#this could totally be for fake ah crew Ryan like holy fuck that boi got problemss
thespookyswan · 7 years
Us and Them
Chapter 2
Out of all the terrible situations that Geoff had been in throughout his life, this one could only be labeled as one thing: the most god damn shitty position he was ever put in. Geoff had lived a very, very long life- an immortal being of his age is bound to be thrust into plenty of god awful situations- but this one, right now, was the god damn most shitty. A million and one things had happened to him in all his years on this forsaken planet, and yet, this tiny, tiny situation threatened to be the one to uproot everything he’d worked for.
“Geoff.” Jack spoke, broken the ghostly silence that filled the room.
“Jesus, Geoff, you didn’t have to fucking shoot the kid!” Michael said, taking a step back from the scene before them.
Truth be told, Michael was right. Geoff didn’t have to shoot Aleks. He could have brushed these idiot kids off just like they did with every group that came to them, wanting to join the Fakes, wanting to prove themselves, wanting to get rich and famous like them. These fucking kids though- they were the most annoying, and persistent group that had come after them.
There were three of them there- well, two now- James, Trevor, and a quite dead Aleks. Geoff really wished he didn’t know their stupid fucking names, but they’d been told them several times in the previous month the ‘Fake Chops’ had been following them around like ducklings. The remaining two were staring at the body of their now dead friend, both in total shock.
“I didn’t have to shoot him. And yet I did.” Geoff grumbled in return to them, reloading his gun and then pointing it at James, who took a serious stumble back in shock.
“Whoa man, calm down, we don’t want any trouble!” James said as quickly as he possibly could as Trevor rushed to hide behind him, “You already shot Aleks, you don’t have to fucking shoot us too-“
“I do have to shoot you. Because you saw me shoot Aleks. And that would just open a big fucking can of worms I really don’t have the time to deal with right now.” Geoff sighed, titling his head to the side, and looking James in the eye.
“Geoff. They’re just kids.” Gavin spoke up, grasping at Geoff’s arm to try and convince him not to pull the trigger- but he still did. All the Fake AH flinched as the bullet struck James between the eyes, and he fell back into the wall of the old barn they were currently in.
“Holy fuck. Oh my god, holy fuck.” Trevor stood alone, staring at his dead companions, and breathing fast. He attempted to grab his gun, but before his hand was even on his hip Geoff had fired the third and final bullet into his head.
The same silence that had fallen across the room when Geoff first pulled the trigger returned as the Fakes stared at the three bodies before them. Ryan let out a long sigh, pulling his mask up and off his face.
“That was pretty bad, Geoff.” He said, and the rest of the crew began to nod their heads in agreement.
“Listen, Ryan. They brought us here to this shitty fucking barn, lying about a deal to get to talk to us, and they’re going on about immortality. About our fucking fountain, like they know where it’s at, like they’ve fucking drank from it. I don’t need that shit. So, they’re better off dead.” Geoff replied harshly, sending a glare in Ryan’s direction. Ryan held his hands up in defense, and no one else said another word.
“Burn the barn down. I don’t want any trace of these three. Make sure they’re incinerated.” Geoff turned his back on them, and left the barn. Gavin and Jack followed him after Ryan, Michael, and Jeremy agreed to handle the burning.
“You have to admit, Geoff, that was still pretty harsh.” Gavin said as they got into the car, leaning forward from where he was sat in the back.
“Yes. It was harsh.” Jack scolded, looking at Geoff from the corner of his eyes, “They were annoying, and stupid, sure. They didn’t deserve to die like that though. We have rules, Geoff, rules you put into place for us to follow. You can’t just go breaking them because a bunch of kids come talking about some shit they probably read on a Reddit post about us.”
“Yeah! People say shit about us all the time. Everyone thinks we can’t die. I mean, sure we can’t, but- it’s all just silly speculations to a sane person. And anyway- the fountain is blocked off anyway now. They couldn’t have drunk from it if they tried.” Gavin agreed with Jack, fiddling on his phone and trying to show Geoff some post about them being immortal.
Geoff sat in silence, staring out the window of the passenger side of the car. He could see the barn catching fire behind them as Jack drove them back down the dirt road they’d come up barley a half hour before. Something in those flames felt wrong. Something in those flames felt… familiar.
