#this is a joke… i know people love unjustified revenge too
starbuck · 2 years
it has to be said: people who only support revenge when Inigo Montoya does it are fake revenge fans… he’s cool and fun about it and also extremely justified… what about characters who are cunts about it and ruin everything and aren’t valid in the slightest? you either show up for them or you aren’t there at all.
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snkpolls · 4 years
SnK Chapter 135 Poll Results
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This month’s poll closed with 2,264 entries. The poll results were compiled by momtaku, /u/_Puppet_, /u/berthototototo, u/staraves
RATE THE CHAPTER 1,980 responses
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Volume 34 started off on a high note with “Battle of Heaven and Earth” being our 7th highest rated chapter with an average of 4.61.
Easily the best action based chapter post timeskip
Very action dominated chapter this time. Just pure adrenaline, not many answers. Not complaining though, great chapter!
Best chapter since 122, hype levels were great, pacing was great, just overall great really.
What I loved about this chapter is that this was the first time I REALLY felt the suspense, the kind of suspense where it looks our heroes can not win the fight and all hope is lost. It was a very similar feeling I experienced in the first chapters of Attack on Titan where the fight against Pure Titans always felt like the enemy had the upper hand and our heroes were fighting a losing battle that they could only fight to mitigate the losses as low as possible
A chapter will less talk more fight. It's been a while.
I loved this chapter immensely. For months, this was the first I could finally rate the highest.
We are near the end, oh god, this was a a hell of a journey from 2013 as a manga reader it is for me one of the best manga I have ever read
Everything about this was awesome from bucket girl Ymir to all the previous titan shifters to bird Falco. There was so much I had to wrap my head around, so I’m going to have to read this a couple more times.
So many mysteries I just don’t want it to be rushes uwu and for us to only be getting a chapter per MONTH can you throw us some bones PLEASE
I’m rethinking everything I thought I knew about the manga
We're hanging on a razor's edge between masterpiece and ruin. Whatever happens, please let it be well executed. . .
2,001 responses
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This chapter was filled with lore, action and great individual character moments but seeing the fantastical forms of titans past brought into the fight was our favorite moment with 31.4% of the total. “Mikasa carrying the whole damn team” was second with 24.7%. The arrival of the flying titan (10.6%), the vision of Bertholt Hoover (10%) and Pieck rushing forward with the bombs (6.9%) round out the top five.
One of my all-time favourites probably, I absolutely loved all the character interactions as well as the amazing new titan designs.
Bert back! Bert back! Bert back!!! <333333
I really did like it, all those previous titans forms are interesting and see that the manga is very soon to end, I can't wait to know the end.
The chapter hasn't changed anything fundamentally but was exited to see OG Ymir
A demonstration of the despair and hopelessness of fighting Ymir
Bird!!! Falco!!! And!!! Ghost!!! Bertholdt!!! YES! YES! YES!
Really liked Jean and Reiners moments this chapter,
Bringing back old titans was really badass and intimidating.
Tentacle porn. That is all.
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With a battle involving Alliance teamwork and some visits from old friends, this chapter had many moments between current and former comrades. The wholesome scene between Jean and Reiner packed with an Armored Titan joke garnered the majority of votes (50.2%), with others favoring Armin’s vision of Bertolt (15.9%), and Annie’s reunion at the end of the chapter (14.1%).
jean saving reiner really moved me i really love these characters and after seeing them fighting it was nice seeing one saving the other. i mean jean had a really good reason to hate reiner and he previously said that he would never forgive him but he did and it was nice
Loved that scene between Jean and Reiner. Jean came a long way since his selfish oppotunistic days: Not letting Reiner fall, even though he really hated him. Actually willing to die. Great character development.
I'm curious to see, what effect this might have on Reiner: I mean he was being called a member of the survey corps again and therefore he was kind of being ""forgiven"".
Connie x Levi canon
Ngl, I felt a great satisfaction as ghost Bertolt looked down on Armin who was suffocating from that giant tongue lmao
at this point I think that the ackertalk is sadly never happening. A missed opportunity.
  WHO WAS THIS CHAPTER’S MVP? 1,973 responses
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It’s Mikasa nation domination with 52.4% of the vote. There were a lot of great character moments but it’s hard to beat the one who stopped the manga ending prematurely! There was also appreciation for Ymir (12.8%) who brought in some interesting Titan designs and a great fight. 11.8% gave the nod to Falco for swooping in for the last minute save. 6.3% were hyped for Pieck’s no-nonsense charge, and 4.1% liked seeing Levi push himself in battle despite needing another couple of months in bed.
Levi has been severely injured for not even a week, yet he held his own and saved Connie AND Jean. I don't ever want to hear any whiny criticisms about this man ever again.
If Pieck dies we riot
Jean is best
Love Mikasa sm
Loved Reiner and Jean moment as well as Mikasa’s bad assery!
Mikasa was amazing this chapter
Pieck, the only one to make a move against Eren directly while the rest are too much up in their feelings. Best girl moment right there <3
Mikasa was so badass!! Love to see it
Mikasa was the BOMB in this chapter, loved that winged panel of hers.
My God I loved it, Mikasa was so badass, especially in that speech scene with her wings, Falco is best boy, I loved the interactions and everyone saving each other
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The most popular interpretation of the title “Battle of Heaven and Earth” seems to be designating Ymir as the Heaven, and the Alliance as the Earth (42.6%), with the reverse of that being the second most popular (27.8%). In third came the idea that it relates to Ymir using the titans of deceased Eldians (20.9%).
A battle that people might die in (Heaven) or survive (Earth)
A battle which has consequences for both Heaven (Paths) and Earth (The World)
The alliance fighting in the heavens while the colossal titans destroy the earth.
It is a reference to Ragnarok.
multiple viable interpretations. the ascended vs descended, the heavenly winged mikasa vs the now devil of all earth ymir, the winged titan against the earthly titans.
Probably a weird take, but it reminds me 131. Eren being in the Heaven as his coping mechanism and Ymir being on the ground (earth)
I’m not sure but it’s in reference to the 4th chapter titled First Battle. Just like last chapter referenced the 5th chapter.
Heaven: Paradis. Earth: beyond the sea.
because the battles are in the sky while on earth the colosus step down on earth
***ohhh heaven is a place on earth***
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Ymir apparently freeing the pigs was an unexpected opening for the chapter. For 34.4%  this action meant that Ymir has always been #TeamFreedom. A sizable 18.8% think this relatively minor reveal makes her way more suspicious. Closely following that, 18% think it means nothing at all. It’s just a cool detail that resolved a mystery.
It's trying to say that since Ymir freed the pigs, she created this whole mess which I heavily dislike since it goes against what her character was in 122
When back in 122 everyone was foaming about tHe FuCkInG pIgS, I was rolling my eyes so hard, because to me the pigs were insignificant: it does not matter who set them free, they might have just run away on their own, what matters is that Ymir is the one they blame, which started the whole story. NOW, huh, the pigs might be important, or at least it really might have been Ymir who let them go, set them free. She couldn't get free herself, so she granted freedom to the poor animals.
I always just assumed Ymir set the pigs free, I didn't realize it was something people saw as ambiguous until now…
I wasn't expecting any of that sh*t, and now I'm certain that Ymir is the real baddie here
Peppa Pig is free
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The chapter opens with Ymir after freeing the pigs from the pen, but what does this mean? It’s close, but the most popular option is that Ymir is recalling that the last time she prioritised the idea of freedom the suffering was not worth it (29.9%), followed by the assertion there’s no deeper meaning (22.3%). A close third place of votes believe the connection is that Ymir has given up acts of selflessness as she doubles down on the rumbling (21.8%) and an even closer fourth place see it as her looking down on the Alliance as if they were the caged animals (21.4%).
Did she free the pigs out of compassion, or to spite her master? Is the rumbling everything to put the pigs back in the pen, or to get revenge on those who scorned Eldians?
How it started versus where it's ended up. All this torment and death because of something so minuscule because of human cruelty towards each other.
It seems like a parallel between Ymir freeing the pigs and Ymir freeing the past titans.
It shows she's an actor with agency and motivations, whether in her slave-like state or her god-like position
It was her first act of free will, and her routing the scouts it technically her third, so in a way they are parallel actions.
She looks at humans like pigs
She wants freedom, and the only way to obtain it is to kill the alliance
She's still in a cage, represented by the bones of Eren
She has been stewing in everything she has gone through for 2000 years and that might've turned her hateful.
it is possible that after looking at humanity for hundreds of years that she believes that it is not human's nature to be compassionate like her, but to fight each other until no one remains, and she has decided to speed up to what she feels is the inevitable conclusion so that her ghost can be gone for good.
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Armin notes that Ymir seems to be the one in control of the titans, why is this?  The large majority at 54.5% believe her to be working side by side with Eren.  About ¼, at 24.8% think she’s stepping in for Eren while she’s unconscious, while the minority at 20.7% think she’s overpowered Eren and is the real big bad of the story.
