#this fellow will talk so much and steal your soups. in another life he may be a used car salesman
ivytea · 2 years
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merrymaker’s romp!
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[Flower .3]
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"Let's see... These should do nicely!" A young woman with red headed hair claps joyfully. The woman had dark red locks that curled at the tips of her hair. Her blue eyes showing excitement.
The female next to her nodded along with her friends antics. "You always have a knack for picking pretty flowers, Ms. Addington." "(Y/N)! I may about to be a married woman but I'm still your friend."
(Y/N) chuckles at the pouting girl. "I know, I know. But I still can't believe your getting married already. It seems like only yesterday you were a single woman with no thoughts on being hitched. Now look at yourself Rosette, your about to be wed and ready for a new life ahead."
The red headed woman could feel big fat tears falling down her cheeks. "(Y/N)!!!" Rosette wails loudly like a toddler. Running over and glomping the flower shop owner in a hug. With her tears staining her friends shirt in the process.
(Y/N)'s taken aback by the ssudden contact, regaining her composure she heaves out a sigh and pats the woman's back in comfort. "There, there. Dry your tears, it's alright." "No it's not. I used to be a simple middle class woman, now I'm going to marry a noble?! It's all so sudden, what if-"
(Y/N) pulls the woman away from the hug and holds her up right. "Now see here Rosette, don't second guess yourself. You met the man your betrothed too before. You keep chatting on and on about how lovely and kind he is. Have faith in yourself, hun."
"I do, but what if he never intended to marry me? My father only owns a few shops, my family has nothing to our names." (Y/N)'s eyes lower a bit, true her friend didn't have riches or power. But she didn't want her dear friend to despair, so the only thing she could was to feed her friend false hope that everything will be okay.
"Well-" "*ding!*" Once the chime of the bell was heard. Rosette quickly straightnes herself up and makes herself presentable. The shop door closes and a man steps in.
His green eyes immediately flicker to the pair of (e/c) orbs he wanted to see. "Ms. (Y/N), Madame." Albert James Moriarty tips his hat at the females then taking it off completely. "Hello Lord Moriarty." (Y/N) crusties in a polite greeting. Rosette follows her friends lead, stuttering a small hello.
"Anything I can help you with?" "Not at this particular moment, I'm just here to look around if that's alright." "It's not a problem, please go ahead." The noble nods, strolling around her little shop. (Y/N) continues her discussion with Rosette.
"Back to what I was saying, all I can do is give you this. You care for him, correct?" Rosette nods her head hurriedly, her curls bouncing up and down as her face turns warm. "Then, that's a start." Rosette stares at (Y/N) with uneasiness.
"But-" "You don't have to believe my words." The (h/c) haired female stated simply. "Yet you should at least try and let yourself decide on how you feel." (Y/N) said with evident wisdom to her words.
"I-I see.."
Rosette gratefully hugs (Y/N) once more. "Oh how I wish you would come to my wedding, truly I do!" Rosette mood seems to damper as she goes on. "But I don't think Earl Addington or my father would ever agree to my request.." (Y/N) could only give her a friend a sad smile.
"Don't worry about it, just visit my house after your honeymoon is over. We can talk over tea on how your wedding and honeymoon night went." The female responded with a rather teasing grin. Rosette turns flustered and her arms started to fly about like a bird. Chirping out barely eligible words.
(Y/N) happily laughs at Rosette's current state. Her loud melodious giggles bringing a smile to Albert's face. Rosette finally controlled herself and bids (Y/N) farewell. The (h/l) haired female almost had forgotten Lord Moriarty was in her shop if it weren't for the feeling of his eyes gaze at her back. 'How strange...'
"Is everything alright, Lord Moriarty?"
(Y/N) called out to him. Albert's eyes leave the sight of her and towards a pot of daisies. Turning to face the shop keeper with a confused smile. "Yes?" "Just checking in, you were as quiet as a mouse. I almost thought you left, but I guess I was mistaken."
(Y/N) said awkwardly, decideding to leave the conversation at that. But it seems Lord Moriarty didn't want it to end there. "It's quite alright, if I may say. I overheard you and the woman you were with talking about Earl Addington. Do you know of him?"
"I do not, personally. Rather, my friend Rosette does I believe." (Y/N) gave him a short answer, not wanting to talk about her friends personal affairs to Mr. Moriarty. Even if he was good natured fellow for a noble. Much better than the ones she's met before.
Albert drops the subject without any words needed to be spoken after. But he still wanted to converse with young woman. His ruby eyes catch sight of a humble little flower pot on her counter. Albert walks forward to get a closer look at it. "It's empty?"
(Y/N) throws a pitting glance at the pot. "I haven't found the right flowers to plant into it." Lord Moriarty gaze didn't waver as he studied it. Two small letters were carved into it, "R. A?"  (Y/N) could feel a cold needle strike her heart.
Gulping a bit of saliva down her dry throat. (Y/N) gives a small explanation. "Robin Anisley, he was the man that gifted it to me." "The two of you must of been close then." The once cheerful gleam Albert had known her for, was gone in a matter of seconds. Almost like he blew out a candlelight.
"We were, he was quite a entertaining fellow to be around. But we aren't close no longer." (Y/N) pauses as her (s/c) fingers trace the top of the flower pot. "He's dead." She responded bluntly. Before Albert could apologize for his unchecked words. (Y/N) placed a smilling mask on her lips.
(Y/N) turns her attention to the clock on the wall. "It's lunch time already!? I've completely forgotten!" She yelled with surprise, quickly turning to Albert she asks him if he would like to accompany her to lunch.
"There's a small restaurant near here, they have the best bread for sandwiches and soup. Would you like to join me?" If Albert James Moriarty was like any old stuck up noble, he would of declined her offer with a disgusted glare.
Instead, he gave her a closed eye smile and a small nod. "That would be lovely." The spark in (Y/N)'s eyes ingintes as she pulls off her apron and gloves. Patting her skirt down for any crumples, she moves away from the counter and walks ahead of Albert to the door.
The brunette didn't even notice how she was already at the door. Holding it open for him with a mock bow. Albert stared at her with uneasy eyes as he steps out of her shop. (Y/N) closed the door and takes out a key and locks the door. Putting her keys in her skirt pocket.
The two head off to the little restaurant that (Y/N) had recommended. They walk inside and the customers pay no mind to then at all. Clearly focused on their lunch or colleague they came with. (Y/N) and Albert choose a both and sit down. A younger woman with dark as night hair goes to their both to ask for their order.
"I'll have a (sandwich of choice) and a glass of water." The waitress nods and asks Albert for his orders. "I'll have what she's having." "Okay then, your order will be out in a few minutes." The waitress leaves seconds after.
(Y/N) smiles at Albert, who's back straightened up once she did. Lord Moriarty starts to converse with the flower shop owner. Asking her questions about her likes and interest. The female asked him some of her own, though he only answered a few. But the two did enjoy talking with one another.
When their food arrived they ate in silence. Listening to the loud chatter of the other patrons. "Can you believe this, just imagine being that crazy to steal from a noble. And in public no less?!"
"Your right, you must have guts if you did something like that!" "Whoever did this is either stupid or asking for a death wish!" Albert stares at the men with confusion before looking back to his food. A satisfied smile was on (Y/N)'s face as she chugged down her glass of water. Already finished with her meal.
The waitress comes over and asks if they're are ready to pay. Albert was about to say yes and pull out his wallet. But (Y/N) pulls out some money and pays for the food before he could. "Ms. (Y/N), you didn't have to pay for me. I could of paid for myself-!"
"It's quite alright."
"What? At least let me pay you back."
"It's alright, my lunch break is almost over." "Then at least let me escort you back to your shop." Albert starts to get out of his seat, but a lending hand was in front of his face. He looks up to see (Y/N) stretching a hand out towards him to take. He wanted to take her hand, honest to god did he want to.
But he could feel eyes burn the back of his skull. Judging him, staring at him with curiousity, waiting for his move. Lord Moriarty clenched his fists tightly, he gets up without her help. (Y/N) pays no mind to it, she pulls her hand back. 
The flower shop owner leads the way back as Albert slowly trailed after her. (Y/N) closes her eyes and hums a little tune. A nostalgic smile crossed her lips, with a day dreaming look on her face. Albert just watches her like a love stricken fool. "That's a very lovely song Ms. (Y/N)."
(Y/N) stops singing, "really? Why thank you, it's a song I remember way back when. Can't remember who sung it though." "I see. What a pity.." "Not really," (Y/N) shrugged her shoulders as she stops walking.
