#an unstoppable force and his emotional support immovable object
I heard some quote I-don't-know-where (was it a renowned author? maybe. was it a random person on the internet? just as possible.) about how loving someone for the rest of your life is choice. That initial, gut feeling of love only lasts for two years and if you and your person make it longer than that, it's because you chose to actively work at and maintain your love. I agree relationships take work and you have to give some to get some, but I'm not 100% sold on the entire 2-year expiration date.
With that being said, Nicky and Joe's love absolutely baffles me. Two-year theory aside, I just cannot comprehend loving someone so wholly, so fiercely, so unabashedly for the better part of millennia, much less somebody loving me like that. I don't believe, for one single second, that the love Joe and Nicky have for each other is a choice in any way. It grew, slowly and organically, out of the most extraordinary conflict, and thus ended up being so impossibly resilient that nine hundred years after they first killed each other, Joe can't help tearing up while expressing just how much Nicky means to him.
I firmly believe that whenever these two meet their real and final death, it'll be together. There is just no other option.
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itsclydebitches · 1 year
There are a lot of Tedependent fics where Ted needs to first realize that he's bi/interested in Trent before the love confession can occur (which are GREAT) but recently my mind has been laughing about the opposite. That is, an out, proud, fully confident, divorced, not-as-much-of-a-mess-as-he-used-to-be Ted who is remarkably chill about potentially starting a relationship. God he loves Trent so much why wouldn't he ask him out?? What's he got to lose? Dating Trent? He's already not doing that!
Now pair that with a Classic Angst Trent who is 100% convinced of every fandom trope under the sun. Ted Lasso is definitely straight. He's definitely still in love with his wife. Even if he were open to men he definitely would never be interested in him. The idea of them dating is so absurd that Trent is thinking of writing the Oxford English Dictionary to get their picture set next to the definition. He's writing sappy poetry about the unrequited love story of the century. He's keeping every workplace interaction capital 'p' Platonic in deference to white straight male sensibilities. He's thinking of asking Beard to set up a new identity for when Ted realizes The Lasso Way is just a wordy love letter.
This boy is in D E N I A L.
Thus begins the intense comedy of errors when unstoppable force Ted meets immovable object Trent. How far do we take it? Well, what's your preferred amount of crack?
Ted takes him to a super romantic, candlelit dinner? Ted is so unbelievably nice to everyone. This would be amazing if it were a date :(
Ted says "I love you"? Trent's so proud of the culture of love and support Ted has brought to Richmond, but FUCK does hearing those words do things to him. If only he meant it in the way Trent wanted.
Ted wants him to move in? Well, Trent supposes he does need a roommate to keep up with London prices now that he's a single parent, but did the universe have to throw him together with his crush?
Both of them, seconds after Ted has proposed and Trent stuttered through a yes:
Ted: Hot damn I'm gonna marry the love of my life!! :D
Trent: Ted's temporary visa must be running out. This is torture, but I'd do anything for him while feeling like an absolute villain for taking advantage of his vulnerable state for my own emotional gratification 😭
Roy: When the fuck do we tell him?
Beard: Right before he walks down the aisle. I dropped that bombshell about Ted's mustache right before he married Michelle. Trent deserves one too.
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salternateunreality2 · 5 months
AGSZC Adopt an Emotional Support Cat for Sephiroth
From the @strayheartless archives <3
Thanks @heraldofcrow and @altocat for the grammar help!
It doesn’t go as planned.
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They go to the shelter to try to find a kitten, but Sephiroth finds something even better: a feral momma cat with a single living kitten because all her other babies died. He and she stare at each other for a solid 15 minutes through the bars, until AGZC find them.
Genesis: THERE you are. Sephiroth, the adoptable kittens are this way.
Sephiroth: This one.
Zack: Oh, sorry bud, this one says the kitten is too young to leave his mother.
Sephiroth: No, this cat. The kitten can come too. *has not broken eye contact yet*
Angeal: Sweetheart, this says she’s feral and not up for adoption, and neither is her kitten. Come on, let’s go look at the ones that are available, ok?
Sephiroth: This one.
Cloud: *Looks at Seph. Looks at the cat. Looks at the kitten. Looks at Seph.* This one.
Angeal, Genesis, and Zack can all be stubborn, but they are faced with the immovable object that is Sephiroth with a fixation and the unstoppable force that is Cloud protecting someone. They convince the shelter staff they can take care of both the mother and the baby. Yes, even though she’s feral. Yes, they know they can’t be separated. Yes, they will handle medicating the feral cat.
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Momma cat immediately adopts Sephiroth as a second kitten. Then Cloud as her third. The first kitten grows up and is weaned and becomes Zack’s dog-cat. He’s friendly and cuddly and likes to play fetch, and his momma likes him, but knows he’s going to be ok on his own. Not her other kittens though. They clearly still need her.
She comes and yowls at Genesis and Angeal when Seph and Cloud need something she can't get them. She yowls at Genesis to go hunting with her to provide for the babies, and at Angeal to figure out what's wrong when they won't eat the nice mice she brings them.
She accepts Zack as a puppy, disciplines him, and comforts him when needed, but her attention belongs to her tall baby and her baby birb first.
Her new sons are idiots, but they’re HER idiots.
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Sephiroth calls her “Mother Cat”. Cloud calls her “Cat”. Genesis insists she needs a REAL name (it’s only decent), and writes down "Serafina" on the vet papers. Sephiroth falls in love with him all over again.
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If either Sephiroth or Cloud starts hyperventilating, she comes and sits on her boy and purrs until he calms down. If they ignore important things like feeding time or petting-the-cat time, she starts kneading her paws. If they still ignore her, she brings out the claws. She’s not shy about making sure they take care of her and then themselves.
She nips Zack when one of her boys is overstimulated and he's too loud.
She hisses nonstop at the vacuum and stands between it and her babies until they take her to another apartment, at which point she bathes them until they (and she) calm down.
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Serafina: YOWL.
Angeal: Hi Serafina. Is one of them being an idiot?
Serafina: YOWL. *walks to the dining table*
Sephiroth: *hunched over a pile of manuscripts, hair a mess, muttering*
Serafina: YOWL.
Angeal: Seph, honey, have you been up all night again?
Sephiroth: …it’s…morning? Wh- *voice cracks* -at day?
Angeal: Wednesday.
Sephiroth: Oh *cough* just one night then.
Angeal: And you haven’t had water since…? Actually, don’t answer that. Clean up your papers, you need to eat, hydrate, and sleep. No, no arguing. Serafina is worried, you need to reassure her.
Sephiroth: Oh! Of course.
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Serafina: YOWL.
Genesis: Yes, my Lady Serafina?
Serafina: YOWL. *leads him to the front door, where Cloud is swaying and trying to put on his boots*
Genesis: Cloud Strife, when was the last time you ate?
Cloud: h-Huh? Gen? When did you get here? 
Genesis: Eat. When.
Cloud: ummmmm…breakfast?
Genesis: Yesterday?
Cloud: ……maybe?
Genesis: Sit down before you fall down. You know mako enhancements require more calories. No, stay there and I’ll get you a shake and a bar. Yes, I know you have work. You won’t be any use passed out or dead. Now thank your second mother for saving your life. *stomps off huffily*
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nomsfaultau · 3 months
(Potentially) daily ask №2
Fault!Ranboo and Genloss!Ranboo edition due to the Founder's cut coming out today!
Okay does his thing kinda work like the shy man? So photos and videos count too? To the same degree?
Do they have any backstory lore? Before they were captured by the foundation?
Unstoppable force vs an immovable object question. Could anyone from the main gang defeat them? Like, how strong are they actually assuming someone looked them in the eye? Phil doesn't count he's a literal god.
If they and the main gang met, do you think they'd get along? What sort of relationships would they have with each member of the gang?
Would making a one-way mirror glasses for them work to basically disable their powers? Like they can see everything but the others can't see their eyes? Of course you could probably still get a glance from under the glasses considering their height but uh.. idk man, ski mask. But one-way mirror.
At this point you might as well count the universe in which I just spontaneously appear there an au because I can and will give you hypothetical scenarios of me interacting with the characters. On this note. BOOM *spontaneously revives them, convinces the whole ass foundation that they never existed so that they won't be searched for, revives that one doctor's wife, gives Ranboo a ski mask and teleports them to sbi* DONE WOO HI HOW ARE YA FEELIN'? (directed at them)
Gives them their favourite cookies for the emotional damage
Do you know about genloss? Do you watch it? I know you said that you're not a fan of horror but tbh it's mostly psychological horror and some gore. Mostly silly though.
Are you gonna be watching Founder's cut today when it comes out in like 1.5 hours?
Any thoughts on it? Place to rant basically
The fault crew + Ranboo get teleported into the world of genloss suddenly. Specifically during choice while Ranboo and Charlie are running around the mall. How well does it go for either of them?
[Spoilers for Fault. like really stinking big ones]
Initially I thought not, but I think the real core of the powerset is being unbeholden. So he would go on a rampage if eye contact was made via camera/video. However, the ender pearl is a physical object that can't pass through walls when they teleport. So I suppose they'd just be determinedly trying to burrow through a wall, always knowing exactly where the person was but unable to reach.
Ranboo is alas a very very very minor character currently, like 'backstory to a tertiary supporting character' minor. Does not have backstory before the Foundation explored in or out of Fault...but will be showing up again eventually so more may be explored at that time. But as of yet, not really. Mostly because Ranboo's origins would have to be extreeeeemely far back in the timeline due to being (biig spoiler here) the source of the Foundation's amnestics. Philza has mentioned knowing of the Foundation for at least a few centuries, but also they do a very good job of being unknown. This gets into very foggy territory that's the bane of any urban fantasy's existence actually, because presumably if modern society is nearly identical to our own something has to have been suppressing anomalies from the dawn of time, in this case via Ranboo amnestics or some other means. So unless we assume time travel (which many SCP stories do, and which would be TERRIBLE for my story) I suppose Ranboo -or the phenomena of Ranboo, this could just be the latest vessel- could be very very old. I'd caution on the side of vessel, so potentially they began as a human ? or some other creature that then was changed by the god/entity using him? This entity then having had many many forms over time, frequently captured by use of the Foundation/analogous organization. Perhaps it was once extremely powerful, dampening the memories of humanity for its own reasons, leading to the current regime. oh. so i've just like solved a major world building problem. sick. Oh god I have racing thoughts about this now....
I think most could tbh. I mean Lawrence Lethe (ew) defeated them. In a physical fight Ranboo represents a horror monster threat to base humans, mostly by being tall fast strong and vicious plus some occasional teleportation, but has a very glaring weakness. Tubbo wouldn't for moral reasons but could also just fly way high up so Ranboo can't throw the enderpearl far enough. Tommy's Red might count close enough to water and dissolve them, though there is a debate on if Red would be able to thwart them from attacking him? That's a can of worms you could argue in any direction you want I think so I won't touch it. The Blade al.ways.wins. Like no matter what. Uh oh what's that the forecast looks like a storm how unfortunate anyway deadzo. Phil would turn that sucker to glass. And Wilbur loves eating sand. Though I suppose if he managed to eat their soul he could get Ranboo powers...? Anyway smack down that twink is OBLITERATED.
