#this honestly feels like something i would have reblogged here already but i'm too lazy to check s o
rhadinesthes · 1 year
I'm still sick, and I've got Martin Gore bouncing around my head like some glitter-goth fairy-gremlin bent on stirring up old ideas.
Finally giving Depeche Mode the attention they deserve has me thinking again about something I've been occasionally turning around in my head for... a long time. Or maybe the sneezing/coughing fits and the headache that won't quit just have my brain scrambled.
I played violin in middle/high school, which I suppose was time enough to show me that I don't have the discipline to actually be good at an instrument. (Also, I couldn't fit both orchestra and physics into my schedule.) Still, music calls to me from time to time... I've got shit in my chest that I can't put into image or prose, you know? Also synths are super cool and I've been interested in certain found sounds ever since I watched Upstream Color.
One more cohesive idea that I was turning over a couple years ago relates to how Bloodborne describes the runes as "transcriptions of the Great Ones' inhuman voices". I thought to myself: but what if I make tracks that would embody those voices? Wouldn't that be neato? Now I'm thinking of them more as collages of sounds looking to evoke certain ideas/moods rather than "songs". It seems the definition of "music" becomes progressively broader and muddier every time I go through this.
[It's already extremely muddy and broad. Goregrind and industrial are things that exist. Einstürzende Neubauten uses drills and shopping carts and Blixa knows what else, and their mark is all over Martin's everything from the mid-80s. Then there's Boards of Canada. This idea in its current shape seems more in line with musique concrète than anything else, I think.]
Honestly, I don't really have any reason not to throw my hat into the ring here, too-- aside from pure laziness or the crushing feeling that not improving at something else is wasting my time (a feeling that plagues me no matter what I do). Oh, I might make something bad? 90% of everything is crap anyway. Oh, it might be just mediocre? Just like I am at everything else I do and enjoy. Oh, it might be completely derivative? As if something totally derivative was never beloved nonetheless. coughStarWarscough
There's a lengthy art-meta post I reblogged with a part that talks about either becoming really good at your shortcomings or figuring out how to work around them in neat ways, and that has me going hmmmmm.
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penguinsledder · 3 years
Tag game post was super long so here's a new one! Thank you @itsmoonpeaches 💖 but also great now you're riding on the tumblr famous joke as well LOL 🤪
1. Why did you choose your URL?
I had this saved for a while cuz I thought of it but was already in my Hamilton phase haha. Thankfully renaissance came around and I got to use this.
But yes, I love penguin sledding and otter penguins and Kataang!
2. Any side blogs?
Technically the Kataang Week blog is a sideblog, I guess, tho I'm not the original owner of it. I also have some sideblog projects that I got too lazy to keep up.
3. How long have you been on Tumblr?
Just a bit over 7 years!
4. Do you have a queue tag?
Yes! "it's just queue and me right now", altho I just tend to reblog whenever I feel like it these days
5. Why did you start your blog in the first place?
I wanted to join Kataang Week and it seemed like the best way to participate was through tumblr!
6. Why did you choose this icon/pfp?
Like its, I love Katara. I wanted a Katara icon that wasn't too common but also sassy/badass, and I remembered this scene so I edited it into an icon! I added the background in when I had a better grasp of photoshop years later lol.
7. Why did you choose your header?
I love Kimi no Na Wa and adore the artistry of the entire movie. Makoto Shinkai's gorgeous realistic backgrounds honestly contributed a lot to me loving Tokyo, and I felt that this was something that would be constant amidst my changing interests and fandoms. Plus this animated time lapse of Tokyo is just so cool that I made a gif of it and made it my header.
8. What's your post with the most notes?
Oh this. Haha it's a post about me getting worked up at how people were unfairly criticizing Malala's fashion choices lol. (Btw, Malala just got married recently so big congrats to the new couple!)
9. How many mutuals do you have?
Oh frankly idk. Been on here for 7 years and Tumblr still never bothered to put in a proper place for mutuals. Uhh ... I'd say maybe a hundred more or less I guess? Assuming some didn't deactivate/go inactive, etc.
