#this ahjumma’s happy pill
teafiend · 2 years
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chimswae · 4 years
BTS Caretake CH6
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Summary: She may think she has Bangtan Sonyeondan wrapped around her fingers. She may think it is easy to love the members equally without hurting any soul. She may think the boys wont fall head over heels for her. She assumes it is okay to show a little love and affection towards the boys, what if she gets it all wrong? What if it only brings more complication to her already complicated life? Can she survive their charms? Will she be able to resist them? What if they just wont let her go?
- Pairing: BTS x Oc ( Yoongi x OC, Jungkook x OC)
- Genre: Fluff, Slight Angst, Romance, Idol!au
- Word Count: 2,070
- Author Note: I forgot again to update last week, so i am giving the update today instead! 
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Chapter 6
“Wait where are you guys going?” Yoongi’s gruffy voice stopped everyone on their track. Jin who seemed engross preparing the last plate of toast for the youngest one in the group diverted his attention to the grumpy guy. For some reason Yoongi looked extremely pissy today in his usual comfy clothes, black hoodies and his favourite ripped jeans.
Jungkook approached the seat beside Jimin, looking squeaky clean with his dam hair “Did someone wake up on the wrong side of the bed today?” his signature bunny smile spread across his face. Upon feeling Jungkook’s presence beside him, Jimin turned to face the younger boy to greet him a good morning but only to be welcomed by his wet bangs sticking on his forehead.
An unpleasant frown could be seen on Jimin’s face as he reached out to touch Jungkook’s damp hair “Can you dry your hair properly? You might catch a cold kkuk” the latter sighs softly. Being an obedient younger brother, Jungkook only nodded in response as he let Jimin stood behind him, drying his hair manually using towel that hang loosely around his neck.
Watching the two youngest guys pampering each other with affection so early in the morning, Jin shook his head while munching down his own food. “We have practice in a bit Yoongi, weren’t you informed by Hoseok yesterday?” his nose scrunched up, pushing his round glasses back at the bridge of his nose.
“Right. But isn’t it too early? Shouldn’t we wait for the caretaker Ahjumma to show up?” Yoongi retorted in hope others would agree with his odd ideas.
“Mmm hyung? I thought we aren’t allowed to be here when the ahjumma perform her job?” Jimin voice croaked cutely as his hands were busy stroking Jungkook’s soft hair making sure it was dried properly. “Jungkook stay still ishh” said Jimin, puckering his lower lips in between.
Jungkook tilted his head following Jimin’s movement whilst finishing his breakfast without complain. To him, whatever food prepared by Jin, was the best food that he ever tasted ever. He’s used to his cooking to the extent when they were too busy with their promotions, he craved for Jin’s food all week long.
Yoongi snapped “I know, but aren’t you curious to see who she is?” he tapped fingers on the kitchen counter anxiously.
“Whoa, chill man. Why are you so worked up today?” Hoseok inquired with his innocent round eyes. Apart from Jin, Yoongi talked to no one about the incident yesterday. Oh well, he was taking Jin’s word into consideration that he did not want to worry their manager over this petty thing. If it was a petty thing per mentioned by Kim Seokjin, he would not be as restless. He was sexually harassed by someone, eventually and he could not let this thing slide. God knows, what else the girl could do to them if she decided to return.
If the girl from yesterday was not a legit daughter of the caretaker ahjumma, shouldn’t  they be worried? What if something happened to their caretaker? That would be so mess up.
Jin eyed Min Suga in the eyes with a smug “Guess, he seems interested with the caretaker romantically. He claims the caretaker is a lady around our age” all eyes in the room were on him. Some were mentally judging Yoongi’s ridiculous ideas and some were reconsidering the things that he mentioned earlier.
“Is that even possible?” the leader finally said something showing his interest.
“I know what I saw. I met her yesterday and trust me she is not that ahjumma”
Everyone choked on their food and drinks as they gave Yoongi a wary look, perhaps disbelieving every word that he said. Before anyone could interrupt, Yoongi held one of his hand signalling he was not finish talking and continued “She claimed to be the caretaker’s ahjumma daughter saying that she worked in her place temporarily due to her health condition. However, I was not convinced by her so called “I am Mrs Hwang’s daughter” story. Plus, if she is really ill, the company would notify us. Don’t you think it is odd?” he exhaled softly, feeling satisfied with his explanation. Again, he left the unexpected kiss part because he did not want to answer more questions from the floor.
