#this also brings me back to how tall I want Predaking to be
Uh… so I googled the average height for a half-track ATV, because of curiosity and stuff; but I never really got an official answer.
I was trying to decipher how big Brushfire would realistically be in IRL terms. And turns out she is not as big as I thought he was going to be.
Cause this is want an average half-track ATV looks like compared to a child:
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I think maybe Brushfire would be a bit bigger than this, but I believe this would be a good comparison/estimate for the time being. There’s also the whole mass displacement thing being put into play.
Also I just wanted an excuse to draw a short Brushfire:
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Look at the little aussie fella compared to it’s feral dragon pal👌✨
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the-energon-hole · 5 years
One more request, I promise! Female human s/o manages to convince TFP Megatron, Soundwave, Knockout and Predaking to come to the mall in their holoform avatars after they lost a bet against her and promised to do anything for her? They are sulking the whole time, especially Megatron and Predaking, until some human guys tries to hit on their mate right in front of them and things get escalated.
((A/N - This ended up being way longer than I anticipated, so it took me a while to get the story that I wanted to tell actually set up. Enjoy!!))
Continuity - Transformers Prime
Character(s) - Megatron | Soundwave | Knockout | Predaking
Genre - Cute
Rating - T
Warnings - Suggested Violence
Word Count(s) - 1434 | 8640 | 4615 | 1360
✏️Written - 05/29/19 - 06/02/19✏️
-He was not a very happy mech, and in this instance, he couldn’t even pretend to be- not even for the most important person in the universe to him. He sat there, his consciousness inside of his holoform that was unceremoniously perched on top of probably one of the world’s most uncomfortable chairs, as he watched you practically float with giddy bliss back and forth between clothing racks in this hell space of a place you called a“mall” for what you were calling the “the perfect outfit”. You were right about why his Vehicons were portraying so many signs of anguish and anger, as there was in fact a lack of trust between those who could fly and those who were ground soldiers. He had doubted your knowledge that discrimination existed amongst the lowest rank of his army, and yet, with further investigation you were right that there was this strange cultural stigma that was formed ever since he decided to in a fit of rage to throw a few of his Vehicons over the edge and that those who were unfortunate enough to be vehicles perished due to his uncontrollable anger. Now, in his processor for some reason, he felt he was so correct on this assumption that there was no way you knew more about Cybertronians than he did, that he made a bet with you that if you were right he would owe you a favor… He had no one but himself to blame for this situation really, it was a kind of divine punishment implemented by the all powerful Primus for the crime of doubting his own mate on their intuitions and intelligence- you apparently knew what was causing a kind of dissent in his ranks, while he was blinded with the leadership he possessed to see what was really going on… rest assured… he has learned his lesson to never make a deal with a proverbial devil and to always have trust in what you were trying to tell him. There was a multitude of reasons he has made you his mate- you were oh so observant to certain things that you always managed to notice small details he always seemed to accidentally look over, and you were so quick witted that you always seem to be able to squirm your way out of bad situations using nothing but you sharp attitude and silver tongue- what he means is he will never make a bet with you again if there was even a slim chance he would lose.
-He audibly sneered at his own incompetence as he saw how all the other humans in this place began to scurry past him like rodents with their gaze pointed downwards as to not make any kind of contact with such a hostile looking man, lest they invoke his wrath and direct his terrible mood towards them - don’t misunderstand him, he loved to see you this happy as you had this amazing flush on your face because you were smiling so wide as you held different kinds of garments up against your body to gauge how it would look on you, and he knows deep in his processor that you have been cut off from your culture and civilization for a very long time because of him and his inability to take a break from leading his Decepticon forces to victory… but he just can’t bring himself to grow over his own suffering and self pity in this moment in time. You. He can’t help but be a little bitter over the fact he can begin to feel his real body grow warm and uncomfortable in the hot desert sun just outside the limits of this infernal city as it sat in alt-mode on the side of a cliff to avoid detection by any humans, it also doesn’t help that he can hear all of the hushed whispers from the people around him about how uncomfortable they are being forced to be around such a “scary man”, and what’s worse is he has had to sit here complacently while he watched this stranger “accidentally”bump into you way to many times he was comfortable with! He has gained the knowledge that some humans simply don’t have the concept of personal space, and considering how vastly overpopulated this planet was, he can’t say he really blame anyone for having seemingly rude social habits- but does this infernal worm have to keep being so damn close? Megatron could tell by not only your body language, but also your “aura”, that you were growing increasingly uncomfortable with this other person as you tried again to simply just scoot away to give yourself some space to look for whatever it is you intended to buy. You couldn’t share emotions like normal Cybertronians when mate, but he felt all kinds of things between the bond that you share, even though you lacked the ability to project a field and you both didn’t have a physical neural connection- it was kind of foreign and amazing, being able to share such a strange and new kind of bond so deep that he could feel strange and organic raw emotions that you allowed to spill out from your mind. This was why he hated when other humans tried to encroach on what he thought of as his territory, you were an independent person with your own opinions and ideas, but he can’t help but feel possessive as he stood up quickly when he saw this other human brush their hand against yours. There was no way you didn’t notice what this other person was doing, but you were doing that human habit he hoped he had broken you of, the one where you were so being so “polite” that you were actually just being a form of complacent and docile- you would gasp and apologize as you would scoot away again and make yourself stand off to the side a good distance away while you would avert your gaze to the ground to show forms of social submission. He couldn’t blame you really though, this place was packed full of people and it wouldn’t be a good idea to draw attention to yourselves considering how many looks he is already getting for the way his holoform looked as a tall silver haired man. 
