#this is a fun challenge i recommend its fun to try to recreate others sims to match ur own style!
squea · 4 months
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@buttertrait 's forever lovely elvene in my style <33
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purplepxls · 2 months
TS4 Lepacy Challenge (or how TS4 finally got me) pt.1
Hi! [waving and brushing off cobwebs] How are you guys?
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In short, during the time I was away from Tumblr, I basically lost all interest in playing Sims when I lost all my stuff. Over a decade of CC, poses. It became impossible to recreate everything, and TS4 didn't work for me. Until... I realized that every time I played TS4, I would download everything, all the DLCs, thousands of CCs, mods, and end up feeling lost and bored. With previous generations, I always played from the beginning, knowing everything that was native to the game, following the DLCs one after the other. So I thought about following a Legacy Challenge to try to experience this in a structured way. I wanted to experience TS4, to know every item in the game, its flaws (so I could later search for the mods that I really needed)
About the challenge
The one I'm following is this one (which is already outdated, but I'll keep going as long as I can).
I'll confess to you guys, I'm following it in a very low-profile way. I always imposed so many rules on my TS3 saves that this time I just wanted to have fun. So basically, I play vanilla (the only mods I have are maxis match skins and eyes that I downloaded around the 3rd generation). And to be completely honest, I LOVED the game's aesthetic like this! It was tough at first because I always used TS3 alpha, so it seemed overly cartoonish. But that's exactly why I fell in love when I realized how cute this game is! What I did was disable all the DLCs (here's how to do it) and I'm enabling the packs according to the challenge instructions. Sometimes I follow the recommendations of the generation, sometimes I don't. It all depends on whether I'm having fun with those tasks or not. I always try to use the objects, clothes, and hairstyles from the expansion/pack of the generation to have a real immersion in that theme and get to know everything that was made available new in that generation.
It's funny because with each generation, I get so excited about the new things I'll have! I look at all the objects, read about the expansions, and try to do everything I can. Some excite me more than others, especially themes that don't appeal to me much like supernatural ones. But I'll tell you more about it in the next posts. I also try to follow the wishes of the Sims whenever possible, to see where the game naturally takes me. Usually, the firstborns are the ones who continue the challenge. But sometimes other children steal the show. Also, in some generations, I simply have no patience for babies and adopt a child. I also use Sims from the gallery a lot, both for townies and to follow the generation (sometimes I have zero patience to raise a Sim, so I make my own rules!) I always try to let Sims get involved with townies unless it's not possible (or they're terrible and I'm not in the mood for a makeover). I play with normal Sim lifespan and full autonomy. Gen 1 - 3
Gen 1: Base Game Gen 2: Outdoor Retreat Gen 3: Get to Work (Part 1) + Luxury Party stuff Unfortunately - or fortunately - when I started, I was having so much fun that I forgot to take photos!
In Gen 1, I couldn't reach the top of the comedian career, and I was surprised by how much there is to do with just the base game. Maybe I've always seen the game in a biased way, I admit.
In the first generation, there was a lot of family drama and fights because of the hot-headed and goofball matriarch. That bitch even stole her daughter's boyfriend, which left me IN SHOCK. An abusive relationship between mother and daughter, major drama!
Gen 2 was kind of boring; that camping pack is pretty disappointing. It's all very shallow and hard to get into, plus it feels kinda "stuck," I can't really explain it. But it was cool to develop the freelance writer career and write about all the traumas her mom caused (yeah, the storyteller never rests). And being a good loner, I loved taking her to Granite Falls for the whole weekend in a cabin writing.
As expected, she met a guy dressed as a bear at the camp and married him. He was the total lumberjack cliché. They lived happily ever after!
Gen 3, I realized the goals for this generation were impossible. I tried doing the bakery and being a detective and failed miserably. My sim was always tired, with no time for anything (missing a mod to slow down the game). I spent more time renovating Magnolia Promenade than playing. I was excited about the next generation. Gen 4 - Get to Work (Part 2) + Perfect Patio stuff
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Here, I think the challenge really started for me. This is where I started to get attached to the characters. I completely ignored the generation's instructions and focused on the detective career. Terrible graphics settings and no time for decoration. This crazy lady got involved with Don Lothario and had TWINS. Their relationship was kinda messed up, but he turned out to be a great dad. Over time, he was so in love with her. They got married, she reached the top of the detective career, and he was a great stay-at-home dad and trophy hubby.
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They bought a lovely house in Oasis Springs with a gorgeous patio. That boy there won me over. He was super curious and interested in computers. He was already programming from a young age. He was the chosen one.
Gen 5: Spa Day
I kinda skipped that one, I confess. I was too attached to my sims. What I did was, after retiring, my sim and Don Lothario became regulars at the spa, making use of all the services whenever possible, and hitting the gym, of course.
