#this is a wip btww
strawdool · 1 month
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are they... yknowww
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puppyeared · 1 year
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citrusbugz · 30 days
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Is that a... No, it couldn't be... an in progress Normally Oak Swallows García animation rig??
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But yeah, look at who's acquiring a new skill!! :) this is my first (human) full body rig tho, learning as I go!! Nothing fancy and probably full of jank, but that's part of learning.
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lichenthropis · 9 months
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uhhhh au wip where everyone who was on the throne gets a fucked up scary monster form due to the shadow magic in their blood now <3 more under the cut
King hound au!!
- exemplifies his worst trait- hunger. for knowledge, control, recognition for his work, power (in this au he readily used Their magic as king and hungered for more)
- specifically crafted to torture him by Them as most of his deaths as a survivor were from hounds and starvation
- maintains a small level of control, enough to get away from everyone else before he loses it completely. has protected the kids in this form before but refuses to put them at risk by being houndy around them
- eventually gains more control over time and Maxwell’s guidance (he also has a fucked up monster form)
- will eat Anything to make the pain stop. doesnt really chew
- triggered by low sanity and high hunger, exacerbated by the full moon.
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lyqiche · 1 year
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黑尾 - 1/6
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hopeswriting · 2 years
Behold, The World's Worst Seven! (Eight actually, but they all failed first grade math)
[Plain text: “Behold, The World's Worst Seven! (Eight actually, but they all failed first grade math)” in big text. /End PT]
CW: Swearing
[Plain text: “CW: Swearing” in bold. /End PT]
Inspired by this writing prompt.
Quite frankly, this is absolute bullshit.
Now yes, they did all sign up for risking their lives for the good of the world whenever it’d be needed, and knew what they were getting into when they did, but it’s always been understood by everyone that no one was ever going to expect that of them. Not the part about them being willing to risk their lives for the good of the world, but the part where they’d be able to accomplish anything even if they did so, let alone saving the world.
To begin with, their team only exist because the ones who looked what seemed to be the certain end of the world back then dead in the eye, and said “go fuck yourself” to it were ruthlessly thorough in assuring the continuous survival of humanity. So they created their team too, but only to be a moral support at best. The “Well, if they weren’t deployed yet, then things can’t be so bad. There’s still hope.” kind of moral support. Or the “Even if we fail here, there are still other teams left who can finish the job for us. We won’t die meaninglessly, so let’s do our part as best as we can.” kind of moral support.
So effectively, they’ve been paid all this time to only live the good life in their Special Town, and keep themselves in shape for a possible deployment they all knew would never happen. To cheer on the teams who are actually sent out in the field, and celebrate their returns or mourn their deaths, and promise revenge they knew they would never be the ones asked to do it. To be pretty and looking the part at the very least and at most, so important people can point at them and say “That team may have failed, and that one, and that one too, but they’re still alive and kicking, and just as resolved to save your butts for you at the risk of their own, so please calm down, keep having faith in us, and keep sending us your money.”.
Effectively, their team was created as an absolute last resort no one thought they’d ever need to actually use.
There’s a reason why it has never been deployed in all the history of its existence.
There’s a reason why the results of their tests landed them in this team.
There’s a reason why they’re the Z-team, so fucking excuse Skull for not taking their sudden order of deployment well.
None of the others are either, and their room has never been so quiet before. The air is heavy with tension too where they sit around their for-important-discussions table, suffocating like a rope tightening around his neck, making it feel like the table’s digging in his guts even if he isn’t touching it, and making the others feel too close to him like they’re pressing against each other.
And now get this, because absolute bullshit doesn’t even begin to cut this whole situation, but Skull should be the one to do something about it, as the leader. Not a leader, leader, mind you. Not in any capacity of actually having the abilities of a leader at the very least, that’s for sure. But the results of his tests and his overall stats were the best upon the formation of their team, and have consistently remained the best ever since—to Skull’s glee and pride and the others’ ever-increasing annoyance and rage—, and so he’s ended up in the leader position.