-Making a scene over some aft who didn’t understand what personal space was not a smart on your part- Wait… Did he just see that right?! He saw you jump back so suddenly that you nearly trip over your own legs as you took a defensive stance, he felt it to, your anxiety just skyrocketed as he felt himself basically sprint over to where you were and practically pushed you behind him with such force that you almost lost your balance again as you let out a whimper. Once you gained your footing and were leaning against his back, you decided that this was the perfect time to create that scene you “politely” tried to avoid making.  “This freak just grabbed me!” You screamed as you pointed at the stranger in front of Megatron that had nowhere to hide as a crowd began to form around him. “I did not give you permission to touch me! How dare you!?” Megatron can see what you were doing, and he had to say, he was impressed with your quick thinking and your ability to turn your anxiety around so quickly so you can use it to your advantage. Get everyone in the room around you on your side and he wouldn’t have to deal with the repercussions of potentially killing this human in a public and crowded space. He could hear all the humans around yelling this stranger, telling them they should be ashamed of themselves and that they don’t belong in a public space like this and that they should just go back home and leave normal people alone- it was actually some pretty nasty stuff as he watched this person scurry away like the animal that they were. He heard you huff quietly behind him as you mumbled about how this “asshole” almost ruined your outfit hunting- Primus, he loved you so much, you were so independents and smart that you can turn any situation to be beneficial to you… Proof that he didn’t need to come with you on these little outings, you were perfectly capable of dealing with things on your own, but it was a nice reminder to him that you were not a helpless little human who needed guarding all the time.
-You needed to do a supply run for yourself down on the surface, which was a very normal thing that you needed to do in order to survive on a ship designed for Cyebrtronians and not Humans, but this time you requested that he accompany you on your endeavor to acquire new goods- he declined at first and he felt a little bad when your face began to grow that melancholy look he disliked so much as you looked to the side and made a small noise of disappointment. He knows that things have been very hectic lately, wit the surfacing of these new artifacts on this planet he has been busier than ever trying to dictate all of these missions to the troops so that it ensured that their enemies did not grow stronger with these potential weapons of mass destruction. He can feel how lonely you have become from the bonds in which you both share, he can see how your mood and attitude has taken a  shift as you felt yourself becoming more lonely and those feelings of being neglected began to grow, and he knows that it was partly his fault due to the hectic nature of this ship- this could be the opportunity you were looking for to get away from the confines of this place for a while and just be able to bask in each other;s company without the fear of impending doom looming over you like past situations have. If he would be honest with you for a moment he would tell you that he doesn’t like to leave the ship unless he absolutely has to, and on the special occasions when he was needed elsewhere he was forced to trust others to keep security and order on this chaotic house for Decepticons. Though, he recalls fondly, that the last time he took an extensive mission away from The Nemesis he unceremoniously left you in charge of his whole operation as he had to deal with making sure Starscream wasn’t going to entirely destroy their forces from the inside by giving sensitive information to the Autobot Forces. Apparently, with access to all of his sensitive information, you managed to uncover two plans of mutiny and one case of illegal energon hoarding, he was pretty impressed with your sleuthing skills and it just hit him close to his spark to have such a wonderful reminder about why the universe put the two of you together- there was never a better team to squash disobedience than the two of you. He agreed after some time to muse about it, but it had to be on his “agreeable” terms, which meant you had to wait until the ship was in doc for an energon run from the mines and that you had to wait for him to feel confident enough that nothing bad was going to happen to the Decepticon Ranks while he was away… which was fair. If it weren’t for Soundwave the entirety of this rebellion would have been snuffed out eons ago when Megatron first went missing amongst the stars in search of the rumored Dark Energon. When Soundwave put his processor to something, he did it at 100 percent capacity, that included serving his duties to his master and making sure you were well taken care of with this new and alien lifestyle you were forced to live amongst a ship of non organic creatures.
