sat awkwardly on the edge of the sofa, took a sip of day old beer and waited for his chance to escape
part 4 coming soon <3
tags under read more - let me know if you want to be tagged in updates
@caelestbliss @phantypurple @romantiklen @plyerice27
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fnaf-imagines · 2 years
Can you do fnaf 1 Freddy with a future stubborn, carefree s/o who he constantly butts heads with? At first they can’t stand each other when s/o starts out as a security guard even though the rest of the gang loves them. Sword fights with Foxy, sneaking Chica out of the restaurant, loud karaoke with Bonnie, and sharing horror stories with Golden Freddy. But to Freddy this is all reckless behavior and dangerous to which the s/o thinks the big boss is just an old no fun having bore. Though one night thanks to the future s/o they accidentally lock themselves and Freddy inside the security room while the others try to get them out. They start to connect more after finally talking things out afterwards Freddy starts to feel that warm fuzzy feeling. I hope thats not too much.
Wow anon you really planned this out!! It sounds pretty interesting though and pretty much like something Freddy would do! I hope you enjoy and this is what you were slightly hoping for!! This time I decided to do short headcanons and then a drabble under the read more! ^w^
We all know Freddy is very stubborn. At least in my eyes he can be quite tough to change the mind of.
He follows rules to the core. Make one wrong move, ONE simple mistake, and he might not forgive you so easily (Note to self, do not drop the music box-)
As leader he has a responsibility to uphold and that includes making sure the others follow the rules as well, including security guards...
You annoy him so much. Don’t you see how much trouble you’re truly causing? This is only going to lead to problems...problems that HE will have to somehow solve and fix which isn’t too thrilling let me tell you.
No matter what he can’t help but get frustrated and annoyed. To make things worse you’re just as upset as him, always talking back and challenging him as if he ISN’T some strong bear much taller and bigger than you.
There’s no way he’d ever fall for you. No way...at least he hopes-
“Tch. I hope you know this will come out of your paycheck.” Freddy leans his hand against the wall as a frustrated groan leaves him. A snarled expression on his face as he refuses to look at the one person he loathes the most.
“As if I’m not used to that already, Fazbear-” they respond back, crossing their arms as they choose to sit in the chair in the office.
It was a standard night but things quickly turned south when once again, they started messing around and playing games with the others. He was simply going to step in and lecture them all to get them to stop before something happened. In the heat of the moment though Freddy had followed them into the security office where they were both now stuck.
The others were all outside the two doors trying so hard to figure out a way to open them. Not even Foxy was strong enough to open the doors and Golden Freddy was nowhere to be found meaning teleportation wasn’t an option.
Freddy only hoped they’d figure out a way soon enough. Being alone with them was not how he wanted to spend his night but it seems as if that’s where it was heading. It was only 1 AM currently, meaning there was still time, but if they didn’t do something soon then their only hope would be opening time when everything reset.
Either that or turn off the generator but he wasn’t so sure the others knew where it was and I don’t think they could hear him through the doors even if he tried telling them.
“What are you thinking so hard about bear? You look so stressed-” they muttered.
“I don’t know! Maybe it’s the fact we’re stuck in the office with no way out and to top it all off I’m stuck with the one person who I can’t stand out of everyone else-” he growled.
“Whatever you dumb bear! You think I’m excited about this? I can’t wait to get out of here and further away from YOU-” they argued back.
Freddy felt off with the way his heart hurt after hearing that. He didn’t know why but them completely ignoring him felt so...wrong...
“Whatever.” he huffed as he looked away, a much more solemn look on his face than before.
They fell quiet as they observed him. In a much more gentle tone than before they spoke up, “Um...are you sure you’re alright..? Like, in general and everything? Not that I care- I mean I just-”
Freddy sighed. “Not really. It feels like lately each day as been more stressful than the last...Almost like everything has been too much...”
They frowned and stared at him with a guilty look. “Well...I hope ya know that I- I am sorry for always causing so much trouble. I mean, it’s fun but I don’t mean to actually shove so much stress on you or anything. I swear!”
Freddy slightly smiled as he watched them out of the corner of his eye, taking in how they nervously stuttered and tried to explain themselves. “I know. It’s less than pleasing to clean yours and everyone else’s mess but I’m glad you all are having fun. I haven’t seen any of them that happy since...” He trailed off not wanting to continue any further. Revealing what he knew about the past would only bring back horrible memories.
Taking a deep breath he continued. “I’m just glad they’re no longer sad. It feels somewhat refreshing seeing them all smile and act carefree.”
They smiled in return. “Well...you could be like that too ya know! Happy and carefree if you just let loose a little bit.”
“I have a business to look after. I don’t really think I can afford to “let loose”.” He sighed.
“I think you can! Besides...I think you deserve to be happy too...” They mumbled, slightly hoping he wouldn’t hear the end of what they said but thanks to the advanced hearing by being mostly robotic he heard it clearly.
He glanced at them then, simply observing the way they looked down at their lap and fiddled with their shirt between their fingers. Somehow Freddy felt his face getting hot as he grew a bit flustered. Did they really care that much about him..?
He lightly smiled as he walked over. “That’s probably the nicest thing you’ve said to me ever since you started working here...and I appreciate it...”
They whipped their head up, their eyes widening at how close he was now, before standing up next to him. Out of nowhere they went in for a hug as Freddy wrapped his arms around them too.
“Well...this is probably the first time we’ve actually talked, Fazbear.”
He lightly laughed this time, “I think you’re definitely right about that.”
Perhaps they weren’t so bad after all...he could definitely see himself growing used to this...
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thoughts on the doctor who special
so this list got way too long i guess i think a lot while watching things
oh the bright side my irl friends haven't gotten spammed with 80 million messages, just the internet people :) :)
read at your own risk
david tennant! !!!!!!!!!!
what's he doing in space why are they talking to us this is so stupid i love it sm
lol the first thing they do is give him like three sequential heart attacks LEAVE HIM ALONE HE ONLY HAS TWO
wow rose is pretty
donna i'm pretty sure you have supernatural abilities at this point, how the hell do you miss everything
donna why would you give away the money (i know exactly why you gave away the money it's perfectly in character for you but also WHY)
oh no where's wilfred
go off donna beat those kids' ass
these kids are thinking they're the main characters in a sci fi show (don't tell them) they're gonna get themselves killed
girliepop that is a strange creature and you (collective) have had multiple invasions in the last twenty years don't trust it just because it's got big eyes you will get killed
both roses have trusted a creature that they probably shouldn't have just because it acted like a victim. like I can't be mad because I means they have Compassion and other nice things but cmon. common sense. please. im literally begging u.
woah did thirteen upgrade the screwdriver (i need to catch up with the other doctors after 10) thats cool
so they know all the doctor's regenerations cause timey wimey stuff
14 over here trauma dumping on this random ginger lady with cool hair
"best friend in the whole wide universe i absolutely love her" that is the sweetest thing i have ever heard
woah it's the time vortex
wait why does the time vortex have arms now
when your wheelchair saves your life
they're covering their eyes like the sun episode is it the creepy vaporization light???
i Do Not Trust the meep
"he's so cute" finally someone with common sense who also doesn't trust the meep
turn around Shawn trust me your life will be so much simpler if you turn around right now
"ferret"? omg it's draco malfoy
who is Nerys what did she do i'm so intrigued now spill the tea sis
no not wilfred :(
yay wilfred
smh doctor you are a disaster magnet
your poor neighbors? y'all's just gonna break into their homes? aren't the aliens gonna follow you? into other people's homes? who's gonna fix the walls? why are the houses touching is this a uk thing?? also that's not how bricks work but who even questions anything in this show there's a giant furbie and bug aliens dueling it out imma just roll with it
donna's mum is so done with the doctor's shit i'm so sorry ma'am
once again, nobody's gonna question the B&E you've got going on? no one?
ooh that's a nice door
are we completely sure he can drive a car? i mean look at how he drives the tardis I would not trust him near my car in a million years
THANK you doctor I totally called it the oversized furbie is not your friend why do they always trust the first alien that tells them a sob story
i'd be a good companion i would actually notice the obvious before it kills everyone sometimes characters are really dumb or maybe that's just the plot armour
he has a washington wig now what is going on 🤣
living sun I knew the mind control light was familiar
the living sun went crazy did they fuck smth up last time???? or is it just a species
did it really just say "Beep of all Meeps" what even is this show 🤣
omg david youre so cute
honestly he was asking to be knocked out
Shawn and Rose must be so confused. an alien shows up. donna's mum is very insistent about how it's not real. random guy from downtown shows up. claims to have two hearts. knows wilf. has a magic screwdriver. breaks into multiple houses with them. aliens are attacking. strange man holds a court session in an underground car park. strange man gets knocked out and you are all put in a creepy government van.
donna here finally asking some reasonable questions
"i don't know him" two seconds later: *exchanging looks*
donna found herself a good man
not even in this new body for 24 hours and he's already getting so much head trauma
'a great day for meepkind' didn't you say you're the last. great day for you you mean.
oh they're gonna join wheelchair ginger lady
according to subtitles her name is shirley its very fitting like a sherley temple
oh hey its the room hes floating in that one pic
"Love the running."
respect for david just casually climbing up a wall i could never
besties fr
give this man a break hes so sad
that one random kid is having the time of his life
is she really gonna chew him out for taking her memories girliepop the world is ending
theyre just making up words now
just take it away agin
why is this face so suicidal its actually concerning
The Master's back again I'm calling it now
"Enigmatic, that is textbook enigmatic."
Crowley voice coming out
As a viewer I'm cackling as a writer i'm confused but I'll just let it go
wink wink wink
see what i did there
Shirley is just "yep regular tuesday this is normal i'm gonna get such a pay bonus OO BUBBLES"
rose: I wanna see! Doctor: yes! Donna: NO! Doctor: I mean no, that's what I said, no.
Shawn: Yeah. True. But he's obviously a gay fruitcake so we're fine.
doctor is so offended he's like "what am i not a threat anymore wdym im totally attractive :( :( :("
woah the tardis changed I dont like it
most ADHD doctor ever
OOOO the round things change colors now
because every time he visits with the family, donna, he loses them. he lost you and it killed him, so its gotta be a big goodbye.