Lord Moriarty stood in place, confusion on his face. Turning herself around (Y/N) stares at Albert with a calm gaze. "It's merely a melody that will never will be known and will stay with me until the end of my days."
Lord Moriarty opens his house door and takes off his coat and hat. His younger brother Louis greets him once he enters. "Brother Albert, welcome back." Albert placed his hat the rack by there doorway. His eyes were clouded while his thoughts run ramped. Remembering his brothers greeting, he replies back.
"Ah, Hello Louis. Is William back yet from the college?"
Louis noticed right off the bat that his older brothers mind was elsewhere. "Is something wrong?" Louis questioned Albert, stopping his task of watering the plants immediately.
"No, I'm alright Louis. Just a little side tracked from today's earlier events." "Did something happen?" "Yes, I had a pleasant lunch with the woman who runs the flower shop down the way."
"Ms. (Y/N)?"
"Yes, she's doing quite well. She told me to say to hello to you and William. I can see why you and William are fond of her so. No wonder you visit her often when you go out for groceries." Albert chuckles lightly as Louis almost lost his footing at the mention of her name.
(Oof, I think the last installment will be part four. It will be a master piece of this so called series I hope. Thank you for reading!)
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jimlingss · 5 years
A Voyage to Liberation
➜ Words: 11k
➜ Genres: 90% Fluff, 5% Angst, 5% Smut, Historical!AU
➜ Summary: The year is 1790. The overcrowding of prisons causes Britain to send their convicts to Australian Penal Colonies. On the ship are political prisoners, pirates, and those who have committed petty crimes. Most importantly, there's you and also a man by the name of Kim Namjoon.
➜ Warnings: Sexual harassment, attempted sexual assault, dick-harming, misogyny, depiction of slaves/servants, blood, and violence.
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The ship rocks back and forth.   Your world is tilted on an axis and a frightening bout of nausea threatens to soil your already dirtied dress. It’s a sad little thing, drawstring neckline with few frills and a high-waisted narrow skirt, and the once pristine white stained with mud and dirt. You would’ve worn something more pleasant had they not stripped you of all your belongings.    A bunch of scoundrels they are.   “Ey, take a gander of this whore.”   “Bend over, will you?”   The ship is cramped and terribly diseased. You cover your mouth with your hand, disgusted at the sights that behold you. In the little space that you occupy, you gather your knees together and turn away. Many have already succumbed to disease with the first signs of death being that their teeth fall out, that their mouths start to bleed, that their hair begins to fall. While you have not yet been affected, it is still downright awful.   You wish you could at least come above deck and take in some fresh air.   “Damned wretch is ignoring us!”   “Aye! Madam, we’re talking to you.”   One of the diseased men grabs a hold of your arm, pulling you upright onto your feet. A gasp pulls from your lips and onlookers scramble back. At once, your nose scrunch and your hand whips back to smack his cheek as hard as you can muster.   There’s a loud noise and your palm stings. It’s enough that his entire head knocks to the side, eyes big.   “Unhand me, beast.”   His jaw clenches, grip on you tightening. “You damned hedge whore.”   The other ruffian steps forward and the fear you’ll be held down overwhelms you.    But then suddenly, a stranger intercepts. His shadow towers over you, height overcoming the two misfits. He’s a strapping, young fellow with dark hair and eyes. His chin is jutted out.   “You should heed the lady’s wishes, good sirs.”   They’re taken aback by his sturdy build, intimidating. The clearing of their throats are heard and the one grabbing you releases you from his bindings. You step back, right behind the stranger you’re grateful for.    “Is this your lady?”   He turns around for a moment and your eyes meet his. The stranger has sculpted features, a cleanly shaved man with tangled hair. Both sides of his cheeks deepen into small dots when he smiles tenderly — it is a curious sight.   He looks back at the ruffians.   “She is, so I’d gladly appreciate it if you wouldn’t lay a finger on her, good sirs. She is with child.”   They grumble, looking at one another before they retreat to the scummy place they emerged from. You watch them move to the other end of the ship, onlookers also relieved nothing atrocious occurred.   You scoff, unladylike when you mutter, “They’ve gone absolutely mad.”   You sit yourself back down, gathering your knees together, paying absolutely no mind to the stranger that rescued you from those terrible circumstances. Instead, you shut your eyes in an attempt to halt the spinning of your head and lean your head against the damp ship walls.   The man has gone the next time you open your eyes.   //   The food is given few and far in between. It is worse than when you were on the streets picking at rubbish. There are bugs in the soup, bread gone too hard, and today, the biscuits are molded.   You sigh, picking the green bits off before taking a bite. But your eyes stray to an old woman who is finishing her own biscuit with hands that tremble.   Her eyes widen when you hand yours to her. She is undoubtedly shocked. “For me?”   You hum, uncurling her bandaged fingers to place your biscuit in her palm. “They ought to feed us more.”   “T-Thank you, good miss.” The elder nearly cries.   You say nothing, returning to your spot as your stomach makes unseemly noises. You are ignorant to the strange man who had his eyes set on you. And you do not pay any mind to him until he suddenly moves to sit beside you, knees brushing against yours.   You whip your head up. Instead of a ruffian or no-good-doer, it is the man who had saved you a good day or two ago.   He regards you with a smile as if you are familiar to him.   “Can I assist you, sir?” you inquire, brows furrowing.   “Wouldn’t some words of gratitude be the appropriate gesture to someone who assisted you?”   “Your assistance wasn’t necessary.” You look away. “But I suppose it is indeed the proper thing to do considering your assistance did aid me, so thank you.”   The corners of his lips pull into a smile. He gathers his knees to his chest just like you. “My name is Kim Namjoon. I suppose it wouldn’t be too much if I asked for your name, madam?”   “I am L/N Y/N, if you must know, Mr. Kim. Is there a reason for your approach? I must tell you I have no arrangements to be your lady nor carry your child, good sir.” You make your suspicions of his intentions clear, yet his smile simply widens.   “Then I am relieved as I had no arrangements in mind either. I only seek friendship.”   “Friendship?” On a ship of convicts, ruffian and misfits? These men were becoming more mad by the day.   Namjoon watches you scoff and he laughs.   “Is it so hard to fathom?”   “I believe your efforts should be spent elsewhere, perhaps on trying to get off here alive.”   “Maybe so, but I’d like to make my time on here memorable.”   “Well, I have no plans on helping you make it more memorable, Mr. Kim.”   The man stops you before you can find another spot on this cramped ship. “The folks here are….undesirable to make acquaintances with. It is difficult to discover someone without ill-intentions. And I believe that you are not such a person, therefore I believe it is in our best interest to be friendly with one another. It would prevent such a situation from happening again.” He is suggesting the early incidents of those ruffians trying to get their hands on you.   You eye him up and down. His shirt, breech, shoes and coat is worn. The man’s face is dirtied, but he has a warm demeanour and he is rather good-mannered with strong reasoning.   The people on here are frightening, that much is true. And it would help the soundness of your mind if you had someone you could trust. Furthermore, the man’s towering height and lean muscles could deter attackers. It could be fairly advantageous to accept his friendship.   You tear your eyes away from him for fear of staring too long and being impolite. You lean your head against the wall, shutting your lids. You can still feel his gaze on you.   “Mr. Kim.”   “Yes?”   “Do you happen to know how to stop this nausea I have? The ship is awfully unsteady.”   You open your eyes once more when you feel pressure just below your wrist. The man is delicately pressing against a point in your flesh. But when he notices your stare, he withdraws his hand. “My apologies. It’s just that...when you press a certain point just below the wrist, it may help with nausea. I learnt it from a medic back at home.”   There is a tantalizing pause before you extend your arm to him. “Show me.”   Namjoon smiles, and you begin to feel like your world becomes straight again.   //   “What will happen to us?”   “I hear they will send us to work at a factory?”   “A factory?”   “Sewing clothing. I heard from a sailor above. They will be docking at a place called Sydney Cove. It is the new colony, New South Wales. But I am still unsure if those rumours are true.”   She solemnly nods. “We shall know in two days time.”   The conversation you were eavesdropping in is interrupted when Namjoon finds you, taking his seat beside you once more on the floor. You turn to the dapper fellow. “What are you here for?”   “Me?” He has a broad smile, already knowing the meaning of your question. Each person on this ship was here for a reason — whether they had stolen, assaulted another, or committed a political offence. And you cannot help but become curious as to the reason why your new friend has found himself in such a dire place. “Well, I would like you to know that I was framed.”   In spite of the horrible circumstances, the man always knows how to lighten the atmosphere and make you smile. “Framed?”   “Undoubtedly framed,” he leans closer to say, “False charges that soiled my name completely.”   “What for then?” He’s piqued your curiosity even more.   “I was framed for stealing a handkerchief. It was less than five shillings at that, but enough to get me sent away.”   “And why were you framed?”   “Well, the man’s wife gave it to me.”   You laugh. “Why would she give it to you?”   Namjoon clears his throat. It makes you press him for a reply and he relents, “I may or may not have been engaged in an adulterous relationship with the madam.”   You gasp, scandalized, and you hit at his arm. “Bastard!”   He winces, but matches your laugh and smile. “He was jealous and though he had no proof of such an affair, he set me up and soiled my name.”   “You should be fortunate he did not beat you to death,” you tell through snickers.   “I am aware. And what were you sent here for?”   “Me?” Your half-lidded eyes flicker in all directions. With no one watching, you pull a plump, red fruit from the sleeve of your dress.   Namjoon’s mouth humourly draws open. “How did you get an apple?”   “Shush now.” You frown. “I took it from the sailor. He didn’t even notice.”   He scoffs, whispering, “You’re a pickpocketer. Are you not afraid of being caught?”   “If I am then so be it. I think it would be hard for things to be worse than they already are. Plus, I am almost certain that the sailor I stole from is attempting to court me.”   The man chuckles, curious as to the reasoning behind your apprehension. “Why do you not agree to him then? Being wedded to a man like him would make your life easier.”   “He simply doesn’t appeal to me,” you say and split the apple with your hand. You pass him the other half. “Here.”   “Thank you.”   In spite of being clouded in a damp sort of darkness, your side is warm. You’re glad to have established a friendship with Mr. Kim. His company, contrary to your feelings or lack thereof for the sailor, is not unpleasant.
