#this image is like excessively large so this is actually a screenshot
cw eyestrain / bright colours
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something like religious ecstasy
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ayuuria · 4 years
Yashahime Translation: Animage Magazine February 2021 Issue
Please do not repost this translation without my consent! This includes screenshots of any type and amount. If you wish to share this translation, simply link to this post.
For more information regarding the use of my translations, click here.
Regarding the Boy Whose True Colors Are Unknown
Riku, the mysterious person with a good smile and speaking words with profound meaning. He enshrouds not only Towa and the others of course, but also the viewers in smoke. Is he actually the Yashahime’s enemy? Ally?
The boy who proclaims to be “A pirate come ashore”, Riku. The figure of him showing a kind smile and talking quickly makes him seem like your typical nice guy at a glance. However, his speech has every bit of shadiness mixed in it.
The first sign was when he called the apple he received from Towa a “Forbidden fruit” (translator’s note: this was written in English). Most likely, he likened it to the story of the Adam and Eve written in the Old Testament; but why does he know about it when he lives in the Feudal Era? Also, the part where it seemed that Kyuuki of the Four Perils and Riku knew each other is of interest. Then above all, there is the dangerous statement he made to Shikabaneya Jyuubee, “I will take care of the Yashahimes, who hold three of the Rainbow Pearls, myself”. What exactly is the reason for him to go so far for the Rainbow Pearls…?
While leaving a strong discomfort, it seems that Riku will be on the move again in episode 14 after disappearing from the center stage for some time. What is the expression Riku shows before the evil mountain god, Homura, who’s heart has been stolen by a human girl? Even continuing into episode 15 which according to Riku’s voice actor, Fukuyama Jun, will be “A pretty big episode”. There is no mistake that Riku’s existence holds the key to the story of “Hanyō no Yashahime”. The strict prohibition on his words down to the details cannot be overlooked.
Character Bios
Riku The person who requested the subjugation of the Four Perils to the corpse shop. He is gathering the Rainbow Pearls and after Kyuuki’s death, he retrieved the purple Rainbow Pearl that she held.
Shikabaneya Jyuubee The owner of the “Corpse Shop” that deals in demon bounties. He lends money to Moroha and has her slay demons as repayment. He possesses the green Rainbow Pearl.
Takechiyo He can transform into a giant and fly the sky, so he runs around a lot as a means of transportation for Towa and the others. Miroku seems to be involved behind why Takechiyo works at the corpse shop.
Towa She has a kind personality, but she does lose her sense of reason when her little sister, Setsuna, is in danger. As she is a half-demon, she loses her demonic powers and turns into a human at the start of the lunar month (new moon).
Setsuna Normally, her “seething demonic blood” is sealed with Miroku’s Buddhist powers. In episode 13, the seal is released, and she repels Tōtetsu of the Four Perils. Unlike Towa, she does not turn into a human at the start of the lunar month.
Moroha A bounty hunter. Lately, she has been unable to retrieve the heads of the demons she defeats and collect bounties which has been the source of her worries. Just like Setsuna, she does not transform into a human at the start of the lunar month.
The Corpse Shop’s Big Client
Riku, who puts a large bounty on the Four Perils’ heads, is a “special client” to Jyuubee. To Riku, Jyuubee is someone who he told “I only kill those I love” and revealed part of his thoughts to. It appears that the green Rainbow Pearl that Jyuubee possesses also has something to do with Riku. We are curious about the two’s past!
Darling Yashahime…?
Riku and Towa met when a lost Riku asked her for directions. Then he introduced himself to Setsuna and Moroha after they fought Kyuuki. According to what Riku told Jyuubee, since he loves the Yashahimes, he is thinking of finishing them off himself. What is the reason…?
Hatred Towards the Four Perils
Riku’s prejudice against the Four Perils is to the point that he bluntly says “This is why I don’t like you” to the dying Kyuuki. He says the reason is because “(They are) unrefined”. On the other hand, Kyuuki knew Riku’s name and it appears that Riku and the Four Perils are acquainted with each other. Does he also have some sort of connection to Kirinmaru who controls the Four Perils?
The Evil God Who Loves a Human
In episode 14, Riku gets involved with Tamano, an extraordinarily beautiful human girl, and the evil god who loves her but has an excessively burning jealousy, Homura. A human and an evil god. When Riku sees a love that goes beyond race, he shows an expression different from what he’s shown Towa and Co, Jyuubee, and the Four Perils so don’t miss it.
Riku Knows Everything?! The Voice of Riku, Fukuyama Jun
Forbidden from revealing anything, even to his fellow voice actors?!  The young man full of mystery, Riku
— From the beginning, what sort of impression did you have of the work “Inuyasha”?
Fukuyama: It was a show that started around the time I started receiving roles in animation work as a voice actor. At the time, it was a long series by Takahashi Rumiko-sensei that came after “Ranma ½” so from the start, it was getting a lot of attention when it began serialization. There were even talks of an anime adaptation. I remember there was chatting among the young people like “Who exactly is going to do the voicing?” “It can’t be anyone other than Yamaguchi Kappei-san?”. The work continued for many years and many of my fellow voice actors took part. I myself did not make an appearance but I had the impression that it was a “far away but familiar work”.
— This time, did you audition for the role of Riku?
Fukuyama: I did not. It was a discussion that happened suddenly, but I received a direct inquiry. It was right about the time when my schedule was a mess because of the COVID crisis, and I remember the correspondence being like “Are you able to take part in the recording schedule?”. For roles without auditions, generally there are multiple candidates so it’s normal to wait a while until the decision is made. However, this time I got the role soon after I received the inquiry, so I was a little surprised. Then, about the same time, the production of “Hanyō no Yashahime” was announced. After that, I started looking for the work that it was based off, but it didn’t exist. I became doubly surprised like “Oh, this is an original work!?”
— Riku is a character with a lot mysteries, but exactly how much do you know about Riku’s back bone?
Fukuyama: The information is to a level that I can’t say anything at this time. They explained to me his position within the work and what would happen to him before hand at the recording studio. Using that as the standard, during the first recording, I had a feeling they told me detailed points. Riku can appear to be androgynous when he doesn’t say anything, but when he actually speaks, he addresses himself as “Oira”, purposely says expressions in a tone of voice that’s almost like a fool, and knows words that he shouldn’t know. The biggest impression I got from him was that he could be considered a major supporting character and I felt that moving in secret isn’t quite what his position is. On top of that, after finding out additional information that I can’t say yet, he’s a more important character than I thought. The staff have told me “Please don’t say anything about Riku to the other cast members.” “We want them to enjoy this too” (laughs)
— That is amazing! It seems Riku’s mystery has a connection to the core of the story.
Fukuyama: Please look forward to finding out (laughs). In the first place as of right now, not only do we not know what intentions Sesshōmaru had behind his actions, but it’ll be a little while longer before we know the full story of the drama that is being spun. To viewers, I think this aspect will make them excited, uncertain, and anxious.
By Being Outwardly Suspicious, His True Intensions Are Wrapped in Smoke
— In contrast to Riku’s Edo-like phrases, you somehow feel a sense of refinement from him. Do you take care in that aspect when playing him?
Fukuyama: When reading the script, I wanted to effectively capitalize on the foolish tone of voice. As I continued to act like that, I think I started leaning towards the feel of an Edo person. However, you can blend the “impression felt from the script” and the “impression created from the image” in animation, so as a result from matching up the length of the lines to the image of the story, that may have become the impression that TV viewers got. Now that recording has progressed, when I think back, I’m glad I didn’t stick with the impression I got from the first script. The expression he shows Towa and the others, the Four Perils, and to other people are subtly different from each other so if I had completely contrasted those, his character image would probably have either changed or become blurred. When I first started, I was glad the image kept me in check.
— So Riku’s character comes together from combining the voice acting and the image acting.
Fukuyama: Yes. In today’s recording (the day of the interview), different from the way he speaks to Towa and the others, he showed an expression that he hasn’t really shown until now. In terms of what’s being broadcasted soon, Riku’s way of speaking breaks the 4th wall in episode 15. He’s a person who shows a lot of different faces so until we reach the heart (of the story), I want him to remain a character that’s hard to grasp.
— In terms of acting, do you receive any instructions from the staff?
Fukuyama: I was given the following order “We want you to bring out more shadiness than what’s depicted”. In terms of Riku’s position, as a way for me to show the character, I moved in a way that made it difficult to figure out what he is as much as possible. If you can visually see that he’s up to something, I would make it not show with my words more than necessary. However, I also thought “There’s no point hiding that he’s obviously acting shady, so I actually want viewers to really understand that”. By doing that, his intentions instead become less obscure as result is what I’ve come to understand as I play him.
— He certainly seemed like a good person but also felt shady when he made his first appearance in episode 7. It was completely suspicious for him to call the apple a “Forbidden Fruit”.
Fukuyama: In beginning, I thought I wouldn’t show any suspiciousness in front of Towa. While the base of the character is the same, I didn’t want Towa to harbor any sort of suspicion. However, with that line, I was told “You can bring out his shadiness”. In order to wrap the story in smoke, I think they’re going to show everything in that way.
Riku Seems Like He Can Obtain Things That Modern People Cannot Have
— It seems that recording is done with only a few people, so who do you record with?
Fukuyama: It’s quite spread out. We record with people we interact with the most in that episode so the group changes with each time. The first time, I was with Hosoya (Yoshimasa) who plays the role of Kirinmaru and then after that I was with Koyama-san (Tsuyoshi) who plays the role of Shikabaneya Jyuubee. On top of that, there was a time when I was with members of “Inuyasha”… By the way, today I was with Fairouz Ai (the role of Takechiyo). This work is the first time that I’m co-acting with her but man she’s a lively young person (laughs). You can tell she’s really enjoying the work, so it makes things easier.
— Please tell us if you have any memorable moments in the recording studio.
Fukuyama: When I’m with the cast of “Hanyō no Yashahime”, I get the impression of “This is a new show”. Around the time when Riku debuted in episode 7, there was a nervousness like you’ve only just started running. However, when I was with the “Inuyasha” team, it felt like a class reunion. The air between Yukino Satsuki-san (the role of Higurashi Kagome) and Kappei-san (the role of Inuyasha) felt like they’ve been working together for a long time and I thought “Oh, so this is “Inuyasha”!” The “level” of difference between each of the recording (groups) is what I found interesting.
— Among the episodes that have already aired, which scene was especially memorable for you?
Fukuyama: The episode where Riku debuted left a big impression on me. His aura when he’s moving behind the scenes and his aura of “No no, he’s shady but he doesn’t seem to be two faced” when he met Towa. The difference in his behavior was fun to act out. Like when he spoiled that Kikujuumonji was something he stole right after giving it to Towa or when he suspended the river water, drank it, and said “Anyone can do it if you focus your mind”. For a first appearance he had a lot of information, so viewers were probably confused. Towa being Towa, she didn’t seem bothered at all and it’s like “At least be a little cautious!” (laughs). I think you will understand the back and forth (between them) better if you rewatch it after watching more (of the story). With the expression “Pirate come ashore”, you’d probably think “Then isn’t he a bandit?” but there’s probably a fixation to that. That expression is also important.
— Now then, what are the highlights going forward?
Fukuyama: In due time, I think you’ll understand that “Riku knew everything”. However, on one hand if he’s an enemy, it would be contradictory and if he’s an ally, there’s a lot of things off. You’ll end up coming back to “Then what’s his objective?”.  With that, I would like everyone to enjoy imagining what his position and future development will be. Among the latest upcoming episodes, episode 15 is a big one. While many mysteries will be revealed, instead of feeling refreshed, I think you’ll end up wondering what’s going to happen from there on. Once again, I feel it’s a very elaborate screen play. Also, in episode 17, Riku is going to move a little differently than he has up until now and in episode 18, Sesshōmaru and Kirinmaru will be making extensive appearances. I think this is going to be a very satisfying episode for “Inuyasha” fans so please look forward to it.
