#this doesn't even encompass a quarter of her craziness
reginageourge · 1 year
May i ask why?
oh god ... so the whole story is long and weird so idk if I'm doing it justice by condensing it down into a few short sentences, but basically, me and another one of the gs server girlies accidentally doxxed goldstarsappho (she'd gone awol for almost a year, we wondered what the hell happened to her so we snooped around on her reddit account, which she'd let me know, found her instagram from the reddit, and her instagram ... had her entire name and face on it. which confirmed something we'd been wondering for a while, which is that she was race-faking).
we were pretty mad, especially bc a lot of the ppl in the server are actual woc and she was not only trying to sit with us but acted like she'd suffered sooo much bc of her ethnicity when she really was a white canadian.
fast forward a few months, and it's the time of year when a certain transgender "charity" (which is run through Instagram, has no vetting process, and is essentially just tras buying stuff off of troons amazon wishlists) takes place. goldstarsappho and a few of the other server members had participated in scamming the charity the year prior, and goldstarsappho herself had notably managed to scam literal thousands worth of goods, she milked it for all she was worth.
we knew that she was probably going to scam the charity again next time it came around, and sure enough she did. to a ridiculous extent.
many of us were also scamming it, so it wasn't so much the "lying about being trans for freebies" thing we were mad about. however, we were mad that she'd race-faked and made up a bunch of random trauma, and seeing as she'd gone entirely offline for a year and we couldn't yell at her, the only way we had to get her back for being racist was to go yelling in the comments section of this charity about how "[goldstarsappho] is a liar pretending to be trans to scam you"
but to our surprise, someone had beaten us. there were a couple of tras all over this instagram page talking about how goldstarsappho is a cis woman and a scammer.
we were surprised that someone else outside of the server was onto her, so sunlight-beauty (who mods the server with me) dmed one of the tras complaining about gwen being a scammer. turned out they lived in the same building as her on her uni campus, had noticed a lot of packages with weird names arriving for her and figured she was scamming again (from what they said she seems to have a history of it). then bc goldstarsappho was an idiot and kept sharing instagram posts of her lying about having a transona on her ig story to try and get her followers to buy things off her wishlists, they realised she was scamming this particular transgender charity. and bc they were a tra, they were mad.
we had a lot of questions about goldstarsappho, one of which was whether she was a lesbian or if she was lying about that too. she'd told us a lot of contradicting stories about her sex life. some of them were things that basically made her sound asexual, like not being into sex and preferring to just hold hands, and some of them made it sound like she fucked, such as being nicknamed the "pussy slayer." she'd talked about only having had sex standing up over corpses in prison (which is one of the things that set off our bs alarm), but she'd also talked about only having sex with dental dams and rubber gloves on (which perhaps I'm just a nasty who doesn't care about safe sex as much as I should, but that sounds so unsexy), and she'd talked about liking to have sex in baths so big they were basically "hot tubs." a lot of contradictions all around basically.
sunlight-beauty asked the tra who lives in her building about whether she was a lesbian or not, and got this response
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the daddy dom sex also lines up with suspicions we had about her being an adult baby. I'm unsure if she was pretending to be a lesbian to get material for conversion therapy role-play with her male lovers, or if it was just another case of her pretending to be a minority bc she loves preaching at people and pretending to be the most oppressdest person ever, as evidenced by various other lies she's told about her identity. but either way: she ain't gay
screw you gwen, if you're reading this
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So with @rosebloodcat 's permission, I made an au of her Transfer Error au in which Ingo wasn't the only one sent back on accident. Here's part one!
I'm calling this au On the Track to Victory, since my Pokeverse Dawn expy is named Victoria. She had... A rougher ride than Dawn.
Rise and Shine
Victoria wakes up warm, with an all-encompassing joy within herself.
She's back in her quarters. It smells familiar. Her warm and cozy tatami mat is soft and she almost still feels warm inside from the festival.
She did not enjoy her time kicked out of the village. Those tents are rough on your back if you have to sleep in them more than a few hours.
At least Cyllene had reacted to her banishment with the proper amount of horror.
'Don't die out there alone. That's an order.' was practically 'I love you. Stay safe.' from the woman. She vaguely remembers someone similar, so cold and calculating, but unlike Cyllene who was really good at her core, the vague memory of that person sends red mist to her thoughts.
Whoever that is, she loathed him.
