#this is a joke don't get excited it'd never get passed lmao
olessan-lokenosse · 3 years
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Obelisk, Obelisk F
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brainrot-the-frog · 3 years
Arguments with the Hashira
《I only did *some* of the Pillars!》
《The Pillars x S/O HCs | Arguing》
《Giyuu Tomioka》
— Giyuu is not going to know how to act when you two have a genuine heated argument, if he's angry he's going to try his best to conceal his feelings which makes the situation much worse as you two continue on. He'd probably snap depending on how serious the conversation is.
— Now here's the thing, if you were the one in the right it's going to take a while for him to admit and apologize, however if you two stop talking you'll catch him staring at you like a lost puppy. He doesn't know how to convey his feelings and opinions very well but he'll sure as hell try if you two haven't talked in days.
— "I'm sorry for what I said.. I shouldn't have yelled like that..."
— Now if he was the one in the right then this is going to go very differently, he'll wait for you to apologize to him. Often giving you the cold shoulder and waiting for you to be vocal, you were the one in the wrong- he shouldn't be the first to apologize after your argument, he'll still say sorry for getting vocal though.
— "I forgive you.. I'm sorry as well."
— If you both were in the wrong he'd actually bring it up rather fast. He wants this to be resolved as quickly as possible.
— "We should move on from this.. please."
— when you two make up he's much happier, he'll hold your hand more often and give you more physical affection if need be. 
《Shinobu Kocho》
— Shinobu has you wrapped around a finger, whatever insult you throw at her due to your anger, or whatever thing you have to say to the point where you're yelling, she'll reply with a refute at every given chance. She's going to try and deal with the argument calmly albeit if you anger her she's going to reply much colder, she won't really yell but she will be spiteful in a way. You can already see the veins and her twisted smile beginning to show. It gets so scary if you argue for a while. She doesn't need to shout to get her point across.
— The sisters are gonna be sad when you two argue :(
— If you were right, Shinobu wouldn't wait around for so long, she'd want to apologize when you've calmed down and she's managed her feelings and has them in check. She'd approach you with a calm demeanor and wouldn't fake up a grin, she's wearing a serious expression on her face. She'd grab your hands and kiss your knuckles, then smile at you sweetly.
— "I'm sorry for angering you Love, I was wrong for what I said.. please forgive me."
— If you're wrong she's going to mock you a little bit, but then eventually demand an apology from you. She is NOT going to wait longer than a day or two, it'd irritate her to no end if you didn't apologize for longer than that. You'd have to muster up a damn good apology and give her an immense amount of affection to ease her mood. When you do she's all smiles and laughter and immediately goes back to teasing you.
— "Fine! I forgive you.. couldn't stay away could you?"
— If the two of you are both in the wrong she's going to turn the argument into a joke and call you as well as herself out on it. Would probably resort to teasing you and kissing you to change the atmosphere. Commence smooth talking and her beginning to flirt with you.
— "We're both wrong silly, lets move on please. I love you~"
《Kyojurou Rengoku》
— I mean– Kyojurou yells regardless? He'd yell at you but you can tell his tone of voice is calm, and still holds lots of enthusiasm depite the situation. Either he ends the argument himself, or you end it because you get tired of his hard-headedness. I don't think he has it in him to get genuinely mad at you, he just hopes he can get his point across without resorting to anger or snarky comments and insults. (Not like he has any of that- he's far too wholesome.)
— If you were right then he'll probably apologize on the spot, there's no doubt in my mind that Kyojurou would apologize first and without hesitance. If he's wrong then he's wrong, he isn't waiting around and will initiate a conversation with you the moment he wants to speak his feelings. He can't handle not talking to you for longer than a day.
— He'd miss you so much :(
— "I'm so sorry my Dear! I was wrong and I hope you can find it in yourself to forgive me! I love you so much!" 
— He's saying that with such a warm smile, he takes you in a needy hug and cuddles you without even hearing your response. He just wants to be near you and have you stroke his hair. 