Now all the teams leaders are chosen like this because numbers don’t lie, and it’s hard to argue against them however much bruised your ego is in the face of them. It doesn’t always reveal to be a wise choice either, not at first, but the chosen leaders thrust into that position whether they wanted to or not always prove themselves worthy of it, either by tapping into the potential that was always there now they were given the opportunity to do so, or by forging themselves into a leader through fire by successfully completing their missions and surviving them.
At least that’s how it goes for the first two tiers of the ABC-teams. Not so often for the last tier. And least of all when it comes to the Z-team.
They’re the Z-team for a reason, and Skull really couldn’t emphasize it enough to save his life. Which is too bad, because his life now sure hangs on his ability to do exactly that.
Still, he’s the leader, and so he clears his throat, straightening in his chair.
“Shut the fuck up,” Reborn says.
“Alright,” Skull says, slumping back in his chair. Whatever. Suits him more than well, even. They can all have an internal breakdown in peace then, see if he cares.
“Are you sure about this?” Reborn asks.
Skull rolls his eyes. “You don’t think I double-checked with her? Triple-checked?”
“I don’t know, you know how lenient they can be with the tests with the last tier of the teams. Tell me again how well you did on the hearing one last time?”
“Feel free to check the files if you don’t believe me.” He gestures with his head to the stack of files in the middle of the table. “They’re right here.”
Reborn doesn’t move a muscle to take one of them, his arms tensely crossed on his chest, glaring at him instead. No one has made a move to take one of them yet, and it speaks volumes of how well they’re taking the new that even Verde refuses to touch them. “You don’t say? I can see just fine, Lackey.”
“And I can hear just fine, thank you very much,” Skull bites back.
“And you can both shut the fuck up and focus,” Lal snaps, sparing them a scathing glance before trying to set the files on fire again with her gaze alone. “What the fuck happened to the A-team?”
“Missing in action,” Skull says.
“The B-team?”
“Missing in action.”
“C and D?”
“Take a wild guess.”
“The fuck happened to the E to Y teams?” Colonnello asks as Lal purses her lips tight, probably stopping her from jumping over the table to throttle him.
“All confirmed dead ever since the L-team.”
“Fucking hell,” Colonnello curses under his breath. “And we’re supposed to do something about it?”
“No, wait,” Luce cuts in, “that’s a good thing, isn’t it? Not the people who died,” she hurries to add with a wince, “but, well, I mean… none of the first tier teams were confirmed dead, right? So isn’t our mission just a research, rescue and extraction one? And at worst a supporting one should we find them in good enough condition to go on.”
“I didn’t know you had God on speed dial like that,” Reborn mocks.
“Well, he for sure wouldn’t be on your speed dial, would he?” Luce shoots back, all sweet voice and sweet smile.
Both Skull and Lal snort, Colonnello snickering.
“Get fucked,” Colonnello says, and completely ignores what can only be the noise of Reborn stomping on his foot under the table.
“You okay there, Viper?” Skull asks, not really because they have yet to say a word or even move a muscle, but maybe they’re having that bad of an internal breakdown if they missed the opportunity to jab at Reborn.
“Alright, let’s please all refocus again for a second,” Fon says, raising a placating hand, his voice strained and his smile stiff on his lips. “I can’t seem to follow what’s happening. What do they expect us to do where all the other teams failed? Literally all of them?”
Lal sighs, raising a hand to pinch the bridge of her nose. “Jack-shit, that’s what. It’s not about us being able to do anything the other teams failed to do, or them expecting anything out of us. It’s about procedures. They already deployed all the other teams except for ours, so what else are they supposed to do now but send ours out there too?”
“This is all besides the point, you utter and worthless proof of the highest peak of humanity’s idiocy.”
A stunned beat of silence passes, all eyes turning on Verde.
Colonnello scowls, straightening in his chair like he’s gearing up for a fight. “Dude, what? Fucking uncalled-for, bitch.”
“Say that to me again,” Lal says, deceptively calm and casual, but clearly begging Verde to give her the excuse to punch his teeth in.
