#this is a candy corn lovers zone
captainmvf · 8 months
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Happy October y'all!! 🍬🍫🍭
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sunnydaleherald · 7 months
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Wednesday, November 1
WILLOW: Did you find Jesse? XANDER: Yeah. WILLOW: Was he dead? BUFFY: Worse. (sits at the end of the table) I'm sorry, Willow. We were too late. And they were waiting for us. WILLOW: At least you two are okay. XANDER: I don't like vampires. I'm gonna take a stand and say they're not good. BUFFY: So, Giles! Got anything that could make this day any worse? GILES: How about the end of the world? BUFFY: Knew I could count on you.
~~BtVS 1x02 “The Harvest”~~
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Such A Nice Girl (Joyce, Darla, PG) by badly_knitted
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Startlingly Moral (Buffy/Spike, T) by acekoomboom
Old Relics and Movies (Buffy, Giles, G) by Greensword101
Trick or Treat Little Witch (Willow/Tara, Xander/Anya, G) by 29PheonixLement
Portents (Buffy/Faith, M) by aliceinwonderbra
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Ghostly Fears (Angel, Spike, T) by Celeste Belle
Help (Xander, Spike, T) by Celeste Belle
Trick or Treat (Willow/Tara, Xander/Anya, G) by riah alice drake
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Stand Off (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by MillennialCryBaby
All's Fair in Love and War (Buffy/Spike, R) by Behind Blue Eyes
can't fight with you anymore (Buffy/Spike, PG) by sunshine-of-my-lifetime
Thankful or Not (Buffy/Spike, G) by violettathepiratequeen
Take These Broken Wings (Buffy/Spike, PG-13) by FoolForSpuffy
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Candy Corn Mischief (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by honeygirl51885
The First Annual Spooky Scoobie Party (Buffy/Spike, PG-13) by acekoomboom
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Through the Looking Glass, Chapter 5 (Buffy, Dawn, T, SG-1 xover) by BrennaLynn
House of Slayer: The Slayer, The Witch, & The Key, Chapter 24 (Buffy, Dawn, Harry Potter xover, T) by BrennaLynn
New York, Chapter 4/43 (Giles/Xander, M) by drsquidlove
Days of Future Past, Chapter 28/34 (Buffy/OC, Angel/OC, Buffy/Angel, M) by a2zmom
Forgotten Memories, Chapter 4/12 (Buffy/Angel, M) by Ilovebooks10
A Family Room at the Heartbreak Hotel, Chapter 11/11 Complete! (Buffy/Spike, T) by julikobold
Unmasking, Chapter 3/4 (Cordelia/Anya, T) by BeatriceEveryTuesday
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Her Old Fashioned Boy, Chapter 12 (Giles/Jenny, T) by Bobbie23
Blind Date, Chapter 9 Complete! (Xander, Joyce, M) by Spooksdarkhero
[French language] Du Passé au Présent, Chapter 3 (Buffy/Spike, T) by guepard54
Shadow Over Hellmouth, Chapter 65 (Buffy/Tara, Ensemble, M) by Tuxedo Mark
1632 Revello Drive, Chapter 2 (Buffy, Giles, T) by A Most Sovereign Lady
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Spiderwebs, Chapter 42 (Buffy/Spike, R) by Willow25
Spike v. Logic, Chapter 4 Complete! (Buffy/Spike, R) by Soulburnt
Lover's Walk 2.0 (After When Anne Met Spike), Chapter 1 (Buffy/Spike, G) by To Be Hers
56 Hours, Chapter 4 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by Soulburnt
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Artwork: ‘I may be dead, but I’m still pretty’ (Buffy, worksafe) by mistyintherivers
Artwork: morning break doodle - I miss these guys (Spike, Angel, worksafe) by simongablelundmark
Gifset: lgbtqcreators battleship bingo — the chosen one (Buffy, worksafe) by sylvielaufeyz
Gifset: lgbtqcreators battleship bingo — free choice (Willow/Tara, worksafe) by sylvielaufeyz
Artwork: Task description - make a copy of the screencaps without using an Eyedropper or drawing over the photo (Buffy, Spike, worksafe) by lialivingart
Artwork: Grom with the gays (Buffy, Willow, worksafe) by pzyii
Manip: Happy Halloween! (Spike, NSFW) by pass-the-dyanmite
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Video: Top 20 Most Badass Buffy Summers Moments by MsMojo
Video: 'Slayers: A Buffyverse Story’ Official Trailer by Audible
[Reviews & Recaps]
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ReWatch: Angel (the series) S1, E1 - 3 by kimannebb
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I AM SO SADDDDDD Buffy The Vampire Slayer | 2x21-22 'Becoming' | Blind Reaction by Vic
Buffy the Vampire Slayer THE MOVIE (1992) | REACTION (With Nicologik Reacts) by JayPeaKay
I'm Crying! // Buffy the Vampire Slayer Episode 2x17 Reaction // My heart is broken! by Brooke Whipple
**RETURN OF THE QUEEN!!** Angel Season 2 Episode 9 "The Trial" Reaction: FIRST TIME WATCHING Buffy by Nick Reacts
Angel 1x20: War Zone Reaction!!! by Victor & Grace Reacts
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Thoughts on the Original Buffy Screenplay by Plasticglass456
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PODCAST: Episode 41: Amends by Gym Was Cancelled
[Recs & In Search Of]
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[Original IWRY Marathon] Entry for IWRY 2023: "In Fair Verona" by melodys_muse recced by iwry_marathon
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Top 10 Spuffy fics I’ve read (Oct 2023) recced by mcgnagallsarmy
drsquidlove’s posting New York to AO3. It’s an amazing epic recced by thirteenthblackbird
Rec: Pub Crawl by kangeiko recced by lupines-slash-recs
Advent Calendiles: Calling all Calendiles Appreciators! Feel free to send me asks with short prompts! For each one, I’ll write a 100-word drabble requested by hal-1500
[Community Announcements]
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Threesome Month 2023 Has Begun! by btvscrackships
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Buffyverse Top 5 Community to Close by buffyversetop5
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Q&A with fanfic writer Hannah (Cosmic Tuesdays) on Saturday 11th November 2023!! by Stoney
[Fandom Discussions]
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Angel Season 3: Becoming a Parent by andrew-heard
[ask] Do you think Wesley agreeing to help Fred take revenge on the professor is selfishly motivated? asked by angelustheimmortal, answered by we-pay-for-everything
[Musing about Xander being an insert for Joss Whedon] by nancydrewwouldnever
[Spike & The First vs Angel & The First] by krimreader
according to this article, the guy who played Xander tried to get them to do a Xander/Buffy romance in season 7 by aphony-cree
[About Ethan and Giles's backstory] by kindaorangey
This scene makes me absolutely insane. unhinged. absolutely raving. “We missed the bed again” by raisedbythetv89
Slayers: A Buffyverse Story SPOILERS by hermyohkneegranger
[ask] Would be awesome if they make a comic series of cordelia the vampire slayer answered by buffythecomicslayer
jenny and giles are the kind of people who have like a really ridiculous esoteric couples’ costume by jennycalendar
[Giles's relationship with the Scoobies] by coraniaid, likeasouffle
[Spike and the soul lore in 'Slayers: A Buffyverse Story'] by girl4music
[ask] buffy/cordelia for the ship bingo thing? :-) answered by reallyreal-madeingold
one of my absolute favourite ship tropes is when person a calls person b by a name no one else usually calls them by johnsspacesuittight
Fuffy fans / Eliza fans: Here at The Fuffy Agenda we have some breaking news by juanabaloo
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Honest Trailer: Buffy The Vampire Slayer '97 started by AlphaFoxtrot
What would the Watchers Council do to Buffy if she succeeded in killing Faith to cure Angel? started by Joshua
Who do you find the most relatable character on Buffy? started by NotASlayer
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Angel kind of sucked at romance started by The Whirlwind
Buffy 30 Day Challenge started by Priceless
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How likely do we think it is that the watcher's council had been intentionally murdering each of their slayers before they reach full adulthood using the ritual in helpless? by AnyNeck1885
What are your favorite minor vampire moments by The810kid
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Giles - the Good, the Bad and the Ugly: Season 5 by flow
[Articles, Interviews, and Other News]
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NYCC Interview: Christopher Golden & Amber Benson Talk ‘Slayers: A Buffyverse Story’ by thecosmiccircus
NYCC Interview: Charisma Carpenter & Emma Caulfield Ford Talk ‘Slayers: A Buffyverse Story by thecosmiccircus
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PUBLICATION: Buffy's James Marsters refused not to be in love with [Redacted] in Slayers by Radio Times
PUBLICATION: Alyson Hannigan nods to Buffy the Vampire Slayer roots with vampire dance on DWTS by Entertainment Weekly
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The Space
Viharamahadevi park has come a long, long way since the 90’s. A lot of the old trees are towering and wild but the park is meticulously maintained, with beautiful paved pathways, some flanked by palm trees and lush, even grass.