It feels good to get back into her uniform. It had been left behind when she left and she had been in a kimono for going about town.
Victoria walks to her microwave and pops in a mug of water. "Hey Rotom," she tells the ghost happily possessing the 'mechanical box' (she's so glad she recognized what it was in her shattered memory and snatched it up from Ginter, even if he charged her an absurd amount for something he knew nothing about) "Would you be a darling and heat that up? Three minutes should be good."
The plate inside begins spinning, the droning hum of her microwave filling the room.
"Thanks." She heads over to the washing machine and pulls out the load within. She doesn't exactly have running water, but if she fills up the drum and reservoir with a Water Type, the Rotom in this one will happily wash it.
She drags the wet clothes out and hangs them up on her line quickly. People wave at her as she goes around her quarters. Victoria calls out greetings since her hands are full.
There's an Unown hanging off her clothes line. Again. How do they keep getting in the village?!
She absently tosses a Poke Ball in that direction. At least they're easy to catch.
She comes back into her room just in time for the microwave to beep. "Thanks, Rotom." She says, nodding at both the washing machine (which had been even more of a grift that the microwave, Ginter is a jerk of an old man) and the microwave.
Teabag in the mug, another mug in the microwave. Her morning routine is important to her. It feels familiar. Safe. In a world that's anything but.
She doesn't seem much of her past or the world she left behind. But she's not the only one here who doesn't belong.
There's a knock on her door. "Miss Victoria?"
"Come on in!" She calls. She's told him the 'Miss' isn't necessary, but he still uses it.
He walks into her room, giving her a small smile. Warden Igno is a head taller than her, wearing a familiar-looking hat and longcoat over his Pearl Clan tunic. She somewhat recalls something similar, worn by faceless men in big boxy machines that ran through a thick marsh. They've exchanged notes. He remembers something sleeker than that, more… the word that comes to mind is urban, a word that seems to not exist here in Hisui.
She has theorized that they're both from around a similar time and place, but she's got no way to really know.
"Good morning, Miss Victoria."
"Mornin' Uncle Igno." She greets, handing him the made mug of tea, finished steeping just in time.
Routine. Everything in Jubilife village thrives on routine.
She kind of likes it.
"Thank you." He takes a seat on the floor near her hearth, tended by a happy Chimchar.
People thought she was crazy for living with so many Pokemon. But in truth, she loves it. She never used to be able to have this many.
The microwave beeps insistently at her and she comes over to take out her mug. Dropping a teabag in, she takes it over and sits next to him.
"Anything new?" She asks, both of them knowing. She's desperately hoping the festival knocked something loose for him, because it sure didn't do anything for her.
He nods.
Her eyebrows go up.
"I had a dream. Or was it a memory? Regardless, I dreamt of the man who looked like me once more. We ensured passengers made it safely to their destination." He shrugs. "There's not much more. I'm afraid there's still technical issues delaying my arrival at my past."
"It's something. I just slept like a rock. Nothing jogged me today or yesterday." She pouts. "I thought for sure the festival… well, it is what it is." She takes a sip of her tea.
"I'm hopeful that you will repair yourself in time."
“Well same to you.” She says, used to his strange way of speaking by now.
The two of them sit in companionable silence for a little while, sipping their tea.
She pauses, taking a deep breath.
“I did remember something while I was banished, but it wasn’t… good.” She admits.
He looks at her, mid-sip.
“The lakes. I remember the lakes.” She says, haltingly. “I was going as fast as I could, but I wasn’t fast enough to get there in time. The Pokemon, of the lakes were taken. Taken by… I don’t know. But I was so, so angry. They destroyed Lake Valor. They hurt… the others. We split up, one for each lake. It wasn’t enough. Never enough.” Victoria stares into her mug, haunted. The feeling of all consuming rage that lanced through her, the cold of the snow. The red that spread across her thoughts as red spread across the snow and a weak cry ringing in her ears as someone bled out in front of her.
“The person who went to Acuity. There was blood. So much blood. So much snow. I couldn’t run properly. It was so deep. By the time I got help it was too late.”
Slash wounds everywhere. A striped shirt stained red. But she can’t remember his face. She can’t remember his face.
That seems to be enough, though, for Igno to put his hand on her arm.
“You were in less than optimal condition.” He says. “It isn’t your fault, Miss Victoria.”
Silent, hanging between them, are the words.
But it feels like it is.
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