10. How many followers do you have?
11. How many people do you follow?
12. Have you ever made a shitpost?
Oh yeah I think so. I just can't recall what it was (or they were) exactly.
13. How many times do you use Tumblr each day?
Depends on how busy I am hahaha and if I'm looking for fandom content. It's definitely gotten less in recent years, with a spike during the Renaissance.
14. Did you ever have a fight/argument with another blog? Who won?
Haha I rarely get into arguments cuz I don't really like to argue but ... Yeah? And me of course LMAO (I also have great friends on here who defend me)
It was just about this person misinterpreting my post about Raya, making hasty generalizations, and slinging insults based on these lol. They've apologized.
15. How do you feel about “you need to reblog this" posts?
They honestly make me feel uncomfortable and I wouldn't want other people to feel that way either.
16. Do you like tag games?
17. Do you like ask games?
18. Which or your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
@otterbender, famous in and out of Tumblr! (hello, I follow you on twitter as well and love your Steven Universe stuff too!)
19. Do you have a crush on a mutual?
20. Tags?
Tagging @flameohotwife @chocomd @nettie-sprinkle @megpeggs @elainee-akahotteapls
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knicks-knacks · 6 years
Hey so I've been a follower for some time and am a big fan but like? I'm a little confused about your furry post? I'm not normally one to point fingers but why generalize like that? I get that you're not into it but??? Most of the furries I've ever met are usually nice? Also most of the stuff you reblog is stancest? I mean it's Tumblr so opinion your fucking heart out? But like also why demonize furries when you post INCEST? I mean no one is saying you want to fuck your grandpa? Why do the same?
I just sent an anon and i wanted to clarify I'm really trying not to attack here but most of the time in you support a taboo ship/kink it's just courteous to not generalize and demonize other ones? I've worked as a makeup artist at a BDSM club for 3y and have generally picked up the idea that even if you're not into/think it's gross as long as no one is being hurt, to not try to shame the person whose into it? Humans can be some weird kinky ass motherfuckers but to each there own you know? 
Ok so I just sent in two messages about this and saw your page and it seems like you're already getting a lot of hate. And honestly you're definitely allowed to not like something/the community I was just a little taken aback and sent a message and I don't want to add to all the hate you're getting so like you don't have to respond and if you'd like I can come off anon and we could privately talk if you'd rather. I really wasn't trying to be mean or anything. Sorry if it sounded that way.
Oh, don’t worry, you’re fine - actually all this semi-hate is refreshing for me. Wish it would have happened in the morning so I was less tired, but, what are you gonna do. It’s been so quiet on tumblr lmfao also im putting this under a cut
but yeah in the same vein of tired im gonna be like, really short and lazy with my explanations
incest is gross yes, but i will say the age old stancest-is-the-most-vanilla-incest-ship thing once again, they're both consenting adults, they're the same sex, there's no power imbalance, and seeing as inbreeding and consent issues is the Big Bads about incest it's pretty tame. compared to wanting to fuck things that aren't human and are literally incapable of ever consenting and most of the time it harms the creature in the process? yeah sorry its easy to tell where the scale is tipped
and see, I agree about supporting other people and being courteous and not being a pot calling a kettle back but like... there's lines that need to be drawn? i'll support someone into idfk uh watersports or heavy BDSM or daddy kink or whatever have you as long as it's CONSENTING and not fucking beastiality, i can't say "to each their own" about wanting to fuck animals
and like I said, a lot of furries are fine. not ALL of them are terrible. there's some genuinely very good ones out there - a lot of furry art is really gorgeous and takes a lot of work, the characters are usually unique and cool, and fursuits are works of art that take so much time and skill and dedication to pull off. I'm not shitting on those guys for liking what they like. Those guys are amazing. What I'm aiming at is the sickos who wanna fuck dogs, and like a said, a lot of the furries I've seen, the vast majority, have been like that.