Ranboo will meet at least some of the main gang albeit as a skull and pile of sand. Tubbo is going to be. Well. in a REALLY funky head space due to encounters with Void madness. But they're going to be like???? our husband????????? not our husband? what plane of the universe are we on?? How do we know what is Real??? Existence is gonna fall apart-- while Ranboo is just like aw thanks for rescuing me random stranger this is great! ^-X Wilbur thinks Ranboo is very inconvenient to move around but at least they don't eat much? Ranboo doesn't like being around it because the void keeps nibbling. Philza would have STRONG feelings about Ranboo due to his horrific experience with amnestics. But also would acknowledge that Ranboo hadn't much say in the matter, and ultimately treat them politely yet indifferently as he does most people he doesn't view as important (anyone that isn't his Collected or a problem). The Blade is very stiff and unhappy as he isn't as good separating them from all of his friends forgetting about him. Bit more of a problem than Phil since The Blade usually handles his problems extremely directly via murder, but he has enough character development at this point to see killing Ranboo won't help. After some friction he gets over it and after some awkwardness is probably down to joke around and be his normal dorky self with Ranboo. Tommy would have resentment about what happened to Phil since he's very loyal, but then Ranboo would make him laugh and he'd forget about it lol. Also 2x scared of touching them.
It's based on Ranboo feeling like they're being perceived to an extent? So I think if Ranboo thought they were being watched they'd also go on a rampage. I think the Foundation just blinded them with a blindfold. Or morbidly, perhaps would rip out their eye and wait for it to regrow, to create a stash of ender pearls for Foundation personnel use...?
Lawrence would be reeling, and then probably assume having the wifey back means his redemption arc is finished. This would cause Many problems later on. Speaking of problems, the Foundation would be PANICKING. Oh my god. I think if convinced Ranboo never existed there'd be utter chaos of them trying to figure out what cognito hazard is messing with them. So while the Foundation is set on fire and the entire premise of the series collapses, let's ignore that and see how the gang is doing! I'm going to say they're dropped at the end of the most recent chapter. Assuming they don't startle and attack in self defense, Tommy is utterly delighted to get even more friends because he's so starved for people, Tubbo is trying to figure out if the wife revival thing would work for themselves/Rhodes (potentially while simultaneously flirting with Ranboo for maximum comedic value)((but also probably Rosalind since that's destroying them)), The Blade is trying to figure out if the teleportation act could be used to break out of the Foundation in the future, Wilbur is disgruntled by strangers (one of which is HUMAN), and Phil is mostly trying to figure out if there's a security risk if they could be found...but is probably quickly assured it's fine given he got Tommy via accidental summoning shenanigans. Since I don't think the ski mask thing would work, Ranboo would probably be blindfolded. I think Tubbo would act as seeing eye bees for them, developing little short hand codes to help them move around and really bonding over that. Phil is the type of guy to do blind fold training and have tips. The Blade commiserates with them over the time he lost an eye, and Wilbur with being blinded by the Foundation via light. And potentially the reactions from 4 (-Tubbo bc of timeline, Wilbur bc revived fully) if more well adjusted since the gang is doing better here than in epoch 3-4.
Wilbur insists he eats the cookies first (to make sure they aren't poisoned of course of course). He tells everyone they're disgusting and tries to eat them all but Phil puts a stop to that. Tommy declares that he is perfectly emotionally fine and is only stealing the cookies because he deserves a reward. The Blade argues he should get way extra because of his size. While everyone is bickering Tubbo yoinks them and flies away, only to get chased down by Philza, who distributes them, and reminds everyone else to thank you. Instant Phil points for making his Collected happy.
Not really haha. Haven't seen anything of it. I know zilch, except i think a surgery happens and niki is on a carousal whatever that means? Full transparency, I mostly just watched Techno and then Tommy stuff for more Techno content.
4. As I know nothing of genloss, I can't do much here. HOWEVER. There is a pivotal scene in Fault that will take place in a mall. So we can imagine Ranboo and Charlie frolicking in the background amongst piles and piles of Foundation MTF soldier corpses while the main characters have a terse argument about philosophies, morals, and custody?
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player-1 · 9 months
Nexolord & co. shenanigans (Nexomon 1)
It's honestly been a long time coming, though mostly for the nostalgia and hype for Nexomon 3, but I figured I would look back in the story for any context clues to Nexolord/Metta's personality and abilities mentioned from his siblings, Overseers, or anyone unlucky enough to get on his bad side. Obviously it's going to be a massive list (with some spoilers for to Micromon and Extinction), but here goes!
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First off, there's no real timeline on how long Metta's been Nexolord or when he started his Omnicron revival plan into action, but I'll put in a generous estimate of 2-3 years before the main story since he already put way too much fear into people's hearts to go against his authority until MC went ham on his master plan. Same goes for him commissioning MC's parents to build the resurrection machine and revive Omnicron for real.
For Overseers, I would assume that ex-Nexolord Remus originally had Hilda, Khan, and Jack until Metta took the title (and adding five more to spread out his influence). But it's also funny to assume that Metta indirectly assigned his siblings/Champions to a certain Overseer that either complement or conflict their personalities...You know, for shits and giggles. -Fenrir/Fona -> Ivan & Ira (Fiery spirit and moderately irrational) -Nadine/Ventra -> Remus (Unstoppable force vs. Immovable object) -Merida/Arqua -> Hendrick (90% charm and 10% backstabber) -Zetta/Luxa -> Spencer (Snotty rich kid with inflated ego) -Ulrich/Grunda -> Jack (Reliable leader but goes against authority to protect his people (Mostly connected to Netherworld Ulrich)) Nexolord/Metta -> Glacia (Cold-blooded tactician with an extreme ego trip) -Deena/Nara -> Khan ("Subtly" associating the family traitor as a wild savage who only cares about the world and harmony over complete authority...Harsh, even for a kids game)
Metta's childhood in the Frozen Tundra was already going to be shrouded in mystery from the get-go (and obviously exclude flashbacks in-game to avoid spoiling his identity), but he left a pretty deep impact on the three people he interacted with in the past (Glacia, Juliet, and Malk). -First, Juliet's a fangirl for him, so much so that she'll completely ignore his plan to destroy humanity if it meant getting a sliver of attention from him or one-up Glacia as Overseer. She also believes that he's a vampire (either when they were kids or into adulthood) and regularly reads cheesy YA vampire novels that she "accidentally" leaves on her kitchen table for someone to notice. -Glacia is 110% loyal to Metta and will gladly brag to anyone she meets on how she's the most "true and loyal Overseer" there is. Also, she's the only Overseer who's aware that the Champions are Omnicron's children (minus Remus figuring it out through context clues), so she somehow earned Metta's trust to learn that fact as well (though whether she knew Metta's true form too is up for debate). -Finally Malk "I taught [the Nexolord] everything I know" Micromon is either the best/worst person to be Metta's tutor (re: legit father-figure) to make him become the little tyrant he is now. Whether it's to fuel Metta's already-burning hatred for humans (being a sentient AI that destroyed Project Pixekai in revenge of the programmers who created him), teaching him useful skills to gain control over others as a leader (master manipulator, master technician, and more!), or giving Metta the emotional support he never had from his siblings or dad (headcanons galore!). Also love the little gimmick that Malk's name isn't shown to the MC since he doesn't properly introduce himself to them; only Metta calls him by name once when they're the only ones in a room or during Malk's last hurrah speech before MC fights Omnicron and disappearing for good. Also, Malk mentions meeting a younger Nexolord/Metta sometime after busting out of Pixekai and adjusting to human life, so he might've tried disguising himself long before they teamed up. Now I want to know if Metta first learned that Malk wasn't human or vice versa, but I would love to know what babey Nexolord looked like before he went anime villain mode. :)
Metta definitely was the one who gave his siblings their fake Champion names, mostly on the joke of Fona/Fenrir being Metta's guard-dog for a good chunk of the story (even accompanying him to Grunda's grave and keep a eye on Overseer Jack for the excavation). Besides that, it makes sense for Metta to have every opportunity to make a jab at his siblings and put them in their place in the current hierarchy. -Fenrir: Marsh/Fen-dweller, Norse mythos wolf that would bring disaster during Ragnarok and was bound by a chain shaped like a silk ribbon. [Similar motif to Nexomon Fenrir to have giant prison cuffs on his wrists and collar-like design on his shirt.] -Nadine: Hope (French), messenger/admonitory or showerer of blessings (Arabic), "the courage of a bear" (Russian) [Latter fits cause of her assigned Overseer being Remus and her tendency to put combat first over talking.] -Merida: Pearl (Mairead, Celtic), "one who achieved a high place of honor" (Latin), "a chaste girl" or "like a mother" (Persian) [Persian seems more ironic since Merida's nice when she gets attention but throws a major hissy fit if embarrassed or mocked.] -Zetta: Inquiry or quest (Greek ztsis), "a person that is intellectually curious and has a thirst for knowledge" [Mostly ironic since Zetta's dumb as a brick and has a love for shiny things.] -Ulrich: Noble or regal ruler, noble/rich heritage (Old German) [Grunda never had the chance to get a Champion name (until Netherworld), but it's interesting how his Nightmare makes him the ruler/guardian of Solus Desert and protects his people from the big bad Nexolord Remus...At least he got his priorities straight?] -Deena: Valley, church leader, spear ruler (Hebrew/Old English/Old German); "compromising, passive, and more likely to stay in the background rather than front and center" (myfirstname.rocks) [Even if she was a major part of Ulzar's fame, Deena keeps herself as inconspicuous as possible to ensure the MC's success too. Definitely didn't want to be caught up in the family drama again, you know? :)]
It is somewhat confirmed in the Netherworld end-story that Nexonium/Nexomite is more commonly found in the literal afterlife than in the normal world (and stupidly expensive too), and it also has the ability to incapacitate any Nexomon in its vicinity (when powered by a NexoCore) or keep a Nightmare running without a Warden to guard it. So who's to say that Metta used Nexonium to create the Nexocore, easily violating Ziegler's rule of keeping the dead dead and creating a power source that won't get traced back to him (you know, since he commissioned MC's parents to make it?). And it also shows that Metta had Nexonium stowed away in his old house, most likely studying its components in there or in the bunker.
And last but not least, it's not exactly confirmed if Metta actually sacrificed himself to revive Omnicron like the rest of Champions; he doesn't have a personal Nightmare like the other four (+Grunda/Ulrich), and you only get to find Metta's true form after the Netherworld story (ie. Killing Omnicron for real, dooming the current Nexomon species to extinction, and making a bridge between the Netherworld and real world to finish loose ends). Speaking of bridge, it's also confirmed in Extinction that just after MC destroyed Omnicron's soul, Venefelis was unleashed with the single goal to kill Hilda; unintentionally serving as the bridge for the Nexomon War and the future to come in Nexomon: Extinction. ...Also the MC (The Ghost of Nexomon Past) gets Metta's jacket and was buried in it pre-Extinction, so I'm betting the madlad did the blanket dog trick and it somehow worked against the MC and Nara. I mean, Metta's about the size of a bowling ball (five-pin/duckpin maybe?) so he might've had a chance to pull it off when MC was distracted by Omnicron and he just assumed the guy was gone for good.
