injiminsheart · 4 years
The One Who Lived For Everyone But Herself
She came from a really strict family. They didn’t do anything for fun. She led a simple life but she had big dreams. She wanted the world to be hers. She wanted to be in charge and she wanted everyone to love and respect her. That’s what SHE wanted. What her parents wanted was to get her an arrange marriage to man back home. She didn’t have any interest in anyone and she loved her parents to death. Hence, she agreed.
She thought what’s the worst he could do. She would get married in name, have a few kids and then do her own thing. Everyone comes alone and goes alone anyways. She would compromise. It would get her parents off her back and she can focus on her big dreams as well. 
She made a pact with her parents that she would get married after 26. Thinking they would start looking at 26 and she would be 28-29 by the time it finalized. But they started looking at 24 and the unexpected happen. 
Through her parents “blind dates”, she met the most perfect man she had ever seen. He was gorgeous, he was respectful, and most importantly, he was very supportive of her. She fell head over heels for him and suddenly every thought, every dream, every waking moment became about him. He became her entire world. They could talk for hours on end and they spent the most beautiful moments together. She couldn’t wait to get married and build an empire together.
Sadly after the marriage, everything changed. She had to come back to her country and live with her parents. His parents didn’t consider the daughter-in-law like they would their own daughter. His sister caused misunderstandings between everyone and in the end, it became a very sad story of one sided love.
She would wait all day for his one phone call but it would never come. And if it did, he would talk to everyone but her while she was on the phone. Her parents consider her an outsider when it benefits her but she’s a part of the family when it benefits them. The husband talks to her when HE wants to and couldn’t careless any other time. She sacrifices her sleep and healthy daily to get just an hour on the phone with him. No matter how mad she is at him she still picks up the phone like a desperate person. And even he knows that he hurt her, he couldn’t be bothered to even reach out to her and apologize. 
In the end, her family and her husband are her world, but she couldn’t even be a part of theirs. She truly is alone. In this big and unforgiving world, all she has is herself and no one else. Now, she doesn’t even have her dreams left to fight for. There’s nothing left to fight for. But still, the love over powers any decision she wants to take and all she can do is cry. Cry that that’s all she could manage in her destiny. 
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injiminsheart · 4 years
You don’t love me as much as I love you.....
I’m hormonal and I know I’m overreacting but I can’t help it. My heart hurts.
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injiminsheart · 4 years
when do you think you’ll update “My Red Tulip”? It’s soooo good, I’m so excited to read more :)
I’m trying to get back into writing. I hit a bit of a writer’s block and things changed. I determined to get back though. Please stay tuned.
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injiminsheart · 4 years
This post has nothing to do with K-Pop or anything but I don’t have anyone to talk to and I’m just not in the right mindset. So this is an attempt to ask for help I guess. Without asking for help. Because in my household, we don’t ask for help.
So I guess I’ve always had a little suicidal issues since growing up because I was that one person no one liked in school. No matter how much I tried, I was just never good enough. Don’t get me wrong, I didn’t get beat up or anything at school but I just didn’t have any friends.
The kids at my school thought I was too Indian to hang out because my parents never wanted me out of their sight and the last thing kids want is to stay in another parent’s sight.
As I got to college, I still didn’t make any friends but I did emotionally eat and get myself fat. I had never even held a guy’s hand let alone get laid in college so when my parents spoke to me about an arranged marriage, I was relieved to have the pressure lifted off.
They found the most perfect and nicest guy. Sure he wasn’t all that rich or had crazy amounts of experience in how to be the perfect guy, but he had a good heart. And that’s all that mattered to me. He lives in India and I live in the US so I thought, why would I let distance come between us? He’s my price charming and he’s mine. The distance I can get over.
The first 6 months went by fast as I was trying to lose weight. He was going to see me for the first time, I was so nervous because of my weight and self-esteem issues. But I put it behind me and went to India and met my perfect prince. He was even more gorgeous in person then he was on the phone. He was just gorgeous inside and out.
We get engaged and the year goes by where I’m either working, talking to him, or planning a wedding. We get married and the past 2 years spent with him have been the most beautiful and happiest days of my life. I finally had someone to call mine. It was finally gonna be ok. I was going to have my happily ever after.