All I was really saying with the OG post was like, don't try and act like those people don't exist, and don't act like people disliking furries in general is unjustified or that there's too many "misconceptions" about furries. They're not misconceptions. They're facts. just like.... don't try and pretend they're not. im really sorry if I upset you in any way or any other of my followers, I was only calling out the actual zoophiles around and not all furries and please don’t feel bad about sending me asks weighing your opinion in on things, I didn’t find this to be hate at all and being upset with me is extremely and entirely reasonable, I just feel very strongly about this subject especially since I’ve always loved animals
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vardasvapors · 7 years
Hi, I just wanted to say I really enjoy your blog, and all the tolkien things you post. I'm so glad you seem really into both the silm and lord of the rings! I came here to ask if you could tell a bit about how any other fans have influenced your opinions or made you interested things that you didn't care as much about before? (By the way if you think you've seen this question asked before, you're right, I asked simaethae the same thing too)
omg hi anon! I think I remember seeing that answered ask on my dash too, if I’m thinking of the right one :)
GOD how do I even count these. Uhhhhh, focusing just on ones that made a big impact on creating new opinions or changing my opinions, because like, “making me more interested in things than I was before” is such an interconnected affair that I generally can’t pin down to one person….
@simaethae is hugely responsible for my liking Sauron/Celebrimbor as an actual ship and not just a cruel plot point for Celebrimbor’s arc, for making me consider seriously the ideas that Sauron was actually genuine about his desire to make Middle Earth great and caring about Celebrimbor helping him do it, and honestly just a lot of my interest in Sauron’s motives and his own point of view in general.
@emilyenrose for really pinpointing and clarifying the axis around which the Feanorians’ (especially Maedhros’s) relationship with and view of the Oath and the kinslayings revolves and in particular Maedhros and Maglor’s last horrible conversation and decision. Like I remember being fairly early in my process of succumbing to exploring tolkien fandom and going like *paging through blog #59* “no…no….you are not even touching the….watchamacallit…YES. THAT.” Uh, this isn’t exactly what you were asking about but whatever i wrote this paragraph already. oops.
@thelioninmybed‘s “but….the future refused to change” series of ask-answers about the implacability of the downwards spiral of the First Age made me notice and actually process and acknowledge so many things about the sequence of events in the Silm that I had honestly always unfairly glossed over a lot while coming from a ‘the Silm runs on Murphy’s Law so who cares about the in-universe logistics’ perspective
@crocordile for soooo much lazy-interpretation-killing and refinement (and motivation to properly re-read, and drawing-attention-to-the-significant-things) of multiple elements of The Children of Hurin and especially Turin as a character. And…handing me so much specificity in the form of headcanons and art and concepts about Numenor and the Faithful?
@anghraine for like, not so much changing my mind or introducing me to new viewpoints about the peredhil and about the peredhil’s connection to Numenor precisely, but more like for going “Yo, this is actually super supported by actual canon, moreso than the common fanon assumptions are: observe” about things where I had just been going “lol my own personal vague impressions and flights of fancy are all probably WAY off in left field and have nothing to do with canon but see, like, I can’t help feeling that it would make so much sense if –”
@kareenvorbarra for a number of amazing viewpoint-changing meta posts and headcanons and character analyses of the Edain, especially their roles in the later parts of the First Age, and for specific characters like Beren and Rian? Plus giving me actual concrete individual examples (rather than my own free-floating nascent irritation) about Silm fandom’s tendency to marginalize and minimize the Edain or the Edain’s presence in and impact on particular events and situations and locations and characters. Also responsible (see the Rian post) for one of the most vivid illustrations of the fascinatingness of Sirion and (completely inexplicitly, simply by dint of actually focusing ON Sirion itself, without a whit of critical commentary) indirectly presenting what I consider to be one of the most uncompromisingly devastating rebukes against interpretations that minimize the sheer level of visceral horror and cultural-loss-related consequences inherent in Sirion’s destruction.
