#this fucking purple teletubby
teletubbie clarification: i didn’t wear it every day it was only on special occasions
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bywandandsword · 3 months
Bro, in my dream just now I told a joke that was basically like "What do you do if someone is backing their chair into you? You tickle the back of their neck! See how quickly they stand up!" and dream!me thought it was so funny and I laughed so hard that I WOKE UP! My belly hurts from laughing! Two hours before my alarm goes off!
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mercuryislove · 2 years
next time I'm left alone for a week and want to do something stupid I'm just going to shave my head again
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macaqueisbestmonkie · 11 months
this is a slendytubbies x Lego Monkie Kid
tinky winky- season 4 mask guy
Dipsy/no head- mei
Laa Laa- macaque
Po- MK
guardian/white tubby- Sun Wukong
shadow tubby- The Mayor
Noo Noo- Lady Bone Demon
newborns- Flower Fruit Mountain Monkeys
cave tubby- spider queen
yeti tubby- scorpion queen
arrow tubby-huntsman
SGT. Miles- redson
Ron- Meis parents
Richard/military captain- Azure Lion
Dutch- YellowTusk
Finn- Golden-Winged Peng
((GOREY PICTURES DOWN BELOW the art is not mine but I will possibly get banned if I show the actual designs))
Laa Laa has great hearing but it blind because of getting attack please read the story if confused. So that why macaque is her role
Part about this au story- the main four (tinky winky Dipsy Laa Laa Po) have been there before anyone else so has walten/guardian. So in the story wukong (saviour basically) sees the last infected by Noo Noo. Guardian ofc or should I say crawler tubby who looks like.. this. ((OLD AND NEW))
Crawler tubby is somewhat comforted by Sun Wukong so he doesn’t attack basically joining the journey but can easily get trigger by loud noises he gets aggressive AND WILL ATTACK.
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The other tubbys look abit off but I’ll show anyways
((Tinky winky/purple one and Dipsy Green one.))
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((Laa Laa yellow one yeti tubby cave tubby arrow tubby and po red one))
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So it’s based of the kids show teletubbies but turned it into a horror game.. the main antagonist is Noo Noo (evil robot) and in the beginning you are po (red one and youngest) you start of all happy and cute but when you talk to Laa Laa (yellow one) she says she had a nightmare. With shadow tubby (antagonist in the episodes and gameplay) she explains that this thing said that they were all gonna die and get killed by tinky winky (purple one) po comforts Laa Laa. And they went on to their day until po had to make tubby custard (thing that makes them go insane.) she feeds it to Dipsy (green one) tinky winky Laa Laa and herself at nighttime po couldn’t sleep and tinky winky woke up. He got up and broke the tubby custard machine before running off (you have a choice to like wake up the others and chase after him only Laa Laa wakes up because Dipsy is to lazy../j or let them sleep and chase after tinky winky yourself let’s just say u chose woke up Laa Laa) when po wake up Laa Laa they grab giant ass flashlights and go into the woods chasing after tinky they had to separate at some point after looking everywhere she found tinky winky at the beach. But (TRIGGER WARNING MAJOR TRIGGER WARJIJG: blood and death.) Laa Laa was dead under a pine tree with eyes ripped out because tinky winky went fucking insane his skin went pale and pure black eyes with black shit coming down it you run to house to find also Dipsy dead (deception so no head) po runs other way to only get corner and (TRIGGER WARNING ANOTHER TRIGGER WARNING: more death and hanging.!) and po gets h@nged by tinky winky. This is where you come along the guardian the one who watches over everyone you have to go collect custards and see what’s wrong with them but you also stumble across dead bodies and during some time tinky winky comes along when you grab one more custard he consumes it and turns into GIANT ass hulk thing and the guardian/walten runs (you can either run to the mountains where you meet yeti tubby another evil infected or if you go into cave you meet cave tubby. ALSO INFECTED everybody’s monster.) in the cave after you do some maze you see Laa Laa as a hideous monster being having giant claws and scratched out eyes so she’s blind but she has incredible hearing like macaque sorta so you have to be quiet while collecting custards. When you grab the last custard Laa Laa is blocking entrance you have to distract her- so you throw a rock at a pillar which causes Laa Laa to attack the pillars making it collapse on her which you can decide to kill her by (trigger warning) bashing her head with a rock or just leaving her to die slowly you make it to the desserts (where you meet Dipsy in a station to contact the military.) you go into the station and meet a guy named ron a blue/indigo tubby (he dies by Dipsy chainsaw) he explains that you need to find a keycard from somebody’s dead body and also explains about Dipsy. He has no head (ofc i said that) and a chainsaw are started to kill everybody when you grab keycard from a (TRIGGER WARNING) dead corpse you see Ron get (TRIGGER WARNING.) sliced into pieces by Dipsy chainsaw you soon yk start to hallucinate about the tubbys saying ‘come play with us!!!’ And crap and you follow them while seeing them you see one of Dipsy and knock out of it and boom chase theme. Dipsy falls over a laser which kills him and how you optain his chainsaw you use keycard to go to the other room. But meet TADADADAAA Noo Noo. He explains that he is just fixing them and making them stronger you two can argue but then he uses a giant robot which you fight with chainsaw. And you won you contact military and go outside to see Noo Noo again talking about his plans and you can choose to die and became a evil infected (you lose your legs.) or be weak and get killed (dw you fight po and win) after you win pos fight you kill Noo Noo. Of course the military shows up so your of course JOINING THE ARMY YIPPEEEE and the story goes along by there.
