#they've been my top band for... at least two years in a row
voxiiferous · 10 months
9 and 45 @shadowofthehost (The fact this is a blind choice makes me incredibly curious lol)
@shadowofthehost | spotify wrapped is here! send me a number from 1-100 for a headcanon for our muses based on that song. send 🌀 for me to randomize a number.
9. Heartbreak Feels So Good - Fall Out Boy
No matter what they tell you The future's up for grabs and no No matter what they sell you Is there a word for bad miracle? Nobody said the road was endless Nobody said the climb was friendless But could we please pretend this won't end?
There are moments when the differences between Vox and Vincent must become apparent. Vox sets rules for himself that Vincent pays no mind to, he discard parts of himself and the past in the name of progress. Here he is, making the future, determining everything that will happen from atop a neon tower.
No one ever sees beyond the veneer he creates... and then Astor comes along, and it it all becomes much harder to pretend that everything is perfectly fine. Astor feels like something new and interesting, a breath of fresh air compared to Valentino, who had, at one point, seemed saint and saviour; something new, something fascinating, someone he could love. Astor reaches out and gets shocked, and seems excited about it.
It is this turning point that creates so many problems, because Vox has protected himself through these walls, adjusted himself to the heartbreak and the repetitive notions of a lover he fools himself into thinking are acceptable. How long can he pretend that this state of affairs can last?
Heartbreak feels good, until it doesn't. Until he's looking at a living shadow who's somehow the brightest thing in his life.
45. La Seine - A Monster In Paris (Okay technically the one on my playlist is the original French version but shhhh, it's easier to use the English here. It's pretty much an identical song).
I don't know, don't know, so don't ask me why That's how we are, La Seine and I I don't know, don't know, so don't ask me why That's how we are, La Seine and I I feel alive when I'm beside La Seine, La Seine, La Seine From this angle like an angel La Seine, La Seine, La Seine
There is a lot that attracts Vincent to Astor initially and simultaneously, a lot that terrifies him. He's in Hell, he's looking at a him with a TV for a head, and a man who sweeps in and charms him with all the power of Times Square. But it is, fear aside, exhilarating. If you were to ask him before, he would have said he was not a man that falls in love easily, but here he is.
Staying with Astor doesn't mean dying, but it does mean Hell, and yet... he makes it worth it. He chooses to stay with him, because he feels more alive in Pentagram City than in the endless drudgery of a rat-race. There is a sense of Paradise in that.
He doesn't think that the fortune teller knew what she was doing when she sent him here, and in fairness, if it hadn't been for Astor being very unexpected, he would not have stayed. He would have fallen to a future wherein he was miserable but successful, and done nothing that did not lead him to the exact same fate. So perhaps it was coincidence, perhaps some destiny. He doesn't know, and probably never will, but he knows that he's gone on Astor in the same way that New York settled into place like a second skin.
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jlf23tumble · 2 years
about the broke up/never broke up theme; I don’t think it’s reaching to say that they broke up looking at their lyrics and signs. I, personally, don’t think they’ve broken up. not fully. but I definitely don’t think they’ve had a perfect ao3 relationship. I think they’ve had some rocky patches, more than once. I think they’ve fought a lot. I think they’ve had small “breaks” where they are don’t talk to me leave me alone. I definitely don’t think they’ve had a fairytale relationship where everything is always good between them, but I don’t think they broke up. I think that all of these fights and leave me alone’s where intensive, and I think they sucked at communication. especially when the band broke up and they were no longer required to spend every hour with each other due to band stuff. and all of this, together with them both being dramatic people, can create songs that sound like break up songs imo.
