#he go =w= when in deep thought
vamp-a-day · 9 months
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day 69
Look, i never said he was smart, okay
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quirkle2 · 1 year
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boy he's rly mobbin all over the place
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roblogging · 18 days
i love using this app just to complain about tiktok. if i get ONEEEE more dm that's like "hiii i love your account 🥰 do you mind giving (insert name of their own fic) a read and posting about it?" i will go INSANE.
pay me for it then idk.
im kidding i wouldnt do that BUT LIKE. i get so excited 😭😭 i always think i've made a new friend and then i open the dm to that. EVEN WORSEEE when it's an author whose stuff i genuinely really enjoy and have found naturally by myself and then :/// like oh :/// OR when they don't even follow me? like you dont haveeee to but if you're dming just for promotion at least own up to it, don't act as if you actually like me yk? got me all excited for nout :(
idk. maybe im being annoying by complaining but it irks me so much. like as much as we say to write for ourselves and not focus on the traction, that's how i am with my account. i am literally shitposting for me and people fw that, that's great!
like just dm and say you think i'd enjoy it or smth, or at least entertain a conversation with me for longer than five minutes :/ it's my lil bubble and it sucks just being reduced to that
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swordheld · 10 months
hi! your blog is one of my favourites and i absolutely adore reading your thoughts. my grandfather recently passed away and it feels like i lost myself with him. how do i continue living after this? there is this constant weight on my chest and it feels like an emptiness has made a home inside of me. how do i go on when it feels like the world crashed on my shoulders?
hello, love! this is so very sweet and kind of you, and i hope you're treating yourself gently and kindly right now - there aren't words for a loss like this. that heaviness is difficult, and hard, and painful. it's okay if things don't feel okay, right now, or even soon - i think that's something that a lot of the people i know that have gone through similar grief feel: like they should be able to get back to a relative 'normal' in a [insert far too short period of time].
but it's okay if it hurts. that's where i'd like to start. you're allowed to feel that emptiness, that world-crashed feeling that goes beyond words, beyond time. don't feel like you have to rush this to feel some sort of better. things get easier with time, i promise you this, but sometimes painful feelings are important to feel, too. cry, scream, feel your emotions. they're a part of you. grieve.
it's perhaps a little silly, but when i think about death i always think about a couple of space songs: mainly drops of jupiter by train and saturn by sleeping at last. there are perhaps others that speak to the emotions better, but these two have always hit something a little deeper for me, and are popular for a wide-reaching reason.
and while personally i don't know much about grief like this, i do know a lot about love; and i think they're a lot of the same thing.
the people we love are a part of us, and this is why it takes from us so deeply when we lose them, because it does feel like we've lost a part of ourselves in the wake of it. but it's because they were so central to our experiences of living - our lives, that the separation introduces a hollowness - a place where they used to be. a home that now goes unlived in.
an emptiness, like you said.
but just because they're not here physically, doesn't mean he's not still there, in your heart, in your life, your memory. you can hold him close in smaller ways, as well: steal a sweater, or cologne/scent for something a little more physical and long lasting for remembering. hold onto the memories you cherish, the things that made you laugh, the ease of slow mornings and gentle nights. write them all down, slide a few photographs in there, go through it and add more when you miss him. keep them all close, keep them in your heart.
you're not alone, in this. he's still there, with you, it's just - in the little things.
he's with you in the way you see and go about your daily life, in doing what he liked to do, in the ways he interacted with the world that you shared with him. the memories you recall fondly when the night is late or the moment is right and something calls it into you like a melody, an old bell, laughter you'd recognize anywhere.
but i think, perhaps most importantly above all others - talk about him. with your family, your friends, his friends, strangers; stories are how we keep the people we love alive. the connections they've made, the legacies and experiences they've left behind, and so, so many stories.
how lucky, we are - to love so much it takes a piece of us when they go. grief is the other side of the coin, but it does not mean our love goes away. it lives in you. it lives in everyone who knew him, in the smallest pieces of our lives.
the people we love never really leave us, like this: they're in how we cook and the way we fold our newspapers, our laundry, in the radio stations we tune in to and the way we decorate our walls, our photo albums. they're in the way we store our mail, organize our closets, the scribbled notes in the indexes of our books. the meals we love and the drinks we mix, the way we spend time with one another. they've been passed down for generations, for longer than history - and we are all the luckier for it.
think about what you shared with him, and do it intentionally. bring him into your life, like this, again. whether it's crosswords or poetry or sports or anything else. if one doesn't help, try another. something might click.