-The day finally came as all of the requirements were being filled for the two of you to take a small shore leave, and though he felt pretty miserable with is consciousness so far away from his tactically tuned frame, he couldn’t help but feel a morbid fascination with how humans managed to live in such a world he found to be so very uncomfortable. The overpopulation that caused crowding in the streets and made an artificial bustle in spaces made to only accommodate a small crowd, the heat from a lack of ozone around the atmosphere caused by said overpopulation because there was so much resource hoarding and usage that the natural reserves of this world barley had to time to renew itself before being used again and again, and mostly this strange cultural change and shift that was different depending on what region of the world they were located in- there were so many different ways humans lived and behaved that it almost felt impossible for him to understand how all of them worked and functioned as a whole society. You fit right into this strange place however, and if he were going to say it out loud, he actually hated seeing you thrive in any environment that didn’t directly involve him in any way. Was this the emotion of jealousy and inadequacy? He has to say he isn’t a big fan of feeling neglected by you as you searched store after store for all the different things you needed- if he was being frank, he didn’t enjoy being your proverbial extra arms either, as it is true that he may not feel pain in this body but he isn’t enjoying carrying so many different bags full of things he can’t seem to see you having a real use for. He did agree to this however, and he will keep his thoughts to himself until you are alone once again in the confines of your shared quarters- which reminded him that he also needed to acquire more filters for his oxygen contraption that he has created that pumps fresh atmosphere into your room so that even in space you would not need to fear suffocation or sickness from lack of a stable environment. He felt himself become exacerbated though as you promised this would be the last store, the last thing you needed were new garments to keep you warm in a ship that lacked a way to keep the perfect room temperature, which was true because he had not had enough free time to create a kind of device to implement on top of the atmospheric device he has already built… but he got the feeling that you were incorrect when you told him this was the last stop on your list- you appeared to be having too much enjoyment to imply stop and go back to the ship anytime soon. He did not mind as much as he as leading himself to believe though, and he enjoyed seeing that bright look on your face that he had been missing these past few months that he had kept you isolated in your sleeping chambers to try and keep you safe from the wrath of the other frustrated Decepticons.
-He kept himself distracted as he passed through some of these garments as well, though he had very little feeling sin this holoform, he took notice that some of this outerwear was so soft that he could feel it on the tip of his digits- it was actually kind of alluring as he thought about what it would feel like coupled with the soft and suppleness of your skin. He didn’t have a lot of time to think though as he felt a twang of anguish coming from the bond in which the two of you shared, it was strong and it was sharp, and he had to stop himself from acting rashly as he dropped the sweater he was holding to look up to see you briskly walk in his direction with someone he didn’t recognize hot on your heels. Once you were in the safety of his vicinity he pulled you close to his holoform’s body as the person following you came to a halt in front of him and looked up to try and see the man behind the dark glasses he wore in this form. “Sir, are you this young lady’s date?” This guy asked as he went from looking at him to looking at you again, and Soundwave did not like the emotions reflecting in this older gentleman’s eyes as he looked at you as if you were just a piece of food to be consumed. He said nothing as you whimpered and pushed into him harder as he wrapped an arm protectively around your shoulders- he has no idea what this man has said to you to make you so uncomfortable, but he will absolutely make sure this person paid for whatever it was that he did. Soundwave and Laserbeak hack into the cameras of this place to see what happened, and he saw this person strong arming you and trying to pull you away from him- he did not like this at all as he felt the anger inside of his processor begin to bubble up as he grabbed this guy by his jaw. He began to squeeze as he heard the guy yelled out in pain as he tried to pull himself from Soundwaves grip- “Leave.”. Soundwave spoke only one word as he dropped this guy and watched him run away while he screamed obscenities at the two of you. Soundwave said nothing as he began to rub your back in a comforting way while he noticed your body begin to relax in his grip, he made the executive decision that you had enough supplies to last you awhile and that maybe it is time to return to familiar territory. He picked you up off of the ground and escorted you out of this big building as people stood and stared at the odd sight of a man carrying someone out of the building, but he didn’t let it bother him as he began to think about a new design for a temperature device design so you won’t have to keep bundling up in so many layers of clothing.
