#this has been accepted into heartcanon
diogxnes · 3 years
for the headcanon ask meme.. how about one of each? 0:-)
thanks love, and sorry for the late response!! i'm not 100% sure if i’m interpreting your ask correctly but i’m gonna take it as one of each body part canon for whatever character i feel like <3
headcanon: we don’t know anything about robin’s family but i am 100% certain that she has no siblings and her dad has been out of the picture for a very long time. she has a couple of fuzzy, vaguely nostalgic memories of him but knows rationally that there isn’t anything to miss because if he was really a good person or a good father he’d still be around. she lives with just her mom, who is well-meaning and tries and cares but has fallen off a bit, and struggles to take care of even herself, let alone an angsty, rebellious teenage daughter. so robin is an entirely different person at home--she’s the caretaker, the responsible one. she feels trapped and cannot wait to move out, but she also feels desperately guilty at the thought of leaving her mother to fend for herself. i think it makes a really good counterpoint to steve’s absent-powerful-parents situation (which technically isn’t canon but it looks like we’ve all just accepted it as fact lmao) and would be a really good source of conflict and personal growth for robin later in the show. (realized after i decided all this that this situation is similar to dustin’s and to jonathan’s. i love giving people mommy issues <3)
heartcanon: after the whole chasing-joyce-down-the-street thing jonathan goes back to the morgue because he doesn’t feel like he can go home just yet and feels irrationally like he owes it to will to look properly at his body instead of running away, since at least one person in their family needs to confront will’s death head-on and it clearly isn’t gonna be their mom. when he gets back hopper is still there, sorting out some of the paperwork that joyce left behind. hopper offers to go back with jonathan; he knows from experience how hard it is to look at the body of a kid you love, and he doesn’t want jonathan to have to face it alone. jonathan doesn’t really want the company but he doesn’t refuse it, either. he lets hop stand silently beside him while they wheel out will’s body, and when they pull back the sheet he’s about to lose his resolve again when he feels hop’s hand on his shoulder. neither of them say anything until they’re out on the street, about to go their separate ways. then hopper does his think where he bends down to be at eye level with short people and clasps both of jonathan’s shoulders and tells him that if he or his mom ever need anything, or even if jonathan just wants to talk to someone else who has gone through this, he can call any time and hopper will be there for him. neither of them ever speak of this interaction again, but jonathan treasures the knowledge that he has someone looking out for him and his family. 
gutcanon: steve is gonna die in s4. I don’t want it to happen but I feel in my bones that it will. this show hasn’t actually killed off any major characters yet (and anyone who thinks billy is a major character beyond being an antagonist can gtfo) and i don't think that everyone surviving is gonna last. and steve makes the most sense. they aren’t gonna kill off jonathan when the whole first season was about joyce getting her other son back from the dead. i don’t think they’re gonna kill any of the kids because they’re kids. nancy isn’t gonna die because for better or for worse the duffers have leaned REALLY hard into the whole “badass invincible girl with gun” thing. robin isn’t gonna die because the optics of immediately killing their only (out) gay character are not good. joyce isn’t gonna die because that’ll mess up hop’s redemption arc and lbr winona carries the show. so that leaves steve. also it’s a fantastic (if horrifying) conclusion to his character arc if he goes from dustin calling him “that douchebag steve harrington” in 1.01 to sacrificing himself to save dustin in s4. yknow what i should’ve made this my headcanon and the robin thing my gutcanon because this is WAY more thought out lmao
junkcanon: steve is a top and jonathan is a bottom. unless you’re into stoncy in which case steve is the ultimate power bottom and nancy is unquestionably the top of the bunch. nancy is a top and robin is a bottom. i will not explain myself because i know that i am right 
spleencanon: this is also a headcanon and a heartcanon but jonathan absolutely went and apologized to both steve and nancy together for the s1 photos and they had an adult conversation about how it wasn’t okay but he’s learned and grown and moved on. because absolutely fuck the duffers for deciding that STEVE was the one who needed to apologize to JONATHAN for destroying the camera that was used to take creepshots of his girlfriend. and fuck the duffers for deciding that “in that moment you weren’t like the other girls <3” was a good justification for taking topless pics of nancy without her consent. so yeah jonathan owned up to it and took responsibility and apologized (beyond the super brief “i shouldn’t have taken those”) and only after that did steve forgive him and replace his camera <3
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aflamethatneverdies · 3 years
(I had to Disgruntle a cat away from the keyboard to ask XD, but: Bahorel , Prouvaire, and let's go with Madi?:D
Hee thank you! Also hi Catte!! I'll make separate posts for each, since this is already quite long.