There are some surprising little seating spaces you’ll find in the park, sleek and pleasant, mostly made of wood and concrete. The park used to be a place where lovers went to surreptitiously hide behind overgrown bushes. There are no more overgrown bushes to hide behind, so it’s not dodgy anymore, and couples still do spend time here (and why wouldn’t they? It’s a romantic space when lit up in the evenings), but no more do the guards police them around, in fact one guard asked me not to take photographs of couples and to give them their privacy. 
The War Memorial
Now that the fences have all come down, there’s a continuity between the street, the park, the library and the World War Memorial. So if you walk into the park next to the Public Library, you’ll walk by this beautiful old space with Greek columns and clean paving. It’s a glorious, quiet space that includes a towering cenotaph and memorial walls that pay tribute to Sri Lankan and European soldiers who died in both World Wars.
The Lake & Bridge
The lake and the suspension bridge above it have always been a popular attraction at the park. The suspension bridge is obviously wobbly so kids and sometimes adults get their kicks from walking on it and peering down at those below; there are clean concrete slabs around the lake to sit and enjoy the view.
The play-space for kids is extensive. The best part about this area are the little hills landscaped out of the park more recently – blue and purple paved pathways roll on top of the hills, and some parts of the hills are holed with tunnels through which kids crawl (I wish they had these when I was a kid!). Around these mini-hills are mat-slides, swings and the whole works.
Nearby is a big plastic play-house for younger kids, and also a huge blue circle on the ground that turns into a watery play-zone for children at 5PM when its sprinklers come on.
You’ll also find ponies around this area, carrying kids on their backs or dragging small carriages of children, for about Rs. 100.
We don’t know any other place in Colombo that sells candy floss anymore – so we’re relieved they still do this at Viharamahadevi Park, right next to the kids’ play-house. They’ve also got delicious mango achcharu and hot-hot corn here, cheap at Rs. 50, and of course the ice cream truck guy.
The Rock-Aquarium
If you walk into the gigantic black rock on the East side of the park (from the Town Hall side) you’ll find an aquarium. There are a host of little fishies here, some of them very interesting looking, and also a tiny little lobster and two petrified looking baby turtles. There is an ominous hand-painted sign inside that says PLEASE BEHAVE DECENTLY. Tickets for adults go for Rs. 20 and for children Rs. 10.
Right next to this rock-aquarium is a giant blue house with fish painted on the walls – this is just the bathroom.
(Source: Yamu.lk)
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docrotten · 2 years
CAT’S EYE (1985) – Episode 218 – Decades Of Horror 1980s
“Forget the cat, you hemorrhoid! Get the gun!” Yeah! Get your priorities straight! Join your faithful Grue-Crew – Chad Hunt, Bill Mulligan, Crystal Cleveland, and Jeff Mohr  – as they take in another portmanteau, especially for your Halloween viewing/listening pleasure, Stephen King’s Cat’s Eye (1985).
Decades of Horror 1980s Episode 218 – Cat’s Eye (1985)
Join the Crew on the Gruesome Magazine YouTube channel! Subscribe today! And click the alert to get notified of new content! https://youtube.com/gruesomemagazine
Synopsis: A stray cat attempting to find a little girl in trouble is the linking element of three tales of suspense and horror. In “Quitters, Inc.”: the cat is picked up by a shady New York City “doctor” who uses experimental techniques to get people to quit smoking. In “The Ledge”: the cat is picked up by a shady Atlantic City millionaire who forces his wife’s lover to participate in a terrifying bet. In “The General”: the cat arrives in Wilmington, North Carolina, where it is found by the young girl it has been sent to protect from an unbelievable threat.
  Director: Lewis Teague
Writer: Stephen King (screenplay); 
(Based on stories by) Stephen King 
“Quitters Inc.,” Night Shift (1978)
“The Ledge,” Penthouse, July 1976; Night Shift (1978)
Creatures created by: Carlo Rambaldi
Selected Cast:
“Quitters Inc.”
James Woods as Dick Morrison
Alan King as Dr. Vinny Donatti 
Mary D’Arcy as Cindy Morrison
Drew Barrymore as Alicia Morrison
Tony Munafo as Junk
James Rebhorn as Drunk Businessman at Party
“The Ledge” 
Kenneth McMillan as Cressner
Robert Hays as Johnny Norris
Mike Starr as Ducky
Charles S. Dutton as Dom (as Charles Dutton)
Jesse Doran as Albert
Patricia Kalember as Marcia
Drew Barrymore as Girl on TV
“The General”
Candy Clark as Sally Ann
James Naughton as Hugh
Drew Barrymore as Amanda
If you’ve listened to even a few Decades of Horror 1980s episodes, you know that Bill is a very serious cat person, so it should come as no surprise that an anthology featuring a cat coming to the rescue is his choice for this episode. He liked Stephen King’s original short stories that makeup two of the three segments in Cat’s Eye, and as a mid-level Stephen King production, it holds up very well and he still enjoys it.
Crystal remembers loving Cat’s Eye as a kid and even looking up to Drew Barrymore. She remembers it being scarier through a kid’s eyes but in the end, it’s a feel-good movie with the cat finding his “forever home.” She agrees with Bill that the movie doesn’t seem dated at all and has held up very well. Jeff agrees with Crystal. To him, Cat’s Eye seems milder than he remembers, but he still enjoys it as an example of a well-shot movie with good storytelling and a great cast.
If you have a hankering to watch an anthology film, you won’t go wrong with Cat’s Eye. At the time of this writing, Cat’s Eye can be streamed from HBOmax, Tubi, and a host of PPV options. It is available on physical media as a Blu-ray from Warner Brothers.
For reviews of other Stephen King-based movies, check out these Decades of Horror podcasts:
CARRIE (1976) — Episode 42 — Decades Of Horror 1970s
SALEM’S LOT (1979) — Episode 69 — Decades Of Horror 1970s
THE SHINING (1980) – Episode 125 – Decades Of Horror 1980s
THE DEAD ZONE (1983) – Episode 153 – Decades Of Horror 1980s
CHRISTINE (1983) – Episode 110 – Decades Of Horror 1980s
CREEPSHOW (1982) — Episode 94 — Decades Of Horror 1980s
CREEPSHOW (1982) – Episode 149 – Decades Of Horror 1980s
CHILDREN OF THE CORN (1984) – Episode 187 – Decades of Horror 1980s
MAXIMUM OVERDRIVE (1986) – Episode 140 – Decades Of Horror 1980s
Every two weeks, Gruesome Magazine’s Decades of Horror 1980s podcast will cover another horror film from the 1980s. The next episode’s film, chosen by Crystal, will be Sleepaway Camp (1983). Yes, that one.
Please let them know how they’re doing! They want to hear from you – the coolest, grooviest fans – so leave them a message or leave a comment on the gruesome Magazine Youtube channel, on the website, or email the Decades of Horror 1980s podcast hosts at [email protected].
Check out this episode!
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spookybias · 4 years
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pairing: park sunghoon x gender neutral! reader
genre: slice of life ─ fluff
synopsis: coming up with halloween costumes is harder than you and sunghoon thought.
warning: a very brief description of dolls hanging by their throats.
word count: 1.5k
note: for @enhypenwriters 7 days of fright. i don’t think there’s trick or treating in south korea, but this is just for kicks. also, i kind of cringed while writing this LMAO.
