#thich nhat han
bellesmots · 5 months
In with the Calm #FridayPhilosophy
Taking a deep breath on a Friday morning
Those of you who follow my daily dose of #micropoetry know that my region is currently experiencing air quality issues…again. So my recent writing is all about air, and how much I enjoy breathing. In that vein, today’s blog post, “In with the Calm” is my meditative thought for #FridayPhilosophy. “You honestly expect me to breathe in a world without air?” – Renee Ahdieh “Breathe with…
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notasfilosoficas · 2 years
“La calidad de nuestra vida depende de las semillas que sembremos en nuestra conciencia.”
Thich Nhat Hanh
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Nace en octubre de 1926, fue un monje budista Zen vietnamita, nominado por Martin Luther King para el premio Nobel de La Paz en 1967.  
Fue catedrático en la Universidad de Columbia y en la Sorbona de París. 
En Vietnam fundó la Universidad budista de Vanh Hanh y en Francia una comunidad budista llamada Plum Village.
Ingresó al monasterio a la edad de 16 años, se graduó en la Bao Quoc Buddhist Academy en Vietnam Central, en donde recibió formación Zen, y en la escuela de budismo Mahayana fue ordenado monje en 1949.
En los años siguientes fundó Lá Boi Press, la Universidad Van Han Buddist en Saigón y la escuela Youth for Social Services la cual formaba cuerpos neutrales de activistas budistas por la paz, quienes acudían a las poblaciones rurales a establecer escuelas, levantar hospitales y reconstruir pueblos.
Durante la guerra de Vietnam, en 1960 Nhat Hanh fue a Estados Unidos a estudiar religiones comparadas en la Universidad de Princeton, en donde posteriormente fue nombrado profesor de budismo en la Universidad de Columbia. 
En 1963, regresa a Vietnam para ayudar a sus seguidores en sus acciones no violentas a favor de La Paz. 
Posteriormente le fue negado su retorno a Vietnam, viviendo en Francia su exilio, y no fue sino hasta 2005 que le fue concedido el permiso del gobierno vietnamita para regresar a la edad de 92 años.
Nhat Hanh es conocido en occidente como el inventor del Mindfulness o conciencia plena, una industria que solo en Estados Unidos nueve mas de mil millones de euros al año. 
La lista de fieles al Mindfulness y la meditación reúne a estrellas de la cultura y el espectáculo ya que su principal ventaja y parte de su éxito es que aunque es una técnica de origen religioso, no hace falta ser budista para practicarla ni tampoco es necesario creer en ningún Dios. 
Es autor de mas de 70 libros sobre enseñanzas zen vendidos en todo el mundo.
En 2014 sufre un derrame cerebral que lo incapacita para hablar y experimenta parálisis en algunas partes de la parte derecha de su cuerpo. 
Muere a la edad de 95 años en su casa en el templo Tu Hieu, en la localidad vietnamita de Hue, en donde se había mudado para pasar los últimos años de su vida.
Fuentes Wikipedia y https://www.revistavanityfair.es lavanguardia.com
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tdgimex · 2 months
Cung khong ban giao cong trinh
dai tien do, cung khong ban giao cong trinh."Minh Hoa Chuong nhiu may, trong giong noi lanh nhat khong phan biet duoc cam xuc: "Cho nen, nguoi con muon tranh cong a?"Ngoi Bach Tuyen cuoi kho: "T la vi dai su huynh.Cuoc doi cua Ngoi Bach Tuyen la mot vo kich cam am dam, Ngoi Mac Duyen la mot tia nang duy nhat xam nhap trong do. Nang ay mai mai khong the quen duoc nhung chuyen xay ra sau khi minh bi xam pham, bi nhuc ma, Ngoi Mac Duyen khoac y phuc cho nang, dan nang ra, diu dang chu dao rua mat giup nang ay giong nhu khong biet gi ca.Ngoi Bach Tuyen khong khong che duoc yeu mot phan am ap kia, the nhung, anh nang cung se chi thich anh nang. Mot tieu su muoi moi den Ngoi gia, mot nu tu hoan toan nguoc lai voi nang ay, anh mat dai su huynh nhanh chong doi di.Ngoi Bach Tuyen han nu tu da cuop dai su huynh di, cho du nang lao dao chay toi chao hoi, cung se bi Ngoi Bach Tuyen khong co y tot day nga xuong dat.Dan dan, Ngoi Chu Nghien cung khong dhieu nam, thap toan thap my, cuoi cung, cung chang qua la kich mot vai cua mot nguoi.Mac