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blendedgender · 1 year
Jasyasco Pt1 - Date
When Bosco first introduced Jasmine and Daya, she didn’t expect that they would end up fully disliking each other. They were only civil when she was there, but other than that, they either bickered and fought, or ignored each other. She didn’t mind it so much, they both knew she was polyamorous, and they never argued about her dating the other. Despite that, she never, in a hundred years, would have expected this question.
“You wanna go on a date with me and Jas?” “Yeah, why not?” “Babe, I love you, and I love Jasmine, really. But you two... are very...” “Not into each other? Just because we bicker doesn’t mean she doesn’t have personality. After all, we’re dating the same woman, so we both have immaculate taste. And she’s hot” Daya says with a shrug, making Bosco roll her eyes. “Fine, I’ll ask her” “Oh I already did. We planned everything. She’s coming over later with a bottle of wine and we’re gonna order takeout, since the three of us should not be trusted to cook” Daya says, making Bosco raise a brow in suspicion. “You, Daya Betty, my girlfriend, asked my other girlfriend whom you bicker with on a date. For the three of us, here?” “Yes” Daya says deadpan, and Bosco is confused by how casual Daya is about it. “Okay, sure I guess”.
When Jasmine arrived, she had two bottles of wine, which made Daya happy. “You plan a date with my girlfriend and I only get told at the last minute?” “It was spontaneous. Daya actually texted me at 2 am” “And you just agreed?” “She said she’d buy McDonald’s” Jasmine shrugs, heading to the kitchen to place the wine bottles there. “Do either of you realize how weird this is? Or is it just me?” “What is?” Daya asks as Jasmine comes back to the living room. “You two dislike each other, and now the three of us are gonna have a McDonald’s and wine date?” Bosco questions, and her two girlfriends nod. “Yeah. The three of us like wine and McDonald’s. Daya and I have great taste in women, since we’re dating you, and we’re also both hot, so it works” Jasmine says, Daya nodding along. “And what happens when you two end up fighting?” Bosco asks, and it’s quiet for a moment, Bosco raising her brows. “Uh… threesome?” Daya suggests, to which Jasmine agrees to, and Bosco just sighs, pinching the bridge of her nose. Of course Daya’s solution to most problems was sex, and of course Jasmine would agree. She could see how they’d work together. “Fine, just order the chicken nugget happy meals. Girl toys obviously” Bosco says, already knowing their orders.
There was no tension between Jasmine and Daya throughout the date. They even sat right next to each other, watching Teletubbies intently. It freaked Bosco out completely, but she couldn’t say it didn’t make her somewhat happy. Her girlfriends weren’t bickering for the first time, they were acting like longtime friends. It was weird, but it made Bosco smile.
Until they weren’t.
“What do you mean Laa-Laa is your favorite? You’re trans, your favorite color should be purple. Tinky-Winky is top tier” “Laa-Laa is cuter and she reminds me of myself” “Shouldn’t it be Dipsy, since you’re ditzy?” “That was the worst read I have ever heard” Jasmine scoffs, she and Daya eyeing each other down. “Are you really going to fight over which teletubby character is better?” Bosco asks with a tired sigh “Yes!” the two answer, but suddenly, Daya smiles.
