#this got long sorry i’ve never gotten the readmore thing to work on mobile
gogtopia · 1 year
how're u feeling jules :(
i was gonna give a meme answer tbh but i figure i should say something. i’m sad. and disappointed. but i’m not necessarily surprised. even if i tried to keep my blog more uplifting and positive i did have a feeling that this could be the case and had some conversations in private about it. i miss those friendships that i really cared about but i grieved them weeks ago
as much as i want to see the best in quackity because he’s like tied with george as my favorite streamer, i do think he’s being extremely immature in this situation. if an old friend reaches out to you personally about something like this, the right thing to do is respond to them regardless of how you might feel about it. i want to see the best in him because i’ve loved him for so long and i think that people claiming that he’s dropping dream over drama are probably oversimplifying it. idk i feel that quackity’s work has historically been unintentionally overshadowed by others and not taken seriously so it makes sense why he’d freak out when his more famous friend announces such a similar project to his own. but i can’t truly know his thought process because i’m not him and neither can anyone else, whether they’re a fan, hater, or something in between. i don’t think anything can excuse how disappointing it is that he can’t even respond to a discord message from someone he has been friends with for three years. i doubt that he revels in the toxicity of parts of his fanbase (i think that’s a pretty extreme take, and i’ve seen it from both sides) but at this point he should make an effort to put a stop to that behavior, especially when someone privately made him aware of it.
so yeah, i’m pretty disappointed. i still hope that quackity sees those tweets and actually talks things out with dream, regardless of the conclusion. i think when you lock yourself away in a bubble, it’s easy for negative feelings like resentment and jealousy to brew. a good honest conversation would do everyone some good, even if it means going their separate ways afterward (though selfishly i hope the friendship is salvageable, especially because his friendship with george is always something that meant a lot to me)
honestly as for me, idk whether i’ll change what i post or not. i’ve been posting less in general and the past few days i’ve been both busy and fairly focused on other content (i just don’t rlly post about it). i’ll probably wait to see this through before i make any dramatic changes to my blog or make up my mind in any way because i honestly don’t know fully how i feel and i think that the dtblr community knows well that sometimes taking an extreme stance against a creator that you used to love while emotional can lead to some regrets, to say the least. this is probably all i will say about the situation. i seriously doubt i’ll ever turn into a quackity anti even if i don’t agree with him in this situation (though i may end up taking a step back from his content idk) and like it says in my pinned, i try to steer clear of cc neg across the board so you don’t have to worry about seeing any vitriol directed at him here
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chowtrolls · 5 years
☕ Bru talk about your quads!
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(This got long so it’s under a readmore. I am SO sorry Mobile users!)
Oh?? Talk about my quads?? That’s the hill you want to die on fucker?? Sit down and get comfortable ‘cos this shit’s boutta get sappy as hell. I did this once before and im a little unsure what to say now though. I’ll go pitch to pale to Pictor ? Im still flushed for them I just liked the P alliteration goin’ on. 
To start this shitshow, Thunder. Or Crosse, whatever you want to call him. He’s a rotten brat but he’s alright when he wants to be. And when he takes his meds he’s tolerable. I let him experiment and do tattoos on me, he let’s me stab holes through his fins for practice. It’s a mutual agreement. And I guess I help scare away that other fuchsia he doesn’t like. There’s been a few times when Cro bursts through my hive door and just yells “hes back” and hides under the table for a few hours. Whatever floats his boat. 
Toresce isn’t as bad as I say he is. He’s less tolerable than Thunder but he’s not insufferable. I do kind of feel bad for makin’ him rush into a relationship when he wasn’t completely ready but maybe it isn’t a bad thing. Helps him move on. Im glad he came to me when he was scared but it was also difficult. my instincts said to do what I always do but that would’ve been too much for him. Eh. He’s confusing. I love him in a weird pitch way, not quite hate because if I hated him I just wouldn’t fuck with him or let him close but he isn’t exactly on my good side. I’m still prepared to punch the fuck out of him but i’m not making any moves to seriously hurt him. Not that I want to hurt anybody. 