Tried non-violent protest at Lallemand's funeral, found the state violence and the complicity of his law professors/prosecution horrifying and takes delight in riots and revolutions because of that, non-violence doesn't work. Has lost friends/relatives to state violence and/or poverty which is itself a kind of violence.
That is why his parents also respect his doing nothing except revolution. They may have had instances/reminders of state violence that hit close to home. They may have lost a son, or a niece or nephew because child mortality in those days was high and they were peasants and could not afford better treatments at a point of time in their lives even if they are rich/well off now and have abundant money to spend.  Although there's definitely a thing where even if they have money, they and also Bahore will not be able to be accepted by/belong to the rich classes and they don't want to. Bahorel takes pride in their being peasants. He never forgets his roots.
2) Has been greatly influenced by the women in his life, so I always assume that he has at least one or two older sisters who were involved in his upbringing and in helping with the farm and he was close to them and also really listens to and admires his mistress sincerely, who is very independent and who smokes, shoots a pistol and rides a horse, or someone like Delphine Gay Girardin.
Heartcanon: Comes across as extremely ridiculous/over the top, but has a deep sincerity about it. For instance he wears scarlet waistcoats with the specific intent to appall the bourgeoisie. Ever since that article which talked about how Petit Cenacle fashion was subversive confirmed my ideas, he absolutely uses fashion in a subversive manner and to make a statement, along with Prouvaire. He manages to turn everything he wears into something that looks extremely good on him and also makes him look hot.
Has also been arrested multiple times just for walking the streets wearing something scandalous, sporting an illegal tan, annoying neighbours with musical instruments he did not know how to play, naked orgies and generally for just existing as a loud Republican and Romantic who cannot tone down anything about himself and why should he? He has always been Eccentric in that way (and I use that term in the way it was known at that time, with bourgeois society frowning on originality and eccentricity), which is why Prouvaire (and his specific brand of weird) and him get along so very well.
Also really while he may not be a poet like Prouvaire, is really interested in words and maybe has written some minor things of his own, which he is not interested in publishing because censorship laws under Charles X weren't great, maybe he has helped other people publish things via contacts/newspaper links. At least I don't think he is a terrible writer. And he is very much someone who is a thoughtful reader and read a lot as a child as a form of rebellion at school given texts- although that may have been only a handful of books available to them at the time as a peasant family with many kids.
He is associated with using 'words which break everything' and also writing ballads and caricatures of professors in his law class when he could be bothered to attend them, that to me, speaks of someone skilled with words and since he has been in Paris 1820 onwards has probably written or talked about things in some capacity, maybe even was a leader of an even tinier splinter group which joined to form les amis.
He's so much associated with disruptions/challenge to norms of society/grotesque every time he appears/does something and I love that, so much.
Gutcanon: He knows English and French yet will always switch to his native dialect when dealing with authority figures/criticisms by Academie if he ever came across them (because he knows Dumas and Hugo and all the French Romantic writers), to simply thumb his nose at the idea that French should be the main language of France.
