#this guy and Svarog (can you tell I like robots?)
acheronidae · 1 year
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I haven't even met him in-game yet(because he isn't even there yet lol) and he's already reaching blorbo status.
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glaxelilly · 1 year
Nsfw headcannons for welt, loucha and svarog(seperetly) but the fem reader is a inexperienced virgin? Sub reader pls
Maybe it’s their wedding night
I decided to make it a multi😭😭
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How they would treat virginfem!reader on their wedding night — Welt, Luocha, Svarog
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Welt Yang
You told him from the beginning that you were a virgin not wanting it to be a problem
When you told him he kissed you and said that he wanted to wait until he got to marry you until he got to be with you completely
So that’s what the two of you did
And when he finally gave you his last name and made you the happiest woman ever
That same night he made you his in the only way that was left
Welt was gentle and sweet, making sure you felt comfortable and good the whole time
He almost lost it though when he first slid inside of you, but he quickly came back to himself when you hissed in pain
When you guys were done, he made sure to clean you up with care before himself
And then he would down next to you, pulling you close and asking you questions about it, making sure you liked it
You don’t tell him you’re a virgin for awhile
It actually comes out in a panic during a heated make-out session
He asks you why you didn’t tell him earlier and you confess it was because you were nervous about him teasing you
And that is what he teases you about
He tells you that he can wait until you’re ready, that there’s no rush and he just wants you to be comfortable
You smile and tell him how, since you’ve waited this long, you kinda want to wait until your married, do the whole cliche
He tells you if that’s what you want then that’s what you’ll get
And when the two of you get married he keeps his promise
He keeps it well
Luocha shows you all the pleasures you’ve never had, multiple times
He kisses and touches you everywhere, eats you out and fingers you until you can’t take it anymore, and then fucks into you with so much love and care it brings tears to your eyes
You pass out almost immediately when he’s finally done with you, and when you wake up you’re clean and wrapped up in his arms
Right where you belong
In the beginning of the relationship he tells you he wants to wait to be with you intimately until the two of you are married
You just happen to be a virgin
He tells you it’s because he saw in his database that it was a human tradition to show your partner that you were serious about being with them
That made you chuckle but you nodded and told him that you could wait till you were married to have sex with him
And you couldn’t help the random blushes that would appear all throughout your wedding day, knowing what was going to happen that night
Svarog used his database, scanning tool, and the sounds you made to guide him through pleasuring you
The robot was meticulous, making you cum over and over again, watching you closely and storing the memories/recordings of your pleasured face away for “future analysis”
He also makes a point to praise you the whole time
Telling you how good you are and how much you’re helping with his research
The last part makes you laugh around another gasp
Before he’s even done he’s searching for aftercare techniques
He quickly cleans you up and then runs you a bath, gently setting you inside the tub, before helping you wash up
You’re once again thankful for his advance technology
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I hope you liked it!!! Ngl I was a little nervous because of how new these characters are to me and how little I know about them and their personalities so if they are ooc I’m really sorry😔
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ryker-others · 1 year
Svarog relationship headcanons
yes, this is Svarog x reader I love him and he deserves more love @bladesmuse he's consumed my brain so now all of you have to endure it too. Another Svarog thing coming soon
you will never find a man more loyal than Svarog. end of story.
this man was willing to do almost anything to protect the underground, and he would do the same for you
you and Clara are his highest priorities, even above the underground itself
speaking of Clara
she has to love you for things to work with Svarog
but you get to be like another parent to the adorable little girl!
you guys are like a little family!
anything you need? He will try and find a way to get it for you
even if you slightly express interest, he will sense it and try and get it for you
anytime you're upset or something is wrong, he knows
his scans can detect distress of any kind so there's really no point in hiding anything from him
still, if you don't want to talk about something, he won't push you
this man is the perfect size to hold you and completely surround you
like he's so careful when he holds you not to hurt you in any way, but he makes sure his body is comfortable enough for you to rest against
there's even enough room for Clara to be held at the same time too!
but there are times when he can't hold you, so he may set you down and simply give you his coat if you still need cuddles
you know how Clara has Perkins as a little robot to defend her when Svarog is busy? You have one too!