The pale quadrant has always been a weird one. I feel like the lines have always been blurred for me. I get too pale for those in my pitch and red, and I get too red for those in my pale. Or sometimes it’s a little pitch. Idk. I never fit quite in the cookie cutter descriptions of quads. And my pale is weird. Anguil and I have known each other since we were young. Anguil was a lot of firsts for me and continues to be so. Overall, I feel like I could lose the world and as long as he was still by my side, I’d be alright. Did you know we’ve gotten mistaken for red a few times? He’s very kissy, I don’t mind. I like it. Though there’s some dissonance between being smooched on and then electrocuted the next second. I like that I have someone I can be affectionate with. I like having someone I can hold close and be stupid around. He brings out the wriggler part of me, I get stupid and we do dumb things like get really high. Sometimes I flirt a whole bunch and he gets all blue and his fins flutter. It’s cute. He’s cute. He has a piece of my pusher and he knows it well. He has me wrapped around his finger, and he knows that too. 
Abanny is another part of my pusher. I feel the same about her as I do Anguil, in a more mellow way. Anguil feels like…bright, like nostalgia, like wrigglerhood fun and causing mischief. Abanny feels like home. Abanny feels like security, like safety. I feel like I can relax around her. I don’t have to be so….what other’s want, I suppose. I can take a deep breath. And I can trust her. I know she trusts me, she’s told me things I don’t think she’d tell any random stranger. And one of these days, I’ll tell her those things too. Just haven’t found the right time. Until then, I am more than happy just occupying the same space, watching horror movies. She’s very patient, she’s wise beyond her sweeps. She’s starting to learn how to piece together the bullshit I spew. She’s going to be as good as Anguil soon. Its weird dating a fan, of course, I wasn’t too sure of it at first. But I really love Abanny, in a pale way. She’s great. The world could crumble and I’m pretty sure I’d be fine as long as I had her, or Anguil. Preferably both. 
And last but certainly not least, Pictor. Pictor mystifies me in a way. I never could have pictured myself falling for someone like them. Now that sounds bad, hear me out. They’re not assertive, they’re not defiant, they’re anxious and…they’re…real. I hate talking about Bubble. And I don’t want to compare the two since they’re two different trolls. But Bubble was…brash, and aggressive. And I don’t see Pictor as being aggressive Or brash. I guess with Pic I just feel…confident. Secure. I don’t think they’re going to go off on me for making a mistake (which I’ve come to learn wasn’t the right thing for Bubble to do). Thinking about Pictor brings a lot of emotions, but they can easily be summarized as that wrigglerish feeling of a crush. The feeling where your pusher is fluttery and you can’t help but smile and wonder if they’re thinking about you too. But being around them brings a more mellow feeling. I’m not worried about making a mistake, I guess. Frankly I don’t WANT to lose them but I’m not terrified of it. They haven’t give me any reason to worry about that, though. 
I want to see them smile. An accomplished day for me is one where I’ve made Pictor smile in some way. Being with them brings all sorts of ideas for new songs. They’re a work of art within themselves and I could probably go on for a while about the things I like about them. I really enjoy talking to them. 
I enjoy talking to all of them. Even Toresce and Thunder. I’m…really glad I have them all.
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splattales · 5 years
Fifteen Questions. Fifteen Mutuals.
Repost, don’t reblog!
1. Are you named after anyone? 
Molly: Sorry, nah. Can’t really ask anyone though.
Finn: I believe my first name is my grandfather’s middle name. Dad’s side. 
Marina: Maybe? I think I was named after a historical figure, but it’s, like, a really popular name anyway...
Brine: Nope! Just salty water.
Pansy: I’m named after a flower. It’s a tradition in my fam’bly to name your first-hatched after a flower...
Ribbon:  Momma’s a Ribbon Eel!
Slushie named himself -- though technically, he’s named after a beverage.
Tay: Yes! Many rulers in my bloodline were also named ‘Octavio’. 