Alternatively, he serves as a point of introduction reference to other political workers from the Midi not just because of his nature of finding and talking to people and his flaneuring qualities but also because he takes an interest in their dialects and may know a little bit how to converse in different dialects and so they feel more at ease sharing their thoughts after being new to Paris. Not every worker would have had the opportunity to learn French if they didn't get a chance to finish school, some, whose biographies have survived, were self taught like Feuilly.
Junkcanon: Has very much participated in Romantic naked orgies and lived as a polycule/throuple/with multiple partners including some of his friends, which causes the police to assume that him and all his friends are all very queer, which is not wrong. Is not shy discussing these things/has a sense of humour which leads to dirty jokes.
Spleencanon: Bahorel turns into an immortal werewolf instead of being killed at the barricades and is being referenced by the survivors/revolutionaries in 1848 along with Feuilly's Vivent les peuples and then in 1871 and later.
Or Everyone lives AU where Bahorel practically adopts Gavroche as his younger brother and looks after him, and teaches him new things, and his siblings also hang out with them and the Thenardier kids are all warm and happy.
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alleyskywalker · 5 years
Anakin Skywalker
{Keep in mind that only the movies are truly 100% canon to me. No matter what Disney wants lol.)
Canon [fact I can’t get over it’s so great]: I just...I love how open-hearted Anakin is? How much he really cares. People have noted that Anakin is far too impatient with Democratic institutions and processes, that he’d at times be willing to sacrifice them if it would get things done. That’s true, and it’s very shot-sighted, but he doesn’t do that/think that way because of some selfish reason, like wanting power, or just not wanting to deal with problems. He just really, really cares and sometimes he sees there’s a problem and it is/could be causing suffering and he just wants to make that suffering stop.
Headcanon [fact and why]: Since I see the Force as almost kind of a magical thing, and given how much everyone talks about how even a quick brush with the Dark Side can damage a person, my thought on Anakin vs Vader has been that once he embraced the Dark Side is kinda...took over him. To the extent that in a lot of ways Vader is a separate person/entity from Anakin. Not...not exactly like a possession scenario but kinda.
Heartcanon [fact you can fight me about]: Qui-Gon couldn’t wait to start training Anakin so he started showing him easy lightsaber moves (with like sticks/batons or something) on their way to Coruscant.
Soulcanon [nothing you can say will change]:. Since I only accept the movies as canon, Anakin never had a padawan and idgaf what anyone says including TPTB.
Crotchcanon.Ani’s bi.
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kingofthewilderwest · 7 years
Voltron Paladins’ Native Languages
So, I’m not like 100% sold on the idea, but I guess it would make most sense that Earth has developed a full-blown universal translator by the time VLD events transpire? Not going to get into the linguistics of where universal translators are problematic, but it’s still the most plausible thing I think could be going on in Voltron.
The Galaxy Garrison is likely an international organization. Now, the global lingua franca (ex: English) could be the official language of the school, and the students they accept might have to pass language proficiency tests. That’s a possibility. But it’s sort of odd that all the Voltron characters have American English accents despite their diverse origins. The United States of course does have people of all backgrounds in the country, but I always felt that the writers were intentionally diversifying the Voltron characters to represent the world... and thus they’d actually be BORN in Cuba, BORN in Samoa, BORN in Japan, BORN in Italy. And yet not a single human has a hint of a non-native American English speaker accent on the Voltron team... not even an American dialect with stigmatized regional features can be heard.
Then there’s the talking-to-aliens aspect we need to consider. The Alteans are capable of visually modifying themselves to help interact with different species, but I don’t think that includes suddenly being able to speak other languages. Not to mention every species that the Voltron team meets can be immediately understood. How are they understanding the Galra or the Balmerans? A universal translator again, avoiding scientific problems of this device would be the trick.
It also explains why Pidge can understand anything Allura says but cannot read Altean. It explains why the only words that don’t translate from Coran or Allura are the words which have no direct translation. So. It could be the case that there’s something like a universal translator each Voltron character has that analyzes audio of a species and translates the audio to the Voltron characters. Why they’re always wearing it and why it’s not seen... uh... let’s not get into it.