“We can resolve this by fucking!” “No” “Yes” Jasmine says, while Bosco raises a brow at them. “How did I manage to date the two horniest bimbos out there?” “You have a type” Daya shrugs, she and Jasmine heading to the bedroom. “Come on!” Jasmine smiles at Bosco, who just sighs then chuckles to herself, following them to the bedroom.
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rainbowxocs · 1 year
...wait what the fuck does "tinky winky" mean????? Are you... trying to call me a twink??? Because that's DEFINITELY not what I am, lmao.
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my father is screaming about teletubbies,, he is very passionate about tinky winky and their utility bag and how he headcanons him to be nonbinary and how HIM HAVING A PURSE DOESNT make him gay and WHY DO BITCHES have a problem with it WHEN IT HELPS THE TEAM and HE carries it so WHATS THE PROBLEM,, “I LIKE PURPLE TOO TINKY BINKY OR WHAYEVRR THE FUCK”,, also tinky winky is a bottom
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Evil Laa-Laa AU (Death warning obviously lol)
Tinky Winky was asleep and dreaming one second, and the next he couldn’t breathe. He wiggled, muffling screams. He somehow had the strength to finally push his attacker off him.
He didn’t wake anyone up, he ran out of the dome. Feeling confused and terrified. He shivered against the chills.
Soon Tinky couldn’t run anymore and collapsed on the sand. He shakily sighs as the only sound he heard was the lake and his heavy breathing. 
Soft footsteps catch his attention and he hopes its Po-wait no Po doesn’t walk like that. She’s more of a runner and fast paced.
He looks behind him, okay it's just Laa-Laa.
Tinky breathes out.
“I-I’m sorry, I-I don’t know why I ran away in the middle of the night.” He looks down in a mix of shame and embarrassment.
“It’s okay, I know.” 
The yellow tele’s footsteps were changing. They sound more…cautious?
“I did try to make it quick, but I didn’t expect you to fight back.”
Tinky Winky was now back to terrified and ALARMED. His mouth opened to cry out, but he couldn’t get his words out.
“I suggest you use this limited time to use your words, because after this you won’t be speaking anymore.”
Tinky couldn’t get up and run. His brain was trying to connect the words ‘attempted murder’, ‘Laa-Laa’ and ‘friend’. But these words simply shouldn’t belong together.
She tightly grips his neck and pins his throat against the sand. Taking advantage of his lying position.
“We tried to get Dipsy to come with us to look for you, but he kept mumbling about how he would just wait in case you came back.”
Whenever Tinky Winky’s strangling noises got to the point of him almost passing out from lack of oxygen, Laa-Laa would cease. He didn’t know why she was talking about this.
“We even implied that you could be in big trouble, still that moron didn’t seem to care-”
Tinky began to cry, he didn’t know if it was out of the pain, fear or the implication of Dipsy not caring about him.
His scream was cut short by her claws ripping into his throat.
Po’s ears perk when she hears a familiar scream but it only lasts for one second but she swears she heard it from the beach.
Something painful surges through her body. It made her stumble and almost fall over. She clutches her chest, she hears her television screen make a strange noise.
Po felt like she was struggling to breathe, what was going on? A numbing chill spread to every nerve and all her limbs.
Her antenna, which had been glowing, came to a stop. Po got a feeling in her stomach, telling her Tinky Winky was in deep trouble.
She eagerly runs toward the noise, it felt like forever before she finally made it only to skid to a stop. Her jaw dropped at the horrifying scene despite her unable to understand fear, she knew anyone else would use that word to describe this.
The chills became worse.
Tinky laid lifeless on the sand. His throat and face were bleeding. 
Po shook in a mix of anger and shock.
“WHAT THE FUCK!” She finally screamed, Laa-Laa turns to look at her but Po was already running.
Her breathing was shortening which was very odd.
“Dipsy!” Po yells.
She trips when she gets to the dome entrance. She turns her head.
Surprisingly Laa-Laa wasn’t following her.
Po pushes herself up before stumbling in, her purple eyes widen.
Laa-Laa must have gotten here first due to how slow Po was. She’s standing over Dipsy’s limp body. Blood was spilled on the ground, on the slide. She’s gripping Dipsy’s head by the antenna. 
The biggest problem being the head wasn’t attached to his neck.
