#this is a continuation of that one post i made where i said every singly ptv song reminds me of sns
princesslocust · 5 months
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this is kinda old but i feel bad i havent rllt posted on here that much
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shyficwriter · 3 years
Temporary Home: Chapter 16
Guardians of the Galaxy fanfic | Reader x Guardians (With Yondu and Kraglin!)
Summary: Peter takes the ride into town as an opportunity to be extra annoying, but you also finally find out just how he got into space. The prank war continues. Will you finally declare Peter "The Prank Master," or has he finally met his match?
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Author’s Note: This is a long one! Also, for my records this chapter ends on day 29 of the Guardians living with reader. Enjoy!
Word Count: 7,661
Peter's face was still red by the time you finished pulling your boots on. He had just come out of the bathroom and stood near you as you got up from the bench. He had a strange look about his face and when you went to ask, "What?" he grabbed your wrist with a wet hand and said, "Don't ya hate when you pee on your hands?"
This, of course, was revenge for you embarrassing him just a few minutes prior.
Your expression turned murderous and you ripped your arm away. Was he serious? How dare he! What the hell was wrong with him!? Just as you were angrily saying, "I'm going to fucking kill you!" and absolutely looking like you'd actually follow through, Peter held up his hands and said through laughter, "It's a joke! It's just a joke! It's just water! I promise!"
You backed down slightly, anger still burning in your eyes. "You know I don't have to take you, right? Fury said I could take anyone who passes for human." Just then Kraglin walked by and you gestured to him. "I could just take him instead if you want to start out being a little shit."
Kraglin grinned at the two of you and, clearly seeing that Peter had managed to push your buttons already, said, "Nah. I can catch the next one," and continued on his way up the stairs.
You huffed in his direction before turning to Peter in frustration. "Just get in the car. And don't piss me off."
Peter gave a little mock-salute and followed you out.
You could have killed him on the ride into town. The annoyance was constant.
He started by turning up the radio and singly badly along with the songs, made worse due to the fact that most of which he didn't know the words to. Eventually you couldn't take it anymore and you shut the radio off.
He tried to turn it back on a bit later and you smacked his hand away, only able to do so now that your braced arm wasn't in a sling and you could now grip the wheel with both hands.
He then started asking, "Are we there yet?" about every minute. He knew you weren't close.
This was coupled with the classic, "I'm not touching you!" game. You almost didn't notice for the first five minutes, intent on ignoring him and keeping your eyes on the road. When you finally did notice and tell him to knock it off, well, you know what he responded with.
You were fuming when you finally pulled into the post office. You threw the car into park and angrily ordered him to sit quietly and promptly left him.
He was actually starting to wonder if maybe he should cool it for a bit. You did look pretty mad... probably still weren't over the whole fake pee on hands prank. Maybe he shouldn't go through with what he was considering next?
When you finished your business in the mail office and returned to the car you were actually surprised to find that he had behaved. You don't know what you had actually expected him to do- maybe get out and crouch beside the car to make you think he'd run off?- but no. He was still sitting right where you left him.
You get back behind the wheel and toss your mail on the dash, prepared to head to the grocery shop. Peter doesn't say anything.
The short ride over you were a little leery of just how quiet he was being. He was too quiet. When you pulled in park at the grocery lot you turned to give him a suspicious look.
"What?" he asked innocently, returning your gaze.
"You. What are you up to?"
"What ever do you mean?" He wore a face of innocence, but you knew better.
"The whole ride into town you didn't let up with all your annoying shit, now on the ride from the post office to here you act like a perfect angel. I don't trust it."
"Thought you could use a break is all, you seemed really cranky." A grin was starting to crack Peter's innocent façade. "You know... I think I know what might cheer you up..."
Your eyes narrowed. "Peter-" Whatever he intended, judging by his tone you knew it couldn't be good.
Before you could say more his hand darted out to connect with that spot above your knee, which of course made you spasm in your seat and cackle loudly. Whatever you had been expecting, for some reason you foolishly didn't consider that. You really should have though, considering how often you would now get teased with little pokes and squeezes. Unfortunately for you, a good portion of your guests were apparently an affectionate bunch... Or maybe they just liked to annoy you. You weren't sure which.
You smacked and pushed at his hand but he didn't let up. "Peter! Peter stop that this instant!" you scolded through your laughter.
"Come on, cheer up sour-puss!" he teased in a high voice, still squeezing rapidly into the muscle. "Being stuck with me isn't that bad."
"You little shit!" you cried, smacking at him again, your eyes closed tightly as you laughed and kicked to the best of your ability, trying your best not to accidentally lash out and hit the horn. You were effectively trapped by having a car as your surroundings. So unfair. "Stop it! Cut it out!"
Peter finally stopped and grinned at you as you caught your breath, chuckling when you punched him in the shoulder.
"You're such a brat!" you said, residual giggles still slipping out. However, you didn't seem quite as angry as you had been, so Peter counted it as a win. Maybe now you wouldn't be quite as cranky with him when you discovered the prank he had pulled on you. Honestly he was surprised you hadn't noticed before you sat down...
After a moment you spoke again. "Come on, let's get this over- aw shit."
"What?" Peter asked, confused by your sudden change of tone.
"You didn't bring those sunglasses with you this time, did you?"
"Oh..." Peter's eyes widened in realization. Not wanting to have to wait out in the car he thought to reason. "I think it'll be ok. I mean, It's been what- like 26 years since I went missing? And I wasn't even from this area of Earth so I really doubt anyone would recognize me-"
Your eyes widen as big as saucers. "Excuse me?"
