#this has been in my drafts for SOO LONG its crazy
chiesajpg · 8 months
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my favorite pics of fede :) tanti auguri scorpio boy 🩶
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ymirslvr · 3 years
just the two of us
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historia x gn!reader
wc- 1.5k
notes- i got sick of this being in my drafts so it’s not proofread i apologize in advance lol. historia is just a normal scout here, she never went by krista and is not royal-blooded. also petition for some more hisu content pls
content- fluff
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you lay awake, staring at the bed above you. the quiet sounds of the night and your roommate snoring softly buzzing through your ears. you'd think that sleep would come easy for you considering the amount of training you go through daily. you should be exhausted by the time you're able to finally rest, but more times than not you find yourself in this exact same situation, sometimes becoming so desperate to get some sleep you start counting sheep.
you roll over with a sigh, shifting your focus to the window. it's clear out tonight, stars littering the sky. your windows open, letting the slight summer draft blow in. the sounds of the night are interrupted by light footsteps creeping closer and closer to the door. you sit up in your bed, almost bumping your head onto the bunk above you. the door creaks open ever so slightly, squinting, you try to make out whos there. blonde hair pokes through the opening, “y/n?”, she peers in. you smile, it's historia. grinning, you rise from your bed and take careful steps towards your door, trying not to wake your roommate. you greet her in the hallway, making sure to close your door behind you. she's wearing a light pink nightgown, blonde hair a bit messy and her cheeks a bit rosy. “i hope i didn't wake you,” she says softly, “i tried my best to keep quiet, but obviously your door wanted otherwise.” she giggles.
you smile down at her, “youre fine. whats up?” it's not unusual for historia to sneak into your room late at night, especially since both of you struggle with falling asleep. but usually you two will just lay together in your bed, finding comfort in each other. she opens her mouth to begin to speak only to shut it again. her small hand grabs yours and she starts to walk, pulling you behind her. your brows furrow, “historia?”.
“shhh. just come on!” the blonde replies with a giggle, pulling the hand she's holding up to her lips to give it a quick peck. she leads you outside, beginning to take you uphill, her blonde hair flowing behind her.
“what are we gonna do if they notice we're gone? i'm not in the mood to have to listen to the commander yell my ear off, reiss.” you say playfully. although it may seem like you were uninterested in this, you love when she does little things like this with you. its rare that you have time off, little moments together with her are much needed. you and historia have snuck out plenty of times before, but you always stayed right by the barracks. that way, if someone were to come looking for you guys you could just say you heard a noise and were seeing what it was. it wasn't the most believable excuse, but it was something. there wasn't any type of good excuse for venturing out this far.
“oh it'll be fine!” she exclaims, giving your hand a gentle squeeze. “no ones ever come to look for us before, right? anyways, since when have you worried about getting in trouble?” giggling, she leads you over a small creek, the cold water washing over your bare feet. historia is aware of the risks in doing this, but truthfully, she doesn’t care. losing food privileges for the week or having extra training isn’t that big of a deal to her if it means she can spend extra time with you. and to tell the truth, even if you wanted to say no to this, you know you couldn't. you've always had a soft spot for her, she was one of the few good things in this cruel world. its ironic really, someone like her living in this awful place. you could never understand how fate seems to deal the best people the cruelest things. you know she’s not perfect, she’s not some angel who could do nothing wrong. but honestly, she could be the cruelest person in this world and you wouldn’t care.
she leads you up a path, taking you up to what seems like almost the top of the hill. she guides you through a field of wildflowers, the flowers so overgrown they scrape up against your knees. she lets go of your hand and begins to walk behind you, standing up on her tip-toes to place a soft hand over your eyes. “promise you won't look till i tell you to?”.
“i promise,” you say with a grin, closing your eyes. “promise you're not going to push me to my death or something?”
“y/n!” she yells. “don't ruin the moment!” giggling, she places her other hand onto your lower back to guide you forward. you move slightly uphill for about two minutes, you can no longer feel the flowers against your legs, instead it seems like you've moved onto a grassy field. the weight on your eyes and lower back subsides, you can hear footsteps moving from behind your head to infront of you. “okay,” the blonde says with a grin, “you can look now.”
you open your eyes, you're standing on a grassy platform that overlooks a pretty lake. the moon bright and full, illuminating the scene in front of you. “soo,” historia smiles, “isn’t it pretty?” she takes her hands in yours and pulls you towards her. her big blue eyes looking up into yours. the light from the moon hitting her face just right, making her look even more angelic than usual.
“it’s so pretty,” you smile, leaning down to press your lips against hers. the kiss is soft and sweet, she wraps her arms around your neck and pulls away, nuzzling her head into your chest.
“i was talking to armin and eren the other day, they said something about how reiner and bertholdt took them up here once. armin said the view was one of the prettiest he’s seen, so i decided that we needed to test that theory ourselves.”
“you couldn’t have picked a better night to do it.” you respond with a smile. she pulls away from the hug with a giggle and begins to sit down, pulling you down with her. letting go of her hands, you lay on your back. putting one arm behind your head to act as a cushion, the other stretched out to the side, gesturing for historia to lay with you. she smiles at your gesture and scoots over,  positioning herself so that she's on her side, head nuzzled into the crook of your underarm, your arm wrapped around her. you look up, taking in the night sky.
you're not sure how long it's been, but you guys are still there, basking in each other's comfort. your hand is stroking her hair, her hand stroking your chest. its quiet, the only sounds being each other's breathing and the faint noise of crickets chirping. but it's a comfortable quiet nevertheless. it's nice to be able to escape from the craziness of the world, even if it's just for a bit.
historia never wants this moment to stop, neither do you. you guys find comfort in each other. it’s nice to be here with her, not having to worry about either of you getting hurt. it’s nice to have that feeling of secureness that you don’t have to often because of the way this world works.
