#this is REAL late for lunar new year but I forgot to post this here :
starry-mang0s · 3 months
Some ocs being silly :>
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Clover: she/her Eli: she/any
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sunnytaes · 2 years
Midnight Confessions | LJY
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☆ Pairing: Lee Jooyeon x gn!reader
☆ Genre/themes: fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, high school au, best friends to lovers, childhood friends to lovers
☆ Warning(s): descriptions of anxiety, mental breakdown, brief mention of a ~compromising position~ but it's nothing lol
☆ Word count: 2.7k
☆ Summary: Y/N is having some friend drama and they turn to the only person who can give them comfort, their childhood best friend and crush, Jooyeon. Little do they know, Jooyeon feels the same way.
☆ Note(s): this is based entirely off of a dream I had so if it's bad we can blame my subconscious, I literally woke up and all I had to do was transcribe it. I wasn't going to post this bc I wasn't sure how many people would read XH fic but @honeyvocalhwang inspired me to post something today since it's Lunar New Year. So enjoy this purely self-indulgent fic and have a happy Lunar New Year!
Tears streamed down my face as I knocked on Hyeongjun’s door. His parents’ cars weren’t in the driveway but I knew he was home because I could see the light coming from his window. I knocked harder and tried calling his phone again, but he wouldn’t pick up. Grumbling in frustration, I picked up my bike and got back on, the wind quickly drying my tears.
I debated going to Gunil’s house because he’d talked me out of some dark places before, but honestly I knew I needed comfort more than I needed advice right now. I found myself pedalling the familiar route to Jooyeon’s house before I knew what I was doing.
By the time I got to Jooyeon’s house it was late, and dinner time had long since passed. Dropping my bike on the lawn, I knocked on the door and prayed someone would answer. Less than a minute later, I was greeted by Jooyeon’s mom’s familiar face.
“Hi Y/N- oh sweetie, what happened?” she said, her warm facial expression shifting to one of concern when she saw my state.
I probably looked like a mess. I was still in my uniform even though school had ended hours ago, my eyes were probably red and puffy, and I could feel the dried tear tracks on my face every time I moved it.
“Is Jooyeon home?” I asked, cursing how fragile my voice sounded.
“Yeah, of course, love. Come in,” she said, waving me inside. “Would you like anything to eat or drink?”
I shook my head as I toed off my shoes, following her up the carpeted stairs. She knocked on his door but got no response. Jooyeon and his parents had a system for how they could come into his room, it was cute. If the door was ajar, as it was now, it meant they could come in, but they usually still knocked as a courtesy. The whole thing was really sweet and respectful, I had trouble believing it was a real parent-child relationship. My parents just barged into my room whenever they pleased, only knocking half a second before they opened the door.
Jooyeon’s mom pushed open the door to reveal him sitting on his bed with his back facing the door, headphones on and connected to his bass, which he was playing. No wonder he couldn’t hear the knocking. His mom left us alone as I stepped into the room, dropping my backpack by the door and walking slowly in a wide arc around his bed so as not to scare him.
My tactic failed, of course, because when Jooyeon was playing music, he got really into it. He didn’t notice me until I was practically in front of him and he jumped a mile in the air as his headphones fell around his neck and his glasses got knocked askew.
“Jesus, Y/N, you scared me! How did you get in here?” he exclaimed, putting his hand on his chest.
“Sorry,” I mumbled, scuffing my socked foot on the carpet, “your mom let me in.”
“What’s up? Why are you here so late?” he asked as he fixed his glasses and started to put his bass away. “Did we have plans that I forgot about?”
“No, nothing like that,” I rushed out, shaking my head worriedly. I didn’t want him to feel like he was obligated to hang out with me. “I just um-”
“Jooyeon!” his dad called from downstairs, interrupting me. “Can you come help me with something?”
“Sure!” he yelled, looking at me. “You’re good here, right?”
“Yeah, don’t worry about it,” I said, waving my hand in what I hoped was a nonchalant manner.
Jooyeon must not have given it as much thought as I did because he rushed downstairs in an instant, leaving me alone in his room. I stood there for what felt like an eternity but was only two minutes according to the clock on his nightstand before I decided to head downstairs as well.