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The moment the ship docks at harbour, you are overwhelmingly relieved. You are shoved out by the sailors from below deck, but once you make it out, you are finally able to breathe in the fresh air. Even when the light of the sun stings your eyes, you look upon the new yet unruly land.   “What’re you doing standing there? Get off!”   “Get your assess off the ship!”   “Quickly!”   The weather is hot, trees unfamiliar, grass more yellow than it is green. The land is barren, soil seemingly dry. There is moaning and groaning around you, criminals pushed forward and staggering on weakened knees. Amidst the crowd, you catch the towering fellow with dark hair.   His eyes meet yours but you’re unable to get to one another. The two of you are forced into a line. The guards pacing back and forth and shoving folks who stumble out of place.   The Governor ahead is seated at a table, sorting the horde. “Name?”   “Kim Seokjin, Mr. Governor.”   He hums and holds a card with the name, age, and a short description of each convict. Yet, he still asks, “And do you have any usable skills? What was your occupation in his majesty’s kingdom?”   “I was a former blacksmith, sir.”   “Alright.” He writes and the officer beside him motions to the left. “Next! Name?”   “Good morning, sir. How do you do? My name is Kim Namjoon.”   “I am fine, thank you, sir.” His throat clears. “Do you have any usable skills?”   “I was a carpenter in his majesty’s kingdom.”   “Very well. To the left, good sir.”   “Thank you.” Namjoon is handed a yellow and black uniform.   The officer tells him to get into line. Another asks where they’ll be going and he says, “You’re assigned to help build roads and buildings. Considers yourselves fortunate. There’s more brutal work to be done on this land.”   You try to look ahead to see where Namjoon is, but you are unable.   The women are gathered together with some other men around. The free settlers sweep their indecent gazes on you, eyeing you from head to toe.   A middle-aged man in particular approaches. He has blonde hair, gruff hair around his dirty mouth and protruding eyes. A sharp gasp slips from your lips when he grabs your chin and tilts your head up for his inspection.   “You are rather easy on the eyes, aren’t you, girl?”   Your jaw clenches. He must notice the way your teeth grits for he barks out in noisy laughter and unhands you. “You’re an entertaining one.” The man’s eyes linger on the swell of your chest, outright vulgar and shameless.   “How do you do, Officer Kwon? I thought today was your unoccupied day, yet you have shown at work! What does that make the rest of us?” A man strides to him in a uniform, exchanging hearity chuckles.   “I am well, Officer Jeon. My wife is in need of a new domestic servant to help with the kitchen and the household. I was considering selecting this girl.” He gestures towards you, much like choosing a cow for purchase.   “Well, I am sure her absence will not be missed. She is perfectly at our disposal.”   “Marvelous.”   You know better than to look at him with disdain, but you cannot help it seep through. “If I may, good sirs, I am afraid I must tell that I am quite rubbish at household work,” you tell. “I neither know how to cook, sew or wash clothing. I may not be any use to you.”   Officer Kwon scoffs. “I am not in need of your opinion, servant. You will learn what is required of you.”   You are shoved forward, feet stumbling. “You should be fortunate you were handpicked by Officer Kwon, otherwise you would work in the factory.” Officer Jeon shouts angrily, “Go on now!”   You’re led away from the crowds, sights lost from Namjoon. Moving past the barren land, you wonder about the prospects of your future. Unfortunately, your thoughts are halted when you feel your ass being squeezed by the man’s rough hand. You resist the urge to beat him to death.   //   The estate you are brought to is not as formidable as the manors from home. Although, you still get lost on your way to the kitchen, even when the land is lacking and seemingly barren. It’s a two level house with plenty of rooms and several servants like you.   “My name is Rose,” the younger girl greets you. “It’s very nice to be acquainted with another g—”   “Rose!” An older woman in the kitchen shouts, running by while wiping her hands on her apron. “Watch the fire, will you?! You will burn the food!”   “I already checked it, Jane!”   “I smell it burning!” she shrieks at him.   Rose winces and looks at you with brows furrowed. She quickly rushes off. “Sorry.”   The older woman halts for a moment to regard you. “Do you know how to chop vegetables?”   You slowly shake your head. “I...I am unsure.”   She sighs and spins around, only to come back with a wooden tray that she hands to you. It is heavy weight with teacups, straining your wrists. “Bring the tea to her Lady. She is upstairs, first left door down the hall. She will be waiting.”   You hold your sigh in your nose.   The next seven years of your punishment will be spent here. It will become better the faster you become accustomed to your duties here.   You meet the Lady. Kwon Miyeon. She has an oval face, sharp features, blonde hair forming into perfect spiral curls. Her dresses are made from the prettiest cloth and silks, pouter-pigeon fronts with full skirts. But contrary to her pleasant appearance, her interior is less than pleasing.   “Of course my husband would choose someone like you. He could never stand a foul-looking wrench. What are you looking at me for?! Fetch me my biscuits, servant girl!”   Day and night, there are shrill howls at you, tasks upon tasks, duties upon duties. From helping her bathe — “Are you planning to skin me alive?! I said gentle!” — to washing clothing — “Took you long enough!” — and even getting her tea — “It’s gone cold!”   Fortunately you are not the only one receiving such treatment. The lady of the house seems to be ruthless to anyone with a handsome face which is abundant in her household. There are countless girls with swelled chests, plump asses, long hair pinned back. You can muster sympathy for the woman for her husband being such a hound and choosing such girls to bring into the home. But it is difficult to keep your compassion when she is such an evil wrench.   “Who is it?!”   “Your most obedient servant, Madam.” You speak through the door, and a moment later, you open.    Lord Kwon seated in his chair, pulls himself away from his wife at the sight of you. His eyes linger on your hips and Lady Kwon must take notice as her teeth grit.   You clear your throat. “You called for tea.”   “Then get a move on!” she barks at you like you are her dog.   You set the teacups down onto the table, pouring an appropriate amount. You fail to perceive how Lord Kwon’s eyes set on your plump bottom as you bend.   “Did you get me my sugar yet?”   “I can only head to the town center by your leave, Madam.”   “Hmph. I have allowed you to go, girl. Why have you not gotten it done?” She huffs, “Lazy. All of you.”   Your mouth twitches into a reverent smile. “It is difficult when you have assigned so many tasks to me, Madam. I can hardly find time to breathe.”   “Are you speaking back to me? I will not tolerate such rudeness,” she sputters, perhaps preparing to threaten lashings. But you stand straight, having enough of this. Your hands were cracked, bleeding, body ached. The meek are blessed by God but it has never been in you to be meek.   “I am merely speaking what is true,” you say. “Perhaps I would have more time in my day if I did not have to assist you in bathing. I find that even children these days do not need such help.”   She stands to her feet, and you’re whipped in the face by her palm. You are struck across the cheek, head knocked back, noise ringing your ears. You are baffled.   Her chest rises and falls. “I will not allow such disrespect in my home, whore. Know your place!”   “Darling.” Lord Kwon stands upright, taking his wife back. “Do not pay the servant girl any mind. Do not let her ruin such a beautiful afternoon. She is clearly ignorant of what is appropriate.”   The lady looks at him and huffs again. She regards you with absolute disdain. “Do not come back until you have sugar! I can’t drink my tea without it!”   You stagger out the room, shutting the door behind you. With no one in the hall, you gasp for air.    Once you regain the soundness of your mind, you drop your tray at a table in the corridor meant for display and march down the stairs, out the door. There is nowhere for you to run to on this barren, hot land. The wilderness would have you dead by the third hour. The cold sea would have you drowning. And people everywhere know your name and status. You’d be shaved head clean if you attempted to escape. It was prison after all.   Thus with no other way to go, you head straight to the town’s center with absolutely no plans to get her damned sugar. You barrel down the street with your steps stomping against the path, hurting your feet and wearing down your thin shoes. But you are enraged—   That is until you hear the call of your name by a familiar friend.   “Lady Y/N?”   Uncertainty rises in his voice. You turn yourself, eyes widening. It’s a tall fellow with dark hair and eyes, a smile that creases dots into both sides of his cheeks. “Mr. Kim?”   He’s dressed in a yellow and black uniform, features worn the last time you remember. He’s thinner as well. It must be from the back breaking labour that you pity. Yet behind the fatigue is still a well-mannered man.   “How do you do, Lady. Y/N? I'm very heartily glad to see you.”   “I am well, thank you, Mr. Kim. Though I am sure only you are the only person who calls me a lady around here.”   “Rightfully so. No matter your status, you are still a lady to me.”   “And now I begin to understand why you were such a charmer back in his majesty’s land, Mr. Kim. Enough to tempt a married woman.”   “Make no mistake, Lady Y/N. It was her who lured me into such an adulterous sin.”   Namjoon laughs, sound glorious in its own way. You had not ever in your life felt such a relief to see a friend. It is now that you realize just how much you have yearned for this man in the past endless days.    A smile draws upon your features. “And how do you do, Mr. Kim? What business finds you here on this warm afternoon?”    It must be an amusing sight to see two criminals speak to each other so respectfully as if you are from the nobility. But as strange as the man may be, there has been no one who has treated you better.   Simply by standing with him here, suddenly all your troubles have up and vanished.   “Well, I am as well as someone like me could be. I am part of a building task.”   “Is that so?”   “Yes. It will perhaps house books. A library of sorts.”   “It sounds like much taxing work.”   “It is much taxing work.”   You take note of how hungry he appears and wonder if he has enough to eat. You are fortunate enough to be able to sneak objects out the kitchen when there are no wandering eyes.    As you ponder, Namjoon notices the mark on your cheek, much like a handprint still embedded into your skin. “What happened here?” He indicates, concerned.   “Oh nothing really. It was my fault for being disobedient.”   He’s not eased from your words, expression troubled. “I heard you were being employed as a domestic servant by the Kwon Household. Do they strike you often?”   “No, not at all. Only when I...defy their wishes…”   “Do you have ointment?”   “I am perfectly well, Mr. Kim. There is really no need for you to fret,” you reassure. “I am sure there are more important matters for you to take care of.”   Namjoon opens his mouth, perhaps to chide you for belittling yourself in his view — at least you hope so. But you’re never quite sure what he wants to tell because he’s interrupted by a shouting Superintendent. “You there! What are you waiting around for?! Get a move on! Quickly!”   He looks at you in distress. “I...must go.”   You nod. “I will see you soon, Mr. Kim.”   “I will hold onto that promise and find strength in it, Lady Y/N.” Namjoon smiles, on his way carrying bricks. You watch his backside with a longing sigh, off to buy sugar.   //   You’ve never lived a life of much comfort. You were born and became an orphan before your mind could contain any memory. You were raised on the streets until you were taken by a group of misfits and taught to pickpocket with other children. Thus for the entirety of your life, you have stolen food and clothing to get by.   So it’s quite absurd for you when you get a peek of how those in luxury reside.   “—goodness me! It was absolutely unbelievable!” Lady Kwon chuckles behind a gloved hand. “How could she have thought cotton was silk? You jest me.”   “I would not,” Lady Bae Suzy tells, a free settler, much like the Kwon Household. “I could never fathom such a thought.”   “Well, Miss Williams has always been a bit empty in the head.”   “I pity you who has to continue to entertain her for the coming months. I wish there was a way she would understand that we do not enjoy her company.”   She hums and holds her teacup up. You scatter from the corner to refill her drink as well as Lady Bae’s. “When are you leaving again?”   “Four weeks from now. It will be twenty five days. It is coming sooner than expected, Miyeon.”   “Are you looking forward to the trip? The voyage will be rather tiresome.”   “It will be, but with my husband’s company, I am sure it will not be too difficult.” She reaches over to grab her hand with a polite smile. “I promise to bring back the best sugars and cotton from the United States of America.”   She releases a small laugh, ladylike and never too loud. “You worry about your health, Suzy. I have an abundance of things I could ever desire.”   “Then I will come back soon so you will not have to deal with that old hag by your lonesome.”   “I will look forward to your return. Are you famished? Servant, get Lady Bae the cooked lamb from the kitchen.”   “Right away, Madam.” You dip yourself down, nodding.   As you stride away, you overhear their voices. “That is your new servant girl?”   “My husband selected her,” Lady Kwon replies in disdain.   And the devil appears as they speak about him. With the door closed, the stout man in his short breeches and tight waistcoat comes from down the hall. “Sir, your humble servant. Good day.”   “Very good. I assume you have been well, girl?”   “Very well, thank you.”   You pass by, moving out of the way. But then suddenly, the sweaty man grabs onto you. He spins you and hits you against the wall, trapping you in place against his hold. His lips curl when he hears the gasp that tears from your throat.   “Where do you think you are leaving to, whore? I still have not had my fun with you yet,” Lord Kwon mutters into your ear, his spit hitting against your skin. It’s absolutely abhorrent and disgusting. He squeezes your ass with the palm of his hand, pressing his tiny groin to you. “Skirting around me is useless. It only entices me more.”   You can imagine it now, elbow jutting out into his ribs. You would smack his face until he falls, dig your heels into his awfully pathetic crotch until he is shrieking like a pig being skewered.    But right as you are about to move, the door suddenly opens and he is off of you.   “Husband?”   “Wife, good day. Is Lady Bae here? I thought I would come to say hello.”   She peers at you in suspicion. “What are you still lingering for, servant?! Did I not give you orders?!”   “My apologies, madam. I was...stopped.” Your stare is pointed at the man, and you turn away before she can inquire what you mean or the man can accuse you of lies and threaten lashings.   It is despicable. Utterly despicable.   You hope God is watching and will reign down his punishment on judgment day. The both of them enter the realm of hell, back to where they belong.    It is shameful being in this household. You ought to kill them, by God’s name he would know why.   You angrily enter the kitchen in distress. “Lady Kwon requires the rack of lamb.”   “Already?!” Rose huffs. “We are not finished! It still needs to cook till half past three.”   “Then you can tell her ladyship of the delay.”   She groans and whips her cleaning cloth onto the bench. “Lord knows how spiteful she is. She might strike me across the face for all I know.”   “What are you moaning about now?” Jane, head of the house duties, approaches from the other door.   “Why must we permit Lady Kwon’s malice? We are not at fault for her son’s passing.”   “Her son passed?” you pipe up, curious.   “He succumbed to disease in the previous year. Fever. Vomiting. These horrible spots all over his body.” The young servant childishly shivers. “And ever since, Lady Kwon has been more insufferable. She threw the servant before you out the door because she forgot to wash her dress.”   “Enough with the gossip,” Jane chides harshly. “You must permit her anger because you are a servant of this household. Because you are a criminal. If you work hard enough, you will receive a ticket of pardon.”   “Three years from now.” Rose sighs longingly and looks at you. “Four for you since you just arrived.”   You don’t have to work a full seven if you can tolerate the foolish antics of this house. And with that thought in mind, you release your fury and start to chop the carrots, quicker, less clumsily.   //   Notwithstanding your newfound efforts, it is still difficult for you to be as obedient as they wish.    You begin to learn what is expected of you, how to complete your duties and tasks, but it is not enough if they do not see a sort of suffering from you. Yet you remain uninjured from their demands, insults, their treatment that would be suitable towards a cow than a maid.   “Did you get the fish?”   “Fresh for sale.” Rose brings it in and Jane immediately gets to work, tending to the dinner that will be served in five hours time. “I picked up apples too and some herbs.”   “Marvelous.”   She sets them down. “On my way back, I saw one of the men being flogged. Apparently he was being disrespectful to the Superintendent and now they’re lashing him fifty times. It was horrid really.”   Your blood runs cold.   “Maybe he shouldn’t have been disrespectful,” Jane mutters as she swirls the broth in the pot over the fire.   “Do you know his name? The man who is being flogged,” you ask in a hurry, grabbing Rose by her shoulders. The girl is taken back.   “I don’t know.”   “What was he wearing?”   “Yellow and black— Hey! Where are you going?! You can’t just leave! You need permission!” the young servant girl screams out to you. But by that time, you’ve darted out the door, across the estate and out of view. The two women are utterly stunned. Jane’s eyes are rounded and then she shakes her head, muttering how ridiculous you are.   “Did I say something wrong?” Rose asks Jane who remains silent, ignoring what occurred in favour of chopping the herbs. “Don’t all the prisoners wear yellow and black?”   You run across the land, chest heaving, sweat dripping down your face underneath the stifling heat. You move past people, shoes digging into dirt, and when you see the crowd in the town’s center, you can hear wails and cries. What precedes another cry is the crack of a whip.   The onlookers grimace while some find ill enjoyment in it.   “Excuse me! Pardon me!”   You split the horde, bringing yourself past them until you make it to the front of the crowd.   The man tied to a pole, whip meeting his back that is splitting at the seams. Blood pours down his skin. It is awful, but a sense of relief overwhelms you when you discover it is not Namjoon.   You walk away, not wanting to watch the man being beat. Slowly, you return to where you came from, feeling foolish for being impetuous. But before you can carry yourself to the estate, you are stopped on your way.   “Lady Y/N?”   The man you were entirely troubled for appears, although his smile falls as he regards you and how your hair sticks to your skin in sweat. “Are you alright?”    “I am...fine.”    “Then why do you look so uneasy? Did you run here?”   “I thought—I thought that was you being whipped.” Your hand is placed over your chest, trying to breathe once more. Your voice trembles against your will. “I had to come to see.”   Namjoon reaches out.   Hesitantly.    His arm extends. The man coddles your face with a single hand, holding you still. His skin is rough from the tiring labour, but he is gentle, thumb running over your cheek. Unlike the way Lord Kwon makes you disgusted when he lays a hand on you, Namjoon’s touch calms you considerably.   You search each other’s eyes, even if it is just for one mere moment. The two of you relish in one another’s company.   “I am glad you were not harmed,” you murmur.   “And I am honoured that I still have part of your mind, Lady Y/N. That you still choose to concern yourself with someone of my lowly status.”   “I...should go,” you say and he releases you with a nod. “I will come to see you soon when I can make the time, Mr. Kim.”   “I will wait patiently.” He smiles.   You brush against the man, body pressed to his for a moment.   Namjoon watches you disappear over the horizon. With you gone, he comes to his senses and finds his pocket heavier than before. He looks down and smiles when he discerns you have secretly passed him bread.   “I am utterly astounded that you still find the time of day to romance others.” Seokjin, his friend, lays down the brick when Namjoon returns to his post. He is as terrified as he is impressed. “Are you courting the lady?”   “Well, if she was to become my wife, it would not be such an unpleasant affair.” Namjoon smiles widely, discovering more strength to lay bricks on the road quicker.
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When the sun rises, Namjoon is called like the others are. They are all howled at by the officers and the Superintendent, forced to rise from the barracks for another ten hours of work without a moment’s rest. He puts his mind to brick-making alongside a few others in the heat of the sun, sweat dousing his clothing, stomach turning in on itself from starvation. The eyes of the Superintendent Min are always behind him.   “Quickly now, men! Do not dawdle! You there! Hurry your hands!”   There is barely any food — perhaps enough to continue moving his body, but not enough to stop the onset of sickness he is beginning to feel as his breaths heave slower.   “You! Where do you think you are leaving to?!”   “Good sir, please, I must relieve myself,” another prisoner pleads.   “Not until you complete more work! Don’t try to fool me! I know you have done little work since morning!”   “Mr. Superintendent, I beg of you. I must relieve myself soon or I fear I will soil my trousers.”   “You dare to talk back to me?!” The prisoner is dragged away, as he cries, to be flogged for disrespect.   Seokjin shakes his head, murmuring underneath his breath, “Park should have held it in or relieved himself in secret.”   Namjoon does not speak for fear of being overheard. He hopes Park Jimin makes through it considering he is a kind fellow and a good friend.   Eventually the day ends with Namjoon’s body sore, his bones and muscles aching. Superintendent Min approaches him. “I have not failed to notice your hard efforts, boy.”   “I merely do what I am asked, Mr. Superintendent.”   “Well you are doing a wondrous job,” Superintendent Yoongi slaps his back with a smile. “Here, some tobacco for a job well done.”   Namjoon receives the tobacco with words of gratitude. But as the Superintendent leaves, it stays within his hand and he wonders what he should do with it. While Namjoon appreciates the gesture, some simple bread or biscuits would have been sufficient.   “What did he want from you?” Seokjin comes with him, walking towards the barracks under the close eye of other officers. Namjoon shows him. “Tobacco?! Lord almighty.”   “Do you want it?”   Seokjin’s eyes flutter to him. “You would give me your reward?”   “I am not very fond of it.”   “Then you do not know how to enjoy the simplicities of life. By all means I will not let it go to waste.” Seokjin receives it with a hearty chuckle. Namjoon enjoys his company. Much like himself, the man is cheerful no matter the circumstance. “Thank you.”   “There is no need to be grateful,” he reassures. “I would have preferred an apple, perhaps. Even some bread and biscuits.”   “There is not much food here for such luxuries, friend. But I hear there will be a shipment vessel from his majesty’s kingdom in a few weeks time. We can only hope there will be more food then.”   “A….shipment vessel?” His voice trails as his thoughts begin to wander.   //   The night arrives with the moon high above the horizon. The officers have fallen asleep at their stations and the quietness throughout the barracks has Namjoon slipping from his thin cover. His feet find his shoes, but once the place beside him turns, he halts his movement at once.    But then Seokjin opens his eyes.   “Fear not,” he whispers with a sleepy voice. “I will keep watch for you.”   “Thank you.”   Namjoon disappears in the middle of the night. Arguably it is the most important part of his day. The most fond part. It is certainly the part he looks forward to the most and what gets him through the difficult labour.   The man rounds the building of the barracks outside to the shadow waiting for him. The high waisted, narrow skirt of their shabby dress billowing in the slightest of breezes. The hair let loose after being pinned up all day long. Namjoon regards you with the biggest and truest of smiles.    “You are early.”   “As are you.”   “I do not mind waiting a little while. The quiet is good for the soundness of my mind. I simply worry that you will find yourself in trouble one of these days for meeting me here.”   “And I worry that you will find yourself in trouble for leaving the estate.”   You are ignorant to how happy he is to find you. It is worth the risk and trouble he would find himself in.   You meet his eye. Through the dim moonlight, you can only see part of his fatigued features. But it is more than enough to make you sorrowful. “Here, quickly, eat.” You uncurl his fingers, placing bread into his palm. He does not hesitate to devour the stale food. And you hastily reach into your pockets for the other things you stole under their noses through the entire day. “I also have a biscuits and a crumpet, two slices of apple, a slice of pear.”   “Do you not worry you will be caught and punished?”   You scoff at the man. “I have been pickpocketing all my life, Mr. Kim. And I have not once been caught.”   “But you’re here,” he points out.   “I’ve been caught only once,” you correct yourself and smile when he laughs. “Do not fret yourself with me. The lord and lady of the house are much too foolish and would not notice if their brooches and gowns were on backwards.”   It is not an unfamiliar arrangement. For the past week or so, the both of you have been sneaking off to see one another in the dead of the night with no other soul awake. You sit together on the ground and speak about your day and grievances as he feeds himself. It’s a friendship that helps the soundness of your mind. You are able to laugh at the remarks he makes without worry. It is good to know you are not driving yourself mad with the lunacy of the household and your plaguing concern lessens to know he is eating.   “—rubbish at sewing. It is not my fault I cannot see where the pin is or the thread. She ought to go to a seamstress as would anybody of her status would.”   “Y/N.” Namjoon calls you by your name without a title and you are taken aback by the intimacy his voice gives. He finishes the last slice of sweet apple. “We should escape.”   There is held silence in the air.   “You are out of your mind,” you say, stiffening. “Do not speak of such a thing again. I do not wish to see you sent away.”   “I am not out of my mind, Lady Y/N, and I wish you would not suggest such thing. Is it too absurd to think of escaping this?”   “There is no food out there. We would be caught by the natives, get eaten by dingos, snakes, or ravenous beasts. Who knows what is lurking out there. It is hot during the day and much too cold during the night. We would die without food or water. Mr. Kim.” You turn to him in urgency, and seek that this nonsensical idea be expelled from his mind. It is much too dangerous.   “There is a ship,” he tells. “A vessel coming from his majesty’s land in a few weeks time. It is bringing food. We can board it in secret.”   “And then what shall we do?” you inquire. “Escape under the law forevermore? Or perhaps be caught and sent back here for worse punishment?”   “We would never have to hide in order to see each other.” The two of you would not have to sneak around, to creep in the shadows at night to be together for only a few moments.    The suggestion is much too tempting.   You look away from him, too unsure. It is clear he has thought of it, that his intentions are not made recklessly. But you do not want to endanger his livelihood.   “If we behave well enough, we can get a ticket of pardon after four years.”   “Is stealing food for me behaving well?” he asks without expecting an answer. “Sooner or later, we will die. We cannot survive here, Lady Y/N.”   “If we are caught….I would only be placed alone in a cell, perhaps with my head shaved. But for you. I do not wish for you to be caught and sent to Norfolk Island. I hear it is...awful.” Your voice breaks and you shake your head. You gather your knees together and lean your head against the wall, much like you used to on the ship that brought you here. “The men that go there never return. We will never see one another again, Mr. Kim. Not even like this.”   “Hear me, Lady Y/N.” Your eyes meet each other’s, and he holds your gaze with great passion and thought. “My greatest wish is that you would not be harmed. That you would not suffer under the whims of Lady Kwon. That Lord Kwon would not lay his hand on you.”   Such things are inevitable. You have come to accept them long ago. But Namjoon makes it so that you don’t want to accept it.   “I fear this inability to protect you would drive me to true madness,” he says. “I fear I may not last.”   Namjoon persists with his speech that sways you excessively, “If you do not wish to come with me, then I will never hold it against you. I would not be so rude as to do such a thing. We shall never speak of this matter again if you desire so. But do not be fearful for me. I am willing to face danger — but only if you are willing to come. To be by my side.”   You are able to infer the meaning of his words. He is a gentleman and is asking you to be with him.   You have never had such a proposal before and from someone who you long to be with, who you long to see constantly. You are moved by his sincerity and by his offer.   “You speak well, Mr. Kim.” Your hand moves over his and he smiles. “I will come with you.”   Namjoon turns his hand to clasps yours. Your fingers lace into one another’s. It is a promise that invigorates you.   //   The preparations are beginning.   One. Two. Three.   At eight thirty, the lady of the household requires her bath. But at nine, she retires to her bedroom for the night. Twenty before ten, Jane finishes eating with you and Rose, and her duties in the kitchen are complete for the night. She retreats to her own quarters while Rose tends to wander around more, perhaps sneaking out treats from the pantry or lingering in the bath longer than she should. Whatever the case, you are used to keeping your ear against the surface of the door and counting her retreating steps down the hall until her door shuts.    That only leaves Lord Kwon. His movements are undoubtedly incalculable. Often he returns to his chambers at eleven. Other times, he returns at twelve, drunken and noisy with women’s perfume stained to his clothing as his steps thump against the stairs. Tonight, you are not sure where he is.   It is midnight when you peek from your curtains, candle long blown out. You scope the surroundings with your eyes. The land is dark, blanked in blackness save for the dim moonlight that allows shadows to cast. Other than the silence, the sound of cicadas chirp in the night.   When you feel the time is right, you creep from your quarters, footsteps light against the flooring. But before you can turn to the kitchen and escape from the back door, there’s thumping feet behind you, becoming louder and louder.   A gasp falls from your lips and you whirl yourself around. Nearly bumping into whoever it is.   “What are you doing here?”   “I could ask you the same!”   They are sharp, hushed whispers, and you halt your movements. The both of you peek up the stairs, but luckily neither Lady Kwon nor Jane comes down.   From the moonlight coming through the window, you see the way Rose pouts.   “I was just heading to the family basin. I am on the rag.”   “Is that so? Because I see jam on your mouth.” You lift your hand, wiping the side of the young girl’s lip. It is the strawberry jam made from the afternoon.   Her doe eyes tremble. “Do not tell Lady Kwon or Jane, please, I beg of you.”   “I will not do such a thing,” you reassure her. “I do not find pleasure in people’s misery. Just go to bed. Stop sneaking treats before you get into trouble.”   The girl nods obediently and retreats down the hall. She turns and never once questions where you are headed at this time of night. “Good bye, Y/N.”   “Good bye, Rose.”   Luckily, you are able to ward her off without arousing suspicion.    Unfortunately, you are unable to make it to the back entrance with the sack of food you stashed underneath the table. You are stopped when you enter through the kitchen doorway, grabbed by your waist. There is stiff heat against your back, something pressed to your ass. You are trapped on spot, a gasp catching your throat.   “Where are you headed off to, little girl?”   There is a mutter against your ear, hot breath that makes you want to bathe. You quickly turn around before his hand can drag any lower on your body. “My lord…”   “Such a shame you dismissed the other servant girl.” Lord Kwon holds your chin, tilting your head up for his viewing. “She is more frightened of me than you are, but the three of us could indulge together. I guess you will suffice for tonight.”   You step back quickly, able to mask your disgust in the darkness. “I am but your most obedient and humble servant, sir. I am undeserving of your attention and would never satisfy any desire you may have beyond housework. I apologize, my lord.”   “On the contrary, I believe you would be able to satisfy me quite well.”   It does not work. Playing coy only excites the beast. Being modest and bashful rouses him further, so you hastily change your scheme.    You laugh quietly, and the lewd man is taken aback when you push yourself forward against the man’s body. His back hits against the wall and you shamelessly palm his groin, squeeze his tiny prize.   “Shall we indulge then?”   Lord Kwon’s lips curl. “You’re more of a whore than I thought. Bend over.”   You tilt your head, bringing forth a pretty smile he can see before you remove yourself. “My lord, the lady of the house has been asking about you for the entire day.”   “Why should that concern me?”   “If you do not return to your chambers soon to see her, I fear she will go looking for you and our time together will be cut short. I want to...take my time. I am a delicate woman after all and I will not be able to stay if Lady Kwon becomes suspicious of us.”   He chuckles. “So you do have actual thoughts in that pretty head of yours, servant.”   “I must think of the long period of time, my lord. Not just enjoyment for the short term.”   “Then when can I see you again?”   “Some night soon,” you tell. “Fruit is sweeter the longer you wait for it to ripen.”   “Ah, but I am afraid I lack patience. Nevertheless, tonight I will wait.” He leans himself against you and your breath halts when he suddenly yanks your dress up and palms your ass. He gives a tight squeeze. “I cannot wait to make you mine.”   //   “Disgusting! It was absolutely revolting!” You are retching out loud. It’s unladylike, but you could not care less in front of him. He does not pay mind or have ill thoughts. “He is downright awful, I wanted to kill him.”   The man sitting beside you on the ground laughs. “If you kill him, we will be unable to escape.”   “I am well aware. But there are times the thought is irresistible.”   “He did not hurt you?”   “He would be dead if he did. Do not fret. I can take care of myself.”   Yet in spite of your reassurance, Namjoon still appears troubled.   He suddenly drops his bread to the ground and reaches out. He takes hold of your waist and moves you onto his lap as you draw a surprised breath. Namjoon’s gaze on you is fond.   You look away from it onto the discarded food. “What a waste.”   “I hunger for something else.” His eyes are half-lidded and your hands grasp his shoulders. It is comfortable on his body, a kind of warmth that spreads from the top of your head to the tips of your toes that you didn’t know was possible to have. “Where did he touch you?”   “Here.” You bring his hand to your chin then trail downwards to your waist, letting his fingers brush a path on the rest of your body on the way there. “And here.”   “Anywhere else?” he breathes, forehead pressed on yours.   You are ridding of that old man’s touch in exchange for Namjoon’s course but gentle hands. “Here.”   You tug your dress up, curling his grasp to your behind. He squeezes tenderly underneath the cloth of your nightgown and overcoat. It is a ticklish feeling that excites you.   The tip of his tongue comes to lick the seam of his lips. “M-May I-I k...kiss you?”   You nod forthrightly. “You may.”   The man presses his mouth with caution to yours. A simple graze. There is hesitancy in his gesture, as if scared he will frighten you away. But his lips are soft, delicious to the taste.   Namjoon pulls away, gazing with endearment into your eyes. After a moment, he leans in to kiss you once more as if entranced. It lasts longer this time and you are able to move your mouth against his.   You do not need long-winded poetry or noisy declarations to know that he adores you very much so. His actions are attentive enough to show his affections. You are aware of how he dotes on you. Namjoon thinks of you as you think of him.   Thus, it is not vulgar to you when his tongue protrudes into your wet mouth. When his kisses deepen and would make strangers watching blush. Namjoon takes your breath like he’s already taken your heart and mind.    But when he pushes you closer to his hardening groin, and squeezes your ass in a way that makes you whimper, you pull yourself away from him with the decency you have left.   “I will not be bedded out here on the dirty ground,” you say, catching your breath. You try to lessen the heat on your face. If anyone caught you sitting on the lap of Kim Namjoon, allowing him to have his way with you in the middle of the night alone, even if you are prisoners, it is still scandalous. “And—And I refuse to have a child out of wedlock. I will not risk such thing.”   “Nor will I,” he easily agrees and smiles. “I will not rush. I am a very patient man.”   You ponder if Mr. Kim is aware of his own charms.    In spite of your conviction, he makes it hard to resist.    “Someday,” he tells. “I will wed to you. When we can. Then our children will have proper families. I will work hard to provide. It is my promise.”   “Then I will hold onto that promise.” You smile and kiss him one last time.