A week had passed since the incident at the barn. Most of them had moved on from it, continuing their plans for the next heist or doing whatever busy work Geoff gave them to keep everything running smoothly. Geoff was the only one who couldn’t shake what had happened that night from his thoughts. It wasn’t like it was weighing on his conscious or any stupid shit like that- it was just that fire. What he saw in the flames. What that could possibly mean for his crew.
Geoff was old. Really fucking old. If he could pinpoint a time when he was born, he’d say sometime around 1580. He was born in France- he would not forget where he was from, even though he lived there for a very short time. He grew up alone in the colonies after both of his parents passed away of some illness he could no longer remember, and pretty much jumped from place to place, town to town trying to find some place to make his own. That’s how he found the fountain.
Tucked away in a cave, on some mountain, on a very snowy night, Geoff had come across a pristine, untouched fountain that came from the ground, with water so clear he could see into his soul when he saw his reflection. He’d taken one sip of the water and knew he was changed- something ran through his blood so cold that he swear he was going to freeze there on the spot. Though he hadn’t known it then, he’d found the fountain of life- a fountain that would curse him and bless him- a fountain that kept death’s hands away from him.
He died the next day. While out searching for something, anything to eat, he’d slipped right down a hill and broke his neck. He woke up by the fountain, naked, new, and alive. There was something about the way he felt when he took his first breath of new life that told him he was meant for this. Something that kept all of his fear tucked away, and made him so damn excited for what was going to come now.
He built his life above that fountain- destroying everything around it to build his home above it, to keep its glorious secret away from the rest of the world. He told himself that if the fountains gift was meant for someone else, they would have already found it- he felt like some sort of god with the power he had now, simply sitting under his feet when he fucked, or made a deal, or just simply made dinner. He had no fear of anything anymore- he could die anywhere and simply wake up in his home.
The fountain was blocked off now. At some point in his journey, after he met most of his companions, he made that choice. Now he simply had bottles of the water, tucked away in a vault in a place only he knew. Each of his crew had a single bottle as well- just in case they ever needed it, for anything. These were people he trusted with his life- bad analogy, but it was still true- so he knew that they would never use the secret for bad.
The remains of the fountain were still under his feet- he never dared to move his home from that spot. His crew would always wake up there, in a place that they knew was home, in a place that they knew was safe. In a place he knew they’d be safe.
“Geoff, you all right?” Jeremy was watching him think- sitting across the room, cleaning his mask, or at least pretending to. Geoff knew he was worried- Jeremy always knew when he was thinking too much for his own good.
“I’m fine, J. Thank you for asking.” Geoff put a big smile on for Jeremy, who couldn’t help but smile right back at him with a slightly relieved chuckle. Geoff felt blessed to have Jeremy- of course, he was blessed to have everyone on his clue. His boys- his boyfriends- they meant everything to him. They’d shattered the solitude he’d been living in, helped him out of the hellish world he’d lived in for such a long time. He would do anything for them. Anything.
He told himself that killing those ‘Fake Chops’ was to protect them. He knew they were just a bunch of stupid, annoying kids that just wanted some validation from people they looked up to. And he killed them.
His phone rang then. Which was odd- at this point in the day, everyone was back at home. He never got calls this late. He still answered, pulling the phone to his face and answering, “Ramsey, go ahead-“
“I just wanted to thank you, Geoff.” A voice he’d never heard before broke through before he could even finish his sentence. Geoff pressed his brows together and tried to connect any sort of dot that could tell him who this was.
“I’m sorry. Thank me for what? Who is this?” He asked, and received a low chuckle from the other end.
“You can call me Brett. I… I’m in charge of the Fake Chops. You did me quite the favor- I was sure I’d have to kill those idiots myself to test it out. But you did it for me.” Brett sounded too cocky for Geoff’s liking, and he almost went to hang up- until he heard something that made his world freeze.
“Brett, just tell him we’re alive. Stupid fucking-“ James spoke, the James that Geoff had left with his brains splattered on the wall. The James he burned. His heart began to slam in his chest and he slammed the phone down then, causing Jeremy to jump where he sat.
“Geoff? Who was that?” Jeremy asked, but Geoff couldn’t reply. His world was spinning, spinning so fast. How could those kids have gotten their hands on any sort of bottle? His were all locked away, and his crew would have never just given it out to them. Not to mention, he’d never seen James, or Aleks, or Trevor appear in his home.