du vo dien roi cua nang ay khong doi duoc nguoi xem, nhung uoc mot mang.Phat trien sau do con thuan loi hon nhung gi nang ay doan, nguoi mo cua buoc vao chinh la su huynh, nang ay tron trong goc kin, vao luc han day cua vao thi keo dut day nho, de mau chay ra.Qua nhien su huynh khong he phat hien gi ca, nguoi ngoai cua deu tan ra, Ngoi Bach Tuyen thua dip chay tron, dua theo ke hoach ban dau di tim hoa no.Ban dang ngo la hoa no cung khong nhan co hoi dua ra yeu cau qua dang gi, ong ta chi im lang nhin nang. Bang su yem tro cua hoa no, Ngoi Bach Tuyen bat dau gia than gia quy trong phu. Nang ay mang theo con roi giong minh nhu duc hat hi khuc giua dem khuya, du la bi nguoi di ngang qua nhin thay duoc cung khong bien mat.Nang ay gio du tro o Ngoi gia giong nhu da dien mat roi, nang ay cung khong biet rot cuoc thi nang ay muon bi nguoi phat hien, hay la khong muon bi nguoi phat hien.Luc nang ay dat thi the gia, da tung vua hen mon vua ac doc nghi, stieu su muoi moi la hai nguoi xung doi nhat.Nang ay qua met moi, neu nhu co the thi nang ay muon di den mot noi khong co su phu cung khong co su huynh, bat dau lai tu dau.Minh Hoa Chuong khong to thai do, du rang han rat rung dong voi dieu kien cua Ngoi Bach Tuyen. Huyen Kieu Ve nhan duoc mat bao, noi co the se co nguoi dong tay voi dai dien sac phong Thai tu, Minh Hoa Chuong tra theo tinh bao den Ngoi gia.Nguoi dung sau la ai that ra rat de doan. Du sao cung chi co may nguoi do muon doi pho Thai tu, nhung bay gio dieu quan trong nhat khong phai la tra thu, ma la dam bao dai dien sac phong duoc cu hanh thuan loi.Tam tu cua Nu hoang thay doi moi ngay, khong ai dam dam bao sau khi nghi thuc lan nay that o ca nha cac nguoi."Mat Ngoi Bach Tuyen sang ruc len, voi vang noi: "Da ta dai nhan! Ta van luon mang bot canh buom trong nguoi, deu o day. Buom duc nuoi duong trong hoa vien, moi dai nhan di theo ta."Hai tay Ngoi Bach Tuyen dang mot binh su mieng nho len, Minh Hoa Chuong can than xoay vai vong, sau khi xac dinh khong co doc moi mo ra nhin luot qua, lanh nhat noi: "Di truoc dan duong."Minh Hoa Thuong va Giang Lang, Nham Dao dang dung trong phong cua Ngoi Nghiem Thanh, so soang tim manh moi. Trong dau Giang Lang toan la dau cham hoi, tim co hoi hoi: "Minh Hoa Thuong, sao nguoi biet hung thu la hang nguoi gi?"Minh Hoa Thuong chi di long vong o hien truong xay ra an mang da noi ra dung gioi tinh, tuoi tac, tinh cach cua hung thu, that su la kho ma tin noi. Minh Hoa Thuong noi: "That ra
Website: https://tdgimex.com/
Orther website: https://cacachi.vn/tat-tan-tat-ve-tao-bon/
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vn86live · 4 months
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Kham pha chi tiet Cach choi baccarat hieu qua tu A den Z Chac han ban da tung nghe den tro choi baccarat mot trong nhung tro choi duoc yeu thich nhat tai cac song bac truc tuyen va dia phuong Nhung ban co biet cach choi baccarat hieu qua nhat de co co hoi gianh chien thang lon Trong bai viet nay chung ta se cung vn86 tim hieu ve cach choi baccarat va nhung loi khuyen huu ich de giup ban tro thanh mot nguoi choi chuyen nghiep nguon chi tiet: https://vn86live.pro/cach-choi-baccarat/
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thaihiloonline · 7 months
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Top 10 Casino truc tuyen tai Viet Nam – Cong giai tri dinh cao 2024 Casino truc tuyen da tro thanh mot hinh thuc giai tri pho bien tren toan the gioi Neu ban la mot nguoi yeu thich nhung tro choi casino chac han se thac mac khong biet dau la nhung nha cai cung cap dich vu casino truc tuyen uy tin va chat luong nhat Duoi day la danh sach 10 casino truc tuyen hang dau hien nay cua thaihioonline com hua hen mang den cho ban nhung trai nghiem choi game dinh cao nguon chi tiet: https://thaihiloonline.com/casino-truc-tuyen/
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peterpijls1965 · 8 months
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In 2022 overleed de Vietnamese zenmonnik Thich Nhat Hanh. Hij bracht mindfulness naar het Westen. Met groot succes. Het werd een miljardenbusiness. 'McMindfulness', werd er al gespot.
