[Loulou*di S3V2 L 3-10] Hana-Doll 3rd Season THINK OF ME:ARK Translation
Translation below the cut. Google Drive link | Listen to the album on Spotify
Project Archive: L 3-10
(A group of medical staff rushes over.)
Staff Member A: What’s the matter? We received a notification from PLANTs that you’re returning to the dorm.
Ageha: We were leaving the dual-use facility, so I thought about dropping a notice upfront. Is there a problem with that?
Staff Member A: We received the report and the specifics from the inspection this morning. If there’s no issues with your condition, then you may return to–
Ageha: Please share Loulou*di’s latest schedule with us. It was empty when I checked on the online board earlier, so I was wondering if there were any technical errors, or perhaps there was something you didn’t want us to know. Which is it?
Staff Member A: Scheduling isn’t under the medical team’s responsibilities.
Ageha: Speaking of which, your position in the executive committee is still pending, am I right?
Staff Member A: Headquarters have already been informed that the reports from the dual-use facility retreat returned favorable.
Ageha: That isn’t a secret to us, it seems.
Staff Member A: At the very least, this order doesn’t withhold us from carrying out our duties. We’re not clear on the details of the schedule, so please wait for further instructions.
Ageha: Then… Please pass a message along to the president.
Staff Member A: To the president?
Ageha: I have something to discuss with him.
Staff Member A: Understood. We will arrange for a meeting with him.
Ageha: I would like to meet him immediately.
Staff Member A: I understand where you’re coming from, but that won’t be possible at the moment.
Ageha:  I didn’t come all this way… just to speak with you.
Staff Member A: We, from the medical facility, are here to ensure your health and safety–
Ageha: And who the hell said that we’ll leave our lives to you?! Our health? Safety? Like I even asked in the first place. I had the impression that it was the norm, but it looks like every single one of the doctors here have slick tongues. 
Staff Member A: I–
Ageha: I’m sick of hearing it from you. I made a promise to President Amagiri that I will scale to the peak of becoming an idol and embody the perfect idol himself. For that, I will do whatever it takes. And yet, just why on earth is the schedule blank and not one damn member of the staff contactable?!
Staff Member A: But–
Ageha: I want an explanation straight from the president’s mouth. Relay that message… please.
Toki: Ageha-san, welcome back!
Ageha: (sighs) I’m back. Where’s Rui?
Toki: He’s in his room. He seems busy doing the task you asked him to do. Besides, how was it?
Ageha: It’s just as I thought. We’re back to square one. Meetings and visits have been canceled for today.
Toki: That’s just rude. Ageha-san took the time to ask them personally, and they won’t even follow through.
Ageha: I’m tired of them being so useless, but the matter of fact is that they simply don’t have much authority.
Toki: Eh? Even though they sure were acting like it.
Ageha: They were all just flaunting power they didn’t have.
Toki: But even so, they should have listened to you and taken you more seriously! After all, Loulou*di is Amagiri Production’s flagship artist.
Ageha: Lately, the president has been deeply misunderstanding how to play observer to nurturing an idol.
Toki: Misunderstanding?
Ageha: Idols are thought to produce the best results when they work together in mutual benefit and challenge. Otherwise, there would be no reason to create Anthos*.
Toki: No way… Anthos* is just small fry, no matter how good or bad they get, they can’t change the fact that Loulou*di will always be number one.
Ageha: Perhaps they just happen to have a bad egg. Take for instance… Yuuki Mahiro.
Toki: Who’s that?
Ageha: Anthos*’ center and President Amagiri’s own son.
Toki: That’s just unfair! Getting his way just ‘cuz he’s the president’s kid!
Ageha: Let me say this, Toki. President Amagiri is a man of exceptional character. I respect him from the bottom of my heart.
Toki: But… even if that’s what Ageha-san says, I don’t think… I can like that sort of person.
Ageha: That person is only human, and a parent on top of that. There may be something that can be done from our end, but… Ah, Rui.
Rui: You’ve returned.
Ageha: How’s the task I gave you coming along?
Rui: I’ve made the preparations. It’s ready for launch at any time. But is this really okay?
Ageha: Stupid question. Do you think you can stand to rot in the dorms forever?
Rui: If that’s what you wish.
Ageha: Are you taking me for a fool?
Toki: I don’t want that! Anthos* are all just playing dirty. Disturbing us during our break and even stealing our offer from Dream Drama Festa!
Ageha: The offer for the drama appearance as well. A newcomer at that level could never attain a handpicked offer. He can feel good about himself, not knowing that it’s all down to the company’s doing.
Toki: All that when they’ve done nothing for Ageha-san… they’re the worst!
Ageha: It seems that like we have to put out Loulou*di’s strength, Loulou*di’s message, in a much clearer way. The president, too, should be opening his eyes soon.
Fan A: Ah, you’re finally here!
Fan B: Wow… the design of the virtual room is amazing!
Fan A: Really?
Fan B: Mmhm! It’s just like the garden stage from the recent live show!
Fan A: It was such a pain to get my hands on this, so I got my family to help out!
Fan B: Will we use this the next we all meet up together?
Fan A: Of course! That’s what I planned to do anyway. Let’s see… (keys something in) 
(Something starts playing)
Fan B: Oh!
Fan A: There’s more. (continues keying in)
Fan B: Flower petals!
Fan A: You totally get the feels when you match it up with the music, right?
Fan B: Yep. Everyone will be so psyched about this!
Fan A: Phew… well, I was just thinking about checking this first with you.