— We would love if you could comment on this month’s illustration (P. 37~)
Fukuyama: I see it’s an illustration of Takechiyo telling the reader “Your head’s too high!”. But in actuality I don’t think Takechiyo really knows who Riku is. I’m sure Takechiyo most likely sensed that he’s someone that you can’t reveal his actions to other people but in the end, Riku is a client. Riku’s immeasurable aura is properly expressed in this illustration. Boy does he have the nerve to show this attitude in front of people (laughs).
— Going forward, could you tell us an illustration scenario you would like to see?
Fukuyama: I’m sure “Inuyasha” fans will want to see “Sesshōmaru comforting a newborn Towa and Setsuna” right? Maybe Jaken getting his body pulled all over the place by the two babies is something that might appear in the main story. However, I have a feeling we won’t get to see Sesshōmaru protecting the kids. Thinking with Riku… How about something like Riku holding a PS5 (Play Station 5). Riku seems like he would have things that even we modern era people can’t get our hands on (laughs).
— (laughs) Now lastly, please give a message to our readers.
Fukuyama: I can’t say yet what sort of actions Riku will be taking from here on, but by the time all of you are reading this, I think you’ll have figured out his stance somewhat. I’ll be happy if you’re able to anticipate what’s to come while imagining it, but probably at this stage, I think what you can image so far will be different from the direction that the story is going (laughs). I will also be looking forward to what will happen to not only Riku but to Sesshōmaru and Kirinmaru as I attend recordings. It would be great if you can fully enjoy it until the end.
Q. Who’s Your Favorite Character?
“I like Homura who appears in episode 14. How do I say it, he feels like a person who’s true to his desires. The result that awaited him afterwards was impressionable. Also in episode 2, there’s the cameo appearance of the hoodlums from “Urusei Yatsura” that looked old fashioned, which was great. Then there’s Kagome’s younger brother, Souta! Though he knew about the existence of demons and time travel from his childhood days, it feels like he’s someone who has transcended (laughs)”
Q. What Is Your Impression of the Three Girls?
“I interacted with Towa in episode 7, but regarding Setsuna and Moroha, I heard their voices for the first time on air. I watched without gaining information beforehand, so I felt moved in a sort of refreshing way. The cast is either 12 years or younger than me, but I could feel the world of “Inuyasha” begin continued in their acting. They made me interested in “what will it feel like recording together with them?”. Including Fairouz-san, I’m happy that there are so many talented female voice actors.”
65 notes · View notes
gelo-p · 4 years
Cycling Seasons, Fresh Skies: Memories
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I knew from a long time ago that if I’d ever go for a T10, this would be it. When the event was finally getting closer, early estimates told me I was 900 flames short; I’d have to buy stars for this event.
(WARNING: A rather image-heavy post)
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Perhaps the moment I honestly considered T10 instead of settling for T100.
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Definitely the moment I knew there was no turning back. :)))
Believe me, this was not the only purchase I made for this event.
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I needed a better Challenge Live team, so I knew getting a 4* Happy Ran is required, to complete my Happy Afterglow team. I’ve never gotten any 4* Ran before, so thank god the 4* Exchange Ticket had the perfect timing.
Yep. ^^ Well, my Multi Live team was Powerful Afterglow-based, but had only 2 4-stars, sooo I knew it wouldn’t cut it.
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There she is <3
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I’ve always stopped at Skill Level 4, but I really had to pull out all the stops. Ran is my first Skill Level 5 member. ^^ (everyone in my CL team also received the level 5 upgrade)
Alright, let’s do this! Hey Hey Hoh~!
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The event has finally begun! I initially found it amusing seeing all sorts of titles being shown off. This one in particular stood out to me. XD
(Looking back, that Sinz person would later turn out to be a serious T10 contender. I think they changed their name to Pyokun after some time)
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Here’s a screenshot of a rare T5 GeLö-P. I really wanted to share this with you guys, but I figured I’d jinx myself by revealing publicly what I was trying to do. :>
(I will doubt the existence of God Almighty, but believe in being jinxed. Life is weird sometimes.)
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Well, that’s the Grand Room for ya’. Meta songs all the way~
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How do you even react to that?
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With this. :)))
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Home Street...
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Home Street.......
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The moment I ran out of large energy drinks, and had to start spending stars. </3 Small energy drinks were still reserved for moments I can afford to wait out the 30-minute refill timer.
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The 5 Horsemen of the Apocalypse
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My first time doing the “recover waaaaay more than 10 flames” thing
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Huhehe huhehe huhehe...
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I too would like some of those Afterglow pins. T_T
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Baby Shak my as-
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Aaaand we have a dodger, ladies and gentlemen. XD
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I think this guy needs to be banned.
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Home Street? Pssh, that was so yesterday. Jumpin’ is the shit now.
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Ganbatte, P5.
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My 2nd encounter with Ghostkillers (who later become T12..?). He chose Senbonzakura the first time, so when he did it again, I thought I’d save it for posterity. ^^
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The “I too would like to live dangerously” gang 8-)
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The first time I switched away from my dua T100 titles. I figured I’d stop trying to “scare” the competition.
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First time tracking T10 scores. This would later prove to be very useful in seeing if my projection will hold (although I shifted to tracking T3 - T12).
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Taking a break, so I watched ads for free flames. :)))))
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Moca, Ran, GeLö-P, and a weird name. Huh. Okay.
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Kyu~Mai * Flower was released! Played this one on Hard.
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...this one I played on Expert...
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...and thank fuck I got it first try, because oh boy I’m not playing that beat map again. >_<
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“Ban me if you can” ?? Why??
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Aaaaand this motherfucker right here was cheating and inflating his score. I personally reported him to the game admins over on twitter, and they’ve informed me that they were already aware of this idiot. Saw him just once more after this.
Yes. That’s 91 million, 798 thousand, 346.
I actually encountered them once before this, but didn’t notice anything off about their score (was already dazed at that time). And then a discussion started over at reddit, so when I met him again, I took screenshots.
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Ganbatte :))
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Had time for a quick hey hey hoh spam ^^
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Which day was this..? Anyway I came up with my brilliant pun. Read the comment, see if you can figure it out. :3
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MocaRan and YukiLisa. Sigh. I don’t think we can be friends, P5.
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Told you, Ghostkillers only pick Senbonzakura XD
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Tomoe’s Birthday! ^^
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Even the game won’t let you have a GF, P5. XD
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(almost sure they’re famous in the competitive scene... I don’t know them tho LOL)
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I woke up one morning to find there was no internet.
I knew mobile data was going to result to multiple disconnects, but thank fuck I had lots of challenge points to spare. I passed the time productively, and by the time I was done, internet was back. Whew.
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Rank update: currently T8. ^^
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More of Ghostkillers x Senbonzakura and JFC that name tho P2
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Shitpost comment XD
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First time seeing 2 other T10 contenders in the same room: Itsuki and Ghostkillers.
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Probably the point where I started spamming Tokimeki Poporon instead of Home Street.
Also there’s a looot of interesting names in Bandori.
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As a YukiRan / MocaLisa shipper (well more of SayoLisa nowadays), it is my job to destroy players 1, 3, and 5. >:(
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...aaaaaand I immediately threw away 10k stars hoping for Megane Ran, but got shit. (This would later force me to make 2 more purchases XD Seriously though, I could have saved a lot of money with a better star purchase plan)
I got Loli Rinko tho. <3
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Which day was this...? I think this was the moment I knew Ghostkillers has given up. I was laughing my ass off reading the comments. I think everyone of us was half-dead at this point. XD
And so we’re down to the final 11.
I’ve started considering the possibility at this point that I might be the final one to bow out.
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I was feeling the despair at this point, and thus started singing Komm Susser Tod
I do mini-sprints in the morning, so I’m T6 here. I usually fall back down to ~T9 in the afternoon.
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I usually level up once per event. I started this event from Rank 193. :)))
(well it was technically 192, but I was like 2 games away from leveling up)
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There are no experts in this room :v
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Jumpin = NO FEVER, but picks meta song anyway. Okay. :v
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Hey! All Random!
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I have a lot of friend requests at this point (probably from people seeing me on the T10 list), but I don’t have enough space to accept them all :((
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Bread-themed profile!
Poppin’ Party, Puff n’ Pastry... get it?
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Itsuki started spamming BOF at this point.
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Doki doki~
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P1 is an IRL friend :))) I’d later tease her about how slow she is picking songs LOL
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Some Initial D reference for overtaking :P Of course I was badly falling behind at this point (T9 is hella dangerous), but I had no choice but to continue to believe in the math (and that early overtaking is a bad choice).
“Early moves lets your opponents recover from mental shock.” - Ryosuke Takahashi, Initial D 3rd Stage
No seriously, that’s exactly what I was thinking of. And also “Not yet, not yet, now” from Ford v Ferrari.
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P1 & P5 get married already...
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I’m down to T11, and everybody else already did 2.3M-sprints some hours earlier, and have considerably slowed down.
I, on the other, was about to go to sleep. Yes, I, the current T11, was about to let the others pull away. All I could do was believe in the Math at that point, because let me tell you-
I had 105k challenge points left. That’s 3.4M event points I had yet to sprint.
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This was during the final morning, 9 hours before event ended. When I woke up that morning, my heart was pounding like crazy. What if everybody has pulled ahead?
When I finally checked, most of the T10′s were still in the 17M-range. Itsuki was on T10, and he was only 500k away. I knew at that point that my chances were pretty good; however, I shut up about it, set my comment to “Now Playing: Running in the 90′s”, and got to work.
There was nothing else I could to but consume all the CP I had left. No more tracking. A literal 5-hour non-stop sprint to 19.2M points. If they can still catch up even after they’ve already expended their CP yesterday, then maybe I don’t deserve this T10 after all.
All I need to do was beat one of them. It was me or them.
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Holy shi-
I wasn’t out of the woods yet, had to make sure at least one of them didn’t overtake me. Of course that was more up to them, since I didn’t have any strength left (my thumb stopped working at that point, no seriously, it’s still not working properly even today). I also didn’t have any significant stars left.
I managed to sneak in a few songs, but that was it. I was done. The others managed to close the gap, but I stayed in T6.
And then the event was over.
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I fucking did it.
I would later learn that this was the bloodiest (Challenge Live) event in the history of ENdori. In one redditor’s words, I “ ...sure picked a hell of a time to go for it.”
I had no choice. This is Megane Ran we’re talking about. <3
I had some idea tbh, because I managed to read a tweet in the middle of the event, that “this was one lit T10″. Apparently we were on track to beat the previous record-holder, which was Sayo’s Umbrella event.
I’m... really glad to have been part of this event. I feel so darn proud of myself. >:3
But I couldn’t have done it without the help of the Grand Room. Seriously, I only played in the Grand Room.
Remember this?
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I don’t have (competitive) friends. :))) So thank you, all. *bow*
I’d like to thank IRL-friend otearaisu over at twitter for putting up with my excessive score projection updates. XD I have a really detailed excel sheet to check if I was on track or not, and whenever there were developments, I’d always tell him about it, even in the dead of the night. XD
Would I ever do this again? Probably not. This was the only event that I knew I really wanted to go for, and I don’t see that changing any time soon. Maybe I’ll get a couple of T100′s in the future, but that’s it. ^^
See you in the lobby~
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Sorry about the wait guys I’ve been so tired since I got off work, but here it is the entire sins of Episode laid out in front of you. There’s a lot of stuff to unpack, but you can read the basics at the end. 
- Sunny
Fair Warning
So, this is a long ass post with lot’s of detail regarding Episode Interactive guidelines and the current reason of the strike currently taking place on instagram. 
AKA: People hate episode and here’s why. 
If that doesn’t intrest you then skip this post. \/(0.0)\/
So what’s exactly happening?
Currently, the strike is taking place do to unfair treatment of the content guidelines set on Episode (Well, there’s a bit more detail than that, but that’s the basics of it). 