@gurguliare and @catchaspark for less a “changed my mind from one opinion to another” than “filled and connected gaps in my mind that I had not even realized were gaps with commentary and opinions that I didn’t even realize I needed” regarding the story of Beren and Luthien. If you’ve even fleetingly thought the narrative glorification of the Leithian was not textually supported by a sufficient ballast of depth and thickness and density of thematic centrality to the rest of the Silm, pls let these two convince you otherwise.
@bamboocounting for a number of conversation-generated Numenor thoughts that I had never thought to think about before!!! And in particular directing me to and understanding my unrealized need for what was undoubtedly the most brain-changing and imagination-diverting entry in the entire HoME – the Notion Club Papers.
@erotetica for this awesome Caranthir meta that I p much just adopted as canon and which fulfilled something I never realized I needed so badly :)
@thearrogantemu for more Valar-related characterization and interpretations I had never considered (or at least consciously considered) before than I can count, but especially this one about Aule.
I am QUITE SURE there are like a billion more, especially for more narrow/specific topics, but iiiddddkkkk. I may reblog this with some additions later because I love fandom appreciation
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infcrtunii · 5 years
Hey, would you mind me asking what kind of blogs you're okay with RPing with? I've read your rules and I really want to interact with you but I'm not sure if it's okay
Tumblr media
/ Hey there! Sorry for the lateness asjdnjsf
First of all, thank you for taking the time to check out my rules, it means a lot!As for your question, I’m okay with pretty much anything! I try to interact with canons, OCs, and multimuses alike, sideblogs included [ and i say try because i tend to be terribly slow, but i’m all game for any and all ]; though if this isn’t what you meant then let me know!
And of course it’s okay! You can send an [ unprompted i guess? ] ask off anon or an IM and we’ll see what we can do! I don’t reblog memes because i can get lazy as hell, but you can also write me a starter and tag me! I’m leaving a list under the read more for the cases in which i will unfollow, won’t follow back or interact with, in case you’d like to check it! Hope you have a nice day c:
i’m aware i have this on my rules, but i’ll elaborate here if you don’t mind ajsdbda
Too much drama / call-out / vague posts. This is a no-no. I’m here to have fun and I’m honestly very tired; besides, i think the grand majority of us is old enough to deal with any problems that may rise privately. As for call out posts, i prefer not to see people ‘’warning me’’ about x or y person because of something they did. I’ve got two braincells to make an opinion for myself, thank you [ frankly, i could elaborate quite a lot -or so i say jsbdasjda -on why i’m against call outs but that’s for another day ].
Content is not One Piece related / it makes me uncomfortable. I guess this is pretty clear. I will respect the fact that people do whatever they want with their blogs and will post whatever they please, but i expect them to understand i don’t want to see 2938123 posts about nature, hentai or something else. If you post constant nsfw stuff then this applies too.
You are a personal blog. Listen i don’t mind if they follow as long as they don’t reblog [ my headcanons, threads, etc ] or spam my notifications. Obviously i can be biased on this rule since i follow very few personal blogs, but only because they are my closest friends’ blogs. 
You do not have a proper tag system. Extremely important. I am an organization freak and nothing bothers me more than seeing nontagged posts. Obviously I won’t be that strict if i see you didn’t tag 2 posts because you’re feeling lazy if i can assume you’ll do it later. It’s all about organization.
Your blog doesn’t have a rules and about pages. This, along with the previous one are the biggest reasons as to why i don’t follow many people. it makes things easier for me if i know your boundaries and preferences -bonus if you include name and pronouns! the about page goes the same for any type of character. there’s no need for the most detailed character template or the longest biography, but im fine as long as i can read the basics at least -in the case of OCs, if you tell me they are the children of x canon character, then i guess i tend to be pickier. in my eyes, it needs to make sense -the story, the reasons, the development, even the OC themselves. it’s unlikely i will follow if you only tell me they are someone’s child without any explanation.
You lack the manners to deal with people respectfully. there are enough assholes already on the world. please do your best to be nice. 
Other reasons may apply. Like ‘we stopped being friends and we don’t want to see each other’, or ‘sorry but i’m no longer interested’, or ‘you unfollowed first and that’s ok’, etc.