“Holy… Are you serious right now?” Jungkook’s brow flinch in confusion followed by Jimin exaggerated reaction, as he sank beside Jungkook.
Taehyung muttered “But hyung, are you sure what you saw? Before we left yesterday, you ate your medicine, right? Don’t you think it is the after effect from the drugs that you consumed?” Yoongi snorted in annoyance.
“It is just pills not a fucking drug that could get me high, Kim Taehyung! I know what I saw, the girl invaded our dorm. Should not you be worried? She could be a sasaeng!” he exclaimed with a displeased face. Jin on the other side was dissatisfied with the choice of word made by Yoongi. No cursing word is allowed with his presence in the room.
Namjoon lips was pressed into thin line, indicating he’s working on something discreetly inside his mind “That is weird. Did you manage to get something from her like her identification card or something?”
“Uhm, about that. She did show me her mother ids, proving that he is one of Bighit’s staff but not hers. Something came up that it really took me off guard. I lost her in the blink of an eyes” he grunted.
Hoseok chuckled teasingly “And what is that something?”
“Oh my god could it be!” Jimin lips formed into a cute ‘o’ shape as he exchanged glance with Hoseok and Jungkook. Whatever these guys had in their mind, it was not an innocent thing for sure.
“Yah yah, it is not what you think. Don’t you dare!” Yoongi warned sternly silencing the small giggles from the three idiots in front of him. He could not believe this, that none of them would trust his words. When will they ever grow wisely and consider everything he said was the truth.
“Alright, prove it to us” Namjoon suggested, crossing his arm defensively.
Yoongi’s eyes glimmered in sheer happiness, finally someone took him seriously. If the leader said so, everyone would eventually listen to the leader’s words. “So how long we should wait?” Taehyung asked out curiosity. Frankly speaking, everyone was dying to meet the caretaker ahjumma.
“She should be here in few minutes since we were supposed to leave around 7 today, she usually come on time right after we leave” Yoongi glanced at the clock on the wall. Would Seul show up today to end this doubt between them? He had to prove to everyone that what he’s saying was the truth.
Jin agreed with the idea and smiled “Okay we will wait for 30 minutes, if she did not show up then you are so done Min Suga” the latter rolled eyes in his seat. Jin’s threat was empty and like he would get scared over that tiny warn.
Tossing her body on bed, she grew frustrated over the memories that she had with Yoongi yesterday. What was on her mind? Why would she be this dumb? To kiss one of Bangtan members just to save her ass. This was so fucked up to be honest. How could she turn up for the job knowing Min Yoongi would be there waiting for her at the doorstep? After all, she did sexually harass him. Stealing a kiss without permission is considered crime.  
Seul stayed up all night searching for Bangtan Sonyeondan profile just because she was dead curious of the guy that she accidentally kissed yesterday. Then, she found out he was Yoongi the rapper and oh it came to her realization Yoongi was Agust D, her favorite Tony Montana song was rapped by him. How could it be possible?
The kiss was incidental, yet it taunted her even in her deep slumber.
The door to her room was clicked open, and her mother’s head popped out behind it with a bewildered look “Why are you still here? Should not you be at the dorm already?” she sighed.
“Mom, I don’t think I can do it” she sat up, crossed leg on her queen size bed.
“What is wrong? Did something happen?” her weight sank in front of her as she looked at her daughter worriedly. Not that she wanted to force her to fill in the job, yet the two stubborn kids insisted her to rest and get a proper treatment until they found her a donor.
Now, it was worrying her. She assumed things were doing just fine, since Seul had not shown any disagreement or complains these past few weeks.
“Someone caught me in red handed yesterday. I was cleaning the dorm because according to the schedule no one should be home until night. But mom, someone was there. The guy with gruffy voice and small eyes, he caught me red handed!” she facepalmed feeling remorseful.
“Min Yoongi caught you?” Mrs Hwang gasped upon hearing the news.
“Yes, whatever his name. He was there at the dorm, but no one informed you about it! For a record, he saw me. We talked, and I told him about replacing you. That was the only thing came out from my mouth! I screwed this up”
Mrs Hwang rubbed her temple accompanied with a soft sigh “That is bad, the boys have no idea how I look, and they may think you are lying. Did you show my id?” Seul was quick to nod in response to her mother question.