If she really wants the whole humanity to perish, then it means she lost all hope in humanity and is like an empty shell who has never experienced any drop of love. I feel that Ymir doesn't really care about protecting or helping Eren. She just wants to see an empty world - without humans.
The chapter was really well drawn. Also I see lots of new possibilities to happen, as Eren being a slave, Ymir perhaps becoming the final villain. it also makes to recall back to chapter 1 when I see Eren crying in front of Mikasa after some sort of "dream". This makes me think that Eren will eventually come to regret his actions but it's gonna be too late. thus he receives this dream but he is never able to see it through. Quite a sad fate. Although that's just a speculation on my part.
Armin questioning Ymir's role has me hoping for an Armin talk no jutsu with Ymir.
Eren and Ymir are unbeatable
Ymir/Eren are the only ones who can build titans right now. They baited Falco and Annie to return to get all of the 9 shifters near the founder again and they are planning something.
It warmed my heart seeing Ymir protecting her otosan as a thank you for bringing her with him on Take Your Daughters to Work Day 🥺
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In one of the weirdest moments in recent memory, Armin gets french kissed by a titan of the past.  42% of fans think it makes sense, as it was the only way to stop him from biting himself to transform.  36.1% feel bad for Armin as he’s gotten molested and now this, he just can’t catch a break.  14.2% are scared to ask if this constitutes fanservice, and 7.8% are too grossed out to think about it any longer.
When I wanted a non-Annie pairing for Armin, I wasn't expecting this. Stop harrassing my poor boy.
the chapter has already spawned Armin tentacle hentai and that makes it the best chapter in the whole manga
Armin capture thing was a little weird but makes sense IMO.
I know Armin being captured in that way has a narrative purpose, but that was disturbing in the end and i hate people will/ and are joking about it.
It didn't cross my mind that the frenching was to prevent Armin from transforming until I saw the vote option. Thank you.
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Fort Salta’s own forces don’t seem very effective as of yet, with the blimps almost completely failing, and now they turn to three cannons.  Not a single respondent thinks they’ll do anything (Not that we gave them the option), though more think they’ll do nothing in red.
Them cannons, it will be effective.
They’ll get hit by the fort’s cannons but they probably won’t be very effective
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Even though the Plot-Armored Titan escaped death yet again, all Karina saw was her son’s flesh mecha being chomped from afar. 37.3% are finding it hard to care about Karina’s struggle, but of the ones who did have an answer, 31.2% think the purpose of the death fake-out is so she can better appreciate when Reiner is alive and well later. Just under a fifth at 19.3% think she’ll do something rash while thinking her son is dead, unsurprisingly more than the 12.2% who think Karina would do something nice for once.
fuck karina
reiner always manages to escape death
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It was a close one, but a plurality of respondents (38.1%) thought that the shifters brought forth by Ymir were the real deal, their souls controlled in death. Or their spirits? Their essences? Their… PATHS GHOSTS? Slightly fewer respondents (36.8%) think they’re just empty clones, Ymir simply not bothering with creating new forms since that would probably take a fuckton more years. 23.7% are somewhere between the two other options – maybe these shifters aren’t really present, but some of their will remains.
The fact that Armin saw Bertolt tells me that a part of the titan's "souls" still exist within them and they're being forced to do Ymir's bidding
The founding titan powers give her complete control over sentient shifters, and the attack titan powers (utilized by the founding titan) lets Ymir reach back in time and utilize the shifter's "essence" (maybe they all had a weird dream they don't remember), and obviously the warhammer titan is what allows them to take form. Beast titan go brrrrr
I have a small theory about souls of past shifters being imprisoned in some paths area or insubconscious mind of current titan shifters.
I’m conflicted between the two first answers but I hope there empty clones
At first, I thought it would be like Zeke's titans in Ragako (the anime showed their weird coordinated dance). But looking at Bertholdt, it seems they're not acting on free will but are still a bit conscious.
If you chomp one, do you get its power?
They are empty vessel's resurrected the only reason Armin saw Bertolt was becuase armin was the holder of the collosal titan! In my opinion of course
They are ghost/ spirits of the past shifter, which have a limited consciousness like zombies
They are moving according to the old users skills, like a saved “data”
They are the ones who volunteered to be in the walls when the Eldians escaped to Paradis. They sympathise with Eren and are fighting for him.
They are the real shifters working with Ymir
We see Bert crying right before we see his titan try to eat Reiner —— maybe he’s being forces by Ymir.
The souls of the previous titan holders can see what is happening though paths but they don't have control over it
Ymir created them via the shifters' own memories respectively. The Beetholdt panel might show hesitation of wanting to grab Reiner for example and emphasizes on the theme of Slavery. How to achieve freedom you must steal freedom (Erwn said he stole the world's freedom to achieve his own) or enslave/oppress someone or a group.
Ymir created them while eren is using them
souls being completely controlled but can be revoked original consciousness back,cringe naruto shit.
Through PATHS all is possible
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The most popular design in Isayama’s titan showcase by a decent margin was the “Faceless Titan” (45.8%), with “The Thing Titan” coming in second (34.4%). In third was the “Minotaur Titan” (32.4%) and narrowly in fourth, the “Mummified Titan” (31.3%). Interestingly, 2/4 of the top designs appear to be previous Warhammer Titans, which is fitting with it being one of the most popular titan designs. Well, except for the one we saw in Ymir’s backstory that had hair. We all agreed that thing was atrocious.
I loved the previous titan shifters.
croco titan best boi
There's a lot of titans missing, so I'll say here that I love the dinosaur titan, the bearded titan and the ghost-like titan as well.
that 'wolverine' titan is actually a deer. It kind of blends in with Reiner's armor but you can see the antlers if you look closely.
always wanted to see ancient titan designs since learning about the inheritance and such, so this is a dream come true for a fanartist
Previously, it was left to our imagination what all these past Titan Shifters looked like, but thanks to this chapter (through the power of PATHS!), we got to see many of them for ourselves. A nice treat from Isayama, but also a mind-blowing one, especially with how they intervened in the fight.
Seeing all these past Titan Shifters appear like that was so interesting to me that it  made me analyze each one and try to identify which was an old Jaw Titan, an old Beast Titan, an old Cart Titan, an old Warhammer Titan, and so on, so this chapter also felt like a fun guessing game in that regard!
Adding animals to the mix just feels like a try hard to make them scary. If he wanted them to have some real crazy powers it could've been done better imo, having these many animals just thrown around didn't make sense to me, we already got the beast titan and that bird titan. It's enough animals for me, especially since initially what made titans so scary in the first place was how identical they are to humans, only differing in their mounstrous size.
I never liked the idea of animal titans, it just feels so weird and out of place with no explanation for why or how they are animal-like. That being said, some of the other titan designs were pretty rad.
Show us Kruger's titan though
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In a chapter filled with new titans of the past we also saw some classic designs. By far the most hype-inducing one among fans was the Colossal Titan at 66.6%, followed by the War Hammer at 19.6%, Porco’s Jaw at 12.2%, and Marcel’s Jaw at 1.5%.
I loved how the one, true and only OG Colossal Titan of Bertholdt descended upon them like a fucking God
since there was no ""Other"" option in the ""favourite moment"" question, I'll say it here: Marcel's titan was my favourite moment.
Last chapter I was wondering if there'll be "another Beast Titan clone". We end up getting the entire museum lmao
The Colossal Titan, the God of the SnK world, appeared as the judge (while aldo not being himself, ironically) seriously, it was amazing
The Colossal Titan's entrance was like sweet karma, after how the SC murdered Bertold brutally and never cared one bit, they still couldn't get rid of him. SURPRISE MOTHERFUCKERS kekekek
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Ah, the innocent days of our freckled goddess… she may have turned out to be a regular girl, but where was she when our other old friends were running around? There were a couple of Titans who looked a bit like her, but none with both her little gremlin body and her distinctive nose and teeth. Does it matter? 63.8% of you don’t think there’s anything to it. Maybe she’ll be in the next chapter, or maybe Yams forgot her… maybe she’s chilling with Grisha and Kruger. 36.2% think there could be something more to her absence so far.
i hope freckled ymir came back  ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ
I think it's highkey sus that we didn't see freckled Ymir's titan and that really gives me hope that Historia really will have an important part in the finale since it feels like Yams is saving freckled Ymir for a Historia moment
about freckles... i think her titan was the one that was gonna try and eat reiner/jean. dark hair, thin arms, small facial features.
I feel like her foreground omission isn't a big deal, since we're already two Jaws in, both of whom have more impactful connections to those present.
I want freckled Ymir back
ymir freckles did make an appearance, wasn’t she the titan attacking reiner as he was holding onto jean that mikasa slashed?
I believe Freckeld Ymir's Jaw Titan is shown when Bertholdt's Colossal Titan attempts to eat Reiner. It's very small though so it's hardly noticeable and I can't even confirm that it was indeed her Titan but it seemed like it.