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THE SHOP SMELLED LIKE PUMPKIN SPICE AND COLD LEAVES, CANDY CORN AND BLACK CATS IN GARDENS; both the scents of four days till Halloween. Fake skeletons climbed the store walls, and creepy dolls -blood stains and scratches spotted on their porcelain bodies- hung from the ceiling by the string wrapped around their necks. Much cuter and playful knick-knacks littered the display tables throughout the store.
“Do you two already know what kind of costume you’re looking for?” Sunoo asked. It had been his idea to visit the shop on a hunt for last minute costumes, for a last minute planned trick or treat outing.
“Something unique. I don’t want us to be dressed like any of you guys or have a common option,” You responded.
“Something simple,” Sunghoon stated. He had been particularly cranky about last minute shopping, as he was one who preferred to get things out of the way before a big event. Sunghoon would do anything for you, though, and that included suffering through something he despised the most.
“Ni-Ki, let’s go as scarecrows,” Jungwon suggested. He tossed a straw hat Ni-Ki’s way.
Sunoo snatched the hat before Ni-Ki could grab hold of it. “No, Ni-Ki is going as a vampire with me.”
“You always hog Ni-Ki,” Jungwon complained.
“That’s because I’m a good hyung who helps him flat iron his hair” Sunoo replied, rolling his eyes. “What do you have to offer?”
“Just pick something all three of you can go as together.” You grabbed Sunghoon’s wrist and dragged him passed a display table with smiling jack-o-lanterns and fake tombstones, and into an aisle of capes and robes.
The lanky boy leaned against a clothing wrack of animal printed tops, trying his best not to sigh in irritation. “Any specific idea on what you want to dress as? I’m down for whatever you want.”
“So if I said let’s dress up as fairytale princesses, you’d be okay with that?” You joked.
Sunghoon chuckled. He thought to himself. If you oh so desperately wanted to go as princesses, he might just do it. Your happiness was his top priority, which proved just how whipped Sunghoon was for you. But you didn’t need to know that. “Okay, maybe I wouldn’t dress up as just anything you choose.”
“That’s better.” You gave him a mischievous smile, rubbing your hands together as if you had just come up with a devious plan. “I can’t be trusted with that much power.” You headed off further into the aisle.
Sunghoon gazed from behind. He loved your playful attitude. It never failed at making his heart flutter, and there was never a dull moment. Although he found last minute shopping to be quite frustrating, he knew that with your pure heart and gold soul, he would at least be entertained.
And maybe a bit flustered.
Your sudden interest in the trick or treat outing did leave him puzzled, though. When he asked you if you had plans, you had simply stated that you didn’t, and wanted to have a movie night with him.
You sauntered through the shop, bags of chocolate candies and witch hats being the most apparent items, before a red cloak caught your eye.
“Sunghoon, do you wanna-” You turned around to find that your boyfriend was no longer behind you. “Sunghoon, where are you?” You had been so absorbed in the store’s decorative contents that you had lost your boyfriend in the sea of costumes and collectibles.
“Can’t we just go as ghosts?” Sunghoon groaned, appearing in front of you with a white sheet over his tall body. He had hoped to pop out and scare you, but he didn’t seem to have the energy to put it in the effort. The boy flailed his arms under the blanket in what was supposed to mimic a ghost’s eerie floating. “Boo. Spooky." Sunghoon reached out to you.
You snorted, looking him up and down. "This is the lamest costume I've ever seen. We should put a little more effort, don't ya think?" With an playful smile and an eye roll, you continued through the aisle.
“It’s not like we’re going to a costume contest, doll,” Sunghoon said as he pulled the blanket off and rolled it up in a ball. He tossed it over his shoulder unaware of the maknae that had been tailing him since the two of you parted ways.
Sunoo scoffed. “Hyung!”
“I know it’s just a little Halloween party, but I want this year’s Halloween to be really, really fun.” You sighed in annoyance. You weren’t feeling irritated by Sunghoon, but instead by the idea that you might have been getting too far ahead of yourself.
This was the first Halloween you would be spending as Sunghoon’s significant other, and it would be your first time hanging out with your boyfriend and his brothers as a whole group.
Earlier in the day while hanging out at the boys’ dorm, the maknaes had questioned what you and Sunghoon would be doing for Halloween, and when you had replied with, “Nothing, just watching some scary movies” they invited you to come along with them trick or treating, announcing that staying in would be dull. You were instantly reminded that you were kind of lazy when it came to socializing. A small thought creeped out from the back of your mind. What if Sunghoon thought that movie night was a lame idea? You just wanted to prove to everyone that you were fun and free-spirited. You feared that Sunghoon’s friends would deem you as Sunghoon’s boring lover, or just as someone who never wanted to do anything.
Sunghoon grabbed your hand and gently pulled you back. “It will be fun. I promise the others and I aren’t as boring as you might think.”
“It’s not you guys who I’m worried about is boring.” You rolled your eyes again.
“Then who?” Sunghoon was inexperienced in relationships, so there was no doubt that he wouldn’t get what was bothering you unless you told him yourself.
“I don’t want the other guys to think that I’m boring.” You felt your face get hot. The two of you were still new at being a couple, and so telling Sunghoon this made you feel embarrassed.
“Ah, you’re not.” Sunghoon turned you so that you could face each other. “Why would you think that?”
“I guess ‘cause my idea of fun is staying indoors all the time.” You lowered your head. Your boyfriend was quite close, and your face just kept getting warmer.
“You’re not boring, ____.” Sunoo stepped in. “Sunghoon-hyung is the boring one. Look at his shoes.”
Sunghoon awkwardly coughed. “Sunoo, can you at least pretend to be doing something other than tuning into our private conversation?”
Sunoo rolled his eyes dramatically and sauntered off.
Sunghoon cupped your face. “Look, we’re both still new at this relationship thing, so I actually don’t mind when you choose to hang out at the dorm or at your house. We should take things slowly and move out of our comfort zone at a steady pace. We don’t have to go trick or treating with those clowns if you don’t want to.”
“No, I want to.” You nodded your head, determined. I do prefer to stay home and watch scary movies with just us. But like you said, we’re both still new at this relationship thing. I think this is the push that we need.” Your mood eased up, and you smiled brightly at your boyfriend. “Plus, I think it’s too late to back out now since we’re already in a shop filled with Halloween stuff, and that ghost costume is calling my name.”
Sunghoon looked at you with a faint blush on his cheeks, while you looked around in amusement. He turned you to face him once again, and leaned down, pecking your lips. It was only a second long, but the notion didn’t go unnoticed.
“Why are you guys kissing in the store?” Ni-Ki’s eyebrows furrowed at having witnessed the short kiss shared between you and his hyung.
“You’re too young to understand.” You stuck your tongue out at the youngster and ruffled his blonde hair.
“So I guess we’re all going as ghosts then.” Ni-Ki looked around.
“I thought you were matching with Jungwon and Sunoo?”
“Well-” Ni-Ki said began to say, turning to face the other end of the aisle where two familiar voices could be heard.
At that moment, Sunoo came around the corner of the aisle, Jungwon in tow.
“Jungwon, you are insufferable!”
“I’m not putting a unicorn horn on my forehead!”
Sunoo instantly turned around to the other maknae and snapped, “It’s called an alicorn.”
“Doesn’t matter what it’s called, I’m not wearing it!”
“Well I’m not wearing a straw hat. Scarecrows aren’t cute or attractive.”
“So, we’re all going as ghosts then?” You turned around to see Sunghoon once again covered by the white sheet, arms raised to mimic a ghost’s spooky stance.
“I guess there wasn’t any point coming here,” Ni-Ki spoke up. “We already have white sheets at home.”
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begitalarcos · 5 years
100+ Years of Horror
This is not a definitive list. These are just the films I believe every Horror fan should see at least once. I’ve excluded any sequels that I didn’t feel needed including. I hope you enjoy.