“MIN YOONGI ACCUSED ME FOR BEING A SASAENG! SASAENG MY FOOT! I know nothing about them except few of their songs! He is rude I can say” she flinched in disgust.
Mrs Hwang squished Seul’s hand with a motherly smile, it was an assurance that she would solve this thing with the company soon and made sure things would not get out of hand. It was enough for the boys to know Seul’s existence but not the management.
“I will manage that, don’t worry. Take a break for a while, I will find way, so it won’t be messed up. Now, go wash up. You still have your bubble tea job to attend” Seul paused briefly feeling a little calm after the conversation that she had with her mother.
With hope, she did not need to show up to that dorm ever again.
“It is 7.30 and there is no sign of the young caretaker” Namjoon frowned purposely highlighting the young part just to annoy the older guy.
“I SWEAR SHE WAS HERE YESTERDAY? CANT WE WAIT FOR ANOTHER 30 minutes!” Yoongi rubbed his hair in frustration. This called for trouble, why the girl did not show up after the stunt that she pulled yesterday.  
Namjoon eyebrow quirked up automatically, exasperating a deep sigh “I believe that is not possible. We have something important going on at the company today. I suppose you have a meeting with Pdogg hyung to attend, are you forgetting that already?”
“Hyung, I think you have seen it wrong. It maybe the ahjumma but she is not that young. It is possible if she takes a good care of her skin though. Some may look like in their 20s” Hoseok chortled positively.
I know what I saw, I know what I feel. That soft lips of hers, how could I forget it. The kiss was real. Suga mentally facepalmed disliking how the situation turned unfavourable for him. No one is going to believe him anymore.
“Come on Yoongi hyung we have lots of thing to do today, don’t waste your time. We will meet the caretaker ahjumma soon” giving Yoongi the last pat on his back, Namjoon went to get his stuff inside his room joining others to get ready for their practice.
Staring blankly at the cold and empty entrance, Yoongi clutched his fist, steadying his rapid breathing. Out of all days, why would Seul chose not to show up? Was she scared after the yesterday encounter? Was Yoongi’s warning affect her that much?
He wished to see her one more time to clear things between them.
They still had to talk about the kiss though. He couldn’t pretend as if nothing ever happened between them. Heck no, he was not an easy man.
This work belongs to  Chimswae © 2020. All Rights Reserved.
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injiminsheart · 5 years
Acquisition of a Daffodil: Ch 3: Park, The Affiliator
Genre: Fluff | Angst (light) | Humor | Smut | Dark  | Hybrid
Rating: General | Teen | Mature
Pairing: Park Jimin x Reader (?)
Fandom: BTS ARMY
Fiction Notes: BTS canon AU/ Slight future fic/ AU for personal life
Warnings: May give you some feels! :D
“She left like an hour ago,” Secretary Kim was telling Ji Hyun.
“She left? How come I didn’t realize that she left?”
“Because she didn’t feel well and told me to inform you but I forgot since I was helping a guest.”
“Oh, no worries. I’ll see her tomorrow then,” Ji Hyun waved at Ms Kim and went to go look for his brother.
“Hyung?” he looks around, but Jimin was nowhere to be seen, “Where did Hyung go? What is up with everyone today?”
Ji Hyun walked off to look for his brother.
Y/n was getting wasted on her vodka collection when she heard a doorbell. That’s weird. She only has a few friends here and they were busy with their work so couldn’t make it to her party. Who could it be?
She wobbled over slowly to the door to look at the peep hole. All she say was shoulders but they looked pretty masculine. What’s the worst that could happen? After a quick thought in her impaired judgement, she opens the door and her eyes widen.
“Jimin?” she laughs, “what the hell are you doing here?”
“I came to see if you were okay.”
“See if I was okay? Wow! The great Park Jimin not only remembers me but also cares about if I’m okay!” Y/n hiccups. She giggles as she loses her balance and Jimin catches her quickly. He closes the door behind him and helps Y/n to the couch. She reeks of alcohol and the smell along with the two empty bottles of vodka attest to her drunken behavior.
“You know,” Y/n straightens up, “I was so happy when Ji Hyun didn’t put your name on the guest list, but you just had to be there.”
“I’m sorry. I should’ve asked.”
Y/n stares at him for a few seconds until her hiccup kicks in and she giggles again, “You haven’t changed at all.”
