#i know way too much info about the gffa
zeawesomebirdie · 3 years
Heeyy I'm back! I 100% agree with you in the past few days I've spent so much time with a new widow and like 20 wookieepedia articles open just going on search-tangents, it's so fun! Like the SW universe just... Never stops? You can just want to look up someone's dob and 2 hours later you're realising Tatooiine is in the Arkanis sector and Arkanis is right next to it and so is Geonosis apparently?? Still haven't come back from that one. But yeah I totally get the enthusiasm. And the HC about dates is actually good, especially for my poor brain who's having a hard time with all the stuff that's not explained haha
Mainly I just wanted to say I watched the prequels in a night and the next afternoon and it was very fun! (because for once I hadn't heard every nitpick and criticism possible on the movies :') apart from like, Hayden Christensen's acting) But I wanted to let you know, I had Obikin in mind all throughout the movies and... Yeah. Yeeaah. Yep yep yep. Love it. I started the second Aftermath book but partway I got distracted and went looking for fics :')) So far I've read a few and it's super fun because it differs from my other ships on a few things and I like the change for once :') If there are any fics you think are super good or you want to talk about, feel free to recommend them! (Also real question: do people use Ani-Wan? Cause I think that's a good name too but I just pulled it out of my ass soo...)
- ☂️
Hey there Anon ☂️! I know im the one who got you onto this wookiepedia deep dive but did you say Tatooine was in the Arkanis sector???? Thats crazy???? Especially if you're coming at the GFFA from an interest in the sequels but then learning about the prequels and-
Okay so before I get too excited, I'm so glad you're enjoying these little tangents! This is why its taken me the last nine months to even attempt to zero draft any SW canon-compliant fic, I keep getting sidetracked by a million little details and then I stop writing to research 😅 but really, the same sector and everything??!! Im gonna have to look into this omg this changes so so much about the kylux dynamic if they know this
And welcome to the prequel fanclub! I have to admit the prequels are my favorite trilogy, though that may be because im very queer and I project onto Obi-Wan a lot lmao! RotS is genuinely my favorite movie of all time and has been since I first saw it at like 10 years old, and I'm always so excited when people get to experience it without the notion that they suck! Like sure its bad 2000's acting but also its beautiful and the way everything just goes together and ahh I love these movies so much, there's a reason im mainly a prequels blog!
Oh and yeah you're right about watching them with obikin in mind! Prior to watching them this year I hadn't seen them in a good 6 or 7 years so everything i was getting for the ship was from fandom, and then when I managed to move back to my parents I finally watched the movies again and it was so amazing to see them with this new lense! And omg they're just so cute together? As the Stover novelization says, "They're a team. They're the team. And both of them are sure they always will be." And you know what that quote smacks me across the face because its so fucking true, they love each other so completely but the story just has to go on and ahhhhh
So now i have to admit im bad and haven't read a whole lot of fic for any ship in a long while 😅 reading is just hard for me, im unmedicated adhd so I tend to not read if I can get away with it but if you want my recs, I will always handsdown recommend the Matthew Stover RotS novelization, while not a fic its pure obikin for like 300 pages and its considered a canon novel which. Canon obikin? Yes please! I also like these fics:
you were the crash (i was the car) by zombiekatherine (rated M, please mind the tags)
and i think of all those little things (that you and i can do) by monamoure (rated M, please mind the tags)
Both of these are absolutely amazing! Short, but again im super adhd and not medicated whatsoever so sitting and reading anything over 10k isn't happening unless its my own fic (and even then it doesn't always happen lmao)
Now onto your last point: the only ship names I've seen for obikin are obikin (obv lol) and aniobi? There's also ships with both of them plus a third such as quiobiani (Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan/Anakin) and obianidala (Obi-Wan/Anakin/Padmé), and im sure there's others but im blanking on what they're called atm but honestly im sure people will get what you mean regardless of what tag you use! I say this as someone who very rarely tags posts lmao, sorry I cant be more helpful!
And side note, if you want some more deep diving and random info that isn't considered canon but is actually in Legends, I highly recommend the book Darth Plagueis by James Luceno. Its obv about Plagueis yes, but it talks pretty extensively about midichlorians and the research Plagueis was doing on Aborah in an attempt to prolong his life (and of course then you can say you have in fact heard the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the wise). I fully intend on reading more Legends books, in fact I have Master & Apprentice by Claudia Grey sitting next to me rn but I havent taken the time to read it yet (if you're unfamiliar, its the #1 "canon" quiobi novel!)
Okay now that I've rambled at length, I hope you're having a great day!! Enjoy this newfound knowledge!!
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padawanlost · 3 years
I have a couple of questions about Karen Miller/Traviss (are they the same person?) who wrote the Clone Wars novels. Are they still considered canon? Also, I heard that Karen Traviss was abused online or something, was that over her Star Wars novels? Really, I mean that just takes toxicity to a new level.
This is a hot topic but one that desperately needs to be explored because to this day people are still spreading misinformation about that happen as a way to ‘defend’ their points. So, here we go:
Karen Miller and Karen Traviss are not the same person.
Karen miller wrote novels like  The Clone Wars: Wild Space and the Clone Wars Gambit series.
Karen Travis wrote novels like The Clone Wars movie novelization and the Republic Command Series.
Both, in my opinion, are very talented writers but both also suffered thanks to sexiest and overzealous fans. There are many reason why they became ‘infamous’ but the main reason is their political stance. They both had a lot of sympathy for the clones and the enslaves citizens of the GFFA, and both were not shy about calling out the Jedi Order and the Senate for their inaction. Of course, jedi stans hated them. To add insult to injury, Karen Traviss was the writer who ‘killed’ Mara Jade (btw, this wasn’t her idea but she’s still hated for it).
