#this is Mousetrap AU god tav who wore the Crown after losing her son
aladaylessecondblog · 6 months
Mother, pt. 4
Author's Note: Ffs this is gonna turn into its own fic...
Tav appeared in Reithwin with a slight smile, and when one or two of the children who knew her ran up, she asked, "Where is Halsin, little ones?"
They took her by the hands and, giggling, pulled her along behind them. She smiled, running after them without a trace of resentment. Their enthusiasm was contagious, and it did her heart good to see them so happy.
Halsin was sitting beside a sapling tree, apparently showing a horde of other children how to safely whittle a block of wood. The two who had led her there quickly joined the rest of the group, and she stood towards the back, watching over them.
After a few minutes he looked up, and on noticing her, made some excuse to the children and instructed one of the older children to ensure that no one was in danger of cutting any fingers off.
Tav gave a brief smile as he approached. "Halsin...it is good to see you again."
"You've been away for some time," he replied, "I was beginning to wonder..."
"I could never forget you. I would prefer to forget the one who wears our star's face, but..." Tav shook her head. "He is no longer the man we loved. I thought I was helping by letting him--"
"Let us talk of other things. Like what you have been doing. Surely something to the benefit of the children, considering you have made it your sphere."
She nodded. "I was...ensuring that the devil that plagued our journey would no longer attempt to make deals with children."
"My heart--"
"I know what you would say," she went on quietly, "That it is too dangerous, that I cannot trust him. That he will inevitably win out over me in the end. Perhaps he has...but I have ensured his agreement. He will no longer offer deals to children."
"And in exchange?" Halsin asked, "What did you promise him? To share the power you gained from the Crown?"
"Insofar as it relates to his attempt to conquer the hells," Tav replied.
"There is more, isn't there." He studied her face, and she felt herself forced to nod. "Why? Why would you agree to this? It pains me to see you offer yourself up like this, a lamb running to the slaughter."
"For the children, Halsin. That is why I've done it. Because I count the cost and find it as fair as it will get. The only one this harms is me. And the residents of the hells, of course."
She looked up at him.
"What else?" he asked.
She looked away.
"He wants me as consort."
"You have stolen my gifted."
Tav looked into Mystra's eyes and sneered. "I have saved children from becoming your tools."
"They were mine to instruct, mine to teach."
"They are no such thing," Tav snarled, "You think yourself the end-all and be-all of magic. You think yourself virtuous and loving. But tell me, Mystra--do you know that there are people who hide their sons' magical abilities? They hide them, so they may be safe from YOU. You groom them into your perfect lovers and you think yourself the final authority on it all."
"How dare you--"
"I will never seek your end. But I will do everything possible to prevent another Gale from happening. To save these boys from being made to feel like they are lesser because they displeased you. And if I have not been clear enough, mark this: I have set myself against you. I will never seek your death, but I will fight you at every turn."
"Do you think your devil husband will help you?"
"Oh, I know he will. He loves nothing if not power."
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