But anyway! What’s so great about the universal translator idea is that it opens up a world of amusing speculations. There are all sorts of fun headcanon questions to answer like what languages are the Voltron team actually speaking?
My headcanons, more or less:
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(I don’t like the idea of everyone having this much English exposure, but the language is currently a global lingua franca and is an L1 or L2 of 20% of the world’s current population. So I did have to rationalize the language into this).
Lance is a full-blown bilingual. He knows English and Spanish completely fluently, grew up speaking both languages, and prattles in both of them with ease. He’d be great at picking up more languages if he had the motivation to do so - he’s a natural!
When he’s hanging out with the Voltron crew, he’s usually speaking English because English was the accepted international language used in the Garrison’s written reports. So since he first meets Keith, Pidge, Lance, and Shiro at the Garrison, that’s the language Lance defaults on with them. Hearing Allura speak in something that sounds like a British dialect is going to subconsciously keep Lance using English too while they’re in space. But there are times he’s switching between both languages. He definitely speaks both around the crew.
Pidge is somewhat monolingual with decent exposure to several other languages. My emotional heart says that Pidge speaks only Italian I really don’t like the idea of the Voltron crew having a common language and I want that to be my headcanon, but I realize that’s not realistic at all. 
She lives close to the Garrison, obvious in that she’s able to just hop in and break their security. Since the Holts live close to the Garrison, this means that the Garrison is either in Italy or she knows the local language where the Garrison is located. Between those two scenarios I’d say it’s more likely the Garrison is not in Italy... especially given as the news report for the Kerberos’ failed mission is in English. And I would imagine her father has been working with the Garrison for a while, so that disproves the idea of her growing up mostly in Italy and then moving close to the Garrison only within the last few years.
So Pidge knows Italian and whatever-local-language-is-around, and if the local language isn’t English, then also a decent amount of English. English would be useful for programming languages, after all! So she’s got no problem programming and reading in English. However, since her exposure to English is mostly text, she’s not competent at all in a conversation, either listening or speaking in English.
If my heartcanon for Pidge being a monolingual Italian speaker had made sense, then I’d love for there to be this moment that her universal translator glitches maybe the idea still slightly works if the Garrison isn’t in an English speaking nation. Suddenly she can’t understand anybody except for sort-of Lance when he speaks Spanish. The two languages are borderline mutually intelligible, after all. So Lance tries to help her out with Spanish while she’s speaking Italian, they’re somewhat making it halfway function (Lance’s slang is not helping), but she breathes this enormous sigh of relief when she gets the tech fixed.
Keith is monolingual. He knows American English and that’s it. Given as his father seems to speak in one of the Southern United States English dialects, I like to headcanon that little boy Keith lived in the South for about eight years and spoke a Southern dialect. Then he and his father moved northwest, Keith dropped that dialect through lack of exposure before adolescence, and picked up an Upper Midwestern American English accent in place (what we hear him speak on screen). Keith could still speak in a Southern accent if he wanted to, but no one’s ever heard him do it. And no one ever will.
Shiro is essentially monolingual. He’s only fluent in Japanese. He was taught Mandarin Chinese and English in school for many years, but despite being a good student, he was always bad at foreign language. The result is he’s highly limited in both. He’s more than alright reading Mandarin but not so good in conversation. Regarding English, Shiro can understand the language just fine when he hears it (since he’s heard it spoken enough), but he’s never been good at returning a response. If Shiro tries to talk in English, he’s got noticeably slow, broken, ungrammatical English and a reaaaally thick Japanese accent. He demonstrates his limited Chinese and English speaking abilities to the team at one time. They think it’s adorable.
Hunk knows Samoan. Again my heartcanon says it’s Samoan alone, but my head points out that Samoan + English makes sense (depending on where he grew up). Those are the two official languages in the country (with more L2 Samoan speakers than L1), and other Samoan populations are in English-speaking countries like New Zealand and Australia. So it’s just likely Hunk has been heavily exposed to both languages since he was young. But! That said... he’s terrible at English spelling. Downright terrible.