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Anywho, that's all I have for now, hope you enjoyed!
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dairy-farmer · 2 years
All of Bruce's kid's teenage rebellion phases was all okay. Running away, starting fights, etc. Etc. The usual. (In bat standard, at least. Other heroes would have heart attacks if their kids did whatever the batkids do.)
The only one who hasn't really rebelled was Timmy.
Now, in Tim's defense, he was busy being Bruce's emotional pillar of support. He wasn't rebellious towards Bruce. Matter of fact, technically, Bruce WAS his rebellious phase from his parents.
That all changed when Bruce pissed Tim the hell off.
Tim's patience. Okay. It's... it's practically impossible to piss Tim off. This is a chill little twink with a whole fuck ton of 'it is what it is' to give. It would take so fucking much to piss Tim off to the point of extreme pettyness. And once you piss Tim off? Hold on to your seatbells cause you're up for a wild fucking ride. Just ask Ra's.
So Bruce pisses Tim off, and it's a surprise when it happens. After all, Tim? Of all people? Pissed? And at Bruce? Boy's people pleasing tendancies come out tenfold for Bruce. Tim's like a dog on it's back for Bruce.
What'll happen now? What did Bruce do? Fuck, what will Tim do? All questions bruce answered in a grunt, mouth shut and unwilling to answer properly like a stubborn child.
So, in true Tim fashion, he sets to piss Bruce off too. This is the kid with a mean streak passing Dick Grayson. This is a kid who knows how to play dirtier than Jason Todd. This is a kid who knows how to hold on to a grudge and strike back with such strong vengeance longer than Damian freaking Wayne. This is a kid. This is Tim fucking Drake against Bruce Wayne. Unstoppable force meets immoveable object.
It starts with ignorance. Tim gives Bruce the silent treatment. Refuses to sit in the same room, refuses to acknowledge his existance. Tim would give a bigger fuck about an ant than he would Bruce Wayne. Tim refuses to go back to WE if Bruce came in the office. Tim would put such a large distance between red Robin and Batman, Batman could only grunt out plans through intercom for tim to hear him.
Once everyone got tired of that and forced an apology between the both of them, Tim started being careless. He'd drop things in front of Bruce and pleasantly ask him to pick it up. Too much sweetness in his voice, too much honey in his tone. Bruce, walking on egg shells and trying to keep the peace, would bite his tongue and follow. He hates it when they're alone, because Tim has this vicious little grin and a sadistic glint in his eye as he tells Bruce to "pick it up, bitch."
Eventually, it stopped being enough to quell the growing fire in Tim. He started thinking... what would piss Bruce off the most?
So he started fucking people. Easy scumbags first who'd do anything for a taste of his pretty little cunt. He'd make sure to fuck semi-privately too. Areas where he knows Bruce will find him. It fills him with satisfaction every time Bruce starts getting snappy with everyone much more than he usually he is.
He continues. People his age with tattoos, hell, even a tiny bit older. People who are addicted to all kinds of things, the taste of nicotine and the smell of alcohol clinging to them and on Tim. Each person a bit worse and Bruce goes more snappish with each boy. Tim continuous, not really set on changing his plans but then...
But then Jason flirts with him. And Tim is struck with the best bad idea that's ever entered his genius little mind.
Loose clothing, the kind he knows Jason loves. A yelp on an ass slap here, a gasp on a hair tug there and next thing they knew they're fucking on top of the batmobile. As Tim lay flat on his back and Jason's head was buried tongue deep in his pussy Tim sees a peak of Bruce around the corner.
He's never felt such awesome victory since he defeated Ra's as Bruce makes Jason work out harder.
Tim changes his plans, just a tiny bit. It starts with Jason. Then Dick paws at his door, begging for a sweet fuck just to chase nightmares away. Then Damian starts sucking on his tits in his sleep.
Everyone but Bruce.
Hell, Tim starts fucking his coworkers too. All just to get Bruce pissed.
THIS THIS THIS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
I LOVE THIS SO MUCH BECAUSE IT IS EXACTLY THE LEVEL OF PETTY TIM WOULD DO!!!! tim is someone slow to anger and compared to the rest of his brothers, he's taken a lot of shit from bruce over the years! but tim let it go, he was understanding because he knew bruce was in a rough place mentally. so he let a lot of it go.
and bruce? well bruce, whether consciously or not, seemed to take that as permission to treat and talk to tim any way he wanted.
there were a lot of things tim would take, a lot of things he could handle. but blatent disrespect?
absolutely not.
no one's really sure what bruce did to fuck up so massively that tim was actively retaliating. they're not sure that even bruce knew what he did to fuck up and get tim furious with him.
as cruel as it may seem, bruce was pretty mindlessly rude to tim all the time. a lot of people were. stephanie and kon had a shared habit of dunking on tim and making fun of him and usually tim didn't have a problem with it.
but tim makes it absolutely clear once someone crosses a line with him. kon didn't look at him for almost a month, shame coloring his expression whenever they were together. and stephanie literally left gotham for several weeks and returned practically walking on eggshells around him.
the two of them learned the difference between being teasing and being disrespectful pretty quick.
but tim doesn't deal with bruce the same way he did with kon or stephanie.
bruce is a harder nut to crack.
so while ignoring his existence did work, it was mostly just inconvenience. not just for bruce but other people around them.
making bruce get down on his knees or bend down to pick up something tim "dropped" helped a little bit but it did nothing to soothe the roaring fire of anger inside him because tim is pissed at bruce.
massively fucking pissed off with him.
he's given bruce plenty of passes before but there came a time where tim needed to cease being a doormat that bruce felt he could wipe his muddy shoes all over.
it strikes tim during an otherwise normal evening. he's sitting on a couch only half listening to dick lament about his lack of sex life to jason who isn't listening and bobbing his head to some metal music blaring through his headphones.
it's just a random thought that drifts across tim's mind. a small internal remark about how bruce always got on his case about dating as robin let alone fucking.
it was like a lightbulb went off.
there's rules about bringing people back to the manor for sex. a minimum thirty-minute notice to all residents, a signed NDA forwarded to PR, entrance and exits through the backdoor so alfred didn't have to deal with shooing them out in a few hours.
they're relatively straightforward and tim recalls getting texts and seeing how bruce, jason, or dick were bringing someone back for the night.
tim remembers how he didn't notice or even really care beyond putting on some headphones when he saw it was bruce because....
he and bruce shared a bathroom.
tim had chosen the bedroom right next to bruce's, the one that had a joint bathroom to the master's bedroom. originally tim's bedroom was a nursury and bruce's childhood bedroom. it was connected to the master's quarter's in case his parents ever wanted to check up on him or so that bruce's cries for them could be heard.
tim choose it because he wanted to be able to monitor bruce when he was injured or hurt. it also helped when bruce's occasionally nightmares would strike him and tim would be able to jump out of bed and race to his side.
bruce had never said anything about his feelings for tim choosing the bedroom.
tim doubted bruce even knew how well tim could hear him having sex in the other room.
but bruce learns it pretty quickly when tim brings home a boy he knows from the skatepark. your typical teen rebel who sneaks his mom's cigarettes and drinks far too young.
tim moans and tilts his head back as he kisses a line down tim's neck and ruts his covered cock against his cunt.
when he fucks into tim all tim can think about is how he left bruce's box of condoms spilled out in the shared bathroom for him to see in the morning.
now don't get tim wrong he likes his skatepark friends just fine.
but the real reason that he choose them was because they were easy.
they like making thin veily jokes about tim's body. about his pretty tits and prettier mouth. when they show him a move they put their hands on tim's hips while guiding him through the moves on his board.
bruce doesn't like tim driving so he'll often drop off and pick tim up from the park. so when tim doesn't respond to his texts that he's arrived and in the parking lot, tim knows he'll go looking. he knows how tim thinks so he'll check the bathrooms first where he'll be greeted to the sounds of tim getting his guts pumped from behind over a sink.
bruce knows how tim thinks and tim knows how he thinks too.
bruce has always been more sensitive and angered by tim doing teenager things.
and for the sake of his feelings tim ended up abstaining from things like dating, going to dances, and fucking.
not anymore.
tim can see how it's getting to bruce.
his temper has gotten shorter. he's snapping at people, lashing out.
he's especially short with the boys tim fucks.
the ones he lets stay the night, the ones he spots tim fucking when picking him up from somewhere-
sometimes tim's feeling a bit more cruel and asks bruce to give his 'friend' a new ride.
social convention tells bruce to be courteous to the boy who's done nothing wrong aside from fuck tim so hard his cunt was throbbing.
bruce can't be mean to the boy without admitting that he saw them together. the entire ride bruce is tensed and asking brisk questions that are answer half-heartedly by the boys because their brains are leaking out of their ears from how hard they orgasmed.
tim's a pretty good lay and a lot of the boys from the skatepark have been trying to fuck him for years.
but tim needs to expand his pool.
he knows stephanie complains about how the boys in her neighborhood are bums and losers. so now tim starts returning to the manor reeking of second hand smoke from weed and his neck bruised up from hickies that bruce stares at for a beat too long before stiffly telling tim that he didn't return home in time for curfew.
curfew only tim has because dick, jason, and even damian can be out all night without so much as a text but tim has to be back in the manor by nine.
yet another reason tim takes it a step forward.
jason's circle of crime alley associates are pretty nice choices and bruce has a profile on each of them so tim knows that bruce recognizes them when tim starts bringing them home.
from the way bruce's knuckles are clenched white with the force around his fork the next morning he's sure that he also knows that those boys are a bit...above his age group.
really it was the decision to start fucking crime alley boys that led to tim's next step.
crime alley boys talk. they brag.
they especially brag about the hot, rich pussy they screwed the night before.
tim's sure the men he's been seeing and their words reached jason's ears.
when jason starts making vague, lightly flirty moves on him tim is certain he knows.
he knows about how soft and pretty tim's cunt is. how he tastes to sweet and the noises and little gasps he makes are heavenly. how he can take cock like a champ and fits like a glove. how he's so sinfully tight as he rides them all night until he's cumming and going all tight around them.
tim sees the heady desire in jason's eyes. sees how he licks his lips and strokes his hands against tim.
jason has always been bruce's favorite child.
neither jason or bruce would ever admit it but everyone knew. but jason was like a kid who got cancer as a baby, all that parental concern, love, and doting was just stronger for him than it was for the rest of them.
nobody ever held it against them.
and it was working for tim now as he started wearing flowy fabric and styling his hair to curl at the ends. as he made little humming sounds when jason groped his tit. as his breath hitched when jason not-so-jokingly slapped his ass as he was passing by him. as he tilted his head back and moaned while staring into jason's eyes when he twirled a lock of tim's hair and lightly tugged on it.