Fan B: Sorry about coming in late. I got stuck trying to pick out an outfit for my avatar.
Fan A: It’s so cute! Is that the motif from the tour?
Fan B: You can tell?
Fan A: Of course! It totally matches Ageha-sama’s outfit!
Fan B: Really? I’m so glad you noticed!
Fan A: The pheasant patterns are so detailed that it looks real!
Fan B: I wanted to experience Loulou*di’s feelings, even if it’s only just this much.
(A sound goes off.)
Fan B: A message?
Fan A: Mmhmm. (opens the message) Eh? This…
Fan B: What’s wrong?
Fan A: Look. 
Ageha: (on video) Please forgive me for making an appearance in this form.
Fans A and B: Ageha-sama?!
Fan B: What is this?
Fan A: No idea…
Ageha: This is Ageha from Loulou*di. I would like to announce that from this moment, I will be starting my own personal music channel. This footage is being streamed to everyone directly from myself.
Fan A: You’re kidding… What does this mean? From Ageha-sama directly… to us?
Ageha: Right now, I have a song I want to share with every Loumiel. It can’t wait, I can’t hold myself back.
Fan A: What’s with this gentle behavior…?
Fan B: I thought so…
Fan A: Eh?
Fan B: I had a hunch ever since the tour. Ageha-sama is already… not the same Ageha-sama as before.
Fan A: Stop it!
Fan B: Ageha-sama, Loulou*di… they’ve never been that kind of unit.
Fan A: Quit talking like that.
Fan B: They were one-of-kind, noble, radiant, beyond our reach… that was the kind of unit they were!
Fan A: I told you to stop it!
Fan B: A broadcast shared with everyone equally? Are you hearing what Ageha-sama is saying? That’s too much… It’s not Ageha-sama…!
Ageha: I hope that the music full of our feelings… will reach right to your heart.
(End of Hana-Doll Think of Me:ARK (Season 3, Volume 2 of Loulou*di))
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[Loulou*di S3V2 L 3-9] Hana-Doll 3rd Season THINK OF ME:ARK Translation
Translation below the cut. Google Drive link | Listen to the album on Spotify
Project Archive: L 3-9
Setsuna: Hey, what did the situation earlier mean? Do you know?
Rui: It’s nothing to concern yourself over.
Setsuna: I’m curious. After all–
Rui: That was just an impulse from the mention of Anthos*.
Setsuna: But…
Rui: Ageha speaks the truth. The flower is not much of an outside threat even during the window when it is at its most potent. Furthermore, internal wounds are barely noticeable when the situation is stable.
Setsuna: Internal…wounds?
Rui: Take care that you head off in the right direction. But that aside, the tea must have scalded you earlier on.
Setsuna: Not at all. Anyway, Mahiro–
Rui: That conversation ends here.
Setsuna: …
Rui: There’s no need for you to mention Yuuki Mahiro the next time you see Ageha.
Setsuna: Is it okay to break my promise with Ageha then?
Rui: Why did you even make such a promise with Ageha in the first place?
Setsuna: Hm? ‘Why’?
Rui: You’re not plotting something with Ageha, are you? As far as I know, you two had no interaction when we were at the training academy.
Setsuna: Are promises something you only make with people you’re close with?
Rui: Considering the risks, the question is why would you make a promise with someone you don’t know and what can you hope to gain from it? It’s beyond my comprehension.
Setsuna: Risk?
Rui: You let slip a job that has yet to be publicly announced. If anybody knew that word of it reached Ageha, you’ll be first one to be suspected by Anthos*. Are you okay being branded a traitor?
Setsuna: A traitor? Will Mahiro doubt me?
Rui: Likely.
Setsuna: I don’t want that.
Rui: That’s why I’m telling you to stop.
Setsuna: Okay, I understand. Thanks.
Rui: No need to thank me.
Setsuna: Huh?
Rui: ?
Setsuna: Just now, you looked just like him. Like Ryoga.
Rui: Kagekawa Ryoga?
Setsuna: Your aura is a little similar to his. When I talk about Mahiro to Ryoga, he makes a face like he’s kind of irritated.
Rui: I… don’t really care about Yuuki Mahiro, or Anthos* for that matter. Besides… (winces)
Setsuna: What’s the matter?
Rui: No, it’s nothing.
Setsuna: Hmm… Then, I’ll be going.
Rui: Setsuna.
Setsuna: I didn’t get burned so I’m okay. Bye-bye.
(Setsuna leaves.)
Rui: (winces in pain) What is this…? I don’t care about Anthos*, yet… why do I…
(Sound of a device being activated.)
Staff Member A: Medical team. What’s the–
Rui: Why was Yashiro Setsuna here?
Staff Member A: …The notification didn’t arrive on time. I apologize for the inconvenience.
Rui: Please answer my question. Why was he here?
Staff Member A: I apologize.
Rui: The application for all personnel to be vacated should have been accepted.
Staff Member A: You’re right.
Rui: Then why?
Staff Member A: I will explain shortly. Please calm down. He sometimes is allowed to be away from the facility as part of his retreat. His cultivation programme is different from the other members.
Rui: In other words, he’s more of a guest than we are.
Staff Member A: We made sure that his schedule wouldn’t allow him a chance to meet you. Apologies.
Rui: He mentioned that he came for maintenance that was scheduled earlier than usual. Does that have something to do with Anthos*’ appearance on Dream Drama Festa?
Staff Member A: Yes, we were doing some adjustments for his condition.
Rui: My understanding is that Dream Drama Festival is traditionally held every year outdoors. Am I correct?