“Go fuck yourself,” Reborn says at the same time.
“How could it not be the point?” Fon asks, his voice polite and pleasant, but his smile twitching.
“Okay guys, easy,” Luce cuts in. “Maybe let’s just all try to… stay calm.”
“Oh, so now you want us to be diplomatic with each other, do you?” Reborn asks, his voice biting.
“Oh my God,” Skull can’t help but blurt out, rolling his eyes hard, “really? You’re literally the one who started it.”
Viper laughs.
Well, not really, but the smallest noise they let out is undoubtedly amusement, which catches everyone’s attention because Skull sure would love to know too what is there to find amusing in their current situation.
Verde takes advantage of the silence to let out a long-suffering sigh, taking his glasses off to clean them with a tissue. “Should I even waste my time trying to explain it to you lot?”
“Verde—” Skull starts disapprovingly, frowning.
“Shut the fuck up,” Reborn says, and Skull emphatically throws his hands up in the air. Reborn leans on the table to better catch Verde’s eye at the other side of Colonnello, a razor-sharp smirk on his lips. “Are you trying to pick a fight with us, Verde? With me?”
Verde doesn’t spare him a glance, putting his glasses back on his nose. “They’re sending us out in the field. Us, the Z-team. Meaning we’re talking about an A-level threat here, if not one even beyond that.” There’s subtle and not so subtle flinches at his words, but he smoothly ignores it. “Which is not even to mention how we’re only learning of all of this now, so before they even sent out the first team to deal with the threat, they already considered it dreadful enough they couldn’t be certain they’d be able to get rid of it, and so chose to keep it hidden so to not make the masses panic. Do you idiots understand what I’m saying here?”
“Just cut the crap and go to the point, Verde,” Lal says through gritted teeth.
Verde huffs, and taps a quick and impatient finger against the table. “It may very well be apocalyptic landscapes awaiting us outside the walls of this town. The end of the world. The STU-Special Town may very well be the last surviving battalion of humanity. So perhaps,” he drawls out slowly like they wouldn’t understand him otherwise, his voice full of scathing sarcasm, “you want us to focus on that instead.”
His words sink in in a dead silence until Viper bursts out laughing, so loud and out of nowhere, they all flinch and startle, almost jumping out of their chairs.
“Jesus fuck!” Lal curses, bringing a hand against her chest.
Viper laughs like they just heard the funniest joke on earth, sounding less delighted and more hysterical and out of their mind, and soon has to lean on the table to keep themself upright.
“What the hell…?” Skull says to the room at large and to no one at the same time, watching them warily.
“Ha!” Colonnello gloats. “As long as I’m not the first one to lose it.”
“No, they’re right,” Reborn says. “This is hilarious. Behold everyone, the Z-team, humanity’s last line of defense. What could possibly go wrong?”
Reborn and Colonnello catch each other’s eye before breaking into laughter too, sounding just as hysterical as Viper.
Skull stands, slamming his hand on the table. “Alright, enough! You guys keep your fucking shit together, will you?” Reborn opens his mouth, but Skull repeatedly slams his hand against the table again until silence falls on them again, all their attention on him. Except for Viper’s who’s still laughing, that is, but whatever. “No, you shut the fuck up, Reborn. You all shut the fuck up. Like it or not but I’m the leader here, so you will listen to me.”
“Oh, good Lord,” Lal says, looking a bit horror-stricken all of a sudden.
“Oh my God, you are,” Colonnello breathes out, a same kind of horror in his voice and on his face.
Skull puts his hands on his hips, puffing his chest out. “That’s right, I am. Meaning I’m the one calling the shots here.”
“God almighty,” Verde deadpans, looking in the distance, and Skull’s eyebrow twitches.
“Maybe if you all weren’t even more incompetent than me,” he points out faux-casually, because fuck them, quite frankly. Skull got and has defended his position as a leader ever since fair and square, thank you very much.
Viper laughs harder, stopping Reborn and Colonnello from tag-teaming him until they kill him, though just barely.