he'll even let you customize it or call it whatever you want
as long as it can do it's job and keep you safe, you can do whatever you want
Svarog will never forget anything about you
it's literally impossible
any information he gathers about you and what you like/dislike is stored in his databank and tagged as important
a TON of those files tagged important are about you
literally almost every time you bond with Clara too
while he's not naturally affectionate in any way, he will give subtle affection if that's what you want
you just have to let him know and he will do it
Svarog would not be with you if he didn't feel he could trust you
so of course your opinion or thoughts are very crucial to him
that being said, he can't always go by what you say or tell you everything
if he feels it would only hurt you or it's a locked file then he can't tell you and he hopes you can understand
he'll also go against your wishes if he thinks that the outcome will be better for you and everyone else
he may try to surprise you with little dates/cute moments tho
Svarog did proper research on what couples normally do, and he's taking examples from that
for example, he may try to set up a nice little meal for you two (despite him not even needing to eat) and he'll try and make it "romantic"
one thing he really does enjoy, is dancing with you
no matter if it's a slow dance or just him watching you spin around, he loves it
he'll even play those memory files over in his system
somewhere he has a photo of you and Clara smiling together and he treasures it the most
literally has backups upon backups of that photo
Svarog was literally programed to value preservation so he's going to try and preserve this relationship :)
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cloud-player · 1 year
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## MILD SPOILER for Companion Mission: Rarely Affectionate
## PAIRING: Gepard Landau x Gender!Neutral Reader
# GENRE: fluff, comfort
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"Thank you, Trailblazer." Svarog nods, his metallic head moving gently– quite contrary to the harsh mechanical grinding it produced against his neck segment. "For guiding Clara."
"Will she be okay?" You ask. The white-haired child is still fussing over the robot you both just saved.
Svarog lets out a noise that sounded like a grunt. "Calculations deem so. I will do my best to keep the bot active and functioning well so as to not hurt her."
You smile, feeling warm in your chest. "Maybe she wants to help the bot because she sees you in it, Svarog. It is pretty rare for a robot to develop empathy like you. Maybe it's Clara's way of returning the favor because you took care of her."
Even though Svarog's metal face cannot change, you feel as if you've somehow made the gigantic robot smile. You bid them both farewell and make your way back to Boulder Town, walking briskly so as to fight the cold wind seeping in through your clothes.
It's been at least two weeks since your battle with Cocolia, and as Mr. Yang predicted, the weather was still bitter cold and unforgiving even with the Stellaron gone. You huddle deeper into your jacket, unable to help but shiver.
"Captain Gepard?" In your haste and blurry mental state, you failed to notice that you've been walking directly into the male Landau heir's broad and hard chest. "Oh, hi– what are you doing here?"
"I should be the one asking that, trailblazer." Gepard counters, raising an eyebrow. "What are you doing in the middle of a snowstorm, some long ways from the nearest settlement?"
"A snowstorm?" Oh, that's why the weather was shittier than usual.
A particularly strong gust of wind interrupts your conversation, and Gepard quickly tries to block the incoming breeze with his massive shield. He grabs onto your arm, strong fingers wrapping effortlessly around your limb.
"It's not good to be out in the open during a snowstorm. I have a tent pitched nearby, let's go." He isn't waiting for an answer, almost dragging you behind him and using his body to block the wind from getting to you as much as possible. It's not like you were going to complain, anyway; the weather is horrible and a tent to shelter in sounds really good right now.
You arrive at a small camp almost immediately, and some guards stand to attention once Gepard passes them by their posts. He tells them to get inside their tents and rest until the storm dies down, and all you can do is wave and weakly smile at the confused guards.
"My tent isn't that much bigger than the other guards, but I figured you'd prefer a cleaner place." Gepard admits meekly once you're both inside the tent. He makes you sit on a rolled out insulated mat, rummaging through his pack beside you.
"So… what are you guys doing here? Silvermane business?" You ask after feeling heat rush into you again for a bit.
"Miss Seele asked us to check on some reports about vagrants in the area around the settlement." Gepard also sits down, though on the tent floor instead of the admittedly still huge space on the mat with you. He runs a hand through his blonde hair, turning it into a disheveled, fluffy mess. "Unfortunately, we didn't find any vagrants. I told my guards to make camp while I continue scouting and well… I found you instead."
You try to smile and hide the fact that you were just dazedly staring at him while he was talking. "Not a vagrant."
"Not a vagrant." Gepard surprisingly grins, sounding amused with his crystal blue eyes twinkling even in the dim light of the miniature heat lamp in the corner. "And you, trailblazer? What were you doing out there?"
