reginageourge · 1 year
May i ask why?
oh god ... so the whole story is long and weird so idk if I'm doing it justice by condensing it down into a few short sentences, but basically, me and another one of the gs server girlies accidentally doxxed goldstarsappho (she'd gone awol for almost a year, we wondered what the hell happened to her so we snooped around on her reddit account, which she'd let me know, found her instagram from the reddit, and her instagram ... had her entire name and face on it. which confirmed something we'd been wondering for a while, which is that she was race-faking).
we were pretty mad, especially bc a lot of the ppl in the server are actual woc and she was not only trying to sit with us but acted like she'd suffered sooo much bc of her ethnicity when she really was a white canadian.
fast forward a few months, and it's the time of year when a certain transgender "charity" (which is run through Instagram, has no vetting process, and is essentially just tras buying stuff off of troons amazon wishlists) takes place. goldstarsappho and a few of the other server members had participated in scamming the charity the year prior, and goldstarsappho herself had notably managed to scam literal thousands worth of goods, she milked it for all she was worth.
we knew that she was probably going to scam the charity again next time it came around, and sure enough she did. to a ridiculous extent.
many of us were also scamming it, so it wasn't so much the "lying about being trans for freebies" thing we were mad about. however, we were mad that she'd race-faked and made up a bunch of random trauma, and seeing as she'd gone entirely offline for a year and we couldn't yell at her, the only way we had to get her back for being racist was to go yelling in the comments section of this charity about how "[goldstarsappho] is a liar pretending to be trans to scam you"
but to our surprise, someone had beaten us. there were a couple of tras all over this instagram page talking about how goldstarsappho is a cis woman and a scammer.
we were surprised that someone else outside of the server was onto her, so sunlight-beauty (who mods the server with me) dmed one of the tras complaining about gwen being a scammer. turned out they lived in the same building as her on her uni campus, had noticed a lot of packages with weird names arriving for her and figured she was scamming again (from what they said she seems to have a history of it). then bc goldstarsappho was an idiot and kept sharing instagram posts of her lying about having a transona on her ig story to try and get her followers to buy things off her wishlists, they realised she was scamming this particular transgender charity. and bc they were a tra, they were mad.
we had a lot of questions about goldstarsappho, one of which was whether she was a lesbian or if she was lying about that too. she'd told us a lot of contradicting stories about her sex life. some of them were things that basically made her sound asexual, like not being into sex and preferring to just hold hands, and some of them made it sound like she fucked, such as being nicknamed the "pussy slayer." she'd talked about only having had sex standing up over corpses in prison (which is one of the things that set off our bs alarm), but she'd also talked about only having sex with dental dams and rubber gloves on (which perhaps I'm just a nasty who doesn't care about safe sex as much as I should, but that sounds so unsexy), and she'd talked about liking to have sex in baths so big they were basically "hot tubs." a lot of contradictions all around basically.
sunlight-beauty asked the tra who lives in her building about whether she was a lesbian or not, and got this response
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the daddy dom sex also lines up with suspicions we had about her being an adult baby. I'm unsure if she was pretending to be a lesbian to get material for conversion therapy role-play with her male lovers, or if it was just another case of her pretending to be a minority bc she loves preaching at people and pretending to be the most oppressdest person ever, as evidenced by various other lies she's told about her identity. but either way: she ain't gay
screw you gwen, if you're reading this
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menalez · 8 months
i will never forget how goldstarsappho was so obviously tokenized as an “eastern lesbian” and used as a spokesperson of Real Lesbians Experiences In The East and then it turned out she was a white canadian woman with a man who was lying about everything.
i would say the phenomena of women pretending to be lesbians isn’t rly a thing in extremely homophobic societies like my own where homosexuality is illegal & sometimes even punishable by death n that gs elitist circle was SO excited to have a fake eastern fake lesbian woman to tokenise bc she was claiming otherwise and pretending like eastern women will actually use sexual history as some sort of indication of sexual orientation. in reality we are well-aware that no woman from our countries wants to be a lesbian… lesbians included.
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You know you could just say straight pride like a normal person
Don’t come into my inbox unless you’re looking to get your pussy ate
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bitchvania · 3 years
Imagine trying to debate the moral semantics or a term when u have literally one of the most biphobic concepts in ur fuckin url u lot r genuinely embarrassing
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radioromantic-moved · 3 years
not some weird terf loser crawling through the‏‏‎ ‎tag "comphet"‏‏‎ ‎to condescend lesbians about their sexuality....get a hobby dude. maybe if you saw lesbian icon‏‏‎ ‎trexel‏‏‎ ‎geistman‏‏‎ ‎you would calm down.
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May I ask how sapphic is a lesbian exclusive term? Thank youu <3
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@goldstarsappho post can answer this question for you!
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homuraeyes · 2 years
After reading a lot of posts from febfems and also lesbians I finally came to conclusion that I'm not a lesbian but a bisexual who has a huge preference for girls
I read the comphet masterdoc when my preference for girls became significantly bigger and convinced myself that I may be a lesbian because I'm attracted to girls both romantically and sexually but I'm repulsed by penises and my attraction is very weird when it comes to boys, but the thing is that I DID experience opposite sex attraction in my life and it's something that lesbians will never experience in their entire life
It's uncomfortable for me to realize the fact that I was so confused, but restricting and not accepting my sexuality at it's fullest is not something comfortable and healthy for me either
I understand why I felt like at home when I was in lesbian online spaces and I am thankful to every single one of them, bi female spaces were always too osa centered for me and finding that the term febfem exists made me rethink about my sexuality, I can be 99% into girls and 1% into boys and still be bi, I can choose to never date men in my entire life even If I can be attracted to them and that's ok !