Gen 6: Get Together + Romantic Garden stuff
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The heir moved to Windenburg to live his life as a IT worker.
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Fell in love with Cintia Behr at the first party and ended up completing the generation recommendations with her. DJ and painting skills. He made a lot of money programming.
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Don Lothario passed away from old age a bit later, and he got a call from his mom inviting him to the park. When they arrived, they just chilled, watching the clouds and chatting. I thought it was pretty sweet!
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Their first kid was a cutie! And sticking to the generation's rules, I I made him grow up with cooking skills and traits.
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They had two kids and lived in Cintia's house in downtown Windenburg. What a BEAUTIFUL city! I'm totally in love with it! Gen 7: Dine Out + Cool Kitchen stuff
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The heir was like 100% into the cooking career his whole life.Never had any interest in other sims. Maybe it was trauma? 'Cause when he was a teen, his dad got involved with Hugo Villareal, and his mom died of rage when she found out (D-R-A-M-A). Dad moved out, and he had to raise his sister all by himself. Poor boy. But he forgave his dad after a while. His sister, though, never did.
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I loved his sister! Totally rebellious, snobby, and sassy. The only person in the world she liked was her brother, and because of her troublemaker teenage personality, I downloaded the Basemental Drugs mod and it was a blast. Skipping school in the afternoons to drink and smoke with friends. Her brother didn't have any kids, and she was too precious not to be the heir.
Gen 8: City Living + Bowling Night stuff
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Well, that snobby girl grew up and, as expected, became a food critic, partly thanks to her brother's influence (I mean, growing up eating the finest cuisine out there, you can't settle for any crap, right?). She fell in love at the Romance Festival just like the script said and had a cute little boy. I still had Basemental installed, and sometimes she and her wife would smoke a joint. Then one random day, her wife got BUSTED for carrying weed. I didn't know about those settings, and it was awful! The kid grew up without one of his moms, and it was super sad. Luckily, when she became elderly, she got out of jail and they lived their last days in peace. I uninstalled it right after. San Myshuno is pretty cute but kinda small :( But I'm really into the urban vibe, so I'll definitely come back to rebuild the city at some point.
I'll continue in the next post ;)
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workreveal-blog · 7 years
Using computer games to teach your class : Tips
New Post has been published on https://workreveal.biz/using-computer-games-to-teach-your-class-tips/
Using computer games to teach your class : Tips
We communicate to Ollie Bray, the Countrywide Adviser for Emerging Technologies in Getting to know at Education Scotland, about how gaming may be utilised in Training. With a fruitful and varied profession as a trainer, head of branch and college leader, uses computer fun games,to teach her class. Ollie believes that one of the many advantages gaming brings to Education is giving instructors a danger to innovate and do matters in another way. Here, he tells us what he hopes the future holds for video games primarily based Mastering, a way to convince a reluctant head teacher of its potential and recommends a few sources for Learning more. You could observe Ollie on Twitter @olliebray.
How did you get into games primarily based Studying?
Years ago, I used to be teaching public improvement and, frankly, locating it quite dry once I realised we had this thrilling Recreation, Sims Town. The belief Here is that everybody starts at the same point with the equal give up a goal, which is to construct a Metropolis. Anybody takes a unique path to getting there, and that turned into the part of the technique that captures and engages the imagination. This Game has day snapshots, actual stimulation and encourages aggressive Learning.
We would send domestic Learning responsibilities and each week for the duration of an evaluation session the kids might tell me what they’d learnt. This ranged from stepped forward understandings on pollutants and drainage to higher insights into nearby authorities re-elections. The proof of their Mastering wasn’t just in productive dialogue, the class would additionally share screenshots of what they’d constructed, and We would have a top Town of the week.
How can game from the experience of Mastering more widely?
I’ve coined the word ‘contextual hubs’ for Studying. You are taking a Recreation, possibly a commercially available Recreation, and it is up to the instructor to create educational ability around it. The Studying and learningfrom the game itself, however, will become the context for Mastering. If you think about Guitar Hero, it has no educational value in any respect, however in the hands of the proper instructors, it all of sudden becomes an assignment approximately tune, designing CD cases, advertising the band, there are all kinds of links to it. They play zombies games,shooting games , cars games etc.