The red teletubby turns on her feet and runs again, ignoring her body’s need to stop. She didn’t get far before someone, if she couldn’t guess who, tackled her.
Po growls and screams, before she could curse Laa-Laa out, she couldn’t breathe. She clutches at her neck, where she feels the roughness of a rope.
You bitch!
Laa-Laa shortens the rope before standing up, and drags the girl somewhere while still strangling her.
Po kicks and scratches at the grass trying to slow the other, but it does nothing. She doesn’t possess a survival instinct, but she fights mentally to cling onto life. 
Soon the feeling of grass and dirt on the back of her shirt left, and something hard replaced it. She supposes this could be called ‘dragged up on a tree’. Or pulled up? 
The choking became worse suddenly, Po twists and turns, trying to take off the rope. She looks down when she realizes she was swaying.
Laa-Laa observes her with curious green eyes.
“You’re still alive?”
Po struggled to keep her gaze on this crazy bitch.
“You’re going to die eventually, there’s no point in holding on.” She tilts her head. “You’ll see Tinky again if you give into the darkness.”
The fucking what?
“I’m not leaving until I see you die.” 
To Po’s dismay, Laa-Laa blurs into a mess of colors. She couldn’t…
Her body goes limp as her eyes roll into the back of her head.
Laa-Laa wordlessly heads back to the dome, hopefully the infection hasn’t kicked into motion in Dipsy’s body yet. She sighs in relief, the head and body are still there.
She heaves his corpse onto her shoulder before picking up his head and puts it under her arm.
Off through the caves, to the outskirts then it should kick in when they get to the satellite station. Maybe she’ll get to see this so-called ‘Guardian’. 
Laa-Laa read about him in Noo-Noo’s notes and considering she didn’t encounter him all night, he sounds like the worst she’s ever heard of.
Maybe he’ll stop being a lil coward if he lives to reach the station.
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laalaaisqueen · 23 days
Rewrite of the Cure AU-Chapter 1: It was Good
Tinky Winky wasn’t feeling hungry but didn’t want to be rude by denying the custard. So he accepts the bowl with a smile.
“Thanks Po, I don’t know how we would live without you.”
Dipsy rolls his eyes from his position on the slide. Laa-Laa didn’t react, ever since they woke up she seems to be thinking hard about something. Only snapping out of it when Po shoved the bowl into her hands.
The yellow tubby pouts but pulls the straw to her mouth. Her ears twitched and started making weird facial expressions.
“Laa-Laa? Is something wrong with your custard?” Tinky’s concern draws the other two’s attention.
“No, it tastes normal, I just...have a weird feeling.”
He took three sips and just wasn’t in the mood to eat anymore custard. Tinky leaves it on the table in case anyone wanted seconds or something. He heads off to his room to read a book.
He must have a really long doze while reading because it was suddenly night. Tinky tiredly pushes his book shut and slides off the bed. He had a strange feeling.
He pokes his head out and notices something odd about the machine. Something was glowing from it. He assumed Po must have accidentally left it on or something. The purple Teletubby sleepily stumbles over to it to turn it off.
Tinky snapped awake when he accidentally broke it. Oh heck.
Everyone’s doors opened. Double heck.
He turns around with tearful apologies.
Dipsy was staring off to the side, its not clear if he’s even awake enough.
Laa-Laa raised an eyebrow, confused on how Tinky accidentally broke it.
Po was blankly staring at him, strangely enough. Then walked out of the dome to everyone’s surprise. It was only then Laa-Laa noticed she was holding a rope under her arm.
“P...Po! Wait! I’m sorry!” Tinky apparently didn’t noticed and ran after her.
“...I’m going to find Announcer.” She tells Dipsy then walks in the direction of their caretaker’s room. To her surprise, he wasn’t in there.
She even turned on the lights and checked everywhere. Nowhere in sight. Where could have he gone?
Laa-Laa frowns hearing a weird noise. She walks out and was about to call out for Dipsy but froze when she saw said Teletubby holding a chainsaw with a blank expression. He slowly approaches and a strong but weird feeling exploded in her gut.
“Dipsy, what the fuck are you doing? This is not the time for pranks.” Her body jumps out of the way when he lunges towards her. “Okay, yeah no, I’m leaving, you dumbass.” She bolts out of the dome and runs straight for the caves.
Laa-Laa heard footsteps running after her and could only assume the idiot was following her. Ugh.