i hope things feel a little easier for you, as they tend to do only with time. i hope you find joy in your grief, even if it is small and hard to grasp at first. know that your hurt stems from so much love that there isn't a place to put it properly, and that it is something so meaningful and hurting poets and storytellers have been struggling to put it into words and sounds that feel like the fit right for eons, and that it is also just simply yours. sometimes things don't have to make sense. sometimes they just are - unable to be put into words or neat little sentiments, as unfair and tragic as they come.
but i promise it will not feel like this forever. your love is real. and perhaps, on where to begin on from here - i think it's less on finding where to begin and just beginning. and you've already started. you've taken the most important and crucial step: the first one. wherever you go, after that, from here? you'll figure it out. you always have, and you always do. it'll come, as things always do. love leads us, as does light - and you're never alone in your hurt. in your grief, your missing something dear to you. i think if you talk about it with others, you'll find they have ways of helping you cope as well - and they have so much love of their own to spare, too.
as an aside, here is the song (northern star by dom fera) i was listening to when i wrote this, for no other reason more than it makes me think of connections, and love, and how we hold onto the people we love and how they change us, wonderfully and intrinsically. it's a little more joyous than the others i've mentioned, and plays like a story, and it made me think of what is at the core of this, love and stories and i am here with you, and maybe it'll bring you some joy, if you'd like it. wishing you all my love and ease 💛
#q&a.#birdsong.#wishing u gentle ease; the death of a loved one is near inexplicable to put into words and i hope you take care of yourself gently <3#i hope this will make u laugh: when i was a tiny child in middle school there were times i would go outside in my tiny suburban cul de sac-#in the rain and sing along to my lil ipod nano and i only remember doing this to drops of jupiter. can you imagine going out to get the mai#after a long day of work and you just hear this kid singing train in the streets. in the RAIN.... it makes me laugh like i really.#i really thought i was so cool and deep and emotional ghjkd but i find it v funny that i only remember it w/ that one train track.#and saturn just. it's my fav s.a.l. song for a reason. that slow violin opening? the piano coming in gentle and easy?#it feels like light. like hope. like something new - a dawn after the long dark. that beautiful things can begin again even where#it hurts. and there is nothing more human than a sentiment like that.#how rare and beautiful it is to truly exist. what it is to be alive and get to be here and live with other people. with those we love.#i think your grandfather was so lucky to be able to know you. to have you in his life for the time you had together.#i'm no spiritual person; but i like to believe when you're thinking about him? he's thinking about you too.#the second law of thermodynamics (physics nerd mode) is that no energy has ever been created/destroyed since the beginning of the universe.#so it has to go somewhere - it's that carl sagan quote of 'we're all made of stardust'. because we are. we used to be stars; planets; etc.#i think it's why i think of these space songs - because they're a part of everything; once more; when they go. us and everything else.
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erabu-san · 3 months
so, have you seen those Sethos and Wanderer lines? and the dynamic them both have at all?? its like Sethos wanted to know more of Wanderer and possibly befriend him y'know 😭😭
YES I READ IT AND i am really invested in it.
They are both interesting, I enjoy their dynamic 😭 bahahaa plz ! Also when wanderer told "huh he keeps following me and ask abt my hat ☝️ 😐" and sethos and in backstory 1 of Sethos, when Sethos was too busy, Wanderer is the one starting the conversation 😭 oh he doesn't mind Sethos at all !! Anyway, looking how Sethos is smart but also open-minded, I am sure Wanderer would find it interesting to talk with him too !
And the fact they also both pretty similar, but contrary too !! Anyway, I'm happy abt a possible Sethos Scara friendship 😊
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with the caveat that we don’t know the ending yet and it might destroy me!--
i’ve actually really loved roman and gerri’s arc this season. it has been painful and miserable (what hasn’t??), but oh! the way it reveals the persistent, inconvenient depth of their feelings for each other over and over! i think their scenes this season have added a lot of depth to their bond that wouldn’t have existed if we’d just stopped with the end of season three; in season three, i think it was pretty easy to still question the full extent of gerri’s emotional investment in roman because she was so committed to seeming strictly professional, but they’re both fully in the mess this season -- even if gerri is still making smart choices to mostly get herself out of it -- and i cherish that. and i think each of their scenes has been really beautifully acted and full of fascinating nuance, and the entire fact of all the angst being rooted in roman having briefly stood up to logan because hurting gerri was so awful for him (and gerri not knowing that happened!) ... i just think it’s been really good! it’s such an aching portrayal of affection that has nowhere to go because the environment it exists in is totally antithetical to it. (which is, of course, extremely on theme for this whole show!) every single scene ending with one of them walking away and the other one feeling the weight of their absence!
like, ideally this will continue to be well-written and all be wrapped up in a satisfying way somehow (though who the hell knows what ‘satisfying’ looks like in this context), but at least we will always have the hurt and anger and mess and yearning! all these things not of a professional nature.
