#thick skinned by redd raddish
robobrainrot · 9 months
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A little fan art for the fic Thick Skinned by Redd_Raddish on Ao3! I'm a sucker for a good a slowburn~
I spent an excessive amount of time trying to figure out how to pose them "accurately." Even though Mirage is one of the smallest live-action bots, he's still fucking huge! Hopefully, I did them justice in context of how I read the fic scene~
Alt. Version under the cut. I just went buckwild on the shading last night with ZERO braincells so enjoy a flat color version aswell.
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Hehe hoo hoo gay people 🌈
Go read this fic. The author updates frequently. Like, in the time it took me to draw this, they already put up another chapter.
There's some Charbee in the fic if you love them aswell 🐝❤️
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