Sabi: It’s shortened from ‘Wasabi’. Not very creative, I know, but ... I’ve had a few names. This is just the one I’ve gotten used to. 
2. When was the last time you cried? 
Molly: Nunya bizness. (About three days ago.)
Finn: I’m actually quite happy at the moment! Maybe two weeks?
Marina: I don’t ever cry, duh. (Last week after spilling her meal on the floor.)
Brine: Yesterday! Don’t worry, it was just a touchy subject that came up. Always cry when you need to, it can really help.
Pansy: Haven’t in a fair bit, I think I cried on Groa the other day about somethin’ real dumb. One of my workmates left n’ I burnt dinner n’ then something else happened and just… well, I sure hope he doesn’t think I’m weird ‘cause of that, eheh.
Ribbon: It was my birthday recently, so I haven’t felt like crying! I dunno.
Slushie cried the last time he ate a memcake, so two days ago.
Tay: That isn’t any of your business. (Ten minutes ago.)
Sabi: Sometimes I cry when I’m listening to sad music, so, um… Tuesday?
3. Do you have kids?
Molly: No! Adopting might be cool when I’m older, but I’m only 19 and I have way too much to deal with already!
Finn: Do I look like a father? I’m still in uni! … That said, a few of my classmates have kids, it’s really strange.
Marina: No, but I have younger siblings, so I know how to take care of ‘em. … I don’t think I’m gonna want kids for a while, if ever.
Brine: Haha! No! Maybe someday.
Pansy: Slushie’s my kid! He’s adopted, but that doesn’t mean we aren’t family. I hope he knows that.
Ribbon:  You’re funny! Sometimes I pretend my dinosaur toys are babies, and then we destroy the town as a powerful army.
Slushie is 15 years old!
Tay: I think Reed could be considered my ‘child’, but I’m still not altogether sure about that. And Masako, I think? But I never had any children in this timeline, so it’s a little confusing…
Sabi: No, no, I don’t think I’d make a good father…
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot? 
Molly: Here and there. I don’t like to overdo it, but it’s totally justified sometimes.
Finn: Yeah … my friends aren’t exactly a good influence.
Marina: All the time. I don’t think I could live without it.
Brine: Hardly! It wouldn’t be good if I sassed my superiors, and it’s mean. But a harmless eyeroll won’t hurt, on occasion.
Pansy: Eh, sometimes. I’m not really smart enough, I get out-sarcasm’d, and it ain’t the nicest thing.
Ribbon:  Doing a sarcasm can be pretty hard… you get told off, too.
Slushie doesn’t talk enough to use sarcasm, but his body language often suggests it!
Tay: Oh no, I neeeever use sarcasm…
Sabi: …It isn’t kind to be sarcastic.
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people? 
Molly: Their face. Some people have real distinguishin’ features.
Finn: Their ink colour! If they don’t have one, then I look at their style instead.
Marina: Uh, does it matter? It depends on the person, right? I usually notice if somebody’s an Octoling.
Brine: Usually? Their handshake. I know that’s kind of weird to say, but the way someone shakes your hand can tell you a bit about them.
Pansy: I try to look at how they carry themselves n’ the expressions they make. It helps you figure out what a person’s like – though how they talk and what they do’s the next important thing. S’ important to watch the eyes.
Ribbon: If they’re smiling!
Slushie pays very close attention to the way other people talk.
Tay: How they behave towards me! Respect can be the difference between a guest staying or being thrown out – and potentially a matter of life and death when assassins are concerned!
Sabi: How much of a threat they are to me, haha… I try to keep my head down.
6. What’s your eye colour? 
Molly: Kinda… teal green? Lighter?
Finn: Rose pink!
Marina: Green eyes, green sclera. Just once I want somebody to say I’ve got eyes like emeralds, but I don’t see it happening. Nobody’s that suave, and I’d probably slap a stranger if they did.
Brine: Ocean blue!
Pansy: Deep pink. Cute, right? Haha, that was a joke…
Ribbon:  Pink like dad’s!
Slushie’s eyes are purple, with a white sclera.