As for Allura and Coran... we don’t know anything about Altean languages and dialects outside of the few words Pidge hears in the training (the Alteans have clicks! woot!). My headcanon says that Allura and Coran don’t speak the same dialect (since the voice actors don’t speak the same English dialect) but they do speak the same language. Allura speaks the most sociolinguistically prestigious dialect of Altea. Coran’s dialect is noticeably different but doesn’t have too much negative sociolinguistic status to it. His speech sounds just as ridiculous to Allura as it does to the Paladins because he uses a lot of his regional slang.
So if everyone’s universal translators broke at once... Hunk, Lance, and and Keith would be able to converse just fine. Coran and Allura are able to talk to each other. Lance and Pidge could get some things to work if they speak slowly and avoid slang. With everyone else Pidge would be shrugging. And there’d be poor Shiro stuck, capable of communicating with absolutely no one beyond gestures, pained facial expressions, and the occasional grammatically incorrect English sentence.
And during the event of a Lion/Voltron fight with said translator glitch:
Shiro: Make... [forgets word for “sword” in English] ...stick???
Pidge: Che palle! Merda! Lance: Con esa boca comes? Keith: Wait, what are you saying? Lance: I didn’t catch it all, but I’m not translating! Hunk: Whoa. You saying Pidge has a potty mouth?
Keith: They’ve got the tactical advantage here. If we’re not careful, they’re going to outflank us. We’ve got to outmaneuver them before they outmaneuver us. Pidge: I don’t understand. Can you explain me in simple English? Lance: Explain me? No, no, Pidge, you mean “Explain to me.” Keith: Fewer grammar lessons, more fighting!
Shiro: Etou... robotto? Make-oo? Keith: What?!?!? Lance: Hey Shiro, we need that in English! Shiro: Ro... no... make-oo robotto. Lance: English! Shiro: Make-oo robotto! Pidge: That is his English! Hunk: What is he saying? Keith: “Make... robot?” Everyone else: Ohhhh! “Form Voltron!”
(P.S. I checked with a friend who speaks Italian for Pidge, and I speak a decent amount of Spanish, but I am only a native speaker of English so I apologize if I made mistakes!)
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♡ + music
i’ve mentioned on here that in the comic canon, ben parker is noted to be more artistically inclined than his brother and nephew. they bring up that he’s got a history in performing, and i like to headcanon him to be someone very musically inclined. at risk of taking this too far, have a bullet point list of music related headcanons.
for a part of his twenties, when he held out some semblance of hope that perhaps perhaps he could pursue music full time, he worked nights at a bar in brooklyn. it was the eighties, piano bars were alive and well, and he couldn’t have been more thankful for it. it was no more back and forth from open mics, it was a job, real and steady, where he got to spend his nights playing and singing and winding up ambition for a career that’d never come to him before.
while piano is his first and primary love, ben’s not rusty with guitar either. he plays it less, but it’s certainly the more portable option. he also plays melodica (after a gag gift gone wrong when he became determined to lean it) but we dont talk abt that.
in the headcanons @yourhotaunt​, it’s actually music that helped to bring may and ben together. perhaps they’d seen eachother around before, but one of their first real interactions was when her friends encouraged her to join him in an impromptu duet. he remembers it not to be love at first sight, but something more like an ecstatic type of bewilderment.
back to music though . ben loves good lyrics. while other, more technical aspects can get him sometimes, what really draws him to a song is what’s being communicated. some of his favorite musicians are billy joel, frank sinatra, and elton john, all of whom he feels have some element of timelessness to them, as well as some kind of universal reach. 
which peter wants to step up and teach this man to use spotify so he can make playlists for every dam occasion?
all jokes aside though, he’s something of a vinyl snob. #hipster uncle ben who still has every record he ever owned because he’s a hoarder and now its back in style and even if no one cares he still brags about it as one of his three (3) personal accomplishments.
u came over 2 just have dinner @ the parkers ? dont mention music or else its abt 2 be a jam sesh . 
heartcanons   |   accepting   |   anon
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equalmeasurefiction · 7 years
Five types of canon- Amon or Tarrlok
Canon: Tarrlok showered Avatar Korra with gifts and bribes to try and get her to join his task-force.  When that failed, he manipulated her into joining his task-force.