"Went missing??" Had you seriously heard him right? Did Fury know?Who were you kidding? Of course Fury knew. Fury knew everything.
"Oh... so you didn't know about that... Ha- well it's fine! Honest! I was just trying to let you know it'll be fine if I don't wear some lame disguise like sunglasses-"
"That's not why I had insisted on the sunglasses! It was for any possible undercover aliens looking for you! I didn't know you'd be on the missing persons bulletin!"
Peter could see you were stressed. That wasn't good in his opinion. You'd be no fun to pick on if you were worried, so he tried to smooth it over. After all, it really was fine. "Look, everything's fine. Ok? I was on that list for missing people, Fury told me that shortly after we arrived, but we talked about it and he made sure I was wiped from it just in case."
You relaxed a little, sitting back in your seat. You turn to look at him again. "Twenty-six years... that means you were, what? Ten?"
"Eight," he corrected.
"That's not better." you reply, and then a realization hit you. "Wait- is that how you got into space? Were you literally abducted by aliens?" Yes, you might have been aware of aliens due to your employment by SHIELD, but from the little you had seen of and about them you had come to assume that the whole "alien abduction" thing was a myth crazy people talked about. They just barely came here, let alone had use for random Earth people.
"Like I said, it's a long story." Peter answered, "We should probably get going." he cracked his door open and gestured with his head towards the store.
Remembering yourself, you give a half nod and exit your vehicle so you could complete the shop visit.
As the two of you walked towards the shop you speak up. "Is it alright if I ask what happened? You don't have to answer if it's a bad memory or anything. I'm just curious about... you know..."
"Like, you must have had a family? Now that you're here, why haven't you tried to find them?"
Peter looked like he was searching for the right words. "It's kinda complicated."
"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have-"
"No, it's fine." he said as the two of you entered the shop.
You grabbed a trolley and looked at him to see if he would continue, but hoping that he wouldn't feel you were pressuring him.
After a moment he did continue. "My mom died right before it happened. Literally minutes before." Seeing the look on your face and realizing what you might be assuming he clarified. "It was cancer. She'd been sick a long time."
"I'm so sorry." You say, leading him towards the haircare section of the store to start knocking things off your list.
He shook his head, trying to vanish the memory of her lying in that hospital bed. "Yeah... me too." He sighed and went on to say how when it happened he was upset, and angry. She was gone just like that and he didn't know what to do. So he just ran. He ran outside the hospital and then just collapsed on the lawn. Next thing he knew there was the bright light of a spaceship right above him, and it took him.
"It just randomly came by took you? For no reason?" You ask, approaching the hair wash section and deciding on a conditioner that you thought Gamora might like the scent of. You turned to Peter for his opinion and he pointed out a lavender scented one before answering about the motives of his abductors.
"No, they had a reason" he said, "Turned out my father was this celestial being and sent them to fetch me. But of course I didn't know that at the time. Like I said, mom had cancer. In her brain. So when she said my dad was this 'angel' composed of 'pure light', of course no one believed her. They just thought it was the tumor."
"Oh. Wow." You didn't know what to say to that as the two of you were now walking over to the moisturizers. Eventually you settled on, "So you've been with your dad then?" Just as you finished that sentence something clicked in your brain, but you thought for sure it couldn't be right, could it? "Wait, do you mean Yondu? He's your father?"
Peter laughed. "Are you serious? Drax thought the same thing. "
You frowned slightly, picking out a decent smelling lotion and dropping it into the basket. "Well, I have heard him refer to you as "my boy" at least a couple times, and you just said your dad was alien. I think you could see why I might now make that connection there."
Peter smiled softly, seeming lost in thought. "Yeah, yeah I guess. But not exactly. You see, Yondu was the guy my father hired to fetch me. He was supposed to take me to him, but he didn't. He kept me."
You gave Peter a confused look as you led the way towards the razors. You knew from Peter's last story that Yondu had been the captain of a faction of space-pirates called Ravagers before joining the Guardians, but this bit was news to you. Apparently Peter was with the Ravagers before the Guardians of the Galaxy, but why had Yondu kept him? Why not just give him to his father?
Peter continues. "I know what you're thinking, but like I said, it's complicated. He kept me to protect me. 'Course, for the longest time he never told me that. Always said he kept me 'cause I was skinny and good for thieving."
"Protect you from... your father?" You asked. How bad must his father have been for a space pirate captain to decide the kid was better off joining the crew? You raised an eyebrow at him as you grabbed some decent disposable razors off the shelf. Upon second thought, you grabbed some refill-heads as well.
"Yeah. Remember how I told you about that time we saved the galaxy from Ronan, and I was able to touch the Infinity stone without immediately dying?"
"Yeah?" You now led the way towards the DIY section. You knew it was unlikely, but hopped that maybe the shop carried some filler so you might finally repair that chip in the wall above the back door from where Yondu killed that spider for you. You would have already fixed it by now, but the tub of filler you did have was long dried up. Kraglin asked about it the other day, stating he didn't remember that being there when they arrived, and you passed it off as the house being old, unwilling to admit what had actually happened.
"Well, word spread about that pretty fast because I shouldn't have been able to do that." Peter continued, following beside you. "My father caught word of a man who was able to hold an infinity stone and live, and knew it had to be me, so he tracked me down."
"And that was... bad?" You asked, turning into your desired aisle.
"Not at first. At first it was cool. He took us back to his planet- that's where we met Mantis- and this next part is really gonna blow your mind, the whole planet was him."
"What? How does that even work?"