“wish we could stay here forever, just the two of us.” she mumbles into your chest. you hum in agreement. as selfish as it is, the desire to run away with her and forget the entire world is so strong sometimes. historia feels the exact same way. she knows that doing that would make her an awful person, but if it meant being able to be with you, a reputation like that doesn’t sound that bad. though, you both know neither of you would ever act on that urge, you signed up to be soldiers, your jobs are to fight. but that doesnt stop your mind from making up scenarios of what life with her could be like under normal circumstances. you never thought you could find yourself missing something that has never happened. 
“i love you.” you say softly, pressing your lips to the top of her head.
she snuggles into you and yawns, her voice barely above a whisper, “i love you too.” 
you lay there until the birds begin to chirp and the coolness of the night begins to fade away. you gently shake her awake, grabbing her hand to pull her up. you walk back in silence, your hand gripping hers. you know staying up is gonna bite you in the ass during training later, but it was worth it. as strange as it is, laying there with her almost gave you hope that maybe one day that selfish desire you both dream of can come true. maybe one day the cruelness of this world will be over. you look back at her and smile, you’re greeted with a soft smile in return. maybe one day. 
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zeawesomebirdie · 3 years
Heeyy I'm back! I 100% agree with you in the past few days I've spent so much time with a new widow and like 20 wookieepedia articles open just going on search-tangents, it's so fun! Like the SW universe just... Never stops? You can just want to look up someone's dob and 2 hours later you're realising Tatooiine is in the Arkanis sector and Arkanis is right next to it and so is Geonosis apparently?? Still haven't come back from that one. But yeah I totally get the enthusiasm. And the HC about dates is actually good, especially for my poor brain who's having a hard time with all the stuff that's not explained haha
Mainly I just wanted to say I watched the prequels in a night and the next afternoon and it was very fun! (because for once I hadn't heard every nitpick and criticism possible on the movies :') apart from like, Hayden Christensen's acting) But I wanted to let you know, I had Obikin in mind all throughout the movies and... Yeah. Yeeaah. Yep yep yep. Love it. I started the second Aftermath book but partway I got distracted and went looking for fics :')) So far I've read a few and it's super fun because it differs from my other ships on a few things and I like the change for once :') If there are any fics you think are super good or you want to talk about, feel free to recommend them! (Also real question: do people use Ani-Wan? Cause I think that's a good name too but I just pulled it out of my ass soo...)
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Hey there Anon ☂️! I know im the one who got you onto this wookiepedia deep dive but did you say Tatooine was in the Arkanis sector???? Thats crazy???? Especially if you're coming at the GFFA from an interest in the sequels but then learning about the prequels and-
Okay so before I get too excited, I'm so glad you're enjoying these little tangents! This is why its taken me the last nine months to even attempt to zero draft any SW canon-compliant fic, I keep getting sidetracked by a million little details and then I stop writing to research 😅 but really, the same sector and everything??!! Im gonna have to look into this omg this changes so so much about the kylux dynamic if they know this
And welcome to the prequel fanclub! I have to admit the prequels are my favorite trilogy, though that may be because im very queer and I project onto Obi-Wan a lot lmao! RotS is genuinely my favorite movie of all time and has been since I first saw it at like 10 years old, and I'm always so excited when people get to experience it without the notion that they suck! Like sure its bad 2000's acting but also its beautiful and the way everything just goes together and ahh I love these movies so much, there's a reason im mainly a prequels blog!
Oh and yeah you're right about watching them with obikin in mind! Prior to watching them this year I hadn't seen them in a good 6 or 7 years so everything i was getting for the ship was from fandom, and then when I managed to move back to my parents I finally watched the movies again and it was so amazing to see them with this new lense! And omg they're just so cute together? As the Stover novelization says, "They're a team. They're the team. And both of them are sure they always will be." And you know what that quote smacks me across the face because its so fucking true, they love each other so completely but the story just has to go on and ahhhhh
So now i have to admit im bad and haven't read a whole lot of fic for any ship in a long while 😅 reading is just hard for me, im unmedicated adhd so I tend to not read if I can get away with it but if you want my recs, I will always handsdown recommend the Matthew Stover RotS novelization, while not a fic its pure obikin for like 300 pages and its considered a canon novel which. Canon obikin? Yes please! I also like these fics:
you were the crash (i was the car) by zombiekatherine (rated M, please mind the tags)
and i think of all those little things (that you and i can do) by monamoure (rated M, please mind the tags)
Both of these are absolutely amazing! Short, but again im super adhd and not medicated whatsoever so sitting and reading anything over 10k isn't happening unless its my own fic (and even then it doesn't always happen lmao)
Now onto your last point: the only ship names I've seen for obikin are obikin (obv lol) and aniobi? There's also ships with both of them plus a third such as quiobiani (Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan/Anakin) and obianidala (Obi-Wan/Anakin/Padmé), and im sure there's others but im blanking on what they're called atm but honestly im sure people will get what you mean regardless of what tag you use! I say this as someone who very rarely tags posts lmao, sorry I cant be more helpful!
And side note, if you want some more deep diving and random info that isn't considered canon but is actually in Legends, I highly recommend the book Darth Plagueis by James Luceno. Its obv about Plagueis yes, but it talks pretty extensively about midichlorians and the research Plagueis was doing on Aborah in an attempt to prolong his life (and of course then you can say you have in fact heard the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the wise). I fully intend on reading more Legends books, in fact I have Master & Apprentice by Claudia Grey sitting next to me rn but I havent taken the time to read it yet (if you're unfamiliar, its the #1 "canon" quiobi novel!)
Okay now that I've rambled at length, I hope you're having a great day!! Enjoy this newfound knowledge!!
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