I had to come back to the US 2 weeks after our wedding. It’s been it’s been 4 months since our wedding and slowly but surely, my old life has come through. He’s away from me, I have nothing to do. I don’t have any friends. I don’t have anyone to talk to. For the past 2 weeks, every day has been living hell for me. All I want to do is disappear. Perhaps then he’ll notice me.
I tired to make friends at my workplace, but I see the way they treat me. My opinion doesn’t matter, I don’t matter, nothing matters. It’s like high school all over again. They ask me for my homework, they use me and then they leave me sitting alone on that desk while they go off on their own and talk about me. I don’t know what to do. I try so hard so that people will like me but no one ever does.
My husband does the same. He knows I’ll wait for him no matter what. He knows how much I love him. I love him so much that it hurts. His family always comes first. If his family need something, he’s always there. If his friends need something he’s always there. But if I need something, I can understand right?
I asked him last night, “Hey babe, let’s watch a movie together because we haven’t spent proper time together this whole week.”
“I can’t. I’m sleepy.”
His friends call him while I’m on the phone with him, he puts me on hold and makes planes with them.
They asked him to go to the lake in the morning. And he says ok.
I call him again tonight and ask him, “let’s watch something together.”
“I can’t. I went with the boys to the lake so I had to wake up at 5am. I’m sleepy.”
Then he proceeds to video call me and then instead of talking to me, he starts falling asleep. Then he says, “I’m actually quite sleepy. I’m gonna sleep. Go to sleep early and wake up early in the morning because I have to fall asleep early tonight.”
We are on opposite schedules. He always calls me past my bed time because he expects me to answer when he calls me. Then he also expects me to wake up early for him so I can talk to him. Because I do that. Because I love my husband. And there he is treating me like some piece of trash he can just use and throw away.
And it’s not that he’s unaware of what’s going on. We’ve had a talk about this plenty of times. I just don’t know what to do. No matter what, he always sleeps peacefully when all I do is cry myself to sleep or take my anger out on useless things all day. No matter what I do, I end up hurting.
He knew I was mad today because I hung up on him. He called me back and I didn’t pick up. And instead of trying to work it out with me, he chose to sleep. Not even a text I love you. I’ll speak to you, nothing. He just went to sleep.
I’m honestly so hurt and broken. I watched The Royals today and I wanted nothing more than be in Eleanor’s place today. I’m always laughing and taking care of everyone but something all I want to do is use. I’ve never even touched alcohol in my life but days like these make me feel like there wouldn’t be enough alcohol or drugs in the world to drown my sorrows.
Although I’ve been crying and writing this post for the past 1 hour. I know no one is going to read it. And I know everyone has their own set of problems to deal with, but I guess I just didn’t know where to go.
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injiminsheart · 4 years
Acquisition of a Daffodil: Ch 3: Park, The Affiliator
Genre: Fluff | Angst (light) | Humor | Smut | Dark  | Hybrid
Rating: General | Teen | Mature
Pairing: Park Jimin x Reader (?)
Fandom: BTS ARMY
Fiction Notes: BTS canon AU/ Slight future fic/ AU for personal life
Warnings: May give you some feels! :D
“She left like an hour ago,” Secretary Kim was telling Ji Hyun.
“She left? How come I didn’t realize that she left?”
“Because she didn’t feel well and told me to inform you but I forgot since I was helping a guest.”
“Oh, no worries. I’ll see her tomorrow then,” Ji Hyun waved at Ms Kim and went to go look for his brother.
“Hyung?” he looks around, but Jimin was nowhere to be seen, “Where did Hyung go? What is up with everyone today?”
Ji Hyun walked off to look for his brother.
Y/n was getting wasted on her vodka collection when she heard a doorbell. That’s weird. She only has a few friends here and they were busy with their work so couldn’t make it to her party. Who could it be?
She wobbled over slowly to the door to look at the peep hole. All she say was shoulders but they looked pretty masculine. What’s the worst that could happen? After a quick thought in her impaired judgement, she opens the door and her eyes widen.
“Jimin?” she laughs, “what the hell are you doing here?”
“I came to see if you were okay.”
“See if I was okay? Wow! The great Park Jimin not only remembers me but also cares about if I’m okay!” Y/n hiccups. She giggles as she loses her balance and Jimin catches her quickly. He closes the door behind him and helps Y/n to the couch. She reeks of alcohol and the smell along with the two empty bottles of vodka attest to her drunken behavior.
“You know,” Y/n straightens up, “I was so happy when Ji Hyun didn’t put your name on the guest list, but you just had to be there.”
