#this has been smthn on my mind as of late and MAN!! i love december
crescentfool · 2 years
been playing through p3 fes and… i genuinely love that maxxing out minato’s social stats ended up coinciding with the “ryoji is the appriser" reveal on december 2nd. so here’s a tangent about some hcs / thoughts i have surrounding december as prompted by gameplay experiences.
i feel that the reveal as is, already hits hard, given the moral and existential question that ryoji’s proposal raises. SEES are forced to reevaluate their actions under perceived hopelessness and it’s!! good shit!
but there’s an added layer of depression when you think about the player choices during the afternoon and nighttime segments of the game, and what that implies for minato’s mental state.
since i had minato’s social stats maxxed out (and already completed the tower and devil SLs)... during december, i ended up sending minato to game panic EVERY single night since there’s… not as much left to do. the idea of minato constantly engaging with repetitive activity at game panic just to burn time gets me fucked up. the weight of the decision he has to make by the 31st leaves this suffocating silence that’s hard to push away. and he can’t completely turn away from the impending feeling of “doom” looming over him- during december there’s fliers all over paulownia mall for strega’s cult to worship nyx and antagonize SEES.
hell, you could also just… send minato to bed early and not bother to do anything for the night given that gameplay-wise it’s not “productive” for the player to visit the social stat raising places. december feels extra fucked up when you experience it in-game because it almost feels that minato is just going through the motions of Life™ while trying to grapple with a heavy decision and the existential dread that comes with it. i also think minato could have insomnia- and it just gets WORSE this month.
the dorm’s atmosphere also completely shifts this month as well. aigis is out-of-commission, and each member of SEES is attempting to process the information that ryoji dropped on them- making sense of it in their own ways. when they do join together to talk about it- it’s messy, and emotionally charged by this imminent threat. i love how well the gravity of this situation is reflected in-game, and how SEES musters the resolve to fight nyx, no matter what the future may hold for them.
ANYWAY. i love december in p3- getting a chance to experience it in-game and translating gameplay experiences to the protagonist has really heightened my appreciation for it! even if the protagonists are ‘intended’ to be blank slates… there is so much that you can infer and piece together from the gameplay and AUGH! i love the MCs 😭
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sug4r-sp1c3 · 2 years
Can I get headcanons for Finland, Poland, France, Egypt, Canada, Australia, Mexico, and South Korea coddling their S/O(s)? Loved the other ask with Russia, Germany, USSR and Thired Reich so much!!
but i'll have to separate it 'cuz i think that my limit of post its for and for the rest of characters well they'll be in the second part
(its funny how like 3 of them i consider them female 'cuz y'know comics- but i'll put them male here)
TW: fluff tat break ur teeth, GN reader blah blah
Part 2 is still in the oven
Cuddle hc with Finland, Poland, France, Egypt
this letter means me just talking
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the bitch haves a hat
so if its a cold day/night
he let u use it,
I feel like he loves being like 5 quilts on top while hugging you
he is a person of thighs and belly don't change my mind
LOVES that you let him put his head on your lap or on your belly
although if you want to reverse the roles, he will not oppose
after a day of work he just wants to put his arms around you, throw himself into bed with you, and not know how to sleep (?
vibes that you are doing something, and then he hugs you from behind and forces you to stop what you are doing and takes you to the sofa just so that they are there quietly and embracing
lots of hugs with his head in your shoulder
hates to be the little spoon
he NEEDS to sleep hugging u, he will literally die if that don't happend
cold boi vibes
but if u like the cold
and its summer
cuddle season it just started
"finland i'm cooking-"
"Y/N i'm freezing"
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if he isn't hugging you, YOU are hugging him
no choice
he loves being the smol spoon
if you are sleeping he hugs you and wraps his legs around yours and puts his head on your shoulder or smthn
he doesn't accepts a no like an answer
he likes to put his head anywhere on the body
he is on ur belly? little tickles
your thighs? constantly says they are like pillows- NO, THEY ARE BETTER THAN PILLOWS
Chest? he can only raise his head, stretch a little and give you a little kiss and then snuggle back like nothing happened- SO HECK YEAH
he likes to watch any stupid series or movie while they hug each other and fill their mouths with sweets or shit like that
He waits patiently for you to finish what you're doing and go snuggle up with him.
yeah ""PATIENTLY"""
He'll give you the silent treatment (for like 10 seconds) for not snuggling with him.
little tickles if he is bored while u both are cuddling
idk man he will look like a 20 year old man but he acts and thinks like a 6 years old kid
"poland its late and i need to move-"
"but it's only been 6 hours!"
"yeah thats my point-"
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bonjour(i need to say that everytime o'll write for him)
i feel like that this man needs NEEDS, kisses and hugs
or its just me
he would say things like "i don't have time to kisses and to cuddle"
ok sir but why r u watching weird novel while u r hugging ur S/o and everytime that the protagonist kiss u kiss them, and eating some sweets AND-
this bitch would be like
"i don't like when you put your hands around my neck!"(with his
"oh- okay-"
just take his selfish ass and hug
he loves to be the big spoon
(but if you want to be the big spoon he wouldn't say no)
"darling i'm working-"
"i don't care i want cuddles- I MEAN"
yeah that conversation happens a LOT
he puts his hat on you (if he has it on) he thinks that its cute
"give me back my hat"
"no it fits with me"
"okay.. i have like other 2000 lol-"
i don't have too much ideas for him, i used to writo for him but in my mind he was female soo-💀
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(i'mjustgoingtosay- AWOOGA)
squeezes you but not too hard, just enough to make you feel, protected and safe
he falls asleep in your arms, he's tired, give hima break omg 😭
no thoughts just you and egypt hugging while he talks about some things, like his culture(idk i'm interested in that so-👁👁), his day,or just saying what he loves of you
bitch you can be just idk, reading a book and then you feel 2 muscular arms dragging you to the bed/sofa and hugging you while he falls asleep (damn i'm jealous)
"egypt i was working"
"and i was needed of hugs-"
"i was working"
end of the discussion
He NEVER wears a shirt when he is at his house (unless there are visitors), but when u both are cuddling you don't feel comfortable with him like that
he will put one on, the cuddling sessions are for both of you to be comfortable and relax
i don't have too much ideas for him rn so i'll probably edit this after
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