Not even ten minutes and you've broken it, I mean relaly doctor give her a break
the tardis deserves better than this trainwreck of a time lord
"We CoUlD eNd Up AnYwHeRe In AlL oF tImE aNd SpAcE" bro don't pretend for one second that you know where/when you're going on a regular day. 90% of episodes are "oh hey lets go somewhere unknown and see what happens" or "oops the tardis is bringing me somewhere weird" or "oops I messed up this wasn't where/when I meant to go"
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existentialbby · 1 year
Sometimes I like to think about the fact that in 1492 Christopher Columbus sailed the ocean blue but like, honestly, that is such a random historical fact that has for reason gained relevancy like it's common knowledge now that the vikings landed in the US before Christopher Columbus and also like uh maybe the literal native Americans hello????? Like just cause everyone in England was too busy fucking inventing new ways to kill eachother to realize like oh shit there's more land over here doesn't mean that the America's were some sort of huge discovery, like why the fuck do I even care that Christopher Columbus existed other than the atrocities he committed being bad. It's not even a particularly relevant history to the America's if you ask me like the colonies sure that's kinda relevant thats when Europeans started to immigrate but idk I think I would have just liked a section that taught native american history. Like the most I ever got was the Thanksgiving speech and even that shit hole lesson was conceived by an ass hat who had no idea what was going on or trying to needlessly dumb it down for me. Very frustrating. I think that sometimes we spend a lot of time trying to dumb things down for kids, and lord believe me I know that some kids out there do totally need it to be dumbed down, but like, nah man immerse them kids in a cultures and educated enviornment so they can grow up and recognize parallels between the lives of people past and their own experiences. There are so many modern examples of happenings in the world that we can look back to history and say "wait, haven't we done this before?" Maybe that's the nature of humanity, to be in an infinite loop of constant fucking up and repeating out mistakes, but I'd really like to believe that we're more than that, that we can truly learn from our past and our mistakes if only we open our hearts to the possibilities. Sometimes, it seems like it's surely too big an ask to be even remotely possible, but such is our burden, the burden to try against that which is impossible. Every day we wake up and face the horrors of our reality, the mundanity of life, and though it may be a struggle, ultimately we do find ourselves doing our little tasks and serving the capitalism gods above us. We do this in spite of our eminent ends. Maybe we don't always recognize that, we choose to not constantly think about how any day can be our last, but it is a fact that we celebrate in many ways. With each passing year we celebrate birthdays, both for the monumenntous occasion of our entering into this cruel and beautiful world, and for a grim but subtle reminder that our time here is but a trial. And sadly, no one knows when it's going to end.
Maybe that's what makes our little lives precious, of course there's all the rest of being a person and Yada Yada Yada, but I find that there is something uniquely human in our determination to face everyday despite the literal hard wall of the inevitable. Often, instead of feeling down, though I have down days too, I feel inspired to create, to pour my heart out into these posts or to write a hilariously bad piece of poetry. That too is a burden in of itself, a constant battle of wanting to outplay my own past experiences, to one up myself in an infinitely scaling tower of incredible mind numbing expository greatness, or to somehow eventually create something so profound that it doesn't just touch your heart, it shatters it. I think it's hard to convey emotion through any medium, how is it possible that great artists can use the forms of music or paint or word to twist us up? How can I surpass their ability to give you an emotional and mental experience like no other? How can I wire to you, directly, the feelings that I have? I want to blow your mind. I really do. But it's hard to constantly reach that level when sometimes all your brains wants to do is be like hehe hehe froggy. So I don't know, there's a lot of things I don't know. Like
The primordial soup right
DNA was just forming
How did that happen? Obviously there's theories but like imagine being there in person to see it. It would probably look like nothing but still, that could be cool. Isn't it scary to think about how we're all nothing but constantly running chemical reactions? Everything including us could be reduced to simple cause and effect. Like, you say bazinga, cause I asked you to and the effect I'd that it would cool I think
B*zinga (derogatory)
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asahicore · 1 year
haha, I'm sorry for stressing you out.
I love extraordinary you too. I ended up still having some unanswered questions, but overall I enjoyed it so much. especially because haru is such a pretty boy. 🤧
omg, that is so exciting!! actually doom at your service is in my top 5, with strong woman do bong soon, melting me softly, descendants of the sun and maybe vagabond. some honorable mentions are hometown cha-cha-cha, may I help you, love in the moonlight and crash course in romance. now I see what I put you through, I'm so sorry.
then, what are some kdramas that you disliked. I've noticed a pattern in mine: those before 2010. I mean, I don't dislike them all (coffee prince is one that I enjoyed a lot), but for example full house or secret garden had me wanting to punch a wall most of the time.
— ☕️!
srsly why is it so stressful to choose fav dramas 😭 its like with movies or songs, theres too many to choose from!!
putting a read more bc i talked so much bahahha
and right omg i watched extraordinary you at the beginning of lockdown and i fell in love with haru/rowoon so bad that i started stanning sf9 after that, i was such a big fan of them that whole year hahahaha, and yeah it does have some plot holes but honestly the romance was so cute i didnt even mind
gosh we've seen such different dramas hahaha i havent seen any in your top 5! ofc ive heard about strong woman though, and thats also on my list. crash course in romance was so fun i rmb watching it as it came out and i really loved their romance but god the murder mystery side plot is not for me 😭 i dont usually mind a mix of genres but romance with thriller isnt my thing i guess, i like it better when they're seperate. and love in the moonlight omg i watched it ages ago, and actually i dont rmb anything about it so ig that tells you its def not one of my favs 😭 i usually love historical dramas but i think the female lead disguised as eunuch trope is not for me either !
and omg, i havent ever watched a drama from before 2010 actually, bc ive heard that theyre such a product of their time and have like really sexist/fatphobic etc undertones with like toxic male leads and plot lines that just drag on and on bahaha, coffee prince is such a classic though i should watch it!!
for me its pretty rare that i dont like a kdrama cause if im not into it then i'll just drop it and forget about it, but one that i did watch and hated til the end was cheese in the trap because the male lead in insaaaaaane literally a psychopath and the female lead (park goeun bless her heart) is so wishy-washy, worst case of second lead syndrome i ever got in my life!! im going through my watched kdramas, and a lot that ive seen i remember enjoying as i watched but they just didnt stick with me afterwards. i rmb being super frustrated with love alarm, nevertheless (but that one wins back points for incredible casting/side stories/overall vibes lol, im actually considering rewatching...) and itaewon class! then some that i fully stopped watching are love in contract, she would never know, arthdal chronicles, detectives of seonam girls' high school and hotel del luna. i also stopped watching goblin and tale of the nine-tailed around ep 10 but i do plan on picking them back up at some point lol
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super long and random excerpt time #1
I'm still editing my book, only on page 18 of 346 or so, and I was editing the scene that foreshadows this, and decided to revisit this to see it, and im just really proud of it and i really love it, and wanted to share it cuz i know theres a few people on my tumblr who wanted to see more of my writing. Here is one of the scenes i am most proud of :D
(spoilers, obv, for the end of the first half of the book. this takes place around page 130-136 i believe)
(btw i wasnt lying this is a pretty long excerpt xd)
The formatting is a little messed up but eh
lastly, idk if any of this will end up changed in final release, i went over this relatively recently so probably not drastically, but maybe a few wordings here and there. anyways thats all from me for now
Taka’s worst scenario had come true. The further they trekked through the cave, the more death and destruction they uncovered. Mangled and broken bodies of goblins, blood and the stench of death. Five dead adventurers, after the elf. The party sent in had been completely, utterly destroyed. Before long, they came across a large, open space. It was the largest room in the entire cave. It must have been at least two hundred feet long and seventy or eighty wide. The ceiling above them was about a hundred feet tall, and there were many large, jagged rocks jutting down at odd angles. If not for the wide, gaping hole in the side of the cave exposing it to the outside, it would have been almost completely dark.
It was because of this hole that Taka’s heart dropped into his stomach and his breath caught in his throat.
Before them, was an ogre.
Fifty or so feet, in the center of the room. It currently had not noticed them.
Taka could feel his hands trembling. If there was an ogre, shouldn’t there be more goblins, too?
He had nothing to base that off of, but.. where were the goblins? Why was an ogre here?
It wasn’t an ordinary sized ogre either. It was huge for an ogre, as if two or three had been stacked atop each other. It didn’t even make sense. How had it gotten into this room?! The only way Taka could think was if it had grown larger once inside, but…
Nobody spoke. Everyone was utterly taken aback.
It was odd. What had killed the adventurers then? Surely, if they had all fallen, there were more goblins. They hadn’t even died in this room, so where were the goblins that killed them? This ogre was far too big to chase them through corridors, and the cave was still structurally sound, and hadn’t collapsed. So that couldn’t have killed them. Obviously.
Suddenly, the ogre twitched, and stood up. Could it see them? The six took a cautious step back, and Beriyl tripped and fell onto his rear.
That did it. The ogre roared, and produced a large club made of bone. Almost as if on cue, goblins began to swarm from the ceiling, walls, everywhere. In that one moment, everything that was alive had pinpointed their location.
It made sense now. Taka understood now. This was how the others had died.
They had walked right into a trap. Had the ogre known they were here all along? Had the other adventurers did the same thing they did? Were they going to die? Taka did not want to die.
He did not want to die. He did not want to die. He couldn’t die. He couldn’t die.
His heart pounded so hard it hurt. He couldn’t breathe. The room around him began to close in.
He couldn’t breathe. He couldn’t think. He fell onto his knees clutching at his chest. The world spun. Through the chaos of his mind he could hear the others yelling. What were they yelling? He felt a hand on his back. Ecirr? No.. Qlul? A warmth spread through him. The pounding subsided. The world began to settle. The cave appeared normal, again. He could breathe.
He could hear.
“You’re going to be okay, Taka! We’ll get through this!”
Pulling Taka to his feet, was Qlul. He had cast something; his mace shone a brilliant white-gold.
“Everyone! Raise your weapons into the air for just a moment!” He cried. Everyone who had one, did. Taka’s daggers began to glow just like Qlul’s. In immediate succession, the party was aglow with a holy light. Arthur’s blade, Ecirr’s spears, and Beriyl’s shortsword all glowed with that same light.
Taka looked up at the ceiling, and almost immediately fell back into a panic. The ceiling, the walls, were crawling with goblins. Literally teeming. Out of every hole in every wall, every crevice came goblins. Red, gleaming eyes. Like an activated crystal… Wait a second. Something clicked in Taka’s head, but he wasn’t fast enough to voice it. But.. couldn’t they just blow them up with a fire crystal? Or would one not be enough?
Everyone formed a circle, their backs to each other.
“Arthur?! Hope you’ve got a plan for this!” Ecirr shouted, eyes skittering about the cave.
“Beriyl, can you create dust with your magic?!”
“Wh- what!? I- I suppose, but I’ve never-“
“Then do it! Fill this entire room with dust, make it combustible!”
Beriyl looked bewildered, but slapped his hands together, then held his palms outstretched.
Combustible… The sound of arrows being loosed through the air made it almost hard to concentrate. He envisioned dust falling, then exploding. Dust that can explode…
He tried his best to imagine that as he channeled an immense amount of his remaining mana through his body and into his palms, and then…
“I do not know about combustible, but; Create Dust!”
A billowing, great cloud of blue, sparkling dust began to fall from the cave ceiling, causing several goblins clambering high up on the ceiling and walls to rub at their eyes, lose their grip and fall to their deaths. Even the ogre frantically swiped at its eyes, irritated severely by the dust as it began to hack and sneeze. The cave rumbled as it stomped about, and the rest of the horde paused in relative confusion, staring with almost childlike faces at the falling irritant.