He pounded his fist down hard on his desk, unable to think fast enough. Jeremy jumped yet again, and Jack peaked his head into the office with concern plastered on his face.
“Those fucking kids are alive! They didn’t die! I thought I told you to burn them, Jeremy!” Geoff yelled, standing up then. He was trying to find any reason outside of the fountain. Any. Fucking. Reason. Maybe he just had really bad aim, or those kids had thick skulls. They could have just pretended to be dead until the fire started and-
“We- we did! We stayed until the place was all down, Geoff, I swear!” Jeremy yelped, not used to being yelled at like this. Geoff swept his hands across his desk in one brutal, swift motion, sending things flying. Jack and Jeremy watched, both with shock written all over their faces.
“How the hell could they have gotten their hands on a bottle! There is no way, not one way that they could have!” Geoff crouched down, staring at the mess before him. Jack and Jeremy said nothing, neither of them coming up with an idea either.
Geoff didn’t have to look far before the pieces fit. A purple sticky note sat on top of his now smashed computer, and he started to laugh as he realized just where they could have gotten a bottle.
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The broken one
If there is a heaven
Then it is not for me
The fires will never burn out
The storm will never end
If there is a heaven it is not for me
I am a natural disaster
That not even the pastor knows how to clean.
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Till Death do us Part: Chapter 6- Truth be Told
Summary: The Fake AH Crew are the gods of Los Santos. Well sort of. They actually are demigods or other figures from mythology. Except Ryan is something else. He needs the energy from the souls of the ones he murders. Then a new black smoke somehow stealing the souls Ryan needs for energy. This causes trouble for Ryan and the Fake AH Crew by association. Maybe it’s about time the crew learns who Ryan really is so they can figure out how to help.
Chapter: 6/10
Word Count: 1,243
Pairings: Gavin/Ryan, Michael/Lindsay, Gavin/Meg 
First / Previous / Next / AO3
Geoff was exhausted but called everyone out of their rooms to meet with everyone for Ryan’s announcement, whatever it really was. It was at least one in the morning when Ryan and Gavin had woken him from his snooze on the couch. Jack had gotten too the meeting room first followed by Jeremy.
“So, you’re actually going to tell us what’s up?” Jeremy asked.
“Oh, yeah, he’s gonna tell ya.” Gavin answered, confidently.
“Gavin…” Ryan sighed.
“Alright, what is so godsdamn important that you needed to wake us up?!” Michael shouted as he and Lindsay entered the room. “Are you gonna just make fun of demigods again?”
Jack rolled her eyes, “Michael, be nice. We don’t know what going to be told here.”
Lindsay looked around the room where she thought she saw something. She did a double check and noticed that Ryan and Gavin were holding hands. “Aaaaaaawwwwwww!”
“What?” Michael asked.
Lindsay pointed to thee two of them holding hands. Everyone gasped. “Did, like, Gavin convince Geoff’s dad that he and Ryan were gonna be life partners and let Ryan be immune to the gold touch so they could bang?” Jeremy questioned.
“Congratulations on being a couple now!” Lindsay cheered.
“Oh, we’re not a couple.” Gavin responded.
“So, you guys somehow figured out a way to be fuck buddies,” Michael hypothesized.
“We didn’t bang,” Ryan started. Then he nodded to Gavin and used his free hand to remove his mask. Everyone stared in shock. “I don’t even think this is what my post-sex hair looks like.” He reached around to feel his hair. “Wait, I can kinda understand why you think this is post-sex hair. Gimme a sec.” He snapped his fingers and his hair pulled itself back into a short ponytail. “That’s better. Much less post-sex-like.”
Geoff’s jaw dropped. “What the fuck, Ryan?”
“You’re… You’re…” Jack stuttered out. She scrambled to her feet and bowed down to Ryan.
“Jack, you really don’t have to do that,” Ryan informed her.
“Yeah, why the hell are you bowing to him?” Geoff asked next.
“Do you really not know who he is?” Jack asked in response.
“I mean, he looks familiar. But I can’t put a name to the face. I mean, I sorta can because he’s Ryan.”
“THAT’S VAGA!!!!!!” she shrieked as she stood up, surprised that Geoff couldn’t tell.
“Wait, as in like, Vaga the god of death himself?” Jeremy asked.
