#theyre just so batshit bonkers to me i love them so much
vurelly · 1 year
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my constant mood while drawing for the last 30 minutes
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cyberdragoninfinity · 4 months
have you played other TCGs? If so, how do you feel about them compared to yugioh? (You can go as in-depth as you want with this)
mm, i played a little bit of MTG back in late high school/early college (red/black rakdos dragon/demon deck 🤘🏼) and I dabbled with the Pokemon TCG back on its old online app some years back (first real time playing it consistently, despite having collected the cards since i was baby), but Yugioh is definitely the tcg i've ended up playing the most just over the course of the last three years............i think it's also definitely my favorite, eheheh.
I do still really like the art on Magic cards and PKMN cards especially, and I appreciate that theyre pretty easy to pick up relatively speaking, but mechanics wise yugioh definitely has my heart. Yugioh is just such absolutely insane horseshit on every level that I'm just entranced by it. Yugioh is a fucking nightmare to play in a way my on-off stints playing Pokemon have never reached, and I mean that in the most loving way possible. I wouldnt call Pokemon TCG boring. it just doesn't really grab my brain the same way... I havent properly played MTG in ages so I don't remember all the ins and outs of it but I feel a little similarly; for whatever reason it just doesnt Grip my psyche as much whatever the hell Yugioh is doing does. I think things like mana and energy cost stress me out in a way I don't really like, that might be a part of it. I dont like games with resource management very much :P I like that ygo doesnt really have that, instead opting for What The Fuck Ever, yugioh is a looney tunes ass game. yugioh archetypes are never not a little bit batshit bonkers. Figuring out yugioh strategies makes me feel like a god. yugioh.
(i do also really like the expanded universe stuff MTG gets up to.... i splurged on some of the Fallout cards recently and theyre soooo coooool wahhhh)
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larksinging · 6 years
if this one isn’t too sad for you to do as reminiscence… what are some of your favorite sbfp lets plays of all time?
alright lemme see if i can do this, itd probably be good for me to try 
i have a soft spot for like, all their silent hill LPs. i think downpour was one of the first ones i ever watched... even though its not really my favorite of theirs after a while (i think they were a bit too harsh on it, they might’ve been kind if they’d played it... after silent hill was dead, but who can say). but it had some iconic moments and i think my first introduction to silent hill properly?? so. i think homecoming is a great Bad game lp. their shattered memories is just a solid one, a good liam lp. SH2 was good just because its... SH2, and you can tell pat loves SH. SH3 was pretty good, i think its one of the last lps that matt and pat together where you can tell theyre still really having fun. SH1 was fine. their shitstorm episodes on the others are pretty good
their david cage LPs are also standouts. i honestly feel like a lot of the backlash against david cage was popularized by them, so good job boys! id have to say... indigo prophecy and beyond two souls were the peak. indigo prophecy just because its Peak Salt of pat and woolie remembering how much they hate it. beyond two souls is a meh game but a very solid LP, iirc. maybe also the heavy rain stream they did with woolie, i think that one was better than their first lp, maybe? detroit was also pretty good, the fact a video essay about detroit used their clip of the graffiti moment says a lot. 
omikron gets its own paragraph because that lp is fucking bonkers. some of those moments are still the funniest thing ive seen. like the part where the menu screen glitches and won’t come up and they just have a meltdown? thats the funniest shit 
i have a soft spot for the shitstorm in general, even if last year’s felt... pretty rough. i think like, 2015-2017 shitstorm were REALLY top notch and some of their best stuff 
i really enjoyed their MGSV lp, though thats bias because i was really into MGS at the time. but the dynamic of pat and liam is really fun, and pat trying to guess everything. actually i remember that one being fun because its all four of them for the first couple episodes, and then just pat and liam for the rest
i feel like i should mention metal wolf chaos because its On Brand 
maybe this is an Umpopular Opinion but i loved their dark souls 3 lp. i thought the mix of pat woolie AND matt lifted up the dark soul’s mood, since i havent been able to get through many of their other soulsborne lps. and i always liked how passionate pat is about dark souls lore, even if he’s... not always right.... skeleton ball is iconic.
i only watched the first season of their TWDG lp but i just remebered their grudge against kenny being hilarious
oh, deadly premonition, how COULD i forget. the LP matches the game so perfectly, its just the perfect brand of the boys fucking up and the game being absolute batshit and its just. peak SBFP
god i don’t know if i can list any more from the top of my head without checking their page or the wiki and im not sure im ready to do that yet. 
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wengoku · 6 years
OKAY BUT THE THING IS?? THE FACT IS???? NARUTO N SASUKE LITERALLY LIKE INVENTED BEING SOULMATES. THEY INVENTED IT THEY PATENTED IT. LIKE you take such a massive CHUNK out of their characters if you removed the other from them like naruto as a SERIES? its ASS its SHIT the writing is BOOTY STINKY the plot is SHART you know whats good in this series??? the CHARACTERS the BONDS and sasuke and naruto ARE THOSE BONDS!!!!!! NARUTO WOULD FALL SOO FLAT IF NARUTO N SASUKE DIDNT EXIST JUS LOVING EACH OTHER STUPIDLY. the fucking drama of it all sends me beyond the BRINK like i just go fucking bonkers like secretly admiring and watching each other since childhood and wanting to be friends but being scared of reaching out...... how they always wanted to be together like at LEAST as friends and how when they think theyre "dead" sasuke is so relaxed and relieved that he wont have to fight naruto anymore and when naruto literally has a panic attack and passes out over thinking sasukes gonna die and begging on his knees for sasuke's life and them standing in front of GOD and telling GOD!!!!! that the other is their closest bond even after being separated for years. how naruto goes absolutely batshit when anyone shit talks sasuke or even talks about him wrong. sasuke standing in front of the great naruto bridge and gettin jus the tiniest hint of a smile. its so fucking BIZARRE because like so much of the series hinges on their relationship and we dont even see that much of them together it's just this WAITING and how we see them separated that communicates how dear they are to each other like its fucking bananas. it's the fucking. i know i sound absolutely insane but kishimoto wrote like a decade and half epic about these two crackheads and i dont see how theres any conclusion OTHER than that they love each other more than anything else in the world and that (even unintentionally!!) theyre literally soulmates and GOD dont even 😭😭😭😭 when sasuke asks naruto why he'd do... everything he's done for him and naruto says he cant explain, he just cant stand to see sasuke in pain all alone 😭😭😭 and sasuke UGH I GOTTA STOP HERE . I KNOW IM PREACHING TO THE CHOIR HERE WITH THIS BUT IM JUST. LIKE SOULMATES. LIKE IT SUCKS SOMETIMES AND ITS HARD AND THEY DRIVE EACH OTHER CRAZY BUT THEY REALLY JUS WANTED TO BE WITH EACH OTHER. THATS IT. AND ALL THIS WACKO SHIT HAPPENED . ITS JUST PATENTED TRUE LOVE LIKE SNS(TRUE LOVE TM) IS HOW I SEE IT. THANK YOU.
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