-It was almost concerning to others how tightly you had Knockout wrapped around your little finger, anytime you told him to jump he wouldn’t even bother to ask how high- he would just launch himself upwards in an attempt to please you so he could see that sweet smile he loved so much grace your wonderful face. Though he was beginning to think that maybe all of the others were right about his philosophy about bending to all your whims might actually be a problem now, because as he stood at the end of the ailes watching you stare at the same three sweaters for the past ten minutes, he was beginning to think that maybe this “quick trip to the surface” was going to take much longer than “a few minutes”. It might not have been a problem normally- but today was the day he was going to try out that new sparkly finished wax that he picked up a while ago to give himself an extra shine. He wasn’t angry or upset that you asked him out to help buy supplies in this department store, he was just frustrated that he had something planned and now it was going to have to be put off till later… it wasn’t your fault, he didn’t tell you he had something planned, but he can’t help the nasty little feelings welling up inside his spark as he began to tap his fingers against his crossed arms as he watched you pick up that green sweater for the fourth time! Clear-ly the red and pink one was superior! Primus, it was as if he didn’t even know his own mate!
-You just couldn’t decide! The red and pink one was clearly the superior when it came to appearances, but the turquoise one was much cozier with the fluffier fabric and would keep you warmer, but THEN there is the green one that was absolutely hideous but that is what drew you to it in the first place! Who doesn’t love ugly sweaters?! You hear Knockout huff behind you with so much attitude again for the fifth time since being in the store, but you chose to ignore him as you grabbed all three sweaters to try them on and see which one looks the best- you knew it would be the red and the pink one, but the other two contenders at least deserved a chance to shine. You heard Knockout slump against the door of your changing room as he waited for you to be done with your shopping- you knew he was grumpy about something, but it wasn’t everyday that you got the chance to go shopping as The Nemesis is rarely ever stopped or docked near any kind of civilization! As you began to pull the sweater over your head you began to feel a little guilty for being selfish in this moment, maybe when this is all done you’ll help him shine his finish on the places he has a hard time reaching if there is one thing that always makes him feel better, besides it was always a kind think to help pamper your partner, especially when it helps relax them after a long day of being dragged around the human world by your picky partner who can’t make a simple garment decision! You peeked out from the changing room and noticed that he was no where to be found, you wanted to show him how you looked in the sweater, but you figured he probably found a way to entertain himself as you spent quite a while in that small room.
-“Excuse me, can I say, you look phenomenal in that sweater.” You turned to see a man in the store’s uniform looking at you with an oddly big smile. You thanked him and asked if he could take the other two from your room while you out your regular shirt back on, which he agreed to with a smile and a nod as it was basically his job to put the clothes back on the rack- and you figured that was better than leaving the clothes you didn’t want in the room. As you went to hand him the two sweaters from your room, you felt him grab your arm rather harshly and pull you close to him- you could feel your heartbeat begin to increase as you struggled against his hold. He began to whisper all kinds of uncomfortable things to you as you tried to run away from the vice grip he had on your upper arms. Before the situation escalated any further you felt the pressure on your arm be released and heard a loud thud against the floor behind you, you couldn’t even react as Knockout began to threaten the man he had in his grip as he glared down at him with murderous intent- a crowd started to gather as what you presumed to be a manager came running over trying to be KO to release his employee. You didn’t hesitate to speak out about what happened to you in that dressing room- you demanded justice and for that creep to be punished, and you made damn sure to let Knockout know how much you appreciated the save later on when you were in the privacy of the ship.
-You began to hum to yourself quietly as you thumbed through the rack of these cute summer clothes that you found in front of you, true the ship was a rather cold place and you would never have an opportunity to donn such clothing, but you can’t help but feel the allure of a promise of better and warmer weather as you couldn’t help but imagine yourself relaxing on the beach under a warm sun getting wonderfully cozy. You could feel that everyone and their mothers were staring at you in an understandably odd way in this store, not because of the way you looked or because you were humming a tune to yourself, but because there was an angry looking large man looking over you as you just happily looked through this store’s selection of products as if he weren’t even there. You didn’t let their stares bother you as you let all your good vibes seep out as well as you can without the ability to create a field around yourself like Cybertronians could to try and keep Predaking distracted from the uncomfortable pointing and glares- besides, even if you couldn’t produce a field, you knew that Predaking was very in sync with you and you were sure he felt you trying your best to keep him calm without drawing attention to yourselves anymore than it was on you already. You knew he had reservations about coming here with you this from the very  beginning and you figure that  the idea of immersing himself into human culture, in a “fake body”, to partake in alien activities like “shopping” and “bumming around”. You couldn’t help but want so badly for him to experience humanity before it was potentially wiped away in an oncoming event between the Decepticons and the Autobots, you wanted him to understand what it was like to grow up on a planet like Earth- a world filled with beautiful organic things that did not exist anywhere else. There was such a deep beauty about all of this place, even the ars of the world that had crowded department store that had off season clothing in their racks… and you just wanted him to see it from  your perspective.