"Honestly, I don't even fully get it, but like I said, he was a celestial. He just was the planet. The guy who we met was just like this... avatar version he made of himself to travel and stuff. He had like these magic powers, and he taught me how to use them... kinda."
"Wait, so you have special powers?" you ask, "I had no idea." You were so surprised by these revelations that you almost missed the small tubs of repair filler the shop did carry, but recovered and placed one in the basket.
Peter rubbed the back of his head. "Well, not exactly. Not anymore. You see, they came from his celestial genes- it's the only reason I was able to hold onto that infinity stone and live- but anyway, I don't have them anymore. I um, I kinda had to... kill him. And when he died so did the light, so I'm just a regular Terran now."
"What?!" you gave him a very confused look. "Did you just say you killed your own dad?" You tried to keep your voice low. You had been lucky to avoid too many other shoppers during this conversation, but just then a couple of boys walked by. You eyed them, but they were lost in their own conversation and didn't seem to have heard or cared about what you had said. You continued towards the cleaning supplies, remembering you were dangerously low on various cleaners for the bathrooms.
"Again, complicated," Peter replied. "He turned out to be not such a good dude. Long story short, He had this plan to expand and make the entire universe him, like he would literally be the only thing left, but he needed another celestial to help him- that's where I came in. Apparently he had a butt-load of other kids, but I was the only one that actually inherited the celestial gene. Well, obviously I had doubts about his whole plan. I mean, all my friends would be gone, for one." He chuckled. "But he was... quite convincing. I don't even think I could describe the things he showed me..." He trailed off, and then seemed to remember himself a moment later. "Anyway, eventually he told me he was the one who put the tumor in my mom's head and that finally snapped me out of it."
You were taken aback. "Oh my god. I'm so sorry. That's awful!"
He shrugged. "Nah. Don't be. That guy was a jackass. I mean, who names themself "Ego" anyways?"
"Probably the type of person who wants to literally be the center of the universe," you quipped.
Peter chuckled and nudged you in the shoulder, apparently appreciative of the joke. "Yeah. I suppose it probably was fitting for him..." he stared off for a moment. "Anyway, it's funny that you thought that Yondu was my father, because all that happening made me realize that Yondu had actually kinda been my dad all along."
You give him a quizzical look as the two of you reach the aisle you were looking for, and he just grins knowingly in return. "Complicated?" you say, sure that that would be his answer.
"Yes and no." Peter answered, and then just let the silence linger.
After a bit you asked him. "You said Ego had other children? Do you know what ever happened to them?"
Peter frowned. "He killed them. They didn't have what he needed, so he just killed them. There was a whole cavern on the planet filled with their bones."
You only managed a soft, "Oh." You felt your stomach twist. What kind of bastard would kill their own- You shook that thought away, telling yourself to compose yourself. Not now.
"Yeah. I know. Pretty dark." Peter said, his tone obvious he was trying his best to keep it light. He didn't say anything, but he saw something in you change a little when he revealed Ego just murdered his own kids like it was nothing, and he remembered a previous conversation he had with you about that job you had in Romania and part of him wished he had lied just then. He tried to steer the conversation in a happier direction for both of your sakes. He didn't like to think about it either. "Apparently at some point Yondu had found out what Ego had been doing with all those kids he had him fetch, and that's why he kept me. I think I turned out alright, all things considered." He nudged you and gave you a wide cheeky grin.
You couldn't help but grin as you responded, "I dunno... depends if any of that contributed to how annoying you are." You located the toilet cleaners and plunked a couple bottles in the trolley.
"Hey!" Peter mock-pouted, but he was glad that the mood had been lifted again.
The two of you walked in silence towards the tub cleaners when Peter suddenly says, "Oh hey, you dropped something."
You stop and look around for whatever might have fallen out of the trolley, asking him what you had dropped.
Peter grinned and said, "Your speed."
You roll your eyes at him. You weren't sure if you were more annoyed at the lameness of the joke, or the fact that you fell for it. "Really? You're gonna start that again?"
"Yup." Peter grinned.
You just shook your head and continued down the aisle to grab some disinfectant wipes, but little did he know you had a trick up your sleeve.
The wipes were just before the air fresheners and after you grabbed the wipes and were walking past you picked up a refill at random and said, "Oh hey, you should smell this."
"Nice try, I'm not falling for that." Peter said.
"Falling for what?" you ask innocently.
"I bet it smells like crap, you're just trying to get me back for the other day."
You roll your eyes dramatically. "It says on the package it's 'Blossom and Breeze.' Here," you smell it yourself to prove to him it wasn't nasty. "See? You're so paranoid. They wouldn't sell these if they smelled bad." You offer the item back to him with an unimpressed look.
Seeming mostly convinced he hesitantly takes the item from you and slowly brings it up to sniff it. Then he looks confused. "I don't smell anything?"
You knew he wouldn't, it was encased in plastic, but that wasn't the prank. "Oh, you might need to breathe deeper, they put the scent in the cardboard bit so people can test it before they buy it, it can be a little faint." This was a blatant lie. Sure, this could have made a decent prank on it's own, but it still wasn't the prank you were going for. It was more of a distraction until that group of pretty young women you clocked entering the aisle earlier when grabbing the wipes had made their way close enough, which they would in 3... 2... 1...
You snatched the item away from a now very confused Peter.
"These don't go in your mouth! How many times do I gotta tell you!?" you ask, acting exasperated.
Peter opened his mouth but seemed at a loss for words. Then he noticed the handful of pretty women walking by who were now staring at him and giggling to each other behind their hands as you said, "They're not gonna taste like how they smell, we've been over this!"