The guidelines in question are:
Crossovers between two different authors are no longer allowed.  For example: Bad Boy in Town and Zezzy Montero crossover episode would no longer be allowed. Another example: The Teenage Viligante and Matched would no longer fit the guidelines.
You are only allowed 5 punches per story. (No action genre here!)
Using Episode Assets to create custom content is no longer allowed.
There has also been some internal issues with enforcing these guidelines.
Featured Stories have been known to get away with stuff
Allegedly- INK authors have been recieving harsher enforment of the general episode community guidelines while Limelight authors who produce the same content are given the go. 
Popular Authors have also been known to get away with way more while smaller authors get dinged hard.
Episode Official Stories have broken the rules as well. (literally just wait...)
Pretty much all these issues came to a front when this post  (the original forum post is now deleted) was made in the forums on April 19th, 2019 by Mod Melani:
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In short: this is basically saying crossovers are no longer permitted on episode because it infringes on copyright.
People were up in arms do to this being a massive change in the rules, and it could potentically effect a large population of already published stories. As people started to feel quite pissed with episode, this was posted by a popular Episode artist, @schittwriter on her story.
It basically goes like this:
Her first cover for her story Bad and Badder get’s approved:
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but her second cover for her INK story gets rejected.
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Here’s the kicker:
Schittepisode uploaded two OF THE SAME cover to be reviewed for the exact same story (The same story was made for LL and for INK). The Limelight cover  was approved and the rejected one was in INK. The email she recieved for the rejection of the INK cover stated that:
“Please adjust bra strap so it isn’t falling down her arm. Disrobing underwear in a sexual situation  breaks the Episode guidelines”
I asked her basically what happened and she replied by DM:
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She’s absolutely right that it’s unfair. 
I haven’t seen the covers because she hasn’t released them, but from the way the DM sounds her the cover had two fully clothed people, but the girl was wearing a tank top with a loose bra strap.
It gets pretty laughable because we’ve seen what the romance section looks like. It’s also quite funny (hypocritical) that one of the most read stories on the platform, Chain Reaction by Miss MJ, has a cover that looks like this:
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So, after these two massive bombshells of ‘injustice’ by the episode creators it lead instragram user @bukki.episode  (writer of ‘My Psycho’) to post the infamous ‘strike’ photo.
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Sidenote: Is INK treated differently than LL?
Short Answer: Nah. 
Long answer: This is really an issue of the rules not being clear. Episode has stated before that INK is just old and outdated software that is hard to use. They switched to LL to produce content faster. They are obviously going to promote LL because that’s what they’ve been working on for ages. (not a style that they are never going to update again)
But, that doesn’t mean I can’t still hate LL and all it stands for
Read this for more on INK: https://forums.episodeinteractive.com/t/petition-more-ink/2325/122
More on the Guidelines
Basically, after I read about Schittwriters’ situation, I was actually wondering where in the guidelines state half of these things: Particuarly:
Does it say we can’t have disrobing in the Official Community Guidelines?
What are it’s rules on sexual situations?
Is the 5 punches per story rule real?
Is the crossover rule real?
Is using episode assets to create new backgrounds against the rules?
So, after some digging I realized that alot of these ‘new rules’ just flat out don’t exsist or have been miscontrude a bit. Not only that, but there is some SERIOUS miscommunication in the Episode review staff.
So, there’s two sets of guides we can look at: The one on the creator portal (the rules that are (should) be set in stone by Episode), and the guidelines that have been stated by the mods (Rules that have been stated by the mods in the forums, but not in the offical content guidelines). It’s hard to communicate with a large bunch of people who are running your site. It’s natural that rules will be kinda like a game of telephone, and that certain things will become subjective. So, I’m just gonna preface that because just because one mod makes a comment doesn’t make it automatically FACT. 
But here’s what the offical content guidelines in the portal on sexual situations:
If stories contain objectionable or offensive content, we may not be able to feature or host them on Episode. Stories must always be appropriate for readers ages 13 or older, which means content would be objectionable if it, among other things:
+ portrays adult themes, including pornographic content, nudity, or prostitution;
+  includes excessive use of profanity or sexually explicit phrases;
Censor Bar Use, Nudity, and Sexual Content:
Depiction of sex (or anything suggesting that sex is occurring at that moment) in any form, including but not limited to, gyrating bodies, oral sex, or moaning/groaning is not allowed.
 Explicit details of what is happening or has happened off-screen is also not allowed. 
Any nudity on cover art is strictly not allowed. 
Frontal nudity is allowed in a story if it is not excessive, only used in non-sexual situations, and always accompanied with censor bars or scenery to censor. 
Posterior nudity in a story is only allowed in a tasteful and non-sexual context. 
Reading these rules posted, there’s no rule stating that a bra strap or any sort of underwear can not be shown on a cover. I’m just a bit confused and where the line is because we have certain Episode employees approving some questionable covers like Chain Reaction’s, and covers like Schittwriters’s that are not being approved.
Is The Five Punch Per Story Rule Real?
No it’s not real. There’s no evidence or screenshots stating that this has ever been a rule.
The only source of evidence is a rumour that there was a screenshot of an episode employee telling a creator this rule on their instagram story. I can pretty much tell you that five punch rule is just wild rumour. 
But after further investigation, I found that the actual rule is FIVE PUNCHES PER SCENE. Five punches per scene is a lot different than five punches per story. You could end up with ten action scenes and five punches per scene, so in theory you could have fifty punches in one chapter to stay within guidelines.
Here’s that screenshot of an episode employee (I redacted for privacy) messaging @bukki.episode on her story:
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Using Episode Assets to make Backgrounds / Overlays
This ‘new guideline’ basically states that you can no longer use Episode Official backgrounds or overlays to make new or original backgrounds.
Once again, this is also a rumor that’s not true. In the episode guidelines they say that Episode assets are for non-commercial use only. Now, if an episode user had used episode assets to make backgrounds and sell them- that’s against the rules. This rule is stated in the update on the forums.
“Our Terms of Service indicate that Episode characters, materials and platforms (forum, portal and app) are a free service, and the use of these characters and materials provided are solely for personal and non-commercial use. Selling art or images with Episode assets counts as commercial use. This includes edits of Episode characters, altered renders, and composites. Any art sold must be entirely original artwork and cannot use Episode’s art at all.”
Again, I’ve heard rumours that this rule has been enforced, but I didn’t find a screenshot or any source of this being true.
The Crossover Discourse
Now, this new rule has caused quite a bit of stink do to valid reasons brought up in the forums (I’ll get to that). Now, I’m not gonna post the comments but you can read the thread here if you wish.
The crossover rule basically says that do to copyright laws Episode can no longer allow crossovers because there is no way to prove both parties are consenting to crossovers. Episode makes it very clear that if you publish a story with Episode - you own it. 
“ Who owns my story? In a nutshell, you do! We can't sell the rights to your story to a movie or TV studio, make it into a book, or hire some new writer to write your story for you without your permission. You should review the Terms of Service, however, as we are licensed to promote your story and use it in advertising, among other things. We also own all the animations and art provided by the Episode platform, so you won't be able to take those with you. For more information, please read the Episode Terms of Service. “ 
source - (x)
Since people own the rights to their stories there adds the element copyright to anything people publish. Basically the Episode team is trying to think like this:
How can you prove on Episode that you aren’t stealing someone else’s work?
How can you prove that both parties are consenting to the crossover?
Mod Melani put this concern in her update on the original post:
“What if my friend gives me permission?
Even if your friend gives you permission, Episode has no way of tracking or enforcing this. Because of this, crossovers are not allowed on our platform. This is to ensure that your stories and characters don’t end up being misused! “
source (x)
I’ve heard rumours that there has been issues with stealing ideas, stories, characters from other authors, so this most likely to prevent stuff like that from happening. But, it seems a bit overkill to remove stories because of something that isn’t done with malicious intent. In fact, Episode should only respond to authors that want crossovers taken down, or authors that feel there is possible infringes in their copyright directly. Don’t throw out the whole carton just because there is a couple of bad eggs.
Another issue brought up with the crossover rule is the protection of stories that already have crossovers built into them. Many people brought up the fact that their favourite stories could be taken down because of this rule.
Mod Mel basically posted this:
“There is no deadline to remove stories that feature Episode-centric crossovers.
If authors would prefer to edit or archive these stories on their own schedule, rather than waiting for the possibility that we might ask them to do so in the future, they can do it whenever they want. The only thing that might happen to an author who has written a crossover story is IF we come across it, we may ask you to change or remove it.
We don’t want to “punish” authors who have previously written crossovers.
Authors should be concerned with not writing crossovers moving forward.
I hope this clears things up!”
source (x)
Authors could in theory have their story removed if they did not know about the rule, or Episode could crack down on it before they had a chance to change it. One commenter brought up a good point that creators spend weeks coding crossovers or planning one- only to have it taken down.
Not only that, but these rules are a bit confusing...
We don’t want to punish authors, but we still might take down your story! :)
Episode has been known to take down stories without notice, so this could be a whole new can of worms to unpack.
Using Celebrity or Episode Author likenesses:
This is a really good question. Based on our content guidelines (below), you also should avoid featuring other authors in your story, as they’re real people. The same guidelines I mentioned above for changes apply if you already have a story that features another author, but please keep this in mind going forward!
“In addition, by publishing your story, you agree that it does not include any content that infringes the intellectual property rights or rights of publicity or privacy of any third party. This may include using any of the following without permission:
any works of authorship of other parties, including excerpts or passages taken from literary works, television or film; any trademarks or references to corporate or business names; or any references to real persons or places.”
source (x)
Episode has also started to enforce no longer using celebrity or episode authors likenesses on the platform. 
I think this issue also stems from the issue of concsent. I think the Episode Team is worried about being liable for slander or online bullying, so that’s why author likenesses will be prohibited.
As for the celebrity likenesses, it’s the same issue of slander and consent. Episode can use the Dolon Twins, Demi Lavato, PPL, because they bought the rights and arranged contracts.
However, that basically means stories like Pregnant with James Charles’ Baby will be removed... (oh god, oh god, oh gOd, it’s already been removed....)
Episode gives Special Treatment (what else is new?)
*Without a doubt, Episode does not enforce their guidelines properly.*
I’m usually a pretty fair person, but Episode totally cherry-pick their rules. They have no concrete set rules, and most of the rules that are enforced are subjective. They need to state exactly what is and what isn’t allowed. I’ve seen and heard of small authors getting their stories removed without notice for swearing, but large authors with massive fallowings have never had to change due to the rules. I’ve also seen featured stories and episode official stories stay break they damn rules as well.
For example: 
Sore Loser stayed up for a longer than it needed to (+All of Noob Loop’s story)
Pregnant by My Student is still top 10 of most viewed stories
(If I remember correctly) Toriah had her story removed / repremanded for excessive swearing???
No rules seem to apply to Gang Leader stories
As much as I love her, Kayla Sloan’s ‘War Dogs’ could promote excessive violence & ‘Adrenaline’ by Evil Ebonni & ‘I Despise You’ by Costa could as well, so why aren’t they removed??.. oh yeah they’re popular :/
Sex scenes are legit all over episode and they are the reason this company is still in business
In My Bed?! was an Episode Official story.
The Bad Boy Stole My Bra has so much sexual nonsense I mean c’mon
Faking Death has sexual nonsense in it
Body Tangle 
Off Limits (may I say more...)
Also this:
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^ Literally a direct rule violation!
Episode’s Response
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So that’s basically all there is to it. Hopefully things will become more clear in the next couple of months, but I highly doubt it...
TLDR; Episode published new guidelines stated that crossover episodes are no longer allowed, a rule with only 5 punches per chapter, and background and assets are no longer allowed. People were super up in arms because Episode has been know to remove stories without warning, so crossovers could possible discontinue a whole bunch of stories. Not only that, but a Episode Creator posted screenshots of her cover for her Limelight Story being accepted, but her INK cover being rejected due to a ‘bra strap’. It madeit seem that INK was being unfairly treated agaisnt LL. People started going strike for those reasons. However, the backround issue and 5 punches per chapter issues were just false rumors. Episode responded, but it’s clear that most of their guidelines are bullshit and there is special treatment going on. We’ll see how the guidelines are written these next couple of days.