— If you were wrong he's telling you on the spot, "YOU'RE WRONG BUT I STILL LOVE YOU–" 
— He'd wait so calmly for you to apologize, you'd often catch him with his arms folded and his foot tapping the floor, he's beaming his signature smile and patiently waits for you to approach him. He looks like a golden retriever with the way he acts. If you're still upset with him and avoid him he's going to be hurt!
— "Haha! It's alright my Love! I forgave you a long time ago!"
— He's just excited to have you back, he takes you out that day, he takes you to dinner and constantly shows you off to any bystander the two of you come in contact with. He'll be locking arms with you and compliments you the entire trip.
— If you're both wrong he's going to be like Shinobu and attempt to ease the mood, he'd nod along and eventually hug you.
— "What were we even fighting for?! We're better than this!"
《Mitsuri Kanroji》
— STOP. YOU'RE GOING TO MAKE THE BABY CRY. I believe Mitsuri would tear up and try and talk back through her sobs, a heated argument isn't going to last long with her because you're going to be left comforting her or watching her walk out, holding herself. She'd be left in her estate, crying in her room until she had to leave. She's not even mad at you, the entire time all she wanted to do was kiss your lips and ask for you to tell her everything calmly. She actually didn't know what you were getting mad for.
— If she were to be mad she could man handle you so easily lmao
— Iguro HATES you if you make her cry, he'd try and throw hands SO quick! It'd be Mitsuri that would stop him despite the fact she's still sad. Even if the two of you aren't speaking she'd still make sure Iguro left you alone and gave you space.
— If you were right she's apologizing then and there, enveloping you in a tight warm hug as she cries on your chest. She wouldn't let go until you accept her apology and hug her back. If you don't accept her apology she's going to get so sad and walk out. If you do then she's kissing you for a good minute or two, she was so scared!
— "I'm so sorry for what I did! I won't do it again I promise!"
— Immediately wants to have a nap with you and cuddle! She's just so happy she can be in your arms again, expect her to whisper sweet nothings in your ear and pepper your neck with kisses.
— If you were wrong she's going to tell you and explain to you as eloquently as possible, no doubt she'd probably stutter once or twice but it's the effort that matters most! Again, I can't imagine her being extremely angry, she just wants this nightmare to end. She'd be impatient for an apology, constantly waiting for you to go up to her and just say sorry.
— "It's okay! I'll love you no matter what! You just get upset sometimes and that's okay."
— You'd probably be the one to realize if you're both wrong, she's quick to apologize but would deeply appreciate if the two of you discussed and settled your differences.
— "I'm so glad we made up! It felt like a fever dream!"
《Muichiro Tokito》
— Starting an argument with Muichiro is not going to work out in your favor, Muichiro can barely remember what bird just flew by, he's definitely not going to be very good at focusing on what you're saying when his head is too busy in the clouds. However if you do manage to get him to focus he's going to be anything but happy. He's actually rather serious and cold in response if you're shouting at him. He wouldn't exactly shout but he would curse a bit.
— If you're the one at fault, he's going to tell you right away, he's forward with what he says and how he says it, you can notice the subtle fumes of rage in his tone of voice. He doesn't really care for an apology, he just wants you to acknowledge what you said was wrong of you and go on with his day. He sees no reason in dragging anything out so when he speaks his mind he's walking away so you can process everything.
— "You need to sort yourself out.. I know you're upset but so am I."
— Now if he was the one at fault, you'd have to tell him and explain to him why that is. And when he realizes, he's not really apologizing but more so promising you that he'll never say or do the thing that upset you in the first place. He IS sorry though but expresses himself differently. He's trying.
— "I realize what I said was insensitive... I promise I won't speak that way again.."
— If you're both in the wrong you'd be the one to tell him that, it's not as if he thinks he's always right, he just disagrees with some things which sometimes can't be helped. He means well but can't show it half the time. 
— "Let's not fight anymore okay?"
《Tengen Uzui, Makio, Suma, Hinatsuru》
— It's not everyday you have an argument that reaches everybody, it would be so tense you'd catch yourself holding in the air within your lungs, scared at the idea of exhaling being your downfall. Tengen never wants to raise his voice at you, but sometimes even his emotions get the better of him and he can't help it. He cares so much about you but arguments tend to leave everything messy.