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Ymir summoned titans of the past according to Pieck, does that mean Zeke is of the past now too?  The fandom is overall undecided on this one, as about half don’t know, at 48.5%.  32.7% are confident Zeke is still around, and 18.8% take this as confirmation of his death.
Zeke may not be dead, because the beast titan summoned last chapter could be Xavier's beast titan too. Because in one earlier Marley arc chapter, someone mentioned that "The beast titan is the same as ever". Meaning, Xavier's beast titan was also monke.
IF Zeke is alive, it means that Pieck is once again somehow "faking" her defeat and goes for the detonator but then she somehow runs into Zeke. They have a lot of history and too much stuff unresolved between them and because of eren/armin and zeke/pieck dynamics is that those 2 stayed on the founding titan..
I think Zeke and Bertolt are both stuck in paths, unable to properly die. I hope Zeke is just shackled making titans like we saw him in 120. That would be poetic, for the one who hates his Eldian blood so much to be forced to enact the one thing that made him hate himself (the existence of titans).
I just realized that in the last chapter I thought Zeke was there but it was the shot of the Marleyan general saying ""I am sorry""... I was writing about how Zeke cannot be dead, what are you all talking about, he is right there, then went and checked 134. Now I'm just sitting here with no answers at all. Zeke could be anywhere, alive or dead, no clue...
We asked what you think would come of the explosives that have been built up for eight chapters now, and collated your responses. First, who will detonate them?
Pieck: 182
Mikasa: 140
Armin: 134
Reiner: 99
Gabi: 81
Levi: 71
Connie: 38
Jean: 29
Annie: 23
Falco: 14
Eren: 6
Ymir: 2
Zeke/Onyankopon/Bertholdt: 1
There were also 7 mentions of the cannons that the Marleyans got ready to use this chapter actually coming in handy, and setting off the explosives. It’s also noteworthy that Pieck is thought of more than any other character to be likely to sacrifice her life to get it done. Additionally, many people who put forth Armin detonating them suggested this occurs through his titan transformation igniting them, not just him using the detonator.
In terms of success, 255 said that the explosives would either do nothing or overall be ineffective, with the most commonly given reason being that Eren is not in the nape. 250 said that the explosives will be helpful one way or another, including 7 who said they would end Eren’s life (Most of these involved Mikasa as the detonator). 9 people specified that they hope the bombs don’t do anything, 25 said nobody will detonate them at all, and 2 said it will be effective but will make things worse.
They will play an important role in the Climax, one way or another
warhammer can just throw the explosive after it deals with pieck
His neck is covered with more bones and the blimps didn't hurt them, but the explosives are as close as possible, so I think maybe they could work.
100% those explosives will be used in one way or an other, but i have a feeling that eren is not even there ;)
Annie will likely be able to get close to Pieck, as her titan is very agile and will activate the explosives that will be able to get Eren out of her giant's head
Could be anyone. The way they're set up, they must have some effect.
Could be Jean or Connie and maybe the rumbling will be paused or the Eren's skeleton will collapse as the story continues..
Connie and he will die doing so, doing few damage but someone will be like "hey he gave us a weakness we can exploit"
if they are effective, mikasa but if they arent it will be connie or jean
Doesn’t matter who detonates them it won’t be effective
Eren better pull a Reiner and transfer his consciousness. Isayama introduced that shit on purpose. Peick probably playing dead and will try to detonate to no avail.
Gabi is going to detonate them and save Pieck too. The explosion might help in the fight, but I doubt Eren is in the neck, my bet its Zeke who is in there.
Eren, once all the shifters are dead he will detonate it killing himself and ensuring all titans are reborn in Historias baby, truly freeing ymir and ending the curse of the titans.
Fort Salta Cannons will detonate them. They wont be effective because Eren is hiding in Paradis with the Warhammer Titan power (or he can transfer his consciousness to the rest of his spine in case he really is there).
Levi will detonate them to kill Zeke who is actually the one in the nape
Levi will give up on his dream of killing Zeke and die sacrificing himself to detonate it
Pieck will sacrifice herself to detonate the fuse and when she does she will fall to her doom. She will be content in knowing that it will work. She lits it up and falls at the same time. When shes falling she feels a great sense of acceptance, but all of a sudden Falco swoops in to save her with everyone on his back. As they watch it blow up the body keeps moving for eren was not there to begin with.
I think Ymir will use them against the alliance
Oyankopon drops a flying knee into the plunger in an act of self-sacrifice.
titanfolk: Kaboom?
Isayama: Yes titanfolk, kaboom.
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In one of the more confusing panels of this crazy chapter, we see Bertolt standing over Armin.  39.6% believe it to be a fragment of Berthold brought back through the Colossal Ymir summoned, 25.5% think Bertoto has awareness in an afterlife, 25.1% think Armin is having a memory from his predecessor Burrito, and 7.3% think Ymir is just messing with Armin.
Grabbing Armin allowed Ymir to access Bertolt's titan, similar to how they have Zeke captive for his Beast titan
It's some kind of twist that's coming related to the whole predecessor memory stuff.
Some kind of PTSD vision brought on by being put in a Titans mouth
Since this was an ongoing issue how Armin didn't seem to have access to Berth's memories, he'll probably will see some of them soon. And especially the one, where Eren says to Levi that Armin will save humanity, not him. That will give him the last push to do whatever.
The scene with Bertholdt was a direct recall of when Armin woke up after eating him, and seeing him crying in the form of the Colossal Titan's skull and saying "it hurts" in chapter 85. My poor boy :( He was probably suffering from eternal torment in an afterlife/paths related place. Shifters' Hell would be a good word, as Ymir Fritz kinda had the same experience being enslaved for eternity
Him seeing Bertolt for the second time makes me think these two are going to switch places at some point. That being said it's not the end-end for Armin, and Eren is definitely reserving him a seat in whatever path underground there is.
I thought Armin was feeling the despair/hopelessness that Bertolt did while the warriors were undercover in Paradis. The paralyzing dread of the task before him, even though he is the "strongest titan"
Bertolt's individual "soul" still exists as a singular entity, that lives within Paths. Armin as his inheritor has a soul-link to him, can see him, recall his memories and even feel some of his feelings. However his presence here will serve for Armin to make some kind of realisation that will help conclude the battle.
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We knew Mikasa would likely be chapter MVP but we wanted to give her an extra shoutout for a great chapter. Only 9.1% percent refused to play along. A majority of nearly 60% agreed with all our gushing about her performance, selecting all of the above. Of the individual entries, “Bless those ackergenes” (10.2%), “They were goners without her” (8.8%) and “She was unbelievable” (7.9%) were top selections.
Isayama in November said mikasa character is coming and this chapter felt like the start of it and hoo was this Mikasa's chapter. We have known that Mikasa is one of three main MCs, and isayama had been foreshadowing Mikasa's role in the finale so much. I'm excited to read the final 3 chapters.
goat mikasaaaa
Loving all the Mikasa scenes. It’s about damn time,
Mikasa going "Fuck it. Fight me. All of you, I don't care if you're shifter clones, I'll kick your ass." was a great bit of dark humour and a really well done character beat. If she has to go down she'll go down fighting with pride.
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Levi has always been humanity’s strongest soldier, but this chapter had Mikasa being the only one fighting till the end. This being temporary due to Levi’s worn down body is the consensus, with 49.3% affirming its brief nature while 34.3% venture that Mikasa will one day take on this mantle permanently.13.8% believe she has surpassed even what a healed Levi would be capable of, and 2.7% do not think she’s surpassed him in any way.
I’m glad to see a lot more female empowerment with Mikasa being a major hit in this chapter. I got very worried with the amount of saving Levi had to go through and avoiding near deaths at some points.
Let the Humanity’s Strongest go down like a badass he’s always been, stop making him this pitiful please
Mikasa Ackerman supremacy
that wings really said mikasa is the most freest person now
I’d love it if isayama would stop crippling Levi. I know its to get him out of the fight but cmon
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Most fans are behind this controversial development at this point, with 46.8% loving it, and 29.3% not loving it but feeling that it fits in the chapter. 17.4% have changed their mind from negative to positive after seeing it in this chapter, and 6.5% will always hate this.
Falco's titan is amazing. He saved everyone and it's his second transformation, he is goat.
I liked Falco saving the day :) It doesn't matter to me how he learnt to fly and control his titan so fast. Maybe Zeke helped him via sending visions? Or maybe Falco is talented? I don't know and I think we have more important thing to read about
Falco Being able to fly a few hours after Hange's death makes this chapter less good.