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You are humming to yourself as you work. It never occurred to you how bright the days were, how beautiful it was when flowers bloomed. While it was hot and the land was barren, there are still plants and life around you.   In the morrow, you will be free with the love of your life, and you cannot wait. The anticipation is overwhelming.   And so, you are pouring the tea with a gladden smile, unaware of Lady Kwon glaring. She is vexed over your good mood, but does not say anything to you in the company of a friend.   “How fast time flies. I cannot believe I am headed to harbour in the morrow.”   “Will you be gone at first blush?” Lady Kwon sips her tea.   “A few hours after, I believe,” Lady Bae replies. “My husband has never been fond of dawn.”   “Keep yourself well, friend. A twenty five day voyage on the sea is rather tedious. I wish you well.”   “Thank you. I will be back sooner than you will know and I will come with treasures again. I hear the weather there will be more pleasant than it is here. Certainly, less hot.”   “Where are you headed to?”   “I believe it’s a place called North Carolina. We may even head to the colony of Louisiana. My husband has friends there. It seems that tobacco and cotton are well known there.”   “But are you sure the land is safe? It has been seven years after the war, but it is always good to be cautious.”   “It should be fine. I heard that ever since the war, there has been more opportunities in the United States of America. Many people have come there to settle. It might even be a place to come to in the future.”   “Hmm….” Lady Kwon’s eyes stray and she sees you. A frown forms on her features. “Servant, what are you doing standing there? Fill my cup!”   Your thoughts travel. “My apologies, madam.”   //   One. Two. Three.   You count the steps that move up the stairs and listen to the creeks of the flooring.   At eight thirty, the lady of the household had her bath. At nine, she retired to her bedroom for the night. Jane, you, and Rose finished your dinner twenty before ten and the kitchen is spic and span. The older domestic servant even retired to her room earlier than expected and Rose yawned before telling you of how she was to sleep early tonight.   You wish to bid a final farewell to both Jane and Rose, but you cannot. Not without arousing their suspicion which would foil your plans.   And things were as perfect as they could be. Even Lord Kwon arrived home early in the evening, ate with the lady and retreated to his chambers an hour ago.   Tonight, you were escaping with Namjoon. Tomorrow, you would have found freedom with him.   “You are still awake. Lovely.”   A sudden voice interrupts your thoughts and you turn away from the curtains of your room. Quickly, you light your candle again and the dim glow casts its light onto Lord Kwon’s face.   He shuts the door behind him.   “L-Lord Kwon. I—I thought you were asleep.”   “And leave you waiting for me? I would not be so cruel as to leave a maiden on her lonesome.”   “I am not lonely, please, sir. Will Lady Kwon not wonder where you are?”   “She is but fast asleep.” He approaches in three strides, driving you into a corner. “Tonight, we can finally indulge in one another.”   “I...really am not prepared, sir. Perhaps another night.”   “No!” He shouts, enough to startle you cold. The man points a finger at your face. “I will not wait any longer, whore.”   You consider screaming to gather the attention of the household. Rose would most certainly come running with Jane. But that would foil the plans of your escape. You do not know when another opportunity would arise, when another vessel or ship would reach the harbour and leave again.   “I—I am on the rag,” you say. “I am bleeding.”   “Then you still have a mouth to satisfy me with.”   He is as stubborn as a mule, foolish like one too. So with your teeth gritted and having no choice, you step aside. “Then take a seat, sir. I will try my hardest to please you.”   Lord Kwon smiles, content with your willingness. He pulls his breeches down to his ankles, and sits on your bed. You stop yourself from gagging aloud when you come face to face with the smallest, ugliest meat sausage. “Well, do not just stare, peasant. Get a move on.”   You comply with his wishes, dropping to your knees. You look at him for a moment before you grab hold of his meat stick with your hand and you pump once. The poor man almost finishes right then and there. He releases a throaty moan and his fist takes your hair and tugs harshly.   “Do you like this, sir?”   “Shut your trap, whore, before I stuff it for you.”   You doubt he could do it with his skinny little thing.   You give a few more pumps until he has lost his mind in pleasure. But before he can insist you put your mouth on it and at the moment he least expects, with his eyes shut tight, your left hand raises. You grab for the candlestick beside your bed. You swing as hard as you can.   The metal collides with the strike of his skull.   He yelps in shock, hand raising to where you have hit him, where crimson blood stains his fingertips.   “Why you little—”   You beat him with the candlestick once more. This time, he falls to the ground, out of consciousness. His body sags off your bed, a mere thump on your flooring.    For good measure, you beat him once more with the candlestick, dropping on his head. You kick him in his stomach for all the things he has ever done to you. And you dig the heel of your shoe and twist into his tiny groin to make sure he could never raise it again.   You ensure he is still breathing, so he may wake up to his manhood gone.   You step over him, going underneath your bedding. You grab for the sack of the lady and lord’s clothing you stole in the afternoon, filled with food, and gold and jewelry that you swiped to exchange for shillings.    Quickly, you change into your dress. You abandon your servant clothing for a pouter-pigeon front dress, a white high-waisted narrow skirt, with a colored striped jacket.    You are beginning to look like a free settler.   //   The night is still. You creep to the back of the barracks, the designated spot you have met for the past weeks, waiting patiently. Finally, you hear steps behind you, and you twirl around.   But your smile falls. It is not the man you were expecting — the man you are to be wedded to — that you are running off with.   “Who are you?” There is a deep voice approaching closer. It is the Superintendent and he can see you in the moonlight. Your feet are rooted with his stare, unable to move. “Madam, what are you doing at this time of night?”   “I, uh, I was walking.”   “At this time of night?”   His eyes sweep your body and your fancy attire, suspicion arousing. But you clear your throat, lifting your chin in an attempt to act pompous. “I do not believe I need to be questioned by you. Now if you will excuse me.”   Superintendent Min grabs your arm before you can stride away. His eyes are narrowed into a glare. “Excuse my rudeness, madam. But I believe I do believe I have not seen you before. Did you come inland? What is your name?”   “Unhand me instantly!”   “Answer my question!”   Fear courses through you. Unlike Lord Kwon who you have come to understand and know his desires, you know nothing about this stranger whose hold on you is tight enough to injure. “Or perhaps you are someone who should not be here,” he perceives and asks, “What household do you belong to?”   “I—”   You are rudely interrupted or rather thankfully saved by a sharp noise. A clang.    The man questioning you falls forward onto the ground and you step back with a wince.   Namjoon stands looming over him. He drops the brick in his hands and takes your hand immediately.   “Did he harm you?”   “N—No. He just frightened me. So did you.”   “I apologize. There were people asking me questions and I had to say farewell to my good friend.”   You nod and bring your sack forward. “Hurry and change. We must leave soon.”   Namjoon rids his prisoner uniform in exchange for an expensive coat, waistcoat and breeches. The clothes you now wear are objects that you have both longed to adorn that only riches could buy. But finally it is on you. And hand-in-hand, you grasp tightly onto one another to lurk in the darkness.   “The vessel should be on the harbour. I saw it unloading goods today into the market.”   “Wait, Namjoon.” You hold him back behind a stable. “I wanted to tell you. There is a ship going to the United States, I—I heard it from one of the ladies who often drank tea with Lady Kwon.”   You search his eyes in the darkness. “There is no place for us in the Kingdom of Great Britain. They sent us away. His majesty’s kingdom abandoned us. But this new land, the United States, it sounds promising. I hear there are opportunities there. We—we could have a new life.”   You hold him close. “Will you come with me?”   His features draw into a soft smile. “You had not needed to ask twice. I will go wherever you go.”   With the promise made, the pair of you move onwards onto a smaller ship but one just as hopeful.   The sailors are long asleep, the night quiet as the water spills onto the harbour and land, receding and rising once again with the swell of the waves. There are boxes on the shore, filled with food and goods. Namjoon finds a large crate filled with hay and meant to house fragile antiques, and he grabs you. The both of you sneak into it and move the cover over you.   You lay there in discomfort, but with your future husband’s body heat warming your skin.   At the blush of dawn, you hear voices and hitch your breaths. The crate you occupy lifts with complaints of it being heavy and you hear the lady’s shrill voice telling them to get a move on, distracting them from taking a look at what is inside.   Before the sirens of escaped convicts can ring and news can spread across the town to halt all movements, you are brought to the lower deck. The anchors are pulled. There are yells of sailors. The boat is pushed out to sea.   The light pierces through the cracks of the crate, and you are able to see Namjoon’s face and his brightened smile.   “I hope you are ready, Mr. Kim.”   You met each other on a ship and you are now leaving together on another. This time, the both of you sailing to freedom.    And for the free settlers left in the new colony, the whereabouts of the two escaped convicts would forever remain a mystery, records incompleted for centuries, never to be found again.    What is only left are rumours of a married couple in the new land who suddenly appeared one afternoon but lived the rest of their lives happily and enamoured with one another.