— Suma is tearing up when the argument starts, she holds onto you and whispers softly in your ear, begging you to calm down and not yell. Telling you that everyone was getting upset. She didn't want a bigger fight to start, she just wanted everyone to get along.
— Hinatsuru treats this argument as something that will eventually pass, she is so confident that this argument will be settled within the week. However this doesn't stop her from trying to calm you and everyone else down, she's the calmest one in the situation and would rather speak about your problems without the use of shouting or getting angry.
— Makio on the other hand, wants to hit you so bad for even starting an argument, this indeed worsens the matter terribly, Hinatsuru and Suma would hold Makio back so she didn't attack you. She loves you deeply, but this behaviour could wreck your relationship and that leaves her so scared. And the fact she was having those thoughts didn't sit right with her, more than ever she really just wants to hold you securely and fix this with a kiss.
— If you're the one in the wrong- welp, they are going to tell you without a moment of hesitation. You can't get away either as they'd sit you down until you apologize and tell them what's wrong without having to start fights.
— Makio is gonna slap you but make up for it later 
— "It's alright my girl- it happens to the best of us." Tengen rubs circles on your hands. Happy to have resolved the issue.
— Hinatsuru kisses your cheek and rubs your back, she's so proud of you for admitting your fault and being clear with everybody. "You're doing so well Baby, I'm so proud of you."
— Suma gets so soft, she'll give you lots of affection and will hug you for a while. She's glad you and Makio didn't harm one another and just wants to bask in the comfort of your embrace. 
— "Well- I'm sorry too.. I was just upset.." Makio turns away for a moment before she reaches her hand out and holds yours. She admits to being quite brash about the whole thing, she cares but has a different way of showing it is all! They all want to kiss you so bad.
— Now, if you were the one in the right, they're going to make up for it in a flash. Starting with Suma who gets teary eyed whilst bowing in shame, she's holding onto the hem of Tengen's clothes for a sense of comfort. Tengen is bowing also, with flowers in his hand.
— Hinatsuru is lowkey holding down Makio so she's bowing as well, however in her free hand Hinatsuru has a plate of your favorite treat "Please forgive us for not listening to everything you had to say, we're sorry."
— Makio brought nothing lmao- in the end though she goes out of her way to buy you a new blade. "I'm sorry for hitting you..."
— When you're ALL in the wrong Tengen is the one to bring up how lame it is you're all fighting in the first place. 
— "My girls.. this isn't FLAMBOYANT! We have to get over this!"
— When you all settle your differences you have a night out eating dinner and having fun in each others company. You're at peace..
— They're probably gonna bed you when you get home
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🕯Anon said: hi sweetheart 🕊 can you write about armin having a quiet night with the reader? something like wearing comfy pajamas, fairy lights, cute little candles, incense, soft songs and maybe some reading? and they just cuddling? 🥺 i think about that whenever i go to sleep and do all of the above, but i'm just by myself lmao anyways, thank you so much 🌸 (btw i'm the anon who asked you about the armin x painter!reader 🥺 hello 🥺 i just love how you write can we be friends please) 🕯
Quiet night with Armin
{ Armin x Reader | tw:none | sleep help, comfort, fluff | modern }
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{ "Twilight, Valley of the Genesee" 1865 by Samuel Colman 1832 - 1920 }
Shimmering golden hues weaved across pastel blue walls in the form of strings, crossing the bookshelf before making a turn at the plants corner, illuminating the room with a soft warm glow.
Your head rested against the satin pillow, just right above Armin's shoulder, close enough that you can see the rise and fall of his chest with every breath. The ends of his hair ghosting over your cheek whenever he leaned to tell a particular clever line of the book he's been reading to you.
You can't exactly remember the name of it, but you can clearly recall his excited smile this morning when showing it to you.
"It's one of my favourites" he said, "the last time i got to reread it was in high-school, has it really been that long?" And that's all you can remember from the conversation before it got sidetracked by him asking if you had lunch yet.
There's definitely something to be said about rereading a book over and over again, a sense of familiarity, an attachment to the characters, plot and world setting. It's almost magic how quickly your comfort book, show or movie can turn a horrible day into a nice one, making it the silver lining.