tim knows that it's not just jason who's looking at him. dick has been a bright red at breakfast glancing up and away at tim's friction-puffed lips and hickey-lined neck. he knows damian's more than a little curious about it all. his big green eyes peek around the corner when tim escorts his gentlemen out the back. tim can feel damian's eyes on him as the boys press a final, tongue filled kiss to tim's mouth and tell him to not forgot to call them the next time he's looking for some 'fun'.
both dick and damian are more than a little curious and interested as they watch jason start to dance around him.
jason gives in easily. and tim sees the peek of a cowl around a corner of the cave as he lets out little cries while jason sucks mercilessly on his clit.
jason eats him out like it's his last day on earth. he fucks tim after he's already cum twice. when he's all wet and sloppy and leaking cum onto the hood of the batmobile.
the batmobile has exterior cameras and tim makes sure to arch his back and offer his tits to jason who latches on as he furiously ruts into tim.
tim hopes bruce enjoys that shot along with the one of jason's mouth falling open as he gasps and pulls out, stroking himself and shooting off onto tim's front and covering him with his cum.
the next day bruce is the most irritable that he's ever been. tim would even go so far as to compare it to his early robin days.
jason gets worked like a dog, sent to mission after mission and maybe part of tim should feel a little bad.
after all tim's poor cunt tingled for hours after jason fucked him.
but....bruce's reaction was well worth it.
a few days later jason is still in the trenches and dick knocks on his door.
he's trying to act casual as he walks into tim's room. but he's blushing, and his eyes keep drifting to tim's puffy chest.
dick brings his own condoms and fucks tim with the desperation of someone who hasn't gotten laid in a year.
dick whines as tim rides him hard and fast, holding onto tim's hips as he lets out gutted gasps.
"nnnghhh! ahn hnn hmmn nnmm oh! fuck! shiii- nnngh this is just as good as- hmmmmnn - as jason said it'd be nnngh-"
of course jason told dick.
crime alley boys love to brag afterall.
dick joins jason on his missions the next day but with the two of them working together they come home and fuck tim right on the living room couch which is how damian stumbles upon them.
damian is curious about sex in the way all teenage boys are. but he's much more interested in looking and touching tim's body then actively fucking it.
he has a fascination with tim's tits. his eyes practically sparkling with interest as he watches how they bounce when jason is fucking him.
damian mostly watches. something that made jason and dick feel awkward at first because neither of them wanted to fuck tim in front of a kid. but damian refused to leave so they got used to ignoring him and everything around them, including bruce's silhouette in the doorway as he watched them.
damian gets more curious and braver. most nights tim's bedroom is occupied by dick or jason or both.
both of them like fucking tim and they like that they don't have to go out and beg for pussy at bars when tim's is right there. but some days they're both too worn out from all of bruce's additional shifts.
those are the days when damian starts coming in. tim stares at him. waiting to see what he'll do.
damian doesn't even look at him, more focused on touching im and running his hands down tim's body. until he gets to the hem of tim's shirt and pushes it up until its under tim's chin.
damian's breath hitches at the sight of tim's tits.
a soft grunt leaves tim as damian straddles his abdomen and leans his head down to nuzzle the plush mounds. tim is staring at his ceiling when damian first latches on.
damian is a lot like bruce in some reguards. the way the two of them are so... kid-like as they sleep.
after comforting bruce from a nightmare, bruce would always tug tim into his arms and hug him to his chest, breathing softly against the top of tim's head.
damian makes the same relaxed brow face as bruce. the only difference is the soft movement of his jaw as he sucks on tim's tit like a baby does a binky.
tim's not sure if damian's expecting milk to come out with how much he's nursing on tim's tits until they're red, hot, and sore.
but the look on bruce's face when tim's bathroom door creaks open and he peeks in is well worth it.
he hadn't heard dick or jason and it was the first night since tim began his crusade that all was silent on tim's end.
he'd wrongly assumed that tim was curled up and asleep, giving his poor pussy a break for the first time in months.
only to be greeted by the sight of tim with an arm wrapped around damian's waist and the other stroking the back of his head as he nurses on a mouthful of tim's tit.
something in bruce's expression flickers. there's something in his eyes as his eyes locked on where damian's lips are sealed around tim's rosy body, saliva streaked around the sides.
damian's eyes are closed and his breathing is slowed. he's pretty much asleep and sucking on tim's tit for comfort like a little baby.
tim can see the tension in bruce's throat as he stares, his jaw clenched so tight there's a vein popping up against his forehead.
tim stares into his eyes as he tilts his head down and presses a soft kiss to damian's forehead.
the low 'smeck' is audible in the room that's so dead quiet.
something crosses bruce his expression and he disappears behind the door, slamming it for good measure and startling damian awak who blinks sleepy eyes at tim while sucking faster in startle confusion.
tim soothes him, making low whispers and telling damian to go back to sleep.
tim was never one to revel in bruce's pain. not like others.
but even he had his limits.
tim would go as far as he needed to for the lesson to get through bruce's skull. until he he understood what he did and apologized for it.
tim would keep going until the words 'i'm sorry tim' left bruce's lips.
it was up to bruce how long that would take.
tim tightened his grip around damian's body, slotting a knee between his legs and smiling in amusement at the half chub there.
tim would give it a few more nights before damian pawed at his pajama pants and clumsily pressed his hard cock in to find relief.
whether bruce did anything before that happened was yet to be seen.
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tangowatchesjj · 1 year
Jessica Jones S1E12
A restaurant? Which restaurant?? Two days ago was... when exactly? Oh shit. Was it the suicide bar where Hope died?
Luke telling Kilgrave he screwed up is great.
He's so chill about her busted up apartment!
Luke is so reasonable, I like him. Also it's so much easier to enjoy him being around with the truth out.
Ah, he's trying to regain control of Jessica by making his powers stronger.
They should have checked his pulse so they'd at least know he was alive. Also, Trish, he had those tendencies at the beginning the drugs just exacerbated it.
IGH? I sense sequel potential.
Oh it's her fucking mum. Fuck off with the praise and stuff, trying to get back into Trish's good graces.
"You never gave me another shot at it." You don't deserve another shot at it!
I love that she locked the door even though the window is broken.
This loneliness? She was dealing with shit, it sucks but that's how it works! She can't support anyone she's too busy trying to stop more deaths.
Luke gently lifting the lady out of the way is top notch.
Jess are you trying to give someone else therapy? You are the Worst person to do that, but y'know what, better than nothing.
Shit, Luke and Jess are tugging on my heartstrings. Playing them like a cheap ukulele.
"IJH." She said the wrong thing, it's IGH. Nearly slipped by.
And here is the blatant manipulation, again. It ALMOST got me, ngl.
YES Trish tell her to fuck off!!
All of the people conveniently getting in Jess's way are concerning me.
He was a red herring.
Shutting the door with the huge hole in it to end the conversation is hilarious. Trish and Luke talking is SO funny.
"Why not?" Trish this is like. The worst time for anything.
Ahl koh holl.
He had a chinchilla? Of course he did.
People did not like you for quite good reason you are mean to so many people.
Kilgrave you need him to have his hand to do work.
Man poor Albert.
Everyone knows about the horse fetishists??? Jess?????
The tense hand-holding + towel.
She's redeemed herself in my eyes.
Also if they're setting up Robyn and Malcolm I just have to say. No.
Oh shit the guy is still standing there, fuck.
Jess Jess Jessica!!
Oh that BITCH
My stomach fucking DROPPED when he said "I wrote it"
The fight choreography is not as good as DD, ngl, but the emotional damageeeeee
Oh god the total lack of audio.
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prophetparadox · 2 years
DMC OC Week 2022 Day 2: Connections with OCs
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(art by @castledvania !)
Well, since last year I did Kay’s connections to the canon cast, I thought it was only fitting that for day two of @dmc-oc-week-specialedition​ I’d talk about her relationships with other OCs! Like I said before, Kay’s changed a lot in the past year, and she has quite a few relationships with OCs now due to me being involved in the community! Aside from the last character mentioned, these relationships aren’t exactly “canon” to Kay’s storyline. And while there’s a lot of OCs that she’s had interactions with in some form, I decided to stick with those she’s either interacted with in fics (my own or otherwise) or roleplays just to make things easier for myself. I’ve done my best to mention everyone, but if I forgot somebody, my apologies! All the OC owners are credited here, and some of them are probably posting OC Week stuff of their own (not all of them on here, but on their other socials)! If they are, check them out!
Lucanus ( @castledvania​ ): Lucan might not be the most open with his emotions, but Kay is happy to consider him a friend nonetheless. She respects him as a fighter, and knows that he’s a good guy deep down. And sometimes, she’s able to see sides of him that others don’t. For reasons she can’t explain, something about him makes her feel nostalgic even though they hadn’t met at some earlier point in her life. In some universes, they may even end up as more than just friends…
Raphael (Pampero on Toyhouse): These two are the definition of “complicated relationship”. Raph puts up a front of being an asshole, but Kay knows it’s a farce to try and get her to leave. The two of them are stubborn as hell, unstoppable force meets immovable object. In fact, they’re more similar in ways they aren’t aware of at first. She knows that he needs someone there for him, even if he says otherwise, and wants to help him be the support he so desperately needs. Even if that means having to deal with him constantly trying to fluster her for a laugh. In some universes, they may even end up as more than just friends…
Tilda ( @blacknight-darksky​ ): Kay thinks Tilda is cool, it’s not every day you get to meet a witch after all! The two of them are close, though they can’t help but worry about their other friends when they do something reckless and stupid. They’ll happily make some good food for everyone, including each other. In some universes, they may end up as even more than friends…
Roman ( @keyboardthenerd​ ): It was certainly a surprise to learn that Dante had a kid even he didn’t know about, but the moment Kay met Roman, she knew something had happened with them that hadn’t been good in the slightest. She’s always willing to be there for them and offer a shoulder to cry on. She worries about them a lot, especially considering their special interest is the Order of the Sword, but she isn’t about to give up on them. They just need a supportive figure in their life, maybe a lot actually, but Kay doesn’t mind being one.
Saara ( @saarasabaku​ ): Kay struggles to remember what it’s like for her to have a mother figure in her life, but she thinks Saara is the closest thing she has to one. She feels safe going to her for things, whether it be advice or a hug or to vent about Dante being an idiot. She’s probably accidentally called her “mom” before.
Manticore ( @mrmercer13​ ): Kay thinks Manticore is a strange demon, but a good one to be around. The giant of a man is very friend shaped after all, and he’s good at cooking too! Even if he isn’t the sharpest crayon in the box, it’s hard to feel upset around the big guy for long and she’s happy to call him her friend!
Gray ( @tseliius​ ): Kay sees the young maven as a bit of a younger sister. She can’t help but worry about her. She likes listening to them talk about magic and what they do with it, especially when it comes to seeing souls. She only hopes they stay on the right path, and she’s willing to help in whatever way she can.
King (derudevil on Twitter): At first, Kay thought King was kind of a dick. But in time, the human hunter has grown on her, and it turns out he’s not that bad. Dealing with him isn’t always easy, but it beats dealing with Vergil. Besides, considering the rough life he had, she can’t help but respect what he’s managed to achieve.