My bisexuality is absolutely natural and it's something I was born with, just like lesbians and gays were born exclusively same sex attracted
I will continue to share posts about issues that lesbians face because of trans movement, this is an extremely important topic for me (that also hurts bi girls/women like me who are penis repulsed and who just want people to leave us alone) and it's the least I can do to thank every single amazing lesbian that helped me to be who I am today
I also want to thank people who helped me realize that I'm not a lesbian after all, if you feel uncomfortable being mentioned on my post please let me know : @reginageourg @comphet-critical @goldstarsappho
I feel extremely sorry for every hate you get by speaking the truth and I'm really thankful for that, you help both lesbian and bi community accept themselves by advocating what lesbianism trully is❤
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reginageourge · 1 year
the goldstarsappho story still gives me visceral pain and anger
the goldstarsappho story permanently changed my brain chemistry
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menalez · 1 year
I keep reading the gold star/bi discourse that you have here and in some other places. With some gold stars saying anyone non-gold star is actually bi in denial and comphet does not exist. And I to myself keep wondering how much it's a western problem? The thing is, in my local communities I never had seen anyone say such ideas, bc we all remember how we did grow up and it actually makes sense to women. Now, I am sure a lot of western lesbians would say, that they did grow up oppressed too and managed to be fine. But in such cases I check something like world equality index. And at this point I don't expect that person who did grow up in country rated in around top 10-20 best, to understand me who did grow up in country rated in around after 120th. I know that top countries are still not the best, but there is reason there are in the top and others are not. There is one. It means other are worse. I probably bring more discourse to your blog and sorry for that and I understand if you would not publish it. I am just tired at this point. A lot of western gold stars say they don't want to have compassion for us, and honestly it's fine by me at this point, I am just tired from reading this discourse. Probably would just be blocking from now on to save my mental health.
this debate is indeed very much a western thing. i mean there is one woman that was involved that claimed to be eastern & to have experienced basically the most insane & horrific lesbophobia possible but overall the women who feel strongly that someone’s sexual history must be indicative of their sexual orientation, no matter what their individual circumstances are, tend to be western.
honestly i just recommend to block them as u said and to not bother. i tried discussing with such ppl and at the end of the day they simply lack empathy for other lesbians and can’t wait to twist ur words and rewrite your experiences & reality for you. they aren’t reflective of lesbians nor goldstars specifically nor any other group but themselves.
edit: the one woman claiming to be eastern (goldstarsappho) was unshockingly outed as being a lying white canadian bisexual lol. shocker! so now it’s even more western
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@goldstarsappho has been going around saying that you're a "fake lesbian" and a "colorist white roach" just wanted to bring this to your attention in case it's false
1 I have no idea who that person is and doubt I’ve ever spoken to them
2 I’m pansexual. So yeah I guess that would make me a “fake lesbian”, considering I’m not one
3 I’m black
Honestly if some rando wants to say utter nonsense about me but doesn’t have the balls to say it to me directly, I’m not gonna take time out of my day thinking about such a pathetic person.
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radfem-gossip · 3 years
[[Everyone believing goldstarsappho’s tall tales sounds so naive.] Totally agree. If my girlfriend was executed I wouldn’t be on fucking tumblr, I’d go to the United Nations. People need to remember this is the internet, freaks have long enjoyed riling people up bc they can pretend to be someone else. How quickly “she” (bc I have a hunch this particular troll is male) came and went also speaks to the blog’s illegitimacy]
This is the most white american thing i have ever read, not only worshipping an organization that has shown to be corrupt and not care at all about the plight of women in the global south but also assuming she hasn't already tried to get international help because she's on social media? as if the two are mutually exclusive? and on top of that you also assume she's male because you're so self-centered on the bubble of privilege you were born in you can't possibly imagine a woman living a worse situation than you.
I have no words, the cruelty of nonlesbians truly knows no limits. The world would be a better place if you stopped existing.
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hardtchill · 3 years
some more terfs to add to the list:
Yeah 100% are, but are they in woso? I don't really see it on the blogs and honestly if i'm going to make a list of all terfs on Tumblr i need to quit my day job. So i'm trying to limit it to Woso (or women's sport) blogs.
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any recommendations for good lesbian blogs on tumblr? 🥺
my brain is fried if i think of anymore ill add on i know i forgot some people!
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elextric-eye · 3 years
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Ur name is literally “goldstarsappho” GOODBYEEE 💀 blocked
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reginageourge · 2 years
do you know where goldstarsappho went? :(
last i heard she joined a sorority and was scamming troons on transanta
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menalez · 1 year
RE: the goldstar ask you got. I was reading reginageourge’s blog awhile ago and she apparently said that goldstarsappho was found to be larping, and that she was actually a white bisexual Canadian. I can go back to find the asks again if you want and DM them to you cause I don’t blame you if you don’t believe it right off this ask. I just thought it was relevant to mention.
yes please send it. and lmaooo that would explain it. her story was barely plausible and they loved tokenizing her & she loved tokenizing herself. i remember they’d use her as an example to argue about my experiences since i’m ACTUALLY born & raised in the middle east
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