I guess I wanted to show that not all ppl in the never broke up camp believes they’ve had a fairytale story. but there are some that believe that they might not have been far from a break up, but just didn’t take that final step, if that makes sense. you don’t have to publish this if you don’t want to, and if this was a really unwanted message, then I apologize!! have a good day/night
I got three in a row in this vein, and I'm not one to just say the same thing and give a wall of anon answers, so to the other two, see the tags! For this particular anon, I get what you're saying--I do!--but I also want this camp to lean into why it's such a goddamned problem to say the words "break up." Especially if you can easily say yeah, they had all these fights and arguments and I'm not talking to you periods, it's not a fairytale, they could have "had a break" for a week (a month, a year) and then gotten back together (because you CAN say that, I totally see that, too), so why can't the words "break up" be part of that narrative?? And I ask because I can think of at least two hardcore break-up points in time off the top of my head, zero research, and I'm sure more out there beyond lyrics. It's not an illogical thing to say, and yet for some reason it is? Like it's this forbidden concept, and much like people saying it's some kind of travesty for Louis to be perceived as a father, I do not get the issue here, why is this a problem??? AGAIN, I'm not saying I know for a fact they broke up, I can point to all kinds of "back together moments," too, but it grinds my gears that so many people can jump out there and say they know for a FACT that they never ever broke up, they've only fucked one person--each other--it's a concept that blows my mind, given so many things pointing to the contrary! (anon, I love you, please never apologize, I always want your messages, you can even DM me if it's easier, hope you're having a good day/night, too!)
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julialouisdreyfest · 2 years
Idaho Green Interview
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First off: ASL?
Austin: Idaho Green- 14 years old (oof), technically I guess gender fluid, and normally would say Brooklyn, but I think technically Caleb lives in Queens now! So I guess I'll just say New York. Originally from Huntley Project Montana.
Jordan: 43, yes please, in my parent's living room but living in the Big Apple where not having anxiety when you go outside is a win
Secondly: How bout them Mets? 
Austin: This could be a big year! All the pieces are there, and they've been put together, it's just a matter of keeping them in place! Plus the playoffs are just always weird- anything where you have to win more than you lose, three times in a row will require luck, no matter how good you are. But I suppose having Jacob deGrom and Max Scherzer start your first two games helps lol.
Jordan:  I might have lost $150 in sports betting but they got me through last year and they'll get me through this one. R e s p e c t t h e p o l a r b e a r 
I was about to make a cheeky joke about the high cost of living in some parts of Brooklyn, where you all currently live, but it’s turning out to be pretty comparable to places like Bozeman these days so, there’s not much to say. Aside from the obvious population difference, how do crowds at shows in NYC compare to those in Billy? Anything about playing in Billings you prefer over the Big App, or vice versa?  
Austin: it's hard to say now, because since we only come back every once in a while, Billings shows are kind of objectively cooler and more fun to play than NYC shows, which is super cool that people still come out and give a shit about us! But when I used to live in Billings, and we were doing shows on like a monthly/bi-weekly basis, and the turnout was iffy, that sorta got frustrating. And when that same thing happens in New York, it's less depressing, on like an existential level. Like, the idea of simply surviving in New York feels like a success, which, being a relatively easy thing to accomplish on a day to day basis, makes you feel more successful on a day to day basis. Unless of course, you die.
Jordan: Honestly, I've come out the other side with NYC shows. At first I hated how nobody will mosh or dance but once you get over how it's a rarity you understand that people can be into your band and literally just stand there. Even then - I've been in some pretty fun pits in Brooklyn! But Billings shows are almost always more fun than some shitty New York rock club. 
Since the lineup’s been a bit of a revolving door over the years, could you tell us the current lineup/who will be playing at the fest this year? 
Austin: great question! outside of Me, Jordan, Caleb and Pete, Ty will be joining us. And then I'm sure more folks will be a part of the show, but that will probably get decided a few days/hours/minutes before the actual show. We'll see!
The "Idaho Green Fambly (sic) Band" has been around for about 14 years now, yeah? How does it feel? How much longer can you go? Can we count on seeing Idaho Green open for John Cougar Mellencamp at the MetraPark Arena a couple of decades from now? How do you keep things fresh after all these years? 
Austin: "You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain" - Neil Young
Jordan: Never tell me the odds
Please forgive the pedestrian question, but what are your top five biggest influences? Musically or otherwise.
Austin: The 2002 Anaheim Angels, my roomate's cat, Pocket, and Travis, Walt, and Hunter from Paris, Texas
Jordan:  "I Think you Should Leave," '60s and '00s Garage rock, the feeling when someone says something that's bullshit but you don't correct them, GBV, massive amounts of anxiety without an available release valve. 
Let’s do a few rounds of kiss, marry, kill:
-Rancher Bones, Uffdahd, Body Language 
Austin: Kill Rancher Bones- it's long and I'm always afraid of fucking up the riff part. Fuck Uffdahd, it's got that kind of energy I guess, at least of those three, and marry Body Language since it's a perfect song.