Tinky was so confused and worried. He had no idea where Po could have gone to so fast. And worried because Noo-Noo told him when he was younger that kids that go outside past dark get kidnapped by strangers.
And while Tinky is no longer a child, he still gets paranoid about it and certainly doesn’t want someone to take poor little Po.
“Po! We should probably go back inside before this turns into a search party! I don’t want all of us to get kidnapped!”
Silence, he couldn’t even hear the bunnies moving through the grass.
Tinky checks the beach first but the footprints are most likely from earlier in the day. Maybe he can find some kind of prints on the path? It’s worth a try, he’ll need to fetch his glasses first and a flashlight.
There’s some slight disturbance in the dirt as if she was dragging her feet. For some reason he felt himself growing tense as he continued forward. The trail stops at a tree that in the past he has read his books at while Po would swing on the branches with a rope.
Tinky furrows his brows when he hears a strange noise, almost like a creaking one. He raises his eyes and wish he hadn’t. The sight making a scarring mark on his brain. He shakes his head and covers his mouth. The flashlight drops from his now limp hand.
Po’s limp body was swaying from the rope around her neck. Obviously dead.
He nearly vomited at the horrifying scene. He couldn’t understand why Po would hang herself. Was it because he broke the machine? Was something going on that he didn’t know about?
He bites on his lip and shakes his head. There’s no sense asking questions no one could answer. He needed to cut her down.
Tears blinded his vision as he runs back to the dome to go find his bag. He folds his glasses and puts them back. Tinky pulls out the sharpest knife he could find and manages to get himself to return to the tree.
His body freezes in a panic when he sees something at the tree. He could smell how bad it smelt, it was leaning over a bowl...that wasn’t there before. Tinky wanted to run away before the stranger saw him, but he wanted to keep it away from Po’s body more.
He gulps and shuts his eyes as he points his knife out. “St...STAY AWAY FROM HER!”
It jumped, startled. Then raised its arms up, a camera in its right hand and a syringe in its left.
...The smell was even worse now.
“Wa..wait! I just want the custard!”
Tinky felt a bit more confident seeing how weak and small the person is, but he still had to be on his guard. This tubby was a trespasser after all.
“WHY would you want it? It doesn’t taste too good!”
“I don’t want to eat it!”
“Then why do you want it?!”
“To study it!” He waves the syringe.
“To what? Make it taste gross?”
“...That’s a good question.” He laughs awkwardly. “You...uh..see...I think there’s something wrong with the custard because Dipsy tried to kill Laa-Laa-”
“Okay, let me stop you right there.” Tinky shakes his head. “HOW do you know my friends’ names?!”
“It’s okay, I know yours too-”
“How is that supposed to help?!” Tinky was becoming more disturbed by this conversation.
“...Oh. I thought you were feeling left out-”
“WHO even are you?!”
“I’m The Guardian.”
“...So your name is ‘Guardian’?”
“...Pretty much.”
“Alright...so where did you come from and WHY are you here?”
“I came out from under the rock so I can contact the military.” He has put his arms down at this point.
“...Why were you hiding under a rock?” Disturbed and CONFUSED at this whole interaction.
“So I could watch you four without you knowing.” He said it with complete seriousness that Tinky didn’t even accuse him of lying.
“...You’ve been stalking us?!”
“No, I’ve been watching you through cameras.”
Now he was angry for a different reason, and a sense of humiliation at the thought of invaded privacy. “You literally just described stalking!”
“It was my job though!”
“Job?!” He shakes his head again. “We’ll talk about this later, I need to cut Po down.”
He cautiously steps around, wrinkling his nose. Thanks to his tall height, he didn’t really have to climb much to get to the rope. Tinky catches her limp body...though she felt strangely warm instead of the dead coldness he was expecting.
He sighs then glares at this Guardian person again. “Why do you need to contact the military?”
“Because I lost signal underground.”
This was like talking to a wall.
“WHERE are you intending on going to call for help?”
“The satellite station.”
“And where is that?”
Guardian points towards the mountains. “That way. Through the mountains, then through the Outskirts of a Ruin.”
“What are they going to do to help us?”
Guardian shrugs. “I dunno.”
Tinky slowly blinks at him. “What are you planning on sending for help for?”
“Well...Something like ‘something went wrong with some test subjects please send help’.”
“I’m sorry-did you just call us test subjects?!”