Viper wheezes, but just as they all exchange glances, silently agreeing it’s about time they do something about them before they laugh themself to death, they start calming down.
It takes a while, but they eventually lean back against their chair and wipe their tears away. “Sorry about that,” they say, pausing to take deep breaths of air, some lingering chuckles tumbling from their lips still. “But I’m fine now, I can face reality now. So,” they start, finally drying their eyes and cheeks to their satisfaction, “let me get this straight. We’re all dead, right? Am I getting this right?”
Publishing this one fully on tumblr too because honestly I’d love for someone to pick this up. Not in a “I’m giving this idea up” way, but in a--idk, an open writing thread kinda way, I guess??
Like I’d have loved to write more for this, at least far enough we’d see the Arco actually out in the field, trying and failing at completing their mission because I think it’d be super funny to see lol, but I can’t figure out what their mission would be/what kind of threat would have taken out all the other teams to save my life. Also this is typically the type of setting that requires some world-building, and it’s unfortunately not my forte.
So yeah, if someone is inspired by this or have ideas of what could happen next, totally feel free and welcome to add to this! And not necessarily in a fully written way or a written way at all either, feel free to just throw ideas at me!
Also the credit for the title goes to @/cloudspark.
Hope you guys enjoyed the story, thank you for reading!
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More activity from me what is happening
I usually never post wips and such unless its in discord servers (sometimes insta story??? Rarely tho) but tumblr gives me a different vibe so heres a wip for my shockwave dragon redesign!
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Still working on the colors, patterns and armor, I’m gonna make him pretty damn complex since I wanna make people cry when drawing him
Here’s a comparison from the original design, to the first reference sheet, first redesign concept and the current one (orignally designed by Niko_Draws!)
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I’ll put more info about him after I finish his reference since he’s pretty heavily incorporated into my WoF AU lore
He’s a tribrid, quasar/hive/night, quasarwings are a fantribe made by Niko_Draws! A LOT of my transformer dragons are fantribes btww so prepare for that lmao (fantribes my beloved)
If you do end up reading this far down into my ramble, I plan to do Soundwave next who I already have a concept for a redesign for. I might make some tweaks here and there although not as drastic as I did for Shocky 🥰
Also remind me to finish coloring the Starscream design I’ve lined and everything
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teddybeartoji · 7 months
thank you thank you thank you for tagging me my sweethearts @elusivemoon and @dollsuguru i love you so bad kiss kiss kiss<333
rules: pick a bunch of your wips and summarize them as badly as possible, then ask your followers to vote on which one they'd be most likely to read. multiple/all/none options are completely optional.
no pressure tags: @twentyfivemiceinatrenchcoat @staryukis @awearywritersworld @kissxcore @mossmurdock @rninies @maeby-cursed<333333 btww if any of u have been tagged already just take this as me thinking of you okay mwah mwahh
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absolute-rehydration · 11 months
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(btww I'll post 2 vids for these, main one is the all mercs sing together, and another vid for all the solos)
I wanna finish it now but my online homeworks r now catching up to me like blu spy in emesis blue getting burnt💀💀😭 also wanna give yall an update on the cover, uh it's gonna take a while since all 8(9?) mercs (still looking for an impersonator soldier model)
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artistictyme · 11 months
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wip of parxboyz ! HAPPY DOUBLE DARE DAY BTWW,,
gonna try to finish this today, but if not at least y’all got this lol
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alienssstufff · 1 year
6,8 or 9? artist ask game ^-^
[6] Anything that might inspire you subconsciously (i.e. this horse wasn't supposed to look like the Last Unicorn but I see it)
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THIS comment by Chip about the Pearl Crescent dapduo comic (which you all should rb btww)! Like not once did I think about how important green was in that comic until he told me!
