#things dljafslkdf
boxur · 5 months
if you want HADES to be a story where the protagonist permakills their dad and runs away from home and stays angry forever? that's hades and chronos. that's the literal exact cycle of abuse and misery that zagreus is subverting by choosing to love his family in spite of hades' poor treatment of him, despite all the factors that exist that would make it so easy to just, not. if you want zagreus to stay angry forever and hate his family for wronging him and abandoning them permanently, you just want zagreus to be hades. and the whole entire point of the story is that zagreus isn't hades. he's better than him.
the tagline of the game is "there is no escape", but the turnout of that is not "so all your efforts are futile." it's "there's no escape, so learn to live anyway. you have no choice."
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