#this got long and rambly sjagkds
marcskywalker · 2 years
Since I'm on a Moon Knight kick, and you're welcoming of Marc related asks, how do you think Marc and Elias' bond went up until Marc joined the Marines?
I've been sleeping on this for a while and tbh this is difficult to answer, I picture their relationship being so different depending on the day and my mood skdjsdf because the show doesn't have a lot of elias-marc content for me to have a concrete hc
There is obviously a lot of resentment from Marc, because Elias wasn't doing enough to protect him and Marc knows his dad should've done better (we can see this from the scene when he walks out, he says "you're supposed to fix this. Why haven't you?!")
At the same time, Marc doesn't hate him. He is comfortable enough with his dad to argue back, elias is in fact the only character to whom we see marc standing up for himself to, and he was obviously comfortable enough to leave his contact info with his dad (how else could elias find his number to give him a call regarding wendy's shiva).
Elias' problem was that he loved his wife more than his son.
Of course he loved his son, and he tried. He tried to hold his grieving son together, tried to get birthdays to be a little bit happier, tried to buy Marc stuff he liked, tried to help him with school.
But when his home turned into a sad excuse of a family, he'd run to help his wife.
Elias wasn't home to witness a lot of the abusive. And I think he'd choose to be ignorant and not look deeper when he saw signs of something bad. He didn't want to believe that something vile could happen in his family.
The first few years after Randall's death, Marc loved his dad the most. He was safe in his dad's arms; his dad never yelled or hit or blamed him. And Marc could talk to him about how much he missed Randall, how scared he was of missing random memory.
But by the he was 13-14 he'd start to grow bitter towards his dad as well (obviously cause of many many different reasons, but one of them being=) because his dad refuses to see wendy as a problem or get rid of her. His dad keeps saying that he loves him, but if that was true, how could he keep loving the thing that's hurting marc?!
For marc, Elias was the picture of a good man; he was pious, he never hurt his family, he never got angry. And to see that even a "good man" would pick Wendy over him, that really affected his self image, and contributed to his I am unworthy of love train of thoughts.
Even when he walked out of home, I don't think he hated Elias, he was just resigned and accepted that he was never going to be loved, that there was something inherently wrong with him.
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