[8] What's an old project idea that you've lost interest in
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ooold old bandori wip from 2021 for Kaoru's birthday ><
9. What are your file name conventions
First part of this question answered HERE
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as for the drawing files themselves - all of them go in the same CHEESE 2 file in the skyy
lately gotten into a habit (lazy) of putting multiple drawings in the same file so i don't have to Save As as much lol -> hence the many files with number names
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strawdool · 4 months
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Omg so in love guys <3333
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ghoulie-67-baby · 9 months
Heyy whats ur wip?? Your writing is sooo good btww
Hi hun, I’m working a few different wipes atm, some Doctor Who stuff is in work and Good Omens but I’m having to fit it in between uni work so its slow work unfortunatly😭😩
Also, thank you so much, that is so sweet 🫶🏻
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kryskakikomi · 4 years
Happy Worldbuilding Wednesday! Let's talk about interconnectivity. What are some ways your worldbuilding links together? Do you have elaborate political maps with dynamic group interactions? Or delicately balanced ecosystems, where your flora and fauna have detailed relationships? Complicated mgaic rules? Elegant family trees for your gods? Draw some connections today--maybe even between things you didnt previously know were connected
happy wbw too!!
hmmm, this is a good one :OO the political scene of arcana isnt really important, but the underground is. Organised crime groups like the mafia have split up into branch groups like Belladonna and Orfeo. Syvil is a part of Belladonna (one of the more bigger branch groups) and this all has a major part in his arc. The branch groups either are neutral, or straight up hate the other. This is why terf wars are a big thing and also how the arc before and this arc are linked.
For Ukieo itself—majority is spoilers so its gonna be pretty barebones. The first Arcana are all from the Xandytine Clan, and have been trapped within the Court since their deaths. They can technically all communicate with them (which are referred to as the ‘Qariv’ once they’re unconscious, but this goes for vice versa too. It isnt really known if anyone else in Ukieo gets it too, but Ren (and eventually Kaede) are often talked to by the Qariv Death. Their interactions get more and more important as the story goes on, but initially its just small talk. The Blights are actually connected to the 22 Qariv, but thats a bit too spoilery.
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doiibae · 2 years
ぬ̳ ꜝꜝ 🦢 gu.ide ♡﹪ ⋆ ࣪.
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here are a few things abt me before you enter my blog!!
my names mina, i go by she/they/he pronouns!! my ult group is txt obviously !! I'm an ot5 btww
i write for tomorrow by together. i will absolutely not write anything related to incest and nonconsensual sex. i will include sexual suggestions in my fics, but there will be no full smut!!
i am fully opened to requests so dont be shy!! i am quite busy so please don't expect me to write requests quickly. i also don't mind anons <33
here are some of my other socials:
spotify / pinterest
⸼ ׁ𓂃 ִֶָ txt masterlist𖠵
⸼ ׁ𓂃 ִֶָ txt wips
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hopeswriting · 2 years
PAIRINGS: Skull & Arcobaleno, Arcobaleno & Arcobaleno
The thing is, their team wasn't ever supposed to actually ever be sent out in the field. Let alone on the front-lines. Let alone as humanity's last line of defense.
Are you kidding them?? They were just supposed to be there to be pretty and exist!
[Plain text:
PAIRINGS: Skull & Arcobaleno, Arcobaleno & Arcobaleno
The thing is, their team wasn't ever supposed to actually ever be sent out in the field. Let alone on the front-lines. Let alone as humanity's last line of defense.
Are you kidding them?? They were just supposed to be there to be pretty and exist! /End PT]
FANDOM: Katekyo Hitman Reborn
TITLE: Behold, The World's Worst Seven! (Eight actually, but they all failed first grade math)
AUTHOR: @hopeswriting
STATUS: One-Shot
THEMES: Humor, Fluff, Arco as Family, Losers!Arco, Adult Arco
[Plain text:
FANDOM: Katekyo Hitman Reborn
TITLE: Behold, The World's Worst Seven! (Eight actually, but they all failed first grade math)
AUTHOR: @hopeswriting​
STATUS: One-Shot
THEMES: Humor, Fluff, Arco as Family, Losers!Arco, Adult Arco /End PT]
Inspired by this writing prompt. And the credit for the title goes to @/cloudspark.
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