For @mechamag​
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1922 – Nosferatu
1925 – The Phantom of the Opera
1927 – The Cat and the Canary
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1931 – Dracula, Frankenstein
1932 – Freaks
1933 – The Invisible Man
1934 – The Black Cat
1935 – The Bride of Frankenstein
1939 – The Cat and the Canary
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1941 – The Black Cat, The Wolfman
1942 – Cat People
1945 - Dead of Night
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1953 – House of Wax
1954 – Creature from the Black Lagoon
1955 – Night of the Hunter, Les Diaboliques
1956 – Invasion of the Body Snatchers, The Bad Seed
1958 – The Blob, Macabre, The Fly
1959 – House on Haunted Hill, The Tingler, The Killer Shrews
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1960 – 13 Ghosts , Black Sunday, Eyes without a face, Peeping Tom, Psycho, Village of the Damned
1961 – The Pit and the Pendulum
1962 – What ever happened To Baby Jane?
1963 – The Birds, Black Sabbath, The Haunting
1965 – Repulsion
1966 – Island of Terror
1967 – Wait until Dark
1968 – Night of the Living Dead, Rosemary’s Baby, Spider Baby
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1970 – Mark of the Devil, The Bird with the Crystal Plumage
1971 – The Cat O’ Nine Tails, Let’s scare Jessica to Death, What’s the matter with Helen? A Bay of Blood, Play Misty for Me
1972 – Ben, Children shouldn’t play with dead things, Deathdream, Don’t torture a Duckling, The last house on the left, Night of the Lepus, What have you done to Solange?
1973 – The Crazies, The Exorcist, The Legend of Hell House, Sisters, The Wicker Man, Don’t look now
1974 – Black Christmas, Deranged, It’s Alive, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Vampyres
1975 – Shivers, Trilogy of Terror, Jaws, Deep Red, The Stepford Wives
1976 – Alice Sweet Alice, Burnt Offerings, Carrie, Eaten Alive, The Omen, Squirm, To the devil a daughter, The town that dreaded sundown, The Tenant
1977 – Audrey Rose, Day of the Animals, Demon Seed, Eraserhead, Exorcist 2: The Heretic, The Hills have Eyes, Rabid, The Sentinel, Shock, Suspiria
1978 – Damien: Omen 2, Dawn of the Dead, Halloween, I Spit on your Grave, Invasion of the Body Snatchers, Jaws 2, The Legacy, Magic, Martin, Piranha
1979 – Alien, The Amityville Horror, The Brood, Phantasm, Prophecy, Tourist Trap, When a Stranger Calls, Zombi2, Nosferatu the Vampyre, Salem’s Lot
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1980 – Alligator, Altered States, The Changeling, City of the Living Dead, Fade to Black, The Fog, Friday the 13th, Hell of the Living Dead, The House on the Edge of the Park, Humanoids form the Deep, Inferno, Maniac, Motel Hell, Prom Night, The Shining
1981 – An American Werewolf in London, The Beyond, The Black Cat, The Burning, Dead and Buried, The Entity, The Evil Dead, Friday the 13th Part 2, The Funhouse, Galaxy of Terror, Halloween 2, Happy Birthday to Me, Hell Night, The House by the Cemetery, The Howling, My Bloody Valentine, Omen 3: The Final Conflict, The Pit, Possession, The Prowler, Wolfen, Scanners, Blow Out, Ghost Story
1982 – Alone in the Dark, Basket Case, The Beast Within, Cat People, Creepshow, Friday the 13th Part 3, Halloween 3: Season of the Witch, Madman, Pieces, Poltergeist, Q: The Winged Serpent, Tenebrae, The Thing, Visiting Hours
1983 – A Blade in the Dark, Christine, Cujo, Curtains, The Deadly Spawn, Eyes of Fire, The House on Sorority Row, The Hunger, Mortuary, Nightmares, Sleepaway Camp, Videodrome, The Dead Zone, Twilight Zone: The Movie
1984 – C.H.U.D., Children of the Corn, The Company of Wolves, Gremlins, Night of the Comet, A Nightmare on Elm Street, Razorback, Silent Night Deadly Night, Firestarter, Starman, Ghostbusters
1985 – Cat’s Eye, Day of the Dead, Demons, Fright Night, Ghoulies, LifeForce, Phenomena, Re-Animator, The Return of the Living Dead, Silver Bullet, The Stuff, Cut and Run, The New Kids
1986 – Aliens, April Fools Day, Chopping Mall, Critters, Deadly Friend, The Fly, From Beyond, Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer, The Hitcher, House, Invaders from Mars, Little Shop of Horrors, Maximum Overdrive, Monster Dog, Night of the Creeps, Poltergeist 2: The Other Side, Rawhead Rex, Terrorvision, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2, Trick or Treat, Troll, Vamp, The Wraith
1987 – Angel Heart, Bad Taste, Creepshow 2, Dolls, Evil Dead 2, The Gate, Hello Mary Lou: Prom Night 2, Hellraiser, The Hidden, House 2: The Second Story, The Outing, The Lost Boys, The Monster Squad, Near Dark, A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors, Opera, Prince of Darkness, Predator, Stage Fright, The Stepfather, Street Trash, The Witches of Eastwick, Lady Beware, Fatal Attraction
1988 – Bad Dreams, The Blob, Child's Play, Dead Heat, Elvira Mistress of the Dark, Fright Night Part 2, Hellbound: Hellraiser 2, Killer Klowns from Outer Space, The Lair of the White Worm, Maniac Cop, Night of the Demons, Phantasm 2, Pin, Prison, Pumpkinhead, Return of the Living Dead Part 2, The Serpent and the Rainbow, Uninvited, Watchers, Waxwork, They Live
1989 – 976-Evil, The Church, Grim Prairie Tales, The Horror Show, Intruder, Leviathan, Night Life, Pet Sematary, Shocker, Society, Warlock, Dead Calm, The Forgotten One, DeepStar Six
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1990 – Braindead, Bride of Re-Animator, Child’s Play 2, The Exorcist 3, Frankenhooker, Graveyard Shift, The Guardian, Hardware, IT, Jacob’s Ladder, Misery, Night of the Living Dead, Nightbreed, Predator 2, The Reflecting Skin, Sundown: The Vampire in Retreat, Tales from the Darkside: The Movie, Tremors, Two Evil Eyes, Arachnophobia
1991 – Body Parts, Cape Fear, The People under the Stairs, The Pit and the Pendulum, Popcorn, Scanners 2: The New Order, The Silence of the Lambs, Sometimes they Come Back
1992 – Army of Darkness, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Candyman, Demonic Toys, Dolly Dearest, Bram Stoker’s Dracula, Innocent Blood, Sleepwalkers, Spilt Second, Man Bites Dog
1993 – Body Bags, Carnosaur, Cronos, The Dark Half, Leprechaun, Return of the Living Dead 3, Trauma, Kalifornia, Man’s Best Friend
1994 – Brainscan, Cemetery Man, The Crow, Death Machine, Hellbound, In The Mouth of Madness, Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, The Stand, Wes Cravens New Nightmare, Wolf, Interview with the Vampire
1995 – Castle Freak, Demon Knight, Lord of Illusions, The Mangler, Mosquito, The Prophecy, Species, Village of the Damned, Screamers, Dolores Claiborne
1996 – Bad Moon, The Craft, The Frighteners, From Dusk till Dawn, Jack Frost, Scream, Tremors 2: Aftershocks, Mary Reilly
1997 – An American Werewolf in Paris, Anaconda, Campfire Tales, Cube, The Devils’ Advocate, Event Horizon, I know what you did last Summer, Mimic, The Night Flier, Nightwatch, The Relic, Quicksilver Highway, The Ugly, Wishmaster, Kiss the Girls, Se7en, Perfect Blue
1998 – Blade, Deep Rising, The Faculty, Ringu, Strangeland, Urban Legend, Vampires, Sphere
1999 – Audition, The Blair Witch Project, Deep Blue Sea, The Haunting, House on Haunted Hill, Lake Placid, The Mummy, Ravenous, Sleepy Hollow, Stigmata, Virus, The Sixth Sense, Idle Hands
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2000 – American Psycho, Bless the Child, Blood: The Last Vampire, Cherry Falls, Final Destination, Ginger Snaps, Hollow Man, Ju-On, Pitch Black, Python, Versus, What Lies Beneath, The Gift, The Cell, Shadow of the Vampire
2001 – The Attic Expeditions, Brotherhood of the Wolf, Dagon, Jeepers Creepers, Mulholland Drive, The Others, Session 9, Thir13en Ghosts, The Devil’s Backbone, Frailty, From Hell, Hannibal
2002 – 28 Days Later, Blade 2, Bubba Ho-Tep, Cabin Fever, Dog Soldiers, Eight Legged Freaks, Ghost Ship, May, Queen of the Damned, Resident Evil, The Ring, They, The Mothman Prophecies, Red Dragon
2003 – Darkness Falls, Dream Catcher, Final Destination 2, Freddy Vs. Jason, Haute Tension, House of 1000 Corpses, A Tale of Two Sisters, Undead, Underwold, Willard, Wrong Turn
2004 – Alien Vs Predator, Club Dread, Dawn of the Dead, Dead & Breakfast, Exorcist: The Beginning, Ginger Snaps 2: Unleashed, Godsend, Saw, Shaun of the Dead, The Village, Taking Lives, The Forgotten, Enduring Love
2005 – 2001 Maniacs, The Amityville Horror, Constantine, Dark Water, The Descent, The Devils’ Rejects, The Exorcism of Emily Rose, Land of the Dead, Wolf Creek, Hard Candy
