#this is a parody of that one pukicho post
I just *clenches fist* love that sassy little albino vampire twunk so fucking much
*Punches the earth* *Punches the earth* *Punches the earth* *Punches the earth* *Punches the earth* *Punches the earth* *Punches the earth* *Punches the earth* *Punches the earth* *Punches the earth* *Punches the earth*
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judahdenose · 2 years
Hello people of Tumblr, here's my blog follow reccomendation list.
@chongoblog - part of the Real Time Fandub group, and also secretly the funniest one, if we're judging by how often his posts take off on Tumblr
@foone - One of the most informative programmers I follow, if you aren't following them on twitter, you should too.
@wizardpotions - okay, so something you'll notice on Tumblr is that there's a lot of wizards and witches on the website, and if you want to dive headfirst into that this is the blog to follow.
@diamondbrickz - makes music mashups
@tonyzaret - the whole blog is one layer deeper in irony than the rest of Tumblr, but the posts are great anyways
@jame7t - Used to have the icon of cat boy master chief. Mostly makes good posts now.
@hbmmaster - also known as jan Misali, has a dedicated hatred of the reoccurring revelation that the true monsters in Scooby Doo were the humans. (Also has the blog janmisali but mostly talks about himself there)
@staffs-secret-blog - parody blog of Tumblr staff
@were--ralph - The vibes are good if you can take the occasional bara furry bulge
@wayneradiotv - yes, that is the YouTuber/streamer, who did fax hell.
@fwugradiation - Toby Fox's actual blog where he actual posts
@pissvortex - a staple of Tumblr culture
@pukicho - the Tumblr user with the most YouTube compilations of their posts.
@thetomska - his former bio says it all "made asdfmovie, hasn't known peace since"
This list is incomplete, but decent.
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bl0cky-comics · 11 months
Alright, so since I decided to join Tumblr to start posting my comics, I have been sort of laying low. Just getting to know my new surroundings. And boy, has it been an experience; I was hit by a bad joke by Jeff, saw PM Seymour's blog (big fan by the way), followed my favorites Pukicho and Advos, admired some Lego photography, rolled my eyes at a catgirl wishing death upon America... You know, all the usual stuff.
Now, I've been mostly hanging out in the Pokémon/PMD communities since I figure that's where I'll post most of my stuff. During which, I've come upon two realizations...
1. You guys really love Mewtwo and drawing yourselves as Pokémon.
2. All of you, and yes, you in the back, too, are INSANELY skilled artists.
This is no exaggeration. While some art styles aren't my favorite, all of the art I have looked at has ranged from good to awesome. I tip my hat to you, Tumblr.
Now the question is: OP, what is your art style?
In an ideal world, I would say "cartoony" or even "homestyle."
In the real world, I'd say my art style is... bad. Very bad.
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Yep, that's my work. Both shoddily hand-drawn. Using a combination of office paper, BIC mechanical pencils, colored pencils, black pens, ultra fine Sharpies, and some hopes and dreams.
And that's assuming I don't mess up. If so, I have to be very careful that I don't smudge anything with an eraser. If I mess something up beyond repair, then I have to resort to nature's Photoshop, a.k.a. a glue stick and index cards. (To be fair, to the naked eye, they are indistinguishable. One of Swampert's eyes was made using this method.)
One thing I failed to mention about art on here is the amount of customization and personality there is. There are Original Characters and alternate stories out the wazoo, all unique from each other.
Me? Umm... I gave a tiny scar to a Blaziken and a pair of sunglasses to a Raichu.
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The thing is, the first is a reference to the manga, and the other is an exact idea I've seen before that I'm just borrowing.
And that's just Pokémon. I have already given up on drawing humans, so I'm going to live up to my name and base my humans on square-like finger puppets. I'm not exaggerating.
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So, in short, I suck as an artist, but I've done enough roasting my own drawings. Now, how do I appeal to a wide audience such as Tumblr? Well, I have already answered that: By being unique, sticking to their guns, and not giving a care.
While my art does need work, why should I stop myself from drawing and posting? Did all these artists and writers just give up because they thought they were bad or were actually bad? No, they stuck through and improved their craft, and I'll try my best to do so as well.
You might wonder where these drawings are coming from, and you're allowed to laugh at this; It is a PMD parody comic/song of "Another Irish Drinking Song" by Da Vinci's Notebook.
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Now, this is a huge project. There will be around 72 panels if I estimate correctly, and since I have real-life stuff going on, this should take me at least 3 months to complete.
However, I promise I will complete this one way or another. It might take a while, but I am not giving up.
See you guys later. I need to get back to work.
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