The Flying Titan is questionable but everything else are great
the design of Bird Titan is kinda cringe
Porco must be very proud of his son 
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After Kiyomi forebodingly accepted the risk of the ship sinking that also contained Yelena and the Azumabito engineers two chapters ago, she has not been seen since despite Falco now arriving. The majority of you (70.2%) believe they’re fine, with the ship surviving Falco’s transformation, while just under a quarter (23.2%) believing both drowned on the sinking ship, and a slim minority (6.6%) believe they are with our main crew on the Flying Titan.
Yelena better be okay
I wonder where is yelena
I just want to learn how the rest of the Azumabito family are doing after Falco transformed into the Titan.
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Isayama loves himself some throwbacks and this chapter was no exception.  Mikasa giving a speech reminiscent of her Trost speech was the most popular option at 32.9%, with Armin dreaming of Bertolt crying similar to his dream of the Colossal Titan was a close second at 28.2%.  Rounding out the top three was Falco taking a bird form in parallel with the Fort Slava scene we just saw in the anime.
It was like going back to Trost arc amazing wise... It was really a good one full of quotes from previous memorable moments of the series, while reading it i thought "wow, it really is ending
I think it significantly has to do with his memory of the colossal crying after RtS so perhaps it's a near death state experience of his predecessor for Armin
I'm also interested to see what Armin is going to do next. He seems to think back to Erwin whenever he gets himself into a pickle. I'm excited to see how he will use his titan in this battle.
Based on the parallels with Trost the only bomb that's blowing Eren out of his titan is Armin's Colossal Titan.
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No chapter is free from criticism, so we scoured discord, twitter and reddit looking for the most common complaints. The lack of character deaths seemed to be on many minds. “There was too much plot armor” and “Eren and OG Ymir are too OP” were the two options that got over 30%. Grumblings about the flying titan (26.1%) and Mikasa with a winged background (23.9%)  were also common selections. I think what’s most telling is that ⅓ of respondents skipped this question entirely indicating that they had no major complaints at all
Everything was going 10/10 until the flying titan came and saved everyone. Another chapter with 0 deaths this late in the story.
I really love that mikasa with wings so much. It means for me she's the hope of humanity.she's ackerman so ymir can't control her... she will have a big roll at the end!
Being able to recreate old Titans is too OP
not too sold on the whole spawning in Titans and a flying bird that just recently got their power swooping in to save everyone
I'm completely sold on the idea of past shifters being summoned. Some people may say it's quite an asspull, but honestly, I've had a little problem with this series, which is that the Coordinate has been teased as the power of God itself but we've never seen that in action, so I'm satisfied. I'm not a big fan of the flying titan (teasing things is not the same as justifiying things) and the lack of character deaths made me think Hanji could have died this chapter, which would've been more meaningful honestly. Still, I'm very happy to say Isayama has surprised me once again.
I know people are getting stomped on right now, but was expecting at least someone to die.
I don't mind the flying titan, but I would've liked just another hint that the beast titan can be any animal. The very first one in Ymir's flashback was an ape, could've been a dinosaur or something!
You never wanted to accept that this series was a shounen manga aimed at little boys, did you?
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On the poll team, our first step in preparing results is looking for spam. We identify that primarily by looking at timestamps and bursts of entries that choose to answer only a single question in rapid succession. Typically we see this behavior on shippy questions and those involving Gabi, so it’s been puzzling that in the last year the only questions to get significant spam are those involving Hange’s vision. Clearly someone, or maybe a few someones, are very afraid of ghosts.
With the spam entries removed, the Yes’s outweighed the No’s by 54-46 percent on the question of whether or not this chapter added evidence to the theory that Hange’s vision was real.
The ghosts of Eldians past are definitely going to feature in the endgame I think. The shifters are the most important but Hange's vision makes it clear that they're all "alive" in Paths somehow. Let freckled Ymir talk to Historia once more!!
I hate conscious development
I bet Hanji is screaming in the afterlife, wanting to be on top of Falco's titan
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Bird theory (/birds being significant in some large way) has been gaining traction recently in the manga already, and then the anime made a whole ED theme about them and had them in focus in the OP as well.  In one of the most one sided poll results in recent memory, almost 90% of the fandom feels this is evidence of birds being significant, while 10.7% say no.
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This month’s top 5 chosen words bear a resemblance to last month’s, specifically with 1-3 being in last month’s and 1 & 3 being in the last two months. “Chaos” is one more on the original side for this chapter.
Amazing [96]
Epic [50]
Awesome [48]
Chaos/Good/Great [27]
Cool [26]
And in a shocking turn of events, this question is being used to concoct recipes again? Well, it’s a bit of a stretch, but it doesn’t sound half bad.
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I don’t know why Isayama does it, but he keeps assuring us the end is near. But we’ve guessed the end is near since… oh, RTS? Then Marley? Then when the Rumbling started? Remember when chapter 130 was the max? Don’t worry, the ride will end someday. 35.5% think chapter 139 will be the last, giving the final volume five chapters. 33% are sticking with 138, the classic four chapter volume. 28.7% think we’re strapped in for a little longer at 140+ chapters. 2.5% think we’re wrapping up in just two chapters. And 6 respondents think the next chapter is the last! Gonna guess you’re either hoping for Falco to crash into a tree or you’re just tired of this ride. (Sorry, the ride never ends.)
I'm worried about the pacing. While I was glad to have a glimpse of Bert (and Erwin) again, his appearance is long overdue. Along with a whole bag of other characters who need resolutions. I don't know how Isayama will delegate worthwhile endings to this huge cast and themes in 3-4 chapters.
Each chapter makes me feel there's 3 chapters left (and there has passed more than 3 chapters since I thought that for the first time xd)
Another amazing chapter. I see the story ending at Chapter 139. Three more chapters of action, deaths and twists, and one more epilogue chapter.
There's apparently not much of the series left but this chapter still doesn't feel like we're that near the end :/
I was expecting a lot of people to die this time around, but I guess that'll happen later considering we seem to have one more volume left after this one. That actually raises my hopes a bit on the ending not being as rushed as we were afraid it would be. And the return of the anime on top of that? Man, I'm not ready to say goodbye. :(
I'm worried if Isayama will be able to end every character arc. I mean, we're left with 1 or 2% of manga and there is this quite a lot of things to end. I just hope ending won't be rushed.
...it just added a lot of questions like Yams has to give us 5 chapters for the last volume at this point lol.
dunno how this ends with everyone being satisfied. Estimating that 3 chapters are left we need a conclusion to Reiner, Mikasa and the promised Eren and Armin confrontation. While there's mysteries like Zeke's whereabouts, what's going on w Historia, why can ymir manifest herself in the real world, what did eren mean by saying "you haven't gotten to the part where I eat our old man", Bertholdt shard of him getting spared by Dina and Mikasa's see you later scene. Not to mention an epilogue where if alliance wins we get to see how the world treats the eldians now. Im already losing faith that minor characters might be just cannon fodder and I find myself saying "Its Isayama. one chapter where it feels nothing happened doesn't meant we're getting a rushed ending" too often these days.
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It feels like there’s a lot to accomplish with so few chapters remaining. While Eren’s POV is still top on our wishlist (29%), “I don’t care just resolve a mystery, any of them” was the number two (19%). The third most common response was for Armin to come up with a plan (14%). Historia, Zeke and the more specific options all scored in single digits.
We need answers. NOW.
I liked this chapter but I’m getting tired of the mystery. We’ve been lead on for too long and there’s too many loose ends that need to be tied up already.
can we get eren’s pov now
Yes ! More Bertholdt please !!! I missed my big sweaty boy !
Where’s Freckled Ymir!!????!?!???!! Is Pieck okay!?!?!!!?!!
When will Levi die lol
Where armin
What happened to Armin!?? And does peick survive?
Where the hell is eren?
I hope I can see Eren again
i hope isayama let levi kill zeke before he died , i want him to reunite with erwin and proudly tell him that he accomplish the mission
I just hope that Pieck and Armin are okay :((
i just want armin to be okay
I just want Eren/Mikasa, not all this shit(((
I just want to see Bertolt in the next chapter too
Wonder what is going on inside Ymir's head. Would also love to see Paradis' reaction to the ongoing massacre (if I didn't miss it somehow)
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While Reddit has historically stayed consistent, it’s been incredible to see the rise of Twitter and the fall of Tumblr as a dominant fandom platform. A year ago only 8% selected Twitter as their primary place for Attack on Titan discussion now that number is nearing 50%.  Last month it became the most selected platform, surpassing Reddit, and this month proves it was no fluke.
wish i had irl friends who read the manga oof
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Hentai
10/10 again !!! Isayama knows what he’s doing and I trust him with the ending❤️
GOOD chapter, definitely some eclipse vibes lol, Armin seemed to have realized Ymir is the one with the power and that they'll have to deal with her sooner or later to stop the rumbling. Next step is realizing Eren is 100% ready to kill him if he needs to. Maybe they'll stop trying to kill poor Zook for no reason now at least.
I loved seeing the alliance get there asses clapped
I hope Eren Yeager doesn’t love anyone from “Attack on Titan”.