Karen Miller ‘crimes’:
Her biggest ‘offense’ was being mistaken by Karen Traviss (more on that later). Beyond that all she did was write Anidala and portraying Anakin and Obi-wan as good but flawed people. This is the kind of stuff she wrote:
“Coruscant was out there. Padmé was out there. There was a heart in his chest, beating, but it was only an echo. She was his true heart. She was his home.”  - Karen Miller’s Clone Wars Gambit: Siege
“He saw himself a candle. He saw himself behind a wall. Brick by brick he tried to raise it. Brick by brick, it was destroyed. Every death was a hammer blow. Every loss a chisel. The Sith were a wily foe, they knew where and when to strike. They were drawn to weak places, to old griefs and unhealed wounds.” - Karen Miller. The Clone Wars: Wild Space
To weep for a fallen comrade was to display unseemly attachment. A Jedi did not become attached to people, to things, to places, to any world or its inhabitants. A Jedi’s strength was fed by serenity. By distance. By loving impersonally. Karen Miller. The Clone Wars: Wild Space
Nothing particularly edgy or offensive. Imo, she’s one the best prequel writes in the game.
Karen Traviss ‘crimes’:
Beyond killing Mara Jade, she’s known for being critical of the Jedi and Republic and advocating for clone wars. She supported the highly offensive and controversial idea that clones were human being who deserved the freedom. She also believed that love (romantic or platonic), family and friends were not inherently evil and that Order made mistake by banning them.
Karen Trraviss is also know for writing so much of what we know of Mandalorian culture and she struck a nerve that too.
She wrote things like:
“The only thing [the clones] all had in common was their appearance—although they were starting to age differently, she could see that now—and what the Republic had done to them. Apart from that, they were individuals with the full range of virtues and habits of random humankind, and she now felt completely at home with them. If she had a side in this war, this was the one she chose: the disenfranchised, unreasonably loyal, heartbreakingly stoic ranks of manufactured men who deserved better.”  Star Wars - Republic Commando: True Colors by Karen Traviss
Serenity, my backside. Passion. Passion and anger and love. That’s what this galaxy needs, not serenity. Passion for change. Anger at this brutality. Love-buckets of it, for everyone, love between child and parent, between spouses, between brothers and sisters, between friends. We need more attachment, not less. Attachment can stop us from tearing ourselves apart. The Clone Wars: No Prisoners by Karen Traviss
He wanted to ask her why only a handful of Jedi objected to a slave army, and why they could claim to believe in the sanctity of all life and yet treat some life as being exempt from that respect. [REPUBLIC COMMANDO: TRUE COLORS BY KAREN TRAVISS[
Fandom (over)reaction:
Because of her ‘polemic’ takes, she started getting a lot of hate from the fandom. She used to interact with the fandom and her reward was to get constant death and rape threats. Some fans threatened her with ‘corrective rape’ to change her mind about the Jedi Order and other topics. Apparently, she responded by calling these fans ‘talifans’.
And the fans used that reaction to further vilify her. she was accused of hating the Jedi Order, of favoring Mandalore over them, getting the size of the clone army wrong, of ruining the OT by killing Mara Jade and now, of attacking fans. She was basically bullied out of the franchise.
However, her depictions of Clones and Mandalorians as heroes, while portraying the Jedi as petty or villainous, frustrated some fans, who felt that her stories and characters were counter to Star Wars. These fans wrote negative reviews of her books, and created a petition to George Lucas to stop Traviss from writing further Star Wars books. Traviss also received rape and death threats. Traviss wrote about these experiences on her blog, attacking the fans who created the petition, and likening them to Muslim extremists by calling them "Talifans." Traviss ultimately retired from Star Wars writing due to the threats she received.  [x]
It got to point where she had to write an open letter to the fandom explaining she DIDN’T hate the Jedi Order, she just didn’t believe things like war crimes and slavery should be so easily overlooked.
“No sane human can hate someone who doesn’t actually exist. From a writer’s perspective, the more super-powers characters acquire, the harder it is to develop logical story arcs and true human drama…but I don’t have any real feelings about fictional characters that stay with me once I step out of character-point-of-view-writing mode and get on with my life […] My real problem, then, is not with fictional Jedi, but with the people who refuse to believe they can do wrong. – Karen traviss [x]
If you want to know more about this, check this out :)
Now, back to Karen Miller
A few years ago, a popular sw tumblr tried to discredit Traviss writing by spreading the info that  she was a sexualizing Ahsoka with Bail so people started hating her for that too. Thing is, Karen Miller was the one accused of doing that but here is the deal:
Neither Karens ever wrote Ahsoka interacting with Bail Orgarna. What actually happened was that someone wrote a fic about Bail sexualizing Ahsoka on fanfiction.net, someone read it and decided the writing style was similar to Karen Miller’s so OF COURSE it must be Karen Miller who wrote the fanfic. Thanks to that genius level of deductive work, over the time people started saying that Karen Traviss wrote about Bail wanting to fuck Ahsoka as extra proof that SHE IS EVIL and should not be taken seriously.
Regardless of what you feel about someone writing, it’s NEVER okay to send them rape or death threats. Never! unfortunately, some hardcore jedi stans still spread the ‘karen traviss was attacking us’ without explaining exactly transpired between her and the fandom. According to their narrative, she was the *only* one in the wrong. That’s why there’s so much misinformation about her and what truly happened online.
My take on this ‘controversy’ is very simple: stop sending rape and death threats to women. I don’t care if you agree with her or not. The moment you believe a women *deserve* to be rape or killed, or support those who do, you lose any more ground you might think have. The situation becomes even more dire if it’s done to protect FICTIONAL CHARACTERS. 🤦‍♀️ I swear...this fandom....
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ooops-i-arted · 4 years
Have you seen S2E4 yet?? I'd really love to get your perspective on it as a teacher/from a child-development POV
Since I just did Baby Yoda’s child development in the last ask I’ll do my Thoughts On The Space School for this one because I was SO EXCITED to finally see a school in Star Wars!
Tumblr media
The Good:  The classroom seems to be pretty well-supplied.  Enough desks and materials for everyone (maybe the teacher didn’t even have to buy them).  Another shot shows little cubbies for the kiddos to keep their stuff in.  There’s certainly enough light and air though the room seems a little cramped/close for all those kids.  It was so cool to see all the supplies on the side - lots of globes (although one is straight up Jupiter??? the front most one of that cluster of 3 in the middle of the pic.  Did they forget to repaint that one??)  The board is definitely visible to everyone and it’s just awesome in general that the importance of education is recognized by a person of leadership, since Greef is clearly pretty proud of what they’ve accomplished on Nevarro.