“I’m sorry. I should’ve asked.”
Y/n stares at him for a few seconds until her hiccup kicks in and she giggles again, “You haven’t changed at all.”
Y/n runs her hand lightly on his face and her alcohol pinked cheeks turn a ruby shade as bites her lip. She kisses his cheek and Jimin looks surprised. She moves back to kiss his cheek down to his neck until a certain fabric offends her and she decides to take care of it.
Y/n wakes up with a killer headache and her bed is way warmer than usual. She regrets drinking for her fucked up low self-esteem issues. She groaned as she moved around in her bed.
“Uhhhhh. . .why did I have to drink so much last night? My head.”
“Here, drink this and take an aspirin.” a male voice says and Y/n soars up in her bed.
“Ji Hyun!?” Y/n all but yells at him, “what are you doing here?”
“I came to check up on you last night because Secretary Kim told me you weren’t feeling well and you wouldn’t. . .ummm. . .how should I put this. . .”
“What did you do?” Y/n interrupts him as she pulls her comforter towards her chest.
“I didn’t do anything,” Ji Hyun laughs, “it was all you.”
“OMG! But I was drunk, you could’ve--no, you should’ve refused!”
“You wouldn’t let me!”
“Oh Lord, I don’t remember. What did I do?”
“Well for starters, you were definitely making out with neck and trying to get me out of my suit and that wasn’t even the weird part.”
“I did something stupid, didn’t I?” Y/n hid her head in shame.
“Something like that,” Ji Hyun scoffs and extends the aspirin towards Y/n, “here, you’ll feel better.”
“After all that embarrassing stuff, I’m not sure I want to feel better at the moment.”
“Oh chill. It’s not like we slept together. I mean we did but that’s besides the point.”
“We slept together as in like slept slept or slept slept,” she stares out awkwardly from her comforter.
“There’s a difference?” Ji Hyun teases her.
“You know what I meant.”
“I really don’t, so please elaborate.”
“Seriously?” Y/n asks before downing the aspirin pill and the full glass of water.
He laughs and takes the glass from her, “I guess both. While you were seriously trying to sleep sleep with me, you fell asleep while kissing my neck and trying--very badly, might I add--to undress me. You eventually passed out on my lap with my collar in your hands. I carried you to bed and you wouldn’t let go so I had to sleep sleep with you here.”
“Oh my god,” Y/n turns pink with embarrassment, “I’m so sorry I put you through that.”
“It was my pleasure.”
“I’m sure. I owe you one.”
“How about brunch today?”
“Sure. Why not?” Y/n says getting out of her bed, “Let me shower.”
“What?” She replies back when Ji Hyun just stares.
“Seriously? You’ve seen me in my Spongebob night shorts and tank, drunk off my ass tryna make out with your neck and you still have a problem talking to me? You seemed quite well teasing me a few minutes ago.”
Ji Hyun laughs and sits on the bed, “it really isn’t anything. I was just thinking that I kinda took you as a satin night gown type of a girl. Never thought you would have Spongebob night shorts.”
“Satin is for special occasions,” Y/n winks and Ji Hyun giggles at her, “now let me take a shower so that we can go.”
“Well I have to change as well. Maybe we can meet each other in a bit.”
“Sounds good. Did you drive here?”
“No. My driver dropped me off.”
“Then just chill around here and we can drop by your house and then go to brunch.”
“Aight. I’ll watch some TV in the living room.”
“Aight,” smiles Y/n.
“By the way,” turns back Ji Hyun.
“Did you already know Jimin Hyung?”
“Why would you ask me that? Did he look like he knew me?” awkwardly laughs Y/n.
“No, but you kept calling me by Hyung’s name yesterday and then you asked if I remembered you--well--you asked Jimin hyung if he knew you because you thought I was him.”
“You must be mistaken. How and why would I know your brother? Isn’t he like a kpop star? I’ve heard a lot about him,” Y/n says walking into her closet.
Ji Hyun looks at her walking away but decides to put the whole Jimin hyung fiasco behind him. Maybe Y/n was Hyung’s fan and was too embarrassed to admit that she was fangirling. He shoves his hands in his pockets and laughs to himself.
“Let’s see if I can find some Spongebob on TV today. I feel like watching some Spongebob all of a sudden.”