Headcanon: Tarrlok was hitting on Avatar Korra, because even though Tarrlok is a workaholic, he’s not adverse to sleeping his way to the top when the opportunity presents itself.  He calls it ‘networking.’
Heartcanon: Tarrlok and Korra would have made a great team, if they’d been given the opportunity.
Soulcanon: Tarrlok and Korra shared some great times on that task-force and there were moments when they really shared a connection.  And Tarrlok ruined it every single time by making it more about the upcoming election than forming a real relationship with the young Avatar.The entire thing played out like Sisyphus and the Boulder.  Korra would start to display affection toward Tarrlok and Tarrlok would overestimate it.  So he’d play it up during the press-conference, thus driving Korra off again.  All he had to do was lay off the press-conferences, but he just couldn’t resist…
Crotchcanon: Tarrlok ‘networked’ with Lin BeiFong.  As soon as Korra showed up in the City, Tarrlok dumped her to go after the Avatar.  So the reason that Lin’s so pissed at Korra during the party scene is because she’s just realized that she got left for the younger model… again…This inevitably bites Tarrlok in the ass when Korra isn’t interested in his task-force (or what’s in his pants) and Lin figures out that he’s struck out and sides with Korra.  That’s she stands up for Korra and pro-bending in that one scene.  And even though I accept the Lieutenant-is-gay canon, there is a part of me that really, really wants Lin and the Lieutenant to get together as Bitter Blood Bender Exes.
Canon: Amon kept his brother in a prison on air temple island, separate from all the other prisoners.
Headcanon: Amon ran away to join the circus where he met two of the Ty sisters (Not Ty Lee, she joined the Kiyoshi Warriors).  The Ty sisters taught him about chi-blocking.  From there, he got involved in an opera company (may or may not have been the Embar Island players), which is where he learned how to hold himself and command an audience, designed his mask, and learned how to pain sets (which is how he learned basic design–he managed all of his propaganda).
Heartcanon: If things had been different, Noatak would have gotten along well with Korra.  He would have been a top-notch water-bending instructor and a good White Lotus agent.  He might have fallen in love with her, but I doubt he would have ever acted upon it, since I hold that he’s the type to put duty over everything else.
Soulcanon: Noatak believes that Tarrlok is their mother’s favorite.  That’s why he was okay with leaving the family–he felt certain that as long as Tarrlok was with their mother, she could never be unhappy.Their mother always pulled Noatak aside and reminded him to look after his little brother, because ‘he’s not as strong as you, and as the older brother it’s your job.’  Tarrlok, of course, never knew about this, so he didn’t realize that the reason that Noatak constantly pushed himself to improve was to be strong enough to protect him.  Noatak eventually internalized the idea that Tarrlok was the favorite, even though their mother loved both her sons equally (and blamed herself for pushing Noatak too hard).Also, even though Noatak looks like his father, he actually takes after his mother emotionally and psychologically (Tarrlok is the opposite; he physically resembles their mother’s side, but has far more in common with Yakone).  It was her advice and lectures on how people should treat each other that planted the original idea for equalism in his head.
Crotchcanon: Noatak has feelings for his brother that are slightly more than fraternal… not that he’d ever admit it… unless Tarrlok said something…
I may not have done this right… but whatever…
Blood-bent: Amon and Tarrlok (right back at you!)WingedBunny: Fin and Kylo
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