-Predaking just stood there with a neutral look on his face in his fake and uncomfortable bipedal body that he was able to create out of sheer willpower, he couldn’t help himself as he stood there behind you scanning the room for any and all potential dangers out of sheer habit of the environment you both find yourselves in the majority of the time. You had told him before that human society was actually a fairly safe place to be when there was a moderate amount of people in the area, and that random violent attacks in the streets are a very rare occurrence- in fact, you showed him statistics that shows most human on human violence is almost always premeditated, almost always planned out and calculated because one human wanted or did something to the other. That did not put his mind at as great of ease as it should have however, as he can see all these humans starting at him in either fear or out of a kind of morbid curiosity that could act as a trigger for them to act in ways of stupidity around them. Humans are just like every other organic life on this planet, they have a fight or flight instinct that drives most of them to act and think the way they do, and he loves you to the ends the universe but he has heard about the kinds of dangerous mods humans and create just by simply being bored. He can’t say he is a fan of all of your species, which is reflected on his face as he glared at someone who just wouldn’t back down in their eye contact with him, as he can feel his “lips” begin to droop more as he grunts a little involuntarily at the premise of all of his worries beginning to come to the surface. He could be wrong, he has been before, but he was going to continue counting down the minutes that they would be out of this place and back into the comfort and safety of his pen on The Nemesis- and he was off put by the idea that he was even slightly excited to go back into that awful hole made the energon in his systems run cold. You were the most important person in this whole universe to him, no question about it, but he did have his limitations as a member of a primitive species- though, seeing you so carefree and trustworthy of him and his sour attitude and angry looks, it made him want to do his best to contain all these negative feelings and make you proud of him. He wanted to please you and make you want to stay with him- such a selfish desire, but when he looks down at you humming a little tune and eyeing all the brightly colored garments he can begin to feel the hard cage around his spark begin to melt.
-As you pulled out a silly and colorful looking Hawaiian shirt and held it to your chest with a warm smile at the idea of how interesting this would look on you, you heard someone next to you clear their throat in a way meant to get your attention. You turned to see a tall blonde stranger giving you an odd smug look as they held their hands behind their backs to feign compliance and submission, you took notice that Predaking whipped around rather quickly as well so you did your best to tactically place yourself between him and this stranger to hopefully avoid any kind of violence in this situation. “I couldn’t help but notice this… brute- just creeping over you! Do you know him? Want me to get rid of him?” … Before you could even have time to answer, this stranger decided it was a good idea to take your hand in theirs and hold it to their face, it was a show to try and make you feel  as if this were medieval times and they were a knight saving a royal from a dragon holding them hostage. You didn’t get a chance to say anything, let alone have time to react before you felt Predaking lean around you and grab this stranger by their wrists. He lifted up the stranger as if they did not weigh anything and lifted them off the ground to come closer to his face- you used your elbow to jab Predaking in the abdomen behind you to signal a release, but his grip held strong as you could see this strangers face conform to that of one of utter terror and primal panic. Predaking did eventually realize them, but only after saying probably the scariest thing you’ve ever heard, “Place your hands on my mate again, and I’ll make sure you won’t have any hands left to touch yourself with.” You could feel all eyes on you as that person turned tail and ran as soon as they were free from the grip of the predacon pretending to be human, you just coughed loudly and began to quickly pull him out of the store and away from the crowds- maybe that is enough shopping for one day. You should have a lesson in human contact when you get back to the ship, because it was very apparent that maybe he didn’t understand that humans were just like that sometimes- you were more than willing to reject that person and tell them that you were here with your loved one, but you didn’t even get a chance to say or do anything before he jumped into action for your sake. It was very endearing on a primal level, but on a civilized level it was rather embarrassing and condescending… but you won’t tell him that, everyone makes mistakes and you won’t ever see those people again in your life so it doesn’t really matter anyways.
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