I went into the kitchen where I could see Jooyeon’s mom sitting at the kitchen island reading a magazine, her reading glasses perched on her nose. If I looked to my left I could see Jooyeon in the garage helping his dad take down a bunch of boxes from the shelves.
“Hi, honey,” Jooyeon’s mom said, taking off her glasses to look at me. “Do you want something to eat?”
“Yes please,” I said quietly, sitting at the island as I continued to watch Jooyeon.
A few minutes later, a steaming hot bowl of ramen and a glass of water were placed in front of me. I smiled at Jooyeon’s mom gratefully and began to eat as I waited for my friend to return.
I’d just finished my bowl when Jooyeon walked in from the garage, going to the sink to wash his hands.
“There you are,” he said, taking my dishes and putting them in the dishwasher, “do you wanna go up to my room now?”
Nodding, I followed him up to his room, closing the door behind us.
“Do you wanna play a game?” he asked, setting up his console before I could even reply.
Sighing, I took the controller from him and settled myself on the floor, preparing myself to lose. I knew I was Jooyeon’s favourite person to play video games with, because even though I wasn’t as good as some of his friends, I was the only one who didn’t complain when he won several times in a row.
We played a couple of rounds, but every time I tried to talk, Jooyeon didn’t seem to be paying attention. Eventually, I got frustrated so I died on purpose early in the game so that Jooyeon would finally turn his attention to me.
“Hey, why did you-” he started to ask, stopping when he saw the tears gathering in my eyes. “Hey hey hey, what’s wrong?”
He turned off the TV and scooted closer to me, any thoughts about the game surely escaping as he saw his best friend in distress.
“It’s Mel,” I got out, my voice sounding warbly again as the tears spilled out of my eyes.
“Melanie? What did she do now?” he asked, putting his warm hands on my shoulders.
“She-” I hiccuped, gasping for air as my chest shook with the intensity of trying to contain the sobs from wracking through my body. “She got all upset because I’m moving and she said we should stop being friends now before I forget about her.”
If Jooyeon was shocked by the news of me moving, I couldn’t tell, because my eyes were screwed shut as I attempted to stop the tears from coming out.
“Oh, Y/N,” he murmured, sympathy and concern lacing his voice. “Do you need a hug?”
I nodded, my bottom lip quivering as the tears threatened to spill over again. Once Jooyeon pulled me as close as he could with our knees touching, the floodgates opened again as I began to cry into his shirt.
It was really difficult to hug while we were both sitting on the floor, but I didn’t want to say anything because I was scared he’d pull away and I really needed to be held. Luckily, I didn’t have to, because Jooyeon noticed too.
“C’mere,” he mumbled, pulling me into his lap so he could bear-hug me properly.
Wrapped around him like a koala, I buried my face in the crook of his neck as I continued to cry. We’d never been this close before, but if he was uncomfortable with our proximity, he didn’t say anything as he rubbed comforting circles on my back.
“Jooyeon, you know you’re supposed to keep your door open when you have gue-” his mother started to say as she came in, stopping when she saw her son and his best friend in what probably looked like a very compromising position on the floor. I started to scramble away but Jooyeon held me firmly in place.
“Mom, I swear it’s not what it looks like!” he explained hurriedly. “Y/N’s going through a tough time.”
“Oh honey,” she said, her eyes softening as she came further into the room to hand me a tissue box and a bottle of water from Jooyeon’s mini fridge.
“Feel free to stay the night, Y/N,” she said. “I’ll call your parents and have Jooyeon’s father put your bike in the garage so it doesn’t get stolen.”
“Thank you,” I mumbled appreciatively.
She patted my head comfortingly before leaving the room, closing the door behind her as she left. Jooyeon took a tissue from the box and pulled away slightly so that he could wipe the tears from my face.
“Melanie’s dumb anyway,” he said, opening the water bottle and giving it to me, “remember that time in second grade when she wouldn’t let me play with you guys because I spent one recess playing with Jiseok because he was new?”