"I was coming from the settlement, actually." You start to explain, sitting up straight to look for something in your many, many pockets. "Clara messaged me for help regarding something, and I had just finished the errand and was walking back to Boulder Town."
You finally find it: a little delicate sculpture of a rose made of scrap iron. It feels cold in your palms.
"A little robot gave me this." You tell Gepard.
"I didn't think you'd be someone who likes those things."
"What, metallic flowers?"
"No, affection." He tilts his head to the side, as if surveying you fully. "You are the hero of Belobog, Y/N. From what Lady Bronya told me, you were stabbed in the chest and came back to life. She told me you fight so fiercely and without regard for your own safety if it means you can help others."
The attention and praise makes you blush and you look down at the delicate craft in your hands. "That doesn't mean I'm not a softie, you know?"
Gepard doesn't say anything for a while, and you're too timid to look up to meet his gaze.
Fortunately, you don't have to wait long. You see him move through your lashes, and he sits next to you. His large hand, void of the glove and armor, carefully slips under both of yours to cradle the metal flower.
The heat emanating from him makes you feel woozy and you almost swoon into him, as he smells so strongly of pine and forest and attractive musk. But he catches you, extending his other arm to wrap around your shoulders and press you flush against his side with your head resting on the crook between his neck and shoulders.
"That's good to know." He murmurs, just barely audible.
"What is?" You ask, fighting back a yawn.
"That you like affection, trailblazer." Gepard rests his own cheek on the crown of your head with a contented hum. "Go to sleep, Y/N. I'll wake you up when the snowstorm is over and escort you to Boulder Town myself."
You smile, sleepy and heady.
"Thank you, Geppie."
"Rest, Y/N."
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kulaiyin · 1 year
(content: arlan companion quest, esther daily quest, sheila side quest, wubbawoo side quest, forgotten hall, various world 1 overworld exploration, and world 1 main story quest)
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PEPPY IS SO FAST, peppy is walking ME...
i will be going through all sorts of things in this!
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asta and arlan’s interactions are unexpectedly good, i like that he calls her “lady asta” and loves peppy so much 🤧 i honestly thought it was his!
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OH did i just get arlan?! 😳 apparently it’s for the train, like a teapot visitor. this is such a cool system! (still really want arlan himself though hehe...)
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BIG ORE... AND SVAROG IS THE ROBOT PROTECTING CLARA??? i thought svarog was a big gang leader dude this WHOLE time...
i also barely consciously registered the big guy in clara’s kit as a robot, thought it was just an armored knight... it’s so interesting how things are coming together! definitely didn’t expect to see clara here at this part of the story!
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big fan of how he’s just sitting there looking weary but determined with a tiny barking marshmallow in his arms and the text next to him just says DESTRUCTION
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i got her daily quest, most pure researcher in the whole station. please follow your fashion dreams ma’am
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it’s a fantastic hotel, only it’s too bad there’s no closet to crawl into so i can ambush more hotel devils
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i’m not entirely clear what happened, but i’m getting that cocolia lost her daughter (funnily enough i think she has an actual daughter in ggz) and this stellaron’s whispering about a new world... it’s so strange how mc has dreams from the stellaron!
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think i just got this from a forgetful guy... sir why would you teach me this
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underground theater experience is crazy y’all
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oh this place is so lovely and nostalgic feeling! i like the evil natasha and moles drawing (❤´艸`❤) 
just realized natasha also runs an orphanage in this game?! she really loves helping unfortunate kids...
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they r gay
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oh no i think i just unlocked star rail abyss... the lore behind it is really interesting though... 
but since i ended up not telling the astral express crew about the messenger because i didn’t realize it wasn’t a random event, she’s here forever now... (´。_。`)
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peppy looks weird today
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man this side quest CRUSHED me
i actually took a screenshot way back in the beginning of the game right when the space station was gathering survivors from the antimatter legion attack, and there was an old guy talking to “Sheila” and saying “if only sheila was still alive” and it was so curious... she’s right there! 
(edit: here’s the screenshot...)
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mystery solved... i don’t know if i made the right choice... 
still, it’s cool that the choices you make in side quests have permanent effects on npcs in the overworld
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she has mysterious history with cocolia... she has a band (PELA IS ON DRUMS IN IT?!)... she’s a researcher and engineer... top tier character (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)
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dan heng is so funny...
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i crushed them btw
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