It wouldn’t be enough, and Beriyl knew this. He placed his hands together, preparing to manipulate it into the spell Duststorm, but was interrupted by Arthur’s shout; “Retreat! Back into the tunnel!”
“No!” Beriyl cried. “Hold on! Listen to me, I will turn it into a Duststorm, it’ll buy us more time!”
“All right! Do it, Beriyl!”
Placing all his hands together, he focused his intent on the falling particles, imagining them as a violent whirlpool. To help himself visualize, he spun his hands about as if he were spinning a heavy ball, his movements quickening into a blur. It wasn’t necessarily difficult; he just needed to control the mana exuded by the particles, manipulate it with a defined intent, then activate the new spell. When he had it, he clenched his fists to help himself finalize it, as a brutal wind kicked up around them, pushing dust around the room.
The clouds of dust quickened into buffeting waves accompanied by brutal winds that had no place inside a cave.
“Agh!” Taka coughed, rushing to cover his mouth and eyes. “Retreat!”
The six raced frantically out of the room, back into the hall-like area of the cave they’d come from. Taka gasped for breath, hacking out dust. Glancing over his shoulder, he could imagine the goblins were having a far worse time. If this was the whole plan, that didn’t seem so bad. The ogre couldn’t reach them in here, and most of the goblins that were on the ceiling would likely fall to their death. The ones who didn’t would hopefully be sucked into the vortex of the spell and dashed against the walls.
“What exactly is this plan of yours, Arthur?” Beriyl exasperatedly asked, his face drawn.
“We’re going to blow them up.”
At that, the half-elf’s eyes widened.
“That’s remarkably intelligent for someone like you. And here I was thinking you meant to burn them all to death, or some other such thing…”
Arthur shook his head.
“That would have to be accomplished another way, so no, that was not the plan.”
Beriyl seemed to have calmed down a considerable amount—perhaps he was feeling secure in his spells ability to hold back the murderous monsters inhabiting the room they’d left behind.
“Beriyl, I don’t think that’s really…” Qlul tried to chide but was silenced by Ecirr placing a hand on his shoulder. “Leave it,” the gesture seemed to say.
Arthur turned to face Eirairr. His ears were lowered, the tips trembling slightly.
“Eirairr. I have a pitcher of oil in my bag. I’m going to throw it into that room, and you’re going to shoot it out of the air. We’ll place a fire crystal inside. If we time it right, the oil will coat the dust, and the crystal will hit the ground, which should activate it. Then, Beriyl, you will cast your Shield spell to seal us into this corridor, and… if it all goes well, we’ll have killed everything in there.”
“Got it, Arthur.”
“I have just enough mana to do that,” Beriyl muttered. “But this’ll be the last of it. Casting that Dust spell over such a wide area really drained me.”
“This will be it, Beriyl. I promise.”
The half-elf did not offer a reply, instead wordlessly closing his eyes and collecting himself.
Arthur fetched the cruet of oil from his bag, then turned his attention back to the group.
“Do any of you have a fire crystal?”
“Yeah, here.” Qlul produced one from a pouch on his belt, then pressed it into his palm. Arthur closed his fist around it.
“All right.”
He opened the lid of the container, dropping the crystal inside with a nod. Plomp, it splashed. Then, he closed it back up.
“Beriyl, how long will your spell last?”
“I don’t know. Five more minutes, maybe.”
Arthur headed back toward the room full of goblins. With the Duststorm spell raging about, it was nigh impossible to see much of anything at all, and actually getting inside the room meant you risked getting thrown around by the violent winds.
“Beriyl. Eirairr. Ready?”
“As ever.” With a deep breath, Beriyl rose his hands.
“I’m ready.” Standing to the side, Eirairr drew his bow and nocked an arrow.
With a bellowing shout, Arthur launched the cruet into the room with all his strength behind the throw.
With a telltale twang, the arrow soared through the air before piercing straight through the ceramic, splitting it in two. Just as planned. Oil was sent spraying out in all directions, the red glare of a fire crystal splitting through the blinding veil.
Nervously, Ecirr and Qlul joined their hands together, clenched tight.
His legs tucked beneath him, Taka watched in abject fear as the decisive moment arrived, his heart pounding painfully in his chest. His throat was so tight he could hardly breathe.
‘I don’t want to die. I don’t want to die. What if it fails? What if… Beriyl’s going to be out of mana. We’ve killed a few of them already, but there’s no way we can fight an ogre, can we…? Maybe Arthur could, but… I don’t- I’m so scared. Please work. Please work.’
It was a good thing he wasn’t the one in charge of casting the spell that would safeguard them against the blast.
“Beriyl! Everyone, cover your ears!”
This was it— The last of his mana. This had to work.
Or they would all suffer for it.
Kneeling down, he slammed his hands against the ground.
“S- Shiiiiieeeeeld!”
A huge, ethereal shield sprang up from a middling point in the air and rapidly sealed off the entryway. Staring grimly into the maelstrom of dust, Beriyl braced himself.
Taka covered his ears, but when nothing happened, he uncovered them, keeping them close to his head just in case, and peered curiously down the hall.
Deep in the center of the room, likely spurled about by the wuthering winds, the crystal cracked. A brilliant, blinding flash of ruby light escaped through, and then it shattered.
Not a second later, the room exploded. A deafening crack like a mountain being shorn in two sent all who survived the blast reeling to the floor and clutching tightly at their ears. Thespell may have protected them from the shockwave and heat, but it could not defend them from the roar of death’s jaws.
As the chaos subsided and the dust settled, the Shield spell cracked and splintered apart before it finally fell away, dissolving into nothingness. The room before them was decorated by blown apart bodies, shards of bone, and crimson gore.
Nothing had survived.
At least, at first glance it had seemed that way.
Pitiful whimpers and cries punctuated a deafening silence louder than the explosion that prefaced it. At the far end of the room was the ogre, now dying. He clutched weakly at what remained of his face and tried to stand, but only fell over as all that remained of his legs were bleeding stumps. Blindly, he swiped at the air, cursing violently in the goblin tongue.
The plan had worked. Taka tried to stand up, but ended up collapsing instead. He tried to talk, but it was like he was hearing himself through a tin can. His voice was all muffled. His ears throbbed with a dull pain, and when he touched them, his hands came away wet with blood. Immediately, Taka vomited up the contents of his stomach onto the cave floor.
“Oh shit. Oh, shit. M- my ears are bleeding, my… Oh my Gods. What the fuck.”
The ringing became so loud, so encompassing and sickening, he couldn’t hear. His head hurt. His ears were ringing, so, so loud. His stomach hurt. A horrible wave of nausea washed over him, and he threw up again.
He couldn’t hear. But he could feel his heart.
‘I’m gonna have a fucking panic attack, what the hells is wrong with me? Oh my Gods, oh, I don’t, I can’t…’
He curled inward on himself, trying to escape the overwhelming flood of emotion.
Everything was stressing him out. He could barely breathe. He couldn’t hear. The goblins were dead. The ogre was dying.
“My ears… My… my… my… Q- Qlul, p- please help me. Please..”
He was on the literal verge of tears. Something deep within him, something primal had taken hold of his heart and refused to let go. He couldn’t hear, and that terrified him.
Suddenly, he felt two warm hands grip his shoulders tightly. When he looked up, his hair disheveled, his face a terrified mess of tears and snot, he found himself looking into familiar blue eyes, a familiar, warm smile.
He felt a gradual wave of warmth travel through his body and wash over him. His ears slowly stopped ringing, his nausea faded. Voices faded in and he found he could hear again. He no longer felt deathly ill, he no longer felt so panicked. His heartrate began to calm, and then he threw himself into the birdfolk’s arms.
“T- thank you, Qlul… Gods, thank you.”
“Of course, Taka.”
Releasing all of his pent-up emotion at once, Beriyl fell to his knees, huffing a shuddering sigh of relief and anxiety. His own ears were ringing a fair bit, but nowhere near as bad as Taka’s had been.
“Gods. Gods.”
Arthur, on the other hand, paid no attention to anyone in the room. He simply drew his longsword, striding purposefully down the tunnel and into the wide, blackened room.
After seeing to the rest of their party members, Qlul simply sat with Taka, and held his hand for a time, while Ecirr and Eirairr headed down to check the final room with Arthur. Beriyl sat alone, murmuring to himself and staring into his palms while occasionally clenching his fist.
When Arthur returned, the raven-feathered birdfolk and blond elf in tow, he had just finished wiping the blood from his blade and was in the process of sheathing it as he coldly said; “Let’s go.”
There was a hint of something dark playing on his face, but Taka was too exhausted to think much about it. They’d all been through so much in just a few short hours. This on top of the earlier job had taken all the wind out of his proverbial sails.
So instead, he didn’t think about it. He just quietly, tiredly staggered back the way they came, with Arthur heading their formation as usual. The walk back was more grueling than before, but at least it was over. At least Leln was safe. At least they had survived.
Despite telling himself those truths, Taka couldn’t bring himself to feel any measure of pride. He’d done nothing. When push had come to shove, he’d shut down and freaked out. He’d been entirely worthless. Worse than that, he’d just been a liability.
Despite everything, he hadn’t changed at all.
At the thought, he felt bitter and stinging tears well up, but they stubbornly refused to spill over.
‘Dane would be so disappointed in me. I bet if he knew this was how I reacted to situations like this, he’d hate me. He’d think I’m a loser and tell me he doesn’t care about me anymore, or something. I don’t know why Arthur keeps me around. I can’t do anything. I’ve proven that I’m useless, utterly worthless practically every time something like this happens. I should just…’
Taka shook his head weakly.
‘Just shut up. Just shut the hells up… I’m so gods damned tired.’
When they finally made it back outside the cave, Taka immediately collapsed to the ground and hugged his knees, sucking in a weary breath.
‘I’m just so done…’
Qlul stopped with him, bending down to comfort him by patting his back.
“W- where is he? Where is Edward? Where is my grandson?” An elderly voice cried. In front of the mouth to the cave, a small number of townsfolk had gathered, including the mayor. All wore worried or frightened expressions, although as they watched the six exit the cave, some of them softened into relieved smiles.
Arthur stopped and met her gaze. Her face was long with stress and etched with age, her voice unsteady as her legs.
“The party that entered before us was destroyed.”
Her heart broke—you could see it in her face. Her eyes widened as she took on a look of abject sorrow, before she collapsed to the ground in a fit of sobs and buried her face in her hands.
“Oh, oh…. Oh Gods, Edward…”
Behind her, a visibly exhausted young man placed a gentle hand on her shoulder.
“Come, Ms. Éclair…”
Deciding now was the best time for him to say his bit, a boy — no older than twelve — hesitantly stepped up from the crowd.
“U- um… we’re glad your safe, er… Thank you for saving us!”
“Yes—thank you.” Another, a tall man with an axe over his shoulder added. “We were just about to send a rescue party after you, and you’re the rescue party…”
It was a terrible, failure of an attempt at humor. Nobody laughed. Arthur only stared at the man, then nodded.