I nodded, drinking half of the bottle in one breath.
“She’s always been protective of her friends, scared she’ll lose them. It’s why she cut me and Jiseok out when we switched schools. She pushed us away before we could push her away, and now she’s doing the same to you.”
“It’s not fair,” I mumbled, burying my face in his neck once again, ���how does she know that I’ll push her away? I didn’t push you guys away, and I even made new friends because of it.”
“I know,” he said, patting my back, “you just have to convince her you’ll keep being her friend even if you don’t live nearby or go to the same school anymore. Now let’s get ready for bed. I think I still have a set of your emergency sweats in my drawer.”
I disentangled myself from my best friend and stood up, wiping the rest of the tears from my face as he rummaged around in his drawer for whatever clothes I’d left the last time I’d stayed over. I retrieved the toothbrush I always carried around for this exact reason from my backpack and took the clothes from him as I went into the hall bathroom to get ready for bed.
I was glad I’d had the foresight to leave a set of comfortable clothes at each of my six friends’ houses. My house was the furthest from all of theirs since we went to different schools, so I usually ended up sleeping over when our hangout sessions ran late. My only friend that lived in my neighbourhood was Mel, hence why she was so upset that I was moving both neighbourhoods and schools.
The clothes were a blessing, though, because my school uniform had to be made of the most uncomfortable material ever made. It was like they had mixed cardboard and pure static electricity and turned them into clothes. Stepping into the sweats I’d left was like coming home after a long day, which in a sense, I was. Even though the clothes were mine, they smelled like Jooyeon because he kept them in his drawer next to his. It was a comforting mix of the scents of the detergent his mom used and something else I couldn’t place but was undeniably reminiscent of Jooyeon.
When I returned to his room, much more composed after my breakdown, Jooyeon was clearing textbooks and sheets of music off of his bed. I knew he normally just slept with them pushed to one side, so it was a kind gesture that he was clearing them off for me.
When he was done, I crawled into the right side of the bed because I knew he normally took the left, and held my breath as Jooyeon placed his glasses on the bedside table and settled in next to me. It wasn’t the first time I’d shared a bed with Jooyeon, but it had been a while since all of our recent sleepovers also featured Gunil, Jungsu, Seungmin, Jiseok and Hyeongjun and consisted of the seven of us in a pile of blankets on the floor.
As Jooyeon turned off the light, plunging us into darkness, I tried to remember when the last time we’d shared a bed was. Probably before he changed schools, before… Before I realized I had feelings for him. I don’t know how I would survive this proximity now that I was in a post-breakdown state of clarity. Jooyeon’s gentle voice interrupted my train of thoughts.
“I’ll miss you when you move,” he said.
I turned to look at him but could only see the vague outline of his head in the dark.
“What do you mean?” I asked. “I’m moving closer to you. That’s why Mel’s mad.” “What?” he asked, turning to face me as well.
“Jooyeon, you know I’ve been trying to get into your school ever since you applied. The music program there is much better than the one at my current school. I finally got in, I start in September. We’re moving so that I have a shorter commute to school.”
“You mean- I get to see you at school every day?” he asked, his voice sounding breathy with wonder. “And live close to you?”
“Yes,” I said, reaching blindly for his hand and finding it resting on the covers between us. I gave his hand a comforting squeeze, which he returned. We’d been doing that for as long as I could remember. “I’m sorry I forgot to tell you, I was gonna tell you after I told Mel but as you can see that didn’t exactly go as planned.”
“I don’t care,” he said, pulling me to his chest in a crushing hug. “I know now, that’s what matters. Is it bad to say I’m happy?”
“No,” I managed out, my lungs being squeezed in his tight grip.
“Sorry,” he mumbled, easing his grip on me but not letting go.
Now that we’d been in the dark for a bit, my eyes were starting to adjust. I could see Jooyeon’s face, only inches from mine. I could feel his warm breath mixing with mine as my eyes scanned his face. He watched me carefully, letting go of my hand bringing his up to cup my face.
“I have to tell you something,” we said at the same time, each letting out a laugh at the synchronicity.
“You first,” I said, worried that I’d change my mind depending on what he said.