They were in front of Ji Hyun’s house. Y/n was wearing her hair in loose curls with a floral pencil brunch dress and thin strappy pastel pink heels. She had ditched her favorite bag for a small clutch.
“I’ll wait out here.”
“Now don’t be like that. Mom will kill me if she finds out I have such bad manners that I made a woman--especially my business partner--wait outside for me.”
“You’re mom and dad are probably home and it’ll just be awkward.”
“I’m an adult. They don’t interfere. Come on,” he says holding out his hand for Y/n. She hesitantly takes his hand and steps out of the car.
“I like your house already and I haven’t even stepped inside yet.”
“My mom will like you too. She loves anyone who loves her house.”
Y/n laughs nervously and greets the lady that opens the door.
“Is mom home, Ahjumma?”
“Yes. Madam just went to her study. Let me call her for you.”
“No need,” He smiles at the ahjumma “just take care of my guest please.”
“Of course, Sir,” the Ahjumma replies before heading to the kitchen.
“Why don’t you have a seat? I’ll be a few minutes.”
“Take your time,” Y/n says taking a seat.
Ji Hyun rushes towards the stairs to get to his room and Y/n looks around. The Ahjumma walks back with tea for Y/n, “I’ve informed madam. She’s on her way here.”
“Oh, thank you. You really didn’t have to,” Y/n smiles at the Ahjumma.
“Of course she had to,” says a voice behind her, “you’re our guest and my son’s boss now.”
“I prefer to think of him as my partner. How have you been Mrs Park?” Y/n says getting up and shaking the older woman’s hand. The woman shook her hand back and Y/n sits down with her legs crossed.
“So what brings you in today? If I knew you’d be here today I would’ve prepared some brunch today.”
“Actually I’m waiting for Ji Hyun. We’re heading to brunch. It’s our first sunday after the acquisition. Thought we should get to know each other better to continue working seamlessly in the future.”
“That’s a wonderful idea. It’s better and easier to work with people you know well.”
“Well said, Mom,” Ji Hyun says suddenly behind Y/n. He looked dashing as always in his fitted blue suit.
“Oh hi, Aduel. How are you? I didn’t even see you come in last night. Your dad and I lost track of time after you and Jimin left.”
Y/n heart skipped a beat listening to Jimin’s name. She sent out a small prayer to God to not run into him here today.
“Yeah, about that.Where ever did Hyung go?”
“He got a call from his Manager. Apparently he had an event to get to this weekend so he left.”
“I was going to introduce him to Y/n properly. Oh well,” He pouted, “I guess next time.”
“I think we should get going now,” Y/n glanced at her watch, “we’re getting late for our reservation.”
“It was nice to see you again, Mrs Park,” Y/n stood up and shook the woman’s hand again.
“See you tonight, Mom,’ Ji Hyun says kissing his mom’s cheek. And as they start to walk towards the entrance, Y/n sends a small thanks to whoever was listening for not letting her run into the one and only Park Jimin.”
“This was great,” Y/n said as they reached Ji Hyun’s house, “we should do this again sometime.”
“How about next Sunday?”
“I’ve been with you the entire day, Ji Hyun. I’m afraid activities like this so soon will cause us the business,” laughed Y/n.
“We should do brunch every sunday. If you don’t want to spend the entire day.”
“Brunch sounds good.”
“Great. I’ll see you tomorrow morning then?”
“Actually, you’ll prolly see me in the afternoon. I have some clients to meet in the morning so I’ll try and come in the afternoon.”
“Or you can just take the day off,” smirked Ji Hyun.
“Uh huh. So that you can go home early?”
“Thought I should give it a try,” he winked.
“Nice try but I actually have an early morning tomorrow, so good night,” Y/n waved her goodbye and got back in her car.
Jimin stared at the retreating car as it went out the gate whilst talking on the phone in the balcony.
“Hello? You still there?” said a girl’s voice from the other end of the line.
“I’ll call you back, Babe,” He said hanging up his phone.
“Oh, Hyung!” yelled Ji Hyun as he looked up to the balcony, “You’re here! You should’ve told me you would be home. I wanted you to meet Y/n again.”
“I just got home, Ji Hyun-ah. Maybe next time. I’ll let you know.”
“Wait for me, then. I’m coming upstairs. We gotta have a game’s night like old times!” exclaimed Ji Hyun.
Jimin just chuckled and said, “aight. Come up and I’ll kick some ass.”