His cheeks started to redden and he turned his attention from the departing group of young ladies to you, his expression switching from wide-eyed and embarrassed to unamused, having now understood what you did.
You were giggling now and he narrowed his eyes at you. "Not cool, dude!"
You tossed the item back on the shelf and, still giggling, said, "But it sure was funny."
Peter just grumbled and followed you to the grocery section.
You spotted some brownie mix and asked him if he thought his friends might like to try brownies.
"Probably. And if they don't like them, more for us." He punctuated the sentence by taking the box from your hand and plopping it in the trolley, making you shake your head and giggle at him.
You then grabbed the couple snacks that had been requested as well as a few things you'd enjoy, including some ice-cream since you found the guys had eaten all of it when you returned from your last trip into town.
Just as you were dropping the ice cream in the trolley Peter decided that would be time for his revenge. There were several people about doing their shopping in that particular aisle when he suddenly said out loud, "Hey, is that rash still contagious?"
You looked at him, mortified, and you noticed the people start to quietly but quickly clear out of the aisle. You give him a glare, but just sigh and say, "Well played."
"I thought so." Peter replied, looking proud of himself.
"Still not 'The Master.'"
"We'll see," he chuckled.
You finished up the trip, and headed home. Gratefully, Peter wasn't nearly as annoying on the return trip.
You supposed the whole trip could have gone worse. It really was too bad you didn't get a chance to go alone though. You might have been able to grab some glitter for... nefarious purposes. Though, you supposed you could always order it online. Oh well, at least you managed to pick up some jelly. He wouldn't be suspicious of jelly... until you used it against him, that is.
It wouldn't be until you had been home for a little bit that you would discover what prank Peter had pulled on you in the car. Or rather, Kraglin discovered it.
You were getting a glass of water when Kraglin cleared his throat and awkwardly asked you why there was blue tape on your bottom.
You raised and eyebrow and reached back while Rocket snickered and teased Kraglin, asking him why he had been looking at your ass.
Kraglin began to stutter. "I-I wasn't! It's just- The tape is bright blue! Her pants are black! How was I not supposed to see it!?" He was blushing now and decided to just leave the room. Why did the rat have to be such a dick?
You peeled the strip of blue tape off your butt and looked at it with a half frown before looking up at Peter who was standing with Rocket and grinning. "You have anything to do with this?" you ask accusingly. Who were you kidding? It's not like you just happened to sit on blue tape. Of course he had something to do with it, but how?
Peter grinned wider then pulled the rest of the roll out of one of his pockets. "I put a piece of this sticky side up in your car seat before you got out of the Post Office." He then tossed the roll to you. "Found it in one of those drawers," he said, pointing to the drawers behind you.
"I see you fancy yourself the Artful Dodger," you say in annoyance to his confession that he had knicked the tape with the sole purpose of annoying you. You also realized this meant you had walked around the whole shop with blue tape on your bottom. Well, you supposed there were worse things... like what you were sure to do with that blue dye tonight.
"I have no idea what that means." Peter replied.
You roll your eyes at him, but not altogether surprised he didn't get the reference. "Nevermind." you say, tossing the tape back in the drawer. "Childish..."
Peter just chuckled and left the kitchen.
If you hadn't been set on using that food dye to prank Peter the past few days, you definitely were now.
Sometime after discovering the blue tape, you went upstairs and thought you might put one of your sticky notes to use. You stuck with the classic, 'kick me', sign, and thought it'd be a good idea to sneak up behind and jump-scare him and use that as a diversion to stick it to his back. It worked as expected.
It took him less than half an hour to find it. Or rather, Mantis found it, and asked him why he had a sign telling people to kick him on his back. She plucked the sign from his shirt and he turned to see what she was talking about. Taking the sticky note from her, he frowned in annoyance for becoming victim to one of the oldest tricks in the book, and then shouted your name.
You, of course, didn't answer. Just smiled behind your book in your room, of course not realizing that your prank had technically failed.
In revenge, Peter decided to bring up a video on YouTube he came across the previous day titled, "Broken TV screen 1 hour" and set it to play on full screen. Then he went to fetch you.
You were in the kitchen when Rocket startled you by jumping up to climb up your back without warning. He had managed to climb all the way up to your head when you let out a startled yelp and asked, "What are you doing??" as you jerked from the unexpected sensation of being climbed on.
"Hold still, will ya? Just needed a boost up to reach up to this cabinet, don't get your panties in a bunch," he said with half a chuckle, balancing himself on your head as he opened the cupboard.
"You never needed one before now!" you said, irritated. That was the cupboard you kept the glasses in, and you'd seen him get up there just fine plenty of times without needing a human ladder.
"Eh. You were there," he said, amusement in his voice. It was seemingly clear he had only done this to annoy you.
"Will you hurry up and get down!" you said, trying to keep the giggles out of your voice as his tail was flitting over your ear.
"What, ya got somewhere to be?" he asked sarcastically.
"Yes! Anywhere without a rac- a furry little beast sitting on my head!" you replied through gritted teeth. You were still trying- and mostly failing- to hide your giggles. Yes, maybe you could have told him to cut it out with the tail twitching, but you didn't want to admit that it tickled. Last thing you needed was to reveal a weakness for the raccoon to exploit.
Rocket heard how you almost called him a raccoon, but let it slide because you stopped yourself. Mostly. He'd allow you to live, however, he stayed up there a couple moments more, pretending to take his time deciding on a cup and grinning as he continued flitting his tail over your ear. He knew exactly what he was doing. The little shit.