“Y/N,” he started, and I could feel his heart racing under the palm of the hand I’d lifted to rest on his chest, “I’ve been in love with you since second grade.”
My eyes widened and I let out a short gasp, trying to remember all the way back to second grade.
“Please say something,” he urged, his eyes staring imploringly into mine.
I silently blessed and cursed the fact that my eyes had adjusted to the darkness, the only light being the streetlights outside flooding in through the windows. It was a blessing that I could see the sincerity on Jooyeon’s face, but it was almost too much for me to handle.
“You’ve got me beat,” I murmured, feeling his breath hitch at my confession, “I only figured out I loved you when you left for a different high school.”
“That’s still- That’s three years, Y/N,” he said. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
I scoffed, lightly slapping his chest. “You waited ten!”
“I thought you didn’t feel the same way,” he whined.
“If you’d told me sooner I might’ve realized I did sooner,” I whined back.
We both laughed at the ridiculousness of our situation, his head falling until his forehead was pressed against mine.
Feeling charged from our confessions, I closed the gap between us and kissed him. He reciprocated immediately, using the hand that was cupping my face to pull me closer. We kissed for what felt like an eternity until we eventually pulled away because we ran out of air.
“Do you think the rest of the guys know?” he asked, his voice low even though we were the only ones in the room.
“Oh, definitely,” I said, thinking back to all of the knowing looks I’d received from Gunil. “They’re definitely going to make fun of our obliviousness for a while.”
“We’ll get through it. Together,” he promised, kissing my forehead.
We fell asleep like that, with my head tucked into the space between his chin and his chest and his arms encircling me protectively. If his mom saw us like that when she came to wake us up the next morning, she didn’t say anything.
Photo credits: 1. 2. 3.
Taglist: @felixtok @saltyone101 @burningupp @honeyvocalhwang @bittervoid
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fuyuhoshimi · 7 years
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I know it is quite late but I want to greet all the people who celebrate Chinese New Year or Lunar New Year. Happy New Year to all of you. This girl character is from Photoapp Pitu Application and I just put my best selfie face and enhance it. I don't look like that in real person of course, how I wish. Anyway sorry for being inactive here in tumblr coz of some priorities needed to be done. But I'll still post from time to time. Before I forgot thank you to my new and still there followers. Love you all💕😘 Still pretty early here 23:43pm *yeah early I want to talk to someone right now but my friends who I talk at late night already slept. If you want to talk I'm here I'll entertain you until I became sleepy🤗
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1taiwan-blog · 7 years
why Messiah was used? only brains can move is he was a pop star and rich followed him as Jesus his ex dead daddy and younger brother or family pets HE types! be Catholics to worship! Messiah was followed and appeared in Buddhism meaning Buddhism was after Messiah. generally, it's called Herstory per religion claims to find Messiah! so messed, Buddhism says they have messiah the GOD and the Buddha but why did they kill Christians?? no one found Messiah and Messiah ignored dame Christians got Buddhists killed them 這世代!過去含未來。無人敢稱彌賽亞為義! 沒有了彌賽亞教會或現彌賽亞教徒。 猶太人永遠不相謀,耶穌是基督。 耶穌教徒 基督教徒 彌賽亞教徒 神說,耶和華們創世。 但是耶和華們皆非真神。是外星人! GOD and BIBLE say, Jehovahss they created for the one real true and truth GOD! Jehovahss are or were ET ETS Aliens. None of them is or was GOD my invocation is who no one says they're not fake Christians but the Messianic MESSIAHISTS?? 假基督教徒 與 真彌賽亞教徒!! 天主教會崇拜耶和華家人,卻以教皇為謊!! 基督的弟弟的子嗣在哪?? 基督木匠兄妹父親的遺族在哪? 神隨隨便便撿破爛拾起一條狗狗嗎? 鄰居怒了!7萬箱「蝦味先」棄空地 日曬雨淋飄惡臭 | 三立 無奈?? 對岸判唯一死刑! 賭贏40萬美金回台 入境沒收38萬 my Benediction is ETS are your Gods, Buddhas but no one is the real God my Benediction is ETS are your Gods or Buddhas but no one! None of them is the real God. this explains why he didn't go to Taichung miss mission and whoever came here to take photo of me and the neighbor Mission Office for Allah and he did make TPE Temple this trash shows you the Mormonism whispering is as fake as Chian in meditation Buddhism both buy HE types! the ET ETS Aliens garbage. see me is enough 【佛說:愛了,是續寫前世故事。