Y/n runs her hand lightly on his face and her alcohol pinked cheeks turn a ruby shade as bites her lip. She kisses his cheek and Jimin looks surprised. She moves back to kiss his cheek down to his neck until a certain fabric offends her and she decides to take care of it.
Y/n wakes up with a killer headache and her bed is way warmer than usual. She regrets drinking for her fucked up low self-esteem issues. She groaned as she moved around in her bed.
“Uhhhhh. . .why did I have to drink so much last night? My head.”
“Here, drink this and take an aspirin.” a male voice says and Y/n soars up in her bed.
“Ji Hyun!?” Y/n all but yells at him, “what are you doing here?”
“I came to check up on you last night because Secretary Kim told me you weren’t feeling well and you wouldn’t. . .ummm. . .how should I put this. . .”
“What did you do?” Y/n interrupts him as she pulls her comforter towards her chest.
“I didn’t do anything,” Ji Hyun laughs, “it was all you.”
“OMG! But I was drunk, you could’ve--no, you should’ve refused!”
“You wouldn’t let me!”
“Oh Lord, I don’t remember. What did I do?”
“Well for starters, you were definitely making out with neck and trying to get me out of my suit and that wasn’t even the weird part.”
“I did something stupid, didn’t I?” Y/n hid her head in shame.
“Something like that,” Ji Hyun scoffs and extends the aspirin towards Y/n, “here, you’ll feel better.”
“After all that embarrassing stuff, I’m not sure I want to feel better at the moment.”
“Oh chill. It’s not like we slept together. I mean we did but that’s besides the point.”
“We slept together as in like slept slept or slept slept,” she stares out awkwardly from her comforter.
“There’s a difference?” Ji Hyun teases her.
“You know what I meant.”
“I really don’t, so please elaborate.”
“Seriously?” Y/n asks before downing the aspirin pill and the full glass of water.
He laughs and takes the glass from her, “I guess both. While you were seriously trying to sleep sleep with me, you fell asleep while kissing my neck and trying--very badly, might I add--to undress me. You eventually passed out on my lap with my collar in your hands. I carried you to bed and you wouldn’t let go so I had to sleep sleep with you here.”
“Oh my god,” Y/n turns pink with embarrassment, “I’m so sorry I put you through that.”
“It was my pleasure.”
“I’m sure. I owe you one.”
“How about brunch today?”
“Sure. Why not?” Y/n says getting out of her bed, “Let me shower.”
“What?” She replies back when Ji Hyun just stares.
“Seriously? You’ve seen me in my Spongebob night shorts and tank, drunk off my ass tryna make out with your neck and you still have a problem talking to me? You seemed quite well teasing me a few minutes ago.”
Ji Hyun laughs and sits on the bed, “it really isn’t anything. I was just thinking that I kinda took you as a satin night gown type of a girl. Never thought you would have Spongebob night shorts.”
“Satin is for special occasions,” Y/n winks and Ji Hyun giggles at her, “now let me take a shower so that we can go.”
“Well I have to change as well. Maybe we can meet each other in a bit.”
“Sounds good. Did you drive here?”
“No. My driver dropped me off.”
“Then just chill around here and we can drop by your house and then go to brunch.”
“Aight. I’ll watch some TV in the living room.”
“Aight,” smiles Y/n.
“By the way,” turns back Ji Hyun.
“Did you already know Jimin Hyung?”
“Why would you ask me that? Did he look like he knew me?” awkwardly laughs Y/n.
“No, but you kept calling me by Hyung’s name yesterday and then you asked if I remembered you--well--you asked Jimin hyung if he knew you because you thought I was him.”
“You must be mistaken. How and why would I know your brother? Isn’t he like a kpop star? I’ve heard a lot about him,” Y/n says walking into her closet.
Ji Hyun looks at her walking away but decides to put the whole Jimin hyung fiasco behind him. Maybe Y/n was Hyung’s fan and was too embarrassed to admit that she was fangirling. He shoves his hands in his pockets and laughs to himself.
“Let’s see if I can find some Spongebob on TV today. I feel like watching some Spongebob all of a sudden.”
They were in front of Ji Hyun’s house. Y/n was wearing her hair in loose curls with a floral pencil brunch dress and thin strappy pastel pink heels. She had ditched her favorite bag for a small clutch.
“I’ll wait out here.”