He finally grabbed a cup and closed the cupboard, teasingly scolding, "Hey, hold still!" when his tail "accidentally" brushed your neck on the way down and you jerked your head to the side from the sensation, and then twitched when he hit a particularly sensitive area of your shoulder blade on his descent. That one actually had been an accident, but he still logged it away for later. Knowing Peter's tickle spots had proved useful as a payback method, he was sure yours would too if needed.
Rocket had just touched down on the floor when Peter sheepishly came in to tell you to come into the sitting room because he needed to show you something. Having a feeling it wasn't going to be good, you sighed and followed him, leaving the raccoon behind.
He was dismayed, however, when your only response to seeing the "broken" TV was to just sigh and say flatly, "Well, I hope you enjoy reading then. Like I told you before, I'm not replacing it."
He blinked. "Wait- you're not mad??" This was not the reaction he expected. He was sure you'd yell at him. You yelled at Rocket when he spilled tomato sauce all over the kitchen, surely you would have had a similar reaction now?
You just stare at him. "While I'm frustrated that you can't respect other people's property enough not to break it, I barely use it anymore since I'm always- well, I was almost always gone for work. Soon as you guys leave it'll be the same. No sense in rewarding bad behavior by getting another for you guys to use when I doubt I'll be using it much once you leave."
Peter rolled his eyes and picked up the controller. "Ugh, you're no fun!" he complained, turning off the video and revealing the TV wasn't actually broken.
"Wait, so that was a prank?" You say in realization.
"Well, yeah!" Peter said in frustration. "It was supposed to be!" Honestly, he was hoping you world have been mad. It would have been funny to reveal the lack after you lost it. But no, of course you would have just hit him with some version of "I'm not mad, just disappointed."
"You know, for someone who keeps claiming to be 'the prank master,' your pranks are kinda lame." You grinned at him. Sure, maybe not all his pranks were lame- the broken screen on might have been a good one had he done it to anyone else, but you'd still say they were to annoy him.
"Oh yeah?" Peter said with a mischievous grin before lunging forward to aim a squeeze-y tickle attack on your sides, making you let out a squeak as you jumped back and smacked him out of reflex.
Giggling, you scold him for being a child and turn to head out of the room, only to bump into Kraglin who just said, "Hi there," before tweaking your ribs.
You laugh and push him away, telling them that they played too much before heading upstairs.
The two men watch you leave and then share a grin. Little did you know, the TV had only been Peter's diversion prank. Not the one that finally made you fully resolve to use the food dye on him.
To get him back for both the TV prank and the tickle attack you decided to take a thumbtack from your desk and use it to poke a hole in a can of fizzy drink that you knew only you and he really ever drank. You placed the hole near the top so that when he took a drink it would dribble down onto his shirt and then positioned the can in the fridge towards the front so that he'd grab that one first. It was a clear drink, so you were sure it wouldn't stain. You weren't a complete asshole.
This consideration could be considered ironic, considering what you'd do to him that night.
You grinned from your room when you heard him loudly cursing your name sometime later.
To get you back for that he made use of a few pieces of macaroni pasta he found in the pantry. He went upstairs and placed them under the toilet rim so that when you sat down the sound of them crunching would startle you. It wasn't a foolproof plan, but he knew you were reading upstairs, and most everyone else was downstairs, so he rolled the dice that you'd be the next person to use that toilet.
Awhile later he heard you shout his name in frustration from upstairs and he chuckled in victory. And no, this still wasn't the prank that sealed his fate, although that one was currently in progress...
Sometime later you were in your room on your laptop doing some research and contemplating what a suitable prank might be to get Peter back for the macaroni thing when Mantis came into the room to retrieve something. You switch away from the tab you were in researching tunnel maintenance to one you had open of tumblr and offer her a short greeting.
She returned the greeting and went about her business behind you for a couple minutes.
Then, out of the blue, you felt her fingers skitter up your side. You nearly jump out of your skin from both the startle and the ticklish sensation and a startled laugh escaped your throat as you jerked away in your seat and squeaked out a giggly, "Mantis! What are you doing?!"
She stopped tickling and just giggled in response before jogging out of the room.
You stared after her before returning to your work with a shake of your head. 'Awfully playful bunch tonight,' you thought.
A bit later you decided to go out back for some fresh air. When you do, you notice Yondu already out there, leant against the stone of the house and just looking at the clouds pass by.
Not wanting to disturb him you just nod in his direction and say, "Hey," before walking by towards the garden. He returns your greeting and leaves you to it. Or so it seemed.
You reach the garden and stand there in the peace and quiet, glancing over the plants for any sign of insect damage. It's not too long, however, before Yondu walks up behind you and shouts, "Boo!"
You jump right out of your skin and turn to face him. You frown, but before you can ask him what the hell that was for, he starts to tickle your stomach. You laugh out a protest, but he only switches to tickling your ribs instead. You laugh some more and latch onto his wrists to push him away and he relents. Residual giggles still coating your words you scold him. "Jeeze! What was that for?!"
Yondu just grins at you like he was privy to some joke you weren't in on, shrugs, and turns to head back inside without explanation.
You watched him go, beginning to wonder what had gotten into everyone.
Turned out it would be Drax who would spill the beans on Peter's prank.
You were minding your own business, washing the dish you had just used for your supper, when you are rudely interrupted by Drax spidering his fingers over your ribs, causing you to laugh out loud and drop the dish in the sink. Luckily it didn't break, but you quickly turn off the tap and spun around to scold him and ask what the big deal was.
You knew something was up now. Rocket might have done it on accident. Peter and Kraglin- well, they just routinely did stuff like that to mess with you. Yondu could also fall in the category of "just did it to mess with you." Mantis- she was playful and it wasn't out of the realm of normal for her to randomly decide to do that just to make you laugh.