Tay: Soft blue on green~
Sabi: Blue – and um, I’m the kind of octoling that has green ‘whites’.
7. Scary movie or happy ending? 
Molly: I like scary movies, they’re usually not that scary, haha. Happy endings make me think of those sappy films, but I don’t mind them in like … regular stuff.
Finn: I love happy endings! Especially in a romance film. Scary movies aren’t so bad, but some of them I’d prefer not to see…
Marina: Horror. Happy endings can be way too saccharine for my tastes.
Brine: I do love a good happy ending!
Pansy: Yeah, happy endings here too. I don’t mind horror so much if things work out in the end, though. What’s the point if everyone dies?
Ribbon:  No scary films please!!!
Slushie isn’t a fan of scary films. He’d much rather watch something happy.
Tay: It depends on my mood. I like a happy ending, but it has to be written well, and scary films – well, I’m not scared of anything, but too much of it taints the mind, you know…
Sabi: Please . . . take one look at me and say I’d enjoy a horror film. You’d be wrong in every way…
8. Any special talents? 
Molly: People keep saying my cooking’s good, but I don’t really see it? I know lots ‘bout weapons…
Finn: Art! I’m trying to make a career out of it.
Marina: I’m pretty good at mending up old human tech, and I can program. Real dab-hand at fixing technology. Betcha didn’t know that.
Brine: I’ve got a good eye! … Yup, that’s all I can think of, ahah.
Pansy: Me? Er, I guess I can cook pies pretty good. I used to be decent at all that detective stuff too, but now I’m not so sure.
Ribbon:  I dunno what my special talent is yet! I’m hoping it’s to do with detecting.
Slushie is very good at puzzle solving, and has quick reflexes. He’s also an absolute STAR at learning languages.
Tay: I have so many talents! Always looking good is practically a talent, and there’s my overall intelligence – I’m especially good at mathematics – but I’m a creative mind too! I’m PERFECT at stage performance and mixing music, not to mention I’m excellent at tinkering with machinery, I’ve built plenty of things and […etc.]
Sabi: Oh, um, I’m pretty good when it comes to music, I guess…
9. Where were you born? 
Molly:  Small town just outside of Inkopolis, but basically Inkopolis.
Finn: I think my parents moved to Inkopolis around the time I was hatching? Yeah.
Marina: Octopolis. You know, underground.
Brine: Inkopolis, hatched and raised. (This is a retcon--)
Pansy: Cuttledown, it’s a little village right near Calamari County.
Ribbon:  Here! Inkopolis!
Slushie doesn’t know when or where he hatched, but he was quickly picked up by the underground orphanage.
Tay: Oh, somewhere on the surface a very long time ago… (Actually, that isn’t true.)
Sabi: In a lab somewhere underground. It’s, uhm, not very glamorous.
10. What are your hobbies? 
Molly: Turf War! I listen to music a bunch too, n’ play games.
Finn: When I’m not doing art, I like to play Turf War and hang out with my friends.
Marina: *gestures to her room full of human artefacts and study notes*
Brine: I don’t have a lot of time for hobbies, aha… sometimes I still make coffee…? I like stargazing and laughing at conspiracy theories.
Pansy: I garden a lot, but that’s also my job now.
Ribbon: I play videogames and draw and use my imagination and collect dinosaurs.
Slushie is still trying to find his place on the surface, so is trying a lot of new things.
Tay: Tinkering! I get excited about circuits and wires. Surprising, no?
Sabi: I really… REALLY invest a lot of my time into music. But I, um, I also like to read. Mostly science fiction.
11. Do you have any pets?
 Molly: Nah. Banned. I leave too much to give ‘em attention anyway.
Finn: My little brother. … Okay uh, that was kind of a cruel joke, eheh. No.
Marina: Pets are cute, but I don’t have the time! Not to mention no space.
Brine: Haha, Mom would kill me.
Pansy: We used to have a nudibranch back at Ma’s but not anymore. Maybe I should get another…? They cost a whole lot, long-term.
Ribbon:  I reeaallly want an axolotl but dad and mom say no! It’s not fair. Dad used to live on a farm so he basically had EVERY PET.