“That is correct,” Ryan answered.
“Holy shit,” Jeremy replied in awe.
“Yes, I have been hiding my true identity from the lot of you. You know me under the human name Ryan, but my real name is Vaga. Because, yes, I really am the god of death.”
“Wait, so you’re not some weirdo with a corpse fetish, but actually the god of death?” Michael asked in disbelief.
“Yeah, that’s my true identity. I’m basically most of you guy’s great uncle. Well, not Lindsay. I’m just her regular uncle.”
“Sup, Uncle Ryan,” Lindsay replied with a smile.
“Don’t you think this is something you should have told us when I first let you into this crew?!” Geoff scolded. Ryan looked down at the floor.
“Geoff, I think it makes perfect sense that a god would want to remain anonymous in his exploits in the human world. He need to keep his godly persona, his godly persona.” Jack argued. Geoff grumbled in response.
Jeremy, Michael, and Lindsay noticed Gavin wasn’t reacting at all. “Don’t you have some response?” Michael asked him.
“Yeah, this has got to be a big reveal to you, Gav.” Jeremy added.
“Nah.” Gavin replied calmly.
“What do you mean ‘Nah’?” Michael asked, shocked.
“Ryan teleported to his room, mask-less, when I was in his room. So, I found out then.”
Ryan sighed and let go of Gavin’s hand. “And there more I need to admit to you,” Ryan started.
“Oh, great, it’s the Ryan drama hour.” Michael rolled his eyes.
Ryan ignored him. “As the god of death, I need a special energy, I get that energy from the souls of the departed. I collect the soul energy from every person someone in the crew kills.”
“Ah, so that’s why you hover around the corpses right after we kill them.” Jeremy stated in understanding.
“But,” he continued, “Ever since the heist at Maze bank, there were no souls to collect. I searched every single last dead body and there was nothing.”
“So, is that why you were tired acting bitch?” Geoff asked.
“And even earlier today I was just so tired that I decided to rob a Limited LTD Gas just so I could have a killing spree out of desperation.”
“Is that what you were doing in your room today? I thought you were still just being a tired bitch.” Michael joked.
Lindsay rolled her eyes. “Don’t you think the tired bitch jokes are getting old?”
“Gavin walked in on me planning, so I asked him to join me.” Ryan continued.
“So, that’s what your ‘shopping’ was, Gavin.” Geoff smirked.
“So, he came with me on this killing spree and we killed everyone in the gas station.”
“I feel like this is where the murder fetish joke come from.” Jeremy thought out loud.
“AND,” Ryan spoke loudly just to get everyone’s attention back on him. “I still couldn’t find a single soul. I snapped and teleported myself back to my home in the underworld so I could actually replenish my soul energy.”
“Ok, so you need soul energy, but you can’t find souls anymore. Did going home help you figure anything out about that?” Jack asked.
“I’ll admit I didn’t try to stay home long enough to find out. I knew I would be needed back here.”
Jeremy sighed. “So, we got nothing.” he said sadly.
“Actually,” Gavin started, getting everyone’s attention. “When I was in the gas station with him and we were shooting everyone, I noticed a cloud of black smoke surrounding everybody we shot.”
“Wait, what are you talking about?” Ryan asked.
“Yeah, I saw a traveling cloud of black smoke. And it was almost the exact same smoke that you produced when you poofed away.”
Ryan’s eyes widened. “There’s only thing that can produce a black smoke like mine.”
“What’s that?” Gavin asked curiously.
“A reaper.” Ryan pressed his hands to his face. “But why would one of those be following us? I already know for a fact that Los Santos had some sort of reaper that goes after normal civilians for when fate says their time is up, but why would the reaper start following us all of a sudden? It’s never done this before?”
“So, what can we do about this?” Jack asked.
Ryan thought about it for a minute, then he came up with an idea for a solution. “What if we planned another heist? Another heist might draw the reaper out to steal the souls of who we kill. I could give you all the proper materials and teach you how to set reaper traps. This could totally work!”
Geoff rubbed his chin. “So, you want to plan and do another heist, then?”
“Yeah, I think this could be a good idea.”
“And would we still be allowed to steal the money?”
“I mean, I just want to do it to catch a reaper. But a heist is a heist. You could absolutely still grab the money.”
Geoff grinned. “Alright boys, I think it’s time we planned our next heist.
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