Staff Member A: Yes.
Rui: For the sake of clarity, how about Loulou*di’s offer?
Staff Member A: For the time being, none has been made.
Rui: It would be better to have an understanding with a head start.
Staff Member A: We have not received any information in detail since yesterday.
Rui: Understood, doctor. Thank you.
Staff Member A: Don’t mention it. On another note, has he given you any trouble lately?
Rui: Not particularly.
Staff Member A: Then, has anything happened the past few days that has caused you distress?
Rui: Why do you ask?
Staff Member A: The medical research team has been carefully monitoring your brain waves. 
Rui: I think I heard about that being possible through the seed implanted in the body.
Staff Member A: Exactly. Over the past few days, your ERP[1] has been showing waveforms that have not been observed until now.
Rui: That’s…
Staff Member A: ERPs are thought to halve when facing inhibitory stimuli and secondary stimuli. The measurements recorded from the seed are still somewhat of a mystery to unpack, and with the possibility of noise…
Toki: (in the distance) Rui-san?
Rui: Toki-bou.
Toki: Oh, there you are. I thought I heard you talking. What are you doing here? …Who is this?
Rui: A member of the emergency staff from the medical facility.
Toki: Oh. One of those people butting in just because I’ve been complaining that I haven’t been feeling so good lately, right?
Staff Member A: As mentioned, you appear to be doing well.
Toki: But of course. Rui-san and Ageha-san are with me here, after all. Right, Rui-san?
Ageha: Just what are you all gathering here for?
Toki: Ageha-san!
Ageha: I leave for a minute and come back to this… (to the staff member) Hello, thank you for your hard work. 
Staff Member A: You look like you’re in high spirits as well.
Ageha: Thank you. It wouldn’t have been possible without such a serene environment.
Staff Member A: About… Yashiro Setsuna’s case–
Ageha: I don’t really understand what’s the point of this meeting, but could we just end the correspondence once and for all? Actually, this is the first time the three of us have seen each other today.
Toki: Exactly. We finally got to get together, so please don’t get in our way.
Ageha: I was just thinking about enjoying some precious time with this modest happy few.
Staff Member A: Heard loud and clear. We hope for nothing less than the best for both your body and mind.
Ageha: Thank you very much. Then, please excuse us. 
(Ageha ends the call.) 
Ageha: (sighs) Seriously. Those fools from the research facility… How many times must I tell them to stay out of this?
Toki: They don’t even respect Ageha-san’s instructions. They should all just be sacked.
Ageha: You’re being lively as always today.
Toki: Right? It’s ‘cuz I took a nap and rested up a lot!
Ageha: Mm. It’s good that you’re following instructions.
Toki: (giggles) 
Ageha: If you’re well enough for it, let’s go have a meal. Go and change.
Toki: Okay!
Ageha: Rui bought some souvenirs this afternoon. The sweet things are what you requested, right?
Toki: You managed to buy them? Yay! …Rui-san?
Ageha: Rui.
Rui: … Sorry, did you say something?
Toki: Ageha-san said you bought souvenirs for me.
Rui: Ah, of course. Cake, pudding and macaroons, right?
Toki: Eh? All of them?
Rui: I wasn’t sure which would be the best choice. I couldn’t pick just one. Do you not want all of them?
Toki: I’ll eat everything! Rui-san, I love you!
Ageha: Toki, before that, go freshen up.
Toki: Got it, I’ll go change my clothes now! (leaves)
Ageha: Let’s head back to the living room. 
Rui: Ageha.
Ageha: I don’t need an explanation or excuses. I knew you were sneaking behind my back and talking with the medical research team. For now, just focus on humoring Toki. I’ll take responsibility for–
Rui: Ageha!
Ageha: What’s with that face?
Rui: Right back at you. Why are you looking at me like that?
Ageha: Ah. Unfortunately, I can’t see my own face without a mirror.
Rui: Ageha would never turn around for me. He would move forward even if it meant trampling me. He wouldn’t normally cross paths with me, much less turn my way. Up until now, there wasn’t a single time when those things–
Ageha: You… Do you really want to be stepped on so badly? You truly are a freak. Listen well, Rui. This isn’t reality. It’s the inside of an ephemeral dream.
Rui: Ageha…
Ageha: It won’t be long before we will leave. We have to take up our responsibilities as Loulou*di. But now… in this moment, we’re inside a special dream. Peering from inside an isolated illusion. This is a nice, relaxing dream.
Rui: Stop it.
Ageha: Listening to the sound of the wind, feeling the ebbs and flows of an invisible stream… In the arts, such a serene feeling would be poured into music, written onto a music sheet with the heart still weighing heavy. If I think about all the smiles the sound I create will bring, I believe that even now, I will be able to leave behind my greatest song. There won’t be a second for–
Rui: Ageha!
Ageha: (sighs) Your wish will surely be granted soon. I will disgracefully flail and struggle to breathe, and then finally die. My body will cease as a beautiful corpse, mounted on a magnificent frame, and placed as a grave marker[2]. That’s what you want to see, isn’t it?
Rui: That’s…
Ageha: I will wait for that day. This must have been the path Chihiro sprinted on.
Toki: Ageha-san, Rui-san! Let’s have tea!
Ageha: Let’s go, Rui.
Translator’s Notes:
ERP likely refers to ’Event-related potential’.
Ageha’s word of this album is ‘bohyou (墓標, meaning gravestone)/bouhyou (妄評, meaning unfair criticism)’. Unfortunately I was unable to discern which is which between this drama track and the previous one where he mentions it again in his long monologue in the art museum. I don’t believe the context changes a lot but I thought it was important to highlight this recurring word used.