In the wake of this awkward exchange, a familiar halfling approached. It was the mayor himself—Duley Bettencourt.
“On behalf of Leln, I-“
“What is the situation?”
Bettencourt blinked at the bluntness of Arthur’s interruption.
“Er- I… Yes.” He pushed up his circular glasses.
“We have utilized a sizeable number of Leln’s guard to ensure all goblin corpses will be removed from the streets and burned. We don’t want those to get in the hands of any unsavory individuals like that damn Twistwire… The last thing we need is a necromancer raising goblin skeletons and having those run amock. Well, that man’s many things, but I doubt he’s a… Anyway, er… We will see to it that the eight who fell today receive a proper burial.”
Then he shook his head and pointed angrily up at Arthur.
“Don’t you think if I had other places to be, that I’d be there? I wouldn’t be here talking to you if the town were still under attack and its people being killed!” With a haughty huff, he added; “I assure you; we have it well under control now.”
Less than ten people had died in the raid. But that was still ten, real people, each with their own hopes and dreams. They had been living just a few short hours ago, and now they were gone.
Leln had no church that provided resurrection services, and it was unlikely any of the adventurers in town had access to such high-level magic. In fact, probably less than five people on the continent had enough mana to cast a resurrection spell singlehandedly. That meant there was almost no chance anyone who died would be brought back. They were gone forever.
That thought alone was hard to process.
Arthur only nodded.
“I see.”
Then he turned back, fixating this time on a certain jet-haired half-elf; Beriyl.
“Well done, Beriyl. You did well.”
Beriyl’s face upturned in a smug grin.
“Well, of course I did! Hmph, I am Beriyl Edmund Ciphre von Aschwaz, after all! What would you do without me?”
‘…Of course he wouldn’t thank me. I didn’t do anything worth being thanked for. Yeah, I almost got us all killed, so… Why are you surprised? Just shut up, Taka… Worthless, useless idiot.’
Qlul must have sensed Taka falling deeper into his negative spiral, because he moved his hand to rest atop his shoulder and gently said; “It’ll be okay, Taka.”
Taka unburied his face and looked at him, on the verge of tears once again.
“Will it? I did nothing, I…”
He sighed, and shoved his face back into his knees, swearing under his breath and trying to not cry. Just for once.
‘Just cry later. Just cry in your room. Just cry later. Just stop. Just stop.’
“You’re alive, and so am I. That’s enough, isn’t it? As long as you’re alive, you can continue to learn and grow. You’ll become stronger. Don’t worry.”
When he met his gaze again, Qlul had taken on an uncharacteristically somber expression. Self-doubt flickered in his eyes.
The loss of the dwarf Twistwire came to mind. He had failed to save him.
He was a healer, yet in that singular dire moment when someone needed him most, he had panicked and failed. Twistwire had died because of that. It was like a fresh wound festering in his heart, needling at his very soul.
But the words he’d said had truth to them, and Taka took that to heart.
He was always hard on himself, even when nobody was mad at him.
This time around, he was mad at himself, but that didn’t really count…
Qlul was right. He would learn and grow, he would change. He had to put in the effort, but he could become stronger. He could become like Arthur. Or like Beriyl, even.
On second thought, he didn’t think he wanted to become like Beriyl. Beriyl was annoying, brattish, and…
But when it came down to it, Beriyl had been the backbone of Arthur’s plan. For all intents and purposes, it was due to him being there, that they were all alive right now.
‘I still don’t want to be like Beriyl… but I want to be like Arthur. I want to be capable; I want… I want Dane to be proud of me. And I want to be proud of myself.’
Taka forced himself to speak and push past his conflicting emotions. He’d just think about it later. He always overthought everything.
“Yeah… you’re right, Qlul.”
Even if he didn’t truly believe those words, he’d make himself believe them in time. He had to.
Bettencourt didn’t seem to appreciate Arthur repeatedly changing his focus to other people, and so he loudly cleared his throat; “A-hem!”
“Yes?” Arthur went, turning back to peer down at the mayor.
“This is hardly the place to have such a conversation, so I would ask you to follow me back to my office. I would discuss a reward for your efforts.”
“We have things to tell you, too.” Ecirr added, stepping forward.
“All the more reason for us to change locale, then! Follow me, if you would, gentlemen…” Qlul rose, pulling Taka to his feet with him.
“Come on, Taka.”
By now, most of the crowd had dispersed. The only who remained was the old woman and the young man, presumably her caretaker.
As they passed by, Qlul laid a gentle hand on her shoulder and murmured; “I’m sorry for your loss.”
Those words only made her cry harder.
Taka averted his eyes, unable to look. At the last minute, he gave his harried condolences in passing.
Eirairr, however, in typical Eirairr-fashion seemed to be bursting at the seams with energy at the weirdest of times. Being the last to say anything, he shouted “Sorry!” in a very inappropriately happy tone like he was playing a game, or something.
That earned him more than a few weird stares, plus a glare from the woman’s caretaker.
To that, he just pouted and looked away.
Just like a child.
"The moment I can change myself, and even the world; It's always by my side."
FLOW - Colors
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lifewiththelulus · 1 year
Hazel in an attempt to fix what she did goes all out,wearing her pin and sweatband from vapor and everything from her parents to show him and everyone thats shes proud and she loves these things made for her. He scoffs as a knee jerk reaction until it hits him and her all at once how big a target she just made herself as other kids start to notice
What if all the jerks in her class plan on setting a trap or something for her?
She didnt tell anyone she was doing it to surprise him. Her friends almost definitely would have stopped her or at least been there to help but plume got the fire flu and Mimi stayed home with them to take care of him. Kindlin is on the other side of the school completely unaware leaving Vapor the only witness
What if they plan on dumping water on her, not knowing she could immediately disappear when her body comes in contact with water. Vapor pushes her out of the way but takes a lot of damage.
Fear grips his heart and any remnant of anger is forgotten in that moment. If she was fully submerged..well he couldnt bring himself to think it. His mind was racing in what if,unaware his body was moving without him and all he could remember next was hitting the ground, students gasping, and shock in his sisters eyes.
Hazel could vaguely register someone calling for a teacher, but the image seared into her mind was her little brother half gone. A thousand thoughts swarmed her but the biggest was why. Why would they do this? Why would he do this when he obviously hated her? After moments of being unable to move on either side, a fire teacher came through boiling the water enough to put him back in one piece and taking him to the nurse. The students who'd pulled this prank,well some looked apologetic,clearly not realizing what they could have done.
While Vapor is being checked out of the nurse's office he hears Hazel crying outside of it. So he go's out to show he's ok but it doesn't stop her tears.
He sits against the wall waiting for their parents to arrive."hey there Hazey" she sniffles and turns up slightly at the use of her childhood nickname. They sit in the floor in silence for what feels like ages the only sound being Hazels barely muffled crying. He's trying to find the right words. Is he still mad? It all feels like small potatoes when he could have lost her. Can he even pretend to cold when her heart is so clearly breaking?
Vapor: "The nurse told me though guys who did this are on cafeteria cleaning duty for the rest of the year, So I doubt they'll try to pull anything anytime soon."
He tried to show her a small smile, but her head was still covered by her arms. Hazel: Why? Vapor: Huh? Hazel: Why did you push me out of the way? Vapor: …Why are you even asking that?
"don't you hate me now?" It feels wrong coming out of her mouth and he immediately wants to say of course not like it's obvious. But if course she would think that he's been brushing her off for weeks and argh he feels like such a dunk. "Do you remember when we were little? Some of the kids thought it would be funny to try to blow me away or break my stuff. And who was the one who stupidly ran out and started puffing up her chest to scare em off huh?" She chuffed slightly "it didn't work, they just beat me up too, ashka and ashfa just stopped bringing us to that park". He let a smug grin rise as her own face brightened. "Ok ok maybe so but my point is, you did that without a second thought because that's who you are. And today I think I realized that's who I am because of you".
A few seconds of silence floated by before Vapor spoke again. Vapor: And… You know I never hated you right? A little annoyed and unreasonably angry, but never hated. …And I’m sorry I held a grudge for so long that you thought I did. Hazel’s mouth hung open and fresh tears started to run down her cheeks. Vapor: How about we agree to stop being stupid and not let what other people say or do keep us from being cool with each other?
Unable to form a coherent sentence she nodded vigorously practically melting into the floor from crying. She buried herself in his hoodie, something she'd promise not to do anymore after his attitude change. He was sure people were watching but he could scarcely bring himself to care for once. "I'm so sorry vapor, they never should have meant more to me than you, I'm the one who's supposed to look out for you but I let you down. I'm sorry"
On instinct, he felt a bit awkward when she buried herself in his hoodie, but immediately relaxed and hugged her. "Me too, it really shouldn't have taken a life-or-death situation for me to realize that too." His phone buzzed. Ember and Wade were waiting for them outside.
"ready to face the music?" "Ha if the bucket didn't do it, ashfa tears definitely will". They chuckled but stopped just outside the doors. "I haven't seen you laugh in a long time… Well I don't think I've seen you do much of anything in a long time. I missed you". "I've been here the whole time dummy" he said with a watery laugh, knowing exactly how she felt
“Yeah yeah, missed you too… Hazey.”
0 notes
parkerarchive · 2 years
MR TELEPHONE MAN ୨୧ ₊˚.༄ lucas‎ sinclair x reader blurb
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byr: female reader, fluff!
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“there’s something wrong with my line!” lucas screeched, letting the entirety of maple street hear. he had started pacing around in his kitchen like a bullet (or well - pacing around as much as one could while holding a wall attached phone.) after punching in his thirteenth try.
yes, thats right. it was his thirteenth time trying to reach your household. you were giving the cold shoulder and for good reason too! yesterday was your ‘1 year of dating’ anniversary. and he. had. forgotten. and no calls, no planned meet-ups, no holding a boombox outside your window as it played your favourite mutual love song. this had left you feeling miserable and mopey in your room; ultimately ignoring him. of course, though, this was unbeknownst to lucas.
“lucas dear...don't you think you should give it a break? our phone bill doesn't pay it self you know." mrs sinclair leaned on the wall, watching her worried son. "no mom, you don't get it! me and y/n specifically planned to call today...but the call never goes through! there's gotta be something wrong with the telephone." lucas whined.
erica snorted while eating her chocolate sundae that she had acquired from god-knows where. "sooo...you think because y/n's not answering, our phone is broken?" "yes! when i dial y/n's number, i get a click everytime. that isn't normal." now erica laughed loudly, "for a nerd you are pretty stupid."
lucas' dark eyebrow quirked. "she obviously doesn't wanna talk to you!…t’s just the facts." erica tried to explain. "what?! no way. why wouldn't she wanna talk to me. i mean we planned to call today at 5pm! so there is no reason for her not to answer!" he started to nervously ramble. did you really not wanna speak to him? "and when exactly did you plan this?” erica questioned. "3 days ago!"
