#this got long and complain-y but i had a lot to say fjakjdkjakdjakjs
ahaura · 1 year
7?? 💓
7. Any media/fandom you will avoid at all costs?
personally speaking i make a point of avoiding n.eil g.aiman and anything related to him. i know there are legitimate criticisms against him which i cant remember atm (bad memory day </3) but my dislike for him goes back longer than people have made posts about it. it all started when i was reading this anthology of short horror fiction and i understand that the thing about anthologies is that due to the variety there are bound to be some authors and/or selections i won't like for whatever reason and that's just part of the process. HOWEVER. at that point i had never read one of his works before but i'd heard a lot about him. so i read the selection and it sucked. i don't remember what it was about but i do remember it was a challenge to slog through and i was grateful for when it was over. i was disappointed because even then he'd been hyped up and maybe this was just a bad selection of his work but in any case it did not make a good impression on me and i moved on. flash forward to at least a few years later and i'm reading a different anthology. "horror of the decade" ed. by ellen datlow, something i never finished which requires its own post but to sum up some of her selections DEFINITELY should not have been hailed "best of the decade." they shouldn't have been selected as good horror at all if in my opinion. but anyway g.aiman was on the bookjacket and i was like *sigh* okay well im not really looking forward to it but i guess i'll give it a shot especially since it was one of the shorter entries. and then i read it and it fucking sucked. it was ass. it was some stupid story about sailors lost at sea who resorted to cannibalism or something and i wanted to like it but i just couldn't get behind his writing. at that point, to me, it felt like he'd just been included so that his name could be slapped on the cover and they selected one of his works at random. it felt a lot like quality didn't matter for some of the selections as much as the name or maybe filling up space. or perhaps it's the editor's personal choice which is why i dislike datlow as an editor. and dont get me wrong there was a few REALLY, REALLY good selections in that volume but g.aiman's was NOT one of them. and it just felt like an utter waste of time and a joke because there was nothing impressive or noteworthy about his writing or storytelling ability and what always makes my dislike worse is when people's fanbases have to hype them up as a god-send or revolutionary. now i am aware that maybe these were just. bad selections and not representative of his full body of work and to that i say too bad i dont care. and i am also aware that there are probably fans of his i am mutuals with who love his work which is fine great good for them this is not directed @ them but it's irrelevant. because i think he sucks and he's overrated and exacerbates it all is that he's on tumblr as like the resident uwu celebrity author or whatever and it's like. you come onto the silly little blogging site where i reblog silly images with my friends and mutuals and make me not only hear about him but make me see his TAKES? his posts? JAIL! JAIL FOR 1000 YEARS! and in any case it doesn't really matter the block button is free and filtering tags exist but also if ONE more person recs his books to me i will explode. i dont want to read him i do not care i dont think he's more noteworthy or talented than anyone else on the scene (not that i am aware of the scene) i just do not care and do not want to hear about him. yeehaw <3
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