Niet ten onrechte. Mindfulness was alleen maar de zoveelste semi-spirituele hype. Ook zen en yoga draaien om achtzaamheid, en in het hier en nu leven. Niks nieuws onder de zon. Daarmee zeg ik niet dat Thich Nhat Hanh zonder verdiensten was.
Een vriend probeerde me over te halen mijn yogapraktijk van 35 jaar geleden weer op te pakken. Zelf ging hij als een raket van Kriyayoga. Ik vond yoga vroeger best ontspannend. Je gaat er zeker beter van ademen.
Maar zwemmen of wandelen ontspannen ook, en bevorderen eveneens een ontspannen ademhaling, gratis.
Bovendien zijn alle westerse vormen van yoga aberraties. Voor een hindoe is yoga alleen maar een klein deel van een veelomvattender religieus pad, bijvoorbeeld samengevat in de tijdloze Upanishads.
Je moet dus een hindoe zijn om geloofwaardig en religieus gemotiveerd aan yoga te doen.
Ik was drie keer in India en praatte er met hindoes over. Ze vonden het regelrecht onvoorstelbaar dat een christelijk gedoopte Europeaan yoga probeerde te begrijpen.
Vergeefse moeite, was de boodschap, want het hindoeïsme is een complex pantheon van facultatief te aanbidden goden en scheppingsverhalen.
Mijn Japanse ex-vrouw was een overtuigde shintoïste. Conform dit animistische geloof is alles bezield, ook een steen en een rijstkorrel.
Ze vond het maar mal dat ik veel las over shinto en ook aan zenmeditatie deed.
'Je zult het toch nooit begrijpen', zei ze altijd. Ze had gelijk.
Op mijn 20ste las ik Oosterse Renaissance, van de priester en godsdienstpsycholoog Han Fortmann. Hij voorzag toen al kruisbestuivingen tussen Oosterse en Westerse wijsheid.
Ik interviewde zenleraar Ton Lathouwers in het kader van mijn journalistenopleiding, ook over dit boekje. Een spiritueler man ontmoette ik nooit meer, ik bedoel dat hij zeker weten zuiver op de graat was, en zich nooit schuldig zou maken aan misbruik, wat zoveel boeddhistische en yogaleraren zouden doen.
Decennia later gaf Ton Lathouwers toe dat zijn brein ook na tientallen jaren mediteren nog steeds een drukke transistorradio was als hij zittend op een kussen nergens aan probeerde te denken.
Wat je noemt een eerlijke zennie.
Zelf leerde decennia mediteren mij vooral dat je er aambeien van kunt krijgen.