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fluentisonus · 7 days
part of the problem is that a lot of hugo's politics are really well thought out & considered & good but then some of them are like. entirely vibes-based to the point of feeling muddled & inconsistent & even straight up Bad sometimes. which is annoying
#sometimes it's like he's just saying things. chewing it over in real time but not getting anywhere really. which is frustrating when you've#just been immersed in a really deep & serious point he's carefully made & laid out just before#<- e.g. this section of revolt vs insurrection has some good points ig & could be interesting if it was actually grounded in some sort#of idk. political theory or something. but instead he spends a lot of it just falling back on ~vibes which sucks Especially bc#sometimes that 'sense' misleads him i think! and he ends up wandering closer to certain reactionary ideas than he intends#like he starts w this really banger bit basically making fun of the bourgeoisie opinion on violent uprising but then?? kind of ends up#doing that a bit himself by the end? not to mention that tbh i think the whole distinction he's trying to make here is kind of bogus anyway#it really feels he's trying to soothe his like lingering bits of conservative discomfort around this sort of armed uprising#by sorting it into a 'good' 'type' while maintaining a 'bad' 'type' for anything he's still not comfortable with#<- i wouldn't phrase that quite so harshly except i still think his bit on 1848 is annoying & this sort of goes hand in hand w that towards#like. actually actively working against the values he's trying to strive towards. y'know.#it's like you can see genuinely him intellectually trying to come round but he has still not let go of these#sort of like. instinctive conservative bourgeois discomforts in his subconscious. if that makes sense#thoughts#<- also the take on caesar & alexander & columbus etc. 😑🚬 i'm tired#kind of funny though bc sometimes his characters (i.e. like the amis) come across as having more clear grounded discussed well#thought through political opinions than he does. lol. it's like he saw the vision but was struggling with it personally at times
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princemick · 1 month
*gutteral screams* I love dutch hospitality
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narwhalandchill · 7 months
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85 surgically implanted psychiatry degrees and still lost the fight against clinical depression and existential nihilism day 1. everyone point and laugh please
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While 'Renan is off finding the holy grail, slaying one and a half high dragons, burning the rotting corpse of the crucified king, and having a personal crisis, Noya is also having A Great Time in the Deep Roads! :) Including but not limited to fun activities such as: nug wrangling, being trapped miles under the earth for weeks on end, finding and killing two paragons, and encountering horrors beyond her imagination that will fuel nightmares for the rest of her life! <3
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firebirdsdaughter · 2 months
I'm divided…
… I like Rukia getting something to do, I like the Kuchiki sibs plus their idiot, I like that she was allowed to hold her own despite this being a 2000s shonen manga, you know what I mean. Like for what it was many of the women in BLEACH made it through fairly well and I like that. I like Rukia being cool, I like her Bankai, I like it.
But at the same time… Like I get why it was her, and I like it, and I don't so much mind as… Well, I just kinda wish that Renji had gotten to kill As Nodt, since he was the one who actually had to watch Byakuya get maimed like that? Like obvi Rukia deserves a shot too, like I said, I understand it being her and I don't mind, I just kinda would… Also like to see a reality where Renji got to do him in.
Not necessarily in canon, bc yes, give Rukia more to do? Like I just want an au where Renji got him. Them. Finish what he tried to start before getting punted.
It's like I like the way it was and I wouldn't actually change it bc we always need more women being able to fight on their own, and I liked what was done. I loved Byakuya just showing up to get his bankai back and then leaving the rest to his sister, I love love love her getting Bankai.
I just. Want to see the version where Renji gets a go at him after having to watch that.
Like I don't want to write it myself, but I want it.
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caramelmochacrow · 5 months
fearing death as a trans person hits different. if you died never coming out, changing your name or just doing whatever makes you feel happy with your body it will never be shown in your funeral and everyone will never know you as who you were inside. something about if you died and you DID come out, you did do everything that made you happy abt your body but the one relative in your family that didn't accept you had to fix up your funeral they misgender you and place the wrong name on your grave anyway. or if the relatives that did accept you fix up your funeral with the correct pronouns and name but those who didnt will still misgender and deadname you even when you die. idk man.