But it's weird, I thought best Ymir was in the chapter too? She owes us so much, even more if SnK's afterlife is canon (Hange couldn't have known of Keith's death otherwise). And technically, Zeke could be dead like the others. First I was so bored by his constant plot armor but now...
The titan designs were got tier. Isayama came in clutch with these designs
There are still a lot of mysteries unsolved about the Titans and Eren's whereabouts is unknown. Would love to know more about the Ackerman blood too.
This poll is biased for not including statements against Mikasa and the Alliance.
If ymir creates the bodies of titan shifters, why did she give falco a bird form if she wants to stop them? Not saying it's a plot hole yet, but I hope there's a reason for it.
The title reminds me of the chinese saying of “天人交戰” which literally translates as battle between the heaven and human but means ones inner struggle. Maybe it is referring to eren’s inner struggle of wanting freedom and having to kill everything standing between him and freedom. Idk.
A lot of people have been trying to make sense why we're learning about Ymir freeing the pigs here of all places, but rather than it being evidence that she's some evil mastermind I think it's a representation of how devastating this cycle of hatred has been. In that first scene we see Ymir as a kind and empathetic girl who decides that though she can't free herself, she can still help these simple animals who she saw earlier also wanted to escape. But in the present, after suffering greatly for her kindness and being forced into servitude that lasted for countless years and even into death, we see Ymir not just as willing to commit a brutal omnicide on the rest of the world but as someone who is seemingly enslaving others in the pursuit of that goal - in many ways, she might be repeating the same crimes that were done to her by King Fritz.
After seeing the first episode of the new anime season and how well Mappa delivered on that, I cannot *wait* to see the crazy battle action of this chapter animated.
Armin, as expected, ended up a failure yet again. This is what Bertholdt, Erwin and Hange died for -_-
Armin is beginning to understand this always was about Ymir. After seeing her twice.
I really wish Armin could do something besides being tortured with doubt and getting captured.  
can levi die already let this old man reunite with his homies in shingeki no heaven. at this point death is like the only peace and/or freedom anyone can get in this series which is kind of a shitty message
I'm a fan of how fucking OP Eren and Ancestor Ymir, which is honestly how it should be. I never expected The Alliance to stand a chance, and they all got fucking wrecked. I'm completely surprised nobody died, I feel like that'll be changed next chapter, though; unfortunately. My main question is: What the fuck do The Alliance plan to do next without Armin and Pieck? Also, seeing the past shifters was fucking amazing and I didn't expect that shit.
Decent chapter. I gave it a 3/5, because it was a purely action, set-up chapter with not so great action scenes, at least compared to other great fight scenes in the series. Still, we got quite a few nice panels and interesting powers, so i will be looking foreard to the payoff.
eren better be in the next chapter idc 🙄‼️
Eren is trying to kill his friends, Ymir is not controling him, he is FREE. Accept it already.
I need this tension between mikasa and Eren resolved in the following chapters....these two are the only characters regarding whom I'm totally not sure what tf will end up happening to them.
Hange would've loved to see all the different types of titans from bygone times. I wish they were still alive, I miss them.
I can't believe that best boy Bertholdt Hoover, the one true God of Destruction, is back, and as usual, the first thing Isayama does is make him cry. Absolutely incredible. This is all I'll think of this month.
I think the Ymir revelation was huge but other than that it was an anxiety-inducing rollercoaster of will they, won't they (die). Nothing much happened. I feel antsy
I think there is a possibility that eren and ymir brought back the shifters because they agree (mostly) with the rumbling and bert is crying because he knows what he has to do to ensure it
I wonder if Ymir regrets setting those pigs free. It was the act that set her life into further misery. I think it's beautiful but tragic how Eren really gave her back the will to fight.
I'm blown away
I'm honestly shocked at how incredible this story has become. Much like Bertholt I feel like I'm fine with whatever happens, because this whole journey and the world are incredibly cruel. And that does not make it bad by any means, it makes it more meaningful.
I'm not a huge fan of the fight scenes so I'd just like to see a satisfying climax and conclusion to the fight soon. Looking forward to Levi killing Zeke and all the reunions.
I'm really optimistic about Bertholdt possibly coming back, oh gods I hope he comes back.
I'm scared because this chapter didn't progress a lot of the story and we only have 3 or maybe 4 chapters left.
Isayama really got to flex his ability to design terrifying monstrous titans again.
It was an interesting chapter. It really works well if you think about it. Regular humans who are humanity's last hope, the strongest soldiers left are against two literal gods. Of course it will not be easy at all, Ymir summoning all those titans and everyone nearly dying multiple times is proof that you cannot defeat such gods that easily. Very excited for the next chapter to see how everything else plays out.
Maybe Anni can use her female titan powers and attract all of the former titan shifters - so that Mikasa detonates the Bombs.
Mikasa deserves a fuckn BREAK. like God she saw her family get butchered TWICE, first by humans, then by titans and now fckn Eren took away the one family she was desperately trying to protect. If anyone should've gone crazy like Eren it's mikasa. She does seem to be at her wit's end and ready to go above and beyond after saving everyone in this chapter and seeing the harm Ymir/Eren is causing. But since she's always done what she believed in, no matter what she does, I just want Mikasa's character to get some sort of happiness by the end of it. Is that too much to ask :/
Nobody said “The Eagles are coming” bad chapter 0/10. I’m kidding. But in all seriousness I really just want to see the ending already. I’m going to imagine it ends with the remnants of humanity rebuilding and promising to never be turbo-racist ever again while a tired Historia looks on with her baby saying “You are free” or something.
Reibert pandering for this chapter. It was a tad too fast but I love the focus on Reiner reacting to the CT attacking him. reiner could ALMOST die of the gayest way possible had Jean not butted in.
Screamed when Annie came on
Sets up for a super exciting finale
spare eren POV crumbs? dunno what this man been thinking since chapter 86
stanning bertholdt hoover isn't just a hobby, it's a lifestyle, a reason to breathe, he's also an art, the first gift you open on xmas, a hug from a loved one, he is everything I have ever wanted, and everything I needed.
I cant see when or how it'll end
I did NOT expect Armin to get tongue porn'd. It's hilarious to imagine Annie seeing that HAHAHAHAHA
I really miss eren so much...AoT without him...it's long time we didn't see him pls isayama):
I rlly don’t see Ymir the same way and I hope it won’t affect the way I see Eren
I still miss Hange :(
I think Bertholdt was crying because his Titan was forced to attack and eat Reiner, against his own will
I think Connie will be the one to help Levi take down Zeke. Levi will live!!!
I thought it was very good. Not peak AOT but great! There was to many saves before death , reminded me of bleach. Seeing the old Titans was really cool and the action was great also.
I want armin and annie flashback in next chapter
i want EMA meet again):
I want Mikasa to choke Eren with the scarf
I want monke boi back :(
I want more Eren
I want more!!!!!!!
I wanted see Historia
I was really excited to hear we were getting more bertholdt
I was vey hyped because of this chapter and it delivered. During all the chapter i was like "someone's gonna die someone's gonna die" and when Berthold's titan appears and eats reiner's titan I screamed, but that son of a bitch is inmortal hahah.
idc idc come back to save pieck and armin please
It gives the idea of how powerful that titan god is, i think it lives up to Rod's description of titam god and how powerful it felt during Ymir's backstory (her form)
It got really hype when all the past shifters came over but Pieck’s bomb failing could be seen a mile away. Over amazing with some nice moments.
it is really, life and death situation. still, looking forward to this especially the ending. how will aot end? surely, it will be a legacy. a great masterpiece made by isayama-sensei.
it maintains a nice pace
It sucks. Manga went downhill since chap 105. The shit needs to end.
It was a classic high tension action chapter which I loved
It was amazing and full of a lot of lore!
It was amazing! I'd say this could be one of the best chapters written! So much action went on to the point where I hope MAPPA has a decent sized budget to animate it all. I'm really eager to see what the next chapter has in store. The main thing I'm looking forward to that wasn't listed here is basically what will happen to Levi. Is he going to survive through all this, or is he going to succumb to his wounds? Is he going to pair up with Zeke to take down Eren? Or is he going to stay on the "sidelines" untill the war is over?
It was fun, but somewhat inconsequential aside from Falco
It was good, i just need some answeres. Ymirs ability was so sudden.
It was great to finally see previous titan shifter forms, especially the beast titans.
It was just overall so epic
It was really great in terms of action but disappointing as well since there was too much plot armour - I was expecting at least one death.
it was really nice before the episode, it's all getting so intense and i didn't expect ymir to go in with a bang like this
It was really nice, all the symbolism, along with Mikasa with the wings was amazing.
it was super crazy
It'll probably be more enjoyable in the anime (if MAPPA even tackles this). Straight battles have never been this manga's strong suit.