Jimin saw Ji Hyun rush inside and then he looked at the street that Y/n’s car had disappeared off to. Why now? Why after so many years? Why Ji Hyun? This isn’t fair.
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injiminsheart · 4 years
Acquisition of a Daffodil: Ch 4: Alone In The Big Bad World
Genre: Fluff | Angst (light) | Humor | Smut | Dark  | Hybrid
Rating: General | Teen | Mature
Pairing: Park Jimin x Reader (?)
Fandom: BTS ARMY
Fiction Notes: BTS canon AU/ Slight future fic/ AU for personal life
Warnings: May give you some feels! :D
Do you know how that feels? Living your life day by day and knowing that painful truth. No one loves you. No one has and no one will. It's sad sometimes but mostly you're just numb. 
People tell you sometimes, “no, honey, you're beautiful and you have such a beautiful personality. You just haven't found the one yet.”
Haven't found the one, yet? Do you even know how long it's been? How long is a different question. It's never ever happened. I've never even been kissed.
When I was in 7th grade--the first crush I ever had--I told him I liked him. He told my best friend, ‘I only think of her as a friend.’ I cried. I cried for so long and didn’t talk for so many days. Who made sure I was okay? No one. Well, actually, Harry Potter did. I buried myself in books. Read and dreamt to my heart’s content. Emily Dickinson did say, “the dearest ones of time, the strongest friends of the soul, books.”
But it happened again. Doesn’t it always happen again? Everytime you love, you think it’s the last, but it happens again. You fall in love all over again. And I did. It’s just this time, it wasn’t a hurtful boy, it was this gorgeous woman. I had just graduated from community college. She was my brother’s taekwondo teacher. I was working at a shop at that time. I remember like so many other Holidays and birthdays, no one remembered little old me this time either. But they remembered everyone else just fine. I had this client I helped every single time and she brought gifts for everyone in the shop but me. I had friends call me ‘lesbian’ behind my back and do things behind my back as I did all their work. It was like high school all over again. I remember being so alone and scared. So scared. It was so dark in that corner of my mind. Why was it so dark inside my own head? I was scared and I ran. 
I ran and I’ve been running and here I am today. This is the story of how I met the man I loved dearly and the man who left me all alone.
 First day in the great Seoul, South Korea as a university student. I wanted a place where no one would know me at all. What better way to ensure that than by moving to a different country? If the language was different, I would speak to anyone only when it was crucial at other times, I would be left alone. Just as I had been since the beginning of my life. At least this would be on my own terms. 
And it was, for a while. He just didn’t want the extra attention and I wasn’t capable of another heartache. Who knew our mutual likeness of the two tables in the back of the library across from each other would lead me straight into the heart of the storm? 
It began with two opposite tables and then it eventually lead to the same table after another girl took his table. She was so happy just to sit in her “Oppa’s” chair. But the Oppa sat with me instead. I knew who he was. I had my fair share of K-pop from High School to College. Those across the table interaction changed to small talk, and before I knew it, I had fallen for him. I had fallen for the famous Park Jimin. 
The denial hit faster than a bullet train. I crossed the Pacific Ocean and the International date line to get away for this idiosyncratic behavior. I won’t allow myself to be like this again. There was only one thing left to do, distant yourself from him. I found a new place to study. Under the abandoned bleachers out by the old football field. It was a bit of walk so nobody really bothered to come here. 
As I walk in my own world with headphones in my ears, I feel a person come up to me and put their arm around my neck. My fight or flight kicks in and I try to attack my offender. 
“Hey, hey, hey. Relax. It’s just me,” says the girl, taking her arm off. The frown on my face must’ve clarified my inner questions because she tucks her hands in her pocket and says, “I’m Grace. I’m in your poli-sci class.”
“You speak English?”
“I would certainly hope so. I’m talking to you, aren’t I?”
“Yes, you are. It’s just been awhile since I’ve spoken English. I was taken back all of a sudden. What can I do for you?”
“Can I study with you?”
A knock on the door pulls Y/n out of her own thoughts.
“Come in.”
Secretary Kim peeks into the office and asks, “Is anyone in here with you?”
“No one is in today, Grace. Come in. I was just thinking about you.”
“You were?”
“Yeah, about the first day we met.”
“You mean when I asked you if I can study with you?” Grace asks with a soft smile and making her way across the office.
“Yes, Babe. That day,” Y/n says, pulling Grace towards herself.