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darth-moderus · 5 years
something new for a change
who took Physics when they were in High School?
who enjoyed it? if I'm completely honest, the only reason I opted for Physics over Marine Biology in my 12th Grade year, was all of my friends were required to take Physics (because the Physics teacher required all of his Calculus students to take Physics as well, but I digress)
now, for years my High School had given it’s 12th grade physics class a practical application project, specifically, build a Trebuchet, do the 2-dimensional motion calculations required to determine a list of variables, including: maximum height of the projectile, angle of release, horizontal and vertical velocity of the projectile, distance from launch to landing, etc. and all we could use to determine those, was the physical dimensions of the trebuchet (length of arm, counterweight mass, drop of counterweight, etc)
then attempt to hit the Physics professor with a one pound water balloon for extra credit.
another way to get extra credit, was to build a very particular type of Trebuchet, called a “Floating Arm Trebuchet” where the pivot point for the boom-arm isn’t fixed, but instead ‘floats’ along a guide rail as the counterweight is dropped straight down.
as our team’s resident computer junkie, I pulled up a 3D model of a Floating Arm Trebuchet on Trimble’s 3D warehouse for Google Sketchup. attached is a screenshot of the model we used (over 5 years ago!).
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in the image, you can see a pair of wheels in the middle of the Boom, that’s the pivot. As the counterweight falls, the wheels hit the horizontal bars, and roll along to the far end of the frame, whipping the sling-end of the boom over and forward.
our group consisted of three people: Myself, a childhood friend, and another friend who I often debated Sci-Fi with.
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(all faces have been blurred for the privacy of those involved, except for my own, see that stupid looking motherfucker on the far right? yeah, that’s me xP )
one of my friends, the guy standing right next to the trebuchet, his dad is a prosthetist, he makes fake limbs for combat veterans, amputees, or people born with missing limbs. as such, he has.a shop that’s absolutely FULL of neat machinery and materials. he said we could use all of that, with supervision, as long as we paid for the raw materials ourselves. $400 later, we had the lumber, the screws, and the glue. using the model I'd gotten, we set to work cutting pieces to length, gluing and then screwing them together. of course, we made some ‘improvements’ to the original design.
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we affixed teflon tape to all of the moving parts, including the guide wheels on the boom, and the vertical and horizontal guide rails on the frame. we wrapped the counterweight end of the boom in a fiberglass cast, to act as an anchor for the counterweight mount, and ran a strip of carbon fiber tape down both edges of the boom for added strength. the mount for the counterweight was a 3in thick steel rod, to which you could mount weights of various sizes. I don't quite remember how the trigger mechanism worked, aside from it being a string that when pulled, opened a gate that would allow the counterweight to fall. after construction was complete, then we decorated! xD
that horrendous paint job was our attempt to paint it camo. buuuut we ran out of green spray paint after only one side of it was painted. wheels were affixed to the back end for easier transport, an eyebolt was drilled into the side so that the slings (of which we had several, of different styles and design) could be stored with the device itself. to the side we affixed a Rifle Scope that I'd bought in Pigeon Forge years ago, (it barely worked, and was horribly miscalibrated)  purely for looks, we designed a simple set of ‘leaf sights’ like the kind mounted to the side of grenade launchers. also completely cosmetic, lol.
now, on the topic of projectiles, one of the requirements was that it be able to fire a one pound water balloon.
we went a biiiit overboard with that. our trebuchet was so powerful, that at max counterweight (the design was rated for 100 pounds, but we never tested it beyond 97) the water balloons would be ripped apart as they left the sling. as you can imagine, this was a problem. we solved this by layering the balloons, we’d use our finger to push a balloon into another, and then that into yet another, before filling the whole thing with water. these triple-layered water balloons were required for any counterweight in excess of 30 pounds or so.
our maximum range? one hundred seven yards. we literally made a field goal with it. one end of the football field, to the other, and through the uprights. it hit the ground with such force, it actually left a 6-in crater in the sod.
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reloading required one person (or two, if you were using a large counterweight) to life the weights up to the top of the frame, where a third would then lock the weights into position by pushing pushing the trigger gate closed. then the sling would be loaded with a balloon, and tucked into the trough at the bottom of the frame.
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michaelandy101-blog · 4 years
Impactful search engine marketing Audits for B2B
New Post has been published on http://tiptopreview.com/impactful-seo-audits-for-b2b/
Impactful search engine marketing Audits for B2B
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A complete audit of your B2B web site can imply the distinction between profitable new purchasers and shedding them to the competitors. On this model new episode of Whiteboard Friday, visitor host Carly Schoonhoven walks you thru 4 areas that may take your audits to the subsequent stage.
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Click on on the whiteboard picture above to open a excessive decision model in a brand new tab!
Video Transcription
Hey and welcome to a different version of Whiteboard Friday. My title is Carly Schoonhoven, and I am a Senior search engine marketing Supervisor at Obility. We’re a B2B digital marketing company right here in Portland, Oregon. Now if you happen to work for an company, you understand that typically a extremely invaluable search engine marketing audit might be the distinction between profitable over a consumer and shedding out to another person.
So one thing I typically battle with is find out how to stage up your primary search engine marketing audit into one thing that is actually impactful for a B2B firm that’s in want of a long-term, strategic plan. Now after I’m speaking about an search engine marketing audit, I am not simply speaking a couple of technical audit, one thing you’ll be able to simply pull from Screaming Frog.
It is actually about getting a transparent image of a web site’s present search engine marketing compliance and most significantly displaying the methods, each within the brief and long run, which you could work with them to assist them obtain their objectives. So at present I’ll stroll you thru my method to search engine marketing audits and stroll you thru step-by-step. Now earlier than we get began pulling knowledge, there are a few issues I like to determine first.
Rivals and objectives
Primary is competitors. So search engine marketing, it does not exist in a vacuum. If we need to enhance our rankings, a competitor is probably going going to should lose rankings. So it is actually necessary to get an concept of what rivals you are going to be taking a look at so you’ll be able to see the way you stack up in relation to them. Now, once more, it is actually necessary to be sure that your rivals are sensible.
I can not let you know what number of occasions I have been given Google as a competitor. Now perhaps they are a competitor for you, but it surely’s actually necessary to just be sure you’re being sensible and discovering rivals which might be of an analogous measurement in order that the insights you are offering are literally going to be invaluable and actionable. So if somebody provides you Google as a competitor, give it some thought, perhaps present some options.
One other factor I like to check out is objectives. So if you happen to’re evaluating an organization, ask them what their objectives are. Perhaps they only launched a brand new product and so they actually would love some particular insights as to how they’ll enhance that content material. Or perhaps they are going by way of a web site migration in a number of months, and so they really need some insights associated to that.
So good audits usually are not one measurement matches all. So you’ll be able to actually stage up your audit by ensuring that it is tailor-made to the location and the corporate you are taking a look at particularly. So now that we have our rivals, we have got our objectives, let’s get began by looking at key phrases.
1. Key phrases
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Clearly, key phrases are so necessary. It is the place you might want to begin as a result of key phrases are the spine of search engine marketing. Now that is an audit. We’re not doing a full keyword research technique right here. This should not take you all day. However there are a few instruments that you need to use in an effort to get some actually fascinating and useful details about key phrases with out having to place in an entire bunch of time.
So Moz’s Keyword Explorer is a extremely excellent place to start out. I like to make use of the Evaluate Hyperlink Profiles device, and this can be a actually great way to check out one web site versus its rivals and see the way it’s doing from a extremely excessive stage. It will aid you determine if there’s somebody who’s actually elite, who’s rating for 20 occasions extra key phrases than you, that is perhaps not probably the most sensible competitor to watch your self towards.
You possibly can see if perhaps there is a web site that is actually comparable. Or if there is a web site that is not rating for hardly any key phrases, that is not going to be one you need to fear about. So it is a actually good place to start out simply to get type of an concept of the aggressive panorama. One other actually useful factor to have a look at is the key phrase overlap. So we have seen whole key phrases.
However what are these key phrases particularly which might be performing nicely? So my pretty drawing right here of a key phrase overlap chart provides you an concept. So for example the blue is your prime competitor, inexperienced is competitor two, after which the pink is you. So that you really need to check out that space the place your rivals overlap however you haven’t any key phrases which might be rating.
That is so necessary, as a result of perhaps you may determine a subject space the place your entire rivals have content material for, however the web site you are taking a look at does not. This can be a actually good place to start out and will help you present some preliminary content material ideas and get type of a window into your rivals’ content material methods. So talking of content material, let’s discuss taking a look at content material for an search engine marketing audit.
2. Content material
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So that is in all probability the place I spend probably the most time personally after I do audits, as a result of it is actually invaluable and there are additionally so many alternative issues to have a look at and you’ll find one thing new just about each time. While you’re taking a look at a B2B web site specifically, nevertheless, one factor you need to be sure to’re looking at is the funnel. Have they got content material for the entire funnel levels, and are they funneling individuals from one stage to the subsequent?
So check out their web site such as you’re somebody visiting it for the primary time. Check out their consciousness content material and see: Are there mid-funnel CTAs? Are they making the subsequent step they need me to take clear? Or what’s that final conversion that they need individuals to soak up the acquisition stage? Have they got a extremely clear contact type?
Is it simple to navigate to the demo, if that is a extremely necessary conversion to them? Check out their content material and what they’re doing, particularly ensuring that they’ve content material for the total funnel. That is one other good alternative to judge your rivals. So do the identical factor in your rivals’ websites. See if there’s one thing they’re doing actually, rather well, that the location you are taking a look at just isn’t.
Take some screenshots. Share some particular issues a competitor is doing that perhaps you’ll be able to be taught from and discover a option to do your individual model of in your web site. 
three. Technical
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All proper. One other space to at all times be sure to embody is technical, as a result of everyone knows that even if in case you have one of the best, superb content material in your web site, in case your technical SEO is a large number, it is not likely going to matter if you happen to’re not capable of get that content material listed.
So place to start out is to do Moz’s On-Demand Crawl so you’ll be able to check out issues like 404 errors, duplicate content material, perhaps they’ve lacking metadata on all of their actually invaluable prime pages. That is good data to have and to share. You then additionally need to increase that to have a look at issues like web site pace. Perhaps they’ve actually poor web site pace, and it is nothing that they’ve ever prioritized.
Use Google’s Page Speed Insights. See if there are some particular suggestions which you could give them and which you could assist them repair, as a result of in the end it is about attempting to get them to need to work with you and displaying how you may assist them repair these points. You can even check out issues that could be impacting indexation. Check out their robots.txt.
Check out their sitemap. Simply test all of the bins and be sure that there’s nothing that could be impacting their search look. 
four. Off-site
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Lastly, I at all times like to check out off-site. That is one other nice use of Moz. I like to make use of Moz’s Evaluate Hyperlink Profiles choice to get an concept of the way you stack up together with your rivals in terms of off-site.
Now I do know that off-site is admittedly troublesome. Hyperlink constructing is tough, and it takes a very long time to actually present outcomes. However understanding the way you stack up towards your rivals, in terms of Area Authority and it involves whole hyperlinks, actually helps you get an concept of how onerous it’ll be and the way lengthy it’ll take to meet up with your rivals within the search engine outcomes web page.
So I at all times like to check out Area Authority, exterior hyperlinks, linking domains and actually simply discovering insights so far as who’s going to be probably the most troublesome, who’s probably the most authoritative, and the place will we stand at present. You can even check out particular backlink profiles and hyperlink overlap, similar to the competitor overlap.
See if there is a web site the place your entire rivals have backlinks from and you do not. Perhaps it is actually related, an trade publication, and you’ll present them that and you’ll assist them finally, hopefully, get a hyperlink from there too. All proper. So we have taken a have a look at key phrases, content material, technical, and off-site. In case you adopted all of the steps, it is best to have a extremely nice audit with some tremendous actionable, short-term and long-term motion objects to offer.