Also I’m just so excited to see a space school in general.  I have my own headcanons of course but it is cool to just actually see a school in Star Wars.  Even if, as a teacher, many things grated on my nerves because I know how a school really has to roll. :P  (I am about to complain so much, I swear I really did like the space school, it was a cute lil classroom.)
The Bad:  Uhh..... why does Greef just drop the baby off here?  Isn’t there a class for another, more appropriate age group?  There’s honestly not really enough here to even engage elementary school students* - they are listening to a droid drone with nothing but a desk and a tablet-like device, though at least they’re allowed snacks - so a toddler is gonna be bored as hell.  And a bored toddler is a destructive toddler.  There’s nothing for him to do and presumably no age-appropriate activities for him, since this is an elementary school class and he is a toddler/possibly a preschooler.  They are NOT interchangeable.
Also *Peli voice* you can’t just drop a kid off in a class like that!!  Even in a drop-off program I would rip Greef a new one for that!  1.  Interrupting the class without asking, it’s a miracle those kids didn’t take 10 minutes to be calmed back down.  2.  The teacher has NO information on the kid.  Allergies, health issues - and I imagine that’s even more important when you live in a galaxy with a billion different species - emergency contact info, etc.  3.  YOU DIDN’T EVEN ASK IF YOU CAN LEAVE THE KID THERE.  Okay I know it’s because it’s a tv show but BASIC DISRESPECT.  4.  Since the teacher had no idea Baby Yoda was coming, do they even have enough materials?  How fast did they have to whip up a separate more appropriate version of the day’s activities with differentiation to make it more accessible to his tiny hands?  Any teacher would’ve had a couple extras but still.
Also the kids 100% should’ve fuckin’ rioted when Baby Yoda got brought in.  He’s new and exciting and weird they would’ve gone apeshit.  Pre-COVID anytime a baby sibling got brought in during pickup we all had to see the baby and this would’ve been no different.  Hell we gotta stop and look if someone brought in a new Batman backpack or something.  Well-behaved quiet class? 0/10 too unrealistic
The Ugly:  Oh I see.  While canon does sometimes address droid sapience, droids in Star Wars are usually used for menial tasks or tasks “below” an actual person.  Including, apparently.....teaching.
You think a fucking droid can do my job?  I guarantee you none of those students were learning  A DAMN THING.  All that droid was doing was droning on boring information with no effort to engage the students.  No activity, no music, nothing fun or interesting, just dry boring info while sitting at a desk, so that info is going in one ear and out the other.  My students don’t learn because I bleat dry information at them.  They learn because even during teacher-led times, I make it interesting and engaging for them.  I don’t have them just sit and listen constantly - hell even if they are sitting and listening to a book I’m asking them open-ended questions to engage them and get them thinking + my puppets and read-aloud song to make it fun, and I don’t even do that every day.  I also use activities where they are actively participating and involved because that’s how kids learn.  Think back to your own school experience - you don’t remember the boring stuff, do you?  You remember the fun things, and likely the teacher that engaged you and made you want to learn.  A teacher like that is absolutely vital to education and students learn best when they have a connection with an adult they like, trust, and value the knowledge of.
Okay, to be fair, a droid with the right personality for it could probably teach a great lesson.  I for one would love to see R2-D2 run a classroom.  (Or Chopper.  “Hello and welcome to Murder 101.”)  But from what I saw?  Nah, that’s clearly a droid who’s not supposed to be a teacher but a babysitter.  Because this is a show made by Americans and that’s how waaaaaay too many Americans think of their educators.  And I’m not a fucking babysitter, I am a professional in my field, and teaching isn’t one of those jobs just anyone can do.  Anyone can read a lesson, but it takes training and practice and effort to teach.  /rant
*I’m not gonna get into it because my specialty is preschool, not elementary school, but sitting at a desk all day isn’t really developmentally appropriate or the best way to learn despite it being the norm in America.  I’ve always headcanoned that in the GFFA they know better and have better schooling, so I’m just gonna pretend Greef dropped Baby Yoda off on substitute day when the regular teacher was out and it was a makeshift lesson and not what they normally do even during teacher-led lesson time.
Anyway Greef hire me for your space school I will set up an awesome preschool class for you, just pay me a living wage and let me teach Baby Yoda and see Cara Dune’s biceps on the regular
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meep-morp-s · 3 years
Tell me more about twi'lek ears, my friend. I don't know anything about them and am curious, per your last conversation.
(if you're up for it, no worries if you aren't. I just like asking friends before I do the google rabbit hole search haha but no pressure!)
Okay! So you know a ton about biology and probably know what sexual dimorphism is, but for those who don’t it’s what makes the males and females of a species look significantly different from one another. Think male peacocks being colorful and the females being brown, or how female angler fish are massive compared to the males.
These differences are usually just surface level though; their insides are still going to be the same. Sexual dimorphism (as far as my very limited understanding of biology can tell me) is not something that can give a species two completely different kinds of hearing organs. Reproductive organs? Totally. But ears vs. ‘cone-shaped hearing organs’? I don’t know about that.
There isn't a lot of info on the specifics of the ear cones, but I would think they work similar to Torgruta montrals using passive echolocation but on a smaller scale. They don't look like they would have good hearing at all. How is that an evolutionary advantage to have half your population hear differently?? Actually, now that I think about it maybe it could be helpful if they can pick up different frequencies. That's a stretch though. George Lucas didn't put this much thought into it I'm sure.
But whatever it’s star wars the rules don’t need to apply!! (my personal theory is the creature design department just didn’t get the memo Bib Fortuna was the same species as the female slave dancers in Jabba’s palace. yeesh.)