2006 – Abominable, All the boys love Many Lane, Black Sheep, Fido, Final Destination 3, Hatchet, The Hills have Eyes, Slither, The Woods, The Host, Silent Hill, The Tripper, Wild Country
2007 – 28 Weeks Later, 30 Days of Night, 1408, Grindhouse, I am Legend, The Mist, My Name is Bruce, Nature of the Beast, Paranormal Activity, Primeval, REC, Skinwalkers, Teeth, Trick r’ Treat, An American Crime, Rogue, Funny Games
2008 – Book of Blood, Cloverfield, Deadgirl, Diary of the Dead, Let the right one in, The Midnight Meat Train, Mirrors, Quarantine, The Ruins, Splinter, The Strangers, Eden Lake, Outlander
2009 – Case 39, Grace, The Haunting in Connecticut, Heartless, The House of the Devil, Jennifer’s Body, The Loved Ones, Orphan, Pandorum, Splice, Triangle, Zombieland, Carriers, Dread
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2010 – Black Swan, The Crazies, Exorcismus, Frozen, Insidious, The Last Exorcism, Let me in, Primal, Tucker & Dale Vs Evil, The Wolfman, Troll Hunter, Devil
2011 – The Awakening, Don’t be afraid of the Dark, The Innkeepers, Livid, The Thing, The Woman, The Rite
2012 – American Mary, Bait, The Cabin in the Woods, The Devil Inside, The Possession, Prometheus, Sinister, Byzantium, Compliance
2013 – The Conjuring, Evil Dead, Jug Face, Mama, Under the Skin, Only Lovers Left Alive, Warm Bodies, Horns, Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters, Contracted, Stoker
2014 – Annabelle, As Above So Below, The Babadook, Deliver us from Evil, A Girl walk home alone at Night, Life after Beth, Starry Eyes, Tusk, It Follows, Goodnight Mommy, The Voices, Digging up the Marrow, When Animals Dream, Gone Girl ,The Remaining, Late Phases, Cub
2015 – Crimson Peak, Krampus, The Lazarus Effect, Maggie, The Visit, The Witch, Bone Tomahawk, Green Room, Regression, The Devil’s Candy, The Lure
2016 – The Autopsy of Jane Doe, The Belko Experiment, The Boy, The Conjuring 2, Don’t Breathe, The Eyes of my Mother, Split, The Forest, The Love Witch, The Neon Demon, Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, Raw, Train to Busan, The Void, What We Become, 10 Cloverfield Lane, A Cure for Wellness, The Shallows, Pet, Hounds of Love
2017 – IT, Get Out, Mother!, The Killing of a Sacred Deer, The Ritual, Thelma, Veronica, It comes at Night, Life, Gerald’s Game, Revenge, 1922
2018 – Annihilation, Halloween, Hereditary, Mandy, Mom and Dad, The Nun, Overlord, Possum, A Quiet Place, Suspiria, The House that Jack Built, Bird Box, Apostle, The Meg
2019 – Brightburn, IT Chapter 2, Midsommar, Ready or Not, Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark, Us, I am Mother, Crawl, The Dead Don’t Die, Extremely Wicked Shockingly Evil and Vile, Glass
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intothewilde · 4 years
⌠ ellie bamber, 20, cis female, she/her ⌡ welcome back to gallagher academy, GIORGIA WILDE! according to their records, they’re a FIRST year, specializing in UNDECIDED; and they DID NOT go to a spy prep high school. when i see them walking around in the halls, i usually see a flash of (first edition books, walking in the rain, candy-scented lip gloss, getting lost in a museum, millions of twinkling city lights). when it’s the (sagittarius)’s birthday on 12/13/1999, they always request their CHERRY PIE from the school’s chefs. looks like they’re well on their way to graduation. 
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she can’t do shit with knives yet but it’s a great gif, don’t @ me) but DO like this if you want me to hit you up for plots
tw: implied neglect, brief mentions of mental illness and addiction
ok! so giorgia was born and raised in new york city. both of her parents came from extremely wealthy families. her mother was a french socialite and her father was the golden boy of a hearst-like (founders/owners of a distinguished publishing conglomerate) family from connecticut. some of his family members claimed to be descendants of one of oscar wilde’s cousins (a rumor that has yet to be confirmed) and he believed he had it in him to become a literary great himself. he seemingly succeeded, having published multiple best sellers popular with young pseudo-intellectuals. 
giorgia was never sure if her mother had wanted a daughter or a life-size doll. from a very young age she was primed to fit into high society and paraded around her parent’s lavish parties. most of her time was spent with nannies and violin tutors, studying her father’s poetic heroes, and dancing ballet. she was taught how to socialize with society’s elite, but she never felt comfortable doing so. she felt safer hiding behind her mother or sitting beneath the stairs with her nose in a book.
while her mother wanted her child to be pretty and proper, her father wanted someone to continue his family’s legacy. she learned to read when she was four, and by the time she was five, gio was forced to write in a diary every. single. day. (over the last fifteen years she’s filled up dozens of notebooks that live on a bookshelf in her childhood bedroom). she didn’t particularly like her father and she didn’t want to want what he wanted for her. (did that sentence make sense? i hope so). but she did like to write and she was damn good at it. her poetry was published in online journals and lit mags, her short stories won young artist awards. on the outside, she was everything her parents wanted.
but like i said before, gio struggled with the social part or being a socialite, and the life of an heiress was never something she wanted. she didn’t seem to have the right attitude - she was demure and diffident, a textbook wallflower. she was never happier than when she was reading a book or roaming a museum, always curious about the world around her. she never misbehaved or did anything wrong, but her parents wanted her to behave differently. 
their tribeca penthouse always had a certain cold air to it and the high ceilings only seemed to add to the lonely feeling that gio couldn’t escape. her relationship with her parents seemed to become more strained with each passing day. the more she learned about them the more gio realized she didn’t know them at all - the spa retreats her mother went on were really trips to psychiatric facilities and rehabs, and the endless slew of young women her father employed as assistants were all lazily hidden affairs. they never talked about it, if she tried to she was shut down or ignored entirely.
gio grew up wanting to go to nyu. she didn’t know where the dream came from (her parents wanted her to go to vassar or dartmouth) but she loved her home city and something about nyu had always called to her. she was accepted early admission to the gallatin school where she planned to major in an individualized study of creative and dramatic writing.
she loved her freshman year of college. she was finally out of her parents’ home and into a postage stamp of an apartment with an eccentric girl studying theater. she was around people from all over the world and all walks of life instead of the tiny bubble of rich snobs and private schools. she was around people she actually had things in common with. she was still shy and she still found it extremely difficult to talk to people. the easiest way for her to interact with people was to overcompensate for her shyness and be excessively friendly. when she was actually able to talk, she found she had many things to say, and once she started talking it was hard for her to stop.
her roommate was a big fan of movie marathons (in october they watched all of the scream movies, and then all of the saw movies, and then all of the children of the corn movies. that’s twenty horror movies. gio still has nightmares from them). for a few weeks in the fall she had a spy movie marathon. mission: impossible and jason bourne movies, mostly. something about them piqued gio’s interest, and she started reading spy novels, which quickly turned into her writing one of her own. she wanted the protagonist to be a woman for once, and one who’s main personality trait wasn’t tits. her novel, at dawn beneath the bridge of sighs, followed a cia operative and an italia aisi agent who are forced to work together to find the kidnapped daughter of an american diplomat along with the priceless jewelry she was wearing at the time of her capture. (do i know what the fuck im talking about? no!!) 