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[Loulou*di S3V2 L 3-8] Hana-Doll 3rd Season THINK OF ME:ARK Translation
Translation below the cut. Google Drive link | Listen to the album on Spotify
Rui: Your fever’s a little high. A whole day’s rest for you seems to be in order.
Toki: But it’s boring.
Rui: Toki-bou.
Toki: Why did this have to happen when we just earned ourselves a special break…
Rui: The environment here is optimal for you to rest both your body and mind. It’s one of the luxuries we are afforded.
Toki: I get it, but still…
Rui: Is there anything you would like?
Toki: Something I’d like?
Rui: I can stop by town and pick it up for you.
Toki: Rui-san, you’re not going to stay here with me?
Rui: Would you rather I be here?
Toki: I mean, being all by myself is kinda…
Rui: Mm.
Toki: … it’s lonely.
Rui: I see.
Toki: Just a little! Just only about this much.
Rui: Then I’ll do my best to finish the task while you’re asleep.
Toki: What if I wake up?
Rui: Have PLANTs contact me. I’ll immediately return.
Toki: Something I want… Can I ask for anything?
Rui: As long as it’s something within my abilities.
Toki: I want… to have something sweet.
Rui: Something sweet? Like what?
Toki: Pudding, cake, and… macaroons, maybe.
Rui: (hums)
Toki: … is that a no?
Rui: I will do my best.
Toki: Yay!
Rui: Ageha, I’ll be out for a while.
Ageha: Out? For what?
Rui: I’m getting some things requested by Toki-bou.
Ageha: How diligent.
Rui: What Louloud*di’s Toki-bou truly needs to make a full recovery is you, Ageha.
Ageha: And here I thought you finally have some feelings like a real person.
Rui: I also have a place I’d like to go to.
Ageha: You? Have a place you want to go?
Rui: I will be back in two to three hours. If anything happens, just contact me–
Ageha: Wait. It just so happens the place I need to be at is rather remote, so I’ll come along with you.
Ageha: An art museum… I couldn’t have guessed at all that this is where you wanted to go.
Rui: You can wait in the car if you’re bored. I don’t mind.
Ageha: Who said I was bored? It’s a nice exhibition. This line map… is a scene?
Rui: So it seems. According to the leaflet, this permanent exhibition has been laid out quite systematically. Most of these pieces were donated by the bereaved families of the artists who passed away while staying in the sanatorium.
Ageha: I see. Anyway, it’s even a stretch to say that artists are creatures sound in both body and mind.
Rui: Don’t you think that’s a little too far a leap of logic?
Ageha: Willfully setting their own engine ablaze to the point of destruction, doing things that contribute nothing to the essence of existence and survival… it’s enough to make one puke. Art is that sort of thing. Every work created a reverent piece of excrement, paraded in grotesque shows called museums… It’s unfair for me to say that about them.
Rui: Unfair?
Ageha: We aren’t the exception. Loulou*di, too, is just a glorified fetish, dancing on top of a chopping block. On top of that, no matter how much you carve a piece of your soul to put into it, it doesn’t necessarily give it any meaning. When you place the value of a work on the majority vote of thousands of self-centered laymen, it becomes impossible to control the audience. On the contrary, if the true intention of the work is communicated fully, it would be considered the pinnacle of foolishness. Ha, perfection? Setting our ambitions with nobility? That’s just nothing more than crap’s worth of ego. Even bearing that in mind, you can’t stop yourself from creating something, from spewing something out. Whether the flower’s there or not makes no difference in the fact that I can’t go on with it with a peace of mind. It’s a sickness imprisoned in my body that I can’t be cured of.
Rui: …
Ageha: Hm?
Rui: No, it’s nothing.
Ageha: You’re not really one for words these days, are you?
Rui: The same can be said about you.
Ageha: Me? What is it?
Rui: The look on your face is different than usual.
Ageha: … I don’t think that’s the case, but my head’s been clear since we’ve been at the dual-use facility. As if a part of mind just left the eye of a typhoon. I’ve been able to remember that there are in fact sounds in silence as well.
Rui: Sounds in silence?
Ageha: For the longest time, there’s been a siren in my head that’s ringing like it will split my skull in half. It’s like a constant premonition, always keeping me on my toes. I’ve been grasping at straws, desperately trying to kill that sound. The fact that the world has an overflowing abundance of sounds… feels like something I forgot about a long time ago.
(Ageha and Rui get back into the car)
Ageha: The change of pace wasn’t a bad idea. Visiting art museums is a good choice of hobby for you.
Rui: Visiting art museums was a suggestion from my doctor.
Ageha: You continue to heed orders without fail… just like the obedient mutt you proclaim yourself to be.
Rui: But I understand that there’s no meaning behind it. I suppose it’s just another one of my attempts at pretending to be human. 
Ageha: Hmm?
Rui: Up until now, not a single exhibit I’ve laid my eyes on have stoked any sort of emotion in me. It’s more like I’ve been imagining myself becoming more disillusioned.
Ageha: The moment you step into the world of the arts, there’s not just one type of scenery that welcomes you. Didn’t I mention it earlier? You can’t control how other people feel about it. You’re not me. It’s clear that our opinions won’t be the same.
Rui: I see.
Ageha: Besides, it’s not like I want to talk your ear off about it. 
Rui: I guess you’re right.
(An interface lights up)
Rui: Continue the route. Arrange for a pick-up at a shop that sells western-style desserts.