Drax, however, though friendly, hadn't shown himself to be the type to just randomly up and decide to tickle someone, namely you, without reason, or ever.
And all of them deciding to do it in one afternoon? No. Something was up.
Drax looked almost confused by your annoyance. "Well the note-"
Your eyes narrowed. "What note?"
"The one on your back."
You quickly reach behind you and feel a piece of paper. Peter. You rip it off and look at it, but find you can't read it. It was written in some alien text. "What's this?" you ask Drax.
"It's the note you taped on your back?" He answers, confused.
"I didn't put this there! I can't even read this! What does it say?" You hand it out towards him, but he doesn't take it.
Instead a look of realization comes over his face and he says. "Oh! This must be one of Peter's practical jokes! Haha! That's a good one. No wonder you looked so surprised!"
"Drax-" you say, your tone frustrated.
"What's going on here?" Gamora asked, having just moments prior walked in on the scene. She walked up to the two of you, concerned she might need to stop a fight before it began. You'd never be able to take on Drax, but she could almost see you trying if he made you angry enough.
You thought that maybe she'd be more help. "Could you tell me what this says? Apparently Peter taped it to my back."
Gamora took the paper and read it. Then she rolled her eyes and huffed a short laugh. "This note reads, 'tickle me.'" It was indeed written in Peter's handwriting, but of all the things he could have written, at least this was innocent enough.
You look up to the ceiling, unamused. You meet her gaze again and say, "Thank you, though respectfully, your boyfriend is a brat."
Gamora smiled. "I'm aware."
You then start towards the frontmost doorway of the kitchen, dish forgotten in the sink, and yell, "PETER! I'm gonna kick your ass!"
This was then followed by the sound of Peter laughing, the sound of running footsteps, and then the sound of the front door opening and slamming shut.
You stop in your pursuit. "Coward." you mutter.
You knew you might be able to catch him, but decided there was better things you could do with your time. Like refine your plan of counter-attack. You change course and head upstairs to lie in wait.
Unfortunately for Peter, his running away ended up giving you the perfect opportunity to strike.
Peter spent his time outside walking about the property and listening to his Zune, which he luckily had in his pocket when he fled from the house. He was almost surprised you didn't try to track him down, but he brushed it off, satisfied with his prank and how well it had apparently worked/ how long it took you to realize what he'd done.
He knew it was bold to try and get you back with basically the same prank you had just attempted to pull on him, and so that's why he paid Rocket to pretend like he was climbing on you to reach something so he could be the one to plant it on you. You would have absolutely suspected Peter if he came patting a sign on your back right after you had just pulled that prank on him. The other pranks he pulled were mostly just to cover his tracks. And because it was too fun not to pull them.
It was getting dark by the time he came back in and was late enough that everyone else had apparently already gone to bed as no one was downstairs. He was getting pretty tired himself and almost considered skipping showering that night, but decided against it. Big mistake for him.
Once he got upstairs and gathered his things to go shower he headed for the bathroom. Upon getting closer to the door you emerged from the room and seemed to jump back, startled to see him.
Peter snickered. "Did I scare you?"
You roll your eyes and turn towards your room. "No," you answer.
"Uh huh, sure." He grinned smugly.
"Oh, just go wash your stinky ass, already." you call back as you walk towards your room.
Peter gasped in mock-offense. "I'll let you know my 'stinky ass' smells like a pretty flower!" he joked.
You turn back at your doorway and retort with, "A corpse flower, maybe."
Peter scrunches up his face. "That's not a thing. You just made that up!"
"No, it's totally a thing. Look it up," you respond, laughing. You shut your door before he can respond further.
He shakes his head and enters the bathroom, muttering, "That's so not a thing."
You stayed up to hear the aftermath, and it didn't take too long.
Maybe ten minutes later you hear Peter curse your name, followed by, "What did you do?!"
You couldn't help yourself. You stand up to go peak out your door, biting your lip to hold back giggles. When you look out you see that Peter is now standing outside the bathroom, and that his outburst had also prompted the others to look out their doors as well. Kraglin was the first to start laughing.
The prank went better than you might have hoped. Peter only had a towel around his waist, allowing you to see that he was stained in an uneven coat of blue. Most of it was around his head, chest, and shoulders. It seemed to get lighter the further down his body it went, but it was more than enough to satisfy you. You hadn't been fully certain it would work.
When Peter didn't come back until after most everyone had gone to bed, you realized you had the perfect opportunity to carry out the prank. You did still have to wait until everyone else had finished showering though. You didn't want anyone get caught in the crossfire.
You waited for the second you heard him come back inside, just in case, and then you made your way into the bathroom with the vial of food gel. You unscrewed the shower head from its hose, squirted the whole vial in the head portion, then carefully screwed it back on. You were sure he'd take his shower before bed like always and felt safe to boobie-trap the shower head now since everyone else had already washed up for bed.
You did see his bottle of shower gel in the bath as you set up the prank and realized in hindsight that you could have just put the food dye in there instead so you wouldn't have needed to time everything so perfectly. On the other hand, you also didn't quite want to ruin his whole bottle of soap, so it was probably best you went for the shower head method instead.
Either way, it didn't disappoint.
You bit back laughter as you said, "Feeling a little... blue, there, Peter?"
He shot a look at you and responded with, "You massive turd! What did you do?!"
You feel Mantis come to look over your shoulder and she starts giggling at the sight of Peter. "Did you play a practical joke?" Mantis asks you. "That's so funny!"
