#thinking abt that one post that's the fake vampire tumblr post that's like 'what if our ancestors lied to us abt garlic'
vamp-a-day · 9 months
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day 69
Look, i never said he was smart, okay
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wulvert · 1 year
TUMBLR DELETED MY ENTIRE ORIGINAL MUNDANE FACTS ASK IM SO. ##########. I HAD SO MANY QUESTIONS LOST 2 MY POOR MEMORY. anyways sorry i got distracted writing a pokemon dnd campaign. happy weed day!! nd paperteeth day woooo!!! i wish u luck in ur drawing!!!!! nyways heres um. A Lot Of Questions:
does avery have a preferred alcoholic beverage like scarlet or does she just. not rly care as long as it has alcohol content
do any of her 11 brothers have names or nah. if they do ur very brave i would collapse on my 6th google search of "1998 Boy Names"
ur knowledge of strange asmr continues 2 fascinate me as someone who listens 2 like. repairation/restoration asmr alone with no talking ever. nyways since asmr um. probably? didnt exist in 1998 how does scarlet get her 60% sharp 40% human vampire gf 2 finally rest so she herself can sleep,,,does she have 2 drag the tv in nd play vhs tape whale noises,,,does she start doing her own asmr on the spot,,,does she just. cuddle avery so strongly she cant move. WOULD,,,WOULD SHE JUST WRAP AVERY IN COUNTLESS BLANKETS 2 IMMOBILIZE HER ND THEN SLEEP WHILE AVERY STRUGGLES OUT OF HER COCOON,,,
did avery immediately take agnes in upon finding that beast in the bin or was it like. agnes kept harassing her daily and before she knew it or could resist the bin demon wormed its way into her heart nd she adopted her.
is the hand discoloration like. a blood...hunger? blood...thirst? blood...starved? i forgot the terminology. u get it. thing or is it related 2 having claws.
WOULD scarlet nd avery ever consider adopting a 2nd cat,,,that is also vantablack with blue eyes that definitely wouldnt be an inkitties reference,,,or if scarlet gave into her fears would they get like. another tarantula/reptile/fish like scarlet used 2 have before the Tragedy,,,
if avery ever stopped being embarrassed about simply existing would she knit even more plush creatures 4 scarlet,,,would she finally share her knitting tips nd they would knit more of them together,,,
is averys little vampire fangs phone charm real teeth that she kept from some (dead) guy or are they like. fake. also wht charms does scarlet have,,,
would scarlet wear those like. fake little clip on ear piercings 2 cope with the fact she cant get more real ones anymore.
miscellaneous rly specific question: can vampires get tattoos post-vampirism or would their healing ability just like. obliterate the ink or smthn. if they had a tattoo pre-vampirism does it forever stay in the state it was when they were turned or does it still like. fade over the years like tats usually do.
Sorry if my answers r even less ledgible than usual, my laptops still deceased and i cant use touchscreen keyboards very well for some rrleason and tbh i cant spell vry well
SHE DOESNT NEED 2 USE CUTLERY ANYMORE💪💪💪💪& her knives have handles :)
i think shes less specific abt it but probably prefers like colourful cocktails that dont taste of alcohol at all but obliterate you because u sip at 7 of them in a row but then again she probably likes to come off as someone who likes plain whiskey but she actually doesnt.
....they do not. i am still awful at names. i leave naming characters to the last minute- but imo they have a pretty like. idk old man naming convention. like ur gonna get ur edwards and georges rather than ur i literally cannot think of a name i would consider non old man ok whatever anyway.
i have a problem in regards 2 asmr. its like. i tap on things. all the time. anyway yea asmr wasnt a thing in then so probably just sits her in front of bob ross or makes her go on a 10000 mile run before dawn so shes tired out enough to just zzz as soon as her head hits the pillow. either that or yea def cocoon blanket method. she doesnt have to sleep just has to be immobilised. scarlet also does that as mentioned. they r cocoons. together. avery uncomfortable bc she needs to stretch her legs. but trapped.
probably absorbed agnes immediately and forgot about her job for like a day of blissfully washing fleas off a kitten. avery likes animals & wouldnt be able to leave her in the bin, and far too attatched to rehome. she keeps agnes to herself usually though and doesnt talk about her- (scarlet told avery to bring agnes over with her so she wouldnt be home alone (she wanted to pet the cat) (avery agreed bc she feels bad about abandoning her while she was dead for a week) (agnes is still in scarlets house)
discolouration from lack of blood!! vampires have fairly bad circulation as is. so extremities get a little corpsey after a while without any juice- it goes away with prolonged blood drinking though.