So the main differences between AMAB and AFAB twi’leks is the ears and forehead ridges. It’s pretty common to see the cone ears covered up by earmuff things, so I wonder how people view the cone ears? If the beauty industry in the GFFA is anything like ours, there’s probably a million ‘flaws’ twi’lek girls think they need to cover. That along with how oversexualized they are and it seems like a lot of pressure is put on twi’lek women looking a very specific way.
So when it comes to trans twi’leks what are they supposed to do? Humans are comparatively much more similar physically, but getting gender-affirming surgeries and hormone therapy is still challenging (to say the VERY least). For a species with differences that significant I think it would be much harder. Which would just make it more amazing to have proud and happy trans twi’leks!
The earmuff covers would end up being lot more helpful in this situation for those who don’t/can’t get surgery to change their EAR ORGANS THAT’S LITERALLY CRAZY, and there are cultural things like men sharpening their teeth that one could do, too. (bonus: in legends canon, some twi’lek women had humanoid ears… i’m not saying they’re trans but they’re trans)
In regards to my OC from the other post, she keeps her humanoid ears and forehead ridges because that’s her choice, and both Jedi and Twi’lek culture do not seem the type to be at all bothered by that. The galaxy at large, especially in the Empire era is likely more bothered by deviation from the norm.
This has been me aimlessly rambling about my headcanons thank u for listening. Quick disclaimer tho: I myself am cis so PLEASE let me know if I said/assumed anything I shouldn’t have, I really just want to delve into this more and hear more headcanons on the subject!
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gffa · 6 years
I just want to tell you that I absolutely love your blog and I love your information posts. They're so incredibly helpful when writing fanfic. I was also wondering if you have any info on Jedi getting paid? Even small allowances?
Hi!  This is so sweet, thank you for the kind words!!  I’m glad the info posts are helpful to you--I do them because I really love the set-up of the GFFA and they’re fun to write about, but if I can help give out info, I’m glad to!As far as I know, there’s really nothing to indicate if Jedi are paid an allowance or not.  And, as always, Legends is often very fun and explores cool story ideas, but it was always Legends to George and the other people making the Immovable Objects of Star Wars History, and is thus not really relevant.  So if there’s something I’ve missed in Legends, well, that wouldn’t surprise me, but it’s only useful for having fun with, not for canon purposes.What we do know is:- The Jedi seem to have money when they need it.  Qui-Gon has money (Republic credits, which aren’t able to be used on Tatooine, which is not part of the Republic) but it’s safe to assume that was a mission-related expense account.- Anakin has personalized stuff in his room, but we don’t know how he got those posters or those special benches, tools, droid parts, starfighter toys, or the fancy Naboo-style lamp, etc.  We don’t know if he asked for them from Jedi Requisitions or if they were gifts or he bought them with a Jedi allowance or just straight up stole them.  Okay, I kid about that last one.  XD We also see Barriss has a (likely?) personalized statue in her quarters as well.- The Jedi are under the jurisdiction of the Senate and report to them, so it’s almost guaranteed to assume that they’re given some sort of budget from the Senate, since there’s no other indication of how the Jedi would ever get money.  However, we never see the idea of a Jedi budget addressed in canon as far as I remember, so we’re just sort of guessing about the details.So they have some way of getting things and they’re obviously allowed to keep personal items just fine (Anakin’s quarters have several of them), so the money for those things has to come from somewhere.  Even if it was just that Padme bought Anakin a bunch of stuff, he has them displayed all over his room and nobody’s going, “Hey, where’d all this stuff come from?”I doubt that the Jedi would take side-jobs, given that it would be a far too sticky situation to get into (because then people with money could afford to hire the Jedi and that would give them an unfair advantage, when the Jedi are supposed to be peacekeepers) and I would guess that they possibly do get some sort of personal allowance to spend on whatever they like or at least have access to money, since we see them with personalized stuff.If it’s going out to see a holomovie or buy a fancy space icecream or a poster they want to keep in their room.  Not all Jedi use the money and may even give it back, they don’t have much use for it, since the Temple is their home and family, they’re clothed and fed there automatically.  Or, perhaps, they just go ask for it and the Jedi are like, sure, here’s 30 space dollars, go get a fun snack, so long as the Jedi’s not spiraling out of control, they trust their fellow Jedi to have their reasons.We see, for example, Barriss and Luminara and Shaak Ti, and Ahsoka all have clothes that are unique to them, though, my feeling is that they probably have tailors within the Jedi Temple that will make whatever clothes the Jedi requests, whenever they’re needed.But missions would get their own separate spending money and whatever was left over would be returned to the Jedi.Basically, we don’t have a lot of info, we just know that they likely get their money from the Senate and we see enough personalized items that the Jedi have SOME way of getting money to spend on things for themselves, but we don’t know specific details!
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jhgraham · 6 years
To the lovely anon who sent me this message...I figured it would be better to amalgamate all of your messages into one in order to give you an answer. 
You asked: 
I saw a comment here about articles saying that Qi'Ra love story will destroy/ is better than Han and Leia's. Were there actually articles like that?I've been searching extensively for Qi'Ra and Han relationship infos bc i wanted to hurt myself and i haven't stumbled into something like that, so i'd just have to assume that those are one of the crappy article sites. Anyway, won't Qi'Ra betray Han anyway? And probs also die at the end of the movie. Emilia was obvious w/ her answers
I also kind of get bummed out by how negative the fandom is approaching relationship. That's a bit hypocritical of me bc I got bummed out myself that I couldn't stop thinking about it for days but i just hate the fact that this fandom thinks some girl who just popped out with no backstory (although they'll make one,apparently) will destroy or largely affect the established couple and fandom that is Han and Leia. Thousands of gorgeous fanfics, hundreds of talented writers. -----
-no matter the atrocity that Disney steered their relationship, there will never be anyone that could erase the established fact that Han x Leia is a bonaFIDE couple.And the original trilogy; My god, the original trilogy. There is NO ONE that can ever erase the fact that they are the main couple in one of the most iconic universe ever made. And then there's the EU. Shout it out to the whole world: no matter what narrative sorrounded and will surround their relationship: Leia and Han, forever.