"well suprise suprise, maybe you did some typical idiotic thing to make her mad at you within those 3 days." erica sounded unamused. "what?? but i haven’t even spoken to her in the past 3 days! theres nothing i could've possibly done to..." lucas' trailed off, his eyes widening as he felt his mouth go dry. "oh god, no no no." he immediately left the family phone hanging to his mothers distaste and ran to the house calender.
and there in all its big, bold, glory with a big fat heart circled around it was 'me & y/n's 1 year anniversary! lucas bit his lip. "oh shit. oh shit fuck!” "fuck. i am such a bad boyfriend." erica sighed from behind him, reading the calender alongside. "you need to stop with the obscenities..but yeah, you are." "no.. no, no! i've still got time to make this right. i'm going to y/n's house! tell mom for me!" lucas shouted before running outside and getting onto his bike eventually following the path of your house.
"i'm not gonna tell mom that!" erica stuck her tounge out as she walked back to her ice-cream.
you rolled your eyes as you flipped to the 'celebrity it couples' page from a random teen magazine you had laying around your room. there were a huge pile of books on your bed - all that you had attempted to read earlier - making it hard to move around. you figured that filling your mind with literature and celebrity drama while madonna played in the background would lift your mood and somehow distract you. spoiler alert, it didn’t.
you sighed as you realised the last time the phone rang was about 10 minutes ago.. did this mean lucas didn't care about you any more? did he forget about you just like how he forgot your anniversary? surely he knew it was your anniversary... but then why didn't he say anything about it yesterday? hell you guys didn't even see eachother yesterd-
the overthinking that clouded your brain suddenly evaporated as you heard the doorbell ring. you remained still for a second.. this was your way of checking to see who it is. then suddenly you heard more faster & obnoxious door knocks. you groaned, yep it's lucas. and you know what... this time, i am not going to ignore it!
as you left your room, you felt anew. you slammed your door like you just-had-a-fight-with-your-parents-in-a-dramatic-teen-show and you stomped into your foyer. you swung open the fromt door, prepared to give lucas a verbal ass-whooping.
"sinclair, you—!" but before you could get an insult in you were interrupted, by a pair of all too familiar lips coming contact with your own. you gasped in surprise and lucas used this as a way to deepen the kiss he started; reaching up to hold your face gently with his palm.
you felt blood rush up your neck and onto your face as you realised what was happening. you kissed back, finally relaxing. your lips moved together sweetly before lucas finally pulled away, leaving your lips & cheeks a red hue, his hand still resting on your face.
there was about a 5 second silence before lucas sheepishly smiled. "that was to shut you up." you felt your past anger surge back as you smacked lucas' hands away causing him to giggle. “y’know you’ve got a lot of nerve-“ you started,“wait – wait! let me speak first.” lucas pleaded. you gave him an unimpressed look, yet you said nothing and lucas took this as his green light to go.
“okay first of all, i know. and second of all, i am so so sorry. it was our 1 year anniversary yesterday and i completely forgot - like a total jack-ass! and you don’t need to forgive me, but just know that i promise – no - i swear that i will make it up to you. starting... right now!" and after that he immediately lunged forward and pulled you in his arms. he attacked your face with little fairy kisses ranging from your forehead to your nose to your neck.
you giggled, bathing in the kisses. "yeah, alright sinclair, but it’s gonna take a lot more than a few kisses!” “okay, deal.” he’d smile, relieved.
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my-simp-land · 3 years
You Cheeky Slink
Bucky comes to you in the night to tell you about his latest google dive and maybe something more. Bucky x reader fluff. 1508 words. This is highkey self indulgent so get ready to read the fantasy thats been living in my head lately. Thanks :))
Bucky stands at my door with just his head stuck into my room.
“Bucky, what are you doing? Where’s your shirt? You’re going to catch a cold wandering around with no clothes on,” I mumble from my pillow and plushie covered bed.
He smirks. He always does that smirk when he’s about to give some smartass response. That stupid lopsided smirk with he petal pink lips surrounded by the beard he’s been growing out. It’s kinda gangly but in a good way.
“Well, I guess I’ll have to come in then, so I don’t catch a cold in this freezing hallway. You know, you don't actually catch colds from being co-”
You had to stop the groan from falling past your lips. “Buck, love you and all, but now isn't the time to drop some of your newly found knowledge on me. It's...what time is it? Bucky, it is past midnight. Please tell me why you’re in my room at 12:38 a.m. talking about colds.”
Peter and I have been teaching Bucky how to use the internet and his phone, and We introduced him to Google a few days ago. Ever since then, he’s been catching himself up on most of what has happened in the last 70s years. It’s really heartwarming to see his interest in aerial technology and space exploration. We’re all glad that Bucky is adjusting well, but he’s been bombarding us all with random knowledge he’s found on the internet.
“Well, in all fairness, you were the one that invited me in, angel. I’m just doing what you said.” The smirk again. It’s too dark now that he's standing in my dark room, but I know the smirk. It bleeds into his voice. It makes him sound more...confident. Or cocky. “But dollface, we’ve explored more of space than we have the ocean. We don’t know what all is living in the deep parts of our ocean, but we know that you’ll get spaghettified if you go into a black hole. Some people think black holes are portals and some think they’re dying stars.”
“Wait, what? Buck, where are you getting your info?”
“Google, of course. Can I sit?”
“Sure.” The heavy weight of a giant man and his absurdly heavy metal arm rests on the corner of my bed. He almost seems hesitant to sit. I can immediately feel his warmth through the blanket. Despite me keeping my area freezing, Bucky always stays warm. “But Bucky, you went to a site to read these things. You used google but from there, what did you do?”
I can hear the wheels turning in his head. “Uh...the interesting looking ones?”
“You can’t believe everything you read on the internet, Buck. Anyone can put whatever they want out there. When you’re doing this research you’ve got to use reliable sources.”
“Reliable sources? Can I lean against the wall and stretch my legs?”
“Sure. Friday will help you with that, but Peter and I, and even Dr. Banner could help explain that to you in more detail tomorrow at a reasonable hour.”
Bucky shuffles his way across my bed to rest against the wall. He’s cautious of my legs as he makes his journey. It’s almost like he goes into assassin mode. Even though I know he’s moving, he tries his best not to disturb me.
“Well, did you know the footstep on the moon will likely stay there for at least 100 million years? There’s no wind on the moon, so it can’t be blown away. And did you know space is completely silent? There’s no air, so the sound waves have nothing to travel through so no sound.”
Bucky carries on with his space talk. Not long after we became friends, he shared that as a child he was interested in planes. He wanted to be a pilot growing up. That quickly became an awkward conversation. Now, Bucky is learning to fly with Sam, but once he learned our travels expanded into space, his dreams were out of this world. Bucky would start his google dives asking about some random thing, but without a doubt, he would end up on space exploration. Peter and I want to see how he’d do in a Wikipedia race. Peter thinks he would be amazing at it, but I know he’d get carried away and go down his own rabbit hole.
“Doll, Neptune has storms big enough to swallow the entire Earth! Can I get under the blankets?”
I hummed my approval and rolled over. Bucky’s voice is deep and raspy, and something about it can lull me to sleep. Usually I can’t sleep with any noise but Bucky is different. He could probably do audiobooks. Steve’s school videos and Bucky’s audiobooks. That’s quite a pair.
Bucky carries on with his space dump until I ask him. “Bucky, Russia got a satellite in space first. Sputnik. Would you have had anything to do about it? Idk. That might be a rough question but…”
He thinks, and he thinks hard. I can imagine his brows would come together, and he would bite at the right side of his lower lip. His Neptune blue eyes would move like he’s reading words off an invisible piece of paper laid before him. He would usually run his fingers through his hair, but Sam mentioned hair loss and that made Buck a little self conscious. I told him not to worry, but I’ll catch him catching himself.
“I’m not sure, angel. I don’t remember anything being about space, but maybe i just didn’t know it was about the space race. That is bizarre though. I was around when we made it to the moon, but I wasn’t. Can I get under the blankets?”
“Yeah, yeah.” Buck starts to talk again as he pulls the blankets over himself. He worms his legs undermine. “Bucky, get your popsicle legs off me. Go put those things on Steve.”
He lets out a small laugh before he continues his ted talk of everything. Bucky has been taken with space, but he’s interested in cooking too. He loves to sit and watch The Great British Bake-Off or MasterChef or Top Chef. It was quite sweet and funny when he tried to recreate one of the meat pies from season two of TGBBO. He was so confident, and his bottom was so soggy.
“We should grow a fruit salad tree. We’ve got to do something to a fruit tree, but we’d be able to make it grow up to 6 fruits! You could have peaches, Steve gets apples, Sam gets...I don’t know, and I get plums. We’d have to think of something for Pete. But imagine it, a huge fruit salad tree orchard behind the compound!”
“If it’s an orchard, why don’t we just plant a whole bunch of different trees?”
“Bragging rights. Can I lean on these pillows? I’m just gonna lean here.”
“Sure Buckbeak.”
“Hmph. Us having a fruit salad tree would be like the animals in Harry Potter.”
Bucky carries on, but his closeness and warmth are enough to lull me to sleep.
I woke up not too much later. Bucky has slowly made his way to fully laying between me and my pillow mountain. He’s pulled me in close to him and nuzzles his face into my neck. He somehow got his arms fully around me with my noticing. Our legs are intertwined, and thankfully, Bucky’s feet have warmed up. I can hear his heart beat in this position. Despite the torture and darkness he’s witness, his heart still beats like a young bird’s wings. His body and mind is old, but his heart is young. A young man from the 40s thrust into the 21st century. It is a cruel fate, but I know Bucky is strong enough to carry this burden. A heart is a heavy burden to carry.
I wake with the sun; a curious beam has made its way directly into my eyes. I go to grab a pillow to cover my face, but I seem to be in the death grip of a certain super soldier. I’m able to shimmy my way around to look at him. He looks at peace. Bucky always carries his anxieties and burdens, but in this moment, he looks youthful. He isn’t a super soldier who lost himself for 70 years. He isn’t a man who is widely hated and has to redeem himself. He isn’t a man with blood on his hands. He’s just Bucky; a great guy that will hold you when you cry or share a big bellied laugh with you.
“See something you like, dollface?”
“You slithered your slinky way into my bed.”
“No, no, no. You invited me in, so I wouldn't catch a cold. I just made myself not cold.”
“Oh yeah?”
“Yeah. You were obviously the best solution, cuddle bug. Your heart is so full of love and compassion that it’s gone hot.”
“You’re a big sap.”
“Only for my best girl.”
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clementinesjourney · 3 years
Record Shop Funk - Pt. 1 Like real people do
A.N. : Hey guys, so i had this idea yesterday, and i really hope you'll like it. <3
Words: 1,9k
Pairing: camboy!Steve x Reader, roommate!Bucky x reader, Stucky x reader (as the story goes)
Warnings: nothing yet :)
Summary: Who knew that having a secret crush, then a hearbreak will end in such a sweet thing..
