#this article combining two books on my bookshelf atm with one of my current top series and talking about disability theory
kitchensunflowers · 2 years
Because disabled bodies are not as exploitable to capitalism as nondisabled ones, they are shunned, segregated, and isolated from the workforce. Thus, ableism or discrimination against people with disabilities is not some “natural” inclination of the “normal,” but an attitude conditioned by the labor market: we fear disablement because we fear unemployment. This fear is then further perpetuated by the medical profession. “By placing the focus on curing the so-called abnormality and segregating the incurables into the administrative category of disabled,” Russell writes, “medicine bolstered the capitalist business interest to shove less exploitable workers with impairments out of the workforce.”
Bassam Sidiki, Severances: Memory as Disability in Late Capitalism
referencing Marta Russell, Capitalism and Disability: Selected Writings by Marta Russell, edited by Keith Rosenthal (Chicago: Haymarket Books, 2019), 17-18.
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