#this applies to surnames too but I don't really have any of those set in stone
snekverse · 11 months
yknow what
from here on out I'm gonna exclusively refer to charas how they would be called in my rewrite
Nova=Aphmau, Avon=Irene, etc
I'll keep yall posted if/when I change more of their names
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avlillustrations · 3 years
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When it comes to Info-chan's design I have very little complaints. My only nitpick is the matching red hair and eyes, especially in combination with the red glasses. Too much red in one place as far as I'm concerned. I decided to change them to green. It complements the red and allows her eyes to stand out a little more.
With that out of the way, I have plenty to complain about when it comes to everything else about her character. For starters, most of this games story issues and bad gameplay mechanics can all be traced back to her. The panty shot system everyone except yandere dev hates? Get rid of Info-chan, no more panty shots. Schemes, item drops that make getting those items from the shops pointless, etc. This is one of the main reasons I really think 1980s mode is the better version of this game.
Not to mention she's the one pushing the story forward when that role should be done by the main character. Info-chan should not be the one telling us about Osana. She shouldn't be the one setting us up for each rival. Honestly, are we even sure Ayano's the real yandere? I wouldn't be surprised if the official ending of the game reveals that Info-chan was a yandere using Ayano to eliminate all her rivals to get to Taro herself.
Other than that I don't understand how she's even a student at Akademi. She doesn't attend classes making her the worst student in school. She has the most negative reputation. Aren't these two things that can actually get the player (Ayano) kicked out of school? Why is the same standard not being applied to Info-chan?
She's honestly a complete hinderence to the gameplay experience. It'd be in this games best interest to just get rid of her completely. Or change her character to one that actually makes sense in this setting. Instead of her being a stereotypical hitman informant.
In other words, her role need to be completely changed. So here's my shot at it. Firstly, she needs an actual name. And no, I didn't use Google translate for it either. Though I'm not sure looking at baby name websites is really that much better, but at least there's a bigger chance of the names being semi authentic.
Her first name is something I chose myself without aid of the internet. I chose the name Ai. I did not choose it based on meaning but just as a silly little joke to myself. I know it's the name means love but I was using it to reference Artificial Intelligence. A lot of Info-chan's lines come off as rather robotic to me. No I am not picking at the voice actors hard work, but at whatever direction Yandere dev gave them.
For her surname I ended up going with Chinen. My second choice would be the name Inoue. According to the site I referenced Inoue means "above the well". While I'm not sure of what that is referencing, I thought it could be a type of "I'm superior to you" kind of thing. But as for the surname I actually went with Chinen apparently means "knows feelings". Or at least, I hope I wrote that down right in my notes. Get it? "I know feelings". Yes, I realize that is stupid. But that's what I went with.
As for her character; Ai Chinen is the eldest daughter of the president of an information brokering company. While her family may not be at the top of the social hierarchy, that doesn't mean they don't know how to keep a high standing with those who are. Knowledge is power. That's why Ai feels it is in her best interest to be on top of everything at Akademi.
Whose family is at the top of the social ladder. How to manipulate everyone and everything to her liking. She's the queen of the rumor mill. Making sure to know everything about everyone. Their wants, their fears, their deepest darkest secrets. Is there any wonder she and Ayano became best friends?
Now how do we implement this into gameplay? I think we can pretty much leave the taking pictures of students and copy test sheet intact. And as a side note, I'd like to add a little more personality to this version of Info-chan by having her doodle on the pictures. For example if the player sent her a picture of Osana. Info-chan would send it back with appropriate information and a doodle of cat ears and whiskers on it.
Back to the topic at hand, I think her role should be significantly reduced in game. That way we allow the Ayano (and the player) to be a little more proactive, when figuring out elimination methods. Info-chan should be able to provide help without locking the players creativity down. I'm thinking maybe creating a hint system to replace schemes. That way when the player is stuck they can go to the info club (now the research and debate club) and just ask for a hint. I just really want her character to make sense.
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