“Y/n,” whines Grace, “What are you doing? What if someone sees us? Didn’t we agree on staying strictly professional at work?”
“We are strictly professional all the time, but I just miss you. I haven’t been able to be with you since the last few weeks. I’ve been so busy with the acquisition and then JiHyun has been all up in my business,” sighs out Y/n as she gets up and hugs Grace and lays her head on Grace’s shoulder. 
“I know it’s been a long week for you, Babe, but you gotta behave. You can’t just be falling apart in front of everyone like that. I know you used to have a thing for Jimin and him being here doesn’t help but you gotta stay strong.”
“I’m trying, but that bastard is testing my patience. I saw him throwing you a wink and eyeing you up and down. Was about to slap him.”
“Relax, Y/N. Guys do it all the time and you’ve never been bothered before, so why does it make such a big difference?”
“I just don’t like it!”
“What don’t you like, Y/n? The fact that a guy winked at me? The fact that the guy was Jimin? Or the fact that you still have feelings for him and you don’t like that he was looking at me, instead of you?”
“That’s not what I meant, Grace.”
“So tell me. What DID you mean?” Grace said furiously. She freed herself out of Y/n’s grasp and looked at Y/n teary-eyed, “I can’t keep competing with that man, Y/N. I was the one that picked up the pieces of your heart that HE shattered after he started dating AaRa in college! I was the one that kept you together all these years! I was the one that stood with you to build your business when he walked out on you. I was the one that took away all the pain. But he waltz in to your life after so many years and there you go again. Lose your mind and chase after him again.”
“You’re blowing this way out of proportion, Grace. It’s nothing like that.”
“It’s Secretary Kim for you. I’m at work,” Grace said wiping her tears.
Y/n was hurt and shocked at the same time. She felt herself breaking again. Why her? Why again.
“My apologies, Secretary Kim. You may get back to work and please cancel all my meetings for today. There’s somewhere I have to be,” Y/n said picking up her cell phone and making her way out the door.
Y/n’s been driving around for a while. She can’t seem to think straight so she comes back home. A bottle of vodka never hurt anyone, she thinks to herself. As she’s about to enter the elevator, she finds two familiar figures standing in the elevator. She finds herself staring at the certain Park Jimin with his arm around the girl she always hated the most in college. Little Miss Popular, Soo Hyun. Park Jimin is currently dating her college nemesis, Soo Hyun?
Y/n scoffs and lets out a laugh as Soo Hyun seemed to have recognized Y/n right as the elevator door closes to take them back up to the floor they came from. 
“Bitch!” whispers, Y/n, “serves her right!”
She doesn’t want to wait for the elevator to come down and face them again, so she decides to take the stairs. Which was possibly the worst decision as she’s currently in heels. 
It takes her a while but she finally makes it to the 6th floor. She rolls her eyes when she sees Ji Hyun standing in front of her apartment.
“Wow! Your eyes are gonna hit your brain like that.”
“Look, JiHyun, I’m not in the mood today. This day can’t get any worse than it already is. So I suggest you return from my humble abode today.”
“But I come bearing gifts,” he says lifting a bag upto Y/N’s face.
“Not today,JiHyun,” repeats Y/n.
“Just open the door. Didn’t think you would ever refuse your favorite bottle of vodka.”
Y/n sighs and smiles a little, “Fineeee!!! But only cuz I was going to get shitfaced drunk anyway.”
Ji Hyun shakes his head and chuckles to himself as Y/n unlocks her door. She throws her purse and phone on the table by the door and puts on her inside shoes as Ji Hyun steps into the extra pair by the door. 
“Make yourself at home. I’m going to go change.”
“Into spongebob shorts?”
“Shut up and pour me a drink.”
“Yes ma’am.”
“So what happened to you today?” asked a tipsy Ji Hyun.
“Nothing. I had a fight with one of my very close friends.”
“Just a friend?”
Y/n remained quiet and took another vodka shot.
“Why were you here today?” asks Y/n instead.
“Hyung was visiting his girlfriend and I realized she lives in your building. I had bought a bottle for you the other day so I thought I come by and drop it off at your door. But then I saw you at the elevator and I was waiting for you to get on but you didn’t. Then when we got back down, you weren’t there. So I thought I should wait for you for a while and see if you show up.”
“So what happened to Soo Hyun and Jimin?” Y/n said without thinking.