Jordan: "Kiss" Rancher Bones, kill "Uffhdahd" because you made me do this you sick bastard, marry "Body Language" so sexy
-Gallatin river, Madison river, Jefferson river
Austin: I am ashamed to say I have never fished any of these three or the Missouri! so they are all kind of the same to me
-George, Jerry, Newman 
Austin: You have to kill Newman. George would be miserable to be married to so I will fuck him. Marry Jerry for his money.
Jordan: Marry Jerry (even though he'd cheat on me my whole life), kill Newman (cause I'd rather "kiss" George), "kiss" George because you made me do this you sick bastard. Do you know how awkward/funny he would be about being forced to have to "kiss" a man. Like the best unreleased Seinfeld episode of all time.
One more game: You're stranded on a deserted island, and you can only keep three tools in your dad's truck. Which tools do you bring? 
Austin: Oh damn this is a good one! Hmmm... trying to think of things that would be 1. necessary on a desert island, and 2. difficult to replicate with the resources available. One would be needle nose pliers- being able to grip things, big and small, as well as a half weapon...I'm tempted to say "hammer" or something but honestly, if I'm using my dad's tool box in his truck- I know he has like 50 feet of vinyl rope and a roll of gorilla tape, and I think those would be more valuable than any other traditional tool one would find in their dad's truck. 
Jordan: A leatherman (cause duh), Ty Herman, a tool shaped like a fully-functioning airplane that Ty and I can ride in.
It looks like you’ll be going on a little tour with Scuba Steve & the Sharks following Dreyfest to hit some other MT tour destinations like Missoula, Bozeman and… oh, does that say Havre, the crown jewel of the Hi-Line?… and Whitehall, whose population just reached 1k?… You know, you don’t need to make up a whole tour to get your friends to go to the Lewis & Clark Caverns or Buffalo jump museum with you. You can just ASK! 
Austin: We were actually thinking about going to the Lewis & Clark Caverns! I have never been (have heard mixed reviews from everyone that's checked it out tbh) and if the Whitehall show falls through (I wrote to the city but have not received a reply) I was thinking of finally checking it out. 
Favorite thing about leaving the city/returning to Billings?
 Austin: watering the tomato plants at my parent's house
Favorite thing about leaving Billings/returning to the city? 
Austin: watering the tomato plants on the roof at my apartment 
Jordan: taking all of the things I bought without a sales tax back to Brandon's America. 
Do you have a favorite memory from past Dreyfestestes? 
Austin: I think in 2015 I was living with Caleb at his dad's house and on the morning after day 1, I think I woke up to David from WhiteCatPink in the living room playing the bagpipes, with somebody's dog sitting in the living room just kind of standing right in front of him, watching/listening. Just a totally normal, empty living room, and WhiteCatPink playing the bagpipes and a random dog hanging out.
Jordan: Watching Noise Noise Noise's last ever set and seeing Kelly throw his guitar across the stage in such a way to have it spin and perfectly bounce against an amp. The sound of that guitar bouncing off that amp is the purest distillation of rock and roll. 
What is New York’s hottest club right now?
 Austin: I know the answer for this one- New York’s hottest club is RASH. Located in the produce aisle of a Bushwick Foodtown grocery store, this nightlife hotspot is the creation of senicidal cokehead Andrew Blowmo. This place has everything- gauze, lumps, derelicts, Julia Salazar, A CITI BIKE THAT JUST WON'T LOCK. And look over there- is that Brandon Nimmo? No, it’s just a Honduran woman with a handicart selling bags of sliced fruit.
Jordan: Either Austin's roof or Austin's bathroom
You guys put out Rancher Bones close to four years ago now. Got anything else cookin’ for us hungry, hungry hippos?
Austin: Yes! We recorded some ~new~ songs with Hunter Davidsohn just a few weeks ago- hoping to get those puppies mixed and matched and mastered and plastered and laquered on wax as a 7 inch by the end of the year. Then we're thinking of finally releasing the literal dozens of songs we've recorded over the past 10+ years that have never seen the light of day (if we can find them lol).
You can catch Idaho Green during this year's fest at Nova Center on August 6th at 11pm.
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