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comradecowplant · 3 months
Love that the discourse is so rancid that cishet men are the main character of pride this year! Great job everyone!!!!!
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waywardsalt · 6 months
i. get the vibe that the more mainstream zelda fans are allergic to the idea of liking characters who like. do bad things
#the groups and works i avoid are ones that make characters who do generally questionable things into morally good/perfect people#idk. whenever people get nasty or w/s it seems to be when people ask reasonable questions abt the series’ morality#recent example in mind but like. idk. with more personal/petty examples i feel like people will just sand a character down to being nicer#or more decent to fit some mold and maybe while its still similar to canon its a lot less interesting#idk this is just a mini rant ill delete it later. god forbid we enjoy characters who make bad choices and are mean#idk i dont usually leave my little hole but it feels like the worst zelda fans are deep in purity culture regarding characters#and don’t analyze the text beyond what youre told and never going any deeper bc it would require thought and discomfort#idk ig with [character] (cuz i know thisll get picked ul by tag stuff) i just. dont like how he just gets turned into a decent guy?#like hes an asshole but thats it hes more pleasant than anything? its not not canon but its not interesting. its neuters him#yknow? like hes down for robbing people at the bare minimum shut uo about tax fraud he’s a thief literally in the text#im going off the rails. bht i feel like people lash out at characters who are unignorably grating or morally impure#and sand down the ones whose flaws can be ignored. ofc i feel like the main 3 esp with these last few games get the worst of it#and i can get why considering the issues baked into how this series work but it just makes a lot of things boring
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haemosexuality · 11 months
most of the schools i went to were catholic to its rlly surprising that i never had any type of religion class. it didnt actually affect anything other than us being made to stand in line and pray before class (and also sing the national anthem) but like you could just, Not do that and be chill
#i did go to catechism classes as a kid but that only lasted for a few months#i was 9 i think or 10#kinda diff subject but i have a lot of memories of being 10-11 and figuring out religion#a lot of my memories for that time period are Gone I Am Memory Issues Man but not those for some reason#babies first independent thought <3#i remember first doubting what i knew about god when i was like 7? but i shelved that until 5th/6th grade#as ive repeatedly brought up in this blog my sister died when i was in 5th grade which caused my parents to double down on the catholicism#at the same time i had found Atheist Progressive Facebook Pages and doubting everything#they made a routine of every day before bed reading me a passage from the bible and i had to sit there like yas queen so true#but me and this friend from school were heaving deep philosophical talks about religion dailyyyyyyyy#she reached the conclusion of god not being real a bit before me and i remember mentioning to my parents how i dont think thatd mean she#was gonna go to hell in one of the Nightly Bible Sessions#before i reached that conclusion i actually adopted the line of thinking thay god Was real#he just sucked ass and was a terrible being. and also fuck christianity#tho a few months later i went full atheist#one time me and that friend were on a fucking amusement park ride discusding religion. thats still funny to me#also a while later my mom started dipping her toe in other religions mostly as she tried to figure out how to deal w my sister dying#she got into spiritism and took me to like a. idk. lecture???? sermon??? i did not care so i daydreamed lesbian ever after highxmonster high#fanfiction during it. 👍#my dad also gave me a very long talk about how my mom was being tempted by the devil at that time which like. ok#also at age 11 the last time i went to church happened. it was on the 1 year anniversary of my grandpa dying (which also happened in 5th#grade) and his name was gonna be mentioned. i was already atheist then and i felt Very out of place. also intried convincing my younger#cousin the tooth fairy was real doing it#oh and i can never forget how i posted on facebook telling my extended family that i was an atheist and then my aunt held a prayer session#at her house while me n the other kids were playing and Loudly talked about how parents who let their children be atheists are doing the#devils work or whatever. or the family friend that told my mom the reason my sister died was bc my mom didnt go to church regularly#my mom didn't go to church regularly bc my sister was dying and she was busy trying to prevent that. lmao.#my sister dying actually had nothing to do w me questioning religion but literally everyone seemed to think so at the time. theyd be like#i know you might be angry at god because of your sister.... and i was like? no bitch theres just no scientific proof that guy exists what#oh there are so many typos and mistakes in these tags im not editing that. good luck
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recapitulation · 2 years
I haven't really talked about it but going to a performance of mahler 2 was without a doubt the most intensely I've ever felt anything in my life. like clamping my hand over my mouth bc I felt like I suddenly had no control over my body. I felt like I was going to burst out laughing or start ugly sobbing for no reason other than pure intensity of emotion
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