gio comes from a family of publishers so it was fairly easy for her to find someone who wanted to publish it, but the nepotism ended there, the success was all her own. it was lauded as an impressive debut novel and critics praised her subversion of genre tropes and inventive action sequences. but it stuck out to a select few for a different reason - the heroine used tactics uncannily similar to those used by actual spies, and she used them well. some people were curious as to how the character would handle other situations in the spy world, or really how the author would plan it.
so yeah she got a letter from gallagher, and she thought it was a joke at first. she eventually figured out it was very real (how? idk!) and her curiosity got the better of her. she decided it would be good for research, and that she could go back to nyu if she wanted to. once she arrived at gallagher, giorgia... did not know what to do. she had never been so out of her element, and she felt like she was terrible at everything. but that wasn’t really true, all the things you could study for were things she was actually learning. she became determined to actually do well, and as her first year comes to an end, gio still feels extremely unsure of herself, and unsure of where she wants to focus her studies, but she’s starting to feel like gallagher is the right place for her to be.
personality: she’s very sweet, very earnest, sometimes has a tendency to retreat into herself and get quiet, but she still combats her shyness with an outgoing attitude she learned from her mother that takes her far out of her comfort zone. basically as outgoing as an introvert can be. she tries to see the best in everyone and every situation. emphasis on tries, because she’s a total worrier and is often pulled between the desire to find a silver lining and the fear that something horrible will happen. she will give people more chances than they deserve and let them walk all over her. her self esteem can be pretty low, but one thing she is confident about is her writing (although she won’t tell you because she doesn’t want to seem boastful). art and literature in all forms are her favorite things and she could talk about it forever. she’s the kind of person who tries to learn everyone’s names and once she knows it she’ll say hi to you every time she sees you.
other stuff: she’s fluent in french and english and grew up speaking them equally. (she also knows some spanish, italian, german, and russian from her nannies, but she’s not fluent). she has a deep love for photography, usually bringing a camera with her at all times. she can play classic violin and piano, but hasn’t in a while and is probably rusty, she continued to dance until she came to gallagher and no longer had time to practice. she has a cat named pierre (named after pierre-auguste renoir). she's a vegetarian. she’s basically addicted to fruit. she listens to a lot of sad pop music. her favorite colors are blush pink and forest green. she watches a lot jean-luc godard and wes anderson movies. she’s kind of a sad girl/art ho. she gets crushes on people easily and all the time. she is very impressionable, and seems to experience heartbreak often. she just wants someone to lover her for her, you know? 
wanted connections: (im super fucking tired so im just gonna write some really basic shit but hopefully i’ll edit it tomorrow).
a best friend: it’s not easy for her to make friends but i want gio to have one person she can truly be herself around. a platonic soulmate, if you will.
friends: really just anyone who is understanding of how she’s not always comfortable talking but will also listen if she starts ranting about queer representation in 20th century poetry and plays, ya feel?
big brother/big sister: because she hated being an only child and she really needs someone looking out for her
bad influence: its not hard to be a bad influence on her but someones gotta do it!
good influence: someone who lets her baby ways rub off on them
idk what to call this but a sort of mutual respect with someone she’s had a class with?
idk what to call this either but someone she really clashes with, they just don’t understand each other
people she knew in nyc: she was there for the first 19 years of her life so if your character was there in early 2019 or any time before that, they could’ve run into each other
someone from a similar background who she can just be like... felt with?
hookups/flings: she loves love but love does not love her
an ex: could be good or bad terms idk 
crushes, mutual or unrequited
give me literally anything, the more angst the better!!
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Places to Visit in Mussoorie at Night
Day or night, Mussoorie of Uttrakhand is a destination that can be explored at any time of the day or you can say, whenever you want. Here is the list of Places to Visit in Mussoorie at night compiled for your memorable trip.
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Places to Visit in Mussoorie at Night
●       Landour Bazaar -
This is the primary place places to visit in Mussoorie at night for shopping. The shops in this area offer ethnic jewelry, as well as antiques. The shops in the Landour market offer Raj memorabilia, silver jewelry, and books. There is a chance to purchase exquisite handmade walking sticks, among other items from the stores after having finished with their sightseeing and visits to locations in Mussoorie. If you are looking to purchase the best sleeping bag, windcheaters Shawls, and sweaters at affordable prices, your search ends here.
●       Disco Skating Rink -
If you're skilled in balancing, try skating here. Take your feet to the wheel and give your body a whirl and you'll get the adrenaline rush, giving you a relaxing high. There are a variety of skate rinks that are located in Mussoorie. The Jaypee Resort, the Rink in Kulri Bazaar and Disco Skating Rink behind Tourist Office are the most well-known ones. It is among the most popular places to visit in Mussoorie at night.
●       Mussoorie Mall Road -
The mall road is located in central Mussoorie. The mall street is a colonial remnant that has been adorned by lamps, benches, and contemporary shops. In addition, there are arcades and skating arenas to take advantage of. Although the market is full of people, you will also be able to spot the author Ruskin Bond browsing books in the Cambridge Bookstore. There are a lot of hotels that are budget-friendly in Mussoorie close to Mall Road from which all places of interest are easily accessible, and are where you can spend the day of your trip and consider this as the places to visit in Mussoorie in night if you are not staying close to this region.
●       Library Bazaar -
A visit to Mussoorie is not complete If you've not explored that popular Library Bazaar. Also called Kitaab Ghar, it was established in 1843 and is one of the top spots to go in Mussoorie. The library is situated in Mall Road which gives access to trendy restaurants and cafes which you can visit for delicious food. The market and the library is a place that has a colonial look, which you will also see when you travel. The attraction is famous for its close proximity to the famous historic Victorian-style library and it qualifies as the Places to Visit in Mussoorie at night.
●       Kulri Bazaar -
If you are looking to purchase Himachali handicrafts, then go to the less-known Kulri Bazaar in Mussoorie. Because the market isn't packed with the tourist crowd, it provides an ideal opportunity to shop your favorites. In addition to handicrafts, you are also able to purchase apparel and footwear in an array of styles. You can also look for artifacts, jewelry and art lovers, Tibetan statues, and rug. You'll be happy to invest some cash in the people who live here for their incredible work. Therefore, ensure that you include this spot on your top list of places to visit in Mussoorie at night.
●       Sister's Bazaar -
A very well-known tourist spot located in Mussoorie is Sister's Bazaar which is an ideal spot for those who love shopping and places to visit in Mussoorie at night. It is a well-known and traditional market that offers both modern and traditional items. In addition, it also offers some of the more basic foods which are sold by locals such as cotton candy crushed omelets, crushes as well as tea momos, sweet corn, and many more. You can purchase souvenirs for your loved ones as well as for yourself.
Here are some tips to remember when traveling to Mussoorie:
Wear a few woolen clothes to protect yourself from abrupt weather changes.
Don't park on the mall road because it is a parking zone.
Dehradun which is located 36 kilometers away is the closest city.
Explore the roadside food options that include Chinese and Tibetan dishes.
Be prepared to do lots of shopping and carry plenty of cash.
Make sure to travel in the off-season to have a more enjoyable experience.
0 notes
forktruck65-blog · 5 years
Visiting the Jersey Shore? Here’s what you should do
White-sand beaches and glittering bays are what draw people to the Jersey Shore, but there’s so much else on offer along this 127-mile stretch of scenic coastline. Each shore city has its own unique vibe, and the sites called out below tend to exemplify the towns themselves, from the pop-culture heritage of Asbury Park to the preservation-forward Cape May.
It’s easy to fall into a routine once you’re set on a shore town, so let this guide be a roadmap for exploring an unfamiliar locale for a day or two.
Sandy Hook
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Getty Images/iStockphoto
Gateway National Recreation Area at Sandy Hook
The northernmost point of the Jersey Shore is also a federally protected wildlife area, where birding, boating, and beaching are at their finest. The Gateway National Recreation Area’s Sandy Hook division is a 45-minute ferry ride from midtown Manhattan, but feels like it’s an eternity away with its seven miles of paths for biking, running, and walking, plus its stretches of white sand and surf. Gateway is also a prime place to pitch a tent—on the approved campground, of course—for a night under the stars.