Looking at the way Armin would pause for a second after some lines, or chuckle at random scenes, like it's an inside joke between him and his mind, you can tell he's definitely recalling some good memories.
Just like how he's adding to his list of comfort memories by sharing this experience with you, he wants you to be a part of this silly book he once picked up as a child and continued to revisit every few years.
You glance at the remaining pages, just as he flips another one to start anew. You've already finished a third of the book, only a quarter remaining.
It's not that you're getting impatient, but it's more that the soft blanket draped over you, the warmth of Armin's body pressed next to yours and the sound of his voice, are all luring you into a hazy cloudy state where your eyelids feel too heavy and turning your head to check the clock seems too exhausting.
How long has it been? since you curled up against him right after you went to put your empty hot chocolate mugs in the sink.
You don't have the heart to tell him that your brain stopped registering the words he's saying and instead listens to the tone of his soft-spoken voice and reacts accordingly. Stealing another glance at the remaining pages, you notice a few missing, okay good, just a few more. You can hold on right?
Forcing your eyes open, you suppress a yawn threatening to rise before curling even closer to his shoulder, face against his neck, hand over his chest.
Instead of focusing on his calming heartbeat, you try to focus your attention on different things, like the smell of snowdrops flowers filling the room from the scented incense sitting on the nightstand. 
Snowdrops, the milky bell-like flowers who befriended the cold harsh snow herself.
An ancient German tale that Armin told you, on one early spring morning. When the universe was just in bloom, as the earth shaped its form and the plants dressed themselves, when the god in the heavens above just created snow, she was told to go seek her colours from the flowers below.
She came with her request, but the flowers turned their heads, refusing to acknowledge her for she is the reason for the harsh weather, deeming their life spans short, overzealous and jealous, protecting their colours from the merciless lady snow. 
She was left all alone, friendliness, colourless with no love or sympathy from a soul.
Except for one, came knocking on her door, head bowed down and humbly offered to share. Snowdrops were the flowers that warmed the snow's heart, and so white was the colour in which snow was known.
Snow made a vow, to always protect her one and only friend, even from her own self. Under her watchful gaze, snowdrops were gifted with warmth that let them be the first flowers to bloom when winter bid her goodbyes as spring was arriving soon.
You've never seen snowdrops the same since, their delicate and shy nature standing out between all the proud flowers, you even suggested planting some to Armin.
"...but sweetheart" you remember him saying with a frown, " snowdrops are poisonous."
Yeah, and so getting their scented incense was the second best option available.
You hear the sound of another page being turned, fewer left to go, just hold on a bit longer.
Wondering the room with your eyes, your gaze fell on the straw sunhat hanging from the on the back of a chair. It's Armin's favourite, he'd always wear it when the sun was particularly bright that day.
you remember him saying it was a gift from his grandpa when he was a child.
His grandpa...didn't you visit his farm a few months ago?
...yeah you did, you can recall clearly, how you were:
Squinting your eyes to avoid the bright sun, you wiped the sweat collecting on your forehead before leaning your head back against the wooden wall. The occasional passing cool breeze distracting you from the dryness in your throat, even after moving to sit in the shade your skin still felt too hot.
The grassy fields in front stretched wide before ending in white pained fences, where the crops patches for vegetables started.
The sudden gentle waves of cool air against your skin made you glance to the side, where Armin was fanning you with his hat, while holding a tray with two ice filled lemonades in his other hand.
"Are you sure you don't want to go inside?" He said, sitting next to you before handing you the cold drink, "you've already done a lot, I'll do take care of the rest."
You've been helping Armin with the farm work since sunrise, feeding the animals together and watering the crops, saying you're exhausted from the scorching hot sun was an underestimation.
And yet, somehow Armin seems unaffected. Not a sign of being bothered as he sat there next to you with his rolled up sleeves and cuffed pants, the slight flushing to his face was the only thing he got from the sun.
"Yeah, I need to lay down a bit." You remember saying, after emptying your drink in one go.
"If that's the case then-" setting the tray aside, Armin patted his lap while looking at you, "Come here."
Too tired to protest, you layed your head on his thigh, feeling your back stretching and the cool air from his fanning was already making you feel better.
