#this concept is just. reallyyyy really near and dear to my heart :’3
@preeningpisces ODI ……. i had to answer this in a new post because i have way too many thoughts for the reply limit to handle LMAO
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BUT . yes. suguru’s family life <3333 thank you so much for asking!!!!!! imo it’s one of the most interesting things about him because it’s so important to his character, but we know so little about it. we know that he killed his parents, and that it shocked satoru, but that’s all.
this is just my own interpretation!!!! but i’ll die on the hill that his relation to his birth parents was….. strained at best. and i think a lot of subtextual content implies that!!! there’s the fact that suguru calls kuroi riko’s family despite them not being blood-related (which shows that he doesn’t care abt the biological aspect of being a family), but there’s also the old man that he fights . who also grew up in a non-sorcerer family and mentions being shunned because he could see the unseen. there’s obv nanamimi too….. i just feel like it all hints towards suguru having a similar background :’3 i don’t think many sorcerers born into non-sorcerer families have a good relationship with them.
AND . personally i like this take most, because it just makes so much sense when you look at the kind of person suguru is…. his desire for a family, how put-together he is for his age. his lying!!!! i think he learned how to lie at a very young age. i think he lied to his parents after realizing they didn’t believe what he told them about seeing curses. even though he was just a scared, confused child, i think he internalized that realization. and i think that’s why he’s so keen on bottling everything up, putting on a polite smile to appease the adults around him…. etcetc. i just can’t see his relationship to his parents being anything but fractured. maybe they appear loving at a glance, or whatever, but it all hinges on suguru lying to them. not being his true self. and i think that’s why he yearns for a family. a place where he really, truly belongs, where he doesn’t have to hide who he is. and jujutsu high gave him that!!!! those years weren’t just the best of gojo’s life, but of sugu’s, too. it was a safe place for both of them :((((((
….. anyway . i got carried away but 😭 yeah!!!!! this is my own interpretation but i’m veryyyy secure in it lmao. i can’t picture him actually loving his birth parents, so i don’t think it was really that . tough? for him to kill them. it might even have been a relief. like he said to satoru — those people were never his family to begin with.
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