#this is about drawenna again :))
ethereal-maia · 9 months
writing is sooo fun you get to be so so merciless with the characters you have
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cassiemortmain · 5 years
Finally saw...
The last ever episode of Poldark.
Overall I thought it was a fairly strong final season, especially when compared to other final seasons I have seen this year which will go unnamed.  Very sad to see the last of this show, and it’s one I will rewatch with pleasure in future years.
The one thing that I didn’t like about this last season was that they threw in too many new characters, which meant some plotlines involving original characters were rushed or missing.  Still, you can’t have it all. 
And on a brighter note - although I wish we had more screen time with them, I am so delighted with the ending for my Poldark OTP, Morwenna and Drake. 
After all their suffering, they never stopped loving each other, and it was perfect dramatic payoff for them to end up the way they did.
Whoever said happy endings are boring - Exhibit A, my lord!
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I’ve filled up my queue with Drawenna loveliness so look out for that - all tagged with ‘poldark spoilers’ in case you haven’t seen the last season yet.
And I am working on my Drawenna fic again as well... hope to update that soon!
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rjshepherd · 5 years
Poldark season 4 ep8
well. here we are at last.  did you notice how i just started writing/rambeling more as the eps went on? mostly just reaction noises that have no value or critique but hey ho. not like anyones going to read this shit anyway, its mostly just for me in the future to read out of context and giggle at.  
Past George is much sweeter. I like this version of George better don’t a@me.
Everyone’s wigs are terrible. who allowed this?
although i like georges widows peak. pretty apt by the end of the episode.
“it will always be ross” I mean. Not for lack of trying, ross was a dick to elizabeth.
My mom just called Liz a tramp for fucking George ross and Francis D=
honestly i would too if they werent fictional.
actually on reflection maybe not. ross is a dick, francis would probably cry and id need to scrub myself after letting georges stained hands on me.
Probably for the best mel is back in Cornwall. Its going to die without her, like a plant left on a window ledge.
Where is conram fields? Is it important?
ok apparently its right beside the foundling hospital which seems ...dangerous...
personally i would have went further afield so no one recognized me but you do you liz. 
I have so much respect for elizabeth for doing this but also for this doctor for helping her on pain of death. No, its not a good thing for her to do but i see why its necessary. she loves her children, she never would have done this if she thought it put her or her chibbies in danger.
God. Petty mother fucker.
George, I LOVE you  I do but you need to chill the fuck out.
Ross don’t do the sad face you’re going home.
Where’s morwenna, I only care about her being happy right now.
Drake is such a pure bean. He loves her so much in every way.
Get you a drake.
Damn I need a drake.
Is magic real in the Poldark canon? Because those wishes have an alarming habit of coming true.
Mel and Sam are Drawenna shippers and its so sweet. present day theyd run a tumblr blog dedicated to them being cute.
Don’t ignore valentine.
Elizabeth has her “ we’re going to have words later” face on
Damn mel. 
the eyebrow arch really sealed it for me. this is top energy.
Oh, and she’s being polite to Liz again. I’m happy.
Ross “I quit” Falmouth “….booze first.”
What the shit are the banns?
More shit to google, ill add it to the pile.
That’s not an apology elizabeth. do it proper or dont do it at all.
Cary stop picking your teeth and put your wig back on.
Ok everyone CALM. She’s just gone for a walk she’s coming back.
Ross this is a bad idea.
Oh, this is all spiralling downwards isn’t it.
Damn morwenna is terrified .
Hes 5ft6 just SLAP HIM.
Actually val, continue
Elizabeth’s face says it all.
More wisdom from my mom “ why doesn’t she ( Liz) slap him ( George)”
George is the worst he’s ever been. I’m not happy Liz is going to die but I’m happy he’s down in the gutter with the rest of us.
Pissy little bitch. Standing up outa your highchair adds 2 full inches to your height.
Not sure that “forgive me?” “I do.” Was the best thing to do in front of an angry George.
That’s not tom harry that’s his equally ugly brother. the subtitles lie to me again.
Is Poldark just hell for morwenna?
Fuck off ugly harry brother.
Debbie my dear I have some thoughts on how you continue to torment morwenna . is this in the book? i cant subject myself to this again.
George val is A CHILD.
and apparently SO ARE YOU.
god val is so much more mature than you its unreal.
Elizabeth has clearly had enough of this noise and so have I.
