#this can also include any point in gideon's life (positive or negative) - bonus points if it relates to a direct interaction with harrow
scalierpepper · 30 days
hi friends! i would love your thoughts and ideas abt something if you are willing:
imagine you are harrowhark nonagesimus and have abruptly remembered your cavalier was not ortus nigenad and was in fact gideon nav. all your memories of her come flooding back. what moments or details of gideon flash through your mind at this point?
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My OUAT Rewatch -- S6E13 -- Ill-Boding Patterns
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Can you say STARVED FOR CONTENT?????
I have some issues with this episode, which I will discuss under the cut (most of them have to do with characters that have nothing to do with the two people pictured above) but overall it was fairly decent.  And as I said before -- the bar is LOW at this point, so anything that doesn’t make me scream and want to stab things already gets bonus points.  In this case, literally.  
So this is a Rumple centric -- when was the last one we had?  I think it was Devil’s Due which was a YEAR AGO in real time viewing.  This effing show, I swear . . . . . . . 
Anyhow, as far as Rumple centrics go, this was decent.  
I know that A LOT of people -- including Rumbellers and Dearies -- screamed “RETCON!!!” at this episode.
I was not one of those people.  As much as I bitch about the chronology and timeline of this series, trust me, if I saw a retcon I’d be yelling it from the rooftops here.
I did NOT see a retcon.  Based on the chronology, I can totally see, in the early days of Rumple’s Dark One life, Bae trying to protect his dad and Rumple erasing his memory to protect his kid.  NO it doesn’t damage the character of Baelfire, GTFO.  He had NO MEMORY of this, how could it damage him?  The only nit I have to pick regarding the flashbacks is I don’t think Rumple would be THAT sparkly at this point.  
Also I recall several people (again -- RUMBELLERS AND DEARIES!!!) disparaging this actor, this young man playing Baelfire.  
I’d kindly like to ask those people to please sit down and STFU.  This is a CHILD.  No it’s not the same as Dylan, but Dylan has aged out of the role at this point.  This young boy did a decent job of playing Baelfire.  That had to be a difficult thing as a KID to come into an established role 6 years after the fact.  Bobby praised him.  Anyone who said nasty things about him needs to look at their life choices.  And if you resemble that remark, yes I mean YOU.  
2017 me agrees with today me:
So there’s that.  Let’s get more nits out of the way . . . . 
First, there’s Kitsis who wanted to remind us in an interview before this episode aired that Rumple is a good dad.  Hey shithead, we KNOW THIS!  2017 me:
This episode hit a ratings low.  Which is sad because it was a decent episode.  But here’s 2017 me explaining this:
Also, why was Hook in this episode?  No seriously, WHY?  I mean, he served no purpose.  Not that this is new, he NEVER serves a purpose, but his whole thing this episode was moping around cause he killed his girlfriend’s granddad and doesn’t want her to find out.  And then he goes to Archie -- ARCHIE -- who sits there coddling him and telling him how amazing he is.  
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That guy.  The one being tortured.  BY HOOK.
Did we ever see Hook apologize for this?  Cause I’m gonna be like the CS fans who had little snits every time anyone not in their Hook bubble commented on something negative about Hook that Colin said at a con:
So . . . links?
No pun intended.  
Speaking of CS fans . . . . 
Also remember the ABC Hook Advisory Board that banned me?  Heh.
The Gideon and Rumple scenes were wonderful.  But should Belle -- you know -- be INVOLVED in this, since it was HER ACTION that started it all in motion?
Yup, me, a “Belle hater,” complaining that Belle is being shunted by the show.  Again.  Just saying . . . . . 
Also . . . . regarding Belle and the hug scene -- it would have been nice had it not been for THIS BULLSHIT RIGHT HERE:
Do we have a running tally of how many times Belle said “For the first time” to Rumple?  Because if the number is more than ONE (it is), this is some shitty writing, AND it also implies that these two had no real relationship at ALL because they didn’t have any real conversations.  THIS is why I hate these fucking writers. 
Lastly, I want to comment on Snowing.  Namely, they weren’t IN this episode.
Eddy Kitsis (its ALWAYS him) stated early in the season that S6 was going to be the “year of Snowing” and . . . . . for about 8 episodes, one of them is in a sleeping curse so they can’t even be in scenes together, and now they’ve just flat out been taken out of an episode.  In the YEAR OF SNOWING.  So yeah.  These writers suck.  
Here have some fun flashback posts on Kitsowitz fuckery and why their show is TANKING at this point:
Points tally:
40 points to start
15 points for Rumple centric
10 points for Rumbelle hug
10 points for Papafire
10 points deducted for Zelena and Hook
5 points for in character Rumple
25 bonus points for this one just because I think it is deserved and not even deducting for the Hook shit because we have 3 episodes of Hook shit to look forward to that I will have PLENTY to deduct from.
Total points:  95
Follow #celtichearted OUAT ranking tag for more to come!
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