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You and Bucky shared an apartment above the recordshop you both worked in. Your aunt was the owner of both, so it was a fairly good payment, and a fairly good apartment for a cheap price. It was a bright and big apartment with two bedrooms, so your decided to rent it out, all while searching for a helper to the shop downstairs. When Bucky came in applying for the job, you asked out of joke if he needs a place to live since you had seen around 5 people already and none of them felt right. His eyes lit up as he said he is in fact looking for a place. Since he was fitting for a job, and looked like a decent guy, you congratulated him on his new job, and asked if he wants to see the place today. You still had one and a half hour to close, but after it you would gladly show him the apartment.
He had nothing better to do, so he agreed to it, feeling happy about having a job he might actually like and a coworker he might actually will get along with.
-Do you drink coffee? I was thinking of getting one in the meantime. My friend works close by, and they make the best coffee in town. - He asked.
-I could go for one thank you - you smiled at him - iced cold-brew, no sugar, i'm sweet enough.. - you said with a smile.
He couldn't help but smile back at the joke. When he arrived at the café, he saw his friend Steve flirting with a girl whom he could visibly see trembling just cause he talked to her. Steve always had his way with girls, ever since the serum of course. After he broke up with Peggy, it was mostly just hookups, never finding a girl worth keeping around. Not as if they werent kind, pretty or good to him, it just never felt right. Bucky smiled at his friend, Steve immediately shifted his gaze from the girl, to a very happy Bucky.
-Did you get the job?
-Better.. I got the job, and she has a room for rent which i'll see tonight.
-Wow Bucky, i didn't know you were even better then i am.. sooo how does she look? - asked Steve with a slight wiggle of his eyebrows. He wanted Bucky to get a girl since ages and hearing this, his mind immediately ventured there.
-5'7, ginger, green eyes, freckles, curvy just the right places. why?
-Nothing Buck.. nothing.. - Steve said smirking at his friend.. Bucky never realized when he liked a girl, so he never really acted on it. He last had a woman back in the 40's.
-Sooo i know you didn't come to have chat with me, one black coffee and.. ?
-ah, iced cold-brew, no sugar..
After paying for the coffee, he hurried back to the shop, hoping to get to know his coworker a little bit better.
You thanked him for the coffee, and when you tried to pay, he refused.
-Next round's mine then. - You smiled at him with your 1000 watt smile, which again he couldn't help but smile back at.
-So tell me about you Bucky, what do you do in your freetime?
-Nothing really, just reading, spending time with my friends, kind of thats it.. I have a boring life really. What about you?
-Well, i work here, then i go home and listen to music, cook, god i love to cook, thats a big pro for the apartment.. just saying. - you said with a playful wink. - besides that nothing much. Sometimes i go to a nearby bar with my friends maybe concerts and thats it.
-I like washing dishes if that helps with the application for the room. - he said with a shy laugh which made your heart skip a beat.
- It sure does.. Do you leave your stuff around?
-No i'm a tidy person.. thank you very much. - he said cockily (just for the sake of being funny really).
-Okay okay, if you like it you can have the room, just promise to tell if you bring up a girl so i can leave. The walls are kind of thin.
-It's okay, i don't really...
-Oh um i'm sorry, i didn't meant to intrude, it just something i would really like everyone to add to their rental contracts. - you chuckled embarassed.
-Noo no, it's okay, i'm not embarassed by it. I guess i don't want hook ups, if one day there's someone i'll tell in advance.
-yea me too, i promise. If you end up renting it anyway haha. on that note it's time to close so i can show the room in a min.
When you opened the door to the apartment Buckyquietly took in it all. It was really bright, white walls with paintings all over the walls, plants in every corner or shelf you can put one on, a comfy looking mustard couch, aztec-y rug under the coffeetable, and a wall fully shelved, filled with books and little trinkets, it looked like a home he never had a chance to have. The livingroom had an american kitchen on the side, island in the middle of the kitchen area, it was white, and blue which reminded him of greece, down the hallway you showed him the bathroom which of course had a lot of plants that liked the atmosphere of a bathroom, a shower in the corner and a bathtub under the window. You then showed the empty room he could rent out. It only had a shelf and a wardrobe, and a queen sized bed. No decorations, no signs of anybody ever living there. You then pointed to the room the opposit of what could possibly be Bucky's in the future, saying that is yours. You didn't show your room, he wasn't gonna go in there anyway, and showing your most private space on the first day didn't seem like a good idea either. You then invited him out to the balcony, watching the setting sun, smoking a cigarette.
-So thats about it, what do you think?
-I really like it, and i mean.. my workplace is pretty close so thats a plus, also you said something about cooking all the time.. sooo if it's alright with you i would love to rent it out.
-It's settled then roomie. I'll give you the keys, you can move in whenever you want to. Tomorrow we are closed, so maybe that would be ideal.
-Yea, then tomorrow it is then. I'll ask my friend to help, then we can maybe hang a bit if you're free.
-Sure, i have nothing planned, and it's good to know who i'll be living with. - you said with a smile.
Before closing the door, you said your goodbyes, and you realized what did you just do, after he wished you good night with a killer halfsmile that almost had your knees buckle. You just agreed to living together with possibly the most handsome man you've ever seen who is also your new coworker, so you will basically spend most of your time with him.. Guess we'll see how this goes you thought to yourself.
Morning came soon enough, you were sitting out on the balcony when you saw Bucky arrive with a very tall, just as handsome man, carrying boxes of books, and bags of clothing. Bucky looked up at the balcony, waving towards you, you waved back, then moved to open the front door before going back out to the balcony, resuming your coffee and smoke.
When they finished bringing all Bucky's stuff in, it was already midday, so you decided you'd order pizza for all of you, as in like a welcome present.
-Hey guys, i'm thinking of ordering pizza, what kind would you like?
-Oh (y/n) you don't have to. - said Bucky, earning a smirk from Steve as he looked back and forth between you two.
- Noo i insist, today won't be the day i'll start to slowly kill you with my cooking. - you said giggling a bit.
- Whatever's fine peach. - said Steve with a wink, that you decided was just out of friendlyness. You didn't veen knew his name, and he seemed like a lady's man anyways. Not really your type no matter how handsome and muscular he is.
- Steve, by the way, nice to meet you.
-(Y/n), likewise. - you shook his hand.
When the pizzas arrived you called them to the kitchen, listening to all their shared stories from their early years. They seemed like really close friends, and genuinely good people. You had a really great time. It was nearly 9 pm when Steve left, for saving a dame from dying cause of boredom he said. You and Bucky chuckled, then he let him out, closing the door, locking it for the night.
-I guess i have some packing to do, so.. good night (y/n).
-Good night Bucky, if you need anything just knock. - you said with a smile, and he couldn't help but smile back. He felt at peace. He had Steve, now he had a job, and a room to make a home of, and you as a new addition. You were so kind, so eager to help if he needed anything, he loved how the scent of raspberries and flowers lingered in the apartment mixed with coffee and cigarette smoke. It seemed to have a calming effect on him.
You heard a soft knock half an hour later. WHen you opened the door you saw a smiling Bucky, awkwardly scratching the back of his head.
- Hey, um.. sorry. I forgot i didn't bring a blanket, could i borrow one until i get my own?
-Yea sure, i'll get one in a min. - You said, leaving the door open, letting him see a bit of "you" while you were searching for your spare blanket in your wardrobe. The room really was you. White, with mustardy curtains on the window, plants everywhere, books piled up here and there, a really comfy looking bed, pictures of you and your friends on the walls. And damn, your room smelled even more like you. If he wouldn't pay attention your scent would lure him into your room and never let him leave he thought.
-There you go. - you handed him the blanket smiling.
-Thank you very much.
Then he stood there for a moment drinking in the sight of you in front of him. You were wearing an oversized tshirt, that ended just around the middle of your thighs, hair in a messy bun, no makeup. He could swear he thought you were pretty before, but seeing you as you were made him fancy you even more.
With a small smile you told him goodnight again, then closed the door in his face.
You could hear his little laugh on the other side of the door, then his door closing. For the first time in months he didn't wake up in the middle of the night, and he didn't had a nightmare either. He was afraid he would, and then he would wake you up with his screaming, but looks like the blanket which smelled just like you calmed him enough.
After waking up because the rays of sunshine on his face, he smiled to himself guess i'll wait with getting my own blanket then...
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bcdwhcre · 4 years
Could you Maybe write a headcanon about Levi and erwin taking in the reader after her parents died where she is living with all the scouts/cadet corps and just Like them being her two fake overprotective dads? (You Can add a Lil erenxreader if u want)
If you dont wanna write this thats totally fine, ily <3
“Father Figure,” Erwin x Levi Headcanon
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I actually really like this ideaaaa, I can imagine Levi and Erwin being over protective dads.
Summary: headcanon of Erwin and Levi as overprotective dads after they take baby you in after your parents die.
Warnings: noneee, just fluffy dads
When Levi found you in the streets, skinny, on the brink of death and crying after witnessing your parents die from starvation, it had gave him horrible flashbacks from when he was in that same position.
He didn’t hesitate to take you in and raise you as his own, you even got comfortable enough to call him dad but they were times when you would switch between dad and Levi which he didn’t mind.
Once you became of age, you had tried to convince Levi to let you join the scouts but he continuously said no which made you bicker with him.
You definitely got your stubbornness from him 100%. The small arguments between you two were entertaining like two children fighting over the last slice of pizza until he would get irritated and made you clean.
When the new set of cadets came in, it wasn’t long that you became close friends with Eren, Armin and the rest of them since you were around their age but Levi had always tried his best to keep you separated from the cadets, it only made your dream to become a scout increase.
“When are you going to let me join the scouts, dad?” You brought the topic up once again, he was sure this was the millionth time this month you had brought it up but he was obviously being dramatic
“I’m not letting you join, Y/N. That will always be my final answer.” The annoyance in his tone was obvious and he had stared over at you, making you let out a groan.
“Why are you so afraid of me joining? I learned from the best and you’re keeping me trapped in here like a dog!” You certainly pushed his buttons even to the point where he would ask himself why he picked you up and took you in but of course he never regretted that decision, he loved you like his own.
“I’m not letting you go out there and risk your life under my watch, Y/N.”
“As if you don’t leave me here to risk your life and leave me wondering if I’ll become an orphan again.”
Levi grew quiet, he knew you were right but he never really went deep into thought about it and he couldn’t help but feel guilty once he saw it from your point of view.
“I doubt I’ll be dying anytime soon, too good at my job.” He said with a snarky attitude, his eyes moving back down to the papers in front of him.
“Doesn’t matter, you shouldn’t be hypocrite. I want to join the scouts.”
“I said no.” Levi shot you a hard glare, making you close your mouth and breathe in through your nose.
“I don’t want to talk about it anymore, get out of here and go do your chores.” He simply said, using his hand to gesture you off and that had made you upset, mumbling words he couldn’t make out while you stepped towards the office door.
“Hey,” He spoke up again, making you turn around and you had gotten scared that he heard your mumbles and was probably going to add more chores to your list.