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chaoticartwork · 4 years
Like Peas in a Hive Pod
In the halls of the HQ, a Titan roams the halls seemingly searching for something. He scratches his horned helmet and sighs, and begins to move towards the other end until he bumps into a Hunter by accident. Within a split second of running into her, he feels something odd. It feels as though he’s on constant guard, and the reek of the ozone is creeping into his mask. ‘This feeling is so familiar...is she?” He thinks to himself.
The Titan immediately grabs the girl by the arm to lift her off the ground and back to her feet. He excitedly clasps her hands together and exclaims: “You’re just like me!”
The hunter frowned a bit in confusion. She knew what this strange Titan fellow was talking about with the words 'just like me', the familiar feeling of loneliness and distance, as well as the twinges of pain in her back made it that more obvious. However she wasn't sure if she wanted to acknowledge and agree with him or deny his statement. She kept her silent and just observed for now.
"I'm sorry, who are you?" Her ghost popped in between them to help her out.
The Titan immediately realizing what he did in the middle of the excitement. “Oh! I’m sorry! My name is Leon.” He steps back and bows quickly. “I apologize for my abruptness. Didn’t mean to scare you.”
"Leon?" The ghost turned to the hunter, wondering if she knew him. The woman shrugged back in response. "Well... Good day to you then." The floating thing said to the Titan and they turned their backs and walked off.
“Wait!” Leon calls out to her. “You and I have the same...affliction...I guess. Do you want to be friends?” He puts his arms on his hips. Even though he’s wearing a helmet its obvious to tell he’s smiling.
The hunter looked and frowned once more. Affliction? Same? She was doubting how accurate that described the two of them.
"Hmm..." Once again, it was the ghost that spoke up and not the hunter herself. "Don't you find that... dangerous to be talking about to a random person you just met?"
He stops for a moment. “I guess so, but this is my friend’s clan. I trust the people in it!”
The hunter's frown deepen, seemingly disapgreeing with his choice. But it was his, and at least he didn't meet anyone who will backstab him one day. This clan houses a variety of people. And these people, though guardians, don't all hold up to the honor that most mortals portray them to have.
They have people who abuse the broken rules of the crucible; People who hog all the power ammo in matches, any type of matches, because they want to be the star of the show, and will yell at others for taking their spotlight in any way;
There are people who lack focus, or have no patience, they jump from one thing to another and achieve nothing in the end; There are people who win by framing their achievements just right to make themselves look mighty, when in reality, their scores aren't impressive;
There are people who are rude, who uses their mental illness to gain sympathy and care from others, but when they get what they wanted, they will abandon those whom had once helped them; There are ass-lickers, boot-kissers, blind trend followers...
And there certainly are *backstabbers*. To put it simply.... The clan, regardless of branch, doesn't really do much screening before people join. It's always after do they find out the rotten piece of shit in the bowl of the steaming hot soup.
"Don't." The hunter finally spoke up. "You are not safe here."
He looks at Polaroid confusedly. “I can’t really confirm that, but hey someone who is going through what I’m going through is here, plus my dear friend!”
He takes off his helmet revealing his awoken face and green eyes. “I don’t plan on joining, I’m just visiting.” He smiles. “So do you want to be friends?”
The hunter looked at him. She had no reaction for him revealing his awoken identity. At this point in her guardian life, things are just not really that surprising or interesting anymore.
"Friends seem a bit.... abrupt." She spoke with caution. Her ghost backed down once she started talking, almost like she had an authority over him. "But we can get to know each other when given the chance. My name is Polaroid, by the way. If you find that hard to pronounce, just call me Camera. Same thing."
“Polaroid...Polaroid...that sounds so familiar.” He thinks for a moment. “Oh! I have a polaroid!” He pulls out a locket with a square. It opens showing three guardians with their arms around each other: Chaox, Leon, and a female hunter with blonde hair.
He shakes his head. “I’m getting off-topic. It’s a pleasure meeting you, Polaroid!”
The hunter felt like the man might pick her up and whirl her 'round and round at any given moment with all the energy he emits.
"A pleasure." She said. "So you're friend is...?" She didn't get to see the picture that well before he excitedly put it back to... wherever he pulled it out from. Either or, she would assume that he's here to meet the friend and is lost, that's why he bumped into her.
Leon’s face saddens. “Chaox...he’s my friend, but I haven’t seen him in years.” He slaps his face in an attempt to get rid of the sadness. “But enough at me, what about you? You’re a member of this clan right?” His smile returns.
"I barely interact with people of this space nowadays, but... yeah. I am." The hunter doesn't seem to be happy about anything, nor was she ever giving a straigh answer. "I'm the information desk worker in this clan." She wasn't lying, but she also weren't telling the whole truth.
“Really? Huh, so you meet a lot of people right?” He makes a serious face for a moment. “How’s...how’s Chaox doing? Is he okay?”
Polaroid paused. The last time she had ever talked to Chaox was when he heard about her take corruption. It was all over the news. Some people even formed hate groups and had plans to 'hunt her down', or so they claim. The hunter's friends were protective, and Chaox was... well he was interested. But after that, they didn't have interaction or contact.
"He's fine, I think. I meet a lot of people, but it gets to a point where you meet too many come and go, you forget who everyone is, you know?" She guided him towards Chaox's room, up the elevator, down the hallway.
“Here...we are.” He looks visibly nervous. Leon takes a deep breath in and blows it out. “It was a pleasure meeting you, Polaroid. If we can talk again about our...issues. I’d love to hear your story.”
He knocks on the door, and scrunches his eyes. No response. Another knock. Nothing. “Ah...this is embarrassing. He may not be here.” He chuckles. “All that deliberation and worry for nothing.”
Polaroid thought about what the Titan said. "Your story first." she said in response to that. She then knocked on the door as well. "Chaox?" She said softly, as if anyone could hear her from the other side of the door.
“Haha, I suppose that’s fair.” He smiles, but his expression turns serious again. “I was possessed by a hive wizard while searching for more hive knowledge. While in my body, they hurt and betrayed people who I was close with, and started a lot of the issues on the moon.”
He sighs. “They then went to the infinite forest to try and steal the vex’s knowledge, but Stera and Chaox beat them out of me. I wandered the forest for a long time, met Saint-14 and became friends. And well, here we are!” He smiles. “Also, I’m sorry if this is all too fast. I mean we just met a couple of minutes ago, and here I am demanding to be friends.” He laughs.
"It's nice to have people whom you can count on to keep you in check." the hunter said, mumbling her words. She took a deep breath in and out. "I..... " She was still unsure of telling her own story. "I was shot in the head by a taken sniper, and since then, I can see and talk to Taken creatures that are in another plane. I can even see if people are taken corrupted. And trust me, there's more than people think."
“Huh...how interesting. You never would guess it.” Leon hold out his hand. “It truly was a pleasure meeting you, Polaroid. If you ever want to talk to someone again to someone who knows what your going through, give me a call!” He writes out his frequency on a screen he pulled out. “It’s also nice meeting a new friend.”
The woman shook his hand without hesitation. She nodded, and quickly, they parted ways.
Another fun little rp between @zennore and myself!
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