"You know, there's a story my grandpa used to tell me about the sun."
An Australian folklore, about a time when the earth was merged in absolute Darkness, when even the stars refused to light up the sky.
Eternal darkness was the fate of humanity, as people were spent their lives carrying torches to light up their way.
Gnowee was an alone mother in a forsaken world, left to fend for her little son. Each day while he slept safely, she'd venture into the the fields in search for plants or seeds. Knowing very well that's it's a matter of life and death if she couldn't come back with something edible.
Each day she'd come with whatever she could find, feeding it to her son even if it meant sleeping on an empty stomach.
But with food scarce and the abyss looming at every corner, things were harder each day.
One day after rocking her child to sleep, she quietly left with her torch to dig for yams she saw on her way last time. Retracting her footsteps, it was a long journey but she knew it'd be worth it.
And so she walked and walked till she reached the place, began digging the ground but dirt and mud was all that she could find. But she couldn't just go back to her son empty handed, and so she wandered far.
She wandered so far in fact that she reached the end, not the end of her journey but the end of the earth itself.
Somehow, in someway she managed to pass from under it, her will for her son to live another day far greater that anything, and so she emerged from the other side.
The void.
Where nothingness lived.
Looking at the vast empty space, she didn't know where she was, the line between the ground and walls was so blurred that she thought she's floating.
Panic and dread filled her mind as she raised her torch higher and higher, attempting to clear a path for her to see. For she had to go back to her son, all alone sleeping by himself.
Climbing the sky was her only solution, as she wondered the world, unknowingly lighting up a path with her as she went.
"And so the Sun Goddess wonders the sky above, in search for her son." Armin told you that day, before offering you his own lemonade to drink because he was still worried about you.
You can't recall how that day ended, you think you might have fell asleep on his lap right after.
The fairylights on the wall reminded you of the clear stars sky you've seen while on the farm, his grandfather was a really sweet guy too.
With your mind still coulded in drowsiness, your hearing was also delayed apparently, since you just noticed the book in Armin's hold was closed with him staring at you with a smile instead.
Moving so he could set the book on the nightstand, Armin turned towards you before pulling you closer to him, making sure the covers don't slip off of you. He cupped your face, stroking your cheek with love in his eyes.
"I'm sorry baby, did I take too long?" He said, glancing at the clock behind you answered his question. 
You shook your head, murmuring a slurred "it's alright." 
Posture visibly relaxing, he gave your cheek a small kiss before resting too on the pillow next to you, a yawn escaping him.
With half closed eyes, you saw him cuddling close to your chest, features softening as he bid you goodnight. Your hand moved to stroke his hair just like he always liked, lacing your fingers through the soft strands you closed your eyes too. 
Warmth took over you, the feeling of his soft breath near your neck, the comfortable weight of his arms around you, the slow ticking of the clock, it all rocked you to sleep as you happily gave in.
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pamgkrthwrites · 4 years
Oof, the angst of the sleeping with deku, no threeway, one. First, it's pretty silly to think about in the first place since I'd never ask Katsu that, even if it was to tease or as a joke, so the whole situation wouldn't even happen. But. The angst got me a little teary lol. What could someone possibly do to make it up to him after that? It'd have to be sincere and heartfelt. What would be big enough, what would someone even start with?
Maybe giving more physical attention, like trying to hold his hand in situations you normally wouldn't (like when just sitting on the couch or something), maybe giving massages to him after work, or having a bath ready for him. But would be even be open to these extra touches after you hurt him?
Next idea: Food. You could spend money on buying the best spicy dish in town for him, but, even though the intention is for him to taste of THE BEST food you'd be able to offer him, I'd be afraid that all he'd get out of it was that you spent money on him, which can be sentimental, but not in this situation. So what I'd do is go with a homemade meal. Get a recipe to make all parts of the recipe, not just buying it pre-made. Make the chili/curry paste yourself. Spend the time, effort, and resources to do that, when it would be easier to just buy it pre-made. I like spicy food, but I think Katsuki would have a higher tolerance/preference, so making the spice level to his taste is a must. You have to taste test the dish, and I'd consider tasting something you know is too spicy for you so your loved one has it perfect to be love. Maybe he'd soften up too, when he opens the fridge and sees a container of the leftover paste you marked 'Spicy Katsu Paste' with small explosions doodled around it.