We did a major challenge in 2010 when the Mario & Sonic at the Winter Olympics play  Game become released, and we had a video assignment with a college in Canada. The Canadian teacher we spoke with stored her kids in college all night time for a kind of sleepover, and when they related to us at 6 am their time, it changed into three.30 pm, and we had kept our children back after near. The interesting issue approximately this was that our kid’s concept it evolved into a venture about the Olympics, however sincerely it turned into about connecting rural groups internationally, with all sort of classes approximately citizenship. The academics then implemented the enjoy to training on time zones, which is something kids only struggle with. All of this got here from the contextual hub of the laptop Recreation. The Studying had little to do with the Wintry weather Olympics Sport however it furnished a stimulus to get youngsters enthusiastic about Studying and define grasp.
In case you’re a trainer who can see the capability in gaming however you are not confident with the era, what natural recommendations should you provide to assist introduce it into their lecture room?
If a trainer can receive they want the youngsters to set up the console for them, the rest will contend with itself. Games are tremendous due to the fact they produce information; one instance might be Mario and Sonic at the 2012 Olympics for the Wii. After the break, You can get the kids to turn the console on and play the hurdles, which takes mins. You’ve got kids writing down rankings and instances, and that they supply this records to the trainer. What they have got done is create wealthy, accurate statistics inside the context of a numeracy lesson. The instructor at no factor has come into contact with the technology and simply does what they’re excellent at, that educates the learner.
You may feel relaxed within the domain of being a teacher, and the children can sense at ease within the area of computer video games; while these overlap it is while it turns into an undoubtedly thrilling space for Studying. You do not should take a leap out of your comfort region; it is approximately taking a little little bit of a threat and trusting children with the era.
What do you keep in mind the maximum positive result or achievement story to return from games primarily based Getting to know?
It is given hundreds of humans throughout the United Kingdom permission to try to do things a piece differently. If you’re trying to introduce a new subject matter in class, you are searching for aid from another team of workers in a faculty. However, this is a vertical relief, and often it does not produce new ideas. With the use of video games consoles in the closing three years, quite regularly there’ll handiest be one teacher in a college looking to push the limits. They must look horizontally for his or her help and expert development, and attain out to peers throughout us of a and around the sector. They haven’t been offering each other with the solutions due to the fact it is almost impossible, but they have got been sharing ideas, and taking some of these, using them, adapting them or ditching them. It is all approximately effect within the school room, and I think it’s been the maximum fantastic stuff that’s pop out of all of this, is that human beings have permission, to innovate and do matters in a different way.
If you’re raising towards a head who would not assume video games based totally Mastering is appropriate, how may want to you attempt to make them see in any other case?
First of all, we can display them the studies which prove it has a high-quality impact. Secondly, we will place them in contact with different head instructors who’ve it off their schools. In instances of financial drought, why are we continuously investing money into ICT gadget while definitely, we recognise kids have were given matters at domestic they might convey in, and parents are inclined to allow them to.
The 1/3 aspect is to remind head teachers that, apparently, what we’re talking about is not PC video games, it is played. While you get a room full of teachers to play with consoles, they may feel silly at the start, but they get into it! I’d never say, anyone, however with most people; you see this lightbulb moment. In case you’ve forgotten what it is want to play and be a baby, it is hard to speak, and therefore it ‘s hard to improve their Studying. Lots of these teachers are mother and father themselves, but they have not the idea that what they have at domestic might be beneficial in colleges. It’s pretty much drawing up the dots.
Are there any e-books or assets You could suggest for teachers and heads interested by Gaining knowledge of extra?
• Jesse Schell spent seven years as the innovative director of the Disney digital reality studio and has written an interesting e-book called The Art of Recreation Layout.
• Professor James Paul Gee has a substantial involvement in literacy studies and is a member of the Countrywide Academy of Schooling. His e-book ‘What Video games need to train Us approximately Gaining knowledge of and Literacy’ is worth a read.
• Mark Prensky, has lately released an e-book, ‘Teaching Virtual Natives: Partnering for Real Learning’ which explores how we can engage kids in Gaining knowledge of using the social internet and the net.
• I’ve just finished studying, ‘truth is Damaged’ by way of US social technology researcher, Jane McGonigal who talks approximately how encouraging people to play extra video games, and the right games could remedy some the world’s problems.
• Subsequently, I have created and which may be determined on the Dad or mum Trainer Network. This explains more about the contextual hubs I have cited and how to triumph over those first demanding situations involved in getting started.
What do you wish the destiny holds for video games primarily based Studying?
I’ve just been doing this task, and I’ve called it ‘impressive Mastering’ due to the fact I do not assume games based Studying is the be all and give up all. Top teachers use tools correctly, and occasionally that’s a Game, sometimes it’s taking the youngsters outside, and from time to time it’s a test on a piece of paper. What I want to look from this, is that this concept of permission, and that I need to see governments and local government and especially head teachers – because I think it really is wherein a number of the block is – giving instructors permission to do what they assume is best for those kids they’ve got in front of them.
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