Asbury Park
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The Stone Pony
Called the “beating heart of Asbury Park” by the New York Times, the Stone Pony has been a pilgrimage site at the Jersey Shore for music lovers since the mid-1970s. It wasn’t uncommon to see a young Bruce Springsteen play alongside the small venue’s booked acts; in fact, the Boss is still known to make a casual appearance on stage or in the crowd. The venue, like Asbury Park itself, weathered a downturn in the last few decades, but is back with a vengeance, touting a killer summer line-up both inside the venue and on its outdoor summer stage.
Silverball Museum
Shade seekers on the Asbury Park Boardwalk will find a unique pitstop in the Silverball Museum, the museum-arcade-bar hybrid that pays homage to pinball machines from the 1960s to the present. The nostalgia-heavy destination is a walk through pop-culture history, and features a rotating collection of 600-plus machines including the 1967 Beat Time—from the height of Beatlemania—an original 1972 Atari Pong game, and the 1993 Twilight Zone game. Retro lovers, rejoice.
Ocean Grove
The Great Auditorium
The Great Auditorium, which dates to 1894, remains the cultural center of Ocean Grove, the shore town established as a spiritual getaway in the mid-1800s. Its acoustics have been compared to those of New York’s Carnegie Hall, and the auditorium has hosted memorable musicians like John Philip Sousa and preachers like Billy Sunday. The auditorium still hosts Sunday services and the spare musical act, but is worth checking out for its architecture alone. The building, a hybrid of Stick and Queen Anne styles, was constructed in just 92 working days with a stone foundation, iron bridge trusses, and a wood frame.
Ocean Township
Kane Brewing Company
A short drive inland from the beach at Allenhurst, Kane Brewing Company is an ideal place to find cover on a rainy weekend. The eight-year-old brewery has amassed a die-hard following, meaning its tasting room is lively in any weather. Brews here often take a nautical name, like Head High—the company’s signature IPA—Party Wave, or Outer Reef, but there’s nothing salty about them. Beware the brewery on release days, when lines are known to wrap around the building.
Point Pleasant
Castaway Cove Adventure Golf
Like beaches themselves, mini golf is ubiquitous at the Jersey Shore. Let Castaway Cove Adventure Golf on Point Pleasant’s Jenkinson’s Boardwalk be a jumping-off point for exploring the shore’s culture of weird and wacky putt-putt establishments.
Ocean County
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Island Beach State Park
The protected seaside of Island Beach State Park offers a genuine chance to get away from it all. Absent here are the raucous crowds of neighboring Seaside Heights—yes, the town from Jersey Shore—and the commercialism that comes with a boardwalk lining a beach. This habitat protects 10 miles of shoreline where unspoiled sand dunes, tidal marshes, and maritime forests exist in their full splendor.
Barnegat Light
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Barnegat Lighthouse State Park
This 32-acre state park is ripe for exploring, but don’t miss its namesake lighthouse. (It’s such a big deal to the area that the town renamed itself Barnegat Light in 1948.) The tower was commissioned in 1859, but deactivated as a Coast Guard lookout in 1944. It’s the second-tallest lighthouse in the country at 172 feet, and with that stature comes open views of Long Beach Island, the Atlantic Ocean, and Barnegat Bay. But be warned: Reaching the top of the lighthouse’s 217 winding stairs requires a bit of endurance.
Ship Bottom
Ron Jon Surf Shop
This surf-shop brand with a cult following started out as a meager shack at the beach in 1959. Those original oceanside digs have been upgraded to an 8,000-square-foot shrine to all things surf and sun. Don’t forget to grab a bumper sticker with the brand’s logo on it—you’ll be in good company on the Garden State Parkway.
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Edwin B. Forsythe National Wildlife Refuge
This refuge encompasses 47,000 acres of protected coastal habitat, and it’s a prime spot to see fish and other wildlife year-round. In the winter, bald eagles and black ducks roam the area; summer welcomes turtles and great blue herons. Birders, take note: The habitat is located under one of the Atlantic Flyway’s most active migration paths, so bring your binoculars.
Atlantic City
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Steel Pier at Atlantic City.
Steel Pier
Jutting 1,000 feet over the Atlantic Ocean, this 1898-built entertainment pier was home to the first Miss America pageants, and once hosted big-name acts like Frank Sinatra and the Rolling Stones. Today, its main attraction is a new 227-foot Ferris wheel, a symbol along the country’s oldest boardwalk that this seaside city of vice will always strive to reinvent itself to stay afloat.
James Candy Co.
When the James Candy Co. opened on the Atlantic City boardwalk some 140 years ago, a ride on the span’s newly introduced rolling chairs was all the rage. Now it’s easy to stroll past this attraction, which is sandwiched between a storefront for a psychic and tacky pseudo-museum Ripley’s Believe It or Not.
But stepping over its threshold will illuminate a world of nostalgia for what Atlantic City has, by and large, left behind. Here, at the longest continually operating business in the city, find classic sweets like saltwater taffy and creamy mint sticks packaged in throwback boxes. Though times have changed, their tastes remain the same.
The Quarter
Atlantic City’s reputation as bachelor and bachelorette party hotspot is earned at the Quarter, the Tropicana Hotel & Casino’s Old Havana-themed wing, which opened in 2004. Frozen drink emporium Wet Willie’s and nightclub Anthem are at the center of the action, while Planet Rose Karaoke Bar and ’70s-themed dance club Boogie Nights serve up some good old-fashioned entertainment.
Margate City
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Lucy the Elephant, in Margate City, New Jersey.
Lucy the Elephant
“No legend of the colorful Southern Jersey seashore history matches the sight of a 65-foot-high wooden Elephant astride the beach looking out into the mists of the sea, a spectacle that, according to historians, made many coastwise seamen of the tramp ships from the West Indies swear off their rum rations for days,” begins Lucy the Elephant’s fantastical official history.
And what a history it’s been: This 138-year-old feat of zoomorphic architecture has served as a tavern and as a residence to a British doctor and his family. Somewhere in the mix, it was also used as a lighthouse that signaled to rum runners during Prohibition if it was safe to come into town. Today, Lucy houses a museum dedicated to her history. Don’t miss the guided tour—the only way into the belly of the beast—that starts with a spiral staircase nested in one of her hind legs and culminates with the glorious ocean view from her crowning howdah.
Ocean City
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The boardwalk at Ocean City, New Jersey.
Ocean City Boardwalk
Ocean City’s beloved 2.5-mile boardwalk is lined with novelty food joints, campy mini-golf courses with themes like Medieval Fantasy and Pirate Island, and two amusement parks—Gillian’s Wonderland Pier and Playland’s Castaway Cove—that light up the sky with flashing colored bulbs on sticky summer nights. Don’t miss a stop at Johnson’s Popcorn, a boardwalk staple since 1940 that serves up hand-tossed kettle corn coated in a thin, crispy layer of caramel.
The Doo Wop Preservation League Museum
The Wildwoods’ whimsical trove of Doo Wop architecture (also called Googie or populuxe in other corners of the country) gets a worthy preface at this small museum, where classic neon signs and period furniture are on display. But nowhere is the memorable 1950s style better experienced than on the street, where it’s easy to take a self-guided tour past motels with names like the Aztec, Lollipop, and American Safari. Doo Wop is wonderful, it’s weird, and it’s under threat, so don’t delay.
Naval Air Station Wildwood Aviation Museum
This little-known museum puts World War II-era aircrafts and engines within reach in a restored historic hangar at the shore. The hangar was used as an active dive-bomber squadron training facility during World War II and today is on the National Register of Historic Places for its role during the conflict. Parents and history buffs, take note: This is a prime rainy-day activity.
Middle Township
Cape May County Park & Zoo
The Victorian-era homes, antique stores, and golf courses that pad Route 9 in Cape May County hide one of the area’s most unique attractions. The Cape May Zoo is home to lions, bison, giraffes, zebras, foxes, snakes, and more, living in special habitats spread across 85 acres. The zoo is one of the finest in the world, at least according to TripAdvisor: It ranked as the 13th best-reviewed zoo in the world in 2015, falling behind much better-known destinations like those in San Diego and Beijing.