But is that really enough? Extra touches and a homemade meal? I don't think so. And I'd be so anxious trying to think of what to do to prove my love for him. Words have no effect here, it feels like it has to be acts of service. And I can really only think of one thing that I might fix things, but at the same time, I'd be so nervous and 'Why would I think this would work? It's stupid!' and ugh, even just sharing it here makes it seem dumb. But... uh, I... I'd try to make a picture book about him. I'm an artist, so I thought maybe I could show him my love by spending time and using my skills to put my words of love for him into physical form as a book. Talk about how great he is at being a hero, and mention all the small and big things that you love about him, each page with a drawing of him on it. But that would take so much time and effort, but it'd be worth it to save the relationship. Wouldn't want to dissappear while he's awake in case he thinks you're okay with leaving him alone when he's finally at home after work, so that leaves working on the book for when he's at work and after he falls asleep. But it'd still take a while, what if he gets impatient and thinks I'm not doing anything to make him stay? I'd probably cry and ask for some more time, promise him I'm working on something, beg for him to wait a little longer. But that book would be my last hope. If he doesn't forgive me after that, I don't know what I'd do. But, because of ~imagination~, I can just say that I fell asleep at my desk one night, and when Katsuki wakes up to get ready for work, sees I never even got I bed, and sees the light on in the office and finds me asleep on the desk, thus also finding sketches/WIPs of the drawings of him. And that's when he knows I still love him and he forgives me, and he'd carry me to bed before resuming getting ready for work.
Ugh, that's it. End of the ask. Sorry for that huge block of text!
I thought of something similar lmao.
I think to prove to him you do love him, you respect his time with you and that you are committed to the relationship you can only prove in actions. I also don’t think sex will work either because thats how all this mess started and he might take it as you only using him for sex. If you are living with him it will be easier because he will see how hard you are trying.
I think making his favourite food(Satan curry), being glued to his hip and coming in at lunch time at his workplace to give him lunch will work, especially the going into his work place. This will tell him that you are willing to push time that you might need to do your own things to focus on him.
If you work from home(like being a indi writer or artist) then coming into work with him will really prove to him you are sorry. He wouldn’t mind if you bring your laptop or tablet if your doing this, you are just gonna have to work on his lap.
If you are friends with Deku, avoid him. Don’t text him, don’t hang out, don’t fall. Text him really on maybe asking him not to talk to you because it’s Bakugou related. Don’t tell him the real reason why because he might come over to check up on you and haha, say goodbye to Bakugou :,) He would start packing up his shit once he sees Deku. Nothing can fix it now.
The finial straw that proves to him is if he finds you passed out working on a project, notices you aren’t going to bed to get his day ready, you have an anxiety attack over it, had a stress break and you crying in a corner, or you hurt yourself while making currying(burn, cut, fainting). Because it will show to him you have pushed yourself as far you can to prove your love to him, and that will mean the world to him... and also give him an ego boost - we are talking about Bakugou here! He would love the idea that you care so much about him that your willing to break.
My brain did a “what if you were pregnant during all of this” and I want to cry. If he knows, then simple acts are enough because he is willing to stay for his child but also knows your emotional and may have taken the joke too far this once. If he doesn’t know, don’t use it as a way to keep him to stay because he will think your lying. If you get violent morning sickness, it will wake him up and he will clue in. It will be a finial straw because your pushing yourself to the point you might hurt the baby. He will take you that you were just being giggly in that moment because of the excitement and didn’t know what you were saying either. He will find out anyway and will make sure and will just be forgiving.
What I haven’t brought up is the amount of time, because if it takes longer then a month then he will end the relationship. He’ll pack up his things, block you, move in with Kiri. Don’t get me wrong, he wants to be with you, but he has his limits, and if you can’t make up to him about a joke about Deku within a month then what’s the point? The best idea is to get him to forgive in the first two weeks. A week is fast but it would say a lot to him. 2 weeks is the most reasonable, and he will love you just as he use to.
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