Their relationship, whether it be from the EU that Disney scraped or from the atrocity that Disney created, created legacies from where the story of the Star Wars universe continues. There will always be Han and Leia. They will always be Han and Leia. No new stories or narratives can ever touch or destroy that.
Ah, Anon. You’re asking about the upcoming movie-that-shall-not-be-acknowledged-by-me. That’s my answer in a nutshell, I suppose. But here’s a  patented JG’s OverlyLongAnswerTM nonetheless, so apologies in advance. 
The truth is that I don’t want to hear squat about Han and Qi’ra...pardon my language, but I don’t give a fuck. I don’t want to read about them or see any screenshots, read any articles about the cast, the plot, zip/zilch/nada. They do not live in Justine-ville, and they ain’t movin’ in. It is now and will always be Han and Leia for me, regardless of what Disney has done to them in the past or will do them to discredit them in future. 
But, here’s the reality, so brace yourself: there will be fans who are going to ship Han and Qi’ra. Plenty of them. There will be articles, speculation, theories; there will be those who adamantly try to stuff their relationship down our throats and insist that it’s far better than Han and Leia, that Qi’ra was Han’s one true love and Leia just a pale rendition he caught on the rebound. She might hurt him, betray him, leave him a broken shell of a man...but still, they’ll ship them. Personally, I call bullshit on that, and that’s my right. 
And you know what? It’s your right too, dear Anon, and don’t forget that. I don’t understand why you would want to hurt yourself by consuming any of it...if Han/Leia is your ship and anything else causes you pain, I suggest you actively avoid any and all of it. I do, and so do many others here. Think of the coming movie as bad fanfic if you have to, or one of the many movie versions of the lives and adventures made in the GFFA, and imagine our favourite characters getting a laugh out them. You’ll be happier for it, I promise. Disney’s gonna do what they do, and there’s nothing we can do to stop that. But we as fans aren’t powerless...no way. We can continue to do what we do, which is not give Disney one more dollar or one iota of attention, and read and write great Han/Leia fanfic to show them how it should have been, if they’d only listened. 
Immerse yourself in fic...as you pointed out, there are thousands of gorgeous stories and hundreds of talented writers out there, and all of us who love Han and Leia would be happy to recommend a bunch for you if you’re running short. Honestly, it’s like standing in the middle of a huge farmer’s market, surrounded by all sorts of tasty fic-treats. Hate oranges? Walk right on by. Not sure about avocados? (blech)...try them, say no thank you if they don’t strike your fancy. Can’t get enough apples? Eat your fill. But choose wisely, and carefully...there’s bound to be bad apples in the bunch, artfully masquerading as the good ones. Don’t be fooled. :D
Anyway, you said it best: Shout it out to the whole world: no matter what narrative surrounded and will surround their relationship: Leia and Han, forever.
Thank you so much for the ask!
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gffa · 7 years
Just when you think, okay, last week STAR WARS fandom was pretty good for fic, but it definitely can’t keep doing that every week, when n o p e, fandom puts out more fic that leaves me incoherent in both joy and suffering at the same exact intensity as previously. I will put this fandom up against so many others for fic that makes me feel things and leaves me feeling like, yes, this fic satisfied something in me in the way that fic, at its best, is meant to do! ✦ In All The World by Ammar, obi-wan & anakin & cast, 76.6k wip    The story of how Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi tamed each other, from Naboo to Anakin’s early days at the Temple. ✦ Sun Kissed by Vee017, obi-wan/anakin & cast, nsfw, past sexual assault issues, 81.7k wip    Being on a world that supports slavery is one thing. Buying a slave and bringing him into Republic space is entirely another. ✦ time to change the road you’re on by wreckageofstars, obi-wan & anakain & ahsoka & cast, 27.3k wip    The end of the Clone War is near - the fall of the Republic even nearer. Anakin Skywalker, caught up in the events that lead to the rise of the Empire and the loss of everything he holds dear, finds himself sent nearly two decades into the future. ✦ Let’s Kill Hitler by updiddlyupup, obi-wan & ahsoka & cast, 6.1k wip    Even in times of war, it’s not usual to wake up with a different Jedi Master than the one you had when you went to sleep. ✦ Equinox by lilyconrad, obi-wan/anakin, sith!obi-wan/sith!anakin, 4.3k wip    During the Clone Wars, Obi-Wan and Anakin crash on a remote planet and take shelter in the ruins of a grand estate only to find they are not alone. ✦ Ghosts of a Future Not Yet Past by LurkingCrow, obi-wan & luke & cast, 4.2k    On Mortis the boundaries between past, present and future are paper thin. As he ponders the unexpected vision of his former Master, Obi-Wan gets a visitor from the other end of the temporal spectrum. Feels ensue. Otherwise known as the “excuse to give a certain Jedi all the hugs” fic. ✦ Calm down, Anakin by DonkerRood, obi-wan/anakin, nsfw, 1.7k    Obi-Wan finds a better way than meditation to calm Anakin down. ✦ untitled by fireflyfish, obi-wan/anakin/padme & ahsoka, 1.1k    Pants and shirts flew through the air as Ahsoka sat perched on her master’s bed, watching him frantically panic over his wardrobe. ✦ A Walking Shadow by lilyconrad, obi-wan & anakin & padme & luke & leia & palpatine & cast, 74.6k    It is five years into the Empire’s ascension, an order built on the blood and bodies of the Jedi. None survived, they say, and the handsome, icy profile of Lord Vader plastered across every Imperial city leaves no room for doubt in the minds of many. But Vader knows there is at least one left, one that escaped him on Mustafar all those years ago. ✦ A Time For Thought by TardisIsTheOnlyWayToTravel, obi-wan & luke & leia & han, 1.4k    “The Princess is right.” General Kenobi speaks up. “While on the Death Star, I was informed that a tracking beacon had been placed on this ship. Open the hidden compartments, Solo. We are not out of danger yet. The tracking beacon must be destroyed.” “You were informed?” Luke echoes the General, looking confused. “By who?” ✦ absolute power by cosmicocean, leia & luke & han & ben & cast, 8.6k    In the end, she takes the offer. In time, Luke will come to regret ever leading her to it. Where Leia becomes Empress with the intention of doing good, and falls so far. ✦ untitled by stonefreeak, obi-wan & cast, ~1k    Anonymous asked: I don’t think you’ve done a fic for where Chancellor!Obi-Wan actually present the evidence and starts the corruption investigation? ✦ Ben and Grandpa Go Camping by darthnickels, vader & leia & ben, 2.9k    post-ROTJ AU. Leia takes her young son to the one man she hates most– the man who may be the only one in the Galaxy who can help him ✦ untitled by legobiwan, obi-wan & dooku, ~1k   The Count took his napkin and dabbed at his mouth, placing it on the table and leaning back in his chair. “So tell me, Mr. Hardeen. How did you manage to kill the Jedi Obi-wan Kenobi?” full details + recs under the cut!