“I love you, alright? I’ll think about it.” Levi had a huge soft spot for you, his heart weighed heavily to even think about his own child joining the scouts. He wanted you to be somewhat normal and live a normal life.
“Really? You’re serious?”
“I might be but I can’t promise that I would agree to it, Y/N.” He said in a grumpy tone, a groan leaving his lips when you ran over to hug onto him.
“Thank you, dad.”
You certainly kept Levi on his toes and always gave him headaches to the point where he would miss the times you were young, adorable, didnt argue back, cuddling into him as you slept instead being a pain in the ass teenager but he wouldn’t have it any other way.
Erwin had somehow ended up at the scene. After wall Maria had fallen, they went through to try and find any survivors and that’s when his laid upon you. You were in your crib, quiet and completely unharmed.
Both of your parents were nowhere in sight and he had feared that they’ve been eaten by the Titans. He didn’t want to take you in, he had tried to fight the urge to have his emotions connected to his job but once he lifted you up in his arms, your big eyes instantly melted his heart.
After that, you grew up under his roof and under his supervision. It had taken him years for him to be comfortable enough to tell you that he wasn’t your real father and that your real parents had died, you were around 16 when he first sat you down and told you.
But that didn’t change the love you had for your father, you were very close with him and he made sure to be the best he could be, better than his dad at least.
Since you had lived with Erwin, you were always around the scouts and the cadets, you even had a small crush on Jean and once your father found out, he definitely started playing the overbearing dad to the point where he would watch you closely and even told the scouts to not entertain you.
That really didn’t stop you nor Jean from being friends and even flirting here and there but Jean would get scared every time Erwin would give you that deadly look.
After that, he tried to keep you away from the cadets/scouts and gave you more chores and stuff to do like go into town to shop, to do things where it would be far from the cadets and he would even force you to eat in his office with him instead with the others, it had gotten on your nerves but you were smart enough to not talk back and defy him in anyway, Erwin can definitely be harsh with punishments and treat you like a cadet.
But Erwin also was too soft when it came to you, he wouldn’t do anything to hurt you or make you hate him because you grew up to be a well grounded person, you grew up around the sweetest and smartest guy from the scouts and you learned hell of a lot from him.
“I seen you with Jean today.” Erwin spoke as he ate his food and you tried to avoid the topic, acting as if you were just asking him questions.
“I was just asking him where the cleaning supplies were, he had them last.” You cleared your throat, the little lie he can easily see right through.
“You don’t have to lie to me, I raised you better than that, Y/N.” He raised his eyebrow, giving you another chance to tell the truth.
“Sorry, dad.” You mumbled, picking at the food on your plate to keep yourself distracted from not making eye contact with him.
“Look, I hate to be the bad guy here. I didn’t want you to be so involved with the scouts like this but I guess it was unavoidable when we live here. I just don’t want you to involve emotions when it’s not promised that he’ll make it back alive every mission.” Erwin had to be nice, only for your sake but deep down he wish he could lock you away from all the cadets.
“You’re acting as if I’m about to marry him.” You snort out a laugh, looking up at him and he chuckled.
“Certainly not, that would be over my dead body before I allow that to happen.” He admitted, making you furrow your eyebrows.
“You’re so dramatic. I’m not dating Jean.” You rolled your eyes, he was always dramatic you thought. He always watched over you like a hawk and you never really understood why when you were perfectly safe living inside the base.
But deep down Erwin always feared that he would end up losing you. Even though he always told himself, no emotions or personal feelings when it came to joining the scouts and becoming commander but now his life revolved around you, making sure you were safe, healthy and happy above all but what he also feared the most is that he won’t make it home one day to you and that’s why he’s always so loving and over protective.
That’s why he constantly wants to spend time with his only child, he didn’t want you to feel how he felt when his father disappeared. So when it came to you hanging out Jean a little too much, the father instinct kicked in and he tried to get between, afraid of losing you to not only Titans but to another man.
I hopeeeeee this turned out good for you🥺🤧 feel free to send in more requests.
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gale-gentlepenguin · 3 years
ML Fic: Per-Chat to Dream (Preview)
(So I have been working a bit on this fic idea. Which if you guys like it, I will be willing be setting up as my next big multi chapter fic. So make sure to comment and reblog if you like it.)
The beeping of the alarm reverberated through the room
Adrien's eyes opened lazily.
He sat up and stretched his arms upward as he yawned.
"Morning Plagg." Adrien yawned as he got out of bed.
He sheepishly walked to the bathroom.
"That akuma last night really wrecked my sleep time." Adrien commented as he brushed his teeth. "Don't even remember how we beat it. But at this point, I can take a guess on how."
He finished brushing his pearly whites and quickly tamed his bed head to resemble his trademark hair style.
"I am sure Ladybug is just as tired as I am."
He quickly got dressed and made sure his backpack was packed.
"Come on Plagg, I know your sleepy, but I need you to get up."
He realized that there was no response. Normally the small cat kwami would be complaining that his alarm clock is jealous of his loving relationship with sleep.
Adrien walked over to the part of the bed Plagg would call his home.
"Went under the pillow to try and sleep more? Typical plagg." Adrien rolled his eyes with a smile.
He pulled the pillow up to reveal nothing.
Adrien felt his tiredness turn to annoyance. He didn't have time for hide and seek with the grumpy god. Thankfully, he knew a trick. to find the clever Kwami.
"Plagg! Claws out!"
After a few seconds, nothing had changed. Adrien was still very much Adrien, just posing like an idiot.
"Plagg! Claws out!" Adrien shouted louder.
Still no transformation.
"What is happening?" Adrien pulled his hand back and his eyes went wide to realize, the miraculous was missing!
"Oh no..."
Adrien felt his skin turn pale and a pit of worry in his gut. This felt like the worst case scenario. He needed to find his ring!
Adrien rushed to his bed, pulling up the covers, sheets, pillows and anything that could be potentially hiding his ring. He started looking around his bathroom. He checked the floors, tables, shelves, any small crevice he could think of. He had turned his room upside down with no success.
He felt his mind racing, where could the miraculous be? Did... did they lose that fight last night? Was that why he couldn't remember?! Did the akuma take the miraculous and Hawkmoth was victorious?!
He stops for a moment. He needed to calm down.
'Hold on, that can't be what happened. Wouldn't the world be all grim and depressing with butterflies everywhere if he won? I know! I can just check the ladyblog. Get the details on the akuma attack last night. Maybe I can get some details on what happened.'
Adrien rushes to his computer and goes into his favorites tab, only to find the Ladyblog wasn't in it. He shrugged it off, he can type in the URL manually. He quickly types it into the site search bar... only to find nothing.
"The Ladyblog is gone?" Adrien spoke in a stunned whisper.
He exited out of the browser only to take notice of his computer wallpaper.
It was a picture of him, and a beautiful girl. They were smiling. Her cheeks were rosy and her black hair was down. Her blue eyes as blue as the sky. He looked at the picture of him closely, the way his eyes weren't even looking at the camera. They were fixed on the girl. He felt his heart beat a bit.
When did he have this picture taken? The last girl he dated was Kagami, and they didn't have any pictures together like this. Who was this gorgeous girl in the photo?
The blond teen looked closer, he knows she looked familiar. He felt like he knew her... He shook it off. Right now he didn't have time to figure out who the cute girl was, he had to figure out what happened to Plagg, to his miraculous.
"If only I could contact my lady..." Adrien sighed deeply. This would have been one of those situations where knowing her identity would have been beneficial.
He gets up from his desk chair. He needed to head to school anyway. He was relieved that his father probably wouldn't notice him leaving the house later then normal.
He grabbed his backpack and carefully made his way downstairs, when he heard something highly unusual, Laughter. But even weirder, it was his father laughing.
Adrien felt a chill go down his spine, was there some sort of akuma that was forcing people to laugh? And he didn't have plagg to help.
He rushed down the stairs and pushed his back to the wall. He listened closely. He needed to know the situation.
"...And thats when you said it?" a voice that adrien recognized as his father asked. The voice sounded like it was trying to hold back laughter.
"No, that was before I was heading to the car. He was so keen on keeping me there." another voice spoke, it sounded so familiar to Adrien but he couldn't place it. The voice felt warm and comforting.
"Right, that was when he was offering to pay you double for reshooting the scene." Gabriel stated.
"Yep, and I said. 'I don't care if you triple my pay, I haven't seen my husband and son for 9 months! I am heading home." The woman emphasized.
"And then he tried to say he'd black list you?" Gabriel chuckled.
"Thats when I turned around, walked up to him, looked him dead in the eye and said: 'Look Jeremy, I don't give a butterfly's buttcheek about your threats. You should be thankful I decided to even act in this colossal disappointment of a movie. I am going home, and you can kiss my ring once your movie gets nominated for an Oscar."
Adrien realized he knew that voice. he moved from his hiding spot. Standing in the entry way of the dining room.
"Mom?" Adrien barely managed to speak.
The blond woman in the chair in the classy light pink business suit stood from her chair.
"And so my little sunshine rises. I was wondering when I would see you up? Sorry I haven't gone up to see you yet, I just got home and I needed to tell your father about the ordeal I..."
Adrien hugged his mother. Holding her tightly.
"You're back right? like this is really you?" Adrien was trying to figure out what was going on in this world. Was this really his mother? Was this all a dream? A crazy roller coaster of a dream.
"I missed you too honey." She hugged back. She turned her head to Gabriel. "Remind me to call Jeremy after this, I need to give him another verbal lashing for making my son miss me so much!"
"Will do." Gabriel nodded.
Adrien released the hug.
"I have so many questions..." Adrien started. But Gabriel noticed the time.
"Trust me son, you can ask your mother all about her latest movie after school. You are going to be late if you don't head off." Gabriel instructed.
Adrien felt this day get weirder. Seeing his dad so... happy felt like such an oddity.
His mind was a medley of thoughts that just didn't make sense.
"R-right. I will see you... both after school" Adrien said as he started heading to the door.
"Hold it!"
Adrien froze, his mind still processing the fact that his mother is here and very much alive.
She walks over to him. She kisses his forehead, the blond feeling a sense of calm he desperately needed. His mother always did know how to put him at ease.
"I am finally back, so you need to talk with that lovely girl you have been talking with and set up a time for us to all have dinner together."
"Yes, don't try to play dumb. The girl that you have been dating for well over 6 months now. Just because I am away doesn't mean I don't follow up with things going on in your life. Your father has sent me some photos of the two of you, and I must say, your father should ask her to help model with you."
Adrien felt his cheeks heat up, he did see the photo of the girl she was referring to. So apparently that girl is his girlfriend?! He would probably feel lucky if he could figure out what exactly was going on.
"I... I will talk with her about it." Adrien managed to answer.
"Great! Now off you go!"
Adrien walked out the door and headed to the car where his driver was waiting like usual.
Though as he was about to get into the car.
"Love you!" he heard his mother call out.
Adrien looked to his mom, a smile slipped on his face.
"Love you too mom."
He hopped into the car and the driver drove off to the school.
