#this got long im shocked!! only not!! i sorry anyways sjdjjdjdjd love us
scubresaut-blog · 7 years
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( MYOUI MINA | CISFEMALE | SHE/HER ) you’ve heard of holly ikeda ??wait, really ? they’re the quiet intern who’s way too obsessed with gaming, ballet, & coding. somehow, they managed to major in electrical engineering in college. i think they’re twenty one. they’re the kind of crestfallen that enjoys musical plays, intricate computer problems and searching for new restaurants & foods. some people told me they’re supposedly pretty intelligent, open minded, & obliging. but i think they’re just blinded by a pretty face. they’re clearly standoffish, shy, & self-destructive. their favorite thing about buzzfeed is the data.
you guys are so fast my old eyes (and schedule) can not keep up ! this is a queue (late too bc who am i kidding anymore lmao) and i’m tori!! catch some facts about my baby girl under the cut and like this post if you wanna do some plotting tysm!
holly was born early 96 in houston, TX, to immigrant parents; by her birth registry her name is akane ikeda (literally means red yall), but only her family ever uses her japanese name tbh -- bitch have to fit in and stuff, so ! call her holly. only holly thanx
her parents were lq tiger parents tbh? she started ballet classes when she was about 4 or 5, and a few years later started cello classes too. always top of her class in her private school. the pressure wasn’t outspoken, but it was there, or at least holly always felt it & followed it perfectly
she has an older brother who was like?? her hero??? he is about three to four years older than her, and they always tagged along, from sports class to school and musical classes, etc. while holly never was popular, and was more of the outcast, quiet and meek, but with kai (her brother), she was the most comfortable and bubbly. said relationship continued up to their teenagehood!
that’s when all the nastiness of young age comes along. kai starts drifting apart to hang with his pals, always either in his room or in some of his friend’s -- if he was alone, he was snappy and angry, and if he was with his friends he was quieter, more careful. 
holly only found out wtf was going on when she was 14, turning 15, when she, too, befriended kai’s friends -- rather, one friend, the imposing one. alistair was the leader of the boys and he was the first in years to take actual interest on her. it took little for her to completely fall for him, innocent and trusting and needy; during more or less two years they dated, and he taught her a lot. she wasn’t out of her shell fully, but it was easier for her to laugh and interact with others, always tagging along her boyfriend and their little gang, making a lot of his interests her own as well and giving some of hers up (dancing the most, some of the outstanding in her grades, her cherry). because that was what they were, and she was not only “the first lady” but a big part of the brains: while alistair made the plans and confided them (partially) to her, she did all the online bits with the coding, the hacking whatever information necessary, to getting them where they wanted.
she was nearly 18 when they planned the biggest heist, one directed to the government. she was to stay behind and use all kinds of servers for them not to be traced and all netizen bs, and so she started before the power went down. her parents had turned all off and turned them in -- minus their children who were involved. without holly’s backing and with the ikedas turning the crew in, the boys got caught & holly did, too, in her own way: the gang, alistair included, were arrested, and kai shipped off to learn his way back in an uncle’s house in japan. holly thought that’d be for her too, but instead her parents opted by keeping her close, under their reins. and for the first time in her life, she fought. 
while she would still get good grades and even get into a good college, a major was picked out of spite -- so unlady like, so out of the norm she always felt imposed on herself; days she left home early and arrived at dawn were not little, nor were the ones she got home filthy drunk. she was still quiet, but the softness that was in her seemed to have melted under the fire of her anger. often she tries to break out of this image she has received, from the way she started to dress herself more sloppily, less preppy, more tomboy-ish (and...tbh?? like herself??), to the people she started hanging around (and fucking lmao), to her interests & to how, after over a decade, she has given up ballet (which is lq something she...regrets?? bc she loved it too but,,, #problematicfave)
she only has a few courses left to get her degree, and she decided to finish it away from home. 792 mi makes a great difference, especially when she was truly alone, out of her parents’ suffocating clutches. or is she? the whole idea for the internship in buzzfeed was her father’s, wishing for her to completely ignore her passion and follow a career in some office. 
she picked the least serious one, again, out of spite, so when she got there she kinda...knew nothing about buzzfeed or of the trade and such? nor she had any interest, which she will now, almost six months later, still claim so but tbh...that’s debatable. she has always had some interest in food, in searching and trying out new stuff, and it shows not only on her searching browser but on how she has been working more with the tasty team, although she is not an official member or anything. if asked, she is just the one who suggests some recipes here and there
officially, she is still an intern and as such, she is there for every single problem: whatever it is, she often considers it below her, but does it diligently without any vocal complaint anyways. her most favorite parts of the work is IT work tbh -- if a computer doesn’t work, on the inside or some program or whatever
personality wise: quiet??? kinda brooding?? hq promiscuous and a bit of a drunkard, very into self destruction just because. she is the kinda person who is more in the corner, always quiet, often watching. there aren’t a lot of things that get a reaction out of her tbh. your average angsty sad fuckgirl young child who only wants to get drunk, fuck, sleep and do some coding (even though she is “forbidden” lmao @ parental power). she is also v fond of gaming (online games, such as league of legends the most), music (mostly classical and bubblegum pop) and cartoons (comic books & webtoons the most tbh) and uh ?? the color red??? she just loves tbh
what she needs??? love!!! self love, from others, to others,,,, poor girl,,,, truly, appreciate her and you’ll see her turn red and lq hq dying
also what she needs??? plots (give me a roommate pls) so hmu and forgive my late ass
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