Slushie lives with Pansy, so likewise has no pets.
Tay: Hm, no… perhaps I should invest in one for companionship. I’d pay someone else to feed and clean up after it, of course…
Sabi: Ah, that’s a lot more responsibility than I could handle…
12. What sports do you/have you played?
[Everyone says ‘Turf War’ in unison, except for Tay who says ‘Sword fighting’ and Slushie who says nothing].
13. How tall are you? 
Molly: *grumbles* 4’10”…
Finn: 5’4”, still waiting for that growth spurt.
Marina: 5’5”. I’d like to be taller.
Brine: 5’11”! Nothing more, nothing less.
Pansy: Not nearly tall enough. 5’7”. I’m the shortest of my siblings, and I’m the oldest, pffah.
Ribbon:  Small! (She’s exactly 4ft.)
Slushie is something like 5’2”, I haven’t written it down anywhere.
Tay: Tall enough! (He’s 5’6” and insecure about it.)
Sabi: Aaah… I’m 6’8”, how embarrassing… I’m thankful I’m not any taller.
14. Dream job? 
Molly: I sure as heck don’t know, my dude. Something where I could show off my knowledge about battling, I guess. A teacher?
Finn: An artist that gets paid!
Marina: I will become the world’s greatest archaeologist.
Brine: Almost there! I’d love to be a fully-fledged lawyer.
Pansy: … I already lost my dream job as a detective.
Ribbon:  A detective!! Or a secret agent!! Or… a mailperson!
Slushie doesn’t really know what he wants to do with his life yet.
Tay: What could be better than being an emperor and a DJ? … being an MC? A showhost? I could do that too.
Sabi: My music is already selling well, so I’m very happy.
15. Favourite subject in school? 
Molly: I hated school. Uh, I liked history sometimes, but I wasn’t great. Music? We used to mess around a lot…
Finn: Apart from the obvious ‘art’, I did enjoy literature too!
Marina: Human studies. As for the military side, I did always enjoy target practice.
Brine: Law! Since it’s a later subject, I also had fun in Social Studies and Inklish Language.
Pansy: Long time ago, uh… I remember bein’ pretty good at geography? I was awful at Inklish n’ Maths and that. Science was pretty good though.
Ribbon: Hm… I love all the subjects! Does snacktime count as a subject? We hardly get those anymore now we’re older.
Slushie likes foreign languages. He also excelled in agility training.
Tay: I’m not sure I remember exactly, but I do love mathematics.
Sabi: I technically never went to school, um…
Well, here’s the end!
Tagged by: @manysquidsandoctos
Tagging: meap
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wingedcatgirl · 6 years
#this is gonna be way too long for tags so longpost incoming
and now it is here
... they fixed the bug where readmores don’t work on mobile, right? if not, i am very very sorry.
“For the record,” Luke said, “this is the version of ‘never have I ever’ where you just count your points. Not the drinking game version. Got it, Hideki?”
Hideki can’t decide whether to roll his eyes or whistle innocently, so he combines them, which rather ruins the effect of both...
“Also, instead of going around the circle coming up with our own questions, the author just handed them to us on a piece of paper...?” Silas frowned. “I guess the fourth wall wasn’t that important around here.”
Damn straight it ain’t.
“Sylvi just let us play the game.”
Yeah, yeah.
... hooked up with someone they met online.
Crickets all around.
“What’s ‘online’?” Silas joked.
“I, uh... vague stuff that’s still mid-retcon...” Hideki mumbled, “... and that’s how I came to be in this living situation. No interest in dating at this time.”
Luke shrugged. “Two of us are from tech levels too low for online dating to be a thing, one of us isn’t interested, and I’m just busy.”
... walked in the opposite direction on an escalator.
Charis broke into a giggling fit as she put her hand up.
“You do know that treadmills exist, right?” Hideki said.
“Hey, everyone should try it once,” Silas said, hand in the air. “... Didn’t get the appeal, personally.”
Reluctantly, Luke also raised his hand.