So I hope this was actually useful, and thanks for becoming a member of me.
Video transcription by Speechpad.com
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wil-black-blog · 6 years
Pressure washer cleaning trick ֠Faster?
Winter you know what I hate winter hate rain clouds and clouds yeah so winter time rain makes a pavement wet and then it stays wet because it’s overcast all the time and then what happens is algae grows now I want no one wants algae look at its dirty dirty bad algae dirty and then washing it off the ground that takes precious time I don’t have. Sweet heart, can you wash the concrete in the patio like you promised? I’m playing Atari! You can play it later Space invaders…PLAYING! go and wash it now Playing ATARI so if you do need to clean up the backyard pavement here’s a simple life hack to make a job far more enjoyable and probably heaps quicker too so closing pavement clean apart from helping by relieving your local dam of excess water it allows us the privilege of being able to etch stuff onto the ground which is cool because it is fun using something like your hand is a great stencil see it looks like a high-five to ground we’re friends now so I’ve got lots of ground here and lots of algae so we’re going to make it big stencil and we’re going to do it 8-bit game style now the stencil for this delightful green canvas will be Atari space invaders first I worked out that pixels are square because I’m like a scream scientist man.
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Bricks aren’t square neither tangerines half a brick and square like a pixel so a whole brick is kind of like two pixels. yes bricks will be our template lots of bricks I printed out some space invaders 8-bit screenshots and then divide it up into individual pixels or half bricks and full bricks see how many old need and then I also uses to work out the spacing between the blip, blip, blip, space bug guys I have a fairly large collection of bricks in storage just in case of a brick emergency you never know I grabbed these out and stack them up in place and then the other thing you’ll need is a high pressure washer and then it’s simply a case of working out where you want your graphics to be and start assembling it based on the picture I had way less half bricks than I would have liked to have so I could only assemble one character at a time when laying out the bricks I really concentrate on getting the lines straight so the whole image wouldn’t be skewed when it was finished using a long straight piece of wood or something can help with getting this right then you just need to get your high pressure washer eye protection is kind of recommended when you’re working around objects like this because you get a lot of blowback now the head on this washer has a rotating nozzle which helps a clean better but not only there you get this cool wavy water effect when you film it with a camera this is a frame syn effect and I actually did a video about that recently on my second channel which you can check out if you were cool look at that waviness that’s awesome now keep in mind you can still do this with a garden hose if you’ve got good water pressure like you’ll generally use a lot more water for a lesser result and people will laugh at you behind your back so I kept moving from character to character and to get the spacing right I’ll use spare bricks you can also use a tape measure but I’ve been using brick units all my life and have trouble switching back and forth once you finish is stenciling it’s just the case of lightly washing off your algae soaked water and then you can enjoy your design so the end result I managed to turn a quick and easy half-hour job into a four and a half hour project but not only that the algae that’s left behind and probably accelerate the growth of new algae so I hope you enjoyed this quick tutorial on how to clean up your backyard more effectively as always as many more videos to come please consider subscribing if you haven’t no pressure maybe write down the pros and cons of both and then if subscribing complements your existence go for it I’m Craig Turner my youtube channel is Turnah81 thank you for watching and I’ll catch you next time
0 notes
Pressure washer cleaning trick ֠Faster?
Winter you know what I hate winter hate rain clouds and clouds yeah so winter time rain makes a pavement wet and then it stays wet because it’s overcast all the time and then what happens is algae grows now I want no one wants algae look at its dirty dirty bad algae dirty and then washing it off the ground that takes precious time I don’t have. Sweet heart, can you wash the concrete in the patio like you promised? I’m playing Atari! You can play it later Space invaders…PLAYING! go and wash it now Playing ATARI so if you do need to clean up the backyard pavement here’s a simple life hack to make a job far more enjoyable and probably heaps quicker too so closing pavement clean apart from helping by relieving your local dam of excess water it allows us the privilege of being able to etch stuff onto the ground which is cool because it is fun using something like your hand is a great stencil see it looks like a high-five to ground we’re friends now so I’ve got lots of ground here and lots of algae so we’re going to make it big stencil and we’re going to do it 8-bit game style now the stencil for this delightful green canvas will be Atari space invaders first I worked out that pixels are square because I’m like a scream scientist man.
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Bricks aren’t square neither tangerines half a brick and square like a pixel so a whole brick is kind of like two pixels. yes bricks will be our template lots of bricks I printed out some space invaders 8-bit screenshots and then divide it up into individual pixels or half bricks and full bricks see how many old need and then I also uses to work out the spacing between the blip, blip, blip, space bug guys I have a fairly large collection of bricks in storage just in case of a brick emergency you never know I grabbed these out and stack them up in place and then the other thing you’ll need is a high pressure washer and then it’s simply a case of working out where you want your graphics to be and start assembling it based on the picture I had way less half bricks than I would have liked to have so I could only assemble one character at a time when laying out the bricks I really concentrate on getting the lines straight so the whole image wouldn’t be skewed when it was finished using a long straight piece of wood or something can help with getting this right then you just need to get your high pressure washer eye protection is kind of recommended when you’re working around objects like this because you get a lot of blowback now the head on this washer has a rotating nozzle which helps a clean better but not only there you get this cool wavy water effect when you film it with a camera this is a frame syn effect and I actually did a video about that recently on my second channel which you can check out if you were cool look at that waviness that’s awesome now keep in mind you can still do this with a garden hose if you’ve got good water pressure like you’ll generally use a lot more water for a lesser result and people will laugh at you behind your back so I kept moving from character to character and to get the spacing right I’ll use spare bricks you can also use a tape measure but I’ve been using brick units all my life and have trouble switching back and forth once you finish is stenciling it’s just the case of lightly washing off your algae soaked water and then you can enjoy your design so the end result I managed to turn a quick and easy half-hour job into a four and a half hour project but not only that the algae that’s left behind and probably accelerate the growth of new algae so I hope you enjoyed this quick tutorial on how to clean up your backyard more effectively as always as many more videos to come please consider subscribing if you haven’t no pressure maybe write down the pros and cons of both and then if subscribing complements your existence go for it I’m Craig Turner my youtube channel is Turnah81 thank you for watching and I’ll catch you next time
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princessmj216 · 6 years
Pressure washer cleaning trick ֠Faster?
Winter you know what I hate winter hate rain clouds and clouds yeah so winter time rain makes a pavement wet and then it stays wet because it’s overcast all the time and then what happens is algae grows now I want no one wants algae look at its dirty dirty bad algae dirty and then washing it off the ground that takes precious time I don’t have. Sweet heart, can you wash the concrete in the patio like you promised? I’m playing Atari! You can play it later Space invaders…PLAYING! go and wash it now Playing ATARI so if you do need to clean up the backyard pavement here’s a simple life hack to make a job far more enjoyable and probably heaps quicker too so closing pavement clean apart from helping by relieving your local dam of excess water it allows us the privilege of being able to etch stuff onto the ground which is cool because it is fun using something like your hand is a great stencil see it looks like a high-five to ground we’re friends now so I’ve got lots of ground here and lots of algae so we’re going to make it big stencil and we’re going to do it 8-bit game style now the stencil for this delightful green canvas will be Atari space invaders first I worked out that pixels are square because I’m like a scream scientist man.
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Bricks aren’t square neither tangerines half a brick and square like a pixel so a whole brick is kind of like two pixels. yes bricks will be our template lots of bricks I printed out some space invaders 8-bit screenshots and then divide it up into individual pixels or half bricks and full bricks see how many old need and then I also uses to work out the spacing between the blip, blip, blip, space bug guys I have a fairly large collection of bricks in storage just in case of a brick emergency you never know I grabbed these out and stack them up in place and then the other thing you’ll need is a high pressure washer and then it’s simply a case of working out where you want your graphics to be and start assembling it based on the picture I had way less half bricks than I would have liked to have so I could only assemble one character at a time when laying out the bricks I really concentrate on getting the lines straight so the whole image wouldn’t be skewed when it was finished using a long straight piece of wood or something can help with getting this right then you just need to get your high pressure washer eye protection is kind of recommended when you’re working around objects like this because you get a lot of blowback now the head on this washer has a rotating nozzle which helps a clean better but not only there you get this cool wavy water effect when you film it with a camera this is a frame syn effect and I actually did a video about that recently on my second channel which you can check out if you were cool look at that waviness that’s awesome now keep in mind you can still do this with a garden hose if you’ve got good water pressure like you’ll generally use a lot more water for a lesser result and people will laugh at you behind your back so I kept moving from character to character and to get the spacing right I’ll use spare bricks you can also use a tape measure but I’ve been using brick units all my life and have trouble switching back and forth once you finish is stenciling it’s just the case of lightly washing off your algae soaked water and then you can enjoy your design so the end result I managed to turn a quick and easy half-hour job into a four and a half hour project but not only that the algae that’s left behind and probably accelerate the growth of new algae so I hope you enjoyed this quick tutorial on how to clean up your backyard more effectively as always as many more videos to come please consider subscribing if you haven’t no pressure maybe write down the pros and cons of both and then if subscribing complements your existence go for it I’m Craig Turner my youtube channel is Turnah81 thank you for watching and I’ll catch you next time
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bili-andel-blog · 6 years
Pressure washer cleaning trick ֠Faster?
Winter you know what I hate winter hate rain clouds and clouds yeah so winter time rain makes a pavement wet and then it stays wet because it’s overcast all the time and then what happens is algae grows now I want no one wants algae look at its dirty dirty bad algae dirty and then washing it off the ground that takes precious time I don’t have. Sweet heart, can you wash the concrete in the patio like you promised? I’m playing Atari! You can play it later Space invaders…PLAYING! go and wash it now Playing ATARI so if you do need to clean up the backyard pavement here’s a simple life hack to make a job far more enjoyable and probably heaps quicker too so closing pavement clean apart from helping by relieving your local dam of excess water it allows us the privilege of being able to etch stuff onto the ground which is cool because it is fun using something like your hand is a great stencil see it looks like a high-five to ground we’re friends now so I’ve got lots of ground here and lots of algae so we’re going to make it big stencil and we’re going to do it 8-bit game style now the stencil for this delightful green canvas will be Atari space invaders first I worked out that pixels are square because I’m like a scream scientist man.
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Bricks aren’t square neither tangerines half a brick and square like a pixel so a whole brick is kind of like two pixels. yes bricks will be our template lots of bricks I printed out some space invaders 8-bit screenshots and then divide it up into individual pixels or half bricks and full bricks see how many old need and then I also uses to work out the spacing between the blip, blip, blip, space bug guys I have a fairly large collection of bricks in storage just in case of a brick emergency you never know I grabbed these out and stack them up in place and then the other thing you’ll need is a high pressure washer and then it’s simply a case of working out where you want your graphics to be and start assembling it based on the picture I had way less half bricks than I would have liked to have so I could only assemble one character at a time when laying out the bricks I really concentrate on getting the lines straight so the whole image wouldn’t be skewed when it was finished using a long straight piece of wood or something can help with getting this right then you just need to get your high pressure washer eye protection is kind of recommended when you’re working around objects like this because you get a lot of blowback now the head on this washer has a rotating nozzle which helps a clean better but not only there you get this cool wavy water effect when you film it with a camera this is a frame syn effect and I actually did a video about that recently on my second channel which you can check out if you were cool look at that waviness that’s awesome now keep in mind you can still do this with a garden hose if you’ve got good water pressure like you’ll generally use a lot more water for a lesser result and people will laugh at you behind your back so I kept moving from character to character and to get the spacing right I’ll use spare bricks you can also use a tape measure but I’ve been using brick units all my life and have trouble switching back and forth once you finish is stenciling it’s just the case of lightly washing off your algae soaked water and then you can enjoy your design so the end result I managed to turn a quick and easy half-hour job into a four and a half hour project but not only that the algae that’s left behind and probably accelerate the growth of new algae so I hope you enjoyed this quick tutorial on how to clean up your backyard more effectively as always as many more videos to come please consider subscribing if you haven’t no pressure maybe write down the pros and cons of both and then if subscribing complements your existence go for it I’m Craig Turner my youtube channel is Turnah81 thank you for watching and I’ll catch you next time
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Pressure washer cleaning trick ֠Faster?