Siena ( @shadedshadowmc​ ): Dante’s daughter is a handful, but one that Kay doesn’t mind dealing with. Siena’s a good kid deep down, she cares about her dad a lot after all, but she is a little shit and that’s hard to forget. Even though Kay isn’t fond of being relegated to babysitting (mostly because she wants to be fighting demons, not stay stuck at the office), she does her best to be a supportive figure for the girl.
Avalon (Mine): Hate. Kay feels nothing but hate for the man who ruined everything. Her life, her family, her happiness, all of it was stolen away because of him. She wishes he hadn’t gotten away all those years ago, too much of a coward to see things through to the end. One thing is for certain, she will find him one day. And when she does, she will kill him. After all the atrocities he’s committed, it’s what he deserves.
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disgruntledspacedad · 4 years
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Asks are OPEN
all fic features character x fem!reader (no y/n) unless otherwise specified.
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The Better Love Series
He’s a DEA Agent. You work with Centra Spike. You’re an unstoppable force. He’s an immovable object. A collision between you is inevitable. The fallout will be monumental. Slices of life from your adventures with Peña in Colombia. Javier Peña x fem!reader/OC (Ears). Rated M.
| masterlist |
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Catfish Blues 
Catfish Blues 
ficlet/imagine. Bringing Frankie back to you through music
| catfish blues |
Fire in the Sky 
Frankie shows you just how much he cares. Follows Catfish Blues, but can be read as a standalone. fluffy smut.
| fire in the sky |
Rx ‘verse
Injured, designated driver Frankie brings his drunk friends to your emergency room. Frankie x physician!reader. fluffy meet-cute
| g.o.m.e.r. |
Frankie discovers versed. You spill your guts. Follow-up to G.O.M.E.R.
| qhs |
frankie when you have a shit day
frankie supporting your career
watching the super bowl with frankie
frankie when you have a tooth pulled
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What We Said Before
Javi gives you a little bit of tough love. Javier Peña x f!grad student reader.
| what we said before |
Exit Wounds
Steve Murphy comes to several realizations all at once. Javier x Steve, buddies or pre-slash, it’s up to you. 
| exit wounds |
javier peña when you have a chronic illness
javier peña is a well-disguised dork
dancing with javi
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Dad takes Missy to the county fair. They are both missing Mom. Quick little prequel to The Right Thing, Missy POV.
| scrambled |
The Right Thing
Taking Marcus Moreno captive proves to be a little more that you’d bargained for. post-canon fix-it.
| the right thing |
wedding band
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Armed with nothing more than an old Polaroid and a burning desire for answers, Jack Daniels breaks the laws of time to find out why he’s suddenly been declared unfit for duty
| starcrossed |
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A Little Slice of Heaven
You bake Ezra a cake. Pure fluff.
| a little slice of heaven |
Ezra comes home to you.
| needy |
Ezra wakes you to watch a sunrise.
| morning |
soft ezra 
ezra when you have a chronic illness
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You wonder where he will go, and if you should follow.
| stay |
The Ghost Din Series
“What’s it like, being dead?”
| dissonance masterlist |
Blood and Water
Once, Din Djarin had a sister. Now, he doesn’t even remember her name.
| before |
Blood and Water
Retha Djarin has spent her entire life trying to make up for the family she lost. She is called the mother of shadows, stealing supplies and tech from the terraforming corporation that dominates Veta IV. But when a routine raid goes wrong, and Retha realizes that she’s in over her head. Way over her head. The planet has been thrown into chaos, Retha is on the run for her life, and oh, great, they’ve sent a kriffing Mandalorian after her. COMING SOON.
| sneak peek |
Thots, Meta, and Headcanons
din needs some closure, dammit | why The Rescue hurts so bad
in defense of din djarin | din’s subdued emotional response in The Tragedy makes a lot of sense to me
what if that transmission was a set up? | 2.8 speculation post that aged like cheese
the din djarin biker au that nobody needs | based on a true story
force bond din | au in which Din and Grogu forge a force bond after Corvus.
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the boys finding out about a previous abusive relationship 
the boys from least to most musically gifted 
the boys as drinks
the boys as brotp’s 
the boys’ favorite scents
the boys and game night
the boys and mbti
the boys’ hogwarts houses
Coming Soon
Veracruz x reader one-shot, sneak peek here
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draphrawrites · 3 years
Fic Updates!
This is a more thorough update of all my published WIPs and their current statuses! Updated July 23rd, 2024! 😊
✨Split between my SFW and NSFW accounts ✨ 
🔹 SFW 🔹
180 Degrees (Dabihawks, time travel)
Chapters published: 5
Update planned: Updated 05/28/24
A Matter of Perspective (DabiHawks, modern magic)
Chapters published: 2
Update planned: On backburner for the moment but not discontinued!
A Pirate’s Life for Me (Pirate AU series)
Fics published: 3 (two sfw, one nsfw)
Update planned: on the back burner for the moment, but have another 3/9 fics either done or mostly done in this series! They’re just not in order 😅
A World Apart (TouKei, Little Mermaid AU)
Chapters published: 1
Update planned: on the back burner right now, but possibly in the Fall since I have part of the next chapter written!
Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Better (Kacchako, intern rivalry)
Chapters published: 1
Update planned: on back burner for now, but not discontinued
Everybody LoVs Me (MiruDabiHawks, crack)
Chapters published: 2
Update planned: have final chapter partially written, on back burner for now
hit and run (Dabihawks, injury+forced proximity)
Chapters published: 2
Update planned: updated 04/21/2024
Last Ones Standing (MiruDabiHawks, PacRim series)
Fics published: 1
Update planned: next fic is partially written (about 2-3k)
Lines Crossed (Dabi rescues Bakugou when kidnapping goes sideways AU)
Chapters published: 50
Update planned: Updated 07/23/2024
Project Trigger (Dabihawks, cyberfantasy AU)
Chapters published: 3
Update planned: Updated 03/16/2024
Sanctuary (Dabi saves Eri AU)
Chapters published: 10
Update planned: Updated 07/10/2024
Slow Burn (Firefigter!Touya & Hero!Hawks AU)
Chapters published: 7
Update planned: Updated 06/11/2024
Ten Years Gone (Dabihawks, amnesia & childhood friends)
Chapters published: 2
Update planned: Next chapter started, just need time to brainstorm
Time and Again (MiruDabi, post timeloop)
Chapters published: 1
Update planned: On backburner for the moment but not discontinued
The Murder of Touya Todoroki (Dabi/Makoto, mystery)
Chapters published: 1
Update planned: chapter 2 completed, awaiting editing
This is our “get along” shirt (TouKei, pining and intern rivalry)
Chapters published: 1
Update planned: Have about 2k of the next chapter finished 👀
Unstoppable Force, Meet Immovable Object ( Dabi & Natsuo, accidental road trip)
Chapters published: 1
Update planned: Have the entire next chapter outlined, just need time to write it
When the wolf is at your door (invite him to dinner) (Dabihawks, role reversal & fake dating)
Chapters published: 6
Update planned: updated 05/21/23
Yeet Cute (Dabihawks Actor AU)
Chapters published: 2
Update planned: updated 11/05/2023
🔸 NSFW 🔸
A Pirate’s Word (Part of the pirate series)
Chapters published: 1
Update planned: On the back burner for now, but not discontinued 🏴‍☠️
a hero and a villain walk into a bar (MiruDabi accidental pregnancy)
Chapters published: 1
Update planned: have the first chunk written from Miruko's POV, just need to start on Dabi's
Compromised (Dabihawks, Virgin Dabi, Honeypot Hawks)
Chapters published: 7
Update planned: updated August 10th!
In For A Penny (Dabihawks, 5+1 bottom Dabi)
Chapters published: 3
Update planned: Next chapter is outlined!
it’s me, hi (Dabihawks, bodyswap)
Chapters published: 1
Update planned: soonish?
loving you is a losing game (Dabihawks, angst set before the war arc)
Chapters published: 1
Update planned: End of the year! I wish it was sooner, but it’s a long chapter and involves a LOT of emotions.
That’s all for now! This list does not include other WIPs that are currently unpublished (of which I have several 😂), just the published WIPs so you guys can know when-ish to expect updates! All of these are subject to change, as life happens and hobbies suffer for it. 
That said, thank you all for your support! Hope this helps 😊💖
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elminx · 3 years
Energy Update: July 2021
July starts out with a bang as our ongoing t-square between Mars in Leo, Saturn in Aquarius, and Uranus in Taurus goes exact on 7/1 and 7/3. The Saturn-Uranus square is the energy we will have to deal with all year but Mars in Leo is adding a bit of lighter fluid to an already strong inferno. The first few days of July may be one of the biggest chances to budge the stuck energy of our Unstoppable Force (Uranus in Taurus) meets Immovable Object (Saturn in Aquarius) but proceed with EXTREME caution and carry a fire extinguisher.
If you can't handle the flames, get out of the fire might be advice easily said than followed during this time.
Watch out for fireworks - both literally and figuratively.
2021 is a year where everything is on the chopping block - we are constantly being encouraged (bullied even, perhaps) to pair down, to get rid of anything and everything that no longer serves us. July is no different.
In July, things may get a bit more personal. July is a "3" universal month (5 (2+0+2+1) + 7 (July) = 12 = 1+2 = 3) - 3 represents connection and creativity. The three rules where we get together - how we connect - it represents learning and expansion. And indeed, all of our planets are dancing with one another all month long.
All of our personal planets are clustered together in Gemini, Cancer, and Leo - Mercury is the farthest behind because he went retrograde in Gemini, the Sun is making its way through Cancer, and Venus and Mars are about to conjunct in Leo before Venus overtakes her slower-moving brother.
On the other hand, our interpersonal and outer planets are all clustered from Capricorn to Taurus - Pluto in Capricorn, Saturn in Aquarius, Jupiter in Pisces (for like...one more minute before it retrogrades back into Aquarius), Chiron in Aries, and finally Uranus in Taurus. As our inner planets travel from Gemini, through Cancer, and onto Leo they are each making aspects to these outer planets one after the other.
Each new sign a personal planet enters into interacts with these outer giants differently - when in Cancer you're more likely to bring your emotions to the table while in Leo you're more likely to bring your ego. This is just the basics of transits and aspects in astrology that I'm explaining to you here but I'm doing so for a reason.
This is happening on a really fast scale. Mars speeds things up - Mars in Leo puts a slow-burning fire underneath everything that it touches. With Mars out ahead of Venus, the Sun, and Mercury he has the opportunity to really blaze a trail. Bide your time until the new moon on 7/9 before starting something new though - better to hunker down and let the Mars t-square ease up a bit before plowing forward.
Venus is not far behind her brother and relationship issues will be close to the surface through all of the beginning of July as Venus reactivates that t-square with Saturn and Uranus. It will be best to show a lot of patience to your others until Venus and Mars conjunct on 7/13 - they may be going through their own shit that has nothing to do with you.