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taesthetes · 6 years
(1/?) Travel-anon-hi! I'm all better now, thank you :D! It's okay to be sporadic on instagram - it's your own page, haha! Time to find a small spray bottle then~ Oo, have fun with your internship when you do do it then! Those are always really nice to experience! Yeah, Hong Kong is def one of the more expensive Asian countries, haha, but it iiiis really nice there! Japan's summer was like 38-45 celsius when I went, haha. I'm pretty sure you're gonna be a baked potato - good luck! There's ice-
(2/?) cream taiyaki in Japan, I think? If not, there’s a looot of cute ice cream places there, and lots of specialty Japanese flavours like tofu and ramune for after your taiyaki ;D! First thing I’ll do when I’m back in Japan is go to a convenience store and buy a haagen dazs sandwich haha. Japanese/Asian convenience stores are like the antithesis of grungy X’D they’re almost sparkling in comparison to the ones here in North America. Are there any convenience store snacks you might want to try?
(3/?) Oh! You could always visit your sister’s cat (and your sister) when you’re next free, maybe? And bring your own pet along when you get one :D? What would you name your future pet? That’s true! There does tend to be more modern exhibits around, but I’ve never actively looked up the more traditional older-style exhibits though. There’s a couple here in my city, I think, but the modern ones really do outweigh in quantity to those. Omg, ikr! I don’t get those either!! I literally tilt my head-
(4/?) sideways to look at those, read their descriptions, and STILL don’t get those! The interactive ones are a lot cooler in comparison because you actually get to interact with it, and watch what happens because of you. People in Japan normally took pity on us when we played in Akihabara in Tokyo! Major crane game power there, and a lot of tourists, so I think the people there just kind of expect varying gameplay levels there haha. Nono, I still have ramen at home! I’m just watching my weight-
(5/?) because I’ll be getting costume measurements done soon, and I’d rather not have super high numbers if I can help it, hahaha. It’s actually really hard to hit up everything in Japan! I’ve been a lot of times, but I still see something new every time I’m there! I mean, that’s what makes traveling so awesome to begin with, and life in general though? Oo~ where would you road trip this time? I hope you managed to get all your work done in time, and have fun on the trip & for those bdays!
(6/?) THAT LIP RING. Nothing else really needs to be said to explain your album-decision further XD It’s too bad that both don’t end up in the same album concept, but lip ring ftw. Jimin’s coming for all of us, haha. OMG YEONTAN IS SO CUTE AND TINY AND FLUFFY AND I JUST WANT TO CUDDLE HIM. THOSE EYEBROWS. I haven’t seen Tae’s cat actually? Do you have any photos? I did see the Chain mv! It wasn’t really my music taste, but it was still good! I’m pretty sure my NCT bias is Taeyong, haha. I tend-
(7/?) to like members that are super strong at performance/(super loud)stage presence/dancer? Not sure how to explain it well? Taeyong, specifically, I like his voice a lot. I completely feel you on the bp & f(x) front there. Seriously. I’VE HAD LATATA STUCK IN MY HEAD FOR DAYS, SAVE ME. Yes to listening to comeback groups! I only ever learn all their names when I’m interested enough in the group~ I’ve been in the kpop game since dbsk first started hahaha OuO;; CONGRATS ON THE TSWIFT CONCERT &-
(8/8) HAVING SUCH A BLAST THERE!!! I’M HAPPY YOU WERE HAPPY! Is two hours super early for a Tswift concert? Next time you go, bring a portable charger TuT!!! Or maybe a camera? Do they allow cameras at concerts?? I really hope you get to go again when she does another tour! I’m busy with convention prep right now! I have one next week, so I’m completely swamped, haha. Good luck with your projects and papers, and have a good weekend!!
