#this is - to be clear - essentially just modern discowing with fingerstripes though
eiyuuou · 1 year
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I just wish you could see more of discowing in todays costume…
please forgive my bad phone handwriting I was on a bus doodling this — more thoughts and rambling under the cut
Obviously the fingerstripes were going to be there but I also really like the 2021 design of having the blue palm as well. I like the idea that it’s like an extra grippy material.
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I wanted the V pattern on the chest to be obviously bird-like but the eagle head…. Just is not my favourite. I DO like the little chips making the V look like wings from TNBA. I know there’s also a version of the flying graysons that have this design on the chest I just cannot remember which comic it was from
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I know he’s supposed to be a night guy and stealthy and all but I really liked bright coloured boots from his first two outfits… and if he can wear pixies boots as a kid he’s allowed bright boots now
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The neckline is inspired by the new52 fit (the design element I like the most aside from those funky little hip stripes, but I think they’d made this suit too busy) it also seems like it’d just be more comfortable on the neck honestly
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And then I wanted his domino mask to harken back a bit more to his robin one so I smoothed out the bottom :)
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