#this anon alongside me finishing this is us this weekend has me feeling particularly emotional lmao
No because I also started almost sobbing at Death and her aura when watching sandman. Like if she were to greet me and tell me it's my time to go, I would feel so safe. I'm crying just thinking about it now.
Because if you think about, the only things that ties all of us humans together and we will ALL experience at some point is being born and dying. And almost everyone is afraid of death because we don't know what's waiting for us. So imagine being terrified and then meeting ✨her✨. I would feel so safe and alright to cross.
just the idea of being met with that utter comfort and the action of passing over being portrayed as this very calm, natural thing (even if the death itself wasn't) brings me so much joy, as someone who has lost a loved one and as someone who will (obviously) also die eventually
like i think about the scene of the old man and his violin on a weekly basis, i swear. storytelling at its finest! neil gaiman deserves every accolade he has ever gotten and then some!
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