Guardian pouts. “But that’s what Lucky called you and he said if something goes wrong, contact the military.”
Tinky heavily sighs. “You need to take a bath first.”
“What? Why?”
“Because you smell horrible and I don’t want to walk with someone who smells like a gross toilet.”
“But I need to get to the satellite station right away.”
“What you need is a freaking bath!” Bracing himself with clenched teeth, he grabbed the black hoodie and dragged him towards the dome.
“GUARDIAN. My friends call me Tinky. YOUR only choice is my full name.”
“Ouch.” Pipped up a high pitch voice.
The both did a double take at Po who was tucked under Tinky’s arm. The moment didn’t last long because of the filthy scent.
Tinky’s arms hurt but at least he was more white than that gross stain he was earlier.
He had to stick with those black shorts but Tinky wasn’t allowing him to wear that dirty hoodie so he quickly ducked into Dipsy’s room to grab a black sweater. He freaking almost tripped.
“But my hoodie-”
“Its gross, now let’s go.” Tinky huffs, spraying hair spray and perfume on his hair and fur.
Guardian coughs and by the time he was done having the fit, something felt lighter.
While Tinky and Po headed towards the entrance, Guardian was about to turn the bathroom lights off when he saw something familiar on the floor.
“Did you cut my hair?!” He reaches behind him and thankfully his hair was still long.
“Its a tripping hazard, now let’s go!”
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fuck you I'm the purple teletubby and I do what I want
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emeraldbabygirl · 4 years
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Dojin’s hair looks two-toned and I think that’s hot af. I’m gonna cry. I hate myself uwu it’s time for bed. I have done too much tumblr. My brain is tired and I haven’t even been fucked by Bumjun goodbye
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420technoblazeit · 3 years
ok literally nobody asked but here's my concept for purpled: he's actually an alien who crash landed on the dream smp in the early days while running away from the space authorities or some shit for being in an illegal gladiator ring. yes this is bedwars, that's also where hannah comes from in this au and when she eventually lands. she's a different type of alien than purpled though and she tethers herself to the closest thing at the time which was a rose field
anyway purpled crashes and at first he's freaking out and ponk stumbles on it. which leads to him freaking out even more and now he has some alien sword out and he's threatening to kill ponk, who goes 'fuck no i'm not losing a canon life over this'
eventually ponk manages to talk him down after realizing that holy shit this guy's actually just a kid. and it takes a while but ponk proves that he's not really a threat and he takes purpled to see the lemon trees n shit. it's hard to communicate considering purpled doesn't speak english but after a while ponk finds out that he's stuck here because the engine in his ship broke. with some prodding because it's still the early days of the smp anyway, who cares if they add one or two new members? ponk convinces him to talk to dream, who rules over this part of the land, so that he can get permission to stay
but dream takes a look at this kid with pointed ears and purple... scales? and an alien sword and armour. and then he looks to the east where a rising group of newcomers is continuing to defy him. and he tells purpled that he can only stay if he can fight for him when called upon. and purpled agrees because he doesn't plan on staying here for much longer anyway, he just needs to get his ship repaired and then he can get off of this stupid planet. and he's no stranger to earning his keep anyway, the only way he made his money before was from fighting in tournaments. so he agrees
except whoops, he never ends up fully fixing the ship. he gets it to hover a little above the ground, but the engines are still broken and in the end that's all it can do. and purpled's essentially stranded here so ponk and punz, who gets filled in on the situation, show him the ropes. honestly? being a mercenary doesn't end up being too different from a bedwars player and he already has the skills for it. what is a bit harder is teaching purpled how to cook and not reach for his sword every time there's a problem. dream's a little upset that he has to pay out of pocket now every time he wants purpled's help but as ponk and punz say, he can suck it. they'll never admit it but they kinda like this kid actually and they're not going to let him be manipulated by a green teletubby bitch and that's final
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3rd General Reference Post
(sorry if I reblog, it's only to keep from losing this to the sands of time! Also anyone's free to reblog or save this as is the mode on Tumblr Dot Com. Links go to my blog because it's the best, easy way I have to make sure I don't lose posts to deletion.)