Mercury makes one final square to Neptune in Pisces before finally leaving his retrograde shadow on 7/7 and exiting Gemini for Cancer on 7/11. Here they join in the Sun's mission to square Chiron in Aries and oppose Pluto in Capricorn as they make their way together through Cancer. Collective pain might be very close to the surface - remember to ward or protect yourself from it if you are an HSP.
The week of 7/12-7/15 is the friendliest cozy timing of the month but watch out for that weekend as the Sun opposed Pluto on 7/17. Venus enters Virgo on 7/21. the Sun enters Leo on 7/22, and we have a full moon at 01 degrees Aquarius on 7/23 - take what you have learned over the month and really, truly consider what you can let go of to become the better you.
The end of the month is all about refinement. With Venus and Mars now in Virgo, you'll start to see the need to draw some lines in the sand. To really work through the kinks, make an honest assessment of the value of things. Mars opposes Jupiter on 7/29 - make sure that you are not looking at the world through rose-colored glasses - all that glitters is not gold.
The Sun and Mercury conjunct on 8/1 on the same day as they form an opposition to Saturn in Aquarius - this is going to be a big power day. Plan ahead.
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satbiym · 4 years
Things that make me go Feral about WangXian
1. Yes, while the most beautiful person in Gusu and love at first fight thing is amazing, what gets me, what really gets me about Wangxian is that they each think the other is the best, most good person they've ever met.
And same for Lan Wangji!!!! The thing that tipped him over the edge, the fact that kept him going through the “come back to Gusu with me” era and the 13 years of mourning and regretting that followed, was the deep-seated belief in WWX's innate goodness and WWX always choosing to do good.
I think the reason the 13 years of regret were extra painful was because deep down he did believe that Wei Ying had a reason for doing everything that he did. The 13 years were spent regretting not that Wei Wuxian died, but that he died believing that everyone thought he had been irrevocably corrupted and was evil.
So, when Wei Wuxian came back, Lan Wangji stood by him, not because he loved him, but because he had left behind that urge to fully know Wei Wuxian’s reasons for doing what he was doing and was content to put and show his faith in Wei Wuxian.
2. They are each other's favourite person and can see their soul reflected in the other's eyes, oh god, i am crying
And, call me silly but I think “I like you” is so much more powerful than “I love you” in any relationship. The fact that both Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji like and love each other, are each other’s favourite people in the world and respect one another?
I need a moment.
And if you think of all the other relationships in MDZS, of any flavor - familiar, platonic, romantic - sure, everyone loves one another, but do they truly like them? Do they truly respect them?
Yes, love is miraculous, but liking someone? that’s a choice.
A choice Wangxian happily make, every day.
3. They are the only 2 people in each other's leagues - they are truly equals and well matched.
And yes, I am a sucker for the unstoppable force, immovable object metaphor, are you truly still surprised??
Now, since we’re on the subject - the thing about unstoppable force, immovable object """"paradox""""" is this underlying assumption that these two should and will fight.
But… What if they don't?
What if there is no need for each to prove themselves the victor over the other?
What if they just band together and become the world's best power couple????? what then, Karen?????????????
4. Both LWJ and WWX would rather not profess their love, more than happy to stay in the other's life and support the other and see them happy even if it's not with themselves.
IMHO, the question I would ask every time when it comes to ascertaining love - is staying platonically by their side enough?? Or do they have to be with you for you to want to stay by their side?
Because, if you love them, shouldn’t just being around them be enough? Isn’t their company and happiness enough? Why must your love need to be this destructive, almost performative, overly dramatic, raze the earth kind of event?
Why is friendship lesser than romance?
Wangxian's is a soft love. A love which is matured, where just being around the other (which is how you fell in love with them lbr) is enough of a gift to you and anything else would be a cherry on top of an already amazing cake - amazing but not necessary to enjoy the cake.
quick aside: Friendships solely as a precursor to romance or friendships that are to aid/prime for the eventual romance are mercenary in motive and tbh a motive that is disqualifying for any kind of relationship.
5. I love how much Lan Wangji indulges Wei Wuxian and is overt and publicly unashamed and proud about his love.
Neither would choose to hide their love for the other, because to them, regardless of what the world thinks, their relationship is something they don’t mind being seen as soft for.
6. Wangxian gives the other the benefit of doubt, trusts them are and are on the other’s side. Trusting, not blindly, but because they believe in the other's personality and inherent goodness.
7. Just... Lan Wanji and Wei Wuxian having someone they can trust to have their back, someone who is competent and that they respect. Someone who they don't have to worry about protecting one-sidedly, but someone who can protect them in return.
Wangxian knowing: whatever happens, we can face it together.
And conversely,
Someone with whom they are safe, emotionally, mentally and physically. Not needing to pretend they are someone they aren’t, someone they can let down their facade with and not have to worry about judgement.
Wangxian thinking of the other as part of their own soul. You don’t need to worry about pretending to not hurt, to not laugh, to not be strong, when it’s just you alone, so why must you have to worry about pretending when you’re with your soulmate - the person who has seen you at your highest and lowest and still sees you and respects you and likes you and loves you?
8. They just… like each other’s company and laugh together and delight in, and have the best time with, each other and are each other’s favourite person and I am crying
Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian when together just constantly being charmed and delighted and oh, I like you so much
ah soft love is my achilles heel.
9. How protective they are of each other, even from words and negative emotions - insult me, that’s fine, but don’t insult my favourite person
10. this kind of love feels… revolutionary
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Jyoumi Challenge Day 1
Now that it’s officially Jyoumi month, it’s time for me to go wild. @jyoumifeels created a fun challenge for the month, and though I was in a bit of a bad mood yesterday, I’m now ready to make up for it. I’m currently swamped with some other personal projects, so I’ll likely take the “short” answer approach for most days, but I hope to write a fic or two as well! Until then, here’s Day 1!
Why do you like Jyoumi?
Their dynamic is just one of my absolute favorites. I’m a sucker for “immovable object meets unstoppable force” ships, and Jyoumi encompasses that pretty ideally. While Jou is intent on doing things the proper way, Mimi is a complete wild card, impulsive and stubborn in most cases. Their banter is exquisite, and any interaction between the two is sure to score some laughs. Regardless of my issued with Adventure: 2020, I’ll give them credit for unlocking their true comedic potential. 
In that same vein, because they have these differences in personality, I think they would be able to offer a lot in a relationship with each other. Jou would be able to ground Mimi and help her make wise decisions, while Mimi would help him loosen up and listen to his gut more often. 
Despite their differences, however, they also share a few key similarities. They both have big hearts and a will to help people, and it’s this shared compassion that explains why Jou would feel compelled to stay behind with Mimi towards the end of Adventure. 
Additionally, they are both the most misplaced kids of the group. Jou is an anxious mess who feels compelled to put on a brave-face to tackle a situation he’s clearly not prepared for, and Mimi, who has been provided everything she’s ever needed on a silver platter, has to face her new reality in the Digital World where she’s expected to fulfill responsibilities she’s never had before. In comparison, all the other kids more or less deal with the transition remarkably well. I imagine this provides them with a sense of camaraderie, especially in terms of homesickness. 
They are also both goal-setters. Once they set their mind on something, they see it through to the end, even if they go about it in slightly different ways. They both work incredibly hard to accomplish their dreams (particularly in regards to their careers), so I think they’d be able to support each other well. 
More importantly, though, Jyoumi is just really well-developed within the show itself. Even Jou’s elusive tri girlfriend can’t make a dent on the chemistry they share. They always look out for one another, and I think they’re singlehandedly each other’s biggest emotional crutch canon-wise. The fact they’ve had not one, but two emotional crying scenes (Leomon’s death and the tri scene at the river) speaks volumes. 
Overall, they just work so well together. I’ve been shipping these two since I was 12, and that’s not going to change any time soon. I love them too much!
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doctorcanon · 5 years
Just Finished the BL Route.
There is such a great attention to character detail in this game because let’s face it, that’s really the only detail this game has but really, it’s all it needs. What is a story without characters? However, I wanna make something very clear: Just because I’m critical of a character’s motivations, I’m not bashing them. I think this is a fantastic game and everyone has something to love about it. But I do, have some grievances and this is like...80% grievance.
Unpopular Opinion but Dimitri’s descent into madness makes total sense. The kid is clearly hanging on by a thread the moment you meet him and it’s only enhanced by Felix’s observations. One thing important to note here: Boars aren’t aggressive until they are provoked.
There’s a lot riding on Dimitri from the very beginning. He’s the one that’s going to put Faergus back together. He’s the one that’s going to protect what’s left of Duscur. He has to come back to his country a leader worth following. He tried to stop the burning of Duscur and in the end, he only saved one person - nearly dying himself. Again. 
That’s all before you meet him. He’s the foil to Edelgard for a reason, and he rises to meet her at every challenge. If she’s an unstoppable force, he’s the immovable object and Claude is the result of the collision.
Edelgard and Dimitri also see the concept of Family very, very differently. Edelgard clearly sees any family ties as burdens, reminders of a horrible ordeal that took her life away and nearly destroyed her. Whereas Dimitri is desperate for any kind of family connection after a horrible ordeal that took his life away and nearly destroyed him. Foils.
In a way, Edelgard is stronger or at least more constructive than Dimitri. While Dimitri was stuffed in a jail cell and nearly executed, Edelgard went out and did something about what she thought was wrong with the world. Although, I think the way she went about doing it is outrageous. Honestly, I could write an entire book on why the Sympathetic Imperialist is a bad trope. All I’ll say on the subject is: Just because you call in “unification” doesn’t mean it’s not Imperialism. 
Dimitri has an extreme - almost unreasonable - sense of duty and justice. This spreads virulently into Ashe and Ingrid who frequently have to be brought back down to Earth before they get carried away as shown in their supports with Catherine, Sylvain and Felix. Everything in Faergus is riding on him being a worthy leader, it makes sense that he would think avenging the dead would fall into that category. The country’s hopes rest on his shoulders, the dead are subject to his protection as well. Auditory/visual hallucinations and flashbacks are a common symptom of PTSD - and I have my own theory about Dimitri being a disorganized Schizophrenic but that’s a whole ‘nother ball game. 
Before Remire Village, Dimitri is very slow to anger. He doesn’t acknowledge anger and out of the three he is the most level headed. Naturally, this makes him the most unbalanced. Which would’ve made for a killer dynamic among the 3 house leaders. God I would give my left tit to see this game redone to give Edelgard, Claude and Dimitri a much deeper bond. Because the Dimitri/Claude dynamic comes out of nowhere in the third act of the game. Even weirder, it’s right after we beat his ass and killed his friends at Gronder field. A battle that he really didn’t need to be involved in in the first goddamn place. Oh man, just think of it, the story of Claude trying desperately to hold his two friends together and then depending on which route you choose, him realizing that one, the other or both are beyond saving. That way he could actually...y’know...BE IN THE OTHER STORY ROUTES.
Even though I adore the Blue Lions story route, it pretty much falls apart after the battle of Gronder Field. The game starts to depend more on the emotional impact of killing your fellow students and teachers rather than actual storytelling. Personally, this had very little effect on me because once I failed a few times, I got angry to the point that I truly did not care about straight up killing any of them. 
