#this also isnt all of the stuff they did in this category😭
cryptcatz · 1 year
this might not be helpful but i also used to be anorexic (and was at the time i was diagnosed with adhd) and i uh. lied. and said i didnt have it. dont really think thats Necessarily the right move (and doesnt sound like an option for u) but:
genuinely my ed did get better being medicated. yes, i lost a couple pounds at first ive never really put back on But i also dont have a fucked up relationship with food anymore.
this might not be true for everyone but i was definently in the category of people who have an ed because they feel the need to have control over something. unmedicated i never really felt like i had control over my life and had a hard time maintaining friendships & relationships and now that im medicated i have lovely friends and a wonderful boyfriend (of almost 3 years!).
im sure part of it is that im trans and have been on hormones longer now than when i was first diagnosed with adhd and am genuinely just more comfortable in my body, but adderall just generally improved my life.
(except that when it wears off I am Ravenous and eat literally all the snacks in the house and then am not hungry for meals. but also. im eating way more than i ever did pre-adderall which im counting as a win especially since food isnt like. torture anymore.)
yeah i wish i did lie tbh, ever since getting diagnosed with an eating disorder none of my doctors have really…done anything? even my eating disorder specialist mostly just goes “try eating more, not eating is bad :)” and that’s it. no digging into WHY im doing this stuff. ugh.
i definitely relate to a lot of what you said 😭 but im really glad you’re doing better now, anon!! 💖 i hear so many ppl talk about how stimulants changed their life and i hope that’s me someday
im trying to find a new psych but it’s difficult to find one who can handle my billions of problems lmao also worried if i leave this one she will label me as “drug seeking” or smthn
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faerociousbeast · 2 years
you mentioned a naruto ghost hunter au thing a while ago and i'm curious? describe it a bit :)
OKAY WACK umm its been AGES since i read it and again, we were. BARELY into the show so my memory is probably more than a little vague. But
it's summertime, and the protagonist is our dear pal, sasuke uchiha. his lovely, heartwarming parents dip on him at the last second and decide to send him to this random town in the middle of nowhere. however, one secret of the uchiha clan, as well as their partner clan, the hyugas, as this is a modern/non ninja au thing, is that they are Ghost Hunters. they go around and Hunt Ghosts. well, basically just.. send them to the spirit realm.
they have Special Eyeballs with different abilities (sharingan/byakugan, respectively), as well as just a general natural affinity for interacting with Ghosts. there was some sort of.. system? in place?
uhh the lowest category of Ghosts was the... SPECTER! yes! specters are generally weak, and can pretty much only do the action they were doing before dying, and nothing else. they haunt their place of work or home, for the most part.
the next were the.... figures!! slightly more of an issue, they can sometimes have some powers of like.. telekinesis, iirc? theyre usually chill though unless you bother their burial/resting place.
FINALLY. the RAREST, most DANGEROUS of them all: DRAUGRS!!! these haunt the actual place of their death, and tend to be incredibly hostile as theyre.... usually. murder victims and stuff. theyve got some INTENSE powers, which vary as there are just so few of them in the world. scary tho
and so sasuke gets sent to this country town, hes a city boy soo... Yeah. but after a certain annoying blonde wouldnt stop following him around, he ends up realizing- "konoha" has an INTENSE amount of spiritual activity. like record level.
pairings were...sasuke and naruto obviously; and the second major one was actually shikamaru/neji. they got a sequel expanding on their story. background pairs were kiba and shino, gaara and lee, kakashi and iruka, choji and ino and.... kisame and itachi, which isnt my MOST favourite thing in the world now that i actually have met them and know their.. ages, but again i hadnt. met them so 😭😭 i think theyre closer in age in the thing but its still kind of. eh now that i am aware of all that.
i wont spoil too much after that, but there are a LOT of characters yeah!! including itachi being a taboo topic as per usual, and all the konoha 12, as well as gaara, kakashi, iruka, i think thats it? for main cast, anyways. the akatsuki also make an appearance, eventually. as well as some other. side characters. there was a LOT it was so long
actually i'm pretty sure this was when i first got introduced to deidara 😐 probably when he hopped into our head. most likely. Wild tbh.
STILL it had SUPER interesting world building, a lot of fun character interactions, as well as mystery oo ooo. one of my favourite things to do in my own writing, is take scenes from the original series and translate it into my fics- such as like.. ah this is hard to explain um like. a character who dies from a hit to the head in the og dying bc of a hit to the head w what makes sense in my story. but yes this one has that and its very fascinating
god i can talk so SO MUCH i apologize profusely but i.. suppose you DID ask 💀💀 please dont let my tendency to ramble deter you from speaking to me again in the future.. i can be less annoying sometimes i promise :}} but thank you again!!
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