Jean, dare to die and I won't love you anymore >:'(
Its up to ho wmany chapters we have left, if we have like 10 it was a very good one, if we have smt like 3 ( that i dont think so ) it was waste of time
Levi is almost certainly dead/dying
Levi might be a ‘slave’ to being a hero but he’s a victim of his own popularity which is preventing Isayama from killing him off. We know he’s not gonna fulfill his promise to Erwin because Levi never gets what he really wants, surprise surprise. But if he keeps getting injured and left out of action he’ll live the rest of his life with nothing but regrets.
levi please don't die
levi u ok buddy
Levi's leg is not daijobu,,, is he even alive
Lol who TF cares about Bert? He killed hundreds of thousands of innocent Eldians alongside Reiner and Annie. I still say he deserved what he got and is not worthy of any kind of sympathy, no matter how many angsty teardrops Isayama draws on his stupid face.
looking forward to seeing it animated.
Lots of weirdness, but still great
man the titan battles were great, seeing all the previous titans fight was pretty awesome seeing the hopelessness form the alliance really showed the reality of it all, now they lost 2 additional titans leaving Eren with 6 and the alliance down to 3
MAPPA gon be hurting
not enough lesbians
Not for the chapter but, All the openings and endings(lyrics and images) of the series have some details of the things we are experiencing with the latest chapters
That being said that Annie scene was pretty cringe. I expected that, but it was so cliché it's ridiculous.
overall good! it was alot to process but im on board and excited for the next one
Pls end it Mikasa, you can do it.
Plz yams don't give me hope like this
Professor X vs. Magneto soon
really crazy. You have to admit that Isayama doesn't stop when it comes to creativity.
Really curious about Bertolt apparition
Pretty good. As much as I want the Alliance to win in the end, their utter defeat this chapter felt more realistic, than if they managed to actually do anything.
Really liked Jean and Reiners moments this chapter, overall a good chapter that flew by. Hope quickly turned into desperation but Falcons teams arrival means they got one more chance. Armin capture thing was a little weird but more or less makes sense.
Since the rumbling started, this series has became more dull and predictable. Loads of plot armor, stupid teosts only for shock value and weird pacing are major problems in this arc. Too bad, because the post timeskip portion of this manga up until  the rumbling was one of the best pieces of media I had seen. But now I am only expecting the boring  cliche shonen ending.
Still hate Annie being back, she can still go.
Still think Mikasa is gonna be the one to either kill Eren or bring him back to his senses somehow
The afterlife thing still hasn't answered and I wanna know how's the corps doing T_T
The Alliance got dumpsterd yet no one died. They'll probably die in all in one chapter.
the art, as usual, was really good
There are still some mysteries to solve and things to do (like EMA final convo, which I don't think will last just 2 or 3 pages) in so little time, I'm kinda worried to be honest.
This chapter is full of plot twists, I didn't even expect the storyline to turn out like this.
This chapter is painfull and more action at the same time and i hope there are still chances that there old happy days will be back
This chapter was actually exciting! And thank goodness Bertolt is finally back!!!!! So many people assumed he was finished and forgotten, but a small group of us knew Isayama wouldn't leave us hanging without his closure. I'm looking forward to learning why we're seeing him now and whatever's going to happen to Armin
This chapter was breathtaking and hard to continue due to the speculations that someone was going to die. I feel like the next few chapters is where things start to get serious if not already. I found it very enjoyable yet nervous at some moments.
This was so crazy and hopeless like it's peak apocalypse even more than rumbling. It's a nightmare I love Isayama
Too many last-seconds saves kinda ruins the tension.
umm it would've been better
Ummm this chapter had too much suspense
uuuuuuuhhh nothing else i guess
Very PogChamp
We are going to get the best manga ending ever.
Nobody is free yet...
39 notes · View notes
bladekindeyewear · 5 years
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Freed up some time, actually!  Gonna blog the new pages of HS^2.  Liveblogging resume...
FYI, the post I glimpsed that alerted me to the fact that new pages exist had a translucent screenshot of Brain Ghost Dirk on it, so I know that at least is in store for me.  Makes sense; a way to involve Dirk’s voice obnoxiously heavily even when he’s too far away to narrate.  And ties into this... chapter(?) name, of course.  Chapters, huh?
> CHAPTER 1. Ghostflusters
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God. Damnit.
Could we NOT???  No?
Fuck you, Dirk.  I blame you for this.
So we have greenery, a can-city and Sburb-legal human house mix... some sorta cow-looking thing from far away in the front yard...
The void resounds. Space seizes and warps as the bounds of relevance erode away to nothing but the wishful nostalgia of times passed. There is a hole in the middle of the universe, and it is hungry.
All very literally true.
But the denizens of this particular iteration of Earth C don’t know it. All of this is just business as fucking usual for a planet plagued by war, continuous inclement ghost weather, and the general malaise of being absolutely severed from canon.
--oh, FUCK.  This isn’t the new planet, this is Candy timeline Earth.  I didn’t wanna come back here!  :C
I guess that explains most of the content warnings.  Except fucking ALCOHOLISM.  Gee, thanks for adding THAT to the Candy timeline, as if it wasn’t fucked over enough!!!  Bluh.
I thought the closing lines of the Epilogue were that after RoboDave, Aradia and alt!Callie dove out of the Candyverse inside the singularity, the black-hole timelines and Dirk’s presumably-still-”relevant” nonsense weren’t going to collide with each other again?  So... why are we seeing this?  Is there going to be MORE influence like that, and the ending line was just fancy-talk?  Is it just an irrelevant little follow-up to Candy to show things turning out okay or pseudo-okay, like an epilogue to the epilogue?  Or is some of this Dirk nonsense presumably within the bounds of some sort of canon going to still have some last bit of influence on this so-called non-canon timeline?
That last one would make sense, given that it echoes how Homestuck^2′s dubious canonicity would still have definite influence on fanworks outside of canon.  Right?
Let me pull that last line from the epilogues again--
...where’s the Epilogues’ log, this is getting kind of hard to find with all their reorganization... fuck, I had to guess at the URL even.  Here we go, the last page of Meat...
The hole leaves behind an absence in the sky so calm that continuing to call it a sky wouldn’t seem to do it justice. It’s a perfectly neutral expanse into which anything one can imagine might be summoned. And for a while, anything was. But not anymore. Where the hole gaped just moments ago, there now exists an imaginary line.
Above this line resides all that matters. Below exists all else. Never again the twain shall meet.
...Right.  This implies that Canon and Non-Canon shall never meet again.  BOTH ways.  Doesn’t quite gel with the fact that we’re cutting back here--
This is about Jake and Brain Ghost Dirk isn’t it.  I noticed his name down further on the page.  THAT’S why we’re cutting back here.
So, Canon and Non-Canon aren’t exactly meeting... not for anything relevant, anyway.  But we’re using Candy Jake’s visibility of Brain Ghost Dirk to get a better idea of Dirk’s broader self and plans through a splinter of him?  While getting another glimpse into how the post-epilogue Candy timeline is going for our, er... “curiosity”?  Is that it?
Hm.  I guess that doesn’t count as the twain “meeting”... I’ll just keep reading now.
They spend their days absorbed in the petty and pointless pursuits of “having jobs” and “raising families” and “falling in love”.
Is this Dirk’s narrator voice?  This sounds like something the current megalomaniacal Dirk would say.
I’m not going to quote the rest of the text’s further reminders of how Jane has been made into an absolutely fucked-over asshole in every timeline except the one where she grew old to open a Joke shop, adopt Dad, die, get prototyped and timeline-doubled, then mysteriously disappear from any mention in the Epilogues as if the Sprites were just forgotten about completely eventually.
> (==>)
Oooh, using the less-relevance-surrounding-parens that were used on retconned ghost!Vriska back in Homestuck proper to denote our presence in the non-canon Candy timeline? How handy!
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Not a far-away cow, then.
John has been an incredible pal, opening up his home to Jake and his son on such short notice, and even offering him a pair of pants, as well as a shirt that he has so far neglected to put on.
Alright, that got a chuckle from me.
John’s house doesn’t have air conditioning.
What the flying fuck.
...Ah, John’s been away patching things up with Roxy some more, I presume.
It, like the rest of his assets, is in her name. She’d seen to that as soon as they were married.
Life players and assets, huh?  Always gotta be hoggin’ em.
He hasn’t seen much of Tavros today either, but that’s not unusual. He’s probably out with his kismesis, the one he thinks Jake doesn’t know about.
Huh.  Maybe Candy’s young Vriska?  Couldn’t get the real Tavros with your main self, so your alternate nigh-clone self settled with a human by the same name?  Or one of the other kids we heard of from this ‘verse..?
> (==>)
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Jake’s hot man-bod cropped out of this image to avoid titillating my readers too much.
(Tumblr keeps jumping back to the top of my post after I add images and I keep thinking the title reads “Ghostfuckers”.)
Jake washes the dirt out from under his fingernails, and his eyes fall on the bottle still sitting on the counter. John had opened it, but together they’d barely touched the stuff. Jake had promised him and Tavvy he’d dry up his act and all, but... well.