Peter looks like he's about to storm over to you when Drax can be heard saying, "See! I knew Yondu was his father! Quill's finally starting to grow into his color!"
You couldn't tell if Drax was joking or not, but his comment started off a new round of giggles from Mantis, Kraglin, Rocket, and little Groot.
Peter just glared at him.
Yondu was standing next to Kraglin in the doorway of their room looking both contemplative and sleepy.
"Hey, Quill," Yondu said, getting Peter's attention. "Remember how ya rigged those dye packs up in my dresser drawers as a boy? Looks like ya finally got someone to give ya a taste of your own medicine." With that he made a sleepy retreat back to bed. His comment earned a laugh from Gamora, which made Peter pout.
A slight blush over Peter's cheeks appeared violet through the blue dye. He looked at you again and said, "You're so gonna get it!"
This of course prompted you to quickly usher Mantis back so you could shut the door and flick the lock, laughing as you did so.
It was totally worth it.
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pitifulmagicalocs · 7 years
I loved doing the Lawrence x Marie ‘first kiss’ scene, so have a Kyle x Emma one.
Prompt Song: “I’ll Keep You Safe” by Sleeping At Last
Characters: Kyle Hausman (POV), Emma O’Sullivan, Farah Salgado (Briefly), Janet Hausman-Scott (Briefly)
Words: 2021
“It’s Blythe!” Emma choked, clasping her hands to her chest. “And it’s me!—He’s coming after me!”
Her eyes darted between everyone in the group. “I—I can’t… I need to—“
She tore past the others, taking off across the courtyard, ignoring the curvature of the pathways.
Kyle sighed hard, and called after her, but she kept running.
“Why does she do that?” he heard Farah whisper.
“I’ll get her,” Kyle said, putting his cane to the ground and starting after her. Janet stopped him with a hand on his shoulder.
“I’ll get her, hon; she knows not to go too far.”
“Exactly,” Kyle answered. “So I’ll get her.”
Janet opened her mouth to protest, but before she got the chance, he pulled away from her hand and continued on his way.
“Emma!” he called, watching her figure disappear across the courtyard and into the trees.
“Son of a bitch,” he muttered, picking up the pace, but keeping to the path. He wound his way around the fountain and stepped into the grass, pushing his cane deep into the earth to keep him steady on the uneven terrain.
He could hear Emma’s heavy, panicked breathing, and the snapping of twigs beneath her feet, but he couldn’t see her.
“Emma?” He leaned his weight against the trunk of a maple, straining his eyes, peering between the trees and trying to catch a glimpse of her.
“I don’t know what to do!” she cried out, drawing his eye to the left. He squinted and adjusted his glasses, staring until his eyes picked up a flash of yellow that stood out from the autumn browns and reds, the soft yellow of her sweater poking out from behind a birch tree.
“Emma,” he sighed and stepped between the trees, ducking his head to avoid being smacked in the face by low-hanging branches.
The bit of Emma that he could see shook with violent sobbing and then trembled as she sniffled. He used his cane to push aside miniscule twigs and tiny pebbles that could prove disastrous and he pushed through the wood to get to her.
He moved around the birch tree, and found Emma crouched in the dirt, back against the trunk, gripping her knees with both hands, her expression twisted up and petrified. Her chest rose and fell in quick, inconsistent jolts as she fought for each wet, sobbing breath.
“Hey, hey,” he whispered, tossing his cane to the ground, where it sunk beneath a leaf pile with a soft, crisp ‘thump’. He supported himself with a hand on the tree, and he painstakingly sunk down, hissing a breath as he knelt before her.
“I just want to be free!” she whimpered. “Why can’t I be free? I’ve never done—“she stopped her sentence short to draw in a croaking breath which quickly dissolved into another fit of sobbing. Kyle grabbed her arm and tried to pull her in close to him, but she pulled away, so he withdrew.
“You are free, Emma,”
“No!” she spat. “No, I’m not! Everywhere I go—people want to use me! I go from a dreadful place where they use me, to a beautiful place where they still use me! Now, I can’t even stay here! He’s going to find me!”
“He won’t touch you,” Kyle said firmly.
Emma shook her head, looking down at her hands.
“As long as he wants m-my magic—he’ll keep chasing me!”
“I don’t give half a fuck what he wants.” Kyle spoke through gritted teeth. “He won’t touch you.”
Emma shook her head, putting her head down into her arms.
“You can’t stop it, Kyle,” she said sorrowfully. “You’re not—“
“I’m not strong,” he said. “—I get it, but…” He reached out to touch her, and then hesitated and pulled back. “—I’ll make myself strong enough to keep you safe, Emma. Because I have to.” He paused.
“–Because you shouldn’t have to withstand all of your fear on your own. That’s not right.”
Emma trembled, pulling her knees in closer.
“I’m so scared,” she whimpered. “I’m tired of being scared. I’ve always been scared, Kyle.”
Kyle swallowed, shifting himself forward with a stifled grunt of discomfort.  His leg was going numb and every muscle in his body was complaining at the unfamiliar pose he was in, but he ignored it so he could move himself in just a bit closer to her.
“What—?” His voice cracked, and he turned his eyes down to the ground, clearing his throat. “—What can I do to make you feel safe right now, Emma?”
“I don’t know,” she croaked, pulling her face up from her knees, her cheeks wet and reddened. Her irritated eyes blinked tiredly up at him, and she opened her arms.
“Just hold me?” she asked, her voice fragile and heartbreaking. He gulped down the ache in his chest, and nodded, sliding an arm around her body and pulling her to his chest. He readjusted the placement of his legs, trying not to wince too noticeably, but Emma had already buried her face in his shoulder, and seemed unaware.