✦ In All The World by Ammar, obi-wan & anakin & cast, 76.6k wip    The story of how Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi tamed each other, from Naboo to Anakin’s early days at the Temple.    Chapter 14: This is an update rec and will focus on the current chapter, rather than the fic as a whole. I tried wait until there were at least two chapters of this one, but I love this fic so much that I couldn’t resist jumping on it as soon as I saw it updated and I just really, really love this fic a lot. It’s centered on a plot, that something is going on with someone having hired a bounty hunter to possibly assassinate the Queen post-The Phantom Menace, but of course it turns out to be so much more complicated than that, and it’s about Obi-Wan struggling to deal with the loss of Qui-Gon and getting to know Anakin and starting to teach him. So much thought and care has gone into the story part of this fic, just as much as has gone into the characters of the fic, that it’s one of the best fics I’ve read in the fandom and I look forward to every update on it. This chapter especially had me taking screenshots of it to remind myself of some of the stuff I loved because it hit me straight on with how good this fic is: Your focus determines your reality, Qui-Gon always said. It was one of those Jedi teachings that seemed strange, the first time you encountered it. Reality seemed concrete; unshiftabe, unyielding to the ideas of beings. Stone and duracrete cared nothing for your focus, your attitudes. If you thought that a durasteel wall would yield to you, it wouldn’t. Fools ran at durasteel walls and bashed their heads on it and bled. And yet: didn’t focus matter? This is in the middle of an investigation, while Obi-Wan is discussing a Naboo artist’s painting in the office of a person of interest, and the layers of the story here are fantastic–it’s a scene that’s about Obi-Wan on a case, it’s a scene about expanding the culture and history of Naboo, it’s a scene about the Jedi philosophy and what objectivity and focus mean, that it’s at the heart of the Jedi code. It’s this almost small scene amongst a bigger case fic story, but it had such an impact on me because it felt so incredibly solid like it could have been lifted right out of the GFFA itself, like this story is such an incredibly natural, organic extention of Naboo’s culture that it fit seamlessly for me. It’s not even really meant to be about that! It’s just adding in detail that would naturally come up in the story! And yet it’s one of my favorite things, for how well-written it is and how it balances characterization with it, it’s not just info dumping things on me, the reader. And it’s that incredibly enjoyable sense of solidity and smoothness (it’s so interesting to read about Obi-Wan digging into all of this! and teaching Anakin as he goes!) that make this one of my favorites in the fandom, too. ✦ Sun Kissed by Vee017, obi-wan/anakin & cast, nsfw, past sexual assault issues, 81.7k wip    Being on a world that supports slavery is one thing. Buying a slave and bringing him into Republic space is entirely another.    Chapter 28: This is an update rec and will focus on this chapter, rather than the fic as a whole. This fic updated after a long break on my birthday, which was another great present for me! The chapter is a little harder on the Jedi than I usually like to read/goes with canon, but one thing that really soothed me is that it was about them trying to find their way back, that these are good people who were lost in the darkness for awhile, that the reactions against them are from characters who are hurt right now and are upset and have a right to those feelings, but it doesn’t make me hate anyone. Plus, it’s another step closer to Obi-Wan and Anakin reuniting and even now their time apart is still very much focused on each other, how deeply they care about each other and how they’re each a catalyst for the other’s reactions, like, yesssss, if I can’t have kissing just yet, then I want them thinking about the other and getting mad because of what’s been stirred up on the other’s behalf! That is my jam right there. ✦ time to change the road you’re on by wreckageofstars, obi-wan & anakain & ahsoka & cast, 27.3k wip    The end of the Clone War is near - the fall of the Republic even nearer. Anakin Skywalker, caught up in the events that lead to the rise of the Empire and the loss of everything he holds dear, finds himself sent nearly two decades into the future.    Chapter 6: This is an update rec and thus will focus on this chapter, rather than the fic as a whole. This fic updated on my birthday and, shit, what an update it was because every time I think I can’t read it with my feelings on my sleeve again, the fic pulls out another chapter that just hits me right in the feelings place. The chapter once again does a gorgeous job of showing just what’s weighing down all of these characters, how much all of them have suffered and why they made the choices they did, how each one of them is understandable. Even when Anakin made such terrible choices, the only feeling I have is that I desperately, desperately want to save him, just as Obi-Wan and Ahsoka do. And Obi-Wan has something precious that needed him here more than anywhere else and the fic got that. And Ahsoka only had bits and pieces of what had happened and even living under the Empire wasn’t as heavy as finding out more. And one choice that was fascinating to me was that Obi-Wan held back on the worst of Anakin’s crimes–there’s no mention of the younglings he killed, for example. And I was all set to be, “HEY, MAYBE THAT’S A THING THAT SHOULD BE MENTIONED.” but what this fic does is beautifully shows that it wouldn’t have helped to tell that, it would have only crushed Anakin further, it wouldn’t have done anyone any actual good to tell that. And Obi-Wan not saying it felt like he made that choice, I thought about it from his point of view, and the fic doesn’t have to hit me over the head with it, I just got it, from the way he looked at Anakin, the way he hugged Anakin, the way he had hope in Anakin again, which was so much more important than coming down on him or crushing him for things his future self had done. And that choice was pitch perfect Obi-Wan Kenobi right there. I’m sorry to see them leaving Tatooine, those chapters were the ones that were the absolute best of the fic so far, but I’m also so eager to see where this goes and to see if Anakin can pull this off and already this fic has my fannish heart. I love it so much and I’m so glad it exists. ✦ Let’s Kill Hitler by updiddlyupup, obi-wan & ahsoka & cast, 6.1k wip    Even in times of war, it’s not usual to wake up with a different Jedi Master than the one you had when you went to sleep.    