“How do you know her name is Soo Hyun?” asked a confused Ji Hyun as Y/n bit her lip and closed her eyes realizing her slip up. 
“You told me. How would I know?”
“I did?” asked a confused Ji Hyun, “no I didn’t”
“Yes you did. You said Jimin was coming to see Soo Hyun and you came along. Anyways, let me pour you a shot.”
Ji Hyun woke up with a headache and in nothing but boxers in Y/n’s bed with no knowledge of how he got there. He saw Y/n drying her hair in her bathrobe. 
“Ummm...what happened?”
“Nothing,” said Y/n. She looked so beautiful and Ji Hyun’s heart skipped a beat. 
“What do you mean by nothing? Why am I like this?”
“Well, there’s some lemon water next to your bedside for your headache and you drank a lot last night and were in no condition to go anywhere so you slept next to me in your boxers.”
Ji Hyun looked mortified. 
“Don’t worry,” laugher Y/n, “I didn’t touch you. I just helped you into bed. We just slept by each other. That’s all. Nothing we haven’t done before.”
“I should head home, now,” Ji Hyun blushed and Y/n laughed.
“I’ll drop you off. Let me get dressed really fast.”
“It’s fine. I can Uber.”
“Relax. I’ll drop you off.”
“Are you sure?”
“Of course.”
Y/n was dropping off Ji Hyun when she saw Ji Hyun’s mom pulling up the driveway with Jimin by her side. Y/n looked at Ji Hyun’s shuffled hair and reached over to fix it quickly. 
“Don’t freak out,” she said reaching over, “you look like you’re doing walk of shame. We don’t want them getting the wrong idea.”
Ji Hyun blushed again and they both got out of the car. Jimin looked annoyed and their mom was smirking. 
“Another late night, Ji Hyun,” teased his mom.
“Yea, Mom. I went to go see Y/n and then didn’t realize when we slept.”
Ji Hyun mustn't have heard what he was saying but Y/n elbowed him lightly as she went crimson with embarrassment. 
Y/n noticed that Jimin looked furious so she felt a bit better and added some fuel to the fire, “Yea, sorry about that, Mrs. Park. We were both so out of it yesterday. I realized this morning that Ji Hyun was still there at my house. So I offered to drop him off. But I have to get to work, now, so I’ll get going.”
“Come by anytime, sweetie!”
“Thanks, Mrs Park.”
Jimin walked past his brother and mother. Why is Y/n always infuriating him so much? She keeps pretending not to know him and if that wasn’t even enough. She didn’t even react when he flirted with that girl she used to hang out with in college. Then the same thing Soo Hyun. He had started dating her only because he knew she lived in Y/n’s building but instead of paying attention to him, Y/n was busy sleeping around with his younger brother. 
He entered his room furiously and threw the first thing that came into his hands. 
It isn’t fair! She’s his!
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injiminsheart · 5 years
Hey guys!! I’ve really been away for so long because I’ve been so busy with.....well....life, I guess.
Just out of curiosity. Would anyone suggest anything for me to get myself back?
Like I’m in this relationship and I feel like suddenly from my side, everything is about “US” instead of something about me and others being about him. There was a time when I really didn’t need anyone but the internet and life was great. I mean I love him and all but idk. I’m just really having some weird thoughts. I don’t want to lose him but I also don’t want to lose myself.
What should I do?
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injiminsheart · 5 years
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injiminsheart · 5 years
white cells on their way to fight off infection:
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injiminsheart · 6 years
A loop of THAT part in Spring Day @ melon bc we all need it
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injiminsheart · 6 years
Late night depressing thoughts
After getting hurt over and over again, I’ve learned good things don’t happen to good people.
Good things happen to terrible people. I wish I could have the heart to be terrible. But I don’t, so I can’t. All I can do is feel miserable.
It’s not fair. That I have to hide behind a smile at all times or people think I’m mad.
“You must really hate your life,” they say. But I really don’t hate my life. No matter how hard it gets. The only thing I hate is my inability to stand up for myself against myself.
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injiminsheart · 6 years
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injiminsheart · 6 years
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jungkook about magic shop (trans)
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injiminsheart · 6 years
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jikook when they found out they’re on the same team
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injiminsheart · 6 years
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injiminsheart · 6 years
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Love Yourself: Wonder x Prologue x HYYH: RUN
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injiminsheart · 6 years
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E U P H O R I A (2018)
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