And the zoo isn’t just for kids. The grounds also feature a zipline and an aerial adventure area that helps raise money for zoo maintenance. Admission to the zoo is free, but donations are accepted (and encouraged.)
Cape May
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Historic Cold Spring Village
Sitting on 22 wooded acres, Cold Spring Village bills itself as an “open air living history museum that invites all visitors to find meaning, pleasure, relevance, and inspiration in the exploration of southern New Jersey’s past.” A late-1800s octagonal building on site houses historic miniatures, the Village Bakery sells period confectionaries, and hand-crafted artisan wares are sold out of a building that’s older than the United States.
While the 18th and 19th centuries appear alive and well within the town’s confines, it’s worth noting that Cold Spring Village isn’t actually a historic town but one reconstructed of period buildings from the area. But don’t let that deter you; this fascinating site is worth a visit.
Cape May Whale Watch and Research Center
One of the first eco-tourism outfits in South Jersey invites visitors to set sail onto the Atlantic Ocean and Delaware Bay in search of whales, dolphins, and marine birds. Bottlenose dolphins, loggerhead sea turtles, and humpback whales are all known to appear in the waters around the state’s southernmost point. The tours focus not only on sight-seeing, but also on conservation and cataloguing of marine life migration patterns. The company can’t guarantee a marine mammal sighting, but does offer another trip to participants in that case.
Beach Plum Farm
The 62-acre Beach Plum Farm welcomes daytime visitors to walk its grounds and grab a bite at its farm-to-table stand. The farm is home to ethically raised chickens and Berkshire hogs, and turns out flowers and vegetables throughout the season, a bounty that can be picked up at the stand on site. (The small farm has been known to churn out over 1,000 watermelons in a season.) Don’t miss one of Beach Plum’s BYOB, family-style dinners, which rival some of the best restaurants in Cape May.
Source: https://philly.curbed.com/2019/6/13/18647598/jersey-shore-things-to-do
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trendyfoodspots · 5 years
8 Trendy Food Destinations To Explore Around the World
Traveling the world and experiencing new destinations and cultures is incredible no matter what, but let’s be real, it’s even better when the country you’re visiting has amazing food. At this point, food is such an important part of travel that we often find ourselves prioritizing our trips according to the strength of the local culinary scene. And when it comes to that, these hopping cities have food at the forefront.
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On the off chance that you are sufficiently fortunate to visit Tokyo, the feasting and sustenance culture will not frustrate. The Tsukiji fish showcase is an unquestionable requirement see for any sushi-sweetheart, where you can attempt a wide range of sushi—all madly crisp—at one of the cafés inside. All through Tokyo, however, the sushi is inconceivable, if costly. The Japanese are about comfort and streamlining, selling onigiri (triangular kelp wrapped rice balls loaded down with fillings going from fish to salted plums) at accommodation stores and ramen from candy machines. Gyoza dumplings are served all through, as are pierced, flame broiled meats and vegetables known as kushiyaki.
Generally a huge Asian seaport, Singapore's numerous ethnic networks have made it a truly famous culinary goal, and sustenance is a critical segment of the Singaporean social character. Seller sustenance is a focal piece of the cooking, with merchants getting ready Chinese, Malay, and Indian foods and dishes that consolidate every one of the three. Run of the mill Singaporean dishes incorporate Haianese curry rice, cut fish soup, bean stew crab, roti prata (exquisite flatbread), and Katong Laksa, a rich zesty fish soup. Singapore takes into account numerous Eastern and Western first class, and furthermore has an abundance of upscale eateries serving tasting menus, and chic sushi spots.
Thailand's capital, Bangkok, satisfies its foodie culture, with awesome eats to be found on actually every road corner. Road merchants and stands offer probably the best nourishment in the city, from next-level mango sticky rice to pan-seared and broiled pork dishes, cushion thai (envisioned) and different noodles. Because of its vicinity to the water, the fish is amazingly new, and frequently served in fragrant, excessively delightful curries. Nourishment visits are a brilliant method for seeing the culinary attractions, and cooking classes are likewise exceptionally mainstream.
Notwithstanding being Texas' focal point of cool, hip, unusual quality, Austin is a dynamite culinary goal known for its Mexican-arched dishes and high end food scene. From customary Texan migas, a morning meal dish made with fried eggs, sautéed onions, and fricasseed tortillas, to egg-stuffed breakfast tacos, Austin has an abundance of Mexican motivated breakfast alternatives all through the city. There's an amazing sushi scene in Austin too, close by numerous upscale Mexican choices, and some ridiculously great BBQ.
As of late, Canada's second-biggest city has turned into a go-to sustenance goal, with individuals making a trip from all over to encounter the food, regardless of whether ethnic, traditionally Quebecois, or French. Because of its huge outsider populace, guests will be ruined for global culinary treats—Portuguese claims to fame like sardines and piri-piri sauce overwhelm the Little Lisbon zone, however adjacent you can discover astonishing Syrian mezze and kebabs. Conventional Quebecois dishes like poutine (fries bested with sauce and cheddar curds) can't be missed, nor can the gathering of maple-seasoned treats like "tire sur la neige" (crisp maple taffy).
This staggering port city on Colombia's Caribbean coast is known for its fabulous islands and flawless "ciudad vieja" or Old City. The provincial cooking is a blend of great Colombian sustenances, Coastal claims to fame, and Middle Eastern dishes, on account of the entry of Arab settlers amid the Ottoman period. Eating in Cartagena, you'll be encompassed by Colombian arepas (fresh corn cake, as observed above) and egg empanadas close by ultra-crisp tiraditos (a crude fish dish like ceviche), fricasseed fish, and loads of coconut rice. Center Eastern dishes including kofta and kibbee are across the board too, especially the Lebanese assortments.
New Orleans
New Orleans food mirrors its blend personality, from multi-layered muffaletta sandwiches loaded down with salami, cheddar, and marinated olive serving of mixed greens to southern style baked goods called "beignets," and parts and heaps of crayfish and BBQ shrimp. Po'Boy sandwiches created to nourish streetcar laborers are an absolute necessity attempt, as are enormous delicious bay shellfish, and Jambalaya, a hot rice-meat stew. Gumbo, a stew of meat as well as shellfish, has been a piece of Louisiana's culinary custom since the eighteenth century, and can't be missed on any NOLA trip. Wash everything down with a solid Sazerac (rye bourbon, pernod or Absinthe, a sugar block, and two kinds of sharp flavoring), the official mixed drink of New Orleans.
So if you are a food lover these are some of the exciting destinations in the world worth visiting for craving your hunger. If you would like to know about the amazing places to visit in 2019 check out this awesome blog article.
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hello again! Hope your day’s going well! I’ve finally pulled together some questions. What time zone are you in (so that I know when is the best time to send asks)? What’s your favorite thing about the autumn time? Favorite candy or seasonal snack? Favorite colors? Top 5 fave Queen songs? Favorite Halloween costume you’ve ever had? Pro or Anti Candy Corn? -🥁
Hi again, drum anon! (If you don’t like me calling you that, I can stop)
I am in the Eastern Time zone (the same time zone as Toronto and NYC). My favourite thing about the autumn is the colourful leaves.
Favourite candy…I like just about anything chocolate. If by seasonal snack you mean candy that people often eat around Halloween, then maybe Mars bars. I know you can eat them other times of the year, but I always think of the mini Halloween-sized ones first when I think about Mars bars.
My favourite colours are purple and green. Not always together.
Top 5 Queen songs: ‘39, Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy, Somebody to Love, Dreamers Ball, Killer Queen.
My favourite Halloween costume… either the bat costume my mom made me when I was little (she studied real bats wings to sew on the sleeves) or an orca whale costume she made for me by modifying the pattern for a shark costume. It was really cool, but one lady thought I was dressed as a nun at first.
I’ve only had candy corn once and it was a long time ago, so I don’t remember it very well. But I don’t think I hated it, so I guess Pro Candy Corn? But it’s not like it’s a favourite of mine. Maybe I’m Candy Corn Neutral?
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