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mozki · 8 months
stocked up on stickers from anarchist antifa cafe type place . read some thich nhat han in the park. talked to my bestie about my drs appt. gonna meet an old friend with a gorgeous doggie. the sky is blue. yippee xxx
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drrobinsonpham · 1 year
Tao hinh thanh bung mini la gi
Phuong phap tao hinh thanh bung mini la phau thuat tao hinh thanh bung khong gay seo quanh ron boi bac si se thuc hien vet mo nam thap va ngan hon so voi phuong phap tao hinh thanh bung toan phan
Tao thanh bung mini con duoc goi la cang da bung mini day la phuong phap hieu qua de cai thien mot so van de ve ran da da chay xe seo mo de sau sinh … Loai bo nhanh chong vung da chung nhao phan bung duoi thay vi tac dong den toan bo vung bung
Cang da bung mini ngay cang duoc nhieu nguoi ua chuong va lua chon vi khong de lai duong seo dai co tinh tham my cao han che xam lan Tuy nhien khong phai doi tuong nao cung thich hop de thuc hien phuong phap tao hinh thanh vung bung mini boi voi ky thuat chi tac dong vao phan duoi ron day la phuong phap danh cho mot so doi tuong nhat dinh
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drrobertnguyenbvhh · 1 year
Bao lau sau nang nguc thi nguc on dinh
Thuong thi sau mot ca phau thuat nang nguc thanh cong thoi gian can de nguc on dinh tuy thuoc vao moi nguoi nhung thuong dao dong tu 6 den 8 tuan Sau khoang 3 den 6 thang hinh dang nguc moi se tro nen tu nhien va mem mai hon Trong khoang thoi gian nay cung la luc thich hop de kiem tra tui don neu co bat ky trieu chung gi trong co the
Thuc te cho thay thoi gian on dinh cua nguc phu thuoc vao nhieu yeu to nhu co dia cua tung nguoi vi tri cay ghep tuoi tac va nhieu yeu to khac Tuy nhien moi yeu to nay cung khong keo dai qua 6 thang
Mot trong nhung yeu to anh huong truc tiep den thoi gian on dinh cua nguc la kich thuoc cua tui don Khi tui don nguc cang lon thoi gian phuc hoi cua nguc sau phau thuat cang keo dai
Thuong thi sau 6 den 8 tuan sau phau thuat nang nguc nguc moi dat den trang thai on dinh Sau khoang 2 thang nguc se dat den hinh dang tu nhien nhat kho co nguoi khac nhan ra ban da thuc hien phau thuat hay khong
Khoang thoi gian sau 2 thang nang nguc ban co the tro lai hoat dong binh thuong han che kieng cu ve an uong va tap the duc Ban co the tham gia cac hoat dong sinh hoat hang ngay tham chi tham gia xong hoi massage nguc Viec chon bac si co tay nghe va chat luong tui don dung cach se giup qua trinh phuc hoi dien ra nhanh chong hon
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tu-dien-giac-mo · 1 year
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Nam mo thay Nong Trai danh so de con gi Giai ma y nghia giac mo chiem bao chi tiet nhat Mac du co the co nhung cach giai thich kha thi khac mo thay trang trai do la mot cach hieu rang co dieu gi do han che hanh dong va mong muon cua chung ta Nguon https://giacmo.net/nong-trai/
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trangchufi88 · 1 year
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Keo chau A la gi Tat tan tat nhung thong tin ban can biet ve keo chau A Neu ban la mot nguoi yeu thich bong da han khong ai xa la gi voi thuat ngu “keo chau A“ Day la mot trong nhung loai keo pho bien nhat va cung duoc coi la kha phuc tap Vay keo chau A la gi Cach tinh keo chau A ra sao Hay cung fi88 tim hieu qua bai viet duoi day Nguon chi tiet: https://trangchufi88.com/keo-chau-a-la-gi/
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igcgolfacademyvn · 2 years
Tim hieu ve mon golf tu A den Z CHINH XAC nhat
Golf la mot mon the thao doi hoi ky nang chinh xac va kien nhan cua nguoi choi Nguoi choi can dua qua bong vao lo tren san golf voi so lan danh it nhat co the San golf thuong co 18 lo va duoc chia thanh cac khu vuc khac nhau nhu fairway rough va green Golf la mon the thao duoc yeu thich tren toan the gioi va co nhieu giai dau quan trong hang nam nhu Masters US Open va The Open Championship Cung IGC ACADEMY tim hieu ve mon golf qua bai viet sau
Nguon goc cua mon the thao golf
De tim hieu ve mon golf truoc tien can biet ve nguon goc lich su cua golf. Nguon goc cua mon the thao golf van chua duoc xac dinh chinh xac nhung nhieu nguoi cho rang golf co nguon goc tu Scotland vao the ky 15 Tro choi ban dau duoc goi la golfe va duoc choi bang cac cay gay danh bong go va bong duoc lam bang da dong vat duoc bom day hoi Trong the ky 18 golf tro thanh mon the thao pho bien o Anh va sau do lan rong den nhieu quoc gia khac tren the gioi Ngay nay golf duoc choi o hau het cac quoc gia va la mot trong nhung mon the thao duoc ua chuong nhat tren the gioi.