(Interface sounds off as it processes the task)
Ageha: Western-style desserts?
Rui: Is it alright if we make a few detours?
Ageha: Do whatever you like. …Hm? (rolls down the window) Looks like a shower is going to come down.
(The car pulls to a stop)
Rui: Get indoors first. I’ll get the car to the garage.
Ageha: Wait. That person…
Rui: Hm?
Setsuna: You’re finally back. Rui. And Ageha, too.
Ageha: Yashiro Setsuna?
Setsuna: I have an umbrella. Coming in?
Rui: It’s been a while.
Setsuna: Has it?
Rui: I wonder when was the last time I saw you.
Setsuna: I forgot. Nobody else is here?
Rui: Just the members.
Setsuna: Hmm…
Rui: Do you have business with us?
Setsuna: It’s not business. I heard you all are here, so I wanted to see you.
Rui: In the first place, why all the way here?
Setsuna: Maintenance. But not in this building. Somewhere further away.
Rui: Do you come often?
Setsuna: About once every three months.
Rui: I had no idea. What about the other Anthos* members?
Setsuna: I don’t think everyone’s been here before. Are you curious about Anthos*?
Rui: Not really. But Ageha is, a little.
Setsuna: Really. Can’t blame him. Ageha always talks to me about Anthos*. About Mahiro.
Rui: Have you been in contact with Ageha?
Setsuna: Just a bit. Anyway…
Rui: Hm?
Setsuna: Isn’t Loulou*di going to die soon?
Rui: Why ask?
Setsuna: Aren’t you all here because of that?
Rui: The dual-use facility is a place to recuperate. We completed our tour live and are having a vacation here. All of us are in prime condition because of it.
Setsuna: Hmm…
(Ageha enters the room)
Ageha: Huh. He’s still here.
Setsuna: Ageha?
Ageha: Get out. 
Setsuna: Okay.
Ageha: But before that, how are they? Anthos*, I mean.
Setsuna: What do you mean ‘how’?
Ageha: I remember asking you to report their status to me in detail.
Setsuna: They’ve been the same. Normal.
Ageha: Well, I suppose there’s been no major developments.
Setsuna: Ah, but…
Ageha: Hm?
Setsuna: It’s been decided that we’ll be going to Dream Drama Festa.
Ageha: When… was that decided?
Setsuna: Just recently. That’s why I’ve been coming here more frequently. For maintenance.
Ageha: Rui.
Rui: I’ve heard no news about this.
Setsuna: And Mahiro will be acting in a drama.
Ageha: Was he selected by name?
Setsuna: I don’t know the details.
Ageha: Anything else?
Setsuna: Ageha. Are you worried?
Ageha: Mm?
Setsuna: Are you worried? Because of Mahiro?
Ageha: That’s foolish.
Setsuna: But Ageha asked me Mahiro that time, too.
Ageha: That was…
Setsuna: I was told that being really concerned without reason is a gateway to love. But you don’t have to worry. After all, I’m by Mahiro’s side–
Ageha: (splashes liquid on Setsuna from a cup)
Setsuna: … It’s hot.
Ageha: You just need to answer my questions.
Rui: Ageha!
Setsuna: I promised Ageha that I’ll talk about everything I’ve seen and heard from Anthos*.
Ageha: Correct.
Setsuna: But I didn’t promise anything else.
Ageha: Aren’t you a talkative one today?
Setsuna: I talked about Anthos* going to Dream Drama Festival and Mahiro acting in a drama. I kept my promise with Ageha. So, why? Why did Ageha throw his tea at me?
Ageha: I’m unimpressed. I don’t remember asking you to take pity on me.
Setsuna: That wasn’t my intention. But I didn’t say that I was.
Ageha: Full of backtalk today, aren’t we?
Setsuna: Besides, my relationship with Mahiro is always on my mind. I love Mahiro.
Ageha: … What did you say?
Setsuna: I’m… surely in love with Mahiro. I wanted you to smile and be happy for me. I don’t want you to look like you’re hurting.
Ageha: Rui. Throw this cretin out. Now. 
Rui: Understood.
Ageha: You can stay as Yuuki Mahiro’s precious pup for all I care, Yashiro Setsuna. Bear in mind that the enemy is not always lying in wait outside.
Setsuna: What do you mean?
Ageha: Who knows? I don’t feel like explaining it to you, and I don’t remember promising you that I’ll do so.
Setsuna: (in the distance) Ageha?
Ageha: Are all those without units this vague and ambiguous…? I can’t get a clear grasp of it.[1] However… The summit for idols is an existence high above where many that is impure and beyond reason lie… isn’t that right, President Amagiri?
Translator’s Notes:
This line is translated inaccurately as I wasn’t able to make out the dialogue here.
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[Loulou*di S3V2 L 3-7] Hana-Doll 3rd Season THINK OF ME:ARK Translation
Translation below the cut. Google Drive link | Listen to the album on Spotify
Project Archive: L 3-7
Toki: This goes over here, and then here… and it’s done! Rui-san! Ta-dah! Look at this.
Rui: A crown made out of flowers?
Toki: Rui-san, come sit over here.
(Rui goes over and takes a seat)
Toki: Stay really still, okay? (places the crown on Rui) Hehe, how cute!
Rui: This sort of thing would look better on Ageha’s head than mine.
Toki: Not at all! It suits Rui-san 100%. You look really gentle.
Rui: …is that so?
Toki: This pink flower’s a red clover. That’s what PLANTs told me earlier, right?