i think they would consider it but i also think agnes is a hater and wouldnt be happy about another cat- i think a little betta tank would b an option for sure- but scarlet would probably like to have a lot of pets in general :^)
she would for sure definitely, she probably has knitted kelly stuff before shes just shy about it. and eventually avery will be emotionally secure enough to share knitting tips 😌 proud of her
they are real teeth. from a person she murdered. probably the first vampire she killed, before she started at the lumber co so no need 2 turn them in for money.
scarlet probably has an obscene amt of little charms. the little smiley faces & the little scooby bracelets.
those little little ear cuffs maybe, shes probably most sad she doesnt have any helix piercings
a glare so foul
i wouldnt say so, itd heal up pretty immediately before you could even finish tatooing. which sucks- tattoos from before vampirism are now locked the way they were when turned, so even if the leg gets sawed off the leg'll grow back with the tattoo on it.
lmk if i missed anythingIwant my laptop back!!!!!
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vampyrluver · 4 years
stole these questions from this post 
22 Questions for Nonbinary November!
1.Which labels do you use?
i dont rly label myself? but if i have to i just say in nonbinary nd i dont label my sexuality but TECHNICALLY im bi nd ace? idk man lmao
2.What are your pronouns?
in order from most prefered it/its vey/vem they/them (yes i stole vey/vem from that vampire post i love it so much mind ur business) 
3.How old were you when you came out to yourself as nonbinary?
idk lol maybe when i was 15? 16? i have no idea but sometime in early highschool 
4.What’s one thing you’d like to tell your younger self?
not 2 worry abt labels too much, i spent a lot my younger years freaking about labels nd now my only constant label is vampire nd thats how i like it 
5.Is there a myth about nonbinary people that annoys you the most?
that its a white ppl thing lol 
6.Is there a nonbinary celebrity you look up to?
i dont know i dont care about celebrities' so i admit i have no idea who any nb celebrities' are
7.If you’re out, how did you come out?
im not out 2 my family but i am out to my friends nd it depends, some friends i have are trans so i literally was just like “hey i like they/them i think” other friends , like irl friends, i would drop hints online or i would put my pronouns in my bio nd wait for them to ask bc i was not willing to come out to them i needed them to ask me first KFHDGJHDJFG 
8.Is there a gender-related pun you like?
i dont kno any puns im boring sorry JKDFGKSDH 
9.Do you have friends who identify as nonbinary, too?
yeah like half my friends are nb lmao 
10.Do you have a favorite lgbt+ character?
all my fav characters r lgbt bc i said so
11. Lgbt, lgbt+, lgbtqa+… which one do you usually use?
none ? i usually just talk abt the specific groups within the lgbt rather then it as a whole but if i do i just say lgbt 
12. How do you explain the term “nonbinary” to people who have no idea what it means?
i mean being honest i...dont? i dont explain it to ppl lmao but i guess if i had to i would say for me its not idetifying as a girl or a guy nd kinda floating somewhere in between? thats the normie way to put it, when ppl ask my gender tho i literally say vampire
13.Tell us a fun fact about yourself (gender-related or random!)
idk if u could tell but i love vampires 
14.How did you find your name?
JKDFHSDJHG ok so...OK....i used 2 b the miggest FATTEST calliope homestuck kinnie, nd i have stopped kinning calliope BUT i still keep the name nd the nickname bc it fits me very well nd i like it a lot, so i still go by calliope/cal even tho that part of me no longer exists? i still resonate a lot with calliope i just could care less abt homestuck nd i highkey hate hussie 
15.If you’re in a relationship, how did your partner react to your coming-out?
he was like “ok thats cool!” 
16.Do you prefer partner, datemate, significant other or something else?
my bf calls me his gf nd i dont care tho i think partner is cool , he calls me his s/o sometimes too nd im cool w that too, i think sparring partner is also nice 
17.A piece of advice for questioning kids?
gender is fake dont take it too seriously nd dont stress over finding a label sometimes theres no label for u nd thats okay also neo pronouns r awesome 
18.Which flag(s) do you use?
i use the nb flag??? also the ace flag 
19.Any tips for bad days?
sometimes self care is listening to music that makes u go bonkers, listen to music tht makes u bonkers nd dance until ur too tired to dance
20.Do you have a favorite nonbinary blog on tumblr?
no i dont follow any
21.Feminine, masculine, androgynous - or none of those things?
22. What are your three favorite things about yourself?
my clown collection, my humor? nd idk i think im nice nd i try nd take pride in that
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