#thinking about them makes me feral rabid teeth gnashing mouth foaming
I heard some quote I-don't-know-where (was it a renowned author? maybe. was it a random person on the internet? just as possible.) about how loving someone for the rest of your life is choice. That initial, gut feeling of love only lasts for two years and if you and your person make it longer than that, it's because you chose to actively work at and maintain your love. I agree relationships take work and you have to give some to get some, but I'm not 100% sold on the entire 2-year expiration date.
With that being said, Nicky and Joe's love absolutely baffles me. Two-year theory aside, I just cannot comprehend loving someone so wholly, so fiercely, so unabashedly for the better part of millennia, much less somebody loving me like that. I don't believe, for one single second, that the love Joe and Nicky have for each other is a choice in any way. It grew, slowly and organically, out of the most extraordinary conflict, and thus ended up being so impossibly resilient that nine hundred years after they first killed each other, Joe can't help tearing up while expressing just how much Nicky means to him.
I firmly believe that whenever these two meet their real and final death, it'll be together. There is just no other option.
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