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2. Vi sao la mon the thao danh cho nguoi giau
Khi tim hieu ve mon golf ban co thac mac tai sao golf la mon the thao cho nguoi giau. Mac du golf la mot mon the thao co tinh chinh xac cao va yeu cau nhieu ky nang nhung khong phai ly do chinh la vi no chi danh cho gioi nha giau Tuy nhien viec choi golf thuong lien quan den cac chi phi cao bao gom chi phi dang ky hoi vien san golf chi phi mua va bao quan cay gay danh bong va cac phu kien va chi phi van hanh xe day hoac xe golf Do do nhieu nguoi tin rang golf la mon the thao danh cho gioi nha giau vi nhung nguoi co thu nhap cao moi co kha nang chi tra cho cac chi phi nay Tuy nhien co nhieu cach de choi golf ma khong can ton nhieu tien chang han nhu choi o cac san golf cong cong hoac chia se chi phi voi nhung nguoi khac de giam bot chi phi ca nhan.
Neu ban muon tim hieu ve mon golf ky hon hay tham gia cac khoa hoc golf tai hoc vien IGC Hien tai IGC dang tuyen sinh hai khoa hoc la khoa hoc golf can ban va khoa hoc golf chuyen nghiep Tai day ban se duoc dao tao nhung kien thuc ky nang ve golf tu co ban den nang cao Neu con co thac mac hay van de gi hay lien he ngay voi chung toi de duoc tu van nhanh nhat
Xem chi tiet bai viet tai day: https://igcgolfacademy.com/tim-hieu-ve-mon-golf/
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jurefff · 2 years
Self gratification
Control and Discipline
Mitigating pressures
Struggling is not the true way of life
I said my love to Sabi, and got accepted. What I am feeling for her and this entanglement between us is the sense of comfort and warmth. She does not force me to ask myself too many questions or ooze my energy out to feel compatible. It must be due to our high level of compatibility with each other. Law of attraction. I feel relieved. Our sex is amazing. I don't appear to have acnes outburst when I do it with her, so assumably it is a healthy deed for both of us. Nonetheless, I should learn to curb it down so that my mind does not get melted into cotton candy and become defenseless towards these hiding monsters.
I still have to show up in my battles every day. One second of inattention could bring about dilapidation of my journey.
I should train Thich Nhat Han.
And learn to come home to sleep after work. I still have not managed to do it, devastating my next day's scheme.
What do i truly want?: MONEY: do not need to worry a second thought to book an airbnb, do not need to worry a second thought to buy food. HEALTH. KNOWLEDGE.
Think bigger, and Never stop learning.
Walk by yourself. Nobody would help you out, they don't have the capacity. Can be only you who is the first one to iniate everything. Be the pioneer. Fear is disposable if necessary. Carry this big sword and slash everything down in your own way.
I entrust my life to you.
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trixie-and-ames · 2 years
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It dawned on me that I haven't posted about the books I read in January. I didn't read many physical books rather I listened to several audiobooks. The White Book by Han Kang is certainly a book in which I was truly absorbed. There is so much beauty and devastating pain in this book. A meditation on life and death. A reminder that life exists on tiny precious strand. The audiobooks I made my way through in January are: Little Women- Louisa May Alcott ( My mother once told me that she named me after Amy in Little Women. I have my doubts. But the myth suits me since I am a voracious reader and Little Women is one of the books I enjoy revisiting through the years) Killers of the Flower Moon- David Grann the true account about a years long killing spree in Osage Oklahoma and it's the first case in the history of the United states in which the newly formed FBI was involved. Did they get their man? Was justice served. We all have feelings about this. Spare- Prince Harry honestly I was let down by the lack of dirty laundry Prince Harry shared. I wanted an entire chapter dedicated to William's pegging. In all seriousness there are moments about which Harry speaks of his mother Princess Diana that were heartbreaking. The Writing Life- Annie Dillard every book of Ms Dillard's always takes me to another place mentally and spiritually Peace is Every Step- Thich Nhat Hanh a beautiful reminder to let go of the bullshit we carry and realize that we aren't the center of the universe that we are of the universe and we contain a universe within. Breathe in peace. Breathe out a smile. #booksbooksbooks #booksofig #booksofinstagram #ilovebooks #ilovetoread #readersofinstagram #classicliterature #thichnhathanh #anniedillard #davidgann #hankang #louisamayalcott #princeharry https://www.instagram.com/p/CoqPW3FLsms/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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hathayoga123 · 2 years
Loving-Kindness Meditation: How to Start the Year Right | Thich Nhat Han...
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alfathemis · 2 years
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He llegado, estoy en casa, en el aquí y en el ahora. Thich Nhat Han (en Stupa De La Ilumunacion) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnSvxeuOxgN/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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