Eeeeee, omg universe hopping/time travel/??? fic! Where Ahsoka wakes up in a universe where Anakin Skywalker isn’t around and her Master is Obi-Wan Kenobi and I love it already. I would have jumped on this fic just for the premise alone, but it’s already engaging and has me hooked on it! I already love the echoes of both universes that are here–that Ahsoka remembers the canon one, while Obi-Wan clearly remembers an entirely different relationship with her, that both have an important connection there, but it’s not quite the same and it’s both a little heartbreaking and absolutely fascinating how they play off each other, how Ahsoka turns to him for help, but not quite in the way he’s clearly used to. And this Obi-Wan is different from the Master Obi-Wan she knew as well and it’s fascinating to see how different he is without having trained Anakin, how he had molded himself in certain directions and without Anakin to do that for, he’s still Obi-Wan, but not quite the same. And I love that it just quietly made me really sad, even as awful as canon!Obi-Wan’s life could be sometimes, there was such spark and life there. It’s a fic that’s just barely above 6k right now, it’s only two chapters, and yet already know that I want more immediately, because it’s moving at a good clip, not skipping over things too quickly, but it’s not dragging its feet, either, the Jedi get right into whatever the heck is going on and start trying to figure it out and that lends a nice sense of getting a move on. And, of course, I want to know what the heck is going on in the greater picture, too! What went wrong and where it went wrong and what should be the right series of events! :D :D :D ✦ Equinox by lilyconrad, obi-wan/anakin, sith!obi-wan/sith!anakin, 4.3k wip    During the Clone Wars, Obi-Wan and Anakin crash on a remote planet and take shelter in the ruins of a grand estate only to find they are not alone.    I was always going to be biased, since this was a birthday gift for me, it was always going to appeal to everything I wanted, but, oh, I genuinely love it and would have whether it was meant for me or not. There’s so much really beautiful imagery in the first chapter already, there’s so much lush description of the planet that Jedi!Obi-Wan and Jedi!Anakin land on, there’s such a feel of it being a gothic horror piece already, just from the atmosphere the fic paints. And already I love the little details, the way Obi-Wan and Anakin worry over each other, the way Obi-Wan tells Anakin to just sit down as he pours more energy into healing Anakin as best he can, no matter how much it costs himself, the descriptions of the mansion they find themselves at, and the killer cliffhanger ending, of course. I want the next chapter so badly already and I am so eagerly looking forward to the two pairs meeting each other and having to deal with seeing how much is or isn’t reflected back at themselves and whatever else will come from this story. It’s a great set-up and I’m going to be circling this one like a hawk, let me tell you. ✦ Ghosts of a Future Not Yet Past by LurkingCrow, obi-wan & luke & cast, 4.2k    On Mortis the boundaries between past, present and future are paper thin. As he ponders the unexpected vision of his former Master, Obi-Wan gets a visitor from the other end of the temporal spectrum. Feels ensue. Otherwise known as the “excuse to give a certain Jedi all the hugs” fic.    This fic is exactly what I want out of fandom–a giant excuse to let Obi-Wan Kenobi have a hug already. And it was so lovely to see a fic where I could absolutely feel the weight of Luke’s love for Obi-Wan, how much Luke understood the weight of what Obi-Wan had done for them all, without tearing down any other characters, but instead just recognizing everything that Obi-Wan had poured into this life. And, oh, it was such lovely writing, it was so warm-hearted, with that undercurrent of heavy pain and suffering that is this galaxy, but that there’s still good there, and what could have just been an iddy fic was instead one that really felt spot on, both in tone and how both characters were perfect, this fic got both Obi-Wan and Luke. Like, yes, this is the Luke Skywalker I know. Such a good fic, ahhh. ✦ Calm down, Anakin by DonkerRood, obi-wan/anakin, nsfw, 1.7k    Obi-Wan finds a better way than meditation to calm Anakin down.    What this fic does for me is hit me right in the iddy want, where Anakin is all restless energy and can’t calm himself down, he gets too wound up, so Obi-Wan finds a better way to help him–by fucking the noise right out of his head. I am so here for Obi-Wan with a gentle but firm hand on him, praising him when he’s good, but holding him down again when he gets too impatient, teaching Anakin to calm himself and wait for what’s coming, to trust that it will come, that he can trust Obi-Wan. And that Anakin will be rewarded with quiet in his head and it’s more than just Obi-Wan’s fingers in him finally, that he’s finally getting thoroughly fucked and it leads to this calm, content place for him, where Obi-Wan’s got this, got him, and he doesn’t have to worry about it. I will read that every single day of my life because Anakin Skywalker is going to need it for the rest of his life, too. ✦ untitled by fireflyfish, obi-wan/anakin/padme & ahsoka, 1.1k    Pants and shirts flew through the air as Ahsoka sat perched on her master’s bed, watching him frantically panic over his wardrobe.    Based on the fanart, this is an AU where Obi-Wan and Padme are Senators and are sort of kind of maybe courting Jedi Anakin together and, oh, this was a total scream, it was so much fun and fit the art so well and I’m just over the moon for Anakin being so entirely gone on these two ridiculously hot people, who are just the right amount of similar and yet still would give Anakin different things. It’s sexy and flirty, Anakin being so spun around these two incredibly hot people, the most beautiful disaster to their polished teasing, and it’s so good, I would read a hundred thousand words of this, easy. ✦ A Walking Shadow by lilyconrad, obi-wan & anakin & padme & luke & leia & palpatine & cast, 74.6k    It is five years into the Empire’s ascension, an order built on the blood and bodies of the Jedi. None survived, they say, and the handsome, icy profile of Lord Vader plastered across every Imperial city leaves no room for doubt in the minds of many. But Vader knows there is at least one left, one that escaped him on Mustafar all those years ago.    