God damnit.  If this is still Dirk-voiced narration -- I’m not sure it can be, now I think about it, as he’s supposed to be “out of range” or something, unless non-canon is just malleable like that, which wouldnt be surprising (or Dirk’s splinter’s presence allows it) -- he could literally be inducing or writing in Jake’s drinking problem just to hurt him more.  You can’t really put an overstep that assholish past Prince Dirk the way he’s gotten to be.
There was another ask in my inbox insisting that Dirk wasn’t going to stay the true villain here, if only as some sort of karmic revenge for declaring his self-importance... but I still don’t think that’s the case.  For one, Dirk HASN’T declared himself the villain... he still can’t see how fucked-up and unjustified his trampling over of everyone’s wills IS.  Shadows of recognition... but not really.  He really honestly believes he has the fucking RIGHT to do what he’s doing.
(Which is, incidentally -- to answer another ask -- why there’s basically NO chance that Rose has some sort of control or recognition of her situation under the surface, and is playing Dirk, as another person hopefully surmised.  No.  She really IS being unknowingly steered away from personal growth and recognition of the thought-control she’s under... because nothing less could feel as horrible to us.)
Part of the entire POINT of Homestuck and its Riddle was to show that these crazy kids, if they put their wills to it, always had the potential to be the literal Gods of the world around them.  That when ordinary people grasp the will and drive to shape the world around them, they can turn everything back from the brink of destruction... or vice versa.  Thus, it’s only appropriate that a player from this game could become a villain more disgusting than any we’d imagined in the series so far.  What he’s been doing -- writing twisted sorrow directly into the lives and experiences of those around him, nurturing their worst, most power-hungry tendencies (Rose) and deceiving them more directly than Doc Scratch (who was PART Dirk) ever did, making a JOKE of their free will in a more terribly direct way than ANY have been shown onscreen to do?? It IS, and is MEANT to be, the worst we have EVER seen in Homestuck.  Not as clumsy and from-the-outside as Lord English, but just as blatantly direct.  Not as easy to ignore or mistake as Doc Scratch’s horrible, intentional Prince-of-Hearty worsening of the players, instead just as impossible to gloss-over as it is to bear witness to.  That very TITLE, “Prince of Heart”, can embody the very ANTITHESIS of the Ultimate Riddle itself, robbing EVERYONE of their ability to shape not just the world around them, but even so much as themselves or their very thoughts.  When used the way Dirk is using it RIGHT NOW, anyway.  And his ambition is to impose this on all of Paradox Space.
There COULD be another villain, later.  But I can’t imagine a single one more appropriate.  And Andrew’s just the type to use one of the Striders, both practically self-inserts of parts of his personality and presence, as that ultimate villain to be overcome in a story about escaping Canon, too.
Turning his ex into an alcoholic just for his own self-satisfaction?  In a side timeline where Jake didn’t even try a relationship with him again and finally had a chance to grow up happy in SOME universe?  I wouldn’t put it past him, and you shouldn’t either.
Moving on.
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Eugh.  I just... don’t want to think about him being an alcoholic on TOP of everything else.  As if there wasn’t enough to deal with in Candy already.
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The jungle air is heavy, humid, and familiar. Twenty years on and the thick drag into his lungs settles on him in a blanket of nostalgia, reassuring in its discomfort.
Hm.  Is this his fantasy, or a view of him in another timeline?
He is deeper in the jungle than he’d ever venture in his waking hours. There were places on his island that not even his Gran would tread, and she’d been the bravest person he’d ever known.
Hmm.  So he even knows it’s a dream, but is still in control...
Jake doesn’t recognize anything. The jungle of his dreams is wild and unknown, and there are things moving in the dense undergrowth.
...Hhhuh.  Still not sure what to think of this yet.
A sudden wind thrashes the canopy. There are pine needles in his mouth. There aren’t any pine needles in the jungle.
Very Dream, then.
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JAKE: Yes you are i know that much. I saw your body! I carried your coffin chock full of all those stupid fucking swords! DIRK: Nope. JAKE: Dont nope me mister!
They would pile all those shitty swords into his coffin, yeah.
Anyway, now to see how much Prince Dirk is in this Dirk.  And if he’s in one mind with himself or has the slightest chance of feeling rebellious.
JAKE: I know a dead dirk when i see one! DIRK: Sure you do. But that wasn’t me. Are you really surprised to find out I got a couple of spares? JAKE: So what youre saying is you arent my dirk. DIRK: ...That is a whole ‘nother conversation that we really don’t have time for, pertaining to exactly who or what ‘your dirk’ actually constitutes. DIRK: Do you mean the Dirk from your timeline? DIRK: Then yes, that Dirk is dead. DIRK: If you mean the Dirk that you fucked and then ghosted, no, I’m not your Dirk. DIRK: If you mean the Dirk that you felt closest to, that you really knew--
...well, this Dirk still knows how to be a presumptuous, pushy creep.  :(
JAKE: Ahhh! Brain ghost dirk! DIRK: In the ghosty flesh. JAKE: Crumbs bro where have you been? JAKE: I could have used someone on my side! JAKE: You just disappeared one day without even the odd toodaloo to mark your passing! DIRK: That isn’t strictly true. I did disappear, but it was in a catastrophic blaze of hope-drenched pathos. I even threw out a couple one-liners. DIRK: But you wouldn’t remember that. JAKE: Because...it was a different dirk? DIRK: No, a different Jake.
Hhhuh.  So in the claymation-reproduced Lord English stagefight -- or, maybe more likely, the pre-retcon Aranea-induced Game Over timeline -- he was too washed out by hopesplosions to manifest properly?
DIRK: Until recently there’s been a shortage of ambient narrative relevance for Dirks, since one particular motherfucker has been sucking it all up like a thirsty little twink at his first interspecies rave.
Hm!  So Prince Dirk has been making it so other splinters of himself have really limited ability to influence, huh?  Guess that’s a sort of price for the narrative-hijacking power he’s attained.  Wonder how this Dirk really feels about that.
> (==>)
--Pff.  He’s certainly not shy about letting Jake know he shouldn’t trust him, though!  That’s a good sign.
I’ll split the post here for a bit.  Seems we’re about halfway through this upd8 from the look of the log.
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bizarre-dollhouse · 7 years
A Post About the Curry Contest Arc and How Pure It Is
Okay so the curry contest arc of Kuroshitsuji is by far the least violent/disturbing out of all the arcs and...one of the less exciting ones. But it 100% makes up for that by being really delightful.
I’m gonna gush about how delightful it is under the “keep reading.”
Prince Soma’s entrance is just like...the best. Because all of these Indian guys are ganging up on Sebastian and Ciel and, not surprisingly
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their first solution to the problem is violence. Because it always is.
But then this is literally interrupted by Soma showing up with his shitty drawing and this just stops the scene dead in its tracks.
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BUT THEN TBH ONE OF THE BEST PARTS OF THIS WHOLE ARC is when Soma sides with the Indians first (because he understands that they’re up against British noble and that chances are he was being a douche) but then immediately switches to Ciel’s side when he’s informed that Ciel was innocent. The fact that he seems really dense when he just shows up with this crappy drawing but then immediately is just the best guy ever makes it impossible to not like him. It’s a fact. I checked. Science.
Also this panel is great
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Agni’s just...so excited. That he beat up people. He’s like a puppy. I miss him.
Then just the cute shenanigans with Soma and Agni with Ciel and Sebastian are fucking adorable. I love how Soma just wants to bond with the edge lord earl. I love his shitty drawing of Mina because he’s so god damn cute and is trying His Best™.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE how Agni actually respects the Phantomhive servants and he lets them help him and we kinda get hints of their backstories and they look all happy to be working for Ciel aaaaaa it’s so great.
Also I love the fact that Sebastian is just fucking shocked that Agni let the servants help and it worked because he was nice to them like. Wow. What a novel idea. One hell of a butler amiright.
BUT WHAT REALLY PUSHES THIS ARC INTO BEING LEGITIMATELY GOOD IS WHEN SEBASTIAN VERY HARSHLY TELLS SOMA THAT HE KIND OF SUCKS and that Soma actually takes the criticism to heart and is all humble and realizes that he should have thought about Agni and Mina’s feelings and lksdglskjkjgkdhsfd it’s great. This arc bends over backwards to make him and Agni as likeable as possible and it works.
This arc also has the best drawn panel in the entire series and it’s literally this
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like the best part of the joke is just that it looks like it took 90 years to draw this detailed picture of a deer that totally doesn’t match the art style of the rest of the manga. And it’s just for one joke.