(PLANTs chirps)
Toki: It was my first time seeing it. It’s super cute to begin with, but on Ageha-san it’d look even more gorgeous.
Rui: You’re not wrong. (removes his flower crown)
Toki: Ah, why did you have to take it off? You looked so nice in it.
Rui: I can’t see your workmanship when it’s on my head.
Toki: When you put it that way… well…
Rui: Besides… (places the crown on Toki) This color suits you far better.
Toki: Huh? 
Rui: I see, you’ve made it well. Toki-bou has nimble fingers.
Toki: (giggles)
Rui: Hm?
Toki: Sorry, I just remembered that Rui-san isn’t really on the dexterous side. Whenever I look at the stitch on Mr Bear that Rui-san fixed, I can’t help but laugh.
Rui: I apologize. Looking at it from this angle, it really does look like I did a terrible job.
Toki: (laughs)
Rui: I’ll try searching for something to mend it while we’re on our break.
Toki: You don’t have to, it looks okay this way.
Rui: But it’s a dear friend of yours, isn’t it?
Toki: It’s fine! It’s an important memory between Rui-san and I, so Mr Bear will definitely let it slide. Back then, I talked to him a bunch, especially when I was sad. There were lots of times I took out my anger on him, too. But lately, all I’ve been talking to him about are happy stuff.
Rui: Is it?
Toki: I’m sure that he’s happy that I’m happy. But if all those traces from then got fixed, then it’ll be the same as though those things never happened. Now Mr Bear will remember how hard Rui-san tried to help him.
Rui: I understand. Whatever makes you happy.
Toki: I want to leave my marks, too. Deep down, I’ve been feeling like I’m in a dream I can’t wake up from.
Rui: Toki-bou…
Toki: Huh?
Rui: What’s the matter?
Toki: Do you hear something? No, wait, I definitely hear it. Such a pretty sound… it’s coming from over there.
Rui: You’re going to wander off? But–
Toki: Let’s go take a look-see! Besides, I wanna go look around the building!
Rui: This sound is… a violin?
Toki: See? Just like I said. But I wonder where it’s coming from.
Rui: Hold on, Toki-bou. Don’t walk ahead too far.
Toki: Hm? Why?
Rui: This place is larger than what I thought it would be.
Toki: You don’t have to worry that much about me. I’m not a kid–hey, I got it. In that case… Let’s hold hands! Did you know? We’ll feel much safer if we hold our hands.
(Toki and Rui continue walking further in. The sound of the violin gets louder. A door opens.)
Toki: Ageha-san!
Ageha: What–oh. It’s only you two.
Toki: That violin was from you?
Ageha: Are you surprised?
Toki: It totally suits you!
Rui: A room in a place like this…
Ageha: There are some musical instruments left here. They may have been for music therapy.
(Rui lifts a piano’s fallboard and plays some keys.)
Toki: Rui-san, could it be that you know how to play piano?
Rui: Somewhat.
Toki: Eh? That’s wonderful! You’re amazing.
Rui: It was recommended that I pick it up for emotional education.
Ageha: I suppose that was why you were able to be promoted to an idol, on top of those undisputable numbers.
Rui: That’s right.
Toki: Rui-san, could you try playing something?
Rui: I can’t play the pieces from memory. If there’s a score around…
Ageha: Then how about this?
(Ageha mounts a score on the music board)
Rui: Was this the piece you were playing?
(Ageha and Rui start playing the song while Toki watches them)[1]
Toki: (clapping) Both of you are amazing!
Ageha: (sighs) So much for ‘somewhat’.
Rui: If it’s at this level, then I will be able to play.
Toki: How nice… both of you are so talented.
Ageha: Toki, can you not play an instrument?
Toki: I didn’t get a chance to learn. And with piano… I couldn’t use my legs back then, so stepping on the pedals was impossible anyway.
Rui: Toki-bou.
Toki: Y-Yes!
Rui: Come over here.
(Toki walks over)
Rui: Take a seat on this chair.
Toki: Okay.
Rui: Let’s adjust the height. (adjusts the seat for Toki) Place your feet on the floor, sit up straight… Yes, like that. Maintain that posture and try playing some notes on the keyboard.
Toki: Huh?
Rui: There’s no need to be nervous.
Toki: B-But… Where should I start playing?
Rui: (plays a note) This is a basic ‘do’.
Toki: (follows along) ‘Do’...
Rui: With more strength.
Toki: (presses the key harder, amplifying the note) It’s a pretty sound…
Ageha: Rui, this opportunity is hard to come by. Teach him some basic piano.
Rui: Understood.
Toki: B-But I…
Ageha: You’re interested in learning it, aren’t you?
Toki: Yes…
Ageha: It’s nothing to fuss about. Even Rui can do it.
Toki: Ageha-san, that’s kinda mean…
Rui: No, Ageha is right. Although they are all instruments, the flute and violin demand a lot of rigorous practice just to be able to sound a different note. On the other hand, simply hitting the keys on a piano is sufficient to produce a sound.
Ageha: Furthermore, you can read sheet music and sing.
Rui: What do you think?
Toki: I’ll give it a try. I want to learn!
Rui: Then we’ll start with some basic practice. Position your right hand like this. You should be able to reach that ‘do’ key with your thumb.
Toki: Like this?
Rui: Yes. Starting from your thumb, ‘do’.
Toki: ‘Do’...
Rui: ‘Re’.
Toki: ‘Re’...
Rui: ‘Mi’.
Toki: ‘Mi’...
Rui: ‘Fa’ is played with your thumb.