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dasomlimie · 3 years
Heyyy! I hope ur doing okay if ur requests r open can l request reader asking if she can see whats under sanzu’s mask like that one scene in naruto where he tried so hard to see kakashi’s mask something similar and funny like that take ur time l love ur work <333
characters : aged up!—Sanzu Haruchiyo
a/n : i cant believe im rewrtiting this sorry if this is half assed tumblr didn't save my draft earlier, enjoy ig
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Sanzu Haruchiyo..... your masked bf sometimes you were wondering what behind that mask but ofc you wanted to respect his boundaries and dont want to make him uncomfortable, but curiousity start to eat you alive so you have a little plan in your mind
sometimes there's a lot of idea in your mind on why Sanzu didn't remove his mask, maybe he have big lips that unmatched with his face future? or maybe he have crooked teeth? or even worse he doesn't have mouth! but you scratched the last idea since how did he speak if he doesn't have mouth? his nose? yeah that idea once stuck in your head but you decided to remove it because it doesn't make sense at all
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you called Sanzu to meet you up infront of a restaurant which he agreed since maybe you were hungry and he is too, you greet Sanzu before taking his hand and walk into the restaurant with him
"today is my treat" you said smiling he raise an eyebrow you were cheerful more than usual "did something good happen?" he ask you shook his head "nope i just wanted to spend time with my lovely boyfriend" you said he nodded start looking at the menu
"are you ready to order?" he ask after a few minutes you nodded letting him call the waiter, you both said your order as the writer write down your order, you noticed Sanzu's order was a heavy meal he probably going to remove his mask
you smile to yourself before mentally patting yourself for coming up with this idea as soon as your food arrived you stare at Sanzu causing him to raise an eyebrow "whats up my love?" he ask you shook your head "nothing eat up" he nod "you too" you nod
you stare as he was about to remove his mask until your phone start ringing you look at the caller ID noticing it was your boss you look at Sanzu "eat first i have to answer this call" you said he nod as he watch your figure walking out from the restaurant
you listen to your boss rant about how her husband keep cancelling their date and how she think he was cheating on her while you were wondering why the hell your boss telling you all of this as she finally hang up you walk into the restaurant only to be greeted by Sanzu scrolling through his phone you blink
"oh baby! what took you too long? oh and im sorry i finished my food first i haven't eat since yesterday" he said giving you closed eyes smile you nod sitting "did you forgot to eat again?" you ask he nod "im very busy yesterday and just go to sleep as soon as i got home" he said you nod
attempt 1 : failed
"want some?" you ask offering your food he shook his head "im full already" he said you nodded visibly deflated "whats up pretty girl? you were all cheerful a while ago" he said chuckling you shook your head from side to side finding a reason and decided to use your boss phone call as your reason "she did it again" you said he pat your head
"did she start ranting to you again? what was is about?" he ask you sigh "about her husband this and that you know the usual why don't they just divorce?" you said leaning to your chair
"maybe you should find a new job if you were that sick of your boss personal life rant" he said you nodded "yeah i should" you said
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the second attempt might make him mad but what is life without a little thrill and spice right? right.
you took a deep breath before apologizing gripping the tray in your hand you walk inside the room smiling at Sanzu you walk toward him then purposely trip yourself
you watch everything happen in slow motion how the juice flew and wetting his mask you cheer silently before your face kiss the floor you groan but being muffled by your carpet Sanzu gasp ignoring his wet clothes and mask
"y/n?! are you okay? oh my why are you suddenly become clumsy?" he ask as he help you to get up you have to swallow your image its not even 6 month into your relationship here you are doing stupid things just to what behind his mask
he hiss when he saw your red forehead with a little bloody lips "we should get that lips treated" he suggest you nodded "let me put this away your hoodie was in my closet along with extra mask" you said silently before walking out from the room leaving a little space for you to peak in
you feel your cheeks heat up as you watch his half naked body you silently cheer as he was about to remove his mask when your doorbell rang causing you to curse silent
you keep debating either to look and discover what behind your boyfriend mask or to answer the door you were deep in thought when Sanzu clear his throat his cheeks tinted with rosy pink just like his hair
"i didn't know you're that type of person" he said clearing his throat again you look up before cursing yourself "oh no you got the wrong idea let me go and answer the door ok?" you said walking a little bit too faster "be careful!" Sanzu called as he look you who almost tripped twice
attempt 2 : failed
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you look at Sanzu as you keep following—more like stalking—him you tried to make sure you didn't lost him maybe he would remove his mask at the most random time especially when he's alone? yeah thats what you think ,you were now dressed in all black outfit paired with black cap and black mask
yup much like a stalker
you watch him keep turning and leading you to a dark hallways wondering what he was doing here, little did you know he noticed you following him but didn't have any idea it was his girlfriend
"fuck" you curse silently as you lost him you were about to take another turn when someone pull you to opposite turn you yelped both in suprise and pain when your back make a harsh contact to the cold and dirty wall you hiss from how strong someone's grip on your hands is
"who are you and why are you following me?" he ask you stay silent too scared to answer him, Sanzu chuckle "why are you all silent? acting all scared are we?" he said you shiver under his sharp gaze
"i ask you questions" he said you shut your eyes he sigh annoyed and start to loose his patients then decided to remove both your mask and cap you felt his grip on your hands loosening
"y/n?" he said in softer voice than earlier you still shut your eyes tightly slightly trembling "darling look at me" he said as one of hand slither to your waist while the other cup your cheeks thumb caressing your cheeks "open your eyes my love im not going to hurt you" he said you open your eyes slowly meeting his soften gaze
"why are you following me like that? i thought you were one of those people who tried to get me again" he said chuckling you didn't answer instead hugging him burying your face into his chest
"did i scare you that much?" he ask you shook your head as a no, you were actually embarassed of yourself for doing dumb thing to get him to remove his mask
"then why?" he ask hugging you close to him "im sorry" you said he raise an eyebrow "why?" "im sorry for doing dumb thing lately and following you like earlier" you said he chuckled you look up to him
"i get it now" he said removing you from him gently then cup your cheeks with both of his hands "you know you can just ask right?" you pout "i just dont want to make you feel uncomfortable" he shook his head
"you will never im actually waiting for you to ask me by yourself" he said you nodded "then can i uh you know" he nod letting you remove his mask
heart beating loudly Sanzu was prepared from any insult from you yet nothing came our from your mouth, does he freak you out? he was about to apologize when you whispered out a very unexpected word he expects you to say
"beautiful" you said he froze not believing what he just heard "what?" he ask for confirmation "i said beautiful" you repeat before caressing his scars with both of your thumb he sigh in relief
"really? i thought you were going to freaked out" he said you shook your head with confused face while your attention was still on his face "why would i?" you ask
"people always told me its disgusting i thought you would too but apparently not im relieved" you heart broke a little from his words "who the hell said your scars is disgusting?! let me beat them up" you said with determination he shook his head "its okay you were an absolute angel i cant imagine you beating people up" he said pressing a kiss on your forehead
"you look hotter without mask" you whisper he smile "is that so?" he ask you nodded then cover his face with his mask "and only me can see you my beautiful and handsome and hot boyfriend without his mask no one can see your full face they would fall for you" you said he chuckled before ruffling your hair
"whatever you say angel" he said you smile as he lead you out from the hallway just so your know he would use your silly attempt to tease you in the future
attempt 3 : successfully failed
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!%! © HNEULWH— i did not allow my work to be used or adapted in any form without my permission !#//
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spaceiis0daz · 2 years
obligatory forgotten land ramble post
GOD. mind if i ramble about kirby and the forgotten lands ending. because holY SHIT. i know i beat the game like in march when the game came out but that doesnt matter. in this essay i will
incoming ramble, plus obvious katfl spoilers lol
now let me just say, i came into this game thinking that maybe the ending would be less insane, yknow, cause new game, new beginning n stuff, may wanna take it easy a little, NOPE. not at ALL WHAT HAPPENS. and honestly? i am sO glad they took this route dude.
during the lab discovera elevator scene i was literally trembling, just.. i KNEW this id-f86 creature was gonna be some horrific eldrich abomination we were gonna have to fight and i was TERRIFIED. like, the genuine terror they created in this scene is fucking immaculate. and the jaunty happy little elevator remix of the main theme just adds to it, just makes the scene all the more unsettling, and i fucking loved every last second of it.
then when i walk into the ominous glowing door i am greeted with THIS son of a bitch:
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this thing struck genuine fear into my heart and what made this even SCARIER for me was because I didn't see that elfilin was safely locked away in another container right next to forgo, so i thought this thing was a horribly mutated fucked up elfilin. yeah
honestly i kind of wondered what it would be like if that were the case, because the idea of the cute happy little big eared creature you've spent most of your adventure with being mutated into this fetus-like abomination would have been absolutely HORRIFYING.
honestly ive found fetus imagery in a horror context is just. YES. so good. i LOVE kirby's horror side just as much as the cute cuddly happy side, best of both worlds, but i digress
side note: unpopular opinion but leon's battle theme actually SLAPS its seriously underrated and for what
anyways back on track, i LOVE the emotion leongar's voice actor put into his voice clips, like he genuinely sounds like hes in EXTREME amounts of pain with his attacks, especially in the first phase, and. AUGHGHGH THIS GAME /POS
oh yeah. none of this fucking COMPARES to the cutscene after all this. and just. the fact that forgo is so angry with you it doesnt even care about its plan anymore. it just wants to kill kirby at that point. so it talks THROUGH LEONS BODY (i headcanon this wasn't even leongar's voice, it was just flat out forgo's voice) and just. the way forgo talks is also terrifying like. holy fuck
and the DETAIL they put into its eyes, it really just adds to it all, like it looks so realistic and horrifying. i know kirby games get dark, i've been a longtime fan but holy SHIT this entire ending is comparable to zero ripping its fucking eye out.
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call me a piss baby all you want, but this was the first time a kirby game EVER made me feel GENUINE fear
like. the more you look at it the more terrifying it gets, and just. the two tongues it has, the heads of all the enemies you've encountered throughout the game, just. GOD yes
at some point during the forgo chase theme, there's a segment where you can hear a series of terrified animal yelps. thats right. fucking ANIMAL yelps. the creatures absorbed by forgo aren't just dead! THEY ARE STILL ALIVE AND ARE TERRIFIED AND ARE PROBABLY IN HORRIFIC AMOUNTS OF PAIN. HOLY FUCK HAL ARE YALL OKAY OVER THERE
honestly, i'm NOT complaining about what we got at all, but dude, just iMAGINE how much scarier this could have been. imagine if there were alarms n shit setting off because forgo escaped, and the pre-recorded voice of the tour lady echoing through the hallway, and if it touches you, youll die instantly or if the boss was just harder, just. GOD i love this ending so much
imagine for when we see the concept art for forgotten land, GOD i cant wait for hal to drop the concept art for it to see if they had any even more horrifying ideas
im tired its like 8 am im gonna wrap this very long post up and ill write a sequel to it sometime lmao
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