恨了,是了卻前塵仇怨】 Thus, both Buddhism and BIBLE force people to hate 紅塵中,一個捨不得,耽誤了多少人; 佛法中,一句無所得,難倒了多少人。 they knew they were grass bums and they can do is to memorize TV to hand scripts for them to act on talking shows to live it's only because all 4 of them wanna be nuns mayor to sacrifice under KMTers my invocation is you must know it's awesome to experience been or be proposed 曾被譽「怪物右腕」…少年投手患性早熟 走過創傷更愛棒球 | 三立新聞網 | of course they had tried CN medicine but they needed the real not fake one and NHK is non profit to be very evil to service fake governments and when you still watch pokemon through digital and many different local Japanese channels offer quiet vary local TV commercials not as Taiwan's kids programs have non kids targeting advertisement for giant markets the Lunar's going to be JU Jun 6-26 6-27 6-28 6-29. then back to twin 6-01. 6-02 not only for funeral the traditional wedding has to be like Taiwan Nation had their wedding last Sunday as all black sedens and Twitter blue wedding dress 【18禁】4男女在沙灘上活春宮 眾人興奮圍觀 | 即時新聞 | 20170708 | 蘋果日報 True! USA My BENEDICTION is hello! welcome to GHOSTS worldwide who does not know? she speaks as Sam as Saudi Saffiyah when she isn't often to see GODS inside Temples this idol gets my face after Lin died Lotus had no ghosts business although you suspected to assume her disciple Lin who stopped tankers construction but the temple never ask her to restart Lin generations old business besides my disciple who goes to the root temple once per year and she was asked to be in charge of as the President if the owning couple will be gone and the business card is their wardrobe which Allah wears again today and she was so so so happy that I'd prepared my wardrobe like we all did twin weeks ago she's yellow and we met last year's before pink face king GOD of foxconn theirs she started to dream of me ten day before Red Sea Foxconn birthday and the banquet is always seven days and three more days at advance to come the first day she had seen Foxconn to come with bunch of GODS at her first time inside the temple. she was born by the second house next to the temple and she had never seen and Foxconn GOD and other GODS all told her those three days during daytime their GOD is coming to the city's she was my disciple and she worked with Lin thousand generations over ten years ago that Lin her eyes looked differently at old when her face is round and be no more scary 銀行員太正網友狂開戶 洋男友氣炸報警 Foreigner boyfriend is brain damaged 探訪樂視總部:門口躺滿討債人 旗艦店大門緊閉 Allah likes new iPhone and one finger or twin are not very proud that new of my oppo runs slower than mi but Mi is very bad to type as LG. Samsung Galaxy and all Samsung's no any damage but battery must die and who would spend for expensive batteries ? Maybe Allah will HTC died the worst design power control and fix for NTD 1k to above [新聞] NBA》搭上奪冠列車!林書豪前隊友加盟勇 but Nick Young has signed days early 5千年前就有巨人! 山東出土發現「高人族」 so sad, Bible Giants were so so so short (short) [新聞] 法國宣布在2040年取締汽油車和柴油車 I'm proposed and I said no too thick and Allah's still smart which we go to EU and French to buy twin cars before 2040 for made in 1996 then wait for brend bread new vehicles be swapping Trump must pass the Sam LAW and Allah will buy 20 x 1996. I'm showing you be kidding USA Founder always get many free why hate GOD? Allah I bless Japan and why hate GOD? my Benediction is JU Jun 6th was proposed and today's 7th has invocation at Love U! 