hello, m’love!! i’m so glad to hear you’re better now! 💓 asdadfkl but i want to have a more cohesive feed, but knowing me, i’m lazy so it’ll only work for a little while. and thank you!! hong kong sounds really nice, and i heard their mcdonalds is super fancy ahaha i want to try their mcdonalds :’) oh my god, that’s boiling hot??!?!?!? that’s 100 - 113 degrees fahrenheit over here, you can literally cook an egg on the sidewalk, what the heck?? aauagh i can’t wear my leggings and sweaters then ):
omg ice cream taiyaki– they just combined to yummy foods to make a mega yummy food :O is tofu and ramune flavored ice cream good? have you had it before? omg i’ll make sure to get a haagen dazs sandwich, too! they are!! omg i wish american convenience stores were nicer. tbh i think i just want to try them all?? i won’t be able to read the packaging probably, but i’ll just take one of each haha
ahhh, maybe! maybe i’ll visit her this summer? or maybe i’ll be too busy catching up on all the sleep i lost during the school year :’) aaskdfjlhas i won’t be able to get a pet until i’m fully settled into my own place and financial stable, which won’t be for at least another two years. yeah, unfortunately for me, there doesn’t seem to be many traditional style art nearby. that’s why i spend hours upon hours in the art museums in europe when i do get the chance to go there. and same!! i read the description and study every angle of the art piece, but i still don’t understand it?? 
yes! interactive art is super fun, and it’s so cool that you can be a part of art with those. oooh, okay, i see!! hopefully, the people will be just as nice when i try playing the crane machines– or maybe i should just buy the plushies since it might be cheaper than me feeding all my money to those games :’) alskdjfhas but it’s ramen!!! there is no such thing as a high number in weight. every number is great and amazing. but omg costume measurements? what’s your costume for?
yes, i agree!! the fun of traveling comes from seeing new things all the time! heck, i haven’t even seen everything where i live. i think we might road trip to the beach or an amusement park! we’re not sure yet, or we might just drive randomly and see where it takes us :D the trusty gps will always take us back. and thank you!! omg for my friend’s bday, we went to a nice crepe place for brunch and then we did one of those color me mine type places and i painted a cute mug for my father’s day present, and it was so much fun– i miss art so much
OH GOSH, I MIGHT ACTUALLY ORDER THE O VERSION ALBUM JUST BECAUSE OF THAT LIP RING NOW askjdfahls but also i want to save money for the trip, so i’m still on the fence aND YES, YEONTAN IS SO ADORABLE OH MY GOSH LIKE GOOD BYE TAE, I ONLY STAN YEONTAN. ahhh i think i reblogged a post of him and his cat a reaaally long time ago, but if you google taehyung kkanji then i think you’ll be able to find the pics!! my blog is a mess so i don’t know where that post went sadly ):
omg i think i just loved chain so much because winwin finally got a line!!! and yuta finally got a lot of lines too!!! (and thank god because it’s a japanese song and i would’ve sued if yuta got nothing) oooh, taeyeong is honestly the ideal type, like his personality is so darn kind and sweet and perfect and if you talk to any nct stan, i’m 99% sure taeyong is always their bias or their bias wrecker. even if you don’t bias him, you bias him. but also yes, his stage presence is amazing!!! like wow, even the camera people are drawn to him even when he isn’t the center.  his english raps are also really funny to read tho asdkjfhals
did you see the bp lightstick?? it’s like one of those toy hammers from weekly idol. LATATA IS SO DARN CATCHY, I FIND MYSELF LISTENING TO IT EVERYDAY TOO. and same! although the exception to that rule for me would be day6 because i don’t know all the members, but i listen to all their songs. and oh my gosh, that’s so long :O since dbsk first started?? i just looked it up and that was 2003 oh my gosh, i was only 4 or 5 then wow.
AND THANK YOU!!! 💘💘 and yes, i’ll definitely have to bring a portable charger next time but aksdjlhflas i don’t have a camera with me unfortunately– my family only has one camera, and it’s left at home, so i only have my phone at my dorm. and yes, i’m sure they allow cameras at concerts! otherwise, a lot of kpop fansites would probably have to smuggle their cameras in haha and thank you, i hope so too :’) omg i hope you have lots of fun at the convention!!! 💕 did it happen already? how did it go? and thank you! i hope your weekend was good, too! how have you been? 🌻💗
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