One of my friends once said “I love how there was an arc in an action manga where the main conflict was a cook off...and that the arc actually ends with the cook off.” When I first read the series I kind of hated that, actually. It’s so action-less compared to the other arc climaxes (the finishing moves are literally chocolate and bread). But upon rereading the series I realized I actually like the ending of this arc better than the end of the Public School arc. Even though that ended with more action/gore, it also kind of came out of nowhere? And it didn’t further the plot in a satisfying way other than low key stating that the dolls were progressing. 
The end of the arc really compliments the arc as a whole. It obviously was being built up, ended in a way that made sense, and cemented Soma as the most likeable character ever when he actually accepts that Mina doesn’t love him.
I fucking appreciate that so much.
Like, he still upset about losing her and cries about it, but in front of her he just lets her go.
so great.
But that brings me to my one problem with this arc, which is that Mina and the guy who was using Agni are killed by Lau. Like...first of all I feel really bad for Mina. As far as I know she didn’t do anything wrong except pick a kind of shitty English man to be her husband. Oops. 
It also feels weird because this arc WAS so pure that having the antagonist be brutally murdered seemed kind of unjust? He didn’t kill anybody, why couldn’t he just go to jail for a long time? Ever notice that the bad guys never go to jail in Kuro? They either die or get off scott free. Idk his murder and especially Mina’s murder seemed really unjustified and kind of clash with the ideals that Soma and Agni brought in
I mean, those ideals very obviously weren’t gonna persist through all of Kuro, but they could have at least for the arc where those characters have the spotlight.  
Speaking of Agni’s ideals, I also love how he is desperately trying to get arrested when Abberline and Randal are at Ciel’s place. It’s like “this character is so good he can’t NOT want to suffer for doing something wrong...even though it all worked out in the end.” 
It also goes great with Pure™ Abberline discovering how corrupt Scotland Yard is. 
It’s like all of these characters who are too good for this extremely fucked up series just walk into this arc god damn pure arc.
I think the fact that Agni is dead, Prince Soma is turning to revenge, and Abberline is becoming increasingly disenchanted with the law says a lot about where this series is going... 
Anyways, that’s my take on the curry contest arc.
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disparais · 7 years
you can’t stay in your corner of the forest
today was rather eventful, and i’m truthfully rather pleased that i stretched my usual boundaries of social interaction and made time to meet so many people. it is 2.40am as i begin this post and i’m really really tired so there will be plenty of parentheses; this is my mind at its rawest and most unfiltered state so.
study progress: rolled out of bed at 11 and rushed to med - was taught by the ever-brilliant zp at anat museum for a while (histo crash course, basically). grabbed lunch with zp, cl and ql, where zp and i discussed lokun’s shortcomings and what could be done about them. went to anat museum, where dr j gave us a wonderfully compact anat summary/revision. took a photo with her, gave her that card (after some acting on cl’s part lmao) and she texted us individually afterwards to say thanks and jy. so sweet of her aa ;w;
dinnered with p: possibly the highlight, because i always love intellectually stimulating conversation/conversation that prompts introspection and reflection (that hopefully leads to self-improvement?) and p is definitely someone i can count on for such quality convo. i just wish that he hadn’t gone into it with an explicit ministry mindset, but rather a friend kind of mindset. i don’t like the implicit relational separation (in a similar sense to how g describes social work, with one being a service provider and the other the client) that comes with the idea of being ministered to. but i guess i did manage to minister to him in a smol way, at least in the sense that i affirmed his efforts as cgl throughout the year (which definitely greatly pleased him c: ).
regarding leaving the church: still not sure about whether or not i’m being called to leave. God, i feel, has been strangely silent on the matter (or have i deafened my ears, shut my eyes and made my heart impervious to his calls?). the j debacle was never resolved (personal hurt), the quality of bible study and discussion never improves (the exercise that s and cy implemented just gave me false hope*) (not being fed), and i’m not personally clear on my membership with the church (meaning at the very least i didn’t knowingly sign myself over or anything like that, even though i was baptized in this church). and the lack of relational grounding is what makes it so easy to walk away, i suppose - no one would miss me, honestly, and i’d probably still find time for g and yy somehow.
*another personal hurt is probably that i feel xy has a lot of work to do in her empathy/effectiveness of communication, so even though m thinks we’re intellectual equals (which i objectively agree with), she’s much more unthinkingly cruel in communication than i am, imo. but, i digress.
regarding rhc: i am Not Sure. i’ll be hauling l with me because l has good judgment in general and isn’t biased since she doesn’t know p at all (even though i admittedly have been effusive with praise for cf (and thus, by proxy, p)). p seems strangely eager to bring me into his flock, and i can’t confidently say that his motives are not coloured in any way which is similar to c and her bbtc conversion stuff (comparison brought up by g).
thing is, p is rather introspective and sound in doctrine and i trust him to the extent that i would like to believe his intentions are pure...but i’ll only be able to tell for sure if i see him and his rhc friends and can get a clearer feel of their intentions, i guess. i loosely quote p: “i wouldn’t encourage you to leave [your current church], but i would encourage you to stay”. not sure if that can be considered praise at all - i suppose it is heartening since it means i’m not heretical/unworthy of induction into a place he clearly considers sacred/holds very close to his heart, but at the same time, i wonder if it’s a generic advertising tagline (i was half-probing when i joked with him that becoming a salesperson would be a viable alternative career path.).
another interesting revelation: p is isfp! i didn’t quite expect that...well, mostly the p part, i guess. never really stopped to categorize him otherwise, but he does exhibit similarities to me in certain senses (which is probably why we generally find each other sane). isfps are FiSe, which is interesting juxtaposed against my SiFe. it seems as though we process things very differently, yet we come to similar conclusions, especially when it comes to objective truths.
i do think p’s aux Fe helps him appreciate God’s awe-inspiring creations and see God in plenty of everyday things to a greater extent than some people (my dom Si helps me very much with this). just a random thought that i might text him about later. (i was so shocked that he was aware of dom/aux/tertiary/inferior functions...it pleased me as much as his matching bible + diary seem to “please” him, heh.)
j and p: Not Pleased at all that j seems to have judged him superficially based on his mannerisms/quirks; i don’t like people who are quick to judge + stuck in their assumptions. p commented that m seems like a godly guy (HAHA fml he also said his parents have a 13-year age gap w h o a) and candidly admitted that he didn’t know j well enough to declare anything about him with confidence.
i...am decidedly unimpressed by j for now, because i did make sure to clarify with j and what i got from that conversation (i might be wrong! i definitely have to clarify this as it Greatly Displeases me) was that p’s mannerisms and their doctrinal disagreements (which are relatively trivial + i’m sure j knows on some level that p is logical and would never consciously take an entirely biblically-indefensible stand) are what give j the impression that p is weird/not-entirely-sane. ugH no don’t ruin your day thinking about this shh brain
ameens: sacrificed suite photo/hangout time at roc’s farewell event for ameens with j, j, j, zy, zp, k, r. (interesting how as an isfj i called up my mental snapshot of the scene where we were talking about j being a mole to recall who was there.) didn’t even eat but i did bring bubble tea so it wasn’t too bad. just a really chill session (my first time going to ameens!! isit devirginizing march lmao) where i mostly laughed because i was so drained from the good talks with p. ubered back to utown with j and r, made plans to study with k tomorrow (today).
g and rape: talked about the broadly mini-docu on revenge porn with g (which mostly involved me being horrified), and somewhere along the way the conversation segued into me mentioning invisible wars and we arrived at the thordis elva/tom stranger TED talk. which, on closer inspection, reads like a load of bs to me. seriously, counting the total number of seconds in 2 hours, even though she claims to be drifting in and out of consciousness? simply preposterous, from a medical standpoint. 
more on thordis elva/tom stranger: the way i see it, it was either dubcon (since she never states she explicitly said ‘no’ or fought back, even feebly) or regret sex, and she’s just capitalizing off it now. she claims to have contributed more significantly to the book - fair enough. but he’s not allowed to profit off the book in any way. why? if he owns the crime and shares his experience to validate the true victim status of victims (in opposition to the usual culture of victim-blaming) then isn’t he entitled to enjoy some of the royalties in exchange for his sacrifices in terms of stability and (denial-turned-)peace of mind he gave up? if their story is to be believed, it happened years ago. he could have never owned his actions. he could have ignored her. it’s commendable that he responded, and owned it. thinking about the biblical idea of “tsedeq” - restorative justice - this is a prime example (again, if it is to be believed.)
i did a quick google to see if anyone else had pointed out the logical loopholes and nothing. (apart from a fantastic video done by some girl who reminds me of quinn fabray (a compliment of the highest order, by the way.) some people were disgusted to see that he had gotten redemption/absolution in any sense of the word, some people thought he deserved harsh punishment, etc. what about her? i think that victim-blaming is horrific and unjustifiable in most rape cases, BUT in this case, i’d be hard-pressed to agree she was entirely blameless.
kt: remembered she has her chinese mod final tomorrow (again, today) so i popped in to wish her good luck/ended up hanging out with her for a bit! pleased.
summary: many social much tired so happy.
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