最新》蔡英文到寺廟贈匾 反年改群眾抗議 駕駛擋路:or any colo has ghosts stars 超強生化武器 這種昆蟲每小時殺85人 here our products are we re do youth line Colo and Taylor's Swift's black ghosts stars and for comin next week's Closed God's is me birthday had pink face the pink Colo till ten days later with no more 7 mother GODS but 15 100 year old mother GODS Like the new oppo phone but it's under above twin new phones my brother's back has wings not fake Mormonism can you all possibly to wear her black ghosts stars shining Colo? I like my new purchased house and will move soon plus Allah got my family's new iPhone and new Mi and Allah doesn't like complicated MacBook laptops but Microsoft is dangerous for wanna cry and I use Apple tv for YouTube and Apple books for FacePhone UFOLine accounts. LINE beats Facebook is you don't need who are weirdly and Facebook users are peeking and tracking others and Twitter can have private line messages 2, never to disturb any use as LINE 3, long posts as LINE then Twitter by keywords are not trash as Facebook moon at cancer is bad for dark to enjoy very short minutes of selfishness. Sagittarius is better than Leo and Sagittarius is priority then Scorpio and Libra. my ascended is cancer, too. so I'M more is a cancer than a Libra. Venus is Virgo isn't bad but has to be a very hungry Virgo. forgot where's my mars but now Allah fights to win and build kingdoms totally Virgo is very very bad with Scorpio Allah hates Virgo the most! my moon is cancer (cancer) 96. Taiwanese be a HTC phone to beat all single EYETH cameras to win French international photo gallery and a KMTer to be a Mi its 4G or 3G 64 are much cheaper than OPPO but OPPO selfie to help to reality sells and he's an Asus when ghost used him to show YouTube closed caption is 18 better to believe than 17 evilness she complained wall street journal TV WSJ to drop Peter Jennings to live and arranged bold and ugly white meaning she's something doesn't PARTAKE humanitarian to advertise themselves again by cheating fans will stupid good bless? bless you to be fools to all sit morons to punish you and say you're sinners but DON'T pay GODS pay black ghosts fake pastors! last year the train station temple did send 7 gifts with orchestra to deer haven to plan and they had refused to take the saint medical word paper and when North Haven temple and New Haven temple to be around that they do refuse be joining!! they say their wood idol is the oldest in Formosa but the Tainun city's has been the official as national temple before Japanese LIN is called Tsunami Tsunamlin Da Hi is his Nick name by aboriginal word my Benediction is you can use my creation to image that we're only happy together about the university male student to dream a ten years old who was killed over ten years ago that the death she had been over few years to cross many spaces not for her to suffer to lose her memories by long DPP forces wash first eggs if you looked at me then simultaneously Allah looked back when you use eyes to call my or our food are ready then you got mute to try to ask why the supernatural power by Samsung's copy Samsung's and you must bow and offer free dish to Allah! or you saw we sat far then you walked out then the first isle you could see U.S. and Allah looked promptly you must no stop your heart minds brains to stop you to say marvelously and be directed to ask are you Allah?? the convenient store manager must ask how they were thrown or gave who or did food still be inside when no pay for pigs owner not till weeks later to check surveillance and they didn't ask them not to after the first scene which the store is guilty 7 is very weird because they don't want this happens which the most 7s refuse to offer and sell to pig owners to pay for pigs our okay USA had asked Allah was it o.k. to give to a mother but the problem was we could sell much much cheaper for still earing not to give by one was that mom would be only waited to get plus after midnight we must not give about one of possible nights it could be she got sick or she sued U.S.. even late night shift had to sign if they ate to get sick that we could be no guilty!! we did allow late night shift to share with their classmates but not for a regular mom or who didn't sign as you and strong.. the neighbor Hi life couple owed lots money and they never offered 60 percent off for the Sam day food although sometimes we did at early 4 P.M. or that day's morning to try to get rid of stuff and that couple just brought everything home!! even gym counter sometimes happened cash was short but how about they both moved hospital funds to their personal packets!!! 1, Buddhism isn't religion 2, when you are not 100 percent vegetarian you can force your dog's be 110 percent vegetarian. at noon there's a vegetarian dog who grows old and it still love US U.S. 3, KD is Klay Thompson's USD 2,500
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