“Now don’t be like that. Mom will kill me if she finds out I have such bad manners that I made a woman--especially my business partner--wait outside for me.”
“You’re mom and dad are probably home and it’ll just be awkward.”
“I’m an adult. They don’t interfere. Come on,” he says holding out his hand for Y/n. She hesitantly takes his hand and steps out of the car.
“I like your house already and I haven’t even stepped inside yet.”
“My mom will like you too. She loves anyone who loves her house.”
Y/n laughs nervously and greets the lady that opens the door.
“Is mom home, Ahjumma?”
“Yes. Madam just went to her study. Let me call her for you.”
“No need,” He smiles at the ahjumma “just take care of my guest please.”
“Of course, Sir,” the Ahjumma replies before heading to the kitchen.
“Why don’t you have a seat? I’ll be a few minutes.”
“Take your time,” Y/n says taking a seat.
Ji Hyun rushes towards the stairs to get to his room and Y/n looks around. The Ahjumma walks back with tea for Y/n, “I’ve informed madam. She’s on her way here.”
“Oh, thank you. You really didn’t have to,” Y/n smiles at the Ahjumma.
“Of course she had to,” says a voice behind her, “you’re our guest and my son’s boss now.”
“I prefer to think of him as my partner. How have you been Mrs Park?” Y/n says getting up and shaking the older woman’s hand. The woman shook her hand back and Y/n sits down with her legs crossed.
“So what brings you in today? If I knew you’d be here today I would’ve prepared some brunch today.”
“Actually I’m waiting for Ji Hyun. We’re heading to brunch. It’s our first sunday after the acquisition. Thought we should get to know each other better to continue working seamlessly in the future.”
“That’s a wonderful idea. It’s better and easier to work with people you know well.”
“Well said, Mom,” Ji Hyun says suddenly behind Y/n. He looked dashing as always in his fitted blue suit.
“Oh hi, Aduel. How are you? I didn’t even see you come in last night. Your dad and I lost track of time after you and Jimin left.”
Y/n heart skipped a beat listening to Jimin’s name. She sent out a small prayer to God to not run into him here today.
“Yeah, about that.Where ever did Hyung go?”
“He got a call from his Manager. Apparently he had an event to get to this weekend so he left.”
“I was going to introduce him to Y/n properly. Oh well,” He pouted, “I guess next time.”
“I think we should get going now,” Y/n glanced at her watch, “we’re getting late for our reservation.”
“It was nice to see you again, Mrs Park,” Y/n stood up and shook the woman’s hand again.
“See you tonight, Mom,’ Ji Hyun says kissing his mom’s cheek. And as they start to walk towards the entrance, Y/n sends a small thanks to whoever was listening for not letting her run into the one and only Park Jimin.”
“This was great,” Y/n said as they reached Ji Hyun’s house, “we should do this again sometime.”
“How about next Sunday?”
“I’ve been with you the entire day, Ji Hyun. I’m afraid activities like this so soon will cause us the business,” laughed Y/n.
“We should do brunch every sunday. If you don’t want to spend the entire day.”
“Brunch sounds good.”
“Great. I’ll see you tomorrow morning then?”
“Actually, you’ll prolly see me in the afternoon. I have some clients to meet in the morning so I’ll try and come in the afternoon.”
“Or you can just take the day off,” smirked Ji Hyun.
“Uh huh. So that you can go home early?”
“Thought I should give it a try,” he winked.
“Nice try but I actually have an early morning tomorrow, so good night,” Y/n waved her goodbye and got back in her car.
Jimin stared at the retreating car as it went out the gate whilst talking on the phone in the balcony.
“Hello? You still there?” said a girl’s voice from the other end of the line.
“I’ll call you back, Babe,” He said hanging up his phone.
“Oh, Hyung!” yelled Ji Hyun as he looked up to the balcony, “You’re here! You should’ve told me you would be home. I wanted you to meet Y/n again.”
“I just got home, Ji Hyun-ah. Maybe next time. I’ll let you know.”
“Wait for me, then. I’m coming upstairs. We gotta have a game’s night like old times!” exclaimed Ji Hyun.
Jimin just chuckled and said, “aight. Come up and I’ll kick some ass.”
Jimin saw Ji Hyun rush inside and then he looked at the street that Y/n’s car had disappeared off to. Why now? Why after so many years? Why Ji Hyun? This isn’t fair.
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