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Jesus had a vampire twin sister
My dad after the moon landing pic
What's up with claymation
3 of your favorite childhood cartoon characters
Literally Every Tumblr Update
Manga Pupils
Hal and Peenyo
Casey Frey Videos Last an Eternity
Go forth and fling shit
The optimism of willfully useless anime characters
Writing advice lean into the bad shit
Diego and Rutherford
Gajeel's Function
What ghost me would say to the alligator who ate me
9 years old letters
You don't owe anyone info about your identity
Dark Plank
Least Favorite Recurring Fairy Tail Moment
When Laxus Embarrassed Himself
Basketball gif with my addition about Frank & Steve
The feminine urge didn't set us back...
Sniper red dot is my shadow
Natsu and Gray's Reaction to Erza and the 100 monsters
TomCardy Business Man tiktok
Tumblr said I'm into weird humor like this now
When I was called a "weirdo cunt"
You got two sides to this site
Healthy Boundaries Include Forgiveness
You are the SUN!
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high-petroleum · 3 years
someone finds a purple bear animatronic…
Jeremy: Errrr Hey Mike?
Mike: Yeah?
Jeremy: What's this thing?
Mike: Oh that? I got it at an auction.
Jeremy: Wh- fucking where, the teletubby convention for furries?
Mike: It was cheap
Jeremy: How cheap?
Mike: $45 cheap.
Jeremy: I- wow
Mike: no-one wanted it so I bought it.
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laalaaisqueen · 1 month
Name: Tinky Winky (Smith)
Age: 21 (young adult)
Nickname: Tinky (He only lets his friends call him by his nickname, anyone else you have to use his full name)
Birthday: Aug. 23
Species: Wess Tubby
Gender: Trans Male
Family: Noo-Noo (His creator) Tiddly (Tiddly is Noo-Noo’s brother so that kinda makes Tiddly, Tinky’s uncle) Nin (Younger sister) Ping (Also younger sister)
Physical Description: Purple fur with black markings, pale skin, red eyes, long tail.
Personality: He’s usually polite and wants everyone around him to be happy and safe, but be warned if you ever make yourself a threat against his friends; he will fuck you up, he gains his knowledge from books so he is a bookworm, and unfortunately naive and easy to manipulate. 
Fandom: Teletubbies/Slendytubbies
Sexuality: Homosexual
Voice: Feminine 
Back Story: Tinky Winky was created by Noo-Noo for the experiment and while the test subjects usually get dropped to their dome at age 4, Noo-Noo kept him around longer than that until Lucky came to yell at him so boy ended up arriving at the dome at age 8. He right away became attached to Dipsy and Laa-Laa, right away squeezing them in hugs. (Not as attached he was going to be with Po obviously). Unfortunately most of Tinky’s normal was being manipulated by Noo-Noo, more subtle at the dome obviously. Got muddy playing with his friends? A disapproving stare will make Tinky avoid getting muddy again.
Tinky Winky’s usual response to anyone’s disappointment of him is trying to fix it.
Ongoing Story: Cure AU, all I will say is that Tinky is going to see reasons to hate Noo-Noo, but he never is going to. He’s always going to care about Noo-Noo even though he doesn’t see Tinky as a person. 
Likes/Dislikes: Likes: Fashion, his bag, his friends
Dislikes: Disappointment, getting dirty, mess in general, fights, strangers, harm coming to his friends
Extra: Tinky has good muscle due to how heavy his bag is, no one else can even carry it. Except Po, she’s the only person he trusts to carry his bag. But he does allow Laa-Laa and Dipsy to exercise their arm strength by TRYING to pick up the bag.
Does your character collect anything? Knives, he thinks they look pretty :)
Kind of clothing? Feminine clothing usually, he doesn’t really like wearing stuff like jeans or suits.
Alignment? Let’s go with Lawful Good
Blood type? A
Hobbies? Reading, piano
Patience level? He usually has a very good patience level
Favourite place? He sometimes likes to read under trees.
Have they ever wanted to commit suicide? Tinky Winky in the cure AU like: Maybe if I overdose on these cure pills, Noo-Noo will never be able to manipulate me ever again
Are they ticklish? Yes
Would they dare kill someone? Not willingly. Or if he felt like it was the only option.
Body modifications? (Piercings, implants, tattoos etc.) I’m not ready to talk about the tattoo on Tinky’s leg.
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khaleesiofalicante · 3 years
three words: WHAT THE FUCK
also, Dont blame me by Taylor swift for Max and Rafael respectively
Besides, this is not the sort of thing he could talk to Rafael about. Rafael was a goody-two-shoes. He followed the rules and respected the law.