Toki: Is it like this?
Rui: That’s right, hold that position.
Toki: ‘Fa’...
(Rui and Toki play through the tonic sol-fa, ending with ‘do’.)
Toki: I did it! Rui-san, could you go through it with me again?
Rui: Certainly. We’ll start again from the first ‘do’.
(Rui and Toki run through the tonic sol-fa again, their conversation fading into the background as Ageha distances himself from them.
Toki: That’s amazing!
Rui: Once more.
Ageha: (sighs) That Rui… He’s much more like a nursery school teacher than an idol. (checks his ring interface) A sound far from perfection… a perfect sound… perfect…
Toki: Um, Ageha-san!
Ageha: What’s the matter?
Toki: Was the sound from the piano disturbing you?
Ageha: I’d rather the sounds from the piano. Please continue.
Ageha: How’s Toki?
Rui: He has a slight fever. Probably from all the running he was doing during the day.
Ageha: …
Rui: I let him sleep and left PLANTs to accompany him.
Ageha: (sighs) I see.
Rui: How about yourself? Are you not retiring for the night soon?
Ageha: I could, but…
Rui: Hm?
Ageha: … It’s peaceful here, but at the same time there are so many sounds that surprise me. All in discord and irregularity.
Rui: Do they agitate you?
Ageha: No, rather… (inhales) It’s nothing. Good night, Rui.
Rui: Ageha.
Ageha: Hm?
Rui: … never mind.
(Ageha leaves)Rui: Ageha’s usually disgruntled when he has to go to sleep, yet… and myself as well… For both of us to be so… (exhales) The night is falling…
Translator’s Notes:
Out of curiosity, I Shazamed the song Ageha and Rui were playing and the result was this very drama track. I guess this is a Hana-Doll original, but I don’t think it’s been released as any official track. I’m also guessing this piece of music will make a return someway or another (and I hope so! The melody is really pretty).
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[Loulou*di S3V2 L 3-6] Hana-Doll 3rd Season THINK OF ME:ARK Translation
Translation below the cut. Google Drive link | Listen to the album on Spotify
Project Archive: L 3-6
Ageha: (wakes up) …This is…?
(Ageha walks forward and draws a curtain)
Ageha: (sighs) I see.
(Someone knocks and enters the room)
Rui: Oh, so you were awake.
Ageha: I very much am. Your knocking’s just a tired formality.
Rui: It’s better than if I don’t.
Ageha: You don’t say.
Rui: Did you manage to sleep well?
Ageha: Yes. I’m wide awake now.
Rui: And how are you feeling?
Ageha: (inhales) … Fine.
Rui: I see. Then–
Ageha: No, that’s not what I meant.
Rui: Hm?
Ageha: I can’t remember when was the last time I ever woke up this refreshed. No matter how much medication I asked for, not even once could I dream.
Rui: So that’s how it is.
Ageha: I’ve completely forgotten what it feels like to just wake up, to face the start of the day with my head this clear.
Rui: (hums)
Ageha: What is it?
Rui: It’s nothing, I just wanted to have your reaffirmation. Your judgment is always correct. I’m glad we decided to come here.
Ageha: The solo concert was nothing short of a success. Seeing the soulless white walls of the medical facility on our opening night just dampened the entire mood. Surely we have the right to spend a few days here for that.
Rui: You’re right. Coming here is–
Ageha: –a first. It’s nice and quiet. I always knew there was a dual use facility. The one who financed Amagiri Production to own this place was my father.
Rui: I had no idea.
Ageha: It was a desolate mountain recess, with no real value or importance. At least, that was what I gathered.
Rui: No wonder this place is located so far away from civilization.
Ageha: I heard that it will be reconstructed as a cultural asset once it has fulfilled its purpose. It’s more convenient that way, with my father filling a government seat and the production company unable to use it in public.
Rui: I see. That’s why the facility is dual use.
Ageha: All that aside, didn’t you come here because you needed something?
(Ageha and Rui enter another room)
Ageha: …Toki. Is he conscious?
Rui: Yes. He’s alright.
Rui: (walks over) Toki-bou.
Toki: Rui-san.
Rui: Ageha’s here.
Toki: Ageha-san! Good morning.
Ageha: Good morning.
Toki: Sorry for not noticing you earlier, I was just lost in my own thoughts.
Ageha: … You seem to be in high spirits today.
Toki: That’s right, I feel amazing.
Ageha: That’s good.
Toki: I don’t even really need the wheelchair anymore. I can walk perfectly fine on my own, but Rui-san insisted that I use it.
Ageha: It’s because he just absolutely loves meddling with other people’s business.
Rui: … I’ll go prepare a meal.
Toki: Rui-san, you can cook?
Rui: I can if it’s something simple, but there’s no ingredients to use at the moment. The meal will be tablets. House system, morning plates for Ageha, Rui and Toki.
Toki: Seriously? Boo.
Ageha: ‘Something simple’, he says?
Toki: Huh? Ageha-san hasn’t tried Rui-san’s food before?
Ageha: In the training academy and star class dormitories, the meals are entirely monitored.
Toki: Ah, I see.
Rui: I would cook if I had the chance.
Ageha: I’ll pass on putting anything you make into my mouth.
Rui: The AI here functions more or less at the same capacity as the one in the dormitory. With the medical monitoring protocol, there’s not much I can do, even if I wanted to.
Ageha: ‘Even if I wanted to’?
Rui: I meant to say it as a form of reassurance.
Toki: I get it… so that’s why there’s nobody else here.