“Seriously, you too?”
“Hey, Silas said it. Everyone should try it once. I waited until there was nobody in the area first, at least.”
“Ooh, that would have been a better idea,” Silas said.
... been kicked out of a public place.
Charis and Silas both put up their hands.
“... Please tell me it wasn’t for the escalator thing,” Hideki groaned.
Charis shook her head.
“Well, that was one of them,” Silas said.
“One of them?!” Hideki exclaimed.
“Like I said,” Silas continued, ignoring Hideki, “it would have been a better idea to wait until there was nobody in the area...”
“No, you listen to me and elaborate on these other events.”
“Look, it happens sometimes when you go on adventures just because a voice in your head told you to.”
“Isn’t your angel demonstrably real?” Luke asked.
“Sure, but proving that is a pain, and people usually don’t really believe anyway.”
... been arrested.
Silas sighed and put his hand up again.
Charis raised her hand as well.
“Hey, wait a second,” Hideki said, “we never got the story of how you got kicked out of a place.”
The mute girl stuck out her tongue.
“I suspect we aren’t going to,” Luke said. “Nor the story of her crime.”
To that, Charis wagged a finger, and then pointed at her trans pride bracelet.
“Oh...” Hideki frowned.
“I don’t get it,” Silas said.
“In some places, ‘crossdressing’ is illegal,” Hideki explained. “And in most of those places, being trans isn’t legally acknowledged, so wearing your own clothes is legally crossdressing, and a crime.”
“Oh, wow. That’s super disgusting.” Silas glanced over at Charis. “But right now she’s just wearing shorts and a t-shirt. That shouldn’t be a problem, right?”
“Well, if we were in one of those places -- and we’re not, thankfully -- depending on how the law was written and how mad the police were about her existing in public, they could look at her shirt’s tag and say ‘that’s a women’s shirt, arrest -’ well, they probably wouldn’t end that sentence with ‘her’.”
Charis made a disgusted face and traced a sigil in the air, and her clothing magically shifted into a blood orange sundress.
“I appreciate the rebellious spirit,” Luke said, “but the people you’re rebelling at aren’t here to see it.”
... spontaneously gotten a tattoo or piercing.
The only hand that went up this time was Hideki’s.
“You?" Luke said. “You are the stick-in-the-mud of this group.”
“It was a dare,” he mumbled.
“Do you just do anything anyone tells you to?”
“No. Sometimes I tell ‘em to fuck off and get drunk instead.”
“Fuck off and get drunk, huh?” Silas mused.
“No, I tell them to fuck off, and then I get drunk,” Hideki corrected. “I mean. I guess they could get drunk if they wanted. But I don’t check.”
... eaten something off the floor.
Recoils and cries of “gross!” all around at the mere suggestion.
Except from Hideki, whose hand didn’t go up, but he rolled his eyes at everyone else’s reaction. “Are you all really that squeamish? I mean, I’ve got health concerns, but really now.”
... met royalty in person.
Silas and Luke raised their hands.
“Okay, we know Luke met King Mickey, but what royalty did Silas ever meet?”
“Well, I was looking for this gem that turned out not to exist...”
“Oh, forget it.”
... driven a vehicle without the required license.
“Do you need a license to pilot a Keyblade Glider?” Luke mused.
“I imagine that’s bundled in with whatever certification there is to have a Keyblade in the first place,” Silas said.
“Ah, then in that case,” Luke put his hand up.
Hideki’s hand was already up. “Just once. I had my learner’s permit, I just wasn’t allowed to drive unsupervised yet. But someone had to get orange juice and cough syrup, and nobody was available who counted as a supervisor.”
“Couldn’t walk?” Luke asked.
“Too far. The place was intentionally isolated -- everywhere worth going was too far to walk.”
Luke: 3 Charis: 3 Hideki: 2 Silas: 4
“Hooray!” Silas exclaimed. “What do I win?”
In front of him, a frosted sugar cookie with ‘four hte winrar’ scrawled on it appeared from the void.
“... Hooray, I think!”
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