Rodrigue’s death was almost entirely pointless and only served to make me feel really bad for Felix who spends two months distinctly alone and grieving. His entire journey coming to terms with his father’ death is just glossed over with a few lines. Meanwhile Dimitri is apparently cured of his PTSD even though it’s clear he’s still suffering. It’s just never really resolved because apparently winning a war means you’re no longer traumatized.
Even though I adore him, I completely understand why a lot of people don’t like Dimitri because it’s the same reason a lot people dislike female characters in certain media. He has very little - if any - agency in his own story. The tragedy of Duscur, the Burning of Duscur, attending the Officer’s academy, Edelgard’s war...it’s all just...happens to him and keeps happening to him. He has almost no say in anything in the story. Gilbert pretty much makes him participate in the war while he’s clearly mentally unfit for duty. Everyone just kind of makes choices around him, he suffers for it pretty much every time and then he blames himself for it instead of calling those people tf out which is just counterproductive. And when he does call them out he comes across as Whiny 90s Anti-Hero rather than a Broken Man Who’s Had Just About Enough of This Nonsense. His Mental Instability is treated more like a tragic character flaw than his Wrath, which is ...y’know...the actual tragic character flaw. 
There are a lot of things the Blue Lion’s Route just leaves up to the other story routes: Claude’s general existence, the church plot no one explains, Edelgard never explicitly states what her ideals are, Those Who Slither in the Dark abruptly appear and disappear, Rhea just fucks off to live in the red canyon for the rest of her life, and the plot just hopes you forget to ask about it because they never explain it. 
That being said, I adore this story route and my Blue Lion Children. I’m playing Golden Deer next.
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laughingpinecone · 5 years
Yuletide letter!
I am laughingpineapple on AO3 
Likes: worldbuilding, slice of life (doubly so if the event the fic focuses on is made up but canon-specific), missing moments, 5+1 and similar formats, bonding and emotional support/intimacy, physical intimacy, lingering touches, loyalty, casefic, surrealism, magical realism, established relationships, future fic, hurt/comfort or just comfort from the ample canon hurt, throwing characters into non-canon environments, banter, functional relationships between dysfunctional individuals, unexplained mysteries, bittersweet moods, journal/epistolary fic, dreams and memories and identities, outsider POV, UST, exploration of secondary bits of canon, leaning on the uniqueness of the canon setting/mood, found families, characters reuniting after a long and/or harrowing time, friends-to-lovers, road trips, maps, mutual pining, cuddling, wintry moods, the feeling of flannel and other fabrics, ridiculous concepts played straight, sensory details, places being haunted, people being haunted, the mystery of the woods, small hopes in bleak worlds, electricity, places that don’t quite add up, mismatched memories, caves and deep places, distant city lights at night
Any tense, any pov, any rating, plotty, not plotty, IF, canon divergences, non-mundane AUs (space opera! high fantasy! new weird also), deep lore, unrequested characters popping up - please do go wild with the & combos!
Blanket crossover prompt with Untitled Goose Game: set that goose loose anywhere and ruin anyone’s day. Tariq and select Twin Peaks characters who are not Albert (Margaret, Laura...) may hope to tame and befriend the goose; anyone else better get wrecked. Capitalism may also get wrecked while Kentucky Route Zero characters popcorn.gif nearby
DNW: non-canonical rape, non-canonical children, canon retellings, unrequested ships (I listed all the ships I like for each fandom. Outside of those, I’d prefer if other canon characters weren’t shipped, unless they’re like, canon engaged/married)
Dark Souls 1: Solaire of Astora
I’m only familiar with the first game! It’s probably relevant to mention that I think that linking the fire is kind of a dumbass move, Gwyn is a jerk, Kaathe has his own agenda and there’s no winning move in this world, or at least no obvious one. And amidst all this nonsense, Solaire just shines, pure of heart and dumb of ass like the best of ‘em. I love his kindness in this cruelest of worlds and I love the sad edge he’s got even earlier on when he admits to being seen as weird.
I would enjoy a bittersweet ending for him but I realize both of his endings are deeply entrenched in his themes so it’s hard to make him steer clear of either of those. If you can figure out how to make him not link the Flame or survive the ordeal, I’m all ears! I like a sense of purpose being the thing that can stave off hollowing, and I like characters helping other characters finding that sense of purpose within themselves. Focus on scenery always welcome, and if you want to make up a location, that’s great too!
I’d be super happy with a story set during Solaire’s time in Lordran that simply doesn’t mention his endings, anyway. Maybe he’s the one who helps someone else while his own tragedy keeps looming on the horizon. Striking up friendships in the face of a crapsack world! Meeting people through Lordran’s temporal/dimensional fuckery, where it’s possible to cross the path of warriors who have been gone for ages… could Solaire meet either or both Catarina knights (there’s so much great art about sun bro and onion bro but where’s the fic?), or do the grumpy grump&ray of sunshine routine with Logan, or meet Artorias or even Gwyn before he linked the Flame - or himself? What if he met Kaathe?
Ships: none really? Solaire/Chosen Undead but I don’t really like to read about customizable protagonists in fic so I’d rather not get fic featuring the CU. I’m all about the & character combos here.
Ghost Trick: Cabanela, Jowd
I love Cabanela being fierce and dazzling bright and determined and loyal to the very end, dancing to his own rhythm, so sure of himself and of his ideas that he doesn’t even need to prove to anyone that he’s right. Too sure of the wrong idea, once, and everything crashed and burned. And I love Jowd being the immovable object to Cabanela’s unstoppable force, a suicidal trainwreck of guilt with the gallows humor to show for it, and also incredibly smart (both jerks figured out Sissel’s powers better than Sissel did, that’s... something) and athletic and with an unsuspected talent for stealth.
I am very interested in various characters finding about the erased timeline, but not getting their memories back, and having to live with being told about what they did but never remembering it. Touch-starved Jowd in the new timeline is a surefire hit (or maybe Cabanela if he’s the one who came back and kept the memories of the old timeline). Touchy-feely Cabanela as kind of his baseline with the people he likes.  All what-ifs welcome:what if they managed an acceptable happy ending but didn’t reset the timeline, what if Alma’s ghost stuck around… I’m also wondering about either of them ending up undead via Temsik shard - how would they take these developments (I’m assuming better than Yomiel did but the bar is admittedly low), did Cabanela do it on purpose for whatever sensible-if-you-are-Cabanela reason, what does it change in their relationship, what are the practical pros and cons of the situation here. UFO adventures with Pigeon Man! Lynne teaming up with either of them against the other! Sissel death-averting action if either/both of them die or just regular cat action! Spy stuff! Daring rescues! My forever prompt of Jowd being the one who gets a chance to prove his loyalty to Cabanela for once. Dancing.
Please no Yomiel. Nothing against the guy I’m just getting an overdose of him through RPing.
Ships: Alma/Cabanela/Jowd and all sides thereof, but when it splits the canon couple I only like it when the missing spouse is dead or otherwise unavailable, hopefully with a reset on the horizon. If you want to go for a Cabanela&Alma or Cabanela/Alma who are strongly motivated by a dead or jailed Jowd, I’m good with him not actively appearing in the fic. Alma/Jowd & Cabanela is excellent in all scenarios. I’m good with explicitly non-romantic takes on Jowd&Cabs but please keep their bond strong, and please no conflicting ship for Cabanela. Lynne/Memry!
Kentucky Route Zero: Any (Lula Chamberlain, Joseph Wheattree, Donald kentuckyroutezero, Weaver Màrquez)
(if enough of us request it, will some Murphy corollary guarantee that Act V will come out between now and reveals just to mess with the Yuletide schedule? If it does, I’ll be playing it immediately and probably add a few thoughts and prompts here for kicks, at the end of this section, after a spoiler warning. Obviously feel free to stick to canon up to Un Pueblo De Nada)
I’m all for exploration of any of the game’s themes and for including any staples from adjacent genres - wanna go full-on American Gothic? Dip into surrealism? Take a leaf from Twin Peaks with tulpa / split narratives to explore the characters’ issues? I can’t think of any specific AUs for the disaster trio + disaster soloist here, but I generally love AUs so if you want to sidestep the inconvenience of an incomplete canon that way, be my guest! Or of course there’s Xanadu at the height of its glory, an infinite what-ifs generator. Was Weaver ever part of it, what was this digital Weaver up to? A Xanadu narrative would be great! A good fit for IF, too? I’d love to hear about any new spot along the Zero or the Echo river, or an expansion of some place that’s only mentioned by Will in HATATE or only gets a few paragraphs of text. Lula getting ideas for a new installation, or an article talking about her work? Donald listening to Static between stations somehow (Donald being constantly high as a kite as per this)? Joseph who went back to the surface finds himself near an entrance to the Zero somewhere? A collection of Weaver-isms? Feel free to bring in anyone else from any part of canon.
Ships: “Flipping through the pages, Conway is able to gather that it's a story about three characters: Joseph, Donald, and Lula. It's something like a tragic love triangle, but much more complex. Some kind of tangled, painfully concave love polygon.” 😬 that one, as a full triad, regrettably since they don’t seem too inclined to get reunited and stay that way. If you can nudge them, good. But I’m very open to non-romantic resolutions as well, going past their messy feelings to find each other as friends after so many years maybe. For Weaver, I’m interested in all her & relationships (seriously. Weaver & Cate. Weaver & EmilyBen&Bob. Weaver & Slow Moe Crow.) but nothing shippy. Conway/Lysette, Junebug/Johnny(/Shannon?).
The Last Remnant: David Nassau, Pagus
I’m very interested in post-game exploration, and getting a clearer feeling of any of the cities and assorted places that populate this fascinating world. I like the whole party with their characterization based on battle quotes, red bubble dialogues, and even their unique stat (‘authority’ is a natural fit for David but ‘romance’ tells me something new about Sibal!) Character interaction. Bit of worldbuilding. What’s another festival they celebrate? Do they erect something else instead of the Valeria Heart? Any fun discoveries down in Siebenbur? Where the hell IS Veyriel, anyway, do they go look for it and if so what do they find out? End of an age. Old bonds.
I ache for David who fought so valiantly as a warrior and as a politician only to be slapped in the face with the unexpected loss Emma first and then Rush, right as they were ready to claim their victory and as he would have to start coming to terms with the idea that maybe without the Gae Bolg he wouldn’t die young. At least his Generals are still with him - out of them, all of whom I adore, I picked Pagus because Qsiti are cool. And Pagus in particular is the coolest (”I know that fine qsiti... That large, reticent mouth, the laugh lines around the eyes...“ he’s FINE it’s CANON!). So I’d like to see how David bounces off Pagus in particular, what their bond is like, what he thinks of whatever aspect of Qsiti culture.
Ships: postcanon David/Rush, possibly with an emphasis on Rush’s nature as a remnant? I am also fond of Pagus/Sibal/Maddox, there are more prompts for them in my #letters tag!