Winter you know what I hate winter hate rain clouds and clouds yeah so winter time rain makes a pavement wet and then it stays wet because it’s overcast all the time and then what happens is algae grows now I want no one wants algae look at its dirty dirty bad algae dirty and then washing it off the ground that takes precious time I don’t have. Sweet heart, can you wash the concrete in the patio like you promised? I’m playing Atari! You can play it later Space invaders…PLAYING! go and wash it now Playing ATARI so if you do need to clean up the backyard pavement here’s a simple life hack to make a job far more enjoyable and probably heaps quicker too so closing pavement clean apart from helping by relieving your local dam of excess water it allows us the privilege of being able to etch stuff onto the ground which is cool because it is fun using something like your hand is a great stencil see it looks like a high-five to ground we’re friends now so I’ve got lots of ground here and lots of algae so we’re going to make it big stencil and we’re going to do it 8-bit game style now the stencil for this delightful green canvas will be Atari space invaders first I worked out that pixels are square because I’m like a scream scientist man.
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Bricks aren’t square neither tangerines half a brick and square like a pixel so a whole brick is kind of like two pixels. yes bricks will be our template lots of bricks I printed out some space invaders 8-bit screenshots and then divide it up into individual pixels or half bricks and full bricks see how many old need and then I also uses to work out the spacing between the blip, blip, blip, space bug guys I have a fairly large collection of bricks in storage just in case of a brick emergency you never know I grabbed these out and stack them up in place and then the other thing you’ll need is a high pressure washer and then it’s simply a case of working out where you want your graphics to be and start assembling it based on the picture I had way less half bricks than I would have liked to have so I could only assemble one character at a time when laying out the bricks I really concentrate on getting the lines straight so the whole image wouldn’t be skewed when it was finished using a long straight piece of wood or something can help with getting this right then you just need to get your high pressure washer eye protection is kind of recommended when you’re working around objects like this because you get a lot of blowback now the head on this washer has a rotating nozzle which helps a clean better but not only there you get this cool wavy water effect when you film it with a camera this is a frame syn effect and I actually did a video about that recently on my second channel which you can check out if you were cool look at that waviness that’s awesome now keep in mind you can still do this with a garden hose if you’ve got good water pressure like you’ll generally use a lot more water for a lesser result and people will laugh at you behind your back so I kept moving from character to character and to get the spacing right I’ll use spare bricks you can also use a tape measure but I’ve been using brick units all my life and have trouble switching back and forth once you finish is stenciling it’s just the case of lightly washing off your algae soaked water and then you can enjoy your design so the end result I managed to turn a quick and easy half-hour job into a four and a half hour project but not only that the algae that’s left behind and probably accelerate the growth of new algae so I hope you enjoyed this quick tutorial on how to clean up your backyard more effectively as always as many more videos to come please consider subscribing if you haven’t no pressure maybe write down the pros and cons of both and then if subscribing complements your existence go for it I’m Craig Turner my youtube channel is Turnah81 thank you for watching and I’ll catch you next time
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sleepy-pi-blog · 6 years
Pressure washer cleaning trick ֠Faster?
Winter you know what I hate winter hate rain clouds and clouds yeah so winter time rain makes a pavement wet and then it stays wet because it’s overcast all the time and then what happens is algae grows now I want no one wants algae look at its dirty dirty bad algae dirty and then washing it off the ground that takes precious time I don’t have. Sweet heart, can you wash the concrete in the patio like you promised? I’m playing Atari! You can play it later Space invaders…PLAYING! go and wash it now Playing ATARI so if you do need to clean up the backyard pavement here’s a simple life hack to make a job far more enjoyable and probably heaps quicker too so closing pavement clean apart from helping by relieving your local dam of excess water it allows us the privilege of being able to etch stuff onto the ground which is cool because it is fun using something like your hand is a great stencil see it looks like a high-five to ground we’re friends now so I’ve got lots of ground here and lots of algae so we’re going to make it big stencil and we’re going to do it 8-bit game style now the stencil for this delightful green canvas will be Atari space invaders first I worked out that pixels are square because I’m like a scream scientist man.
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Bricks aren’t square neither tangerines half a brick and square like a pixel so a whole brick is kind of like two pixels. yes bricks will be our template lots of bricks I printed out some space invaders 8-bit screenshots and then divide it up into individual pixels or half bricks and full bricks see how many old need and then I also uses to work out the spacing between the blip, blip, blip, space bug guys I have a fairly large collection of bricks in storage just in case of a brick emergency you never know I grabbed these out and stack them up in place and then the other thing you’ll need is a high pressure washer and then it’s simply a case of working out where you want your graphics to be and start assembling it based on the picture I had way less half bricks than I would have liked to have so I could only assemble one character at a time when laying out the bricks I really concentrate on getting the lines straight so the whole image wouldn’t be skewed when it was finished using a long straight piece of wood or something can help with getting this right then you just need to get your high pressure washer eye protection is kind of recommended when you’re working around objects like this because you get a lot of blowback now the head on this washer has a rotating nozzle which helps a clean better but not only there you get this cool wavy water effect when you film it with a camera this is a frame syn effect and I actually did a video about that recently on my second channel which you can check out if you were cool look at that waviness that’s awesome now keep in mind you can still do this with a garden hose if you’ve got good water pressure like you’ll generally use a lot more water for a lesser result and people will laugh at you behind your back so I kept moving from character to character and to get the spacing right I’ll use spare bricks you can also use a tape measure but I’ve been using brick units all my life and have trouble switching back and forth once you finish is stenciling it’s just the case of lightly washing off your algae soaked water and then you can enjoy your design so the end result I managed to turn a quick and easy half-hour job into a four and a half hour project but not only that the algae that’s left behind and probably accelerate the growth of new algae so I hope you enjoyed this quick tutorial on how to clean up your backyard more effectively as always as many more videos to come please consider subscribing if you haven’t no pressure maybe write down the pros and cons of both and then if subscribing complements your existence go for it I’m Craig Turner my youtube channel is Turnah81 thank you for watching and I’ll catch you next time
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talonted · 7 years
Today’s post is a little bit different to my usual content but I hope you find it interesting and/or useful. I’m going to tell you all of my tips for gaining more followers on Pinterest and also introduce you to an incredible little tool called Tailwind which can help you to really boost your Pinterest following.
If you are just a casual user of Pinterest then getting to your next follower milestone may not be a huge concern, but if you’re a blogger or a business then your following and engagement are of the utmost importance. Hopefully the tips and advice in this post will give you all the information you need to start building more followers on Pinterest. This information is partly formed from my own experiences, and partly from attending training provided by Pinterest.
So why should you use Pinterest?
If you are sharing your content on the internet (whether that’s a blog post, artwork, or selling your hand-whittled aardvark figurines) then Pinterest is a fantastic way to share it and get you noticed. It’s a beautiful site that combines the most inspirational, fantastical images (Impossibly clean homes! Impossibly clean children!) with the most down to earth, relatable tutorials and tips.
It’s great for inspiration: whether that’s fashion, home decor, make up, blog tips… you will find it all here. Interestingly, Pinterest do not see themselves as a social media site – they class themselves as a search engine. If I’m looking for a recipe or tutorial or inspiration I will always search on Pinterest before Google, which is a pretty interesting shift when you think about how much Google used to dominate internet search.
Finally, the best thing about Pinterest is that it’s ridiculously fun! If you love Pinterest as much as me, you can follow me HERE.
Here are my tips on how to maximise your Pinterest content and use:
Don’t just spam your own content. Pinterest really likes diverse content sources, so if you only post your own blog/business content they essentially see you as a spammer and will treat you accordingly. The 80:20 rule is a good one to go by when it comes to Pinterest: your pinned content should be 80% content from other people and 20% from you.
Name your boards intelligently. When I started out on Pinterest, I tried to think of hilariously clever, pun-filled names for my boards. But when you think about the way that people search for content, no one will ever be searching for ‘N A I L E D  I T’, they’ll be searching for ‘easy nail art’. You can still have fun with your titles, but just think about what people will be searching for.
The above tip also applies for the description box. This is your chance to kill many birds with one stone. For example, if you have a selfie of you in a great lipstick, your description box should name the lipstick and brand. But it should also cover anything else that might appeal to people looking at that picture: blunt fringe, checked shirt, pearl earrings, neon pink lipstick, freckles… think about every way that that photo could be described and be relevant to others. Think of it as Pinterest SEO. But remember that RELEVANCE is key – no one likes a keyword stuffer!
You can have as many boards as you like. Unlike many other content sharing sites, it’s rare that someone comes to your profile and decides to follow you based on that (compare that to Instagram, where your feed and profile are very important). So don’t worry if you have a lot of boards that aren’t cohesive and aren’t well laid out… it really doesn’t matter.
That last tip is also linked with this one: Split up some of your bigger, more generic boards. I have seen better results since I split boards into smaller, more niche ones. For example, I had a huge board called ‘street style’ which I have now split into ‘spring/summer’ and ‘autumn/winter’.
A board should have a minimum of 40 images on it in order for Pinterest to see it as a ‘real/worthwhile’ board. I get around this by making my boards private until I have 40+ pins and then I publish it once it’s ready.
Keep an eye on emerging trends. In the past, certain trends have spread like wildfire mainly down to Pinterest (mermaid hair, flower walls, watercolour tattoos) so keep your eyes open and your ears to the ground to get a board up quickly and ride that popularity wave!
Lastly, you should be pinning regularly. It’s like with any content sharing site: your content can’t be seen by potential followers if you’re not posting the content…
…And this is where Tailwind comes in. Since I started using Tailwind, at the end of the last year, I have gained over 6,000 Pinterest followers – almost doubling the number of followers I had when I started! But more importantly, the traffic to my blog has drastically increased. In fact, Pinterest is now consistently listed as my second biggest traffic source (just after Google) which is incredible! Read on to hear how Tailwind helped me to get more followers on Pinterest.
Before we get into the nitty gritty of Tailwind, if you click THIS LINK*, you can get a free month of Tailwind and – full disclosure – I get a small credit on my account for referring you. So it’s a win-win! This is not a sponsored post: I have used Tailwind since November ’16, I pay for it myself, and I genuinely love it.
I’ve put some screenshots below from my Pinterest analytics, showing how my average monthly views/engagement (left) and my website visits (right) have increased drastically since I started using Tailwind. I don’t like to toot my own horn but a 313% increase of average monthly views of my pins and a 650% increase of daily clicks is seriously impressive! So, toot toot!
#gallery-0-5 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-5 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 50%; } #gallery-0-5 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-5 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Between November ’16 and March ’17, I was pinning ~20 images a day. Then at the beginning of March I bumped it up to ~40 pins a day. And you can clearly see the jump in the graphs above. I might do an experiment and go up to 60 pins a day and see if there’s another bump. I’ll update this post if I decide to do that. Now that you’ve heard about the results, let’s backtrack for a minute…
What on earth is Tailwind?
It’s a website that connects to your Pinterest account and allows you to schedule pins – it’s as simple as that! It suggests time slots that fit with your audience and even suggests similar pins to the ones you’re posting.
How do you schedule pins?
I downloaded the Tailwind Chrome browser extension which means that any time I’m on a blog/website/article, I can click the little button in the bottom left corner (left hand image below). When you’re on Pinterest, a little Tailwind bird appears in the top corner of each image (as you can see in the screenshot on the right, below). Once you click those buttons a box pops up, allowing you to schedule that image into your timeline. Both of these additions make it really easy for you to schedule on the go. But more about scheduling later…
#gallery-0-6 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-6 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 50%; } #gallery-0-6 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-6 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
(BTW that beautiful palette photo above is taken from Hayley’s blog)
Tailwind’s free account lets you schedule up to 100 pins a month, so you can try it out to see if you like it without parting with any money. I used the free account for about a month or so before upgrading to the ‘Plus’ plan, which is $9.99 a month (if you pay yearly).