Rui: The staff were ordered to leave as per Ageha’s wishes, to be exact. With the AI, the level of monitoring is the same as in the dormitory. It will be enough for daily activities, even unmanned.
Ageha: I didn’t want to put up with their excessive instructions and counseling. This is our time off from work.
Toki: Time off?
Ageha: Yes. It’s not an ordinary rest day. It’s our special reward, for attaining a worthy achievement.
Toki: It’s special? So that’s why it’s just the three of us here in this nice place.
Ageha: Will you be bored, with just me and Rui?
Toki: No, not at all! I’m glad it’s just us three. There’ll be no one else getting in our way and disturbing us!
Rui: I’m pleased as well. Having our days off at the dormitory becomes dull after a while. Especially for Ageha.
Ageha: Rui…
Rui: I’m only stating the truth, not my concern.
Toki: That’s ‘cause resting up is also a part of our job, right?
Rui: As you said.
Ageha: (sighs) Toki. You can do the things you like during this time.
Toki: Do what I like? Oh, I wonder what I should do?
Rui: If you can’t decide, then we’ll have our meal first.
Toki: I’ll get the plates!
(Toki gets up and walks over to help Rui. They converse away from Ageha.
Toki: Is this my plate?
Rui: Go back and sit down.
Toki: Come on, I’ll be okay taking the plates!
Rui: Are you really that hungry?
Toki: Eh? (giggles)
Ageha: (laughs to himself)
Ageha: Rui. Toki. The tablets don’t have any flavor anyway, and with this nice weather, why don’t we eat outside in the garden?
Rui: …That concludes my report.
Staff member A: Seems like his condition has stabilized; that’s a relief. Now let’s take a look at the results of the medical check. (types something in) Looks good. It’s perfectly stable.
Rui: It might be from the success of the live performance, or even being able to be at ease in this environment. It seems that both treatments are having a noticeable effect.
Staff member A: I was initially worried about what would happen.
Rui: I sincerely apologize for causing concern.
Staff member A: I hope that this stability won’t be temporary. Changing the topic, what about you?
Rui: What about myself?
Staff member A: How are you feeling about your current condition?
Rui: There’s nothing in particular to report. Has there been a drastic change observed?
Staff member A: It’s just a personal compulsion. Besides…
Rui: Hmm?
Staff member A: The dual-use facility isn’t a place of fond memories for you, am I right?
Rui: Are you talking about Amemiya?
Staff member A: That’s right. When you came to check up on him, he–
Rui: There’s no need to concern yourself. I’ve said it once before: The emotions I was born with aren’t pretty.
Staff member A: Yes, I remember you saying that. But you are still an idol of Amagiri Production, a test subject of the Hana-Doll Project, and a member of Loulou*di. Please keep that in mind.
Rui: Of course.
Staff member A: I won’t police you about what you can or can’t do during your break, but please take care of yourselves. Also, please don’t enter any rooms that you don’t need to use.
Rui: Understood. I will be in touch.
(The screen switches off)
Staff member B: Good work out there.
Staff member A: Ah, thanks.
Staff member B: Loulou*di seems to be in good spirits, don't they?
Staff member A: Well, at least that’s what the latest data’s saying.
Staff member B: Please don’t try to scare us.
Staff member A: It’s scary to begin with. To think that just one performance could stabilize everything. We didn’t even need to step in to amp up their condition.
Staff member B: Isn’t that a good thing?
Staff member A: This recovery isn’t some touching success story.
Staff member B: What happened to the guy that was all ‘Now this is the positive emotion that should be used to influence the flower’?
Staff member A: That’s what I thought would work. But as the caretaker of the host[1] who bears the weight of this influence, how am I going to report and present the data to Dr Toudou? (types something in) No consistency across the data means no possibility of replicating the result. Carving the miracles of God on slabs of clay can’t be called research.
Staff member B: … What’s this? Their biorhythm is being sent here in real-time, isn’t it?
Staff member A: That’s right. Something got your attention?
Staff member B: Yes. Could you give me a moment with this? (goes to type something) A few days ago, I was here wiping out all of Loulou*di’s old data.
Staff member A: Eh? And what about it?
Staff member B: I wanted to get a deeper understanding of the project. There wasn’t much data left on Chihiro and with Anthos* being the latest addition, there’s been too many new entries popping up for them. It hasn’t been that long since they debuted, right? So I thought about using Loulou*di as my subject of analysis.
Staff member A: You were able to pull all of that up from just those few operations? Looks like you’ve got more of a backbone than a thought.
Staff member B: I’ve simply decided to graduate from being a greenhorn and start being a real researcher. As for the summary for this… here it is.
Staff member A: I see. Your perspective isn’t a bad start, but next time, send in a request to access the library before you begin your work.
Staff member B: Eh?
Staff member A: If you need this level of data… (types a few keys) …then this should do. 
Staff member B: …Oh, my god.
Staff member A: Now let’s not put all your hard work to waste. What’s next?
Staff member B: Ah, yes… These values are from this morning, right? See, over here.
Staff member A: Hmm?
Staff member B: These values from him… Just what type of waveform is this? I’ve never encountered it before, so I’m just wondering what it was.
Staff member A: Now that you’ve mentioned it…
Translator’s Notes:
The dialogue for ‘host’ is spoken as ‘yadonushi (やどぬし)’, for which the kanji is ‘宿主’ and the definition is ‘landlord’. However, this kanji can also be read as ‘shukushuu (しゅくしゅ)’, which means ‘parasitic host’. This is also the more common understanding of the kanji.
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