Bestie Rafael doesn't follow the law
This sounds too good to be true...
But also
What if-
Look I love elyaas but Mina's right
He's a demon
That is totally something David would say NOW I MISS HIM
Oh right
I forgot about that
It's time for a family visit
Smh quite rude of Magnus and Alec to not introduce their kids to their grandfather
Asmodeus was bad. Very, very, bad.
Those people (ykw): bUt hE'S fAmILy
What happened to James?
Bestie don't die
He remembered his lessons. Bapak had trained him since Max had been a toddler. They had tempted him with so many things. Max had resisted them all.
Bapak had been so proud of him.
Because Max had resisted power and riches and beauty and strength and all of it.
But they hadn’t told him. They hadn’t told him the hardest temptation was love.
How was he supposed to resist this?
You wanna go to hell for love? DO IT! FOLLOW IN ALEC'S FOOTSTE
David, I am sorry.
David, will you ever forgive me?
I’m not Lancelot. I’m just Max.
I’m sorry I couldn’t save you.
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Oh god it smells like fish here who tf-
Prob my neighbor
I hate fish
Oh right back to being sad
Ok Magnus why are you sad
You can’t be there for people only when it’s convenient for you.”
Uncle Jace, of course, had been taking pictures and sending them to people like it was no big deal.
Oh god he doesn't know yet...
Well Rafael you see...
“Rafe,” Max said in horror. “What’s wrong? Are you sick? Is dad sick?”
“No, hermanito,” Rafael smiled, pushing away the unshed tears. “We are both okay. I’m just worried.”
“Well, don’t be worried about something that hasn’t happened yet,” Max pointed out. “It’s stupid.”
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“I'm the fucked up irresponsible son, okay? There is no room for two of us."
Ms to my brofher
“Why are you being so…angsty?!?”
Us at you
Anjali was a cuddler.
He's so in love it's adorable
Her lips had the power to make him break the law – and burn the world down if necessary.
It made him realize that sometimes – very rarely – bad things led to good things.
He wished it would be the same right now.
Same my boy same
He had no idea what was going on
muffled because food sdhs sicj
I actually said that with my mouth full
What preparation
Tell me now
Lol what
Nope nope nope
Imma stay in denial
I'm gonna go get food
Idk what you're talking about
Anjali you're not dying idc idc
Lol Magnus you ain't going anywhere sit your ass down
“I will tie you up in the dungeon of the labyrinth if I have to,” Ragnor said – a little too seriously.
Do it
While mundane parents talk to their children about sex or drugs, Magnus had to talk to his children about greater demons and necromancy.
True dat
Only my parents didn't talk to me about sex
I learned that shit
Although I'd say we're pretty good at talking about it now
Tessa hummed at that. “I don’t know about that. The last time my children were acting secretive, one of them was fighting a greater demon and the other was bringing her boyfriend back to life. And don’t even get me started on Kit!”
“Listen here, bud,” Alec lifted a finger. “You can either stay here and help me or get out of the kitchen and take your negativity with you.”
Max smiled. “I’ll take option two, please. My negativity and I will see you at dinner.”
Does Alec know he's sick?
He messed up the recipe thrice, burned his hand twice, and almost threw the pan out the window once before giving up.
I have to do it while I can, Alec wanted to say. I’m catching up for all the ones I am going to miss.
I just wanted to eat in peace
Why don't you go back to messing up the recipe?
Max ate five more – because he had the appetite of a whale.
Oh...Max realized it's Anjali
Alec knew Magnus wasn’t happy about him going to Idris.
Alec I'm very sorry but you deserved rhat
Lmaoo Alec talking about telling Rafael but he's planning on being a mundane
The way he's talking shut up shut up
“Are you saying that a world run by Zara could be better than a world run by you?” Jace asked, looking pissed. “Your mundane condition must have affected your head - because that’s just stupid.
So true
Idris is probably in ruins
I just tossed all my clothes of the blanket because I needed it let's see how long it takes for my mom to sense it
If you want me to fight, I will fight Raziel.”
Alec talking about how Rafael is gonna be the consul after he's dead and take care of stuff and Rafael just-
Magnus is having an amazing time I see. One of his sons wants to go to Edom to get his boyfriend back, the other wants to leave the shadow world and his husband is dying
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I added it to the lbaf playlist 😎
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