I would recommend starting by scheduling ~5 pins a day to see how you get on and then build up if you want to! At the moment, Tailwind pins 40 images a day for me and it happens automatically at evenly spaced time periods so that I can just forget about it. I’ve put an image below that shows my current schedule: the opaque green slots are my existing ones, and the white, dotted-line ones are further slots being suggested by Tailwind to best fit with my audience. This is so helpful as a large number of my audience are based in the US, and obviously I can’t be awake all night pinning in order to target them!
It should go without saying that you still need to actually spend the time scheduling to fill your slots. I probably spend about an hour a week setting up my pins for the following week – but as I love using Pinterest I don’t really mind it. Plus, having a schedule means that Tailwind can be pinning for you while you’re on holiday or if you have a really busy period coming up.
Posting 40 pins a day may seem excessive, but when you consider the 80:20 rule that’s eight pins of my own content per day… which is the content from an average blog post for me! Plus, I’ll often pin one image to several boards – e.g. a single image could fit on my Dream Handbags board, my neon make up board, and my spring/summer fashion board – so your schedule often fills up a lot quicker than you’d expect.
Another thing I have found really helpful about Tailwind is that it also offers much better analytics than the Pinterest back-end. The analytics are a great way to tweak and target my content better and therefore grow my following. Knowing your audience is key to gaining more followers on Pinterest and so you should be checking your analytics at least once a month to make sure you are on track.
Lastly – in case you heard the same horror stories as me and were wondering – Tailwind is approved by Pinterest so you don’t have to worry about your account being suspended for using it!
*Breaaaaathe* And that’s how I got more followers on Pinterest! I hope you have found this post helpful, and I hope you try out Tailwind and love it as much as me. Please leave me your Pinterest links in the comments – I always love finding fresh blood for my timeline! Don’t forget that if you sig up using THIS LINK* you can get a free month of Tailwind to see if you like it (and I also get a referral credit) so we both get a treat!
Here are my current favourite boards of mine if you’d like to come follow me: Editorial Make Up ; Beautiful Women ; Nail Art & Manicure Inspiration ; Yellow & Grey Home ; Kate Moss
*As mentioned above, this is not a sponsored post. I paid for my own Tailwind subscription and will continue to do so. However, if you sign up using my affiliate link, we both get a bonus so yay!
== PIN ME!! ==
How To Get More Followers On Pinterest (PLUS An Introduction To Tailwind) Today's post is a little bit different to my usual content but I hope you find it interesting and/or useful.
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euromaidanpress · 4 years
[editorial]Today, Belarus goes to vote for president. It is an unusual election in many senses. Incumbent “last dictator of Europe” President Lukashenka faces unprecedented resistance. Unsurprisingly, the opposition candidates were either jailed or not allowed to run. Surprisingly, the wife of a jailed candidate has decided to run for president herself – and has attracted enormous support. Belarusian analyst Alex Kokcharov tells what you need to know about the election, in a nutshell.[/editorial]
Today is the day of the presidential election in my native Belarus. It is the sixth election in Belarusian history. Only the 1994 election was deemed free and fair, and votes in 2001, 2006, 2010, and 2015 were marred by electoral fraud and government repression.
An electoral poster bears the date of the election, 9 August 2020. Photo: Vadim Zamirovsky, tut.by
When the election was announced in early May 2020, it was expected that they would closely resemble the vote of 2015. During it Lukashenka, in power in Belarus since 1994, ran against a crowd of extras who did not really present any threat to him.
Alyaksandr Lukashenka, President of Belarus since 1994, is often called “Europe’s last dictator.” This collage shows Lukashenka during the five electoral campaigns he “won”
It quickly emerged that Lukashenka would be challenged from an unexpected front. Not by the established opposition, mostly confined to identity politics, but by new figures – banker Viktar Babaryka, YouTube blogger Siarhei Tsikhanouski, and ex-diplomat Valery Tsapkala.
Siarhei Tsikhanouski. Photo: tut.by
Viktar Babaryka. Photo: tut.by
Valery Tsapkala. Photo: tut.by
All these three challengers were ultimately eliminated from the race by the repressive state machine. Babaryka and Tsikhanouski got detained on dubious charges, and all three were ultimately not registered. But then an unexpected twist happened, which changed the race.
Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya, the wife of the detained blogger, decided to run for the presidency in his place. And she was ultimately registered as a candidate, as the sexist incumbent did not expect that a woman, let alone a housewife can be a real challenge in this election.
Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya. Photo: belsat.eu
On 14 July the Central Election Commission (CEC) registered Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya as one of the 5 presidential candidates. Two other alternative candidates – Viktar Babaryka and Valery Tsapkala were disqualified on alleged procedural grounds.
Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya is registered as a candidate in the presidential elections. Photo: naviny.by
Two days later Sviatlana united forces with campaigns of Babaryka (with his campaign chief Maryia Kalesnikava in the photo on the left) and Tsapkala (with his wife Veranika on the right). This pulled together resources and people.
After the arrest/disqualification of all of Lukashenka’s contenders, Sviatlana Tsekhanouskaya, the wife of one of them, registered instead; she was joined by campaigns of the other two disqualified candidates. Photo: electoral HQ of Viktar Babaryka
Social media in Belarus quickly responded to Tsikhanouskaya’s candidacy – and her strongly feminist campaign, aided by other female politicians – with memes. And these memes clearly paint her as a favored candidate for those on the internet:
From late July Sviatlana and her team toured Belarus gathering massive crowds of supporters – with up to 70,000 in Minsk and up to 20,000 in regional cities. This is an unprecedented level of political mobilization in Belarus in recent decades:
A rally in Minsk. Photo: belrynok.by
A rally in Brest. Photo: belsat.eu
A rally in Minsk. Photo: Tanya Kapitonova, belsat.eu
A rally in Minsk. Photo: belsat.eu
A rally in Minsk. Photo: tut.by
A rally in Brest. Photo: belsat.eu
A rally in Minsk. Photo: belsat.eu
A rally in Minsk. Photo: Tanya Kapitonova, belsat.eu
A rally in Minsk. Photo: Tanya Kapitonova, belsat.eu
Sviatlana’s electoral program is simple:
Release all the political prisoners.
Hold a referendum on returning to the 1994 constitution, bringing back checks and balances to the political system.
Hold a fresh presidential election within 6 months.
The Belarusian authorities resorted to the usual tactics: they disrupted Sviatlana’s campaign events in the past week, detained protesters, and declared turnout of 41.7% in the 5 days of early voting (a method of electoral rigging).
A comparison of the early turnout in the five days before election day in 2020, 2015, 2020. Photo: Svaboda.org
Political opinion polls are banned in Belarus, therefore we do not know the electoral sentiment. But based on large protest support for Tsikhanouskaya, it looks as incumbent Lukashenka enjoys no more than 20-25% (or less!) support – mostly the loyalists and the siloviki.
In a free and fair election, Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya would probably emerge as a winner. But Belarus being Belarus, I expect that the CEC will declare Lukashenka as the winner of the election, with some 70-75% of the vote. Such a result will be a complete fabrication.
A screenshot of a video report featuring Tsikhanouskaya
So the big question is what happens in the days after the election. Protests are likely, but the police are likely to use force to disperse and detain protesters in large numbers. There are already reports of military vehicles on the streets of Minsk:
Photo: svaboda.org
Photo: svaboda.org
Photo: svaboda.org
If there is significant violence by the police and security services against peaceful protesters in Minsk and other cities in Belarus, this will likely lead to calls for Western countries (EU, US, etc) to re-introduce sanctions against Lukashenka and his regime.
If new Western sanctions against Belarusian leadership emerge, Lukashenka’s victory will become a Pyrrhic one, as it will weaken him in any negotiations with Russia. Putin is likely to push for more concessions, including further political integration & military bases.
Vladimir Putin and Alyaksandr Lukashenka, the authoritarian rulers of Russia and Belarus
So by keeping power in Minsk in this year’s sham “election,” Lukashenka is actually likely to lose out as Belarusian sovereignty will likely be eroded further by the Union State of Russia and Belarus.
Photo: tut.by
An alternative scenario, albeit less likely: if Belarusians do not stop the resistance despite the government repression, and continue with non-violent but longer-term resistance, through strikes and peaceful protests. This will crack the elites, eroding Lukashenka’s power.
Under this scenario, a “Velvet Revolution” similar to that of Armenia in 2018, can emerge, with groups of the elites – and siloviki – withdrawing their support for Lukashenka, and switching side to the popular sentiment. However, I think that this scenario is less likely.
During the Velvet Revolution in Armenia
My hope for the next few days is that there is no excessive police violence on streets of Minsk and other cities, and that no blood will be shed. Belarus deserves a better future than the one offered by the current repressive state built by Lukashenka in the past 26 years.
During a protest on 19 June. Photo: nn.by
[box]Alex Kokcharov is a Belarus-born but London-based political and security risk analyst focused on Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus.
Read also:
Russian occupation administrations in Donbas recruit militants for action at Belarusian-Russian border – NGO
A Russian power scenario during the Belarusian elections?
Belarus election: why strongman Alyaksandr Lukashenka faces unprecedented resistance
Confessions of an ex-riot policeman from Belarus
Russian Wagner mercenaries arrested in Belarus: ‘little green men’ scenario, fighters in transit, or other?
Belarusian police join #NotMyPresident flashmob amid continued rallies for Lukashenka’s rivals
Elections in Belarus: Lukashenka’s rival and his son detained on secretive charges
At least 240 arrested in Belarus protests against barring of opposition candidates (photos, videos)
A rally in Brest. Photo: belsat.eu
What you need to know about the unprecedented Belarus presidential election, in a nutshell Today, Belarus goes to vote for president. It is an unusual election in many senses. Incumbent "last dictator of Europe" President Lukashenka faces unprecedented resistance.
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ladystylestores · 4 years
Ex-Cop Advising On Riot Control Has Inflated Résumé
BuzzFeed News; Getty Images (2); Safeware via YouTube / Via youtube.com
The day before federal police officers gassed peaceful protesters to make way for a President Donald Trump photo op, Geoff Perrin posted a picture on Instagram of officers bearing riot shields and squaring off with a group of demonstrators.
Perrin was “at the White House,” where he “served as an adviser to the US Secret Service and US Park Police responsible for protecting the area,” his company announced, using the hashtags “#riotcontrol” and “#publicorder.” A second post showed a line of armored police vehicles. “We are just waiting for them to pull the pin,” Perrin wrote in the caption.
Perrin has trained police officers around the country. His website features Molotov cocktails, riot vans, and semiautomatic assault rifles. Muscular and tanned with a salt-and-pepper crew cut, Perrin dishes out wisdom in a clipped South London accent in YouTube instruction videos, including one where he explains how riot shields “could be used as a weapon as well if need be.”
Perrin’s teaching draws on martial arts, as well as American and British police tactics, the latter of which he has claimed to have learned during years as an elite instructor and “tactical adviser” for the UK’s Metropolitan Police Service.
But several of those claims are false. Perrin was never a “tactical adviser” and he did not teach the advanced instruction courses he said he taught. And four current and former officers say the methods he has been teaching US law enforcement are far more aggressive than anything advocated by the Met.
Perrin’s teachings are “self-made, unproven, and legally not defensible,” a British police training coordinator told BuzzFeed News on condition of anonymity. “The only reason why he’s got so far is because the US police are so far back in methodology and tactics therefore they believe his bullshit.”
In phone interviews, Perrin admitted that he has made erroneous and “misleading” claims about his experience. Less than an hour after the first phone call, Perrin’s biography on his company website was taken down.
Perrin’s bio on the Survival Edge website before he revised it.