Final Rec: This is one of the earliest fics of Lily’s that I read and it’s created a special place in my heart because I love the concept, that Anakin redemption fics are incredibly special to me, and I felt like I went on a bit of a journey with this one, that I’d been following it for awhile and each update meant something to me. Ultimately this fic is about the path of redemption, that it’s not an easy road to step onto, much less walk down one that never really has a specific end, and this fic does a beautiful job with that, how Anakin does such terrible things and the ways he is or isn’t able to come back from them. And while I love canon a great deal, Anakin never really was redeemed, he died to save his son, he had one moment of selflessness (in a selfish way, honestly, because that’s Anakin for you, I love him so much) rather than actually doing any of the work, but this is a story that has a real cost for him. This is a story where it’s not easy, where he struggles, but it’s worth it in the end. Because his chilren love him, because Obi-Wan loves him, because he can’t hurt any more people that he loves. It’s a story that’s novel length because that’s what it takes to write Anakin’s redemption in full like this, and it’s about the fight on Mustafar going differently, that leaves Vader without the suit, and I love that Padme is such an important weight in this story, even as it’s largely about Obi-Wan and Anakin at the heart of it. It’s an entirely gen fic, this is about them as brothers, but my id was pleased because they’re both parents to the children, because Obi-Wan is the shining light in Anakin’s darkness, because Anakin is the reason Obi-Wan gets out of bed in the morning, because the ending of the fic was so very, very Anakin Skywalker, so desperate to keep the people he loves close and safe, so teetering on the edge of darkness because he doesn’t know how to handle things, because he’s so wrenched around on the inside, and how things end up… I definitely kind of got a little misty-eyed by the end, because it was the exact bittersweet notes that a fic like this needed. Which isn’t to forget that there’s actually a plot going on here! And world-building! There are a lot of really cool, interesting details and a genuinely intense final fight that has shades of horror in it in such a great way, the creatures that show up in this fic, the Sith artifacts that are used, are genuinely creepy and had me on the edge of my seat while I was reading because the action was so good! But, oh, the second to last scene (and, hell, the epilogue as well), especially with the kids, just hit me right in the feelings place and I can’t tell you how satisfying this fic was. It’s such a good, good fic for all these elements, for both of these characters, for fans of plot, for fans of having to work for redemption and how that makes it all the more satisfying, for fans who just want a good story. I’m sad to see the story end, but it was a great end and so incredibly worth reading. ✦ A Time For Thought by TardisIsTheOnlyWayToTravel, obi-wan & luke & leia & han, 1.4k    “The Princess is right.” General Kenobi speaks up. “While on the Death Star, I was informed that a tracking beacon had been placed on this ship. Open the hidden compartments, Solo. We are not out of danger yet. The tracking beacon must be destroyed.” “You were informed?” Luke echoes the General, looking confused. “By who?”    You’ll probably need to have read A Time for Change before this one, though, the basic premise is that Darth Vader finds the Death Star to be an abomination, so the events during A New Hope go a little differently, and now that the Rebels have escaped, they’re discussing just what that even means. I especially enjoyed the balance between Obi-Wan’s history with Vader and not giving too much away, not trying to make him Anakin too much, because he’s truly Vader at this point, yet not forgetting the weight of all that context added in. That Obi-Wan still knows him best of all of them is there, even as they’re all important to this scene, and I really appreciated that, right along with this different universe they’re in! ✦ absolute power by cosmicocean, leia & luke & han & ben & cast, 8.6k    In the end, she takes the offer. In time, Luke will come to regret ever leading her to it. Where Leia becomes Empress with the intention of doing good, and falls so far.    I was intrigued by the idea of Leia as Empress and I’ve enjoyed fic by this author before, so I knew the writing would be lovely! And it definitely was, especially in the first half. I admit, I don’t buy that Leia would fall this way, I can’t see this happening to her, but I enjoyed the really pretty writing and the character moments and the plot of it and how this was a different universe and how this affected so many changes all over the place. I enjoyed reading it a lot! ✦ untitled by stonefreeak, obi-wan & cast, ~1k    Anonymous asked: I don’t think you’ve done a fic for where Chancellor!Obi-Wan actually present the evidence and starts the corruption investigation?    Another shorter piece, but one that I really enjoyed for the brief touches of characterization (Obi-Wan’s attempts to balance Anakin’s feelings with duty, how both pull at him, the choices he makes and how he does so) and just the really super fun continuing of a story where the Jedi are no longer quite so hampered by their being under the Senate’s authority, how they can actually start to do something and we get a really lovely look at how that might play out, how they start to look into things. I just really love this AU a lot and this was a fun piece to add to it! ✦ Ben and Grandpa Go Camping by darthnickels, vader & leia & ben, 2.9k   post-ROTJ AU. Leia takes her young son to the one man she hates most– the man who may be the only one in the Galaxy who can help him   I think one of the things that hurt most about this fic is that there’s nothing of Anakin in this portrayal of him, that I can’t see Anakin Skywalker in this character at all. This is just Vader and it makes me miss the character I love so much, even as he’s interacting with Leia and Ben, even as he’s almost more of a ghost in his own body than anything. Young Ben is adorable and Leia is appropriately angry and distant and everything hurts in just the way it should. ✦ untitled by legobiwan, obi-wan & dooku, ~1k    The Count took his napkin and dabbed at his mouth, placing it on the table and leaning back in his chair. “So tell me, Mr. Hardeen. How did you manage to kill the Jedi Obi-wan Kenobi?”    I am such a sucker for Obi-Wan and Dooku’s dynamic, that they’re at such odds with each other while there’s a connection there, while Dooku has an interest in Obi-Wan, because he would have been such a good addition to their side. This is just a small snippet of a larger scenario, but it works well on its own and it’s all about that verbal sparring with elegance that both of these characters have, even when Obi-Wan is in Rako Hardeen form. It was a delight to read and a fun piece to add to the collection of these two!
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