“ I cannot help myself.” do you even TRY GEORGE?!.
Wow ok this is the worst thing George has ever done and that’s saying a lot.
That “yes…his happiness” was SO POWERFUL. Elizabeth is such a good mother. I don’t care what else people have to say, she’s a good mother.
How do Dwight and Caroline go from this sweetness and talking openly to season 5 where she cold? Is it because he keeps running to his patients?
That was an alarmingly fast birth.
I notice there’s not much foreshadowing of her death .
No wonder it comes out a fucking nowhere.
George doing a turnabout…well we’ve been here before AND I FOR ONE AM NOT IMPRESSED.
“if you can forgive me” that’s a pretty big if ,George.
Shame lady Warleggan never happens. Crying shame.
Hold up how do we get to ross and mel post fuck?
She’s dying of gangrene isn’t she. From ergots poisoning? 
This is a weird time frame. How does it take from morning till darkness for ross to get there?
“all will be well” that’s some famous last words.
Well. That was a horrible death reveal. You could have done so much better .literally anything would have been better
ok i get for the sake of ross getting screen time and us watching him be sad we had to do it this way but like
i dont care about ross feelings right now. i care about george, val and elizabeth. we literally only see georges reaction via ross and thats crap.
I am a little sad that ross didn’t get to say goodbye. just a little.
Ok I know I was mad at George, but this is genuinely devastating.
And Ursula is very cute.
They should have just faded to black there. The bit with ross was unnecessary I KNOW he’s sad, we’re ALL sad you don’t need to beat me about the head with it.
Dwight has a TERRIBLE burden to carry. This is mighty unfair on him
I’m glad ross and mel have a better understanding of each other. I’m just sad hugh and Liz had to die for that.
Ok tho wedding RIGHT BESIDE THE FUNERAL? Seems…harsh.
“ she was not a Warleggan.” That is INCREDIBLY unfair. I am ashamed of verity and Geoffrey Charles. shes not dead a week at this stage and you have the gal to say that in ear shot of george and her son? i get no one likes george but that shouldnt override basic human sympathy.
 you know what? im glad thats over. ive seen s 1235 then 4 and honestly i feel like i could have skipped 4 altogether and not missed anything other than a lot of unnecessary suffering and petulance . the acting was brilliant, no complaints about the cast, just the characters they play.
that was more of a roller coaster than before and frankly it was not an enjoyable ride. im sad elizabeth is gone, I’m sad George is alone I’m sad val, gc and lala have no mum. The wedding was cute, and I know it ends in a happy ever after ( well for everyone but George) but that doesnt erase a whole series of gut punches and sadness. 
ive seen s5 but im going to watch it again with some fresh eyes.
once the tears clear that is.
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ethereal-maia · 8 months
tagged by @musicals-and-mushrooms: 9 people you want to get to know better!!
tysm for the tag btw!!
3 Ships: drawenna, danya, vanja x emeric (can you tell I have a ship type. It’s pretty obvious.)
1st ship: like my first ship ever? one that wasn’t stupid obvious like Prince Philip and Aurora (bc that was one of them hehee) was probably when I was like 11 and OBSESSED with poldark was probably drawenna again lmao. OH WAIT. OH FUCK IT WAS PROBABLY HARMIONE AAA 😭😭
Last song: The Opera from great comet
Last movie: Descendants unfortunately
Currently reading: The Horse and His Boy by C S Lewis, Gilded by Marissa Meyer, The Wicked Ones by Robin Benway (reread), Lost in the Never Woods by Aiden Thomas (reread), Circe by Madeleine Miller (reread), aaaaand Flip the Script by Lila Lee (reread).
Currently watching: glee, awae (all the time bitch. All the time.), an animated The Little Princess movie I started as a joke but got too invested in once Minchin started singing about how money is her “Passion, it’s my HEro, it’s my kING! There’s nothing that I love more than sacks of Coins that JING!!”. Also finishing up rah cinderella 1965.
Currently eating: the dead skin off my lips. But earlier i had enchiladas for dinner and OUGH they were so good.
Currently craving: Raisin’ Canes!!!!! Oh my god all day long!!
npt: @bloody-mf-bsc @pealeii @morozovamaximoff @bookns @lighttupthiswholetown @swiftie-as-a-coursing-river @bicharliespring @recklessandyoung @mesmerizedmadeline ⭐️💛⭐️
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