Kyle squeezed her tightly against him, holding the back of her head and cradling her as he sat in the dirt, letting her cry herself out into his jacket, each terrible sob reverberating throughout her small body.
“You’re alright,” he whispered to her. “I promise you, Emma, you’re safe.”
She stiffened in his arms, and then carefully leaned away, keeping her hands locked together at the back of his neck. She watched his face for a moment, thick tears slipping from her lashes, and then she sucked in a breath.
“You’re so red,” she said, bringing her hand to his cheek, and brushing it with the back of his fingers.
Kyle sucked in his lip and nodded. “I’m quite infuriated—” He let a hand trail mindlessly up and down her spine. “—for you, about—everything that you’ve been put through.”
Emma looked to the ground, wiping her face on her sleeve and sliding back off of his lap. He let her go, but kept his hands resting gently on top of hers.
“Kyle?” she whispered, avoiding his eyes.
She bit her lip until it whitened, then let it go, pausing with her mouth open before softly speaking the words:
“Do you… love me?”
He hardened his jaw, keeping his eyes on her.
“Yes,” he answered, hoping that would ease her fear, rather than add to it.
Her forehead creased, and she curled her fingers around his, turning her head towards him, but still not meeting his eye.
“Are you--?” She trailed off, tensing and then dropping her shoulders.
“Am I what?”
“Some people think that you are in love with me,” she said.
Kyle’s breath hitched, his body tensing up. But he kept his expression flat, not that it mattered. She refused to look at him. Still, he would not lie to her. Even if it wasn’t right to be truthful.
“I am,” he answered quickly. “But I don’t want you to worry about that. I just want you to know that I am going to—“
Without warning, Emma leaned back in, resting her arms over his shoulders and placing her lips on his. That was all that she did, just touched her mouth to his, and then pulled back again, but it still made his eyes fly open and his heart thud against the inside of his chest.
“Oh, God,” he sighed, shaking his head. “N-No, Emma. You don’t—“ He ran a hand up her arm, squeezing her shoulder. “—I’m going to protect you, Emma. I don’t want anything from you in return. I’m so sorry if I—”
Emma frowned, fresh tears gathering in her eyes.
He sighed again. “Emma, I—“
“I know you don’t,” she said, her voice quavering. “That’s not why I kissed you.”
Kyle closed his eyes. “Just don’t think that you have to do a singly thing to earn your place here, or anything from me.”
“I’m sorry,” she said, her voice dropping low. “I just wanted you to know that I love you, too.”
Kyle opened his eyes, gazing at the leaf-strewn earth below before turning up to look her in the eye. That time, he had no clue what to say next. He tried. He even opened his mouth a few times and waited for something to spill out, like usual, but he could only stare at her like a simpleton, wanting to fix everything, wanting to make her feel safe and secure, but also, selfishly, wanting to pull her in and kiss her again.
Still, he just watched her, watched her shut her eyes and breathe, watched her shrink in on herself and start to cry again, and even then—he could say no more than one, simple thing.
“Emma,” he breathed, wrapping his arms around her and holding her tightly against himself.  
“I’m alright,” she said softly. “I’m just tired and I’m scared and I just want you to know that I love you. I don’t care what it means.”
“We don’t have to worry about what it means,” he answered, whispering into her hair. “—I love you, too, Emma, and I’ll keep you safe. I promise.”
“Okay.” Emma sniffled one last time, and then she turned her head away, peering over her shoulder.
“Let’s go back inside.”
She carefully climbed off of him, and went to fetch his cane from the leaf-pile. She wiped the pieces of dirt off with her sleeve, and then handed it out to him.
“Thank you. Now my cane is much cleaner than myself.”
She gave a gentle laugh, and then ducked down to help him to his feet. Once he was completely upright, and had recovered from the strain, Emma took his hand, gripped it tight, and the two of them made their way back out into the courtyard, which was then darkened with evening shadow. Kyle started back towards the path, but Emma remained still, pulling him back by the hand.
“Kyle?” she asked.
“Yeah? What’s wrong?”
“Nothing.” She stepped up to his side, the outline of her face glowing golden with the light from the lamp-posts, which must have turned on at some point while they were both tucked away behind the trees.
“I will keep you safe, too,” she said, taking his other hand and smiling up at him. “Maybe we can be strong enough to protect each-other.”
Kyle smirked, and looked up above her head, scanning the edges of the courtyard. He saw no sign of the group. They must have gone inside when the sun had finally disappeared. A lone stranger still strolled along one of the far pathways and a couple cuddled close together on one of the garden benches, but other than that, the courtyard was rather empty.
“Fuck it,” he said softly, turning his eyes back down towards Emma, and slipping his hands underneath her ears. He gently urged her up and she jumped to her tip-toes, gripping the collar of his jacket for balance and tilting her head up so he could easily kiss her. He did so, quickly, before letting her drop back down onto her heels. She blinked up at him, and then a bright smile wrinkled the corners of her eyes, still shimmering with her tears. He smirked, and laughed softly, reaching out and wiping her cheek with his thumb.
“You love me,” she whispered.
He laughed. “Mhm.”
“It’s been a long time since a real person has loved me.”
His smile faded, and he pressed his lips to her forehead, shutting his eyes for a moment, lingering there before stepping back.
“Come on,” he said, motioning with a head-movement towards the shelter. “I’m freezing my ass off and we need a change of clothes.”
She nodded, the same smile stuck on her face. He gave her his hand and started leading her across the courtyard, slowly, hoping to get the embarrassing heat out of his face before they got too close to the doors.
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