Perrin also acknowledged that, contrary to the impression his social media has created, he has not been working as a formal “adviser” with the Secret Service or the Park Police during the George Floyd protests. He said he has previously trained officers from both agencies, and wanted to give them a “basic refresh” and to supply them with helmets and limbguards. “I am not going to watch officers get injured because they didn’t have any equipment,” Perrin said. He said he has not been paid for this work, and that he “did not write” the company announcement that described him as an adviser.
Neither the Secret Service nor the Park Police responded to repeated requests for comment about their relationship, if any, with Perrin. The Maryland State Police confirmed to BuzzFeed News that it has worked with him and said that he gave the department legitimate credentials for the job, which they verified with British police. Federal records show that his company has also won contracts with the Department of Defense.
Perrin said he left the UK for family reasons, and because he believes that higher-ups there don’t do enough to protect cops who are trying to subdue crowds. But he was also sharply critical of “dinosaur tactics” in US policing. Many police departments offer “no training for what these guys are facing,” Perrin said. “Because they’re so dumb, it is a constant battle to get them to see a different viewpoint other than use of force” when responding to protesters.
“They just say, ‘Geoff, this is how we do things in America,’” he said. “My team are quite excited about the fact that US is actually going to look at some reforms because it needs to happen.”
Perrin told BuzzFeed News that he is a “massive advocate” against the use of tear gas. Before officers in Washington cleared the protest to make way for Trump’s photo op in front of St. John’s church, Perrin said he had been “concerned” about how much tear gas officers had and pushed commanders to “use other tactics.”
He claimed the Secret Service and Park Police largely followed his advice, and he blamed “other agencies” — namely the DC Metropolitan Police — for its use. He also pointed out that there were other federal officers there that night who refused to identify themselves.
Both the Secret Service and the Park Police have acknowledged using chemical agents designed to produce tears.
Most of the officers on the ground had “honest intentions,” Perrin said, and were short on both staff and supplies. “The police did the best they could with the equipment and the personnel they had.”
Roberto Schmidt / Getty Images
Riot police confront protestors near the White House on June 1, 2020 as demonstrations against George Floyd’s death continue.
In 2001, violence erupted in the South London neighborhood of Brixton after an unarmed Black man named Derek Bennett was shot dead by the police. Metropolitan Police officers were accused of using excessive force to control the crowds.
Geoff Perrin was a medic with the force at the time, and an officer safety instructor in the London borough of Lewisham. He grew up in Brixton, and said the way police used to target his Black friends influenced his decision to join the force. “I wanted to see a change to policing,” he said.
But Perrin said he grew outraged at the way that police leadership responded to the 2001 unrest — he felt that rank-and-file officers were “thrown under the bus like sacrificial lambs.” Neither the Met and nor the UK’s Home Office responded to repeated requests for comment about Perrin’s time with British police.
In 2004, Perrin left the Met. Soon afterward he moved to the US. He claimed that his training methods had drastically reduced the number of officer injuries in Lewisham, and told BuzzFeed News he believed he might help police departments in the US do the same. In 2006, he helped start Survival Edge Tactical Solutions, based in Utah, with a fellow ex-cop, Jared Wihongi.
Once in the US, Perrin began winning contracts with American police forces to train them on crowd management and how to de-escalate tense situations, as well as on the use of protective gear.
Perrin also claimed during one phone interview that he spent a few years “teaching counterterrorism stuff for the FBI for their missions overseas.” The bio on his website listed work in numerous countries, including Cyprus, Germany, Croatia, Mongolia, Kenya, France, Canada, Singapore, and the Netherlands. The FBI did not respond to a request for comment.
His website says he has worked with a number of state and local departments, including the Utah Highway Patrol and Atlanta Police Department. Neither force responded to a request for comment.
While in Utah, Perrin was involved in the creation of a charity calendar featuring British bikini models firing guns, riding tanks, and posing with heavy artillery and soldiers in uniform. Two Utah police officers and several Utah National Guard members were suspended after a video of the “Hot Shots” shoot — featuring Perrin’s name in the credits — was posted on YouTube.
“There was nothing untoward, it was just way too racy for Utah,” Perrin said. But “it raised a hell of a lot of money for the help for heroes and special ops charities over here.”
That same year, he began working with the Maryland State Police, which was reviewing its own practices in the wake of mass unrest in Baltimore following the death of Freddie Gray. Thanks to his training, “we have updated our personal protective equipment to better protect our troopers and implemented tactics that enable us to end volatile situations quickly, while protecting the rights of peaceful protesters,” a spokesperson told BuzzFeed News.
It is unclear exactly when Perrin started overstating his credentials, but a Salt Lake Tribune article about the “Hot Shots” controversy refers to Perrin as a “tactical adviser.”
This is a phrase that holds serious meaning in UK policing circles — it reflects a specific job and elite training. To qualify for the job, an officer must pass a four-week course that is “generally regarded as the most physical course in the police,” a former public order instructor told BuzzFeed News. “It’s a very highly regarded role.”
Perrin used that term in the now-deleted bio on his website, and it is referenced in Facebook posts and in interviews. In an interview that Perrin did with an apparel company selling protective gear, an officer is photographed back to camera wearing a helmet plastered with a Union Jack sticker and the insignia “Tactical Advisor.”
Perrin also claimed to have been an elite instructor for the Met’s public order unit. Perrin acknowledged that he wasn’t as high-level an instructor as he put on his résumé, and that he didn’t work in the police’s central headquarters but at a local level, in the London borough of Lewisham.
“I’ll own it,” Perrin said of his résumé. “Yes, you know what, it was definitely fluffed up, and it’s being cleaned up 100%.”
Perrin told BuzzFeed News that he hadn’t used the statements in his bio to obtain any of his current contracts, because “Americans have not got the time for British policing,” so he has to win business by doing demonstrations.
“Nothing on that CV has helped me at all,” he said, “because they just go ‘What do you guys know about guns? What do you guys know about policing the type of violence we police here?’” Perrin insisted he got to where he is by hard work alone.
Screenshot via Instagram
Perrin train law enforcement officers
Perrin describes the methods behind his “hybrid” police-martial arts model in a number of videos online. In one posted in 2017, Perrin moves his arm in a punching motion to demonstrate how to “distance people.” Perrin says this is an effective “defensive” method if the officer doesn’t have a baton.
The move bears an eerie resemblance to one used by a Park Police officer on June 1 against an Australian news camera operator, which prompted an apology from the Park Police after Australia’s prime minister denounced the incident.
Perrin told BuzzFeed News that the officer used his elbow in a way that “we don’t teach.” For Perrin’s taste, the officer “would have to justify” his use of the technique. But he said the video doesn’t necessarily show the whole picture. “I can’t give you his perception or his fear of what happened,” he said. “I don’t know what happened before in that corner.”
“I can’t speak for what was going through his head at that period of time,” he added. “I don’t know how much sleep he had. If he’d done continued days of 16 hours extended tours, I just don’t know. Everyone has a different perception of fear.”
Perrin said his methods are all about reducing violence in riot control — by properly protecting officers. “You can’t expect them to stand out there and take projectiles,” he said. “Nobody wants to get hurt, and when an officer gets hurt, they can sometimes use more force than they may have intended.”
Three of the former and current British officers who spoke to BuzzFeed News said Perrin’s methods had little in common with what is taught in the UK, where officers rarely wear heavy-duty anti-riot equipment or military gear, and are taught to use force less frequently.
Perrin told BuzzFeed News the difference is intentional. He believes British police leaders don’t do enough to protect cops trying to subdue crowds, and that Americans often go too far. His “hybrid” approach is a balance between the two, he said.
Perrin believes that some of his former colleagues simply envy his success. “There’s a few people back home who are jealous that a South London boy who has come from pretty much nothing has done quite well for himself,” he said.
Perrin also pointed out that the mayhem in Washington on June 1 contrasted sharply with the work of his clients a short drive away in Maryland.
The Maryland State Police were called into action in Baltimore, where protests broke out soon after George Floyd’s death. According to multiple news reports, those protests unfolded more peacefully than they did in other cities.
The day before Trump’s walk to Lafayette Square, Perrin wrote about a double role — and dizzying schedule — on Instagram.
“From being down at the White House supporting our US Secret Service Level 1 team to then running with two Maryland State Police Level 1 teams to Baltimore. The teams did could [sic] crushed any problems in the City and Baltimore did not burn. Outstanding work and am safe and now in bed at 05.46.” In another post, he filmed Marine One carrying the president overhead. “Mr T coming home last night just before we got the call to go to Baltimore,” the caption read.
Perrin did not post anything about the events at Lafayette Square. And he has continued to post on social media, including from inside the White House, about working with the federal government.
On June 6, D-Day, Perrin posted a video saying he “was down at the White House training the White House personnel as in secret service” and that he had been invited to the map room to look at World War II maps. D-Day was a reminder of when “America showed everybody what they can do,” he said. ●
Perrin at the White House on June 6
John Templon contributed reporting.
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princessmj216 · 6 years
Pressure washer cleaning trick ֠Faster?
Winter you know what I hate winter hate rain clouds and clouds yeah so winter time rain makes a pavement wet and then it stays wet because it’s overcast all the time and then what happens is algae grows now I want no one wants algae look at its dirty dirty bad algae dirty and then washing it off the ground that takes precious time I don’t have. Sweet heart, can you wash the concrete in the patio like you promised? I’m playing Atari! You can play it later Space invaders…PLAYING! go and wash it now Playing ATARI so if you do need to clean up the backyard pavement here’s a simple life hack to make a job far more enjoyable and probably heaps quicker too so closing pavement clean apart from helping by relieving your local dam of excess water it allows us the privilege of being able to etch stuff onto the ground which is cool because it is fun using something like your hand is a great stencil see it looks like a high-five to ground we’re friends now so I’ve got lots of ground here and lots of algae so we’re going to make it big stencil and we’re going to do it 8-bit game style now the stencil for this delightful green canvas will be Atari space invaders first I worked out that pixels are square because I’m like a scream scientist man.
Tumblr media
Bricks aren’t square neither tangerines half a brick and square like a pixel so a whole brick is kind of like two pixels. yes bricks will be our template lots of bricks I printed out some space invaders 8-bit screenshots and then divide it up into individual pixels or half bricks and full bricks see how many old need and then I also uses to work out the spacing between the blip, blip, blip, space bug guys I have a fairly large collection of bricks in storage just in case of a brick emergency you never know I grabbed these out and stack them up in place and then the other thing you’ll need is a high pressure washer and then it’s simply a case of working out where you want your graphics to be and start assembling it based on the picture I had way less half bricks than I would have liked to have so I could only assemble one character at a time when laying out the bricks I really concentrate on getting the lines straight so the whole image wouldn’t be skewed when it was finished using a long straight piece of wood or something can help with getting this right then you just need to get your high pressure washer eye protection is kind of recommended when you’re working around objects like this because you get a lot of blowback now the head on this washer has a rotating nozzle which helps a clean better but not only there you get this cool wavy water effect when you film it with a camera this is a frame syn effect and I actually did a video about that recently on my second channel which you can check out if you were cool look at that waviness that’s awesome now keep in mind you can still do this with a garden hose if you’ve got good water pressure like you’ll generally use a lot more water for a lesser result and people will laugh at you behind your back so I kept moving from character to character and to get the spacing right I’ll use spare bricks you can also use a tape measure but I’ve been using brick units all my life and have trouble switching back and forth once you finish is stenciling it’s just the case of lightly washing off your algae soaked water and then you can enjoy your design so the end result I managed to turn a quick and easy half-hour job into a four and a half hour project but not only that the algae that’s left behind and probably accelerate the growth of new algae so I hope you enjoyed this quick tutorial on how to clean up your backyard more effectively as always as many more videos to come please consider subscribing if you haven’t no pressure maybe write down the pros and cons of both and then if subscribing complements your existence go for it I’m Craig Turner my youtube channel is Turnah81 thank you for watching and I’ll catch you next time
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