#thinking about the imortality of the crab
sydfigs · 8 months
Pensando en la inmortalidad del cangrejo
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veryabstract · 2 years
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Day 2: Ceramic
Had this idea huilst thinking about the imortality of a crab, and allso how some crustacians dont stop growing until death, the ceramic patterns are based on mexican talavera if your wondering
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avalinegray · 4 years
Ok this is a lot, but I have a lot of questions so bear with me.
Empty kept popping up with Lucien. He kept saying empty, which is how Molly got his name and everything, and I think Lucien kept that empty feeling all of his shattered soul felt when it was dispersed. He also defines Vess as more selfish than he is, which is really not saying much, Vess is a low bar, but it shows how he thinks of himself. We haven't really had a lot of conversation, so take this with a grain of salt as it is only my first impression, but the Nein brought up the possibility that he knows nothing. I don't think he knows nothing, per say, but I don't think he knows as much as he wants to. He is confident, yet still overcompensating, which would lead me to believe that he is out of the loop on some things. He is proud, because he defines himself as a student, and seems comfortable with that, however, for someone which as much of a flair for the dramatic as he does, he has to be repressing some negative emotion. He clearly is imortal, which comes with a whole host of information, so I'm going to speed run. 1) He understands people, enough so to manipulate them, or rather force their hands, but 2) he doesn't care that much about their emotions. They are fleeting, useful, but soon will be useless. 3) He is uncomfortable around people he is not in a hive mind with. He likes knowing everything at once 4) He doesn't give a damn about Molly, he was a mistake in a larger scheme. Yet! keep in mind that is a two-way street that Molly walks. And finally, 5) he changes bodies, according to himself. What does that mean? No idea. Maybe he's like a hermit crab
I am torn about the betrayer gods. On one hand, 9 gods, 9 everything, on the other, Matt had to check. Which, totally could be a red herring, but, it also could be real. 
So Lucien was fragmented, and because Molly stuck around, he grew, from this fragment into something that was starting to become a whole person. He lived life so fully, that no one could help but give him more, yet when he died, when he was re-joined with Lucien, that growth had to be cut back down into what he was when he was born? Created? Whatever the hell happend. What he was made of is now again in Lucien, but I think that the growth Molly had, the person they loved, he’s gone, in most every sence. I imagine death to be like returning to a sky full of stars, but Molly joined that sky, then was pulled back life in a way just as unnatural as his becoming. Lucien doesn’t give a damn about Molly, but Molly didn’t give a damn about Lucien. However much the Nein are disturbed by how little he cares, it is a 2-way street
Also, I just want to acknowledge the amazing representation battling a piece of glitter is for dnd, just perfect in every way.
The fjorjester this episode was strong, and though I haven’t shipped it that much in the past, Laura has convinced me to change my ways. Fjord just talks to her like she’s everything, and I love it so much.
Also, like, moment of silence for Dagan’s sanity. I mean, the glitter/turtle/giant murder worm, the whole thing with Vess, which I totally saw coming, and was hyped when it happend. Just a quality episode today, with a lot of questions.
"The world is behind us, just waiting for us to return." - Caleb (116)
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