Pyre: Volfred Sandalwood, Tariq The Lone Minstrel
Oh the burning found family feelings, the revolutionary passion, the tension between topside social constraints (moreso for liberated exiles, thrust into heroic roles after the revolution) and the kind of freedom allowed by the Downside! I love all the themes, the solemnity, the heart of this game. I’ve been waiting for a character like Tariq all my life, a minstrel who’s otherworldly soft and just a lil bit eldritch. Volfred as well, he just hits my perfect ratio of “noble intentions” to “scheming to a fault”. Like, the percentages in his planner are pointless for gameplay since the ending just depends on the number of Nightwings sent topside at the end - so it’s just there for his characterization, he’s the sort of person who assigns percentages to people, nbd. ...for a good cause! That said, I would die for anyone in that Blackwagon+Dalbert+Celeste, so if you want to write in someone else as well, please do! (otoh if you maybe want to dunk on Brighton or Manley, I don’t like bashing but canon levels of love-to-hate-them would be fun)
Thoughts about finding oneself at the end of an age, as everything crumbles down to form something new. The titan stars. History nerd Volfred, “aye sir, I was there” Tariq. Conversations with Dalbert. Or with Sandra? Any postcanon very welcome with any combination of endings as long as the revolution was peaceful. Please do lean into the xeno headcanons if you enjoy them! Even for gen, I like to read what it’s like to be something other than human and these two are very much not human in different and intriguing ways. Or, Volfred’s zodiac sign is Cancer and Cancer is ruled by the Moon, so there’s that. I also love how they both hold the other in the highest esteem, especially on Tariq’s part since he’s the immortal Herald of the Scribes and Volfred is, all in all, a history teacher, but listen to him and you’d think the roles were inverted. I love my nonviolent canon but could anything happen to either of them that may require a rescue, and/or some good old-fashioned h/c? What’s something that could make Tariq of all people lose it? How’s life 100 years on?
For a funnier mood, picture Volfred trying to figure out how to flirt with Tariq with percentages, planners and all. He could just ask him but no, it’s convoluted plan or bust. Or, conversely, Tariq’s increasingly direct hints that he’s interested, but they’re still ‘increasingly direct’ for Tariq standards, so, not at all, undetectable even by Volfred who can get pretty damningly indirect himself.
Ships: Volfred/Tariq, Volfred/Oralech, some form of Oralech/Volfred/Tariq (more of a Volfred-centric V but I would like to be convinced of the Oralech/Tariq side of things), Celeste/Jodariel, Hedwyn/Fikani and Pamitha/Bertrude.
Twin Peaks: Albert Rosenfield
Case fic but they don’t find out jack shit, someone disappears, David Bowie was there, it’s complicated. Fragmented, shifted, mirrored identities. New Lodge spaces. The risks of staring into the void for too long. Gentle illusions. Transcendence. The moon. Static buzzing. Any title from the s3 ethereal whooshing compilation used as a prompt, actually. Twin Peaks is all about the mystery to me, the awe of mystery and unknowability and the human drive to look beyond and the risks of getting a peek, and about shared consciousness and trauma taking physical form and about the warmth of human connections in an uncaring world. Go wild with the ethereal whooshing!
I love Albert and he breaks my heart, a pacifist who ends his arc shooting his oldest remaining friend after life sucked all the passion and most of the idealism out of him. Is shooting Diane just to see Cooper come back, get her back and disappear with her again trauma enough to make him split? I’d be interested in reading about it, or any other take on his unwavering loyalty to Gordon which should maybe waver after Gordon’s admission that he’s lied to him for 25 years and the aforementioned unmitigated disaster of an ending. But I’m also very interested in his life apart from the disaster that is Blue Rose and his heartbreaking search for Cooper: did he keep in touch with Harry throughout the years, what did they talk about? Was he ever dragged along for a hike in the woods and did something weird happen there? We know he kept in touch with Diane, what did THEY talk about? Does he go on a journey of his own to find her after the ending? Does Tammy come along, do they see each other as friends other than mentor and protégé? What was Phil like as a co-boss back in the day? Did he get a small victory over Windom at some point (maybe even in the present day, given Kenneth Welsh’s recent wonderful interview where he’s adamant that Windom lives)? Does Laura ever visit him in some ghostly manner? He and Denise look like a great duo for a case and/or office shenanigans. We know from TFD that he’s a big jazz enthusiast, something about that? When does he cave in and just accept some aspects of Coop’s investigative method? Just set him loose on another unsuspecting character and I’ll be happy.
If Coop comes back (and I’d love for Coop to come back), I would like it if he came back on his own thanks to having sorted out his crap. After s3, I am not interested in stories about any other character saving Cooper. Albert’s got his wounds to lick dangit. And he’s got friends who can be by his side! ...I do love his dynamic with Coop so much, though. Sigh. I do miss that bastard. Anyway.
Ships: Albert/Coop/Harry and sides thereof, Tammy/Cynthia, Gordon/Phil, Diane/Constance, Lucy/Andy, Chet/Sam.
Canon-specific DNWs: any singular Dreamer being the ‘source’ of canon, BOB (let alone Judy) being forever defeated in the finale, Judy being an active malevolent presence in the characters’ lives, clear explanations for canonical ambiguities, ‘Odessaverse’ being the reality layer, the Fireman’s House by the Sea being the White Lodge, anything that 4 hours video says is the explanation of Twin Peaks
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edelgoth · 5 years
hihiii! I was wondering if it was possible to get a matchup for FE:3H or DA:I (male characters pls!!)? i'm an ESFJ!! i'm shy around people i'm new to but, with my small group of friends i'm usually quite loud/laugh ALOT, crack a ton of jokes. i'm told i look intimidating at first because of my height but actually i'm just a big ol'teddy bear! i often look out for my friends and help them out if they're down- the mom friend! but add a magarita glass in my hand.
(2) i often underestimate my strength as well by a TON because whenever i playfully slap my friends on the back they tell me i have the strength of 10 men FJDSK my hobbies include drawing, occasionally rollerblading and exercising! :} sorry if this ask was long and thank u!!! have a lovely day !!!!
oh your description made me laugh~ i dub thee margarita mum 
so for fire emblem three houses, i match you with…
mum friend and dad friend,,, match made in heaven,,, my PARENTS,,,
you may be tall but raphael’s probably taller, so you guys would have this incredible aesthetic of “accidentally intimidating but actually the biggest softies you’ll ever meet” going 
you’re shy around new people, but that’s not going to be a problem with raphael. he’s just so gregarious that i think you guys would hit it off very quickly!! 
everyone can always hear you guys because you’re constantly laughing together. everyone’s accustomed to the sound, and honestly? it’s kind of comforting to hear 
no seriously, you’re always cracking jokes,,, you have so many inside jokes that sometimes it feels like you’ve got your own language
cuddliest couple around,,, raphael honestly looks so nice to cuddle with, and you described yourself as a teddy bear, so,,, 
you’re both the sort to look out for people when they’re down, and you think you guys would be absolute angels. you adopt half the monastery and you’re always checking in with them, making sure they’re eating well and that they’re feeling okay please adopt me
i feel like raphael would probably be impressed by your strength, and would always be encouraging you to come and train with him; finding out you like to exercise would probably seal the deal for him 
even when you’re not training yourself, he likes it when you’re there; it helps motivate him to work harder, and he’ll constantly be grinning at you whenever he does anything impressive 
okay just bc of the “strength of ten men” line, i can imagine him always challenging you to arm wrestles. it becomes a tradition for you guys; whenever you finish a training session together, it’s TIME TO WRESTLE 
oh you bet he’s a big fan of all your hobbies. that drawing you’ve done? this is amazing! watching you rollerblade? that was incredible! (i hope you read that in his voice bc i certainly did)
i just love this pairing so much,,, i hope you love my boy because you two would be incredible together,,, 
alternative matchups
sylvain: i think the fact that you don’t seem to take life too seriously would be surprisingly charming to sylvain. while he plays off that he doesn’t care about anything, he does, and there are undertones that hint at him being very bitter about life. having you around would help lift his spirits a bit, i think? and you’re both the sorts to look out for your friends! i feel like you might miss it when he flirts with you a first? i don’t quite know why but that’s the vibe i get, and i think that has great comedic potential. 
lorenz: i feel like you’d be a very surprising pair; you’d be able to bring lorenz down a peg, and show him that there are things to enjoy about life outside of being noble. you seem very affable and i think that’d help break through lorenz’s pretenses, and whoops he’s fallen in love with you now,,, i just think you guys would have such a funny, endearing dynamic
idk how old you are and he’s married but i think you and alois would get along really well,,, my emotional support parents,,, 
dragon age matchup under the cut!
and for dragon age inquisition, i match you with… 
iron bull!!
OH BOY i love this concept,,, you’re also my new parents now 
again, bull is a big boy, so you’d have that same “we look super intimidating but we’re actually the coolest, most caring people you’ll ever run into” vibe going 
bull is less overtly caring than you, but i think you’d help to bring that side out of him. like, you guys’d be helping out more subtly? i don’t know if that makes sense, but i think you guys would always be helping out in “sneaky” ways
bull has a tougher exterior, and it’s one he’s honed and worked on for quite a while. but, he does genuinely care a lot about the people in his life, and i think he’d always be coming up with ways of letting you know he loves you (without having to say it) 
look,,, the man probably names his weapon after you. he says it’s a joke, and that it’s to tease you, but come on,,,
on that note,,, bull is going to tease the hell out of you. i hope you’re ready for that. he’s very clever and perceptive, so be on your toes! 
you both like to laugh, and that’s something else you’d bond over! you’d always have a joke for each other, and you can bet on the chargers getting involved. it becomes a competition. you must out-joke each other. krem has a tally. 
OH MY GOODNESS you become the second mum of the chargers (bull is their first, of course),,, they all love you,,, you’re always checking in with them and sharing a drink down at the tavern,,, they love you and bull together and they always let you know you’re welcome,,, 
i think bull’d also be impressed by your strength, and honestly? he’d always be challenging you to a friendly fight. like always. it usually ends up in a tie. he tries to mix up the weapon of choice to throw you off but it never works. unstoppable force meets immovable object. a match made in heaven. 
bull is less openly affectionate, but i think he’d get quite cuddly later in the night. he’s actually super clingy when he’s asleep (it’s one of the things you actually tease him for)
oh you are absolutely a power couple, on the battlefield and off. you’ve both got the strength of ten men, after all
you’d be such a great pair,,, my other parents,,, 
alternative matchups
varric: my reasons for matching you with varric would be very similar to those listed for bull. i just think you two would have a lot of fun together!! i think your dynamic would be quite similar as well, but varric is more likely to engage you in wordplay than swordplay. you’d be the funniest couple around, and everyone loves hanging out with you because you always have the best jokes and stories. also you’re both mum friends, so you’re constantly looking after Everyone. 
blackwall: i think you’d have a nice balance!! blackwall definitely enjoys some levity and banter, but i think he tends to hold back a bit. i think he’